
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Noel, I am so, so sorry. I am thinking of you.

I just found out that I am pregnant - 3 weeks 4 days. We are very excited. I had really been planning on doing a better job of watching my weight this pregnancy, but damn I forgot how hungry you can feel in the first tri. I felt like a bottomless pit yesterday, which is what prompted me to test (same thing happened the day I got my BFP with George). I ate half of a deep dish pizza for dinner and am already hungry for something else. This really does not bode well. :lol:
Blenheim|1290307554|2774368 said:
Noel, I am so, so sorry. I am thinking of you.

I just found out that I am pregnant - 3 weeks 4 days. We are very excited. I had really been planning on doing a better job of watching my weight this pregnancy, but damn I forgot how hungry you can feel in the first tri. I felt like a bottomless pit yesterday, which is what prompted me to test (same thing happened the day I got my BFP with George). I ate half of a deep dish pizza for dinner and am already hungry for something else. This really does not bode well. :lol:

Blen!! When are you due?? We will have our second babies like a couple weeks apart since I am 6w 1d! How much fun is that? Are you hoping for a girl this time around?

I too am trying not to gain 60lbs again :rolleyes: Since I was on weight watchers and lost 20lbs just before getting KU, I kept my membership online and switched to maintenance and then added 100cals as the recommend in the first tri. I am not being super strict, if I am hungry I am eating a little more, but for me it really helps to have a plan of sorts to keep track of what I eat. I am hoping to gain more like 35-40lbs this time. But que sera sera I suppose. Since I was dieting before and now I am not, it feels like I am gorging all te time :cheeky:
Oh, funny story.

I always go to bed before DH these days, and this morning Dh told me that when he came into the room last night I sat up and said, "Are you a girl or a boy?" and then I said, "Cuz its ok if you are." I must have been talking to the baby! I don't remember a thing.

I wish that I had told him the answer I got in my dream from the dream baby. I feel like maybe it would have been right.
Oh Blen Congrats!!
Blen and Dreamer- I'm so excited to have you two here!!
DD, I am excited that I will have you as my pregnancy buddy again. :D I don't really have a gender preference - it would be fun to have a girl, but I can also just picture George loving having a little brother (when they're not hating each other at least) and we already have all the boy stuff. We're going to keep it as a delivery surprise again this time around. What about you? Funny story about you talking in your sleep. I asked G if he wanted the baby to be a boy or a girl, and he yelled "boy no", so we're trying to figure out if he meant "boy! (wait, what's the one word I make it a point to say all day long?) no!" or "not a boy!" Because he clearly understood the question, you know.

I've been trying to tell myself that my body does not need half a pizza (etc) and just caved tonight. Must have more will power. So it's 100 extra cals per day right now? Good to know.

Tiffany - thanks for the welcome!
tiffanytwisted|1290310785|2774401 said:
Oh Blen Congrats!!
Blen and Dreamer- I'm so excited to have you two here!!

I am excited too Tiffany! We all TTC together for a while back in the day, and see how it all ended up!! :bigsmile: All three together here! How fun. How are you feeling? I cannot imagine being pregnant with twins, what an amazing and wild experience it must be.

Blen Yeah, supposedly 100 extra, which is like, NOTHING! haha! I am lucky I was dieting because in fact, now I am eating like 300-400 more cals per day and that really makes a difference to how much food you get to eat in a day. So it tricks me a little psychologically.

We will not find out the gender this time. I feel like you, I would like a girl a lot, but a boy would be easy because we have done it and we have all the stuff. So either way. I feel like last time I really knew what I was having -- I wanted a boy, we had a boy name (no girl name) and then we got that! This time, I do not feel any intuition yet. Were you guys trying? I thought you were waiting longer...

Today I bought maternity jeans. haha. My regular jeans bother my tummy! They are too big and fall down but man the stretchy belly feels gooooood.
DD - 100 cals really is nothing. Booooo.
I do not feel any intuition yet, but since my intuition failed me so badly last time, I don't think I would trust it anyways.
We weren't trying-trying (by which I mean charting and BD marathons), but we had decided just to stop using protection two cycles ago and see what happened. Both of us wanted to try from an emotional standpoint and wait from a financial standpoint (not in a bad financial situation now, just wanted 8 months expenses in savings and no car loan by the time the baby gets here which is no longer going to happen), and so we decided it was a decent compromise.
Noel, thinking of you, i hope you and your LO are doing ok...
Lynnie|1290293253|2774193 said:
RT - yay for the 2nd trimester!! What a relief to be outta the woods, as far as chances of m/c!! I thought you didn't have nausea, though?

I guess I sort of did? I had a little bit of nausea, but no was more like being VERY picky about what I wanted to eat and didn't want to eat but I never did get sick. I just felt the way I usually did when I didn't get enough to eat if that makes sense...

Thank you everyone else for the congrats! I hope I will be able to write more back to each of you individually but I have found that if I am on my computer for too long that I will get migraines so I have to be careful of that...I tend to just scan through everything right now.

Keep having a wonderful weekend everyone!
random_thought|1290276567|2774039 said:
I just wanted to stop in and do a little happy dance because I am finally in the 2nd trimester!!! Screw you morning sickness and fatigue! You can just go jump off a cliff!!!

Lol!! :lol: :lol:

I was just saying the same thing! It's like one day I woke up and just felt- normal. It's what i've been praying for!
So excited to have you here Blen!

regarding DTD, I can't remember when we last did! :oops: it just doesn't work logistically for us.

apparently my placenta is at the top of my uterus, so maybe that is why I haven't been kicked in the ribs the whole pregnancy.

well, you all already know how I feel about an unmedicated birth. for those who will try it, I admire your courage, ladies.
HOUie - even though you can't prepare for the pain because you don't know how bad it will be or if it will actually be manageable, you can prepare with having some breathing techniques handy (make sure to practice them before hand) and find out what type of positions other than lying on your back are possible. I also hope your birthing class covers massages that your husband can do on your back as many women seem to be greatly comforted by it. I can see your flat belly over your belly button. are you sure it's not just your tight abs?

Bliss - I got the linea negra, too, and it goes all the way up (which is supposed to mean a boy :rolleyes: ). I haven't even bothered buying a new winter coat. my belly is such a heater that I don't bother to button/zip up my coats. when are you going to share another BFP!?!

Lynnie - nice photo, and you look great in red! I totally hear ya on some dumb questions people ask. like: "How many times a week should I take the baby outside for a walk?" really, out of all the questions you can ask about feeding, sleeping, hygiene, this is the one you ask??? some parents act like there's a rule book or that whatever the instructor says is the only way it should be done. my birthing class teacher told us all that we should wake up the baby in the middle of the night to feed. I was like no way. then the lady who is going to come help us the first few days said you don't feed the baby between midnight and 6am so that she can learn a sleeping rhythm and I was like "Yay! Someone who wants to help me the way *I* want to do it!"

Lanie & icekid - wow, I can't believe that elective inductions are an option. that is such a NO-NO here without medical reasons. we have a very high fatality rate at birth in our country. I wonder if it's because they wait too long to induce.

Lanie - wouldn't it be crazy if Anderson and my little girl are born on the same day? from cycle, to preggo to birthday twins!

- - -

AFM, you know I'm having the surgery done tomorrow. just incase I get horrible bruises or scars or labor starts, I asked DH to take photos of me today. we did some bare belly and with belly band and this is the one I chose which I'm going to have blown up on canvas and hang in the nursery. (ETA: my lord, I look so huge compared to the rest of you ladies!)

Blen: Many happy congratulations, I hope you have a healthy happy 9 months! :appl:

Noel: Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. You look so beautiful with your bump, well done for thinking to do the preggo photos before surgery.
Noel~ So many prayers outgoing for you today! Your pic is beautiful!

hello, all!

Noel, thinking of you my dear. I hope all goes well.

I'm looking forward to "meeting" all of the new babies soon!!!!!!!
Just popping in to say:

Blen - Wow, congrats on the baby news! I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months!

Noel - I am so very sorry about the news, but I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. I love the pics, I think that will look lovely on the wall.

Bliss, Houie, Laila, Icekid and Lynnie - You ladies all look great and you are getting so close to the big day. I wish you all lots of luck and can't wait to meet your little pupmkins :bigsmile:

Random - Congrats on making it to the 2nd trimester. Enjoy the feeling good.

DD - Looks like you are rolling along just fine. When you get that ultrasound done, you will have to share the pics.
Ladies, we're all getting SO close! I'm so excited for all of us.

Lanie, Lynnie, icekid, Noel, and HOU, you all look beautiful! Love your bumps. :appl:

Noel, still thinking of you. Your latest photo is lovely and it will be so special to hang it in your daughter's nursery!

Random thought, yay for second tri!

As for me, I'm FULL TERM today!! 37 weeks :) Baby is moving around a ton and he/she still gets hiccups about once a day. I'm not having any internals done until 40 weeks (that's when the midwife starts them), so I have no idea how much progress I'm making. We'll have to wait and see! I missed BPF but have some pics to celebrate my full term status: one is the usual shot from the side and the other is from my point of view looking down at my big belly. Haven't seen my feet in a LONG time. ;)

The carseat is not getting installed until 38w6d, so I hope I don't go into labor before then. :errrr:


Forgot to share a pic of the five tiered diaper cake my friend made for me for my shower--isn't this cool? She is talented! I almost didn't want to take it apart! We've got a TON of size 1 diapers now though.

Delurking to send dust and prayers to Noelwr.
And love love your belly picture!
Noel, I love the pic - you look so beautiful. :bigsmile: Will be thinking about you during your surgery and sending all kinds of healthy healing vibes your way. Please let us know that you're all done and doing OK once you feel up to it!
Laila - I love that full term belly!!! Woohooo!! :appl: Not long now till that baby is snuggled up in your arms - how cool is that?!?!
Just wanted to say good luck to all the ladies with big bellies ready to pop! Its super exciting to meet the LO (and not be pregnant anymore.)

And congrats to the newly pregnant ones! Both the first timers and experienced ladies. How exciting!

Noel, wow, my thoughts are with you. Best wishes for speedy recovery and safe delivery of your little girl when the time comes.
Will post more tomorrow, but just wanted to make sure that you know we'll be thinking of you tomorrow, noel! And your belly is pregnant and stunning.. :love: You look beautiful!
Noel, thinking of you and sending you extra dust for tomorrow. Your photo is BEAUTIFUL!!!! One day your little girl will appreciate how strong her mama is. You are going to be an amazing mom to her, I can tell. She is a lucky little one to have you.
Noel, sending you much dust and prayers for your surgery tomorrow.
DCGator - thank you! I really hope that you'll be joining us here soon.

Laila and Noel - you both look fabulous!
My best to you, Noel.
Good luck today Noel, I will be thinking of you.
Forgot to say earlier - congratulations on #2 and welcome, Blen!! :)
Delurking to send best wishes to Noel.

You are an incredibly strong and courageous woman, and I wish you a speedy recovery.