
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

noel - <<hugs>> i am also sending intense 3% vibes your way. i'm so sorry you have to deal with all this right now, but ditto what hmg said -- your attitude is inspiring and will carry you far through all this.

kunzite - he is just precious...especially in the perfection of his tiny-ness! congrats mama!!

hmg - :wavey:

cupcake - yay for TEAM PINK!! let the ridiculously, irresistably, cute baby girl clothes shopping BEGIN.
Kunzite- What a sweet little man! I'm glad that he's doing ok.

I am 13 weeks this week. My tummy is DEFINITELY starting to pop out! Everything went from flat/concave to convex! And it's hard! Totally weird and cool. We had the FIRST testing last week and the popple was jumping and flipping around in there! I think it was mad because the tech was poking and shaking it to try to get it to move so she could get the right shot. Totally DH's kid... He gets very crabby too when I try to make him get up when he's sleepy!

I went to see the family doctor today as I've been suspecting I have a bladder infection but been putting off a visit due to the time I'd have to take off work. but now that I'm on maternity leave, anyway, I don't have an excuse not to go. so she said something about increased white blood cell count in my urine and I got antibiotics. :appl: then I had to go leave some urine at the lab so they can find out if it's streptococcus. at least I'll find out if the cramping and soreness I've been having are from the infection or just prelabor symptoms. and I don't have to worry about going into surgery with a bladder infection. most likely I will have surgery on my breast within the next 2 weeks, and we will leave the baby inside until she is ready to come out on her own. I don't like the idea of the effects of general anesthesia on the baby during the surgery, but I think I like less inducing the labor when she could use the extra weeks of baking. anyway, no final decisions to be made until after the talk on Thursday.

thanks again for all your kind words.
Hi Everyone,

Just popping in for two quick questions. First, how many days past your missed period did your first HPT come back positive? Second, which test did you use?

I was told that the cheap ones from the Dollar Store are as accurate (20-25 mil - something like that) as many of the more expensive brands. With my two boys, I used the EPT tests, but this time around I've only been testing with the cheap ones.

My period was suppose to start on Nov 4th. ETA - and I'm really regular. Even during the summer, under tons of stress, it arrived on time.

(ETA - I've been testing with the cheap tests and all have been neg. I just took another one about 1/2 hr ago)


MC|1289841607|2766713 said:
Hi Everyone,

Just popping in for two quick questions. First, how many days past your missed period did your first HPT come back positive? Second, which test did you use?

I was told that the cheap ones from the Dollar Store are as accurate (20-25 mil - something like that) as many of the more expensive brands. With my two boys, I used the EPT tests, but this time around I've only been testing with the cheap ones.

My period was suppose to start on Nov 4th. ETA - and I'm really regular. Even during the summer, under tons of stress, it arrived on time.



Just get a test :bigsmile: !

Edit: Oh you are testing...I think the cheapies are about as sensitive as you get. The more expensive tests want a higher miu - up to 50 or even 100. But if you are that late - why not book in with your Dr, at the very least for a blood test to rule out/in pregnancy.

Didn't you post that internet preggo test? :bigsmile:
Congrats to all the soon to be mommas!!! I love seeing all the beautiful newborns, soooo sweet! :love: Congrats Kunzite!!!!
MC, your test should be + by now. I'd go to the doctor if you're concerned. My tests were both + before I should have started menstruating, some take longer, but should be no more than 18 days from ovulation.
Steal|1289841870|2766720 said:
MC|1289841607|2766713 said:
Hi Everyone,

Just popping in for two quick questions. First, how many days past your missed period did your first HPT come back positive? Second, which test did you use?

I was told that the cheap ones from the Dollar Store are as accurate (20-25 mil - something like that) as many of the more expensive brands. With my two boys, I used the EPT tests, but this time around I've only been testing with the cheap ones.

My period was suppose to start on Nov 4th. ETA - and I'm really regular. Even during the summer, under tons of stress, it arrived on time.



Just get a test :bigsmile: !

Ooops, I forgot to mention (and will ETA) that I've tested five or six times now with the cheep ones and all are negative. I feel pregnant though and suddenly have baby urges and am cooing babies, where as a few months ago, I'd see a baby and run the opposite direction.
MC|1289842172|2766728 said:
Steal|1289841870|2766720 said:
MC|1289841607|2766713 said:
Hi Everyone,

Just popping in for two quick questions. First, how many days past your missed period did your first HPT come back positive? Second, which test did you use?

I was told that the cheap ones from the Dollar Store are as accurate (20-25 mil - something like that) as many of the more expensive brands. With my two boys, I used the EPT tests, but this time around I've only been testing with the cheap ones.

My period was suppose to start on Nov 4th. ETA - and I'm really regular. Even during the summer, under tons of stress, it arrived on time.



Just get a test :bigsmile: !

Ooops, I forgot to mention (and will ETA) that I've tested five or six times now with the cheep ones and all are negative. I feel pregnant though and suddenly have baby urges and am cooing babies, where as a few months ago, I'd see a baby and run the opposite direction.

I edited my other post

"Edit: Oh you are testing...I think the cheapies are about as sensitive as you get. The more expensive tests want a higher miu - up to 50 or even 100. But if you are that late - why not book in with your Dr, at the very least for a blood test to rule out/in pregnancy.

Didn't you post that internet preggo test?
KimberlyH|1289842107|2766723 said:
MC, your test should be + by now. I'd go to the doctor if you're concerned. My tests were both + before I should have started menstruating, some take longer, but should be no more than 18 days from ovulation.

Mine were the same way. I even tested positive one time and had my period the next day (early m/c).

It's annoying being late, you know? I just want to know either way!
Steal|1289842282|2766730 said:
MC|1289842172|2766728 said:
Steal|1289841870|2766720 said:
MC|1289841607|2766713 said:
Hi Everyone,

Just popping in for two quick questions. First, how many days past your missed period did your first HPT come back positive? Second, which test did you use?

I was told that the cheap ones from the Dollar Store are as accurate (20-25 mil - something like that) as many of the more expensive brands. With my two boys, I used the EPT tests, but this time around I've only been testing with the cheap ones.

My period was suppose to start on Nov 4th. ETA - and I'm really regular. Even during the summer, under tons of stress, it arrived on time.



Just get a test :bigsmile: !

Ooops, I forgot to mention (and will ETA) that I've tested five or six times now with the cheep ones and all are negative. I feel pregnant though and suddenly have baby urges and am cooing babies, where as a few months ago, I'd see a baby and run the opposite direction.

I edited my other post

"Edit: Oh you are testing...I think the cheapies are about as sensitive as you get. The more expensive tests want a higher miu - up to 50 or even 100. But if you are that late - why not book in with your Dr, at the very least for a blood test to rule out/in pregnancy.

Didn't you post that internet preggo test?

Yeah, I did post that. hahaha I had been googling the sensitity of HPTs when I came across that! :) I'll wait another week or so and see what happens. The more stuff I read online, the stranger the responses I come across, like women testing neg on blood tests months into pregnancy.
MC: Sure thing. If it were me I would just head to the Dr. and get an answer. If you are like me you probably need to go anyway for some other small thing that you couldn't be bothered going all the way down there for. So hit two birds with one Dr.'s visit.

Was Arnie good? :naughty:

(Edit: If you are looking to waste hours looking up DPO symptoms head to two week wait dot com)
Deelight- Thank you!
MC- I tested 6 days before my missed period and got a positive. I used the first response early response test twice and then I used a ept digital...sorry that probably doesn't help very much :(sad

AFM, So lately I've been having really bad nightmares about DH leaving me. I think it is because it is the absolutely worst thing I can think of to happen to us even though I know it is completely ridiculous and that he is crazy in love with me and I with him! Does anyone have any advice on how to make the nightmares go away because I wake up feeling so completely awful in the mornings after I have them :(sad

Oh I also have my second doctor's appt today but that's not anything too exciting :))
Congratulations Kunzite!!! He's beautiful :love: :love: :appl: :appl:

RT-pregnancy related dreams are normal, although I don't know why. I dreamt that my FI was going to leave me all the time. Towards the end I had a dream that the u/s tech told me my girl was actually a boy and I woke up crying :lol:
Sending you lots of dusts and prayers.
Hoping that you fall in that 3%.

Congrats on team pink!
And glad to hear that your hubby is recovery nicely from his surgery.
Steal|1289843063|2766752 said:
MC: Sure thing. If it were me I would just head to the Dr. and get an answer. If you are like me you probably need to go anyway for some other small thing that you couldn't be bothered going all the way down there for. So hit two birds with one Dr.'s visit.

Was Arnie good? :naughty:

(Edit: If you are looking to waste hours looking up DPO symptoms head to two week wait dot com)

I am going in this week to get my blood sugar levels tested, but will have to wait on the preg test b/c a family member is coming with me for the BSL testing. lol IF I'm preg, I'd keep it quiet, among family, for a few months.

Arnie was HOT oh HOT! My cat watched and purred while we got in on. Cell phone hung out too...probably why it ended up preg.

I was looking at the two week wait site a bit ago and I don't remember having so many syptoms w/my boys - just swollen breasts and a lot of cramping that felt like my period but it never started. That's happening now. Usually when that sets in (TMI info here) dh and I do it and that kick starts things. We've tried that twice but it's not happening. It's like I'm mentrally constipated. hahaha
Steal|1289843063|2766752 said:
MC: Sure thing. If it were me I would just head to the Dr. and get an answer. If you are like me you probably need to go anyway for some other small thing that you couldn't be bothered going all the way down there for. So hit two birds with one Dr.'s visit.

Was Arnie good? :naughty:

(Edit: If you are looking to waste hours looking up DPO symptoms head to two week wait dot com)

Oh, got the raised glands around nipple, but only on one boob. Maybe it's always been like that?

God, I'm crazy. Not even sure and got the baby named. Hopefully my husband comes home from work b/c he thinks I'm going crazy talking about babies non-stop. lol
MC: Awh.

Yup, you will get no help from me!

And tell tag along tanya to sit in the waiting room :rolleyes: .
Fiery- thanks for letting me know that I'm normal!!!
MC|1289842354|2766734 said:
KimberlyH|1289842107|2766723 said:
MC, your test should be + by now. I'd go to the doctor if you're concerned. My tests were both + before I should have started menstruating, some take longer, but should be no more than 18 days from ovulation.

Mine were the same way. I even tested positive one time and had my period the next day (early m/c).

It's annoying being late, you know? I just want to know either way!

If you tested positive with your boys, my guess is late ovulation. Happens to even the most regular of women. Any chance you can get your doctor's office to test you on the sly? Maybe call ahead and explain?

Edited to say CONGRATULATIONS Kunzite! :appl: He's beautiful.
random_thought|1289843134|2766753 said:
Deelight- Thank you!
MC- I tested 6 days before my missed period and got a positive. I used the first response early response test twice and then I used a ept digital...sorry that probably doesn't help very much :(sad

AFM, So lately I've been having really bad nightmares about DH leaving me. I think it is because it is the absolutely worst thing I can think of to happen to us even though I know it is completely ridiculous and that he is crazy in love with me and I with him! Does anyone have any advice on how to make the nightmares go away because I wake up feeling so completely awful in the mornings after I have them :(sad

Oh I also have my second doctor's appt today but that's not anything too exciting :))

Thanks Random_thought. Just did search and found that First Response is suppose to be the most accurate at lowest levels. I'm going to the store later and will figure out if I should use one of those or wait another week. My dr. co-pay is about the same as a preg test so, sigh, I would assume by next week I'll know either way (test or menstration).
Still trucking along at 5w3d! Thanks for asking Steal! Lots of exhaustion mostly, and slight evening nausea, but otherwise so far so good.

For second (or more) timers, when did you start showing with your second pregnancy? I am curious if this one will be different.

Noel Sorry for your news, wishing you all the best.
MC I think late ovulation is most likely too, since even the internet cheapies would likely show a result by now.
noel- What a shock. Really, I read your post a couple days ago and could not even quite formulate a response. I certainly was not expecting that result and can only begin to imagine how you are feeling. You are such a strong woman though! And that darling little girl will certainly give you someone amazing to look forward to. I've been thinking of you tons and will continue to do so! Stay tough and strong, mama, but allow yourself to grieve too if you need to. We are always here for you.

Kunzite- Ollie is so sweet and precious and I am thrilled to hear of his safe arrival. You did a fabulous job to keep him baking as long as you could! Congrats mommy! Keep us updated on his progress.

HMG- I DO DO DO love me ranitidine. I had a few nights (mostly that involved drinking a ton of water before bed) where I woke coughing and choking on that awful acid. Sooo cannot wait to regain some better LES tone. :cheeky:

LV- You poor thing with the flu! Hope you are feeling better asap. Oh, and about the diapers-- we're doing kissaluvs for the newborn stage. They are so cute! As he grows, we'll re-evaluate with what fits best and what will be easiest for his caretakers.

cupcake- Congratulations on team pink!! Wonderful news.

MC- I got a positive with a dollar store test about 4 days before my period was due. They seem to work well! Though I hope you get whichever outcome you are hoping to see.

Dreamer- hang in there mama! Hopefully the thought of some new bling will entertain you though the early nauseous moments. Congrats on your PS gift- absolutely deserved!!
I'm continuing to contract like crazy. Doc and I are both fairly convinced that this kid is likely to arrive on the early side, though who ever really knows. Last appt at 36 weeks I was 70% effaced, 1 cm dilated so it will be interesting to see if the cervix is making any progress this week. And WOW, getting checked is uncomfortable!

Since Tiffany brought up this lovely TLC show- Ladies, I have firsthand experience with a "I didn't know I was pregnant!" and it still shocks me. HELLO! Who do you think is kicking you in the ribs all day?!?! We had a young lady show up to L&D last night after delivering her 8 lb infant into the TOILET. Poor kid. Yep, she says she had no idea. Denial is amazing!!

Sigh... work is kicking my butt. I won't share the drama being that it is L&D related, but suffice to say I am counting the days until nights are OVER. All of this standing and bending and not sleeping at 9 months pregnant is finally giving me back pain, not to mention perpetual exhaustion.

On the plus side, getting through nights this week will mean making it to the (late!) shower my co-residents are throwing for me this Sunday (love them... ) and making it to see Harry Potter (hubby's priority.)

P.S. Check out the nursery thread- I posted photos of the nursery and a special monkey.
MC I think late ovulation is most likely too, since even the internet cheapies would likely show a result by now.[/quote]

With late ovulation, is it normal to have cramping like period is coming, then for it to go away for a few days, then come back?

I just got back from the store with a First Response test kit (2 tests in box) and took the first (without having any liquid for a while to avoid dilution) and it came back neg. Will do the other first thing in the morning like I'm suppose to.
icekid|1289856979|2767112 said:
MC- I got a positive with a dollar store test about 4 days before my period was due. They seem to work well! Though I hope you get whichever outcome you are hoping to see.

Thanks. I am hoping for a positive, but sounds like it may not be in the cards with all that I read! :(
MC|1289857772|2767132 said:
Quote: I think late ovulation is most likely too, since even the internet cheapies would likely show a result by now..
Awh...***dust*** for the stupid second pink line in the morning. Even if it is a long shot. :blackeye:
MC|1289857976|2767136 said:
icekid|1289856979|2767112 said:
MC- I got a positive with a dollar store test about 4 days before my period was due. They seem to work well! Though I hope you get whichever outcome you are hoping to see.

Thanks. I am hoping for a positive, but sounds like it may not be in the cards with all that I read! :(

Well........ you can always work on that later! :devil:
I'm so excited. My best friend from school found out today that she's having a boy! She actually got preggo the day Lily was born. We were working out what days to DTD as I was giant preggo sitting on her couch. I only texted her to tell her that Lily was here because I knew what she was doing! I'm so excited, I want to go buy a baby gift right now!! Unfortunately, Lily had shots today and is running a fever so I don't think I should be toting her around in the cold.

Holy Cow, so much has happened on this thread! Yay for new Mamas, finding out genders, and getting baby stuff. Lots of healthy pregnancy dust to all of you! And, lots of dust for the TTC ladies!
Ok, one last post from me for today...

In honor of my full term (!) status, here are my 37 week photos from a couple days ago as well as my list of things I will miss about being pregnant.

1. The constant company! When I'm working all night and missing hubby, it's kind of nice to have that reassuring kick kick don't worry mom, I'm here with you and we're going to make it!

2. Having him all to myself- the little guy is going to belong to his daddy and loving grandparents and before long the whole world. He's like my little secret still and I love that.

3. Wondering what he will look like! We cannot wait to see him, but it's so much fun to speculate and whose features he will have.

4. My lumpy belly- he is always squirming from side to side. My belly is pretty much never symmetric and it gives me constant entertainment.

5. Hubby's sweet belly kisses. It makes me all teary to think about how excited he is about his baby. He is going to be a wonderful daddy and I so cannot wait to see him hold our little boy for the first time!

6. My family's excitement over the impending arrival. See above, makes me cry. It is amazing to think of how loved he is already.



SS - congrats to your friend!!! My best friend from HS is also preggo right now, and expecting a little boy almost exactly 2 weeks after Ellie is due!

MC - crossing my fingers for a positive in the morning!! :appl:

IceKid - oh girl, I totally hear ya. I will be so glad to get my GI tract back to normal!! Sounds to me as though Jumper may be making an earlier-rather-than-later appearance!! That's exciting!! :bigsmile: I will send you all the get-through-the-work-week vibes I've got - I'm on an easy rotation right now, so don't really need them myself. They're all yours! :bigsmile: Rest when you can and stay hydrated!!
ETA - you look amaaaaazing!!! Beautiful. :) And your sweet list just made me all teary eyed. *sigh*

Dreamer - glad to hear you're faring well thus far! :)

RT - I have had tons of weirdo pregnancy dreams throughout the whole pregnancy. Definitely a normal thing. I hope they stop being distressing dreams for you, though!! And hope your doctor's visit went well!

Skippy - hello there! Thanks for dropping by to say hi!! I promise to post lots of baby pics for you once she's here, hehe! :bigsmile:

Noel - sorry to hear about your UTI stuff, but yay for getting it taken care of! :bigsmile: Glad to hear you've come up with a plan for how to proceed with your surgery. Giving her extra time to bake and decide when to come out on her own will be good for her. :bigsmile: I will be thinking about you and sending good vibes and dust for Thursday!!!!!

Tuckins - it's so bizzare, isn't it? (the tummy) - Just wait until about early 3rd tri, because that's when you can lay there and watch your belly shifting and moving all on its own. Like literally the whole belly. Morphing into strange shapes! Soooo weird and cool. :bigsmile:

Ginger - well hello friend!! I have enjoyed seeing the pics of your little man on FB - he's getting soooo big! I can't believe it! I hope things are going well for you guys, seems like they are!! :)


Nothing new here, still having the ECP but it doesn't seem to be getting worse, which makes me happy. Oh, also my stomach seems to have turned into a bottomless pit lately -- sooooo hungry!!