
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Noel I am just seeing this now as I am never on this forum, but somehow came today by accident. You have an awesome attitude and I am really sorry to hear you have that dx just at this time. I had a brush with breast cancer - turned out not to have it, just some bad cells but anyway I spent a LOOONNG time in the Stanford cancer center while they figured it out. Have you considered getting the genetic test for the BRCA 1,2 mutations? It comes to my mind as you are very young for bc. If you did have a postive genetic result it could affect the decision about your treatment plan. Just throwing this out there.

Wishing you all the very best and the excitement of your new baby soon arriving!
Noel, I'm so sorry to hear your news. :blackeye: My thoughts are with you and your family.
Noel- I am so so sorry you have to go through this. I will keep you and your precious little girl in my prayers.
Noel: I wish no one had to go through this,especially with a little one on the way. The strength and poise you express though your posts is incredible. I'm sure both your new diagnosis and the upcoming birth of your little girl bring a whole new outlook on life. Many hugs, prayers, and love coming your way.
Noel -- I am so sorry for your diagnosis. I find your strength and attitude amazing. My thoughts are with your family.
Hugs Noel. My thoughts are with you sweetie.
So sorry Noel...
Noel, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope your little girl gives you much joy during your speedy recovery. Sending you lots of positive vibes across the ocean!
Words sometimes fail... I'm so sorry Noel. My best to you and yours during this bittersweet time.
oh ladies, thanks for all your kinds words, but I really don't want this thread to be about me, so please go on discussing pregnancy stuff like Dreamer_D and random_thought (and, yes, I need the distraction). of course as this is a big part of my life now and for a while to come, my posts will be affected by the breast cancer and how that affects my pregnant life and life with a new baby, so if everyone can just understand that, it's all I ask. like I said, I will always try to keep it relevant.

somethingshiny - I appreciate your offer, but I prefer not to have a thread just about me. I just want to be part of the gang.

- - -

AFM, another long day at the hospital, preparing for Monday. they hooked me up to fetal heart rate monitor, which measured the baby's heart rate, her movement and my BH contractions. the first 45 min we did it, they found she was too active and that her heart rate was averaging too high, so they sent me away to meet with other doctors. later in the evening, her heart rate was averaging lower, which was what they wanted to see. we are worried about the effect general anesthesia will have on the baby as it will cross the placenta and also put the baby to sleep, but the anesthesiologist told us (after consulting the gynaecologist) that it is not possible for the baby to overdose. when you overdose, you stop breathing. however, as the baby doesn't breathe but gets oxygen from my blood, they just need to monitor my heart rate and blood pressure and not the baby during the procedure. they believe if the mom is doing fine, then the baby is well. so they will monitor the baby's heart rate directly before and after surgery. also, they said it is possible, though not likely, that labor might be brought on, but as the operation is only an hour, there is no way that the baby would suddenly need to come out. instead, I would later wake up with contractions and go into labor. I know we have lots of medical ladies on the thread, so I'm not sure if what they tell me is generally accepted (and I am not asking for medical opinions), but I feel fine about it. and as long as I feel comfortable, then that's what matters.

we also had a quick ultrasound done, and apparently everything looks great. baby is somewhat engaged, but not fully. doctor said no need to measure the baby. and the best part: we saw on the u/s that our baby has hair! I didn't know you could see that in 2D.
Lynnie - I found some of my mucus plug while I was cleaning my vageegee (don't ask me why I'm calling it that... DH got me started) in the shower and it got stuck on my fingers. it was just like really thick, unbreakable snot. apparently the body continues making it so I guess there could be more to come.
Noel~ I understand. I have a cousin who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer during her pregnancy. She had it removed and then had to wait for radiation until after the birth. She actually couldn't go near the baby due to the radiation and I know it just broke her heart. But, all is well now. She's very healthy and has 4 children to chase around! I pray that your experience is at least as positive as hers. As for the snot, I lost my plug the day of my c-section. I was wiping and it just kept coming. Then I saw a hunk of it in the potty. I know, really gross! I never saw my plug with JT so I was really surprised and had to examine it a bit. lol

I still peruse this thread nearly every day and I'm glad that so many of you are having great scans and finding out genders!
Noel - sending you lots of strength and prayers for a quick recovery! Yes, please do keep us posted - there are so many people who care about you and your little one! I am so thrilled to hear that your little girl is doing well. Wow, hair? Amazing! At our ultrasound yesterday, we got to see her little face and it looked like she was talking and smiling! I know she was just swallowing fluid but it was so cute! I love hearing your excitement through your posts when you write about your little princess.

On another note, when is everyone taking maternity leave? 2 weeks before the due date? 3 weeks before the due date?

And is there going to be anyone except DH in the delivery room? I kind of want my mom to be there so she can share the experience. I wonder if anyone had any stories/experiences to share! :wavey:
Hey preggos! :wavey: To honor Noel's wishes (who, by the way, I am sending you a huge hug and will pray for you and a safe delivery and surgery), I'm going to move on to preggo talk.

Bliss -- I'm working up until the day I deliver! I only get 6 weeks (at 60% pay too!), so I would rather have that time with my baby, personally. You must have a good insurance/work plan! I'm realizing more and more that my mat leave plan sucks. And I'm only having DH in the delivery room with me. That's an experience I'm not up for sharing, but that's just me.

noel -- mucus plug?!? Oh my goodness. Like Lynnie (was it Lynnie?), I googled to see what it looked like. Glad I did that too. It's amazing all of these weird little things I'm finding out!

HOU -- I'm going to Holly Lake for Thanksgiving, and I was scared Bobo would tell me not to. She said it wasn't a problem at all. I figure people that live out there drive out to Tyler to deliver? Is there any other hospital around you could have a baby at? Also, do you know if she has any children? I'm dying to ask her, but haven't. She mentioned that she has a bf, which I didn't know either!

No bellies today? I don't have a cute outfit on, otherwise I'd post one.

So I had my first internal exam yesterday. :eek: It wasn't nearly as bad as my gf's in real life led me to believe. It was about like having a pap smear, just slightly more uncomfortable since things are tight in there. My friends told me the docs put their hands/arms up in there, which my doc didn't do. WARNING: this is TMI, but I wish I had known about it sooner. Most docs will also do a quick swab of your b-hole to check for bacteria. I was reading one of those weekly Baby Center updates in the waiting room and read about it. Thank god or I would have been more startled. It didn't hurt at all and was quick and not too terribly invasive. Hee hee! :o Anyway, I'm at weekly checks from here until the critter is born! She's inducing me on Dec 20th, so little Anderson will be here in 4 weeks and 2 days at the latest! I can't believe it!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Did anyone get a flu shot? I got mine 2 days ago, and aside from it hurting my arm a bunch, it made me feel super achy all over. It was almost like I had a mini flu...I know it's an urban legend that you get the flu from the shot, but boy, it seemed to feel like it. Very strange, but I'm all better now.
many good thoughts your way noel
Lanie - Wow, you're so close! Can't wait for all the December babies!!! Are you being induced before your due date? Did the dr say why?
Lanie! You are smart and strong! I'm with you on wanting to be with baby as much as possible! I would rather maximize my time with her rather than waste it sitting around waiting! Heehee. I kind of wish I knew which day it would be! You're so lucky! :wavey: I plan on taking 3-4 months off depending on how stir crazy I get. Oh, and I agree with you on the woes of American maternity leave options. It's insane! I would love to take a YEAR off for maternity leave! How cool would that be? I'm lucky enough to work for a great company that is letting me stay on with full time status while working only 2 days a week during my pregnancy and after until I want to go full time again. So with that schedule, I'm pretty happy with dipping my toes back into work after giving birth... since I'll have 5 days off a week, that sounds doable right now and into the future. Watch me freak out after the baby's born and want to stay with her 24/7, though! :love: I can totally see that happening!

And THANK YOU for the warning about the internal exam! Wow! Now I know what to expect! So glad yours went so well, too! I am SOOOO happy for you! December 20th is SO close! I am so excited for you!!!!! Can you believe it? Is it real for you, yet? :appl: Oh, you will have a precious amazing miracle just in time for the holidays! That is an amazing gift!

Lanie, I got the flu shot a couple of weeks ago and I did feel under the weather the first 2-3 days. I don't know if it was my imagination or not, either! We get so many germs in our city everywhere I figured I'd rather have it than stay inside paranoid about the swine flu or regular flu. I know it's not 100% but at least it makes me feel better. :read:

Hope everyone's doing well!

Thinking of you, Noel and sending some more hugs your way. Isn't it amazing that soon we're all going to have these little bebes? The stork is going to be very busy in the coming months!!!
Re: 35w5d

noelwr|1290101126|2771418 said:
went to the hospital today and it was confirmed from my tissue sample that I do have breast cancer and need surgery. all the doctors are advising that I get a mastectomy (breast amputation) due to my young age and the likelihood of recurrence. as this is the only thing they are basing this advice on (right now they can't even tell me the stage of the cancer and they can't do an MRI to see how big the tumor really is), I don't agree with them and have opted for a lumpectomy with radiation and chemotherapy instead. my surgery will be on Monday, while I'm pregnant, and the treatments to start 2 weeks after birth. I will stay in the hospital 2-4 days, recovering in the maternity ward, where they will monitor the baby. then I can go home and wait for labor to begin naturally, though maybe at 40 weeks they might decide to induce as they don't want to put off radiation/chemo for too long.

there of course is more to the story, but this is a pregnancy thread so I don't want to get too much off topic.

regarding my pregnancy, I lost some of my mucus plug today. :o it wasn't bloody, and I know that it means that labor could still be weeks away, but I really hope she waits until I'm recovered from surgery, and ideally not before 37 weeks.

Noel, I pray with all my heart that everything turns out ok for you!
Lanie!! You got your first internal, too??

So yesterday I went to what I thought was a regular belly check/weight check. And I knew they were gonna do the strep-b thing, too (swab the vag and b-hole, like Lanie said). I didn't know she was gonna check for dilation and effacement, though. It really hurt!! It felt like she was putting half her arm in me!! :eek: :eek:
It didn't last too long, thankfully. But whilst she's in there, she gets this 'OMG' look on her face, and she says "Wow... I can't believe how low his head is! You're already 80% effaced, 2cm dilated, the cervix is very soft, and the head's low and at -2 station." Then she goes on to predict that I'll go into labor a week early. :o She thinks the reason my belly's measuring behind is because the baby's head is so low. My belly's still 33 when it should be close to 36 now. I guess this explains why I feel like I wanna wrap an ace bandage around my crotch like a diaper, too :twirl: And why (sorry TMI) BDing hasn't been happening as of late b/c it's so dang uncomfortable.
Lanie - I wonder if mine hurt more because I'm (at the risk of sounding like a skank!) softer and more open?? They said you're still pretty closed up? Mine was way more uncomfortable than a pap with the metal opener thingie - that usually doesn't bother me much at all.

Noel - Yay for hair!! Glad your LO's doing well! Haha at vageegee... my DH likes hoochie coochie! Oh, men!!

Bliss - my last shift is Dec 5th, 2 weeks before the due date (12/19). But I'm using up the remainder of my personal and holiday time (which I have to use or lose by the end of the year anyway), before the 19th. Then the STD kicks in, but I have to use all my sick time first. I'm taking the full 12 weeks FMLA allows. 6 weeks will be fully paid, 6 weeks will be partial (using up ALL my banked vacay time :(( ).
I think it's just gonna be me and DH in the delivery room.

Icekid - how ya doin??? You're at 38 weeks now, right??

I'm not doing a 36w appt, because of the holiday. My next appt will be 11/30, at 37w2d. Now I'm freaking out that I'll have the baby by 12/12, so I just went on a shopping binge for all the stuff I've been putting off!! Shopping is always a nice de-stresser!! :bigsmile:
LV -- I know! There will be a lot of little bebes very soon! I can't wait to see them all, and I also can't wait to see the order everyone delivers! My doctor will induce electively at 39 weeks. I don't know why, since a lot of docs won't. So it will be 2 days before my due date, so it's no big deal. I know a lot of people are against induction before due date, but a)I don't want to be in the hospital Christmas day, b) she won't deliver me if it's any later and I don't want some random doc and c) I need to have him born as early into my Christmas break as I can so he can be older going into daycare. He'll already be a little peanut, and I want him to be as old as he can be going in.

Lynnie -- I can't believe you are 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated?!?!? That's so crazy. I'd be flipping out if I were you and packing my hospital bag! But then again, I've heard women walk around dilated for weeks sometimes. And she told me the reason she didn't go all up in my stuff is because she could see my cervix just fine. Don't know if that means I'm low too? Maybe I'm a skank too! But she said I'm not dilated at all and no where near having the baby at this point. DTD hurts for me too. But I'm trying to barrel through it bc I know it will be awhile before we can DTD after the birth. :cheeky:

OK I changed clothes and here's my Friday BFP. I feel huge, officially. :tongue:

35 weeks.jpg
Noel, I am so sorry to hear that it's for sure, but I am so glad that you seem to be maintaining your great attitude about the whole thing. I promise to do my best to help maintain the "normal" around here for you - I wouldn't want a big pity party, either! :bigsmile: Just know that I will be sending love and prayers your way, and I'll be a part of the conversation whenver you feel like talking about your journey, but for now I will charge on with the preggo stuff!! :bigsmile: Wow, mucus plug, eh??? Can't believe it's getting so close!!! Your sweet baby girl will be in your arms very soon. What a blessing!! I love that you got to see that she has hair, hehe!! When we had our 3D the ultrasonagrapher looked for hair and said "nope, she doesn't have much hair" which isn't a surprise because apparently I was practically bald until I was 2, LOL.

Lanie - OMG, can you believe he'll be here in 4 weeks max?!?! WOW!! So Bobo is just inducing you a teensy bit early at your preference to get it done before Xmas? That's cool. I think she's got a good balance between convenience and doing what's best for you/baby (i.e. not inducing until 39 weeks, but being willing to do so after that point even if only for convenience sake). I don't know if she has kids or not - I've wondered too!! I thought she was married, but you're saying she has a bf?? Hmmm!! Innnneresting!! You look absolutely fabulous, btw!! Not huge at all, just a perfect little basketball bump!! :bigsmile: Oh, and I'm headed up to East Texas (Mineola) for Thanksgiving too! :appl: Bobo didn't tell me not to travel either (but then again, I'm only 30 weeks right now). If you happen to need a hospital while you're there, I would go to Mother Frances in Tyler or Good Shepherd in Longview - they are both about the same distance from Holly Lake. One bonus that Good Shepherd has is that there are 2 neonatologists on staff just in case!!

Lynnie - WOW!! You may have a baby in your arms sooner than you expect!! That's pretty cool!! :bigsmile: I am thoroughly convinced that us ladies who spend a lot of time on our feet tend to go into labor sooner (most of the residents I've know have gone on the early side of things). Which is why I'm a little surprised IceKid hasn't popped yet!! :naughty: LMAO @ the ACE bandage comment - that does sound pretty awesome right about now! LOL!

Bliss - hello mama! :) To answer your question re: leave, I'm planning on working every single day until I go into labor. Like Lynnie, I've got a certain amount of leave (I'll have 4 weeks completely off, and another 4 on independent research that's from home except for one half day per week), and if I start using it before baby comes, I get less time after she's here. So I will be waddling into work...I'm just hoping my clothing doesn't look obscene by then! LOL! When are you due again?? I checked the "preggos in waiting" list to find out and you aren't on there!


I'm so excited for the baby boom we're about to have around here!! :appl: :love: :appl:

AFM, 30 weeks today!! Yay! Can't believe only 7 more weeks till I'm full term. Really excited for my appointment on Monday because we're doing an ultrasound to check her size (since she was measuring 1 week 4 days ahead at our 3D!)
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: So excited for all these gorgeous winter babies to be born!!!!!! Huge hugs to all you mamas!!!!!!!

Noelwr-You have many ladies here (me included!) who love you and your little bean. You are truly in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that Monday goes smoothly for you and your little munchkin!

Wow-I am jealous of all you ladies with paid leave (I'm still not PG so this doesn't apply to me yet) but I get 0 paid time off. I can take the 12 weeks of FMLA, but of course it's not paid and my company is really not supportive of that and is not big on flexible returns to work...sigh...I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!
Bliss We get 12 months paid leave in Canada through the gov't though the funding we get from the gov't is minimal (I think $1600 per month), but my job and other jobs with good benefits do top ups -- I get 10 months at 95% of my salary or something like that. I plan to work until I give birth BUT I do not teach in the summer, so in reality my work will be pretty laid back for the last two months of my pregnancy and also for the first two months I am back after leave. I found that the last month of pregnancy was pretty rough last time, and though I hope for better this time around, I would not plan to do anything too strenuous.

Still, 12 months is a long time on leave I think. I did 10 months last time around and it was about right, I was ready for some "me" time at that point ;)) This time, we planned it so our baby would be born in the summer because it worked best for my work, but it looks like the most likely time for daycare to come available will be at the full 12 month mark. So I may be taking 12 months after all!

The interesting thing is that the norm by far in Canada is to take the full 12 months because most companies prefer that -- they will hire a one year contract position. It is just so common. Smaller companies will often shuffle people to cover. But the job or equivalent rank/salary is supposed to be there for you when you come back.
noel- Thinking of you tons! You are so brave. Your little girl will come through fine from the anesthesia. You are doing a great job of taking care of both you and your beautiful baby.

Bliss- Glad to see you, girl! I'm going to work until labor too, unfortunately. I am limited to 12 weeks, so working until the last minute allows me more time with my little guy after he is born.

Lanie- I got the flu shot a couple months ago with no problems except for a sore arm. It DOES cause an inflammatory reaction (thus the painful arm) but as you know, not the actual flu. You look great! Still a cute little belly, despite the huge feeling.

Lynnie- Yep 38!! I seriously could have written your cervix report verbatim- at 37, I was 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, head is WAY low and that is why my belly is measuring small (because the baby is sure not by ultrasound!). That is so funny. Maybe it has to do with our jobs and being on our feet all day. Yay for our favorable cervixes :appl: Oh, and getting checked is quite uncomfortable for me too! Can't wait for that epidural so I cannot feel them anymore hahaha.

HMG- I cannot believe how far along we ALL are. Time flies when you do nothing but work? hehe. I am sooo not jealous of you having to get dressed up everyday while preggo for work. I totally do not have nearly enough maternity clothes to do that. Wearing scrubs nearly everyday certainly saved me some cash on maternity clothes!

I finished my two weeks of OB nights!! This is something that had been dreaded pretty much since I knew about the pregnancy, and getting to this point and being DONE is pretty amazing. Hopefully the upcoming week or two of work will not be too awful.

And as I mentioned to Lynnie above, and my appt during the week I was 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, super soft cervix and head already firmly wedged into the appropriate position :tongue: Next week we'll try the super fun membrane sweep. Doc said I could go into labor at any moment... OR, we could be having the exact same conversation in two weeks. I love love love my OB... :love: My group has a cross-covering group over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and she gave me her cell # and told me to call if I am in labor then and she will come in for my delivery. There are not many doctors out there these days who would do that!

And.... if my little man has not arrived by Thanksgiving, we're going to schedule an induction for between 39-40 weeks since my cervix is extremely favorable. Since I am 38 now, ummmm.... this baby's arrival is not far off :o :o Now, I will say the slightly early induction is completely my choice and one that she is giving me only because my cervix is so clearly ready. And it will probably make labor more unpleasant (pitocin contractions really are awful), but the upside to knowing my last day of work makes it worth it.

I'm going to do some walking today and tomorrow and see if I can't get my body to do a little more of the work before actual labor arrives. It would be kind of fabulous if he is here by Thanksgiving, because my parents are coming and my mom would die of happiness to be here so close to his birth. One of my OB resident buddies recommended castor oil, but uhhh, no thanks.

I am using up a lot of vacation time for maternity leave too... sigh. It will make for a lovely last year of residency :rolleyes: Oh well! I do get 8 paid weeks, which is pretty reasonable.
IceKid - I bet Jumper will be here in no time!!! :bigsmile: Ahhh I'm so excited!!!! Good luck with the walking - hope it does the trick!! You could try a little horizontal tango too, if you're not too uncomfortable. :naughty: Yeah, wearing decent work clothes every day has been a bit of a challenge, but I just got 3 good pairs of work pants and 5-6 comfy yet work-appropriate knit shirts, and that's pretty much all I ever wear, LOL. Not much variety, but it works!! Soooooo glad you're done with your OB you can cruise on into maternity leave!! Yaaay!!

Dreamer - I am sooooo jealous of your nice long leave!! I think 3 or 4 months would probably be ideal for me....but I'm going to enjoy every bit of my 8 weeks and then go back and get this residency OVER WITH!! Only 3 more months after mat leave till I'm done...then I have a month off for us to move to the country and start my fabulous new job. :)

Bella - booooo for your work not giving you any paid time!! Unfortunately, I think that is super common here in the US. I hope that once you do need the leave, they are willing to work with you and at the very least guarantee an easy re-entry after your FMLA time. How's the adoption coming along??


One day late for BPF, but here's me at 30 weeks! :) Will also post my 24 week pic (below the 30 week) wearing the same shirt....not a whole lot of change over those 6 weeks, but I can tell some difference (and I can definitely FEEL the difference!) I think it's funny how my belly has a flat spot where my belly button is - it's because I have always had little fat pouches above and below my belly button, and my belly button is usually super deep (which also explains why it hasn't become an outie yet!)

24 weeks.jpg

30 weeks.JPG
I just wanted to stop in and do a little happy dance because I am finally in the 2nd trimester!!! Screw you morning sickness and fatigue! You can just go jump off a cliff!!!
Lanie - You look great!! Yeah, I kinda freaked out when she told me how close I'm getting, but I gotta remember that yes, people walk around dilated for weeks. It just makes it all that much more real, though! Wow, that's awesome that they'll induce you!! What a Christmas present you'll have... Man, I can't believe a bunch of us will be MOMMIES before the new year!! Oh, and mad props to you for still BDing. The last time we did was like 2 or 3 weeks ago... and my vageegee hurt so bad for the following day or so! Ugh... But, DH is still - um - satisfied, if you catch my drift :naughty: :oops: I figure it's the least I can do since he is my fetcher/cooker/cleaner these days!! :oops: I can't believe I just typed that!!

Icekid - That IS too funny about our twin cervixes :lol: But you're two weeks further along than me!! I hope mine doesn't progress too quickly! It must be all the running and long hours. That's awesome about your OB, too. Mine asked me to have a conversation with the baby, and tell him to come out on 12/15 or 12/16, since she'll be there at the hospital those days. But honestly, the other drs are a bit more personable than she is, so I guess it doesn't really matter... EW to castor oil! But, don't you need only a teaspoon or so? Could you mix it with something?? Best of luck, Jumper will be here before you know it!!! And I can't WAIT to hear about his grand entrance!!!

Houie - Looking good, mama!! Ha, my belly button is super deep, too, and still hasn't popped. I don't think it will, either!

Dreamer - Add me to the list of being jealous of our Canadian neighbors!! I think 6 months off would be nice. I think babies really develop their personalities between 3 & 6 months, and I'd hate to miss those really important milestones.

RT - yay for the 2nd trimester!! What a relief to be outta the woods, as far as chances of m/c!! I thought you didn't have nausea, though?

AFM - DH and I had our Childbearing class today. I wasn't all that impressed, though. Maybe it's because I've read 6 or 7 books on pregnancy, but I feel like I didn't learn anything new. The tour of the hospital was nice. There was one girl there that kept asking the dumbest questions, too, and she took up a lot of the class's time :rolleyes:

Just snapped this... 35w6d!!

Lynnie - you're looking great, mama!! :appl: :appl: :appl: We had our hospital tour today too! Our childbirth classes are once weekly (Monday nights) for 5 weeks (have had one so far). Hospital tour was cool, got me really excited and wishing I could push a fast forward button to my due date!! :)

RT - congrats on 2nd tri!!

Lanie - did you decide on St. Luke's or Methodist?? We did the Luke's tour today. I am happy with our decision to deliver there - being literally connected to TCH by a hallway (and having the NICU team come to my delivery if needed) really makes me feel good. The rooms were nice and as the nurses were talking to us I got a real sense of their emphasis on family-centered care, and they also emphasized the importance of thinking about/filling out a birth plan and their respect for mom's plans.


Question: anyone planning to go unmedicated?? I have no problem with the idea of having an epidural, and until recently was pretty certain I would have one. However, as of late, I have been getting tempted to go unmedicated (or at least try it with the knowledge that I can get an epi if I change my mind before it's too late). Bought Ina May's book at B&N tonight and so far reading it has gotten me more and more excited about the possibility of going au natural. Thoughts??
HOUMedGal|1290303254|2774307 said:
Question: anyone planning to go unmedicated?? I have no problem with the idea of having an epidural, and until recently was pretty certain I would have one. However, as of late, I have been getting tempted to go unmedicated (or at least try it with the knowledge that I can get an epi if I change my mind before it's too late). Bought Ina May's book at B&N tonight and so far reading it has gotten me more and more excited about the possibility of going au natural. Thoughts??

I will be going without medication unless something necessitates it. Last time my water broke and I had meconium and a balloted baby (risk of cord prolapse) and labour did not start so I was induced and laboured with pitocin for 6 hours. But when I did not progress and they told me I could no longer walk around/bounce on my ball to manage the pain (they could not monitor Hunter's HR easily enough with me moving around) I lost it and got the epi and it was a much needed. Anyways, the epi was very very nice and well done so I could still feel enough to know when to push and resulted in a vaginal birth with no tearing, my goal. So I was happy in the end. Still, I would have preferred a wholly natural labour and am hoping for that this time around.

Labour is really hard work but if you have some help in managing the pain I did nto find is overwhelming. Laying on your back makes the pain horrendous, so that is a problem I think many women encounter -- sitting up, standing up, walking all made it easier but laying down made me vomit from the pain :rolleyes: But on the whole I found it to be a powerful and amazing experience and I am looking forward to labouring naturally this time. I feel like at the end of the natural portion of the labour I figured out how to manage the pain, and I would like to try that again.

I think if you go au natural you should hirea doula. You cannot prepare in advance for labour really, you cannot think rationally in the moment about how to manage the pain, and so having someone there to say "Let's try this!" is a lifesaver. Someone confident to guide you is totally necessary in my opinion.

If you want to do it I totally think you should! Why not? PLan for it, and then if the times comes and you feel like it is too much, you can change your plan. Nothing is in stone.
Laila! YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I join the skank club? I want to progress as well as you and Lynnie are when it's closer to the due date! Oh, you are brave to be DTD and I wish we were more like you two. DH and I are too scared to DTD and there are times when I even get huffy because he won't. He's so traumatized from the last time when I got cramps after... but then he'll seem like he's changing his mind and then I get scared and shut it down! We were like rabbits before the pregnancy and suddenly we're at zero! I feel like it will also be uncomfortable but maybe we're just not being creative enough! :naughty:

Lynnie!!! Oh how wonderful! You are progressing so well! I would LOVE to have more insight about where around the due date I'll deliver! And how AWESOME that the baby's head is where it should be! :appl: Squee!!!! So close! It sounds like you are all set to go. I am SO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!! You look hawt with the glasses and updo!

HOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm due January 15th but who knows when the bebe will make her arrival known! I am so excited for us all! I was telling my mom the other day how miraculous it is that we'll all be giving birth around the same time. We were having a "OH MY GOSH, wasn't it this time last year that we were going through the mc?" And I just couldn't believe that it has been nearly a year! And to think - now, a year later we are celebrating a baby about to come into our world. It's so incredible and such a miracle. I'm so happy for us all. How blessed are we??? If I had known then what I know now... that the next year I'd be getting ready to have a little girl, I think that would have blown my mind! We've made it so far!!!!!!!!!! Not long now!!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!! LOVE YOUR BELLY! GORGEOUS! Your hair is so pretty and sassy! And like you, I do flirt with the idea of going unmedicated. We have an awesome hospital here JUST for unmedicated births with tons of support and zen. I often am tempted to go that route but then I'd have a whole different team of doctors and nurses plus doula... and I love my OB! I am also scared that once down that path, I will want to turn back but then it'll be too late!

Awww, BELLA!!!! BELLA BELLA BELLA! HI HI HI HI HI!!!!! (((HUGS))) Yes, we should all move to Canada! I did always love Vancouver.... :naughty: We'll go to Canada, have our babies and go skiing afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or let's go to France!!!!!! When I think about how it is all over the world, I feel like parts of our world are still in the Dark Ages. But then again, we are blessed to have what we do possess in terms of rights and etc. Even so, maternity leave and healthcare in general is in a sorry state. Every time I go to the doctor or have something done, it's so easy and costs nothing. Then I get the bill and see how much they billed my insurance; it truly makes me wonder, "How in the world do people without healthcare have babies at all??!??" It just costs so much and it seems so unfair that so many of us have the best care and then others do not. Makes me :angryfire: !

Dreamer!!!! I love Canada... I would like to move there. Now! DH's favorite city is Toronto, after all. Mostly, I just LOVE that it's a GIVEN that women should have a year to bond and care for their babies. I just like it in principle... it's so much more respectful of women and of families. If once the baby is born I feel like she needs me more, I won't hesitate to quit. Right now, I'm just taking it day by day and seeing how I feel. But gosh, to have a year as a given while you THINK about it... SOUNDS SO PERFECT!

Icekid!!!!! ICEKID!!!! How are you doing? So glad to hear from you! I agree! I want to maximize my time with bebe. But then again, I have heard that the last stretch before the due date is pretty tough. I guess I'll just take it day by day. Anyway, isn't being active helpful to labor? YAY for no more OB nights!!!!! :appl: All you ladies with awesome cervices... I hope my cervix is as cooperative as yours, Lynnie's and Laila's when the time comes!

Random_thought! HOORAY FOR YOUR SECOND TRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Won't be long before you start feeling those marvelous kicks and nudges!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! I still have some morning sickness in my third tri so I envy you!!!

Dreamer!!! Thanks for the tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so generous with your knowledge and experience... so grateful to have you here! So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, #2! Can you believe it????

Noel - thinking of you!!!!!!!

So things are going well! Last week when I went to the OB, he said bebe was measuring just under 33 weeks. She was SO cute! She has completely changed position and now pokes her BUTT out at me on my left side. Her head is wedged near my bladder. Lovely! Like Noel's little girl - my little baby loves to be touched and massaged! She will very often POKE her little foot out for me to rub it! And she will leave it there for me or DH to rub! It is the most fun game ever! And if we don't rub it, she KICKS! DH says she's already Daddy's little princess with her demands of, "RUB MY FEET!" Sometimes she burrows down and sticks her little torso with butt out - waaaay out so it looks like a big burrito is sticking out of my side. I cup it and rub her bum and she just leaves it there. Maybe she finds it comforting? It is SO funny and cute! I love her so much.

She is non-stop kicking, swimming, poking, tapping... breakdancing. I think we're going to have a handful of a bebe when she comes out. She's going to be a handful... I can tell! Sometimes it feels like she's knocking in there... boom boom boom like she's beating a drum. It's rhythmic! Anyone else's bebes do this? Does she think my bladder is a drum? :wacko: Sometimes it kind of hurts and I have to change positions to gently nudge her away. I cannot BELIEVE how far up my torso I can feel her! I mean, little nudges and kicks right under my boob line! How big is my uterus now, anyway? Geez!!!! HUGE???? I reach down and feel the little knobby hand or foot and rub it... She is SO FUNNY in that she leaves it there! I thought most babies remove the appendage when touched/rubbed. Ours kind of ASKS for it... little stinker! :love:

What is UP with the linea nigra??!?!?! I wonder why evolution or basic human biology made it so? What is the purpose of a tan line going up and down my belly? Why, God? It would be nice to know it had some useful purpose! :wavey: The CF tsunami is still a category 5 storm at times. Lovely! LOLOLOLOL... this pregnancy is really a funny amazing thing. My body has changed so much! Well, my belly has changed so much! No stretch marks yet but I figured if they come, they'll come. I don't think creams or anything will change that. My mom didn't have any but who knows what my genetics will hold for me... I'm sure I'll also blow up now that I'm in the third tri and am waiting for this to happen any day now. I feel HUGE! It's awesome but I kind of wish it was summer. Wearing a big coat with skinny legs sticking out makes me feel like a giant Willy Wonka lollipop! Hehehehehe.

Gosh, time flies. I cannot believe that in a month or two we will have a little one of our own. I cannot wait to see her little face. I often daydream about what she'll look like. I just want to cuddle and love her right now! I want to kiss her little face and tiny feet...uncurl her little fists... look at her little fingers... pat her bum... hold her tight.... talk to her... stare at her... sing her songs...smell her baby smell... hear her little coos and grunts...and love her. Ohhhhh, waiting is so hard! I already have dreams I'm breastfeeding her and it just feels like I got hit by a tidal wave of gooey mushy love. I can't wait to see DH holding her and see him fall under her spell... :love: I'm sure we will see tough sleep deprived nights and zombie days but I still can't wait!

Big hugs and love to my preggies!!!! :love: :love: