
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Kunzite- congratulations on a healthy boy! It sounds like even though he was early he's doing wonderfully!
So sorry about the epidurals, that sounds like it was just awful- hopefully you are doing well too!
CatLuver|1289417491|2760233 said:
Q for you all - is your DH planning to sleep in the hospital with you? Apparently my DH was planning to go home and sleep and I told him that was NOT how it should be…I will have just had either major surgery or the equivalent of it, spilling blood and guts all over the floor and getting sewn up (I’m convinced I’ll have tearing if a v-birth) and have needles poking everywhere, and I’ll want him there for comfort and to help me and the baby. But, maybe it won’t be a bad idea for at least him to be well-rested when we go home so he can take more responsibility for the baby while I recover at first. I thought most DHs usually stay in the room with mom and baby though (and I guess don’t get much sleep)?

CatLuver - my DH slept with me in the hospital the entire two weeks. I NEEDED him there. Not only emotionally (how lonely that would have been!) but also physically. There were times when I just couldn't do something simple for myself, like try to get a second pillow behind my back, and I wouldn't have wanted to call a nurse in every time I needed something.
Congratulations Kunzite!!! Wow, sorry for what you had to go through but it's excellent that baby O is doing so wonderfully. I hope you recover soon and enjoy your new bebe! (He was about 32 weeks when he was born?)
Good job Kunzite!


Kunzite's story reminds me, if anyone is interested, by the end of my non-medicated 6 hour pit-induced labour I did finally hit on the trick that helped me actually manage the pain. I sat up on the bed/ball and my mom sat/stood in front of me and held my hand and we locked eyes and breathed long and deep together. All of a sudden I went from writhing around and crying and vomiting to being able to focus and get through the pain. My close friend also used this method for her drug free labour, but stared into her husband's eyes. There is something about eye contact I think, and also focusing on another person. She sort of kept be grounded and took my mental state from being HUGE and unfocussed and out of control to being honed and in the moment and in control. I think that this is what they mean by a "focal point" for managing pain, or "riding the wave" of the pain. It ain't no joke, worked a charm and was a real a-ha moment for me in the labour.
Kunzite - Congratulations!! Sorry you had so much trouble with the epi. Did anyone ever explain why it didn't work??? Glad to hear that Oliver is doing so well. Looking forward to your photos! And, yay for your DH too. That's wonderful that he stayed with you for the whole two weeks.

Noel - Thanks for the tip on rolling out of bed, instead of getting up! I had no idea I was doing damage. I will have to get my DH to push me out, I think!!
Kunzite- Congratulations!! You should save that story for when the lo is a teenager and talking back ;)) lol But in all seriousness, I can't believe how strong you are to have gone through all of that! Just incredible!
Kunzite!!!! Wow, what a story! I'm sorry for all the failed epidurals, but am so glad little Ollie is doing well! Many congrats to you and your loyal DH!

I'm off to my biweekly, will catch up with you all later! Oh, and SIL is getting induced today... her LO is pushing 10lbs!
Kunzite - Congrats on little Oliver making his grand entrance. I am sorry that it was such a traumatic experience, but I'm glad that he seems to be doing well now. Lots of dust that he continues to grow and can leave the hospital soon and go home with his mommy and daddy!
Shopping PSA: Zulily has Baby Nay and some really nice books today. The site was having troubles this morning, I think because so many people were after the Baby Nay!! I didn't get everything I wanted, but did get a nice outfit. Definitely worth checking out . . .
CatLuver|1289417491|2760233 said:
Q for you all - is your DH planning to sleep in the hospital with you? Apparently my DH was planning to go home and sleep and I told him that was NOT how it should be…I will have just had either major surgery or the equivalent of it, spilling blood and guts all over the floor and getting sewn up (I’m convinced I’ll have tearing if a v-birth) and have needles poking everywhere, and I’ll want him there for comfort and to help me and the baby. But, maybe it won’t be a bad idea for at least him to be well-rested when we go home so he can take more responsibility for the baby while I recover at first. I thought most DHs usually stay in the room with mom and baby though (and I guess don’t get much sleep)?.

Cat: My DH stayed with me almost the entire time I was in the hospital when our son was born (3 nights, 4 days). He left one time to go home to take a shower and change his clothes. I really needed him there. I had a 4th degree episiotomy, 2 blood transfusions and broke my tailbone during delivery so it was hard for me to do the simplest of things for myself. I'm sure he wasn't very comfortable sleeping in the tiny fold-out chair the hospital provided (DH is 6'1") but I can guarantee that I was much more uncomfortable than him!

Kunzite: CONGRATULATIONS! How far along were you when you delivered? I am sorry to hear about your epidural experience. When I had DS they did mine twice, but it wasn't bad. Are you open to posting a pic of the little guy? I'd love to see him - newborns are just sooo squishy and cute!

As for me, I'm 28 weeks today and still trucking along. I moved to every other week appointments already since I'm high risk so I feel like I'm always at the doctor's office. I'm taking my 1 hour glucose test next Thursday (yes, a week late) and I'm not looking forward to it. I supposedly "failed" by 1 point with DS and had to take the 3 hour so I'm nervous this time around even though GD is really the least of my worries with this pregnancy. The good news is that I know the gal that works in the lab (we went to HS together) so I'll have someone to keep my company since DH won't be able to join me.

I've been able to wean myself off of the Zofran and haven't taken any for a week now. I was on 4mg as needed, then went down to a half pill (so 2mg) only first thing in the a.m. and now I'm not taking any. I'm still a bit nauseous, especially when I first get up, but it's at least tolerable now. My appetite has grown sooo much these last few weeks as well. I feel like I eat all day! I am always starving but get uncomfortably full if I eat too much so it's a delicate balance for sure.

I am feeling regular movement these days and my girl is more of a squirmer than puncher/kicker. She moves the most at night when I'm settling in for some tv/computer time after DS is in bed. It's like she knows mommy wants to relax and then starts dancing all around in there. I don't notice her too much when I'm at work since I'm pretty busy and up and down a lot during the day. She's also discovered my right ribs and likes to put her little feet (or something!) right there when I'm sitting - ugh! DS did the same thing.
Cat - I went into labour at 11am on a Friday morning when my water's broke, admitted on Saturday early evening and Daisy was born at 3.45pm on the Sunday. I had a bad L&D ending in emergency forceps, a massive haemorrhage and a 2 day stay in ICU with 5 blood transfusions.

DH was with me during the whole labour including in theatre and then for a couple of hours afterwards. Once I was transferred to ICU he went home to sleep - it had been a long 3 days. I was fine as I had so many nurses and doctors looking after me, the OBs kept popping in to cuddle Daisy, and I was so hooked up to machines and feeling totally out of it on morphine that I didn't care if he was there or not. I also had a chance to properly look at my baby (I'd lost so much blood I was in and out of conciousness for much of the first hours after her birth and didn't get to see or hold her till I got to ICU - she was in DH's arms the whole time though). Other than when people nabbed her for a cuddle I didn't put her down the whole 2 days I was there. DH visited at lunchtimes and after work, but as I was in hospital for the first week we didn't want to use his 2 weeks paternity leave till I left hospital.

On the Wednesday I really started to lose it and the psych. team had a bed brought into my room on postnatal and DH moved in for the rest of the week to give me a hand and above all give me emotional support and keep me sane. He still went to work but was there all evening and night which was lovely.

I'd say that you need the support a day or two after the birth - straight after you just need sleep and time with the baby!
Hi, mommas!!

Deelight - I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum re: people that make stupid comments. No one believes me when I tell them I have 6 weeks to go! I hear "6 weeks? Are you sure???", "Where IS that baby??", "Gosh, you're so SMALL!"... it's really getting annoying, and makes me worried :rolleyes:

Speaking of that, I mentioned to my Dr today about how everyone's telling me I'm so small, and she said "Well, your belly's 33cm, and it should be almost 35 by now, do you want an ultrasound?". Um, yeah!! So I have a u/s appt on Tuesday... very excited, but a little nervous, too...

LV - You look GREAT, my dear!! Glad you had a nice time in Boston... I've always wanted to go there! And yeah, I do think people are afraid to 'notice' that you're pregnant. I had a patient congratulate me a few weeks ago... he had asked a co-worker if I was preggo first though, because the last time he congratulated a 'preggo', she wasn't preggo!! :o

Catluver - Looking good!! Glad you enjoyed your babymoon! Sorry about the sushi, though... I was never a big sushi eater, but I miss deli meat oh-so-much!!

Dreamer - congrats again!! Here's to a H & H 9 months!

Icekid!! So close! I'm sure you'll have your old bod back in no time!! I can't wait to see lil Jumper... I can't believe you're 36+ either... the closer you get, the closer I get!! :errrr:

Laila - Home stretch, baby!! :bigsmile: :shock: So surreal!!

Houie - Love the belly shot!! Congrats on 28 weeks!

Y'all can count me in the ECP club, too :rolleyes: It just started this week... Mostly when I go from sitting to standing, or squatting, which I do a lot of at work. I feel like I need to wrap an ace bandage around my crotch like a diaper... that would feel good, yanno?? lol

I suppose my DH will spend the night... I really haven't given much thought to it! Though he's welcome to go home... the hospital's only 15 minutes away, and I'm sure he'll be at my beck and call IF he decided to go home :praise:

Noel - I had me a good cry last week. DH was drinking with his buds, and I felt left out, and sad and annoyed ;( These hormones are a killer, and I hear you! But soon we'll have little babies to cheer us up!!!

Diva - COngrats on 28 weeks!! And yay for getting off the Zofran, too! My LO likes to stick his feet in my right ribs, too. It mostly tickles, though... Occasional "OW, that hurt!". Good luck on your glucose test!!

Kunzite - congrats again, I can't wait for pics of your little man!!


I'm up 28lbs at 34w4d. Going for the u/s Tuesday, then back to my reg OB Thursday (They are having me in early b/c of Thanksgiving).
SIL gave birth via C-section today to a healthy 9lb10oz boy! We're all so excited...
Counting down my shifts. I cannot wait to be off!
My baby shower was Sunday. It was very nice, although I got a TON of bath stuff. And I got 10 fitted crib sheets... do I really need that many?? I think I'll return some...

You know that show "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"? HOW on earth do those ladies not know??? Movement alone... I can't wrap my head around it!! haha
Kunzite: Well done mamma. I'm looking forward to a photo of your little boy!
Kunzite...congrats!! Wow what a story, but you go girl!!! Can't wait to see a photo of O.

Cat... it was a given that my hub would sleep in the same room... our hospital had fold out couch/chair in the recovery room (and L&D) for this very purpose. J was born at 2am, we got to sleep at 5am that morning. We stayed til the next afternoon. So he slept on the fold out like 1.25 nights. He went home both days to shower and clean up and got us lunch.

The nurses were helpful with J but for the most part it was expected that we take care of him (change him, feed him, burp him, cuddle him, etc) and they supported us as necessary when we needed it. I did send him out of the room the first night for a few hours to try to sleep--but the next night he stayed with us in his tanning booth (he had jaundice) so we could check on him. I was dying to get home so thankfully they released us after a day and a half.

Anyway I would imagine you'd want your hub there with you, even if he is not actively involved at least he can support you mentally. Also, when I am in a foreign place like a hospital, anything that I love or reminds me of home makes me feel better. I would have been sad to be all alone by myself there--it was something I wanted us both to experience together.
Kunzite Congrats on the birth of your little one - I can't wait to see pics :) sorry about the epi experience

Lynnie *shakes head* I swear people need to think more sometimes before opening the mouth - I overheard a colleague at work telling another girl how huge she is and how so and so is still not that huge despite being 2 wks ahead - :rolleyes:


Nothing new to report here Fridge died last night in the middle of the night YAY - NOT coupled with the fact that the hot water system is stoofed the timing is just fantastic ahhhhh well better now then before bubs is here

- Maternity clothes arrived - 3 fit really well I I didn't try one was too short in the bod and the other again to short in the bod so they will go back but for sight unseen I think that is not too bad :) - the clothes make me look bigger (but surprisingly I don't care) because despite my own feelings of my huge belly proportioness it is just not quite big enough for Mat clothes yet but getting on the bigger side for my pre preg clothes might be as well I bought my size or a size bigger in everything so there is room to grow :)

- Hubby on the other hand whenever he sees the belly get or look bigger just explodes in happy smiles - he loves it thinks it is great *crazy boy :cheeky: *

23 wks today I have to find my camera to take a picture it is somewhere oh and I registered at the hospital finally a little scary though every step makes it more real

It is heading into summer here and my ankles know it they look so gross and puffy any quick ideas on how to get them down apart from lying with my feet elevated and drinking heaps of water they look so gross

Hope your all well :)
I'm so happy that Ollie was able to bake a couple of weeks before coming out.
Well done mama and that was a pretty quick delivery!
Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy.
Happy Belated Birthday, Ollie!

Kunzite - I'm sorry that your labor was traumatic, though I am sure your preemie was worth it. that really sucks that you are part of the little percentage of women where the epidural doesn't work. at least now you can focus on all the good stuff.

AFM, I have bad news. I went for the breast exam yesterday with the mammogram, ultrasound and cell puncture research, and the results were bad. they then took sample tissue, and we have to wait until Thursday for the results, but they say that the chance it is NOT breast cancer is like 3%, so they are already preparing for an operation.

the surgeon spoke to a gynaecologist today, and it looks like I have both the options of either having the breast surgery during pregnancy or to first induce the baby around 36 weeks and then have the breast surgery 1.5-2 weeks later. I also have to decide if I want them to just remove the lump or amputate the whole breast. at first I was for amputating the whole breast because I thought the problem would be gone, but apparently they still follow that up with radiation and chemo, so I will still likely not be physically fit for my baby the whole time. I am thinking of making a pros/cons list with DH for all options as I have the baby, breastfeeding and treatment to think about. then on Thursday I can take it with me to the hospital, where we will discuss with the surgeon, radiologist, pathologist, oncologist and psychologist what will be the best treatment taking both the biopsy results in mind as well as our wishes.

so I am now on sick leave until my maternity leave starts (had 7 more days). thus no more work for me! I can keep myself busy working on all my craft projects.

sorry if this was a downer, but like I said before, the timing is actually somewhat a blessing-in-disguise as we have the joy and love of a baby to look forward to, so it's not like my whole world has come to a crashing halt.
noel -- oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about your results. I'm glad you see the blessing in disguise part of it. I don't have any advice regarding whether to induce and then get the operation vs. have it right now. Oh my gosh...huge hugs to you. This should be a happy, exciting time of your life as you get ready for your first little baby girl, and then you have this to deal with. It sounds like you are a very positive person. I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like you have a great medical team who is looking out for you and your little girl. Please keep us updated and know that I'm thinking of you, especially on Thursday.

kunzite -- I've been meaning to comment on your experience. I'm so sorry it was not what you had hoped, but that's all in the past (and that hormone kicks in that makes you forget, right? :cheeky: ) but now you have your beautiful baby! I can't wait to see pictures! Thanks for posting your story!!!

Laila, Lynnie, noel -- OH MY STARS. It's getting close. That's all I have to say.
Strawdermangrl - hello friend!! Thanks for popping in to say hi! We need to get together because I miss you!!! :bigsmile:

Noel - Wow. I am so sorry to hear your news. Big big hugs to you!! But I am so impressed with your attitude about the whole thing - if this is indeed cancer, your "take care of business" attitude will serve to carry you along the way and aid greatly in your recovery!! It's just not fair that you are dealing with this right now instead of basking in the glow of new mommyhood and just enjoying your daughter. Don't forget to allow yourself to feel sad or angry or whatever else it is that you feel. But I'm with you, I think the timing is a blessing in disguise, because you will have her to focus on!! Hang in there, enjoy your craft time and your final preparations for your sweet baby girl. I will be thinking of you.

CatLuver - I'm definitely planning on DH sleeping at the hospital with me. I am 98% sure our hospital has the pull-out sofa bed thing for him. Of course, I'm sure he'll leave during the day for a bit to go home and shower and pick up anything we might need, or go get us some food, but I will definitely be asking for him to stay with us at night!! If for no other reason, I don't wanna have to call my nurse every time I need help with some little thing (and she'll probably appreciate that too, hehe!)

Kunzite - congratulations, momma!! And Happy Belated Birthday to Ollie! I'm so glad he's doing so well - only 12 hrs of room air CPAP is fantastic!! :) Now he just has to sort out how to eat and grow and he'll be home with you before you know it!! Sorry your epi didn't work out so well but it sounds like you handled the situation well!! :) I can't wait to see pics of your sweet little boy!!

Diva - yay for getting off the Zofran! I was so happy when I was able to stop taking it (and so were my bowels, if you know what I mean....soooo constipating!) Good luck with your glucose test - I hope you pass the 1 hr with flying colors this time!! :)

Lynnie - congrats to your SIL!! Wow, 9lbs 10oz - big boy!! Glad everyone is doing well! Wow, I just can't believe how far along you December mommas've always been the group that's a little ahead of me, and now you're all almost full term! EEK!! :) Oh, and I'm totally with you on "I didn't know I was Pregnant".....come on. Really?! Did you not wonder why your stomach was squirming and shifting shapes all on its own!? Or why you were peeing every 2 hrs?! I think there must be a whole lotta denial going on there.

Deelight - yeah, mat clothes made me look more preggo too, but I kinda liked it because then it was more obvious that I was preggo and not just chubby! hehe! Can't wait to see a belly pic!


Not much going on here, but I'm 29 weeks today! Yay! :bigsmile:
Noel-I am so sorry to hear this news. it does sound like you have a great medical team and a positive attitude, both of which will help immensely. It sucks that you have to deal with this at such a joyful time, but it is also a blessing that you have such immense joy to look forward to...huge hugs to you! you are already a great mama and strong lady and I know that you and your DH and your medical team will arrive at the right choices for you. Much love and prayers-bella
Noel, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Oh, Noel... I feel like I just hit a brick wall reading your post. I am so sorry about the news... I can't imagine what you must be going through, emotionally. What a decision to have to deal with! All my hugs and prayers for you and your family. I'm assuming no breastfeeding w/chemo and radiation... And to have your little girl at 36weeks - that's like a week and a half away! So soon, which is thrilling and scary at the same time! Gosh, I wish you all the best and all the dust I can muster. It does sound like you've got a good head about you, and a great team of Dr's, though. I agree, you're one strong woman, and you can get through it. Enjoy your time off, and you know where to come to vent if you need support...

Lanie - I know, so close we're getting. I did message admin about giving you my name to do a FB search... have you heard anything? I changed my profile pic to one at my shower, just so ya know.

Houie - Congrats on 29 weeks!
Noel, I am so sorry to read your news. Sending positive thoughts to you. It does sound like you have a great team behind you. I hope they can help you work through your decisions in the coming weeks.
5 days old

Thank you ladies so much!! We're beyond thrilled with his progress, though we realize there could still be set backs along the way. I guess I forgot to mention that he was 30w6d when he was born, so we've been rounding up to 31 weeks. I still can't believe that he was 9 weeks early. Too crazy. Last night at the NICU I was able to hold him on my chest for about an hour and do skin-to-skin. It was heaven. It certainly makes me think about the birth experience less and less.



Kunzite, what a beautiful little peanut! ...certainly worth the tough road to get here. Congrats!
noel - I am SO SORRY to hear what you're going through. I love your positive attitude and I hope that Thursday gets here quickly for you so you know what you're dealing with. I will be hoping with everything in me that you're part of the 3%. It sounds like you have a great team to get you through this and a beautiful daughter to look forward to.
Oh, Kunzite... he is such a doll! Absolutly perfect, even in his teeny-tininess!! :love: :love: :love: I LOVE the hair, too!!! Continued dust for continued baking (outside the oven!). Congrats again, and enjoy that precious bundle!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Noelwr, sending you all my prayers right now. You are such a strong wife, mother and daughter... such a smart cookie, too. You will know what to do when you and DH meet with your team of doctors. I know you mentioned just a 3% chance but I am praying SO hard for you right now for the chance that it isn't cancer. I believe in miracles, I do. And even if it does turn out to be cancer, I know you will recover and heal with strength and grace. What a beautiful thing to have something as miraculous as a baby to celebrate during this difficult time for you and your family. We're here for you and sending you dust, support and prayers. May angels guide you through your decision process and protect you and help you to heal quickly. (((hugs)))

Kunzite, your baby is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! Sending your gorgeous little one dust and prayers for a short stay in the hospital, too!
Kunzite - he's so beautiful, even in all his tinyness. :appl: for skin-to-skin time. now you'll just keep getting more contact time every day, and the birth experience will be pushed further away from your mind. I didn't think of that when you first shared your story. usually moms get their babies right away after birth and that gush of emotion helps them forget what they just went through. unfortunately you had to miss out, but slowly you are building it up!

thanks everyone else for your kind words. it is a shock, but it's actually been quite bearable, mainly because of DD to-be. the loss we had with the miscarriage almost a year ago was far worse than this, but that's because that made my heart ache and there wasn't anything I could do for that baby. this is different because it affects me and I know I'll get through it with the support of all my loved ones, and that we'll make the best decisions to have a healthy bouncing baby girl.