
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

CDNinNYC: Ahh, pupps. I've heard of that. I'm sorry, that must be so annoying! Hope it gets better for you!

Sarahbear: Still throwing up? That totally sucks. Did you have sickness like this with your first child? I hope it gets better soon!

Kay: I hope you enjoy your trip despite the discomfort. :bigsmile:

Mrs: Glad that your DD is sleeping much better... and that you are too! It's amazing how much better a good nights sleep can make you feel!

Dreamer D: Lookin' real good lady! I love your sweater. So cute!

RT: Good luck!! Can't wait to hear your birth story and of course see pictures of your little one. I hope everything goes well.

Everyone else I missed, I hope you're all doing well!

AFM, tomorrow is 23 weeks. I cannot believe how fast time is flying. Liam is super active but luckily he seems to settle down when I lay down to go to bed. Hopefully that means he will be a good sleeper. Haha. We shall see. I had an appt yesterday and OMG, in one month I gained 11 pounds! AHHH. Midwife says I'm still on track and that is was probably because I was so slow gaining weight in the beginning. Still, I only have about another 10 pounds and I'll have reached the recommended amount of weight gain... Ugh, I don't know how I'm going to do it being that I still have 17 weeks to go. I have to be REAL good. My job does not help though being that I sit all day long. Oh well, it is what it is. Can't stress over it!

We have officially started his room... I cannot wait until it's done! We are going with a nautical theme... like boats and lighthouses and such. Quite fitting since we live next to the Hudson River and guess what? His middle name will be Hudson. Liam Hudson. I love it! :love:

Anyway, here are pics from today. 1 bare and 1 covered...


Hi everyone!!!

I just want to say I'm really enjoying everyone's bumps and update here. This is my first real post on the preggo thread since my pregnancy has been so uneventful I didn't really have too much to share. Anyways, I had a little bit of a struggle TTC'ing so I knew exactly when I ovulate so basing everything on that I should be around 16 weeks along today. So I went to my regular OBGYN appointment today but he is on vacation so a midwife stepped in. They mentioned last month that they can make an attempt to determine the sex of the baby and right now they are 90% sure we are having a BOY :appl: !!!! I'm so excited!!! I've been leaning for a boy the entire time but of course, healthy and happy is the most important thing. Anyways, he did some ultrasound measurements too and last month the Dr said it should put me at around 13 weeks, however, when the midwife did it in a different machine he said the baby's head is measuring around 10 weeks eeek!!! He said not to panic because their instruments can vary a bit but a part of me is still worried you know... but I had a + HPT around mid Feb, which is much longer than 10 weeks ago! Argh! But the heartbeat checked out normal in the 140s. Anyone else experience anything similar. This is my first pregnancy.

Keep the pictures and stories coming everyone!
fabcrab|1304721279|2914320 said:
Hi everyone!!!

I just want to say I'm really enjoying everyone's bumps and update here. This is my first real post on the preggo thread since my pregnancy has been so uneventful I didn't really have too much to share. Anyways, I had a little bit of a struggle TTC'ing so I knew exactly when I ovulate so basing everything on that I should be around 16 weeks along today. So I went to my regular OBGYN appointment today but he is on vacation so a midwife stepped in. They mentioned last month that they can make an attempt to determine the sex of the baby and right now they are 90% sure we are having a BOY :appl: !!!! I'm so excited!!! I've been leaning for a boy the entire time but of course, healthy and happy is the most important thing. Anyways, he did some ultrasound measurements too and last month the Dr said it should put me at around 13 weeks, however, when the midwife did it in a different machine he said the baby's head is measuring around 10 weeks eeek!!! He said not to panic because their instruments can vary a bit but a part of me is still worried you know... but I had a + HPT around mid Feb, which is much longer than 10 weeks ago! Argh! But the heartbeat checked out normal in the 140s. Anyone else experience anything similar. This is my first pregnancy.

Keep the pictures and stories coming everyone!

Welcome FAB!

Hmphs, I am not crazy about docs doing measurements like that on the fly, it is not actually very easy at all the measure body parts on such a small creature, and when we had our 12 week u/s it took a tech to really get good measurements, someone who only does u/s measurements all day long! So I would not worry about the mw's results. Actually, I am annoyed for you he tried it :nono: It would not be the first time that a pregnant PSer has been given really screwy information from a health care practitioner who did something on the fly. I think Blenheim got some really bad feedback early on from a mw about her betas at one point. Anyways, if you are worried perhaps look into getting a proper assessment done?

But obviously the MW was not worried since he did not recommend a follow up. Which means HE obviously does not put much stock or confidence in the findings, so why he thought it was a good idea to share his so-called "results" with you is beyond me! I would have been livid!
Hi ladies,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekends. Thanks for all the love and support you all have given. I do appreciate the kindness.

Liang - Thanks for the kind words and encouragment, I appreciate the love.

Basil - Thanks for sharing your story. I am hopeful that Sophia is able to do the same for our family, especially my mom. I think she really needs something positive to focus on now. Some good news on our side though, we did find a new house, and sent over the contract and deposit yesterday, so we should be all set know (I hope). How bout you guys, you should have the closing coming up soon, right? Have you been looking for somewhere new for your little family? That sounds great that you had such a lovely baby shower. That's awesome that you got all those goodies too. Sounds like you might have to add stuff to your registry before your work shower, lol. Btw, I love the quilt, too cute!

CDN - Thank you for the thoughts. Uggh on the PUPPS, so sorry to hear that. Thanks for all the tips, I may have to try some. I went to the OB on Wednesday and she wasn't sure if it was PUPPS or something else so she sent me to a dermatologist, but of course they couldn't get me in until Monday. So, besides some stuff she told me to rub on it and the recommendation to take Benedryl at night, I am still not very comfortable. I just hope the dermatologist has some magic cure :idea: I hope that your PUPPS clear up and that the rest of your pregnancy is happily uneventful.

Dreamer - I am sorry that you lost your grandfather when you were preggo with Hunter. It's definitely a really tough go. My dad was 51, so definitely too early. And I completely agree on the strength of women. I really don't think men could handle all of it. As for you, congrats on hitting 30 weeks! You are only a few weeks out now, eh? That's great that you aren't having too much pain, but do be sure to take it easy hun. Btw, I think you look like a cute preggo mama.

Blen - Thanks for the support. No worries on the lunch date, things have been crazy for me at work too. I am traveling for work Tues-Thursday, but if you are available on Friday, we can try to catch some lunch then. Just let me know and we'll pick a place and time.

Sarahbear - Thank you for your support. I am so very sorry that you are still getting sick, ugh, what a PITA, especially with another little one to look after. But, hopefully it will ease up soon. As for DS starting to sleep through the night, that's really great. I hope he keeps it up. And so exciting for the big reveal. I hope the next couple weeks fly by.

Kay - Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. I know my dad would have liked that we choose Sophia too. :bigsmile: I appreciate the hug. Man, you deserve a gold star for making such a trip so late. I have to go to Vancouver this week and then a short trip to NYC next week, but I am cutting off the travel after we fly down to FL at the end of the month (around 30/31 weeks). I totally hear you on the tailbone pain though, ugh, what a b*tch. I am thinking to use my neck pillow under my tush instead, hehe. Have a good trip and take care of you!

Mrs - Yeah, its been kinda crazy around here the last few weeks. Hopefully it will be an uneventful rest of pregnancy (once we get to FL at least). Sorry you had PUPPS last time, it sucks! They say you usually don't get it twice though, so I hope that's true for you. Good luck your glucose test later in the week. I had mine on Friday. The drink wasn't too bad. It kinda tasted like a melted cherry slushie, if that makes sense. It was pretty small though, so it's not too bad, either way.

Random - Sorry for the scare, but hopefully you are holding little Cayden now. Do give us an update when things calm down!

IHA - Congrats on being 23 weeks. It feels like yesterday you announced your little one. Btw, I love the name Liam. I wouldn't worry to much about the weight thing. I am just letting Sophia do what she needs to do, lol. And good on you for starting the nursery. I look forward to getting down to FL and making a start already. Btw, I like the preggo pic and the kitty in the background.

Fabcrab - Congrats on joining the big board and finding out your are having a boy. Congrats on team Blue. And don't worry to much about the measurements. Sometimes the baby just doesn't cooperate with getting good shots. Take care mama!

AFM - I would love to say things are back to normal, but I am just too busy at work right now to get things going. Oh well, at least its keeping my busy. The good news is the house stuff is coming together and I think we have our new place and my DH and I are both more comfortable with this choice. Otherwise, my DH's transfer was not quite set yet, but things are starting to move in the government now that the budget is straightened out, so we are hopeful that it will be solved soon. Besides that, I have another busy week coming up and I am traveling out to Vancouver on Tuesday for a conference, so that should be interesting. All I can say is that I hope I get upgraded b/c otherwise, it could be a long flight...

Well I am off to a dinner and movie now with the hubby. I hope you all enjoy your weekends and take care of your little ones. And of course, happy first mother's day!
Just a quick drop in -

CDinNYC, I missed your announcement - congrats!!! I've thought about you and I'm happy for you for your upcoming bundle of joy!

CD and dcgator - I had PUPPS in my late 3rd tri and what I found helped was: 1) hydrocortisone cream, and 2) ice cubes! Not tooo long of course, but just enough to numb the skin, especially before bed so you can fall asleep (I couldn't sleep because my belly was too itchy). Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep bc it was so itchy, so I kept an ice pack by the bed and also reapplied the cream! Hope it gets better for you.
My Mother's Day Baby Boy :)

On Thursday mom and I went to my regular doctor checkup and then to get an ultrasound. They discovered his amniotic fluid was much lower than they like to see so they sent us to the hospital for an induction. We stopped by DH's work so he would know (go figure he left his phone at home that day!) and then picked up my hospital bag and were on our way!

They started me on cervadil(sp?) to thin out my cervix sometime Thursday night. I got to take a bath and this was the most relaxing night of the whole thing! I was having contractions but nothing too terrible. I slept all night and woke up to 50% effaced on Friday. Lame. So they shoved a water balloon type contraption up there that was supposed to do the trick as well. Saturday at midnight they discovered that I was now 75% effaced and 4 cm!! Wooo!! So they gave me 2 hours to eat, take a shower, etc. and then at 2am started the pitocin up again.

Saturday morning I woke up and decided that I wanted my epidural as I was now at 5cm. The first epidural didn't work so I got to try a second time. It was the WORST! Contractions were getting worse and then they broke my water and things got even more intense. By 6pm I had gone another 1 cm. That's only 2 cm in 16 hours!

At this point they started talking about c-section but I was not having any of that. I said we are going to keep going until this kid comes out the bottom! So we tried several different things and somehow I managed to dilate from 6cm to 9cm! They gave me about an hour and then around 8:30 or so we decided to start pushing. At 12:30am they threatened c-section again if he didn't come out soon. I was eventually able to push him out at 1:50am!! Everyone thought I would end up with a c-section but I proved them wrong!! I ended up pushing a grand total of 5 hours!!!!

I spent most of the birth with a really bad virus. My temperature stayed at around 103 degrees the entire time with some pretty insane coughing, nasal congestion, headaches and body aches. It turns out it was a virus in my uterus so we were lucky to get Cayden out when we did. My temperature has gone down to 97 and the virus is practically gone in my body but it got passed on to Cayden and he is in the NICU for the next 2 days to receive antibiotics. We're allowed to visit, feed him, etc. while he is in there so it's not too terrible but a bummer just the same. We are taking one milestone at a time which included being able to breastfeed this morning!

So with all that said, Cayden should be fine but keep him in your thoughts nonetheless :) Mom is healthy and happy and dad is just well....exhausted! Lol!

Congratulations and Happy Mother's day, RT! Cayden's gorgeous.
Congratulations Jo, he's beautiful.
RT: Oh my, he's adorable!! Congrats and Happy Mother's Day!!

Congrats and Happy Mother's Day, RT! :appl: Cayden is beautiful! I'm sorry you had such a rough induction.

Congratulations RT, what a story! I'm so sorry you were sick and hope that Cayden's stay in the Nicu is short. He is adorable.
Congrats, RT! That sounds like one long labor but it looks like it wasn't too terrible for C! He has a look on his face like, "What?". :bigsmile:
RT - Congratulations!! I'm sorry that your labor was so rough.

DC - Yes!! Friday works well for me. Can't wait. Any ideas about a good place to go?

Fab - I know I'm coming to this late, but I am sorry that the midwife's ultrasound is making you worry. Some of that equipment is better than others, and some people (like people who do ultrasound for a living!) are better at measuring than others. I've heard of babies being born a full two pounds off of what an ultrasound predicted earlier that week, and so I really think it's best to take the measurements with a grain of salt, as long as the doctor/midwife doesn't seem to think they're a problem. DD is right that a midwife gave me a bit of a scare over beta results, and everything was FINE. Congratulations on a boy! They're great. :bigsmile:

IHA - Looking great!! And that nursery sounds really cute.

DD - You are looking fabulous! I also really like your sweater.

Mrs - The BH are doing a lot better now that I am constantly pushing fluids. Thanks for asking. I am really glad to hear that sleep seems to be going better in your household, for everyone.

AFM - I am exhausted and am about to go to bed. The baby kicks are now getting strong enough that I can see my belly shake sometimes, which is fun. All the belly shots have made me realize that it's been a while since I posted one, so here's a covered/bare one of me - 21w3d, up 4.5 lbs - finally! A gain! (Never thought I'd get excited over that!)

Blen 21w4d.JPG
Congrats RT on Cayden he is a cutie how much did he weigh :) good for you for sticking to your guns it is not nice getting threatened with a C section during labour but congrats also on manging 5 hrs of pushing thats a long time

Inhisarms - You look fab I wouldn't worry too much about the amount you gain to much as long as you eat healthy and are sensible your body will do what it needs to do and for some women who do gain heaps it often be a lot of fluid which cannot be helped really (as was in my case) - I don't know how much I gained (likely 20-25kgs if not more I was only weighed once my ob was really laid back) and 2 wks postpartum I could fit into my old jeans casue I lost a lot of water.

Loving all the belly pics :) - hope all you ladies are well
Congratulations RT!!!!! What a beautiful baby boy and a wonderful Mother's Day gift though...good golly you deserve a badge or something for pushing for 5 hours!!!! i'm in total awe!
RT, congratulations! Cayden is adorable! So sorry your L&D was rather long and difficult but good for you for sicking to your guns for a vaginal birth!!

inhisharms, you look great! The nursery sounds great - love the nautical theme you've chosen!

fabcrab, yay for boys! that's neat that they were able to give you a good idea of the sex so soon! Sorry that they scared you about his size though - I agree with the others who said that on the fly measurements aren't likely to be accurate so I would try not to worry if I were you!

dcg, how are you feeling? still itchy? I hope Vancouver is treating you well and that the flight there wasn't too bad.

kay, how was your trip?? Are you feeling well? I think you're next, correct?!?

Blen, you look great! that's cool that the kicks are getting stronger - belly shakes are fun.

Sarah, is your DS still STTN for you? I hope so!

CDN, how's your PUPPS? I hope you've found some more relief.

Basil, how are you, m'dear?

charbie, I just read your thoughtful post on the "wanting but waiting" thread and you expressed yourself so well! You seem to have thought hard about your priorities and I think that's great! How is everything with you?

DD, are you still relatively pain free?? I hope so!

hi to anyone I missed! :wavey:

AFM, all's well here though yesterday was kinda rough - my back was hurting a lot and my DD boycotted her nap. I really hate no nap days!

Yesterday morning the baby got the hiccups and I didn't even realize it. DH had his hand on my belly and asked if the baby had the hiccups and I said I didn't think so but when I put my hand on my belly, sure enough, he DID! It was so strange to think I could feel it with my hand from the outside but not on the inside.

the other day, DH surprised me and said, "I got you a push present!" He's terrible at keeping things to himself so he wanted to tell me what it is even though it won't be delivered until next week: an i-phone! It's kinda funny how he called it a push present since he didn't get me one last time, and he always scoffs at the idea when others raise it. I think he was just wanting to do something nice for me and wanted an excuse which is nice. I have an old flip phone and have never done anything but talk and text with my phone so I'm kind of excited! Will any of you be getting a "push present?"

Hope you're all well!
I thought you all would find thid funny. Had my midwife appointment yesterday and we were chatting about a few different scenerios and one was going over due and what the protocol is here for induction etc (this is a different province than where I gave birth last time and many of the rules are different. I like them better here, midwives have more power over decision making and they seem a little less interventionist generally speaking. Apparently the doctors will not even contemplate induction until 10 days overdue, which is interesting. The c-section rate was high for Canada in my city, so they changed the rule about induction and the rate of c-sections for first time moms dropped by 10%, just from that one change!)

Anyways, in the conversation about going overdue, the Midwife says, "And we recommend frequent sex from about 36 weeks on!" DH and I looked at each other and cracked up completely! She goes on to say, "Actually we recommend sex throughout pregnancy, but in the last month especially so the prostoglandins can help soften the cervix."

I have no idea why that made us laugh so hard! The notion of medically prescribed sex just tickled us. Now if DH wants some action he is going to say the midwife told us to :rolleyes:

AFM Still pain free :appl: I actually feel really good, so knock wood it continues. Baby is head down now too, which is great. I had a feeling that was the case because I can feel hiccups in my lower abdomen -- that is the head bouncing around with each hiccup. The mw was feeling for the head in my pelvis and the baby has its hand up and was pushing her away! Too fun.

Mrs Do you know if this baby is breach yet? Sorry about the nap refusal :knockout: Hunter has not done that yet, but I know the day is coming eventually.

RT Congrats on Cayden! I hope you have a good recovery.
I have been MIA and I have so much to catch up on and PS of course ate my first post... UGH!

Dreamer: That is funny about the midwife's recs. Prescribed sex... not a bad intervention :)

Mrs: Very exciting about the push present. DH and I just got Iphones. It was a big switch from the blackberry I was used to but I LOVE it so much more already.

Blen: You look great. Congrats on a successful gain. I was having a hard time too until around week 22 or so and then it has been pretty steady. Glad the BH are getting better as well.

RT: Congrats on Cayden! I am glad you got a vaginal delivery. Hope you are enjoying him at home by now.

DCG: So sorry for your loss. It is interesting how sometimes the cycle of life seems all to real. I think it is really special that you are going to name your girl Sophia. I hope you are taking a break and getting some time for yourself amongst all of your travels.

Fab: Congrats on getting an early peek at the gender. Ditto to what others have said, I would wait for the official measurement before you start to worry.

IHA: Love the nautical themed room. How fun!

Basil: That quilt is adorable. Glad you had a nice shower and another coming up, so fun!

AFM: All is well, I had a blast at my shower with family. It was nice to see everyone and get some sunshine. We got a ton of stuff including my breast pump which I am super excited about. I have been swamped with my new chief duties at work and I am working crazy hours. The BH have been mostly under control, I am still having them but my cervix is still 4 cm and closed so that is reassuring and I am trying not to worry. I am going on my last flying trip this weekend to meet up with some med school friends which I am excited about. I am attaching a bump pic b/c I was inspired by you all. There is no mistaking this baby bump now.

jess 26 wks 5 days.JPG
DD, that's too funny about prescribed sex! My DH would be over the moon! poor guy hasn't gotten much this pregnancy. I'm glad you're still feeling well and that you're happier with the medical care rules where you are now! I have no idea if the baby is breech now or not. I have my monthly dr's appointment (and GD test) on monday so perhaps we'll find out then. Glad to hear Hunter hasn't boycotted his naps! Hopefully Sage will get back on track today!

Modern, you look great! Your bump is adorable and I love the dress! Glad to hear you had a great shower and that you got your pump! I was a blackberry user for years and wondered how I'll like the i-phone in comparison. I'm glad to hear you like it even more! Have a great time with your med school friends this weekend.

I have some catching up to do...i've been reading along, but haven't had the chance to actually sit down and write a nice post to everyone. here goes:

RT- congrats on Cayden- he's adorable!

Mrs-thanks for commenting about my post in the wanting but waiting thread. i have thought more and more about what is important to me- being pregnant puts a lot into perspective for me. sometimes i feel like i'm just rushing from one thing to another to check another thing off the bucket list of things i want to accomplish before i die...which is so morbid and weird. the derby was fun- i'm DONE doing any events where the majority of the people are drunk around me and i'm just chillin. it's getting OLD and annoying. and YAY for an iphone, and double yay that DH recognized it as a push present! DH likes to say the baby will be my push present, but i know with some prodding there will be something up his sleeves. i've put my mom on the case to help DH in this regard...

dc- i haven't had the chance to express my condolences on the loss of your dad. what a great way to honor him with the name Sophia- which i just love. losing family while pregnant i know just makes you that much more grateful for what you have, and not taking one minute of life for granted- more on that later. i'm glad you're getting into moving mode and getting down to fla soon! i know the whole process is stressful, and throwing a baby into the mix is just added craziness, but you'll only appreciate the moments of quiet times you get as a little family that much more once the baby arrives. good luck to DH getting down there asap as well! and i hope the itching has been solved as well...pregnancy already is uncomfortable...why does itching have to be added to the mix...uggh!

basil- yay for a great shower! sounds like you got some great gear- i registered for many of the same items 8) and that bunny quilt is just too cute! i would NOT want to go through all that uncomfortable riding in the car for long periods already at 22 weeks! and it blows me away you're 28 weeks now...time is FLYING! hope all is well on the home front as well!

CDN: sorry you had PUPPS as well! hope you're getting some relief! are you still on team green?!?

Dreamer- oh that massage sounds heavenly right now. i have a coworker who comes in and rubs my shoulders (he is a LMT) and gives me tips on how to sit/stand/sleep/etc. and advised me to buy some tennis balls for DH to learn to give me some back rubs. has the ECP begun or are you *hopefully* avoiding it!? and DH would love the prescription for sex!! i'd have been cracking up as well. for some reason my libido has been in overdrive, so he hasn't complained much anyways ;)) - it might just also be that i was on the pill and celexa for a long time, so the combination made sex not so interesting and now my hormones are allowed to rage free of chemical restraint!!!

Sarah- oh that would be great to have a boy and a girl so close in age- and i trust in mother's intuition. i hope you are having some luck with DS moving his sleep schedule back a bit and hope the puking clears as well :blackeye:

Kay- hope you had a nice trip visiting family! i feel like such a wuss because i'm already trying to avoid travel at all costs, and it's just DH and me! i'm just feeling like i'm getting huger by the minute, and this little girl is snug as a bug WAY high in my abdomen, so i feel like my lungs are shrinking when i sit down in the car for a long time.

fabcrab- :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: for the bouncing baby boy!!!! IHA also found out that she was having a boy really early on, and it stuck true. i would try not to worry about the measurements- easier said than done- hopefully all is well in that department. i was told our "little" girl was measuring about 2 weeks ahead at my 20 week ultrasound- her estimated weight was 15 oz! i have been having daily conversations with her about staying in there as long as possible- mommy really wants to be at work for a full year before giving birth!!

blen- yay for a gain! you look fantastic!!!! i'm starting to feel kicks on the outside as well, i swear this little one is a ninja. i have an anterior placenta which they say means feeling less movement...uh- not in my case! i feel her on the top, the bottom- she likes to squirm! i called DH over to the couch where i was laying the other day because i felt 3 big kicks in a row in the same spot. of course he runs over to try to feel, and she stops doing her little trick. DH was looking at me like, "right. :rolleyes: " but its crazy the little tingles and tickles from a few weeks ago have progressed to full out thwacking on my belly.

modern: you must tell me where that top is from! so cute! and what a great bump you're rocking!!!!! love it!! i didn't realize you were the chief resident- congrats lady!!! glad you got your pump- my boss offered to lend me hers (she is done with having babies) and i'd get all the new parts for it. i'm still not 100% sure but more than likely going to use hers.

Whew- i feel better now :bigsmile:

AFM: 22.5 weeks- whew! sadly, i also lost a family member this week. my grandmother "gram" who has been sort of in and out of our lives since i was little, fell and broke her femur. she had complications when they initially went in to do surgery, so they had to stop. after reaccessing the situation, they felt she was safe for surgery still, so did it two days later. she came out ok, but then had a clot that went to her lungs two days after surgery. my mom just lost her dad last year, but actually is relieved because my gram has had so many medical complicatons lately, dementia, went blind, and has had no quality of life from where she used to be just a few years ago. kind of a weird story- but just a few months ago she decided to go ahead and get dentures. she had the money, but never wanted to spend it and put it off forever. her dentures just were finished a few weeks ago- and then this happens. it just made me think that i need to STOP putting off the things i really want and can do and living life to the fullest :halo:

after the rainiest april on RECORD here, we skipped the rest of spring and ran right into 80+ degree temps this week! ugggh. i guess just a taste of what the rest of my summer will be like. we have a closing date on the house of June 17th, and while i'm excited, i'm getting really overwhelmed with all the things we need to do before the baby arrives, but after the house is done. and of course we have something on the agenda pretty much every weekend- i dont even know how i'm going to have a date for the baby shower since every single weekend from the time time house is done until the end of july already is booked. DH acts like its no big deal that we have so much to do, but i'm freaking.
Dreamer, DC, Blen, Mrs, modern, charbie- Thanks for the warm welcome and reassurance that the measurements may not be accurate. I'm excited for next month's 20 week ultrasound where they measure everything!!! I'm truly fortunate in this pregnancy that I haven't experienced any morning sickness but I feel as though my immune system is lower and I get constipated occasionally (sorry if TMI!). I got super excited about having a baby boy that I did a little clothes shopping last weekend hehe! I also started my baby registry and that was fun but really overwhelming. I feel as though places like babies r us really blurs the line with the must haves and stuff I may not even use. I also got a huge case of sticker shock! :errrr:

Modern and Blen- really loving the belly shots! You guys look amazing!!!!

Major congrats to Random!!! Cayden is absolutely adorable!!!!
Charbie - I am sorry about your Gram. Congrats on a closing date on the house. I feel you on the piling to-do list - there are days that I am overwhelmed, but we were able to accomplish a lot post-baby last time (like staging and selling a house!) and I keep reminding myself that it's not like the world will come to an end then and I'll never be able to tackle those unfinished items. Maybe not for the first couple of months, sure, but they'll still be there. Fetus-George did the same thing with fake-outs when DH was about to feel my belly. This baby's moving more consistently, which is cool!

Mrs - Ooh, the iphone sounds like a great present! That was thoughtful of him.

Modern - You look great! I'm also glad to hear that the BH and your cervix are all doing pretty well.

DD - That is hilarious about the medically prescribed sex. I bet your DH is happy!

DC - I will check in tomorrow morning to see if you're up for lunch. Hope everything's going well with you!

FabCrab - The first trimester killed my immune system - I swear that I got sick every 2 weeks like clockwork - but it did get better by the time that I hit the second tri. The poo situation has been a lot better this time for me compared with last time, and I think it's because I am really focusing on fiber, meeting my water goals each day (I set mini-goals, like I should have had 2-3 glasses of water by the time I go to work, an additional half-water bottle by 10 am, the full water bottle gone by lunch) and on staying active. The amount of baby stuff avail at BRU and Target is completely overwhelming and so much of it is unnecessary. Try not to get to swamped down in it! And thank you!
Re: Calling all the Pregnant PS''er

A big old bowl of high fibre cereal -- one with 10g or more per serving -- keeps the digestion happy!

Charbie sorry about your gram :blackeye: I know it seems crazy for me to say this, but after baby comes you really can get a lot done. It is really tiring with a newborn, BUT at the same time newborns sleep so much and are so portable that if you need to, you can cart baby around and do stuff. I think the first 6 months actually are really easy in terms of portable baby and doing things if you want to.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT! :errrr: I just realized today that I have 9 weeks until baby is due. And despite what I just said to Charbie :rodent: I have things on my to-do list that I really want done before baby comes! Manuscripts in particular. I can do a lot of stuff with a newborn, but thinking deep rational thoughts is not one of them :lol: I got back reviews on a manuscript today that I thought for sure would be rejected and instead got a revise-and-resubmit, so that is top of my list, but I still have another paper to write before leave! Ahhhh! Nine weeks!
dreamer! preggo again! and due in just 9 weeks!! yikes - i really HAVE been MIA haven't i?!

many congrats to you - i hope you've had a comfortable pregnancy and have a happy, healthy baby :) so happy for you and all of the other preggo mamas on this board :appl:
Hi all! It has been a while since I have posted or even lurked on this topic but if anyone has researched anything it's PS'ers!! I am pregnant again with TWINS due 11.11.11... I have a 3 year old boy and a 9 month old daughter and we were done! But apparently there was a grander plan! Anyway... I am stuck on finding a good stroller for twins and possibly my daughter who will be 15 months old when they are born... anyone have any good suggestions?? I currently have a Bugaboo Denim Cameleon which I will likely sell since it is hardly used but I don't think I can afford the new bugaboo Donkey... ??

I have about 200 pages of catching up to do!! Hope everyone is well!
Little bit of a late belly pic...I felt quite large yesterday....but soooooooo happy weather is warming up so I can wear the summer skirts and shirts I bought!

Charbie! Looking GORGEOUS!!! Hope you're feeling well, friend :) SOOO jealous of your nice weather. Send some to Chicago if you have any to spare...

Malyvel, congrats! Wow twines! I'm a twin, and lemme tell you it's AWESOME!

Hi folks - officially adding/introducing myself - we are due with DD#2 the end of October. I've been lurking for some time (here and mostly TTC for some reason!). I actually didn't share the news with anyone other than DH, my mother and sister as I decided to do genetic testing and just wanted to know all was good first. I'm 38 which is AMA, but my NT scan and bloodwork came back with results like a 20 year old, yet I still had to *know* and amnios are very common in NYC so went forward with that and am glad I did, because now I can just breathe and tell everyone!

DD#1 will have just turned 3 when #2 is here, so we are getting nervous! Two daughters and one will be a 3 year old, eek! Part of me is sad it wasn't a boy for something new, but then part of me is happy DD will have a BFF and really, we wanted #2 mostly for her. I have a sister and we are very close. Also don't have to buy too much stuff since it's another girl!

We did TTC (came off BC) for about 5 months, but haphhazardly since we were also in the middle of a massive house reno. The month we had success we literally BD'd once days before O (I had just started using OPK's) so was SURE we were out - by my chart it was 4 days before O with 3 days of negative OPK's after BD'ing, so I was definitely shocked. I even had a chat with DH about him stepping up his game if he was serous about #2 since we weren't getting any younger! And kind embarrassed to admit I didn't even take prenatals until I got the BFP - so another reason the amnio soothed any fears! This pregnancy has been very smooth so far - some nausea/tiredness in the beginning but then nothing! Just like with #1, so I haven't actualy told work yet. It's been kind of annoying wearing blazers everyday and walking around with notebooks covering my belly! I'll probably announce this week or next (have an offsite work event this week).

So that's my story - hope to get to know everyone better (some of you I remember from the first time around). I don't have as many pg questions as I did the first time around (although I did forget some things), but definitely have tons about having 2 (C is already not too pleased about having to share things). I also need refreshers on the newborn stage, eek! Thanks and very excited to be here!! :)
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Janine I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a hunch that's why you were lurking but didn't want to say anything ;)) :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Malyvel-wow, congrats! Did you check out the bumbleride indie twin or the citi mini twin. They are both faves of my twin mom friends and I think you can get a buggy board for behind each for your DD, or wear one baby and have the other two in stroller...
janine, congrats mama!!! i'm so excited for you and i'm sure your little girl will be thrilled with a little sister.

charbie, you look wonderful!

maiyavel, congrats!! sounds like you'll have your hands full.

hope everyone is doing well!!