
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Our son's name is John, not Jonathan, just John. I liked John but not the long version so we just stuck with the "nickname." We decided the nn would be his initials, JT (which he goes by). However, he's also Bug. lol!

Lily already has a dozen nicknames including; Bunny, Lily Bear, Tiger Lily, and Birdie.

While choosing a name that can be shortened easily is great, nicknames come after you meet your LO.

Our considered names were:

Levi (1st choice)

Lily (obviously!)
Lucy (apparently we really like L names!!)

I know there were many more but I can't think of them right now.
Cara-Contractions? QUICK! Cross your legs! just kidding. How are you feeling this morning? I've definitely noticed an increase in contractions over the last week and a half. I don't think they're real though, and if they are then I'm happy with them because they're totally manageable. I hope you're feeling better. As for names...I'm no help, picking out a name was my least favorite part of the process, which is why we did it earlier rather than later.

Re: Traveling. DH and I went on our babymoon over memorial day weekend, so I was 5 months or so I think? I honestly can't remember. Anyway, we went to D.C. and it was a rough trip between the walking and the heat. I don't think I'd do that trip pregnant again, next babymoon will be on a beach. The flight wasn't an issue at that point, but I had to fly to Vegas a few weeks later for work and THAT flight/trip was rough. The confined space, decreased mobility and overall clumsiness, no one was willing to help me get my bag into or out of the overhead compartment, the heat and then being on my feet for a week at a conference just about wrecked me. AND I couldn't do anything fun (other than eat) because I was pregnant. I couldn't drink, the casinos were too smokey, I couldn't walk the strip and I couldn't stay up late.

So earlier is definitely better if you're planning a long distance or active trip. If you're staying close to home and relaxing then I think later is ok. I'm taking vacation next week, but I'm staying home. It's my own personal alone-time babymoon and I can't wait.
Cara- A few more I came across this morning:

Cara - I really like Silas!! What about Jefferson, with Jack as a nickname? I also think that Jack can stand alone if you love the name!
Happy Weekend, everyone!

Lanie - no, we don't do Halloween in Holland, though there's always some Canadian or British colleague throwing a dress-up party. I was also thinking pregnant nun would be fun.

Catluver & geri - we'll be taking our babymoon between 28-30 weeks and it includes a 10-hr flight to LA. if you have the choice, I would go earlier because you never know how you'll be feeling later. I didn't have the choice due to work schedule. I wouldn't go anywhere humid (unless you live somewhere humid and are used to it). Singapore was hell at 19-21 weeks. flights should be okay as long as you stay hydrated and stretch your legs a lot... the midwife told me airlines don't want you flying your last month (some international flights already at 32 weeks) in case you go into labor and they have to make an emergency landing. we were considering the 5-hr drive to Las Vegas, but because if we'd break down we'd be stuck in the middle of nowhere, we decided just to stay in LA. if you're driving through towns and past gas stations, then I think it's doable.
Cara, HH and noel - I'm taking your advice and going earlier.

Geri - we're just thinking of doing something low-key, probably San Diego. It';s a drive, and will include remote areas, so maybe we should take a longer alternate route with more civilization per noel's point. I guess I'll see how things are before we go - I have an appointment that week so hopefully everything will be ok. Hawaii would be really fun. I'm a baby and would be afraid of such a long flight, but others have done it and it should be fine.

All of a sudden, I'm feeling my belly skin stretching unbelievably after I eat a big meal - it's pretty uncomfortable. Yesterday when I stuck out my belly to see how far it would go, I even strained my upper stomach muscles and gave myself a cramp - it was actually failry painful. Yikes!
Noelwr, you look great!!

Lanie, 24 weeks is a big milestone! Yay!

As for me, I am now in double digits!!! Soooo excited. Only 99 days to go! :eek:
Sorry for the late BPF but here is my contribution...33 weeks.

I just wanted at add some boy names in to the mix for those that are looking. I do sympathise, for 9 long months i searched and searched for boy names and couldn't come up with anythingthat i was in love with. Just as well i ended up having a girl. :))

Sorry if any of these are repeats or break any rules you are trying to avoid.

Jaxon (Jax)
Joshua (Josh)
Elijah (Eli)
Christian or Christopher (chris)
Benjamin (Ben)
Max (the name we will use if we ever had a boy, and if DH's sister doesn't beat us to it. Long names would be Maxwell or Maximillian)
Ashley (Unisex, Ash for short).
Harrisan (Harry)
Kaiden (Kaid)
Jaspar (Jas)
William (Will)
Kylan (Ky)
Mackinley (Mack)
Nathaniel (Nathe or Nate)
Lachlan (lochie)
Lucas (luke)
Mitchell (mitch)
Zachary (Zac)

looking good, Allie!

thanks HH for making me watch that and become all blubbery. damn hormones!

I couldn't resist getting this little swimsuit for my LO yesterday. now I have to do some research about taking babies swimming, of course.


:shock: I was reading up on the internet what's happening with my baby this week, and it tells me I'm in the last week of the 2nd trimester! where did time go? I spent the first 4 weeks of this trimester still having morning sickness. I feel so robbed!

going to prenatal swimming class for the first time this evening. hope it's good. luckily I still fit in the maternity swimsuit I bought 2 months ago.

question for you ladies... what other big baby stores are there in the States? I've got Babies R Us (which I guess is always part of a Toys R Us?) and unfortunately BuyBuy Baby is nowhere near where I'm going on vacation. are there any other such stores?
22 Weeks!!

Hi Noel,

Are you looking mainly for baby clothes or baby gear?

For baby gear, we have a store called Burlington Coat Factory, Baby Depot in my area. I wasn't that impressed with it, as it is not huge like Babies R Us, but I didn't really know what I was looking for either. In this link, you can search for locations based on zip codes if you click on "Baby Depot."

Target also has a nice baby section, not huge, but I am sure it varies by store.

In the mall, there is often a Gymboree: or The Children's Place:, both for clothing.

If you will be near an outlet mall, there are often Carter's outlets.

Hopefully, there will be some nice baby boutique shops, likely in city centers, too.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure I'm missing something . . .
Hi girls!

I'm wondering, is anyone considering getting the Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine? Are you asking close family and your hub to get the vaccine also? Apparently, adults are the main source for infants to catch whooping cough, which can be fatal to them. ... s-dtap.pdf
Hi Laila,

My husband will get the vaccine. Do you know when pregnant women are safe to get it? I haven't researched when it's safe for us yet . . . The other thing I am not clear on is how safe is it to bring the baby out and about? For example, at what point would it be safe to bring the baby into work (to visit) or to places where there are adults who presumably have not been vaccinated. And, how much of a concern is that?
Loves Vintage said:
Hi Laila,

My husband will get the vaccine. Do you know when pregnant women are safe to get it? I haven't researched when it's safe for us yet . . . The other thing I am not clear on is how safe is it to bring the baby out and about? For example, at what point would it be safe to bring the baby into work (to visit) or to places where there are adults who presumably have not been vaccinated. And, how much of a concern is that?

Hi LV,

I think they recommend pregnant women get the Pertussis vaccine after delivery. They can get it done in the hospital before they are discharged. You're not supposed to receive it when pregnant.

Not sure about bringing the baby around in public! I'm going to be very paranoid because he/she is a winter baby. I've read that adults can be infected with whooping cough and not yet know it, so it's always a risk. With most infant cases, like 80 % of the time, adults were the ones who spread it. For this reason they are recommending close family members get vaccinated too (grandparents, etc.). There was an ad that ran on TLC all summer long about Pertussis and it scared the heck out of me.
Laila, we'll have our parents get the TDaP vaccine too. I got it before we started TTC and DH got it too. DH's specialty is in infectious diseases and he said there are concerns of an increase in cases in the near future. It's easy to get the vaccine, so I figure better safe than sorry.

LV - I also plan to not take the baby out too much in its early months, and if I do, won't let non-family touch the baby. However, if the baby goes to daycare at 3-4 months, there's not much I can do at that point to limit exposure. At least it'll have some shots then though.
Thanks, Laila and Catluver. I am sure people will want to come visit the baby. Not really sure how to handle that . . . .

HH, Where are you today?
LV, I know, that will be difficult. I wouldn't be shy about making sure someone has not been sick recently, and asking everyone to wash their hands carefully before handling the baby (and cleaning the baby afterward). I am known as a germaphobe though, so I don't think people would be offended.
Did anyone get just AFP testing done in the second tri (as opposed to triple or quadruple screening)? Apparently, since I got the NT screening and blood test at 12 weeks, my second tri screening is not combined and is not for chromosomal disorders, only for neural tube defects and other physical abnormalities. I should get my blood test results at the end of the week and was wondering what the normal range of values are - couldn't find them online. My 20wk scan isn't for another 3.5 weeks, but I'm hoping to get some info from the blood test sooner. Thanks in advance...I find myself not being able to feel confident in the pregnancy until after the 20wk scan, so I really can't wait for it!
PSA: As a pediatrician who has taken care of babies who got *very* sick with Pertussis, I want to say that getting your Tdap vax is a must. I've already had mine, but this reminds me, I need to get DH shot up before Ellie comes. As far as when it's safe to take baby out to public places, I would say try to limit your public visits for at least the first 3 mos or so - baby gets their first vaccine against pertussis at 2 mos, so will have at least some protection by 3 mos.

Gotta run for now - more later!!
CatLuver said:
Did anyone get just AFP testing done in the second tri (as opposed to triple or quadruple screening)? Apparently, since I got the NT screening and blood test at 12 weeks, my second tri screening is not combined and is not for chromosomal disorders, only for neural tube defects and other physical abnormalities. I should get my blood test results at the end of the week and was wondering what the normal range of values are - couldn't find them online. My 20wk scan isn't for another 3.5 weeks, but I'm hoping to get some info from the blood test sooner. Thanks in advance...I find myself not being able to feel confident in the pregnancy until after the 20wk scan, so I really can't wait for it!

I believe the value should be 1.0 MoM (multiple of the median).

Too high a level of AFP is when they worry about neural tube defects.
HOUMedGal said:
PSA: As a pediatrician who has taken care of babies who got *very* sick with Pertussis, I want to say that getting your Tdap vax is a must. I've already had mine, but this reminds me, I need to get DH shot up before Ellie comes. As far as when it's safe to take baby out to public places, I would say try to limit your public visits for at least the first 3 mos or so - baby gets their first vaccine against pertussis at 2 mos, so will have at least some protection by 3 mos.

Gotta run for now - more later!!

Thanks for this HOUMed! So for women who haven't gotten the Tdap vacc before they got pregnant, is it safe to get once the baby is born and you're breastfeeding? I'll ask my doctor when I see him next, but just wondered what you'd do.
delurking - has anyone heard from HH?
My OB said they give you the shot before you are discharged after your baby, so apparently it has no effect on bfeeding. She recommended my DH get it as well. She said it was up to me whether my parents/visitors got it, and I am not going to require it. They won't be primary caregivers of the baby before he gets his, and they have very limited exposure to people in the "outside" world.

On another note, I got bitten by a tick this weekend! I found it this morning in the shower and it felt like an itchy mole. I didn't remember having a mole on my hip, and low and behold the critter was fastened on tight. DH burned it off of me this morning, and I left a msg with my OB just in case I need to do anything against Lyme disease. It kind of freaked me out! SO GROSS!

Wonder if HH is in labor?!?!?
Eww a tick?
HI Ladies-
I was at one time very active on the TTC thread, (I had an ectopic which resulted in losing my left tube, then a miscarriage, and then another ectopic and lost the right tube) and I haven't been around much lately, although I do lurk from time to time. My husband and I did IVF in May, which didn't result in a pregnancy. We then did a frozen embryo transfer in July, and I'm happy to announce that I am 11wk 3 days pregnant with TWINS!! My due date is March 27.
So far we've had some ups and downs, saw two heartbeats at 6 weeks, then had lots of spotting from 6-8 weeks. Another ultrasound at 8 weeks showed two strong heartbeats again. Then again more spotting, which always made me super anxious. I had my first appointment with my regular OB last week, and the heart beats were both 171. So keeping fingers crossed that everything continues to go well! At 10 weeks 3 days the babies were measuring 11 weeks, so so far all looks good.
We are super excited, a little overwhelmed at the idea of two babies but are beyond thrilled.

YAY!!!!! I remember you and wondered what had happened. I was so sorry you had to go through those ectopics, but how wonderful that you are now expecting twins!!! :appl: Here's to the next 29 weeks going smoothly!
:appl: Tiffany!! :appl: , What wonderful news!!! So happy to hear it! You have been through so much, and I am just delighted to have you join us here and with twins to boot!! Welcome Back! :wavey:
Thanks Laila for the AFP info.

Much congrats Tiffany! Sticky dust!!!