
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Diaper Rash Cream
Ella, I second what Curlygirl and Diver said. Well, actually my sister will second that.
She swears by Vaseline and Destin -- said that Vaseline is great and cheap for diaper rash prevention and Destin is awesome for rash healing.
She''d slathered a good layer of Vaseline for every diaper change and her girls'' butts were always well protected. The rare times that they do get diaper rash she''ll use Destin and the redness just went away.

Oh? Then it''s going to be a boy

Anyway, why was your doctor concern about your traveling to Aussy? When are you traveling? The end of this year right?
So you''ll be about 27/28 weeks along? Maybe I should ask my Dr what he thinks about my flying and cruising at sea. I''ll be 25 wks.
I hope it won''t be an issue.
Snlee, good luck and have fun trying
Date: 11/13/2007 12:46:22 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Diver, pregnancy ain''t always pretty huh? Luckily my hemis are SOOO much better but in the hospital...ewww.....I couldn''t even sit.

Ella, I forgot to add, DH has blue eyes, I have brown (I just remember you asked).
RE: recovery, I just have the mind set you do what you have to do. There is nothing I could/can do to change my complications so I try just to accept it, get through it, and move on. She IS worth it in the end. All the stretch marks, hemis, weight gain, stitches....she is the reason that none of those things don''t matter. I know you will be strong with your twins. I know you must be disappointed to have a c-sec but it sounds like that is the best for your and the twins'' health. They will be in your arms SOOO soon!

I can''t believe Tessa wasn''t up all night! Maybe she is growing b/c that girl sleep almost all day and night (when she wasn''t eating or pooping). So far I feel so lucky!!!
Re: Eye Color, try this out
Congrats to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Tacori....I just read that you had your baby!???? Congrats!!!!!!!!! Is there a thread about it? Pix?
Date: 11/13/2007 9:11:45 PM
Author: moremoremore
Congrats to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Tacori....I just read that you had your baby!???? Congrats!!!!!!!!! Is there a thread about it? Pix?
Pix are in this thread, go back a few pages.... Tessa is such a cutie!!!
Thanks MMM!!! So I went to the doctor today, I love him. He is just so nice! I asked him if I would have been in trouble if she was any bigger. He said next time they will probably induce me a week or so early (just in case). He asked about everyone and wanted to make sure I was getting some alone time and enough sleep. The infection came back as a UTI. He said it was probably from the long pushing, cath, and all the swelling (I was SOOOO swollen
) Anyways, just glad it was not something more serious.

DH wants to come to my 6 week appointment with a card for him (and send one to our L&D nurse and Heather) He thought we were a perfect match and even commented how the doctor seemed really comfortable with me (this isn''t the doc I went to at my 39 week appointment that made me cry on the way home). That way we can bring the baby too (the nurses were sad I didn''t bring her in).

Tessa just got her second bath (she HATES them!) Hope she gets used to them.

Dani, I would have thought they (UTIs) would be more common in L&D but they didn''t even have those stick tests or the bladder scan (had to borrow it from another floor). I thought that was kind of odd.
That''s good that it wasn''t anything more serious than UTI. It''s great that you got along with your doctor and L&D nurses. They are especially important during that time when we are so vulnerable and in so much pain. Regarding induction, I thought doctors usually will look at the size of the mother''s belly and make an exception to inducing earlier than the 40 wks if the belly is pretty big. No point in really baking the baby another extra week if the baby is already ripe and ready to come out. But then again that extra week probably give Tessa those lovely full kissable cheeks

Awee, 2nd bath for Tessa already. Did you happen to snap some pix of her in her bath? I''ve always loving looking at those pictures.
tacori, so glad you are doing better and had a good visit. Don''t worry about the baths, i don''t think I know of any newborn liking them. Both of my girls hated them too when they were infants and now i can hardly get them out. The LOVE their shower/bath time.

So can I please have everyone''s attention?????

Delaney slept from 9:30pm to 5:45am!!!!!!!

I told her the other day she had 2 days to meet big brother Jake''s record of 8 hours straight sleep by 8 weeks. Well, ain''t she the competitive one, because on the eve of her 8 week birthday, girlfriend busts out 8 hours and 45 minutes. That''s my baby! Now was a one time thing. At any rate, I don''t expect it every night, but its good to know she has it in her. She''s been working up to it....getting 5 hours, then 6, then having one or two nights where she wakes after only 3 or 4 hours, but then going back to 5 or I''m happy she SLEEPS at least. And she''s totally in her bassinet...goes right back down on her own after a bottle. Sometimes she grunts for 15 minutes (which drives DH batty...he can''t fall back to sleep...wussy) but she''s learning to put herself to sleep. Go Delaney Go!!!!

Ok....enough of my mommy brag..pray to God I didn''t jinx it, but hell, I had to share---this is big to me!
diver, that''s great news!!! Yay Delaney!!
I pray for a baby that sleeps long hours. Ha! I can''t believe she''s already 8 weeks old!
Diver, that is really great news. my 5 year old was never a good sleeper and is still up once a night. i can count on two hands the number of nights she''s actually made it though and it''s usually when she doesn''t get to bed until 10:00 which is just way to late for a normal routine. Thank goodness Lily is a great sleeper b/c i sure couldn''t handle both of them being up. anyway, here''s hoping it lasts and she''s follows in her big brothers footsteps.
Tacori, Tessa is a doll, and sounds like a real sweetie. I hope she stays that way!

mrss, congrats on your boy! It will be quite a switch after 2 girls I bet, but you''ll love it. They are funny.
Tacori, you sound so relaxed and in control for a new mom -- go you!!! I''m so impressed! What are you going to do about going back to work in a few months? You work from home anyway, right? But will Tessa be going to daycare? Or are you going to try to work with her home? Or are you going to be a nonworking SAHM?

Diver, yay for Delaney!!
That''s funny how she one-upped Jake, too. Atta girl!

MrsS, how did the other kiddies react to the news about a little brother?

lili, Jadelyn is such a pretty name! Our girl is Katelyn, so kind of similar
I think you could come up with some middle names that would be beautiful with it too!

TGal, I know an Amelia Renee, so I tend to lean toward that. I guess b/c it''s familiar to me, I just like how it flows! But I think Amelia Skye is pretty cool and different. I think either is a winner! And I love your boy name too -- very strong-sounding name!

Chrono, how''s Baby Chrono doing? Any new photos? Actually, Tacori and Diver too -- any new photos of your li''l princesses to share??

So I''ve definitely noticed some changes in me lately. First, I think that maybe Gabriel is in position b/c the pressure on my bladder is constant now. For a few weeks, it actually got better but now I''ve got that neverending "I gotta pee" feeling, even though I know I don''t! And I remember them saying in my class that once the baby drops, there''s a lot more pressure on the bladder. Also, even though I didn''t have any m/s during the first trimester, I''ve been getting a little nauseous lately -- boooo. Not queasy in my belly but more like in my throat (sorry if that''s gross). I''m back to gagging when I brush my teeth too. Ack! Also, my appetite is decreasing -- not sure if it''s just that I''m running out of room in there for food, or if the nausea makes me not want to eat, or what, but I definitely feel like it''s more of an effort to get a meal down (though it wasn''t an effort to get those Hostess Cupcakes down this afternoon. Funny.). That kind of bums me out because I really want to fatten those babies up in these final few weeks! Even though I know the weights are just estimates, I''m worried that they''re too small ... getting anxious for our next appt. (Tuesday) so we can see them again and see how they''re growing. The last few weeks are just as nervewracking as the first trimester I think in terms of worrying that everything is OK. Second trimester really IS the honeymoon phase, for sure!

On a very happy note ... today was my last day of going into the office -- yeaeeaahhhh!!! I''m working from home tomorrow and Friday, and then I AM DONE!
Diver, I am happy to report I am not as gassy anymore. Hooray for the second trimester! I wish it would always be this way in pregnancy.
And kudos to your gal and her sleeping...that is awesome!

Dani, we are indeed lucky to have you here. Thanks for gracing us with you presence and advice!

Lili, I leave when I am 25 weeks, and come back in my 28th week. I am hoping that Jas is correct and I am not going to have any issues. But it is a bit unnerving. However I am not going to miss holidays with TGuy''s family. He is SO looking forward to going back home. I will just take it super super easy and stay away from any funky foods.

Ella, thank for the name vote. We still like both too. Wow, it really seems like the end is near for you, whoo hoo! And even a bigger whoo hoo on the end of work thing!

TTot is kicking up a storm. I''ve started talking to it...patting my tummy and it kicks back. So I''m giggling at home by myself like a loon. Except...I''m NOT by myself and that makes me feel kind of better.
Lili, since I had a more difficult labor he said he would have no problem inducing me early next time. THOUGH that will be YEARS from now!

Ellen, thanks! She is a cutie.

Diver, I am so jealous! Tessa had her first difficult night. Soooo....tired....

MrsS, hopefully they will get easier. I feel so bad for her. The only pics I have is of her screaming!

Ella, no day care for Tessa. I work from home (my own company) so my hours are flexible. I can always limit the projects I take on. Plus DH basically works from home so between the two of us hopefully we''ve got it covered. I got m/s towards the end too. Not throwing up but that icky feeling. I am trying to stay calm. I am a laid back person but I am sure once my MIL leaves I will have a panic attack! will be totally fine once your MIL leaves! But take advantage of her being there and try to get as much rest as you can! You are soooo lucky to work from home and have the ability to choose the amount of work you want to do! These years pass so quickly, so do treasure each day!
I know you''ll be fine once your MIL leaves. As DS said take advantage of her being there now, and get some rest. We''ll be here for you once you''re on your own. It is lucky that you work from home, plus you have hubby there too. That''s awesome!!!

Yay for Delaney, that''s great to hear.
I stole this from a post on the twins forum. I thought it was kinda funny (or scary, not sure which!):


A few things I learned about going into labor NO ONE ever told me and I wish I knew

1. You have no control of your rectum once an epidural is done. Passing gas is common and FREQUENT and unstoppable and always seems to happen you least want it to happen.
2. During one of your cervix checks by your doctor he may push against your rectum (see number 1) - and yes you will feel humiliated
3. If your tube for your clostrum bag is not in deep enough you will lay there they entire day feeling like you have to pee.
4. Don''t bring your cute sock or slippers to wear during the day. The hospital will provide a standard pair for you to wear that WILL get messy and you won''t care about.
5. Make sure your nurse tells your hubby at least one horror story of a DH not eating and passing out - for me at least it was the only way to get him to eat during the day.
6. If you are getting a planned induction they will tell you not to have any fluids or food after 11PM the night prior. You are allowed to eat the morning of (but be sensible - eat a banana or something solid and small) - they won''t turn you a way.
7. Be willing to pee and have a bowel movement in front of a nurse or a doctor.
Ella: I didnt have any of that!!!! Not that i remember, but know I am quite modesty is important to me...

Trust me....its not so bad, don''t worry about that stuff...everyone only cares about the sweet baby & mom''s well-being anyway.

Guess who slept from 9pm to 7am????? yup! Big D!!!!!!!!!!!1

and back by popular demand.......sweet baby girl Delaney

happy girl

Big D is such a sweetie and sleeping so well. I am so green with envy. My oldest didn''t sleep through the night until around 2 years old and my youngest still waking every 3 hours.
Diver, you just made me happy on two counts:

1. Delaney!!!
Oh, she''s killin'' me here with cuteness!

2. Knowing that all that doesn''t happen to everyone! I know that everyone''s birth experience is different, but I figured I may as well post that here anyway just to give people a heads up of what could happen. I did laugh out loud at the "frequent and unstoppable" comment though.

Is it wrong for me to be jealous of an eight-week-old baby''s good night sleep?! (Had a horrible horrible night''s sleep last night. On the plus side, I watched The Upside of Anger from 2-4 am, which I''d been wanting to see.) That''s amazing that she slept the entire night! So when baby sleeps all night like that, how much sleep does mom really get? I feel like I''d still be up all night checking on the babies or doing a million other things ...
Oh diver, those pics are just too cute...gosh i just adore baby girls....

ella, none of that stuff really happened to me either, but they are still funny to read. I always had privacy when using the restroom and well, if anything happened after the epi, no one made a face or commented so i was never any wiser, and you can almost bet that my hubby would have mentioned at some point, after i delivered of course.

so sorry sleeping was so does get so uncomfortable towards the end. i think it''s part of God''s master plan to get you to overcome being scared for them to come out to willing to do just about anything to get them out...
Thanks for the encouragement ladies!

Ella, NONE of that happened to me either. In fact I did go in for an induction and they let me eat that night at the hospital. I will say don't bother bringing any of your own pjs unless you are willing to throw them away. Things are pretty messy afterwards so I just wore a hospital gown for my 5 day stay. My cousin is putting together a baby shower gift with advice. I wrote 10 things to get you through L&D. I should post it on here (if I still have the e-mail).

Diver, Delaney is SO stinking cute!

ETA: even with all my peeing issues I always had privacy. Of course I did have to pee into the special measuring thing but besides that....I didn't even have a BM until a few days after I got home.
Diver--you are one lucky mom for having a SUPER SLEEPER :-)
Ella, I am curious as well, does mom also get to sleep through the night? I am almost positive I would be thinking the kid stopped breathing or something ;-)

Ella--i am sorry you are having such a hard time sleeping--can you fit some naps in? I forget, are you still working?

TGal--glad you are no longer a gas machine. Seems to be more a first tri thing I think. I am starting to chat with the baby a bit as well --sometimes on the way to work which must look hilarious to cars that pull up alongside me at a red light (apparently around 21 weeks the baby can start to hear outside conversations).
Kicks are very obvious now, still low in my abdoment--DH has felt a few. Where are you feeling yours? Still doing to al-bundy routine?

Just had lunch with some co-workers I haven''t seen in a while--one told me (and the rest of the group at the table) that my face has "filled out" --lovely. Isn''t it grand how ppl feel that since you are pregnant you must not care about how you look and therefore they can make random comments about your appearance that at any other time would seem so inappropriate. I am sure we could all compile a book of our favorite remarks.....
Diver, I''m in

Jas, this kid is taunting TGuy already. Whenever he comes near, TTot stops moving. So TGuy hasn''t been able to feel anything yet.

It was kicking the other day, and I told one of my friends that (who had never had a child), so she said "Can I feel?" and puts her hand on the top of my belly. I looked at her amusedly and said, "You''re only going to feel a liver or something up there. The baby is a lot lower down by my crotch if you want to go there." She snatched her hand away and said "never mind."

And yes, I''m still TgAL Bundy.
D is so adorable.
I can''t believe she''s such a big girl already.
Wow, sleeping 10 hours straight. That must be a record for any baby.
My nephew is almost one and my sister complains that she still gets up in the middle of the night.
Love the new pix of D.
I can''t help but laugh at your DH''s chicken (or fishy) lips though

Yay!!! for last day in the office.
That''s great that you get to relax and pamper yourself for almost a month before the babies arrive.
Good luck at the appt. and hope the babies put on some more weights.
What is Katelyn''s middle name? I may steal it

Wow, the kicks must be pretty strong for DH to feel them. I love that you and TGal are talking to your babies already.
I tried, but feel weird out by it. Not much of talker really. I''ll just massage her instead.

It''s so great that you and hubby work from home. You guys don''t have to worry about the issues with finding a good day care.
DH is already stressing about day-care situation for our little one. Being that we both have a long commute to work,
it''s not feasible to have a nanny come to our house because that would mean she needs to be there for a good 11 hours.
So how many of you ladies have thicker and more lusterous hair while preggo?
I am still waiting for my hair to thicken up. So far, it appears to almost stop growing altogether
lili, our girl is going to be Katelyn Isabelle (and our boy Gabriel Jacob). I think it sounds and looks really pretty, but I suppose I''m a bit biased
I know I''m going to be sitting around trying to think of names I like with Jadelyn now! Do you have any preferences for one-syllable, two-syllable, etc? Or for an initial for it to start with?

I think Chrono was the one who explained the hair thing -- one of the preg hormones keeps your hair from shedding so it seems thicker, but really you''re not growing more hair than you normally do (I think I got that right). I wouldn''t say that my hair is shinier or anything, but yes, it''s definitely got more volume to it! (That''s hubby''s diplomatic way of telling me that my hair is a huge frizzball on days I don''t blowdry it. "Wow, your hair''s ... uhhh ... got volume, sweetie!")

TGal, watch out your friend doesn''t sue you for sexual harrassment (ha ha)! I just read that thread in Hangout about Santas in Aus saying "ha ha ha" instead of "ho ho ho," so I''ve got PCness on the brain. And yeah, I think all babies lighten up on the kicks when Dads try to feel them! I know it''s selfish but in a way I kinda like it b/c it makes me feel like we have our own little thang going on, me and the babes. Hubby feels plenty of kicks too so he''s not being neglected, but obviously I feel more and I really love that bond I feel with them when they''re smackin'' my organs around.

MrsS, I agree that God makes us so uncomfortable at the end so that we''re ready to get those little guys out!

Tacori, you should def. post your list of 10 things to get you through L&D. I''m sure it''s still fresh in your mind even if you don''t still have the original email you sent out. That''s great that you don''t have to deal with daycare. I''m really hoping that we can swing it financially for me to be a SAHM for at least the first year. With my current job, it doesn''t pay for me to go back to work -- I''d be doing it JUST to afford daycare (so #*%ing expensive for two infants!), so that doesn''t make sense. But on the other hand, I''m pretty nervous about not having any of my own $$ coming in. Kinda scary to me!

Jas, yeah, I got the "filled out face" comment a week ago too. Uhhh. Thanks. I also had a friend the other day tell me that I''m "soooo big!" -- and this is someone who was always the same size as me and who has had two kids (and still wants to drop ~15 lbs. from her last pregnancy), so I was really shocked that she would make that comment! I''m thinking, "Did you forget already how NOT nice it is to hear comments like that?!" I just don''t get why people feel the need to say things like that. A simple "You look great!" is the way to go (even if it''s a little white lie, who cares?!).
Love both names

Great, perhaps you can come up with something for Jadelyn.
I don''t have a real preference for the middle name except that it be one or two syllables at most since her last name is already 4 syllables.
Re: the hair. Bummer. Mine still continues to shred as fast as it was pre-preggo. At this rate, I would end up a bald and fat lady when I deliver