
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hey ladies! I was surfing the interwebs and found the cutest onesie - perfect for a PS baby.

Found it on and thought the ladies here might appreciate it. :cheeky:

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HH~ I'm saying prayers for Aidan and you and your DH.
Good luck HH!! I hope everything is going / went well for you! :appl:
Oh wow HH! I really thought you were going the distance and iin for the long haul! Hope Aiden gets here soon and you're both happy and healthy! Smooooooooth labor vibes heading your way!
Clairitek or anyone else, please help out this clueless mom-to-be. if the baby is measuring behind schedule, why would they induce instead of let him grow a little bit longer? thanks!

Travel Goddess - that is indeed a very PS onesie.

Lynnie - ditto on the sciatica. it's worst on days I've been on my feet a lot (like when I decided to dust/clean the living room for 2 hours on Saturday) and then it flares up when I am lying in bed.
noelwr said:
Clairitek or anyone else, please help out this clueless mom-to-be. if the baby is measuring behind schedule, why would they induce instead of let him grow a little bit longer? thanks!

noelwr, i *think* it means that when the baby is smaller than it should be it is because he can longer get the nutrition that he needs from the placenta for whatever reason. Labour would be induced because it is safer than leaving him there if he is not getting what he needs to grow. I hope that makes sense. :))
noelwr said:
Clairitek or anyone else, please help out this clueless mom-to-be. if the baby is measuring behind schedule, why would they induce instead of let him grow a little bit longer? thanks!

It is most likely because the doctor fears that there is intrauterine growth restriction which is not allowing the baby to grow anymore, or like Hawaiian mentioned, perhaps there is an issue with the placenta and it's not providing adequate nourishment to the baby anymore.

Thinking about Hudson and wondering if she's holding her little guy now!
Blushing- wow, two ultrasounds showing only one and then the third showed twins! What a surprise!! I'm so excited for your little ones to arrive!

HMG, Bella, Octavia, Swimmer, EB, Lucy, Noel, Cara, Lynnie, Blackpaw, Icekid, Dreamer, and anyone else that I missed- thank you! It's been a long journey and I'm so thankful to be here now.

Question- what to do about bras? I'm only 11weeks 5 days and I really need a new one. However, I'm sure they'll keep growing and I don't want to spend a small fortune in bras that I'll outgrow in a few weeks. So, do I buy a nice one and hope that it continues to fit, or buy one that can just get me through until the girls have settled down a bit?

Good luck HH- hope all is going well!
Just a quick update on Hudson_Hawk...

She is currently in the hospital and they are working on getting her primed for labor. They started her on cervadil last night and the doctors are going to check her this morning to see if they can get her started on picotin or if they need another round of meds to get her ready. She's saying it could be hours or days based on how the meds work...but she's obviously hoping for sooner than later!
Fingers crossed for you HH and wishing you and Aidan all the best!!!

Well, I found out yesterday that if I make it 38 weeks (at 34 now), I will be induced on Oct. 7th!! Crazy to think that could be our little ones' birthday! That's less than a month away! Also, we noticed that our boy is now breech (they were both head down at my last visit) so, looks like a c-section could be in my future!

Tiffany - I ended up buying three new bras from Victoria Secret. I wanted someone to be able to measure me so that the bras would fit me appropriately. Also, VS was having their semi-anual sale at the time and got a good deal on them. I think the key is to get yourself measured to ensure a proper fit.
vc10um said:
Just a quick update on Hudson_Hawk...

She is currently in the hospital and they are working on getting her primed for labor. They started her on cervadil last night and the doctors are going to check her this morning to see if they can get her started on picotin or if they need another round of meds to get her ready. She's saying it could be hours or days based on how the meds work...but she's obviously hoping for sooner than later!

My thoughts and prayers are with you, HH, for a speedy and safe delivery and a healthy little Aiden!
Still thinking of you HH!!! And little Aiden too!!!!
Thanks for the update, vc10um !! Continued luck and good wishes to HH and Aidan!
Tiffany I think we discussed bras just a few pages ago if you start going back. But my short answer is to buy 1-2 cheapish bras slightly big for your current size. I've been through three sets of new bras, but not everyone changes so much.

HH still thinking of you! Good luck!
Thanks Cara- after I posted that question it occured to me that it probably had been discussed- I'll look for those posts. Thanks for the advice- that's sort of what I was thinking of doing.
congrats to all the new mama's here - lucy & LIA! your babies are too cute :love:

cara: hang in there girl - you are so close. i think you should move forward with the name colby if it's the one you love, regardless of what your friends may think, especially because they haven't used that exact name for their son, just something similar.

blushing: how exciting to have a date! oct 7th is just around the corner :)

tiffany:what wonderful news!! i am so thrilled for you - sending tons of happy, healthy, smooth pregnancy vibes your way.

hudson hawk: you and your hubby and aidan are in my thoughts! i hope you have a smooth delivery and are holding aidan very soon! best of luck. claritek, thanks for posting the updates!

things are going good here - sorry for being so MIA but it's just so tough to find the time to post with work, a toddler and now starting week 30! i read posts almost on a daily basis though, so i know all the preggie ladies are doing well. i'm starting biweekly appointments now, which is insane to me because i just felt like there was still a lot of time left. i also found out yesterday that i have an anterior placenta and the baby is still breech, which explains the low fetal movements i feel. anyone else have experience with an anterior placenta, and what else it means for me, other than feeling less movements?
Hudson Hawk - Thinking of you and Aiden... lots of dust for a smooth delivery and healthy baby!
sbde said:
things are going good here - sorry for being so MIA but it's just so tough to find the time to post with work, a toddler and now starting week 30! i read posts almost on a daily basis though, so i know all the preggie ladies are doing well. i'm starting biweekly appointments now, which is insane to me because i just felt like there was still a lot of time left. i also found out yesterday that i have an anterior placenta and the baby is still breech, which explains the low fetal movements i feel. anyone else have experience with an anterior placenta, and what else it means for me, other than feeling less movements?

I had an anteriour placenta. I hardly felt movements until the end, and never the way some women did. I don't have any proof of this, but I sort of think the placenta position had something to do with Hunter's poor positioning in my womb -- it got in the way of him being in the best position because it hit his back, and so he was turned a little off center. But I have no proof of that, just my theory. I suspect I will have an anteriour placenta again when I get pg next time because my uterus is tilted forward a little. Fun times.
SBDE- I also had an anterior placenta and other than not feeling kicks till late (around 22-25 weeks), it didn't have any other effects on my pregnancy.

TIFFANY!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Congrats! So so excited for you. And twins! :o :bigsmile: :cheeky:

Hudson- Thinking of you, hope all is going well.

RE: Measuring behind- My little peanut measured behind at the end. This meant that they measured my belly with a tape measure, and it didn't "match" how many weeks I was. For me, it indicated that my fluids were low (confirmed by an u/s). I got put on modified bedrest about 3 weeks before my due date (no work, lots of water, rest as much as possible) which succeeded in increasing my fluids. Again at my last appointment, my fluid was low which indicated that baby wasn't getting nutrients it needed and possibly placenta was getting older and it was time to induce. He was 10 days late at that point, so I didn't fight it, though I really didn't want to be induced.

The way they measure the fluid is by measuring each pocket around the placenta in an u/s. Obviously, as the baby moves, these measurements can change. Also, they can increase/decrease so it doesn't necessarily mean anything. For my dr, if I went below 5, and I was "term", they would recommend inducing.
SBDE, I too have an anterior placenta. No problems at all, other than I don't feel kicks as strongly.

I PASSED!!! my one hour glucose test!! Woo hoo! :) I am a happy camper. The drink was so gross, I got stuck with fruit punch. Also, I hit 3rd tri already in three more days! Crazy how time flies.

Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well!
Quick pop in to say, YAAAAAAAAAAAAY Tiffany! I'm never on PS so I want to apologize if I'm commenting on old news. :)

ETA: Congrats to HH! I'm sure someone will update soon, right? I saw her FB status and saw Aidan's here!
Yaaaaaay HH and Aiden!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Can't wait to hear about everything!! :bigsmile:
Congrats Laila on passing the 1 hour! I'm so jealous!

I have a bad history of diabetes in my family so I wound up having to take the test early (9 weeks) and I failed :( So now I have to take the three hour next week. This same thing happened last pregnancy and I passed the three hour...hoping for the same thing this time around!

Congrats HH!!!
ChinaCat said:
RE: Measuring behind- My little peanut measured behind at the end. This meant that they measured my belly with a tape measure, and it didn't "match" how many weeks I was. For me, it indicated that my fluids were low (confirmed by an u/s). I got put on modified bedrest about 3 weeks before my due date (no work, lots of water, rest as much as possible) which succeeded in increasing my fluids. Again at my last appointment, my fluid was low which indicated that baby wasn't getting nutrients it needed and possibly placenta was getting older and it was time to induce. He was 10 days late at that point, so I didn't fight it, though I really didn't want to be induced.

The way they measure the fluid is by measuring each pocket around the placenta in an u/s. Obviously, as the baby moves, these measurements can change. Also, they can increase/decrease so it doesn't necessarily mean anything. For my dr, if I went below 5, and I was "term", they would recommend inducing.

I did this too but in my case it was because I was measuring ahead. In one pocket the measurement was 20!! And that is why I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios, the opposite of ChinaCats issue. I had way too much fluid! They did repeat the test to confirm in case of error in the first. My levels stayed the same so they were no worried about the fluid (if it increased it could have been a bad sign). The fluid is probably why Hunter never decended behind my pubic bone and I had so much pain in the last months of pregnancy, and it is also probably why my water broke before I was really ready for labour.
Congrats to HH and family! :appl:
Okay, finally a minute to catch up with my favorite preggos!

HH- Huge congratulations and welcome to the world precious Aidan! He is such a cutie.

cara- Sorry the name game is still a struggle. Naming someone is really such a huge responsibility! If you love Colby, though, USE IT! I think what happened for hubby and me, is that we found a name that we both liked and once we started referring to him by that name, we began to love it and now it has totally stuck.

Blushing- WOW, the end is in sight! Less than one month until your precious babies arrive. Are you all ready??

Lynnie- Don't forget nursery photos for us! I hope to have some soon, we're getting fairly close to finished. Love his little room... it makes me happy.

HMG- Dizzy all of the time?! How unpleasant! Are you drinking enough?? I definitely do not at work, but... not sure what to do about that. I got super vagal in the OR yesterday (weird) and was like seriously, this is not the time or place to be passing out. Hope it does not happen again. Cannot wait to hear about your anatomy scan. We loooved ours.. :love: Don't forget photos of Miss Ellie for us.

Lanie- You do not have a "big ball" at all. Such a cute little belly!!

noelwr- I love to see all of your girly purchases. So sweet. And you have great taste!

28 weeks!

wow. I'm so confused about when 3rd tri starts, though. Most places seem to say 28 weeks, but it seems many of the preggos are entering the 3rd at various points hehe. Oh well, does not really matter. No matter what cutoff, 3rd trimester is definitely here for me!

Shockingly, I am still somewhat enjoying being pregnant. It seems being a doctor and realizing what an incredibly complicated thing growing a baby is has made me completely in awe of this little person in my belly. He likes to make his presence known constantly :love: Knowing that he is with me has gotten me through some seriously LONG days and nights at work. Funny, my OB said something similar about when she was a pregnant resident, too.

My feet are just painful and aching these days. Good thing there is no swelling to speak of yet! I am at work by 5 AM, and probably end up sitting for about 30 minutes over the next 14-16+++ hours of work. Preggo and on cardiac = not a nice combination. BUT, it's better to have the crazy schedule now than when there is a tiny baby at home waking me up all night. The long days are definitely making me have more frequent contractions, though. Eeek.

I'll try and get a belly shot today or tomorrow. Everyone at work says I am still small, but I sure feel huge. Isn't that always the way? :cheeky:

OH, and for the bumbleride fans....... :love: :love: I ordered our indie from with a lovely 15% off code. It is definitely going to be well worth the investment. Hubby is excited to take it out of the box and play with it. We went with the seagrass color combo. This kid is getting expensive already! Yikes.
Happy Belly Pic Friday! I'll catch up later, but a post for now...I'm feeling a little better about my "ball" as I'm finding some cuter clothes. Hahaha! Here I am at 25 weeks, 2 days.

HH!! Hope you and Aiden are doing well! I can't wait to hear about his grand entrance!!!!!

Tiffany - yeah, there was a bra discussion. Mine torpedoed as well! I bought 3 bras that I maybe used for 4 weeks. They were cheapies, so I don't mind. I'd say go with a couple cheaper ones that fit well (try them on!), 'cause you may just grow out of them pretty quickly.

Laila - YAY for passing the glucose test! My drink's orange flavored :lickout: I'll find out if it's any good next week.

Icekid - HOORAY for the third tri!!! Time does fly, huh?? Ah, so you're in my neck of the woods now (cardiac). I work on a tele/ISICU unit, mainly for CT surg and gross surg patients. I feel your pain! Though I usually get a break - slow time for us is 1-3am. I really don't know how you guys pull all those hours! I'll commiserate with ya on the feet, too... no swelling for me, either, but man do they hurt!! I'll definitely post the nursery pics, once it's done. I'm debating if I should put a dresser on the registry, or just buy it myself. I already have a crib, crib bedding, stroller, car seat and swing.

Lanie! YOu look great! Cute outfit, too :)

Here's my BPF... I took a bunch of pics, and realized I look more pregnant depending on the angle. This scrub top is starting to push it, though. It may be my last shift in this one for a while :))

HH, Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see photos!
CONGRATS TO HH - I can't wait to see Aiden!