
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Just a fly by post as I am about to go cook some veggies for dinner :)

RT YAY - glad that the PAP business is all sorted - I am surprised they wanted to do one in a few weeks when you would be in your second tri - here in Australia they will only do it in the first - glad it is all good though - and as for crying don't feel like a moron I think that is a perfectly normal reaction :)

Lynnie OMG he is such a cutie :) look at those cheeks :love: :love:

Icekid congrats on being on the homeward stretch - your belly shots are so cute :)

Congrats on team pink :) and love the name so beautiful :)

Had a mini freak out at work - one of my feet has been swelling significantly more then the other, mind you this the same foot I hurt a few years back when I fell A over T in platforms and kinda fell over and bent it right back - never got it x-rayed however it did eventually get better though they suspected at the time it may have been fractured - I am a bad patient.

It has been happening over the last couple of days but not as bad as today - so at work opened up google (not the best idea) and it said to call your doctor as it could be a symptom of preclampsia totally freak out call my OB speak to the desk and they asked if I had any other symptoms ( vision bluriness, dizziness, tingles other swelling etc) and I said no so apprently not to worry but to mention it at my appointment on Friday. Got told to keep getting the hubby to massage my feet (YAY) and keep it elevated - so here's hoping it is all good and just has to do with the heat I also tend to sit on the other leg alot so that could be why it does not swell it has my butt massaging it all day :P

Not really much point to this story just rambling really :)

Also feel like a bottomless pit for food today am thinking she might be going through a growth spurt which is fine as long as I do not :P

Hope your all well :)

random - great that you finally got all your answers and were reassured that the baby is ok. I am also in Europe and they never touch you internally when you're pregnant, except for the dildocam u/s if you are not far enough for them to do external u/s. and then of course when you're near labor.

Deelight - I have had swollen feet and ankles since 20 weeks. as my blood pressure remains low and I also don't have any of the other symptoms, it's just another thing to add to the list of things you experience during pregnancy. also my hands are swollen, my hands falls asleep at night, and I think I have a bit of carpal tunnel in my left hand.

Lynnie - aren't 3D pics the best? I wonder why they recommend to have them done at 28 weeks, when obviously at 35 weeks they turn out quite well.

icekid - you look fantastic! I think you should print out your list of things you'll miss during pregnancy and keep it with the baby album. I hope your husband realizes what a superwoman you are, continuously working even in your 9th month! I know what you mean with the lumpy belly. my little girl loves to hang out on the right side. also she loves to push her little foot out either way all the way on the right or just under my rib. I think she likes it when I massage it as she keeps it there.
Lynnie - Wow, those u/s pictures are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: I'm glad that you got confirmation that everything is ok. Sorry for all of your symptoms! I am finally gathering some of my own. So, I've never had HB before - GAH - it's awful. Not sure what to do about it!

Tao - Yay!! Congrats on TEAM PINK!!! Buying pink stuff is FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Violet Joy is such a pretty name! I love it! And, she gets to grow up with a big brother - how lucky!!

DCG - :wavey: Thanks for popping in to wish us well! I'm finally on the mend now.

Icekid - Yay for 37 weeks!!! Time flies, even while it seems to be standing still, huh. You look great in your photos. The one of your view is the best. Hee-hee.

Cupcake - Congrats on TEAM PINK!!

Noel - Thinking of you tomorrow.


I seem to be getting over my sickness. I took Monday off from work because I still had a temp. Slowly feeling better, but exhausted. I've started to get heartburn, too. BLECH! I had some raw trail mix yesterday afternoon, and it was so painful in my chest, so I don't know if there are specific things to eat to lessen the intensity. Are there? Or, do the same heartburn rules not apply during pregnancy -- if you get it, you pretty much always get it because everything is pushed up?

I had my 32 week appointment today. Samantha has flipped from my left side to my right side, which I was sure I felt happening on Sunday night!!!! I was just happy to have the dr confirm this for me today. I never really know what is going on. She doesn't kick very much, or if she does, I certainly don't feel it! She seems to swirl around more than kick. I hope this means she'll be a calm baby. :twirl:
RT - Glad everything worked out, and your little nugget is okay!

Mara, Sabine and Fiery - Thanks... I agree, those cheeks are squishable!

RE the 3D u/s - I basically lucked out with them. The hospital I have to go through b/c of my insurance just does them like that. For both the 20week and this latest one, all the tech did was push a button, and it went from the normal u/s to 3D. So cool. I had the same tech as last time, too (I don't know if you all remember me telling you about the funny Asian guy). My friends are all like "How did you get these in 3D?? You must have good insurance!" lol

Deelight - Sorry for the swollen limb scare! I agree, google sometimes does more harm than good! Ha, and I'm with ya on putting off medical stuff. I've always had this issue w/ my right knee - it always clicked when I went down steps. It never hurt, and a doc at work told me it's probably just thinning of cartlidge, and I shouldn't do anything unless it hurts. Well, now that I've gained weight, it's bothering me :nono: I hope once the baby comes it will resolve itself!

Noel - It was kind of tough to get a good face shot at 35wks. He had me lay on my side, and was really pushing to get a decent shot. I think it's just easier to manipulate the baby when they're a bit smaller.

LV - TUMS!!! They are a lifesaver!! I have about 4 bottles spread throught the house/car/purse, you name it! A glass of milk can help, too. Glad you're feeling a bit better. So cool when they roll, right?!
Sabine|1289953657|2769197 said:
RT...I had spotting throughout first and second tri and was basically diagnosed with a super sensitive cervix...anything, sex, a slightly hard bm, exercising, could cause me to spot/bleed a bit. I don't remember if it was a pap or an internal exam, but I had SOMETHING done that made me bleed terribly on the table (embarrassing!) and then for a few days in a row afterwards. Everything turned out fine for us. Glad you got reassured and just wanted to let you know that a sensitive cervix can cause bleeding for other things too.

Lynnie, SO CUTE!

Tao, congrats again on team PINK! Love the name!

:wavey: Hi everyone else!

Ms. Fiery, you hang out here so much...are you sure babies aren't on your brain more than you think? :bigsmile: :naughty:


Not for a long time. I just come for the bellies :bigsmile: Oh wait, is that creepy? :cheeky:
fiery|1290047920|2770872 said:
Sabine|1289953657|2769197 said:
RT...I had spotting throughout first and second tri and was basically diagnosed with a super sensitive cervix...anything, sex, a slightly hard bm, exercising, could cause me to spot/bleed a bit. I don't remember if it was a pap or an internal exam, but I had SOMETHING done that made me bleed terribly on the table (embarrassing!) and then for a few days in a row afterwards. Everything turned out fine for us. Glad you got reassured and just wanted to let you know that a sensitive cervix can cause bleeding for other things too.

Lynnie, SO CUTE!

Tao, congrats again on team PINK! Love the name!

:wavey: Hi everyone else!

Ms. Fiery, you hang out here so much...are you sure babies aren't on your brain more than you think? :bigsmile: :naughty:


Not for a long time. I just come for the bellies :bigsmile: Oh wait, is that creepy? :cheeky:

Haha, not creepy but kind of funny :)

went to the hospital today and it was confirmed from my tissue sample that I do have breast cancer and need surgery. all the doctors are advising that I get a mastectomy (breast amputation) due to my young age and the likelihood of recurrence. as this is the only thing they are basing this advice on (right now they can't even tell me the stage of the cancer and they can't do an MRI to see how big the tumor really is), I don't agree with them and have opted for a lumpectomy with radiation and chemotherapy instead. my surgery will be on Monday, while I'm pregnant, and the treatments to start 2 weeks after birth. I will stay in the hospital 2-4 days, recovering in the maternity ward, where they will monitor the baby. then I can go home and wait for labor to begin naturally, though maybe at 40 weeks they might decide to induce as they don't want to put off radiation/chemo for too long.

there of course is more to the story, but this is a pregnancy thread so I don't want to get too much off topic.

regarding my pregnancy, I lost some of my mucus plug today. :o it wasn't bloody, and I know that it means that labor could still be weeks away, but I really hope she waits until I'm recovered from surgery, and ideally not before 37 weeks.
Oh my goodness noel, I can't find the right words. I have faith in your full recovery. You and your family are in my thoughts.
Noel, I'm usually a lurker in here, but just wanted to say that I am so sorry you are going through all this. I'm thinking of you and your family and sending you healing vibes for a full recovery.
Noel - so sorry to hear your news. My heart goes out to you, your baby and family.
Noel, I am so sorry to read your update. I was hoping you'd be told it was not cancer. I have no doubt that you will recover fully from this. You are a very strong woman. I will be thinking of you and your family and sending you all positive thoughts for Monday.
Oh, Noel! I'm so sorry to hear you aren't in that 3% :(sad I, too, have faith in your recovery - you are such a strong woman, truly an inspiration. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Hugs and dust and anything else I can muster your way. I'll say an extra prayer on Monday - you'll be at the forefront of my thoughts. As for the mucous plug - I just googled it to see what it looks like. My mom says hers looked like a shrimp in the toilet! Hoping your little girl bakes til at least 37 weeks...
Noel I'm so sorry :blackeye: My thoughts are with you.
Noel: I am so very sorry to hear your news. **prayers for you and your family**
noel, i am so sorry. my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Noel - I am just lurking here, but I wanted to tell you that I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sounds like you have a solid plan moving forward but I am sure it's all very scary and overwhelming. Truck loads of T&P for you and your LO!
Noel, I'm not quite on this thread yet, but read regularly, and I want to send you all my best wishes and prayers as you move forward with your treatment. Thinking of you and your husband.
Noel- I will be thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery.
Noel, thinking of you and your family.
Noel Good lord woman, I am so sorry. I will be holding onto faith here for you until your baby is born and you are able to move forward with your own health! {{HUGS}} galore!


At the risk of seeming insensitve, I'm gonna trundle on with pregnancy chat, since hopefully our blather will deistract dear Noel!

So I am 6 weeks along now and feeling... well, totally normal! I feel like this pregnancy is so different from my last. In my last, I had lots of symptoms I don't have this time, like lots of watery CF, heart burn, mild evening nausea, and this time all I am is tired! It is so strange. I cannot help but wonder if maybe something is wrong :blackeye: I know it is stilly, but still I wonder. My first midwife appointment in next Tuesday so maybe she will have some reassurance for me.

I should not complain. Hunter is a total maniac right now -- sick for 3 weeks, can't go to daycare, clingy and crazy and demanding. Typical toddler. I am lucky to only be tired!
Noel I am a lurker too. I have you and your family in my prayers; sending lots of strong healing vibes your way. hugs.
noel, another lurker sending you some positive thoughts. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Dreamer_D|1290111928|2771726 said:
So I am 6 weeks along now and feeling... well, totally normal! I feel like this pregnancy is so different from my last. In my last, I had lots of symptoms I don't have this time, like lots of watery CF, heart burn, mild evening nausea, and this time all I am is tired! It is so strange. I cannot help but wonder if maybe something is wrong :blackeye: I know it is stilly, but still I wonder. My first midwife appointment in next Tuesday so maybe she will have some reassurance for me.

First off I wanted to throw a shout out to noel quick! I know you can get through it :) My mom has had more than her fair share of dealing with breast cancer and is an energetic old lady today! You just have to go day by day *hug*

Secondly, DD, I've had all the same symptoms you did (although this is my first). I hardly had any nausea and just am EXHAUSTED all the freaking time!! My babe is doin just fine, I'm sure yours is too :)) I know this is gross but I just sneezed and I'm so exhausted that I just said screw it and used my shirt sleeve instead, I'll change before DH gets home hahah

Tonight we are braving the midnight showing of Harry Potter. I'm taking a big nap before hand but after 10 years of being a loyal fan, I couldn't just miss out on the last midnight showings!! I'll be getting a sitter for the second part of the movie this summer :naughty:
Noel - I am so sorry you are going thru this. I wish you a speedy recovery and will be thinking of you. Big HUGS!

Dreamer - this pregnancy was the same for me....I had no symptoms at all during the 1st tri expect exhaustion. Maybe it's a girl ;))
Noel - I'm so, so sorry that you are having to deal with this. Like everyone else, I am so impressed by your strength in dealing with this. If you feel like you need to share more or vent away, please do, either here or in another thread. I can't imagine the mix of emotions that you must be feeling right now. My thoughts are with you, DH and your LO.
noel, i am so sorry that you are having to go through this. i admire your strength and your positive attitude. it is true that you will have this amazing gift of new life to help you get through it, but no woman should have to deal with this. best wishes and you're in my thoughts.
Oh Noel, I am so sorry to hear this news. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, and I will be wishing you a speedy recovery.
noel: There are no words :blackeye:
Noel~ With your permission, I'd like to start a thread dedicated to prayers and support for you. I don't want to overstep boundaries and I understand if you're very private, but I really would like to start one.

You and your baby and your family are in my prayers. I do believe God will see you through this. So many hugs to you.
:blackeye: Noel - I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.