
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I had a pap today and it was INCREDIBLY painful. It felt like the sides of the walls inside me were literally being scraped off. I've never had pleasant paps before but this is the worst one I've ever had! I ended up bleeding about a teaspoon of blood which has gotten slightly heavier. I also had some clotting last time I went to the bathroom. We heard the heartbeat right before we did the pap and everything was fine! I called my doctor and will be called back within 15 minutes. I'm praying that everything is fine! I just saw our baby on the ultrasound on friday!
Apparently the instruments they use will sometimes put a puncture in the cervix but it doesn't hurt the baby. After a couple minutes it will start to clot up and if you sneeze or cough (which I did) it can unstop the clot and it will come out in the urine. I guess it doesn't happen very often and is just scary when it does happen to women...I've been put on bedrest for the rest of the night and I have to get another pap when I go back in 4 weeks, fantastic :(
Why do you have to get another pap?
It was so painful that they couldn't get a good sample :( So really it was all for nothing, which is why I need another one
random_thought - out of curiosity, why did you need a pap in the first place? regarding your nightmares, I think talking to your DH about them and letting him reassure you that he is never going to leave you will help settle your mind. of course deep down inside you know how he feels, but your brain just needs to hear him say it out loud.
Going for our Anatomy Scan in about 15 minutes and hoping the baby will let us see what he or she is!!

Fingers crossed that the baby is growing well and cooperates!
Hey ladies,

Just a quick de-lurk to say a few things:

Houie - Aww, you have such a cute preggo belly. You are almost there lady, keep baking!

Kunzite - What a cute little man you have there. Considering the circumstances, he looks great!

Noel - I can't even begin to express how sorry I am about your prognosis. I also can't beleive what a strong and positive woman you are with such an amazing attitude about the whole situation. I truely hope that everything goes well and that your little munchkin continues to bake well until she is ready to come out. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. SUPER BIG HUG

Random - Congrats on the little bean, what great pics! And happy anniversary.

Luvinlife - You look great lady! Congrats on getting to the 2nd trimester!

LV - Sorry about the flu, but hopefully you will get better soon!

Cupcake - I am so happy to hear that your DH is doing better. Also CONGRATS on your little girl, squee!

Icekid - I :love: your perfect baskeball belly, too cute! Keep baking that little man as long as you can. I can't imagine how hard it is to be that far along in pregnancy and working like you do. You deserve a gold star!

Back to your normal programing...
taovandel|1289912755|2768056 said:
Going for our Anatomy Scan in about 15 minutes and hoping the baby will let us see what he or she is!!

Fingers crossed that the baby is growing well and cooperates!

Please don't forget to update on here! My phone died and can't get on FB! So excited for you!!!!
noelwr|1289903107|2767981 said:
random_thought - out of curiosity, why did you need a pap in the first place? regarding your nightmares, I think talking to your DH about them and letting him reassure you that he is never going to leave you will help settle your mind. of course deep down inside you know how he feels, but your brain just needs to hear him say it out loud.

I think you're right about DH. As for the pap, it was because it had been 2 years since my last one so it was determined I needed one even though I had only been with DH and had a completely clean one last time...sigh, I guess the reasoning they give is that they use it to check for bacteria that can hurt the baby? Has anyone else ever been told this?
random_thought|1289917085|2768181 said:
noelwr|1289903107|2767981 said:
random_thought - out of curiosity, why did you need a pap in the first place? regarding your nightmares, I think talking to your DH about them and letting him reassure you that he is never going to leave you will help settle your mind. of course deep down inside you know how he feels, but your brain just needs to hear him say it out loud.

I think you're right about DH. As for the pap, it was because it had been 2 years since my last one so it was determined I needed one even though I had only been with DH and had a completely clean one last time...sigh, I guess the reasoning they give is that they use it to check for bacteria that can hurt the baby? Has anyone else ever been told this?

It is a bit strange from my experiences. I am a very high risk for cervical cancer and I have 6 monthly colposcopy appointments during which they take biopsies and a smear. The smear is a gentle scrape and really you shouldn’t feel it, the biopsy hurts like a b*tch and I need a local. I say all this- there is a point I promise - because when I went for my TTC check up my Dr. told me under no circumstances to attend the colposcopy or have a smear/biopsy done if there was any chance I might be pregnant. He said he never advises a pregnant woman to have anything done to the cervix unless there are special circumstances. So if this is just your regular 2yr smear then it should have waited until you gave birth - and I think you are supposed to wait another 3 months post partum on top of that. So if I were you, I would ask why the urgency. Also that smear sounds a little like a biopsy - why are they puncturing the cervix for your smear?
From what I recall, if you are due for a pap when you go in to your first appt then you will get one. I had one at 4w. I went to my gyno who used to be an OB but when I got there, found out she was no longer practicing. She performed the pap and did a blood test to confirm pregnancy.

Do you know what kind of samples they are trying to get from you that they need to do it again? That seems odd.

RT do you have the what to expect when you are expecting book? I highly recommend it. I think some others used week by week book or something like that. It gives a lot of helpful info.
I could understand if they did it at my first appointment but...I'm over 12 weeks! I really don't understand what is all going on with that so I think I may call the doctor today to get more information! It was just for the usual things you test for in a pap, like stds, hiv, cervical cancer, etc. They said they couldn't get a good sample because I had more than a normal quantity of blood.

Fiery- I do have what to expect but I didn't find much info in there pertaining to my specific situation :-\

Today I'm feeling like crap still, I had cramps all night and a bad backache which has me terrified. I only got about 2 hours of sleep because all I could think about was the pain I was in during the stupid appointment :( It's almost to the point where I'm completely depressed about this next appointment. I can't concentrate on anything and I feel like this crap is taking over my life :(
Tao- Oooooohhhhh! Can't wait to hear if Evan will have a little sister or brother!!!! :appl:

RT- I had a pap at my 8week appt when I was pregnant with Ellie. I don't remember it being any more painful than usual, though. And just a tiny tinge of pink when I peed afterwards. I would definitely ask the doctor more questions if I were you. Seems very weird they didn't get enough of a sample. If it was hurting so bad, they must have been scraping pretty hard.
With Evan I switched from my GP to my they wanted to give me a pap at my very first appointment but I told them I had it done in February (It was March) so they just had everything forwarded over. They did do a pelvic exam though which wasn't painful at all.

You should definitely be asking questions RT to see if it is really 100% necessary to do another one.

So ladies, had my u/s this morning!

Baby #2 would not cooperate for a lot of the scan. It took the tech til the very end to finally get good shots of the head and brain because of how the baby was positioned (Right up against my anterior placenta---just like with Evan!). She wound up sending me out without knowing the sex of the baby! She grabbed me in the hallway after I had some juice and met with my Dr. and tried again. And still the baby had the legs straight out and closed. After a few minutes she saw the three lines but couldn't get a picture because the baby moved too quickly.

So they set me up for another u/s on December 14th just to 100% confirm what she saw for like 2 seconds.

So it looks like we are having a baby girl come the spring!! Her name will be Violet Joy and we are super excited!

Not sure how many remember my Evan story--but Evan also didn't really cooperate and we were told a girl at his 1st u/s based on not seeing a penis...but I never really saw 3 lines. Went back 4 weeks later and penis everywhere!

So we are a bit cautious...but even my husband said he saw the three I'm thinking this time they are correct and it is a girl!
Squeeeeee :appl: :appl: :appl:

So happy for you! I do remember what happened with Evan so that will be a funny story times 2 if it happens but for now congrats and welcome to Team Pink :bigsmile:
YAY CONGRATS tao!! you and your DH must be thrilled!! so so happy for you guys.
Thanks Ladies! We are both husband is just excited because his guessing of the sex has always been correct!
random_thought|1289920569|2768271 said:
I could understand if they did it at my first appointment but...I'm over 12 weeks! I really don't understand what is all going on with that so I think I may call the doctor today to get more information! It was just for the usual things you test for in a pap, like stds, hiv, cervical cancer, etc. They said they couldn't get a good sample because I had more than a normal quantity of blood.

Fiery- I do have what to expect but I didn't find much info in there pertaining to my specific situation :-\

Today I'm feeling like crap still, I had cramps all night and a bad backache which has me terrified. I only got about 2 hours of sleep because all I could think about was the pain I was in during the stupid appointment :( It's almost to the point where I'm completely depressed about this next appointment. I can't concentrate on anything and I feel like this crap is taking over my life :(

Sorry, this is nuts. Just spoke to my friend who is an OB here in London who said that a) they shouldn't be doing a pap anyway while your pregnant and if you have had bleeding then they definitely shouldn't be touching you again at all.

I'd find a new OB if I were you.

Oh, and pap tests only test for malignant and pre-malignant changes in the outer part of the cervix.

For other things you should have had a battery of blood tests - which ones have they done so far?
It's great to see this thread so busy!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Tao - Congrats on TEAM PINK!!!! Hopefully you'll remain on team pink throughout the entire pregnancy! Good thing they tried again, huh? Violet is such a pretty name, too! :love:

RT, I had a pap done at my first appt, too... around 8 weeks. But it wasn't painful or anything. Just uncomfortable. The reasoning was because I hadn't had one in over a year. Love your u/s pics, too! It's so exciting to see the baby for the first time, isn't it??

Houie - I'm sooo hungry too!! I wake up just to eat, sometimes!

Icekid - Your belly is ROUND and beautiful!!!! Really, you look fantastic! Have fun at your last shower... Full term!! I can't believe it! Your list is super cute, too. There are lots I'll miss about being pregnant, too. ::)

SomethingShiny, thanks for stopping by!! Sorry to hear Lily's under the weather, though. I hope she feels better soon!

MC - Dust for a second line! Good thing Dreamer, EB and Steal can help you shed some light on the subject. I've always had very regular periods, too, so I'd be as lost as you. Hope to hear some good news from you soon!

Cupcake! Congrats on TEAM PINK to you, too!! :appl: I'm glad your hubby's recovering :D

Noel - How ya doing? Sounds like you've got a good plan for your situation. Buckets of dust for your surgery, and a speedy recovery. Continued (((Hugs)))


This week really kicked my butt. I worked 5 out of 6 nights, all 12 hr overnight shifts. I freaked out because I developed cankles!! Ugh. Between that, the worsening ECP, heartburn, the exhaustion, the baby's head bouncing on my bladder, and now this hip pain when I sleep, all I want to do is NOTHING. haha The hip pain just started two nights ago - I know you ladies were discussing it last week, so I'll re-read that discussion. Y'all should stop mentioning symptoms, because I seem to develop them shortly after the rest of you! :cheeky: Must be because I'm carrying so SMALL :cheeky: :lol:

My 'measuring small for gestational age' u/s was today! Head's down low where it should be. Baby's 5lb3oz, so on the smaller end of normal. Depending what site/data you go by, anywhere from 5 - 5.5+ lbs is 'normal' for 35weeks. The tech said he'd bet the baby will be right around 7lbs when he's born. Fine with me! It's a relief to know he's okay - I think since Thursday I've been stressing over it, which I know is no good.
I've got a few pics to share!

Sorry to those I missed... it's so hard to keep up with this thread!!

As for the pics - I hope they come out okay. The ink in their printer was low, and they came out sorta faded, but I tried to fix them in photoshop. One's a profile shot, the other 2 are face shots. I love how his cheeks got chunky! :love:



HOUMedGal|1289859906|2767195 said:
MC - crossing my fingers for a positive in the morning!! :appl:

Thanks. The First Response test came back neg. I took the test at 4:44 AM so I am guessing that is when the hormone levels would be at highest. I'm still having cramping like my period is about to start. Seems like that's been going on since I've been late, plus prior, the week before my period.

I am going to call my dr about getting some blood tests done (like thyroid, etc.), just in case. It just sucks that I'll have to pay for all the lame tests out-of-pocket. I'd rather be spending the $ on little pink onesies! Only positive: at least I can drink at Thanksgiving. ugh!

Best of luck with your pregnancies, ladies.
Pandora, the US and British standards on paps during pregnancy might be different (just on whether on not they are done during pregnancy - presumably they check for the same things though!) I had a pap done early in my pregnancy, and they also didn't get a good sample, but they held off on the repeat until after the baby was born...

Congrats Tao on the almost-sure girl!
Thank you for all the responses ladies. Today the bleeding was still coming but it was a darker brown and then I had some blood tinged mucus which made me REALLY nervous. I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back about this :(sad
I'm going back in to the clinic at 1 this afternoon to have the baby checked, I hope everything is ok! :(sad
CONGRATS on a girl Tao!!! So fun for E to have a sister!

icekid, congrats on going FT! you look fantastic. ::)

Lynnie, 3D is the best. those cheeks are squishable.
Lynnie- so cute :love: He's going to have great baby cheeks :bigsmile: We never did 3D with S but I do remember one u/s where it looked like her cheeks were taking over her face. Sure enough, big ole cheeks when she was born :lickout:

RT-hope all is well and that the OB can give you some answers as to what is going on!
Hey gals,
I went and got checked out and the baby is fine, has a great heartbeat! I met with a different doctor since it was last minute and she thought I might have a bacterial infection or something like that so because of that was talked into one more pap. I don't know if my doctor was just rough but it wasn't even half as bad this time! She discovered that that was indeed the cause and I was sent home with a prescription for antibiotics. Thank God! She told me I just had an angry cervix (lol) and that I should be feeling back to normal in a few days! I'm so glad everything turned out ok and wanted to share :)
RT...I had spotting throughout first and second tri and was basically diagnosed with a super sensitive cervix...anything, sex, a slightly hard bm, exercising, could cause me to spot/bleed a bit. I don't remember if it was a pap or an internal exam, but I had SOMETHING done that made me bleed terribly on the table (embarrassing!) and then for a few days in a row afterwards. Everything turned out fine for us. Glad you got reassured and just wanted to let you know that a sensitive cervix can cause bleeding for other things too.

Lynnie, SO CUTE!

Tao, congrats again on team PINK! Love the name!

:wavey: Hi everyone else!

Ms. Fiery, you hang out here so much...are you sure babies aren't on your brain more than you think? :bigsmile: :naughty:
Sabine|1289953657|2769197 said:
RT...I had spotting throughout first and second tri and was basically diagnosed with a super sensitive cervix...anything, sex, a slightly hard bm, exercising, could cause me to spot/bleed a bit. I don't remember if it was a pap or an internal exam, but I had SOMETHING done that made me bleed terribly on the table (embarrassing!) and then for a few days in a row afterwards. Everything turned out fine for us. Glad you got reassured and just wanted to let you know that a sensitive cervix can cause bleeding for other things too.

Ms. Fiery, you hang out here so much...are you sure babies aren't on your brain more than you think? :bigsmile: :naughty:

Thank you for the reassurance!! I looked like such a moron today bawling my eyes out in the doctor's office I'm sure! As for fiery, I've been wondering the same thing :naughty:
Random- I'm happy to hear all is ok with the peanut :)
luvinlife|1289961525|2769400 said:
Random- I'm happy to hear all is ok with the peanut :)

You have no idea! Me too!

I'll stop hogging the thread now :))