
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tiffany -- congrats! I remember your story as well! Hope you can relax a little more as the weeks tick by. Yay!!!
Lanie, Are you concerned about Lyme disease? Not sure how prevalent it is in your area. There's a picture of the characteristic bulls-eye rash here: Aside from keeping an eye out for that, I'd be curious what your doctor has to say. I've found a few ticks on myself just from being outside. There are a lot of deer that pass through our property. On another occasion (pre-pregnancy), I had some sort of skin irritation that formed a bulls-eye-ish pattern, which prompted several co-workers to encourage me to go to the doctor. Turned out to be nothing. Chances are your bite is no cause for concern, but glad you are checking with your doctor.

Catluver, Wish I could help on the AFP, but I kinda sorta thought the tests you mentioned were all the same. I am sure my doctor's office told me that the results of whatever test I had were ok, and I didn't ask for more details.


In other news, I think I started to feel RLP this weekend. Yikes, but it only lasts for a few seconds, when I am getting up and then it goes away. It certainly is a little uncomfy, but I'm still kind of glad to be feeling it because I feel like it's a sign of progress. Hee-hee!
tiffanytwisted said:
HI Ladies-
I was at one time very active on the TTC thread, (I had an ectopic which resulted in losing my left tube, then a miscarriage, and then another ectopic and lost the right tube) and I haven't been around much lately, although I do lurk from time to time. My husband and I did IVF in May, which didn't result in a pregnancy. We then did a frozen embryo transfer in July, and I'm happy to announce that I am 11wk 3 days pregnant with TWINS!! My due date is March 27.
So far we've had some ups and downs, saw two heartbeats at 6 weeks, then had lots of spotting from 6-8 weeks. Another ultrasound at 8 weeks showed two strong heartbeats again. Then again more spotting, which always made me super anxious. I had my first appointment with my regular OB last week, and the heart beats were both 171. So keeping fingers crossed that everything continues to go well! At 10 weeks 3 days the babies were measuring 11 weeks, so so far all looks good.
We are super excited, a little overwhelmed at the idea of two babies but are beyond thrilled.

Oh my goodness :appl: :appl: :appl: I'm so happy for you and your hubby!!
I was just asking fisher about you the other day and wonder if you were busy w/ your little one.
How wonderful that you are and w/ 2 too.
Wishing you a smooth and unevent time ahead in your next 29 wks.
Loves Vintage said:
Thanks, Laila and Catluver. I am sure people will want to come visit the baby. Not really sure how to handle that . . . .

HH, Where are you today?

I'm here, sorry on vacation and trying to stay off the computer because I feel the need to work when I'm anywhere near Outlook! I'm doing well 38 weeks today and still hanging in there. I *may* be losing my plug, but if I am it's in the early stages and is in small pieces. I'm going to keep an eye on things tonight. I know I could have a few days or even weeks, but we'll see. Aidan has been rockin' and rollin' all day, and to be honest it's a bit painful, but I don't think they're contractions. He balls himself up on one side of my belly and that combined with a full bladder is really uncomfortable. Fun times. How are all of you ladies doing??
Oh and congrats TT!!!!
Thank you to everyone for the congrats and well wishes- I can't tell you how happy I am to be joining you!

Re:pertussis vaccine. My husband will be getting one- I am an RN in a pediatric intensive care unit and have seen first hand how very sick babies can get from pertussis.
tiffanytwisted said:
HI Ladies-
I was at one time very active on the TTC thread, (I had an ectopic which resulted in losing my left tube, then a miscarriage, and then another ectopic and lost the right tube) and I haven't been around much lately, although I do lurk from time to time. My husband and I did IVF in May, which didn't result in a pregnancy. We then did a frozen embryo transfer in July, and I'm happy to announce that I am 11wk 3 days pregnant with TWINS!! My due date is March 27.
So far we've had some ups and downs, saw two heartbeats at 6 weeks, then had lots of spotting from 6-8 weeks. Another ultrasound at 8 weeks showed two strong heartbeats again. Then again more spotting, which always made me super anxious. I had my first appointment with my regular OB last week, and the heart beats were both 171. So keeping fingers crossed that everything continues to go well! At 10 weeks 3 days the babies were measuring 11 weeks, so so far all looks good.
We are super excited, a little overwhelmed at the idea of two babies but are beyond thrilled.

YAAAAAAAAAY Tiffany!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Work has been so insane lately that I haven't had much time to post, but I try to lurk when I can (during lunch or at night). When I saw your post, my jaw dropped and my eyes started tearing!!!! You and I used to be part of the old timers on the TTC thread and I've been wondering where you've been. I couldn't be more happy for you and your husband!!!! ***********HUGS************

I'm also soooooooooo super excited that there is another twin mama on this thread!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

My story is a little different (saw one sac by my Dr. at 5w5d weeks after complaining of spotting and then saw the same sac with a different Dr. on call at 6w2d. Was completely floored to discover two sacs at 8 weeks by my Dr. - the other one was hiding! :cheeky: ). Anyway, I had spotting on and off from 5w5d through 9 weeks. I had another spotting scare around 18 weeks after intercourse, but it lasted a day and that's it.

Yes, two babies seems very overwhelming, but I keep hearing how much fun it is by other twin moms. Obviously, it's tons of work, but it gets easier. I'll let you know in a few weeks what it's really like! :naughty:
OMG, Tiffany!!! I am soo, sooooo happy for you!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Thanks for coming over here to share your good news!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy, and yaaaaay for another PS twin momma!! :appl:

Laila, yup, it's safe to get the Tdap vaccine while BFing! As Lanie said, you can just get it before you leave the hospital post-partum. :) I agree that it's most important that the primary caregivers get the vaccine - I probably won't push my parents to get it (unless they just want to), but DH definitely will.

CatLuver, I had the AFP alone at my last visit, since I had the 1st trimester NT scan and screening and all appeared well. As far as the normal range numbers, I'm not sure...

Lanie - ewww for ticks!! As I understand it, we are in a pretty low-prevalence area, so you're probably fine. But I would have called Dr. B too! LOL. I'll be curious to hear what she says.

LV - I've had some RLP too - it's very ouchy! Makes me double over for a few seconds! Sometimes I also get full-belly abdominal muscle cramps if I move too fast, I guess it's my abs' response to being stretched!

HH, glad to hear you're hanging in there and not feeling awful! Can you believe he'll be here soooo soon!?!


AFM, I'm keeping busy at work and "enjoying" some new preggo symptoms - I've been lightheaded/dizzy all day, no matter what position I'm in. It started when I was reclined (but semi-sitting up) in bed, so I thought I just needed to sit up straighter and get the baby off my vena cava, but that didn't help, and the dizziness has lasted all day. Also, my feet have started going slightly numb off and on, which does seem to be more positional. It's weird because I haven't noticed either symptom at night, when I've found myself flat on my back multiple times....??? I do have a bit of a cold right now, so maybe the dizziness is compounded by fluid in my ears. Who knows.

My belly is definitely popping now - it's so strange to have this belly that gets in the way of things like bending over, squatting down to to reach things down low, etc!! I will be 20 weeks on Friday... :appl:

AND to celebrate 20 weeks day, we have our anatomy scan that morning!! I'm soooo excited!! Haven't had an ultrasound since 13 weeks, so really looking forward to seeing the little bugger. :bigsmile: (Lanie, Dr. B didn't do an ultrasound at my last appt at 18 weeks, so guess I'm not "special" anymore, hehe!)
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Tiffany, CONGRATS! I was a lurker way back when, but I also went back just today and read a bunch of old posts from 2008/09 and was thinking, I wonder how Tiffany is doing. TWINS!!!!! Wow! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
HOUMedGal said:
PSA: As a pediatrician who has taken care of babies who got *very* sick with Pertussis, I want to say that getting your Tdap vax is a must. I've already had mine, but this reminds me, I need to get DH shot up before Ellie comes. As far as when it's safe to take baby out to public places, I would say try to limit your public visits for at least the first 3 mos or so - baby gets their first vaccine against pertussis at 2 mos, so will have at least some protection by 3 mos.

Gotta run for now - more later!!

Not preggo, just an occasional lurker -- but I saw this discussion and I wonder if you know whether there's a pertussis vaccine without tetanus combined into it. I'm severely allergic to tetanus and can't receive the vaccine, and I don't think I was ever fully vaccinated against pertussis as a kid because of that (back then, at least, no pertussis-only vaccine was available). I will, of course, ask my own doctor about it when my DH and I are ready to TTC, but I always get a little freaked out when people talk about pertussis because it's invariably paired with tetanus. Alternatively, do you know what would happen if the mother cannot receive the vaccine? It's scary to contemplate!

Tiffany, congratulations and best wishes for a smooth and happy pregnancy!
Yay for Tiffany! so so so so so so so so so so so happy and excited for you!

Ladies, I have to tell you that HH looks fabulous, Aiden was super high today when we went to lunch and HH is just glowing. Marvelous looking tall lady with a perfect bump cruising around the mall! So exciting to finally meet A soon!
Awww thanks Swimmer. Just to continue the love fest, Swimmer's LO Elijah was super duper handsome and such a flirt!

Sooooo last night was interesting. I got home from my fun afternoon of cheesecake factory and mall walking with Swimmer and started having contractions. Well to be honest I thought it was just Aidan being super active and rolling into a ball on my right side, but then I noticed that he was doing it repeatedly and without mercy. At the same time I noticed I had to pee a ton and during a few trips to the bathroom I noticed some junk in the toilet. So I think I might have started to lose my plug.

Anyway, the contractions were not really painful, I felt mildly crampy and those registered at maybe a 1-2, possibly a 3 at their most unpleasant moment, but the contractions were very consistent and went on and on for hours. When one would start it was intense in that I felt almost like a whoosh of tightening that made it feel like my stomach was dropping out from under me (like on a roller coaster). It made me really nauseous. But again, no pain. Oh, they also didn't go away after I went to the bathroom, drank water, when I was standing or laying in different positions. So I had DH come up to the bedroom and start really timing them. They started out at 5 minutes apart and 1.5 min long and then increased to 3.5 minutes apart staying at 1.5 minutes long. And they were like clockwork, so we called the doc after an hour at this pace. The midwife I spoke with was concerned by the timing and the length of time they'd been going, but was reassured by my comfort level and lack of pain. So I left it with her that if they increased in pain to the point that I couldn't talk through them I'd go in to the hospital. So I tried to go to sleep. Of course the anxiety of not knowing if they were going to intensify and that whooshing/nauseous feeling kept me up all night so I'm exhausted now, but the contractions seem to have stopped.

I have a doctor's appointment at noon today and I think I'm going to request an internal exam because at this point I want to know if something (ANYTHING) is going on in there....

So my lesson of the day is yes, your uterus can ball up and pull to one side during a contraction. All along I've thought it was Aidan doing that.
Popping in to say I'm SO happy for you, Tiffany! TWINS! Congratulations, lady! :appl: :appl:
congrats tiffany!!!!! :appl: :appl: Wishing you all the best!

I have to share the experience of my swimming class yesterday because it was awesome! I got there and the teacher said it was bring-your-partner day and I said I didn't know that and mine was still at home, so he became my partner. all I had to do was lay in the water with a float pillow behind my head and a float tube under my knees and he pushed and pulled me through the water. it was so divine! I felt like I was weightless and flying and my limbs were able to stretch and move freely and he even massaged my feet, hands and head. I would have paid 4x the price of the class, it felt so good. then he said it was time to switch (for the partners and pregnant women), but of course I got to experience the whole thing again as he is the teacher. unfortunately next time we have to partner up with the other pregnant women, but I guess that's part of the exercise: pushing and pulling someone else while you wade through the water. when I got out of the water, the weight of my belly felt like a bag of bricks.

I'm not too worried about exposing DD to other people, but I doubt I'll have many visitors other than family, anyway. she will get her shots at 6 weeks (at which point I will start the baby swim classes) so we will be good to go. however, as it will be winter, I don't see us spending too much time outside.

LV - thanks for the store tips! Burlington Coat Factory did keep showing up on google and I kept thinking "Why the heck do coats keep appearing up when I google 'baby stores' ?", but now I understand.

tiffany - after the physical and emotional roller coaster ride you've been through, here's hoping the rest of your pregnancy progresses with minimal stress.

HH - it sounds like it's really almost time!
Tiffany that is the bestest news! Welcome to the preggo thread!

BB, I can't believe you are almost done too! Wow. Have you had the twin birth discussion with your doc - ie, is there an end date prior to 40 wks, will it be c-section, etc?

HH, sounds like things are progressing a bit. That's good! Might not be Oct. for you after all ;)

noel, I went in a pool on labor day (thankfully it was non-labor day for me!) and it was *awesome*. Can't believe I haven't gone more, but I didn't do any exercise (it was a small pool), just hang out. The belly loved it and protested me getting out of the pool.

AFM, I am pretty miserable. Not really bad or anything, just. really. over. it. all. I can't imagine how I am supposed to have energy for labor or taking care of a newborn after this. People ask if I am excited, and I would be, or rather *am* excited to meet the little guy on the outside, but it seems like so much work to be excited about anything that I am kind of emotionally flat. Smiling takes too much effort sometimes. Just dragging myself to work (barely) is more than I can do well at this point. Walking hurts. Yet I have mounds of work that should be finished before my escape. Hmm, yet I am posting on ps instead!

Anywho, still getting occasional xtractions at night but nothing I can time. They are a bit uncomfortable but also not organized. Dr. said I am now 1+ cm, so not too much progress from last week. Supposedly I was also up **5 lbs** from last week's appt. Probably some of that is scale inconsistency, but even my home scale had me up more than 2.5 lbs. I tried to tell hubs that wasn't really possible from food, but he pointed out (accurately) that I am eating a solid two extra meals worth of food every day from my pre-pregnancy state. Sigh... yes, I have pretty much given up and been treating any digestive discomfort or general discomfort with more food. There are two full breakfasts, big lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, dinner, sometimes dessert and often another snack at 2-4 am in my typical day. Guess there are consequences to that.

Names: DH likes Colby but keeps making cheese jokes about it (what about Colby Jack?), I am leaning towards Silas but not passionately. Biggest problem w/ Colby is our close friends that just had a little boy and named him something very similar. I wish I could predict how they would feel, but I am not sure asking them is the right course. Especially if we aren't 100% sure, it would be awkward if we ask and then don't name our child that. Or if we are 100% sure then asking is besides the point.
Hudson_Hawk is at the hospital to take a closer look at Aidan. He measured a bit behind at her appointment today. He was measuring 34 weeks and she is 38 weeks. She will likely be induced today.
Clairitek, Thank you so much for the update. I hope everything is ok. Sending all my good thoughts to HH and Aidan. Please keep us posted.
Thanks for the update Claritek.

HH, sending positive vibes your way!
Oh my discomforts are small potatoes. Hope you and Aidan are well, HH, and good luck w/ the hospital!
HH - Hope all is well with you and Aiden. Hang in there, girl! TONS of good vibes your way!!!

Lucy - She is absolutely adorable!!! :love: :love: :love:

Cara - DH and I are considering Colby too! Or Cory... it's so hard!! I have a feeling we'll be bringing home "Baby Boy 'lastname'", because we won't be able to decide!

Noel - another cute outfit! And glad your swimming class went well! Sounds like fun!

Tiffany - CONGRATS!!! Twins are double the blessing!!!!! Tons of good dust your way for a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

HMG - Yay for anatomy scan!! You got the J & J right??

RE: vaccinations - Thanks for the heads up... I'll be asking about them at my next appt!

Everyone looks great! Sorry I haven't been around here much lately... real life's been getting in the way. The nursery should be ready to paint next week - DH refinished the floor this past weekend, and he's gotta spackle and prep this week. AFM, nothing new. Glucose test is next week, then bi-weekly appts start. Still looking not very pregnant, but I guess I can't complain! Occasionally I'll get REALLY bad sciatic nerve pain - it's almost crippling. Comes out of nowhere, but I can usually just change my position or push on my belly enough for him to move off it. I don't know what I'd do if I had to deal with that all the time! Thankfully, it never lasts that long. Baby's kicking up a storm almost constantly these days (25w3d today).

Hope all is well with everyone!
Hoping everything is okay with Hudson's little guy.
Thinking of HH and Aiden alllll night tonight!!!!!
Congrats TT :appl:

and good luck HH :wavey:
HH is at the hospital and is being induced tonight for sure. Labor dust to HH!
Wow! Good luck HH!
Wow is right! Lots of DUST for an easy delivery, HH!!! And tons of healthy dust for little Aiden, too! Aw, I can't believe he'll be here soon!!!!
I'm working like CRAZY this month and do not have time for a full post right now, but just wanted to post a quick note---

Hudson! Best wishes to you and Aidan. Hope the induction goes easily and he is perfectly healthy. We're all thinking of you both!!

Tiffany- Congratulations!! How wonderful for you and your hubby.
Good luck HH :) speedy delivery to little Aiden.
TIFFANY!!! I am so happy for you and your husband, I was just thinking about you yesterday and then here is the best post I could have seen from you! Wishing you a happy and healthy 6 more months!

Good luck HH!