
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks for the congrats! It's slowly sinking in, but I'm finding myself now worried about their health so much more than one, which I guess is logical seeing as how there are two! I've been looking at the Baby Jogger city select and just noticed the Britax one...
Hello my fellow preggo's,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Mine was nice while it lasted, though the weather wasn't great, so we spent a lot of time indoors. That's ok though b/c there was more time for the sofa, hehe.

Catluver - Thanks for the dropping by and sharing the recs. It turns out that I don't have PUPPS, but rather shingles...even more fun, but I will give more details later.

Random - OMG, mama, what a seriously long labor process. That boy made you work for it, eh? Well CONGRATS on the long awaited arrival of Cayden, he is too cute.

Blen - I am so sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner about lunch. I ended up not getting back home on Thursday till after 9 and just crash landed into bed. I ended up working till 7 on Friday, so I don't think I could have wiggled away. But, I think I can swing this Friday, and I promise that I will message/email before then 8) Btw, I love your little preggo belly, too cute. As for the weight gain, good job!

Mrs - Thanks for asking about the trip. The flights weren't too bad at all, although I was exhausted when I got back to DC. That's crazy about the baby having the hiccups and you not feeling it. I can't recall, did you have an anterior placenta? Sorry about the backache and non-sleeping DD, but hopefully she is back on schedule now. Super cool about the push present too, yeah for new toys!

DD - So happy to hear that you are feeling well so close to the end. LOL on the doc telling you to have sex too. No matter how old we are, there are just some things that are funny, hehe. :bigsmile: As for the last few weeks, I can't imagine the length of the to-do list, but just try to take it a day at a time, and hoepfully you will begin to skinny that list down before the LO comes.

Modern - Thank you for your sympathy. Yes, I have totally realized how crazy life can be and just how people move in and out of this world. Unfortunately, I have not really had much time for rest, but I will try to get some soon. I am glad that you had a nice baby shower and that you got all your gifts. Bummer on the too much work. So how was trip with your friends? Btw, great baby bump pic, what a perfect little basketball you have going on there.

Charbie - Thank you so much for your thoughts. I am so sorry to hear about your loss as well. All of it definitely makes you appreciate each day a bit more and it also makes you look that much more forward to bringing your little one into this world. I hope that your family is able to get through this ok. As for my move, it is kinda stressful, but at least in a couple weeks, it will all be done, and I can get set up in my new house and life in FL. I won't mind the less stress once I get there either, lol. I hear you on the crazyiness, but hang in there, and hopefully it will get better after your closing. Btw, cute belly pic mama. Indeed, that skirt/shirt combo does look comfy.

Fabcrab - Yeah for shopping for little clothes, they are soo cute, eh? :D I have tried to restrain myself from shopping too much, since everyone seems to buy clothes, but I have given in once or twice, hehe. As for the constipation, it is a totally normal, yet still unpleasant side effect of pregnancy. And btw, there isn't too much that is TMI around here, pregnancy can be a touch job, lol.

Maiyavel - Welcome to the preggo thread! Wow, twins, CONGRATS mama.So, did you find out whether you were having boys or girls? (or one of each)

Janine - Welcome mama! I am sorry to that you nervous early on, but I am glad that everything is ok. I think it will be nice that DD has a sister too. While I may not always get along with my sis, I am glad to have her and we are very close.

AFM - Well, its been a busy, crazy week, and I think this will be another to boot. Vancouver was good and the conference went well. I dealt with the time change alright, but I was pooped when I got back. Unfortunately, I ended up working till 7 on Friday (boo), but I guess that's the price you pay for being out of the office so much. Speaking of, I am in NYC tonight, for another conference, then I fly to New Hampshire tomorow for some training on a new program, but then home for about 1.5 weeks, before heading down to FL, yeah! As for my supposed PUPPS, it turns out that all the stress from death of my dad and then the comprimised immune system of pregnancy caused me to get shingles. Big yikes! Not only was that the itching, but the burning/stinging makes sense now too. I went to the dermatologist on Monday before leaving for Vancouver and while she was almost positive it was shingles, she wouldn't confirm until she got my sample back (in two weeks no less). After that comment she follows up with, yeah, we need to talk to your OB after we confirm to make sure that it doesn't effect the pregnancy. Good gracious lady, do you have no emotions. I mean seriously, first you tell me you're pretty sure I have it, then don't want to do anything about for 2 weeks, no way Jose! :nono: So after examining Dr google and freaking out a bit, I called my OB, who was so understanging. She started my on some antiboitics to try to stop the onset, and then scheduled me for an appt with a fetal maternal specialist, just to check everything out. So, I have my 2 week appt on Wed and then my other appt on Thursday. I think that everything will be ok, but it makes me feel better to be proactive, so I am just trying to keep positive. On a positive note, DH and I had a nice little get together this weekend with some friends for an informal baby shower/good bye party, and it was great to see everyone. I also have my work lunch/baby shower this week on Thursday, so I am really looking forward to that.

Well, that is what's going on in my crazy world. All I can say is I can't wait to get to Florida to calm down a bit. Anywho, I wish you all a good weekend and hope all your little munchkins keep growing well!
DC, sorry about the Shingles, but I wanted to give you a little Asian tip. I think, Shingles is related to chicken pox. If so, then I suggest: LEMON GRASS BATH. Take a couple of stalks and boil it and add the "tea" to a warm bath. It'll help with the itching.

Hope it helps!

Thank you so much Puffy and Bella! :wavey:

DC: I wasn't so much nervous early on (since things were very smooth with great NT scan), but just am a need to know person and in my view if there is a safe test that can tell me where things stand diagnostically, then why not? That's too bad about you and your sister - my sister and I are very close despite some years apart, and most sisters my family seem to be close, so fingers crossed!
Sorry about your shingles, you poor thing! Proactive is definitely the way to go in my opinion ;). I'm sure it's all find but better to check now rather than wonder later. In the meantime you have been crazy busy, hope it calms a bit soon!

Shout out to Fabcrab (I think we are close in dd?) and Kay (we are mirroring each other's pregnancies again, lol)!
Welcome to Maiyavel and janine!

DC Eekk shingles! How annoying! Glad they are looking into it for you, I am sure you will be fine!

AFM trucking along and still pain free :appl:
I just wanted to poke my head in and say thank you for the congratulations :wavey: I find that my pricescope/facebook addictions are slowly subsiding now that I spend most of my time with Cayden, lol! So that is why I haven't been by in awhile :) I'll be waiting over in the newborn thread for you all!!! H&H however months you all have left :bigsmile:
Dreamer and Blen: thanks for the BTDT mommy advice. After my pity party, I bucked up and just got to thinking we will figure it out. DH now is having surgery on his back the last week of June or first of July (laminectomy and discectomy) so I figure when it rains it pours, and our summer has officially gone to hell in a handbasket. At least I got him to realize that having the surgery while I am on maternity leave was a terrible idea.
Welcome and congrats, janine!
hi ladies!

Charbie, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It certainly sounds like the end of her life was rather rough but it is terrible to lose someone close regardless of their quality of life. :blackeye: I'm sorry to hear about the heat too - being pregnant when it's very hot is no fun. And I hate that you have to deal with your husband having surgery on top of everything else! Ack! I hear you on feeling overwhelmed with all that needs to get done before the baby comes. As blen and dreamer said though, you very likely WILL get it all done but if you don't, you'll still have time to do things when the baby arrives. Hang in there and know that everything will be okay. hugs! p.s. You look great!

fabcrab, I'm so glad you haven't had any morning sickness! Bummer about the constipation though - I had that a lot last pregnancy partly because I had to take iron and I found that colace really helped! You might consider getting some if it's still a problem.

DD, I hope your manuscripts are going well! I cant believe you only have a few weeks left - crazy! Yay for still being pain free though!!

maiyavel, glad to have you here! Twins!? Wow! and congratulations! I'm a twin =) I hope you have an easy pregnancy! No idea what stroller to recommend for 3 but I hope you find something great!

janine, welcome back and congrats! I think we may have been pregnant at the same time last go round as well. I'm sorry you were nervous early on but I'm glad this pregnancy is going well so far! Two girls will be so much fun!

dcg, no anterior placenta here - just wasn't feeling those hiccups for some reason. He's gotten them again since then and now I DO feel them from the inside. So strange. I hope NY and NH were good! I'm so sorry to hear about the shingles. that's terrible. And what a bummer that your dr was so unfeeling. I really hope you get well soon and I hope you get some reassurance at your dr's apt tomorrow that there's nothing to worry about in terms of the baby's health. Have a great time at your work shower this week!

Kay, how are you?? Been thinking of you, hoping you're still feeling well.

hi to everyone else!

AFM: I passed my GD test yesterday :appl: I seriously love my OB and his staff / office. They have all the newest technology and it makes my lie so much easier. Last time I was pregnant I had another OB and they had no new technology. I had to book ultra sounds and labs to be done elsewhere and it was such a pain! It's so nice not to have to do that now! I was amazed that they just pricked my finger to get blood for my GD test and told me while I was still there that I had passed. SO much easier than having to go to a lab for a blood draw! I've gained 9 lbs in the last 4 weeks! ACK! I wasn't really surprised though since I hadn't gained much at my last appointment... nevertheless, I need to start eating better. I'm up 23 lbs total now (at 28.5 weeks) which is okay but I was hoping not to gain as much this time so I need to be more careful. We booked my c-section for July 27th which is exciting. It feels more real now that we have a date on the calendar. My dr said we'll do an u/s next check up to check on size. I'll be going in every 2 weeks from now on.

Feeling relatively well though my back and hips are hurting. Kinda crazy to think I have another 2+ months to go... feels like an eternity in some respects and yet I know it'll fly by. I hope the pain doesn't get really terrible.

Anyway, I hope you're all well!

Hugs, Mrs
Can I come play? :cheeky:
elledizzy5|1305673139|2924307 said:
Can I come play? :cheeky:

Squeeeeeeeee xmillion :appl: :love:
DC - No worries, I completely understand. Unfortunately, the rest of this week and all of next are CRAZY for me and I'm not going to be able to get away. And I assume that after that wouldn't work for you? :(sad And EEEK on the shingles! I hope that gets better for you soon!

Janine - Oh my gosh, congrats!!!

Maiyavel - Oh wow, I can't imagine having surprise twins after deciding you are done. What a shock that must have been! Welcome and congrats.

ElleDizzy - Welcome! :D

Charbie - Speaking as someone who has had a baby and who has had back surgery, if he has to have back surgery, sooner rather than later is a good plan. G was about 8 lbs at birth and I don't think I was allowed to lift 8 lbs for a few weeks post-surgery... Hang in there. And you are looking fab!
Yikes, I’m so far behind on posts again.

DD, IHA, Blen, MS, Charbie, great belly shots!

Fabcrab, welcome and congrats on your (most likely) son! :wavey: :appl:

DCG, I’m glad to hear your trip to Vancouver went well. Did you end up using your neck pillow under your tush? ;)) I kept shifting around in flight to get comfortable, but man it is miserable flying this late in the game. I’m sorry to hear about the shingles. You sound crazy busy.

Blen, LOL re being excited at the weight gain.

Mrs, there are 3 people ahead of me on the waiting list, but 1 or 2 of them may have had babies this month. I am at 32 days and counting until the induction – I can’t believe I am that close. Yay for a fun push present from your DH! :appl: DH got me a nice ring last time, but I have the feeling he is going to count the kitchen appliances as my gift this time. Congrats on passing your GD test! :appl:

DD, glad to hear you are still pain free! :appl: LMAO re the prescribed nookie. My poor DH is not getting any because I don’t want to soften the cervix and risk an early arrival. :oops:

MS, glad to hear you had a fun shower. I hope you enjoyed your last trip.

Charbie, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Congrats on your house closing date. With your DH needing surgery too, that does add a lot of pressure, but you will get through it. It is amazing what you can do when you have to, even with a newborn in the house. Hugs.

Maiyavel, congrats on your twins! :appl: Very cool EDD.

Janine, congrats on #2! :appl: I am so happy to see you back here. It looks like our pregnancies are paralleling again, although our due dates are a little further apart this time. Like you, in my late thirties, I wanted every test just to be sure. We weren’t planning to conceive #2 quite when we did, so I also didn’t start prenatals until I got the BFP. Is your DD#1 excited to have a little sister? When people ask our daughter if she is excited to have a little sister, she usually says no. We are getting so close, and I am nervous how she will react to no longer being an only child.

Elle, welcome! :wavey: We need more details.

Hi to anyone I may have missed. :wavey:

AFM, I am at 35 weeks! :o I have an induction scheduled 6/21, and plan to work through 6/17 if I can. I am trying to finish 8 work projects in the next month – it’s crazy. 4 of them absolutely have to be done before I can go on leave because they are time sensitive and I am the only one familiar with the cases, but I have been encountering delays waiting for other people to get me necessary information. The other 4 I might be able to work on from home, or possibly let wait 3 months, although I prefer not to.

The trip was a mistake for me personally. Most of DH’s family has not seen us in about 1.5 years, and A has really changed in that time, so it was good to go from that perspective. Unfortunately, DH and A both got sick the 2nd day of the trip, and after a few days stuck in a hotel room with them I got sick too. So, I missed 6 days of work because of the trip itself, and I have been off my game all this week because of the cold and sinus infection I have now. I should have stayed home, but I worried A would freak out to be without me for 8 days since she has been so clingy lately.

I am feeling so much movement these days, as well as the BH. It is so different from my 1st pregnancy. I feel like she is trying to break out early, and we are so unprepared. I need to pack my bag this weekend just in case.
Thank you Mrs and Blen for the welcome - nice to see some familar faces!

Elle - congrats!! And details please? How far along are you? Are you 'Sweaty cookies'? (an anonymous poster in the preggo thread).

Kay - hi!! We are running a parallel although you are SO close! Your scheduled delivery date is a day off from my b'day! Did you have a c-section the first time too? In our case I wanted 2.5 - 3 yrs apart, so it worked out. Not sure we would have wanted more than 3yrs since we're' not getting any younger. Interesting how this pg is so different from your last - mine has been very similar (almost no symptoms). I HEAR you on DD#1 not being excited. I think they don't quite understand...sometimes she seems open to it and did tell me she would like a baby girl (thank goodness b/c that's what she's getting) but most of the time she makes it clear she will "not share with the baby"! Eeek! One time she said "not going to carry the baby, it's too heavy." I told her no worries, she can just help if she'd like. So I don't know the best way to prepare her - mostly I'm just wanting her to understand the concept of sharing bc in general she is not wanting to do any of that right now! She does have a baby doll whose diapers she changes constantly but I still think she doesn't quite put it together. I told her where the baby's room would be and pointed out it was much smaller than hers (lol). Later on I found her doll in there with door locked.hehee. But there are nice moments like when she pet my stomach and said hi baby. If anyone has tips on how to prepare a toddler for a newborn and permanent addition, let me know!

Also sorry to hear about your trip and the workload, that's crazy! They should be taking projects off you! I would do what you can and let them worry about the rest...they can handle it. If you left tomorrow they would have to, so just take care of yourself first. :)
janinegirly|1305920472|2926793 said:
Thank you Mrs and Blen for the welcome - nice to see some familar faces!

Elle - congrats!! And details please? How far along are you? Are you 'Sweaty cookies'? (an anonymous poster in the preggo thread).

Kay - hi!! We are running a parallel although you are SO close! Your scheduled delivery date is a day off from my b'day! Did you have a c-section the first time too? In our case I wanted 2.5 - 3 yrs apart, so it worked out. Not sure we would have wanted more than 3yrs since we're' not getting any younger. Interesting how this pg is so different from your last - mine has been very similar (almost no symptoms). I HEAR you on DD#1 not being excited. I think they don't quite understand...sometimes she seems open to it and did tell me she would like a baby girl (thank goodness b/c that's what she's getting) but most of the time she makes it clear she will "not share with the baby"! Eeek! One time she said "not going to carry the baby, it's too heavy." I told her no worries, she can just help if she'd like. So I don't know the best way to prepare her - mostly I'm just wanting her to understand the concept of sharing bc in general she is not wanting to do any of that right now! She does have a baby doll whose diapers she changes constantly but I still think she doesn't quite put it together. I told her where the baby's room would be and pointed out it was much smaller than hers (lol). Later on I found her doll in there with door locked.hehee. But there are nice moments like when she pet my stomach and said hi baby. If anyone has tips on how to prepare a toddler for a newborn and permanent addition, let me know!

Also sorry to hear about your trip and the workload, that's crazy! They should be taking projects off you! I would do what you can and let them worry about the rest...they can handle it. If you left tomorrow they would have to, so just take care of yourself first. :)

No C-section for me last time. DD#1 was a week late, so they induced and I had a vag birth. IIRC, our first daughters were born very close in time - A was 10/21/08. I did want to have #2 this year, I just was thinking somewhere in the Sept-Oct range so we could hopefully finish our house remodel and some work projects first. We don't have a nursery yet. We have a sitting room that is supposed to become a guest room, and then the current guest room will become a child's room. The guest room is bigger and has a bigger closet than A's room, so I think that should be her room as the oldest, but I am afraid that my attempt to give her an "upgrade" will be viewed by her as my giving the new baby "her" room. Same issue with getting her a twin "big girl bed" and giving the new baby her old crib (that she is currently using in toddler bed mode). I hate to have to buy a second crib.

As for work, my department head wants to have a meeting next week to talk about transitioning some of my work to other people when I go on leave, especially if I have to leave earlier that expected. It's really me who doesn't want to do that. Most of my current projects are for one client, a lovely lady who I like quite a lot. I have been the primary attorney working for her for about 2 years, and I know all the details of her projects. I just hate to turn them over to other people who do not have the same level of familiarity. I feel like I am letting her down if I cannot finish at least the most important tasks before I leave.
Kay: I see what you're saying about work now - well I hope you wrap it all up in time - at least you know exactly when the baby will be here! C was born 9/29 so they were born around the same time! #2 is due 10/20. I think June is nice due date too! We also did a massive house remodel (house was unliveable during that period) and added a bedroom. We were off BC around July so you just never know. C then moved into the old guest room and so it kind of just happened that way. She is still in her crib and has told me she will not share it with the baby...I am hoping she'll get over it after we show her some nice big girl beds (we're going to skip the toddler one). So you'll be fine I'm sure since you already transitioned to the toddler version! :). Are you using the same bedding? I'm going to change it up a bit just to be different. How about strollers, are you buying a double? Well, I hope you'll update us over the next few weeks..and we'll have lots of notes to compare - I'm going to be learning alot from you! :)
Charbie: So sorry about your grandmother. Sounds like her quality of life had declined and as hard as it is, at least she is not suffering anymore. You sound like me with your busy summer schedule! We had a hard time finding a shower date too! The top is from Motherhood maternity and I think it was like $29! Totally a steal, I wish they had it in other colors.

Blen: good for you for drinking so much water. I am trying. How are your BH??

Dreamer: Can't believe you are so close! Good luck on that manuscript. Sounds like it was a success. Hope you get some fast editing before the baby comes.

Maiy: Congrats x2 to you!

Janine: Welcome and Congrats!

DCG: Sorry about all of the stress, that will certainly help bring on the shingles. I hope your doctor's visit went ok and you are feeling better.

Mrs: Glad the DM test was negative. Very exciting to have a date on the calendar.

Kay: Sorry about getting sick on your trip. 35 weeks already, wow! I hope baby stays put thru June so you have time to finish your work projects. Speaking of bags, what are you planning on packing? I guess I haven't quite thought that far ahead but it's never too early to get started.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you get to enjoy the weekend!

AFM, 28 weeks today and so happy to be moving along. I had a great time seeing my friends but my travelling days are over until this baby is out. I never realized how uncomfortable airplane seats could be. Baby is moving tons and getting so strong, DH is feeling it lots now which is a good connection. The room is slowing coming together. I will post some pics when we make more progress.
elledizzy5|1305673139|2924307 said:
Can I come play? :cheeky:

Delurking to say OMG CONGRATS! :D
Happy Monday Ladies,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you got some fun and relaxation in. Mine was too short, as usual :rolleyes:

Liang - Yes, shingles is the virus that lays dormant in your body after you have had the chicken pox, so it is very similar, although you usually get it in one place on your body versus all over like the pox (thank God). Thankfully the itching and pain has mostly gone away, but in case it flares back up, I will remember the lemon grass trick.

Janine - I hear you on the needing to know, I am exactly the same way. Glad to hear that everything is progressing well though. As for me, everything looks fine as well, but I will give more details later on.

DD - Glad to hear you are doing well. Thanks for the concern, but it looks like I am on the mend now (fingers crossed).

Random - Congrats again and Cayden, and I will see you in the NB thread is about 10 weeks.

Charbie - I am sorry about your DH having to get surgery, but hopefully it will fix his issues. As for him doing pre-baby, I think that was a VERY wise idea! Don't get too down with all this happening though. I know it can be tough to take sometimes, and life feels like it's throwing everything it has at you at the same time, but you will get through it lady. And we are here if you need us :))

Mrs - Congrats on passing the GD test, what a releif. I also passed mine too, so I share your joy :bigsmile: That's crazy that you have your c-section on the books. I'm sure that date will get here before you know it! Btw, thanks for the love. I am feeling better now thanks. That doctor went well and the baby is now worse for the wear. The two trips were a handful and I was a bit exhausted by the end of the week, but I am starting to feel back to sorts now. The work baby shower was really nice and I was very touched by the participation/effort that went into it 8) .

Elledizzy - By all means, jump on in! Congrats on your pregnancy! So how far along are you?

Blen - Yes, next week will be a bit too late, as I am leaving on Friday. :(sad Oh well, at least we got to hang out that once, so now we can put a face to the name, right? As for the shingles, they are beginning to clear up, but thanks for your concern.

Kay - Hehe on the tushie pillow. I actually used my sweater and then a blanket, since the neck pillow was a little too bulky. I hear you on not getting comfy, but I just made myself get up and walk around every hour, so it wasn't too bad. I am sorry that your flight didn't go very well, but at least you don't have any more trips till much later. I am also sorry that you got sick, but hoepfully you are feeling better now. As for hitting 35 weeks, OMG, so close now. That's great that you have an induction already scheduled too. As for your work load, yikes, but hopefully you can at least get through the 4 cases you need to do pre-baby.

Modern - Congrats on hitting 28 weeks. I feel like our pregnancies are just flying by now. Good on you for getting the room together too. I can't wait to start doing that in the coming weeks. Yes, stress can really freak a preggo mama's body out, lol. I am feeling better though, so that's good. Yeah for DH starting to feel the LO's kicks. I think it really does help them feel more connected. You should try story time too. Dh has really grown to like reading to Sophia aka turtle and she seems to like it too, hehe.

AFM - Checking in at 29.5 weeks, where did this pregnancy go? Things are getting better here health and stress wise, thank goodness. It looks like my shingles are starting to clear up and I definitely don't itch or sting in pain like before. I went to the Fetal Maternal specialist on Thursday and got a good look at Miss Sophia. She is doing very well and it looks like all of this didn't have any noticable effect on her. The funny thing was when I asked if she was growing on track, the doc said she was already over 3 lbs (3lbs, 3 oz according to his measurements). While I know that it is not 100% accurate, yikes, she is going to be a big girl like her daddy :shock: But otherwise, she was acting all sleepy-like during the scan, and kept yawning and trying to suck her thumb, too cute :saint: I have noticed that she is defintely a night baby and will stay pretty sleepy during the morning/early afternoon. Come 2 or 3 pm though, she is ready to roll.

Otherwise, we spent part of the weekend cleaning up some cabinets and drawers for the move, so we are not dragging unnecessary stuff with us to FL, and we have some last minute stuff to do this evening before the movers come to pack up tomorrow (and load on Wednesday). I am not particularly thrilled about living without any furniture (minus some tv's and an inflatable mattress) for 2 days, but I think we will survive. Come Friday, we are off to FL. While I am excited to move, I am definitely going to miss my friends here. Also, my DH's job stuff is still not finalized yet, so he has to come back on Tuesday to work for a few more weeks. That is a serious bummer, but hopefully things will resolve themselves sooner rather than later.

Anywho, I need to finish some stuff here at work before I head home, so I hope you all have a good week, and I will check in when I can. Take care mommies!
Dc-where in FL are you moving if you don't mind me asking?
I've been so busy lately I haven't been able to pop back in!

I am, indeed, sweatycookies! I'm 13 weeks today, and finally starting to feel a bit better. Hope everything is going well with you guys! I'm going to try and catch up with everyone over the next few days!

Thanks for all of the congratulations! Hubby and I are very excited!!
Congrats Elle!

DC -- can't believe you are almost 30 weeks, time flies eh? for some reason I also thought you and I were further apart, but only about 3 weeks??


AFM still trucking! 32 weeks and 4 days already. Making a dent in the stuff I wanted to do around the house, which is great. And got a paper accepted for publication in a top journal last week and another revise-and-resubmit that looks really promising, so that is a big relief! I really wanted there not to be a break in my publication record with this maternity leave and it looks like I am on track for that, so I feel good. I want to go up for tenure early so this is a good step in the right direction.

I admit I am starting to get nervous about another long meternity leave (9 months). It was a little lonely last time, and sometimes tough looking after a baby all day long, especially in the begninning when, to be honest, babies are not the mose engaging or rewarding on a social level. And I am in a new city with fewer social connections. I guess the good news is that my mom lives very close this time, as opposed to accross the country, so she will hopefully come over often to keep me company. And DH works at home now so I can always bug him when I need some conversation :cheeky: But despite all that, I am nervous, maybe about the big changes coming more than anything else! We are in such a good routine with Hunter, and now it is all going to change in just 7 short weeks! :errrr:
I've lurked on this thread for ages, but hadn't planned on posting until I was actually pregnant. I couldn't help but pop in to say congrats to Janine and Elledizzy! I love following all of your pregnancies and hopefully I'll join soon!
Hi ladies!

Welcome Elle! Congrats! We're glad to have you here! I hope you continue to feel better and that you have an easy, uneventful pregnancy!

Kay, I'm sorry your trip wasn't what you wanted it to be! Bummer about getting sick. That's exciting that you have the induction booked. How are your projects going? I hope they're coming together swiftly for you! Did your dept head ask you to transition some of them to others? re: the client you don't want to let down, it sounds like you have a good relationship with her and I'm sure she will be understanding if you need to migrate some of the work to others. You can always let those colleagues know that they can and should reach out to you with any questions they have. I hope it all works out!

Janine, I'm sorry you're concerned about how your daughter will handle some of the transitions with the new baby. Re: the crib, can you delay the move for a while? I'm expecting the new baby to be in our room for a month or two - perhaps you'll do the same which will give yoru daughter some time to get used to things before she gets a new bed?

Modern, I'm glad you had fun seeing your friends. Thanks great that the baby is moving so much that DH gets to feel it. Can't wait to see pics of your nursery!

dcg, congrats on passing your GD test! And I'm glad you're feeling better and that Sophia is fine!. thats great that you had a nice work shower. I hope the movers do a good job for you today and tomorrow and that the next few days without furniture aren't too painful! Travel safely on friday!!

DD, congrats on the publication(s)! that's great! Sorry you're feeling nervous about the maternity leave. I remember being somewhat lonely as well until I found a group of other moms and babies to get together with. Perhaps you can find a group of new moms on to spend some time with? We have a good routine going here now too so I also feel some sadness about it getting disrupted in 10 weeks... oh well. Are you still feeling well?

Hi to everyone else

AFM, I've gotten some good work done on the nursery recently. We got a glider off craigslist for his room this weekend which I'm excited about and I moved some things around yesterday so that the room is sort of configured how I like it. I think it's going to be great. It's fun to have a room to decorate this time. when my daughter was born, we were renting and looking to buy so I never really got into decorating since I knew it was temporary.

I'm feeling relatively well despite some hip and back pain.

curious what you guys think about travel later in pregnancy? I'm debating going to my grandmother's 90th bday party in June... I'll be 33 weeks along. She lives in Maine, where the party is, and I'm in CA. So it's a hike. I would be traveling alone with a toddler. My DH thinks it's a terrible idea and it would take some convincing to get him on board. When I really think about the logistics and cost of it all - bringing a car seat. paying for a seat for DD. etc... I know it isn't a great idea. But I also don't know when, if ever, I'll see my grandma again and I know it's easier to travel with one child than two even if I will be very pregnant. Also, my DH will be traveling for work which means getting away is easier - He usually hates for me and DD to be away from him. thoughts?

Hope you're all well today!
Mrs in my last pregnancy I travelled accross the country at 32 weeks for a job interview and it was not a good plan. The stress of it really did a number on me and it di not help my health in the pregnancy! I think if you want to do, perhaps leave DD at home?? I think I could personally make the trip on my own, but I know now at 32/33 weeks, I have a much harder time physically managing Hunter -- like picking him up, chasing him if he runs off, all that stuff -- and I can only imagine trying to do that on a plane! Alternatively, do you have a family member who could go with you to help out? I would want to see my grandmother too for her 90th, but like I said, I'd try to go alone if I really wanted to go.

ETA: I am still feeling great (knock wood)! No pain at all. This baby is in a totally different position than Hunter was, back on my right rather than back on my left, and I think this baby is lower down based on the bladder pressure I feel, too, so I am hoping all of this means no poly for me! I am sorry about your pain, though, I certainly know how it sucks! But if it is not debilitating then so far so good, really.
Thanks for your thoughts, DD. After posting earlier, I looked up flights and it would cost me $1500 for the airline tickets to make the trip happen. Leaving Sage at home or bringing a family member isn't an option since we have no family here and my husband will be traveling for work. I know you're right about how rough it would be to manage a toddler, luggage, car seat, etc by myself. oh well. C'est la vie

I'm glad you're feeling so well! The pain I feel is not at all constant so I really can't complain. And I know when it does hurt, it's still temporary. Here's hoping you're right about the poly not returning! I'm thinking I don't have it this time either since the baby seems a little tighter in there - like, I can feel him from the outside easier whereas with Sage, I feel like she had so much fluid and space that feeling her from the outside was more difficult. We'll see next week when I have an u/s.
Mrs|1306270057|2929328 said:
Thanks for your thoughts, DD. After posting earlier, I looked up flights and it would cost me $1500 for the airline tickets to make the trip happen. Leaving Sage at home or bringing a family member isn't an option since we have no family here and my husband will be traveling for work. I know you're right about how rough it would be to manage a toddler, luggage, car seat, etc by myself. oh well. C'est la vie

I'm glad you're feeling so well! The pain I feel is not at all constant so I really can't complain. And I know when it does hurt, it's still temporary. Here's hoping you're right about the poly not returning! I'm thinking I don't have it this time either since the baby seems a little tighter in there - like, I can feel him from the outside easier whereas with Sage, I feel like she had so much fluid and space that feeling her from the outside was more difficult. We'll see next week when I have an u/s.

Hmmm, I have this too, I can totally see my belly move around with this kiddo and could not with Hunter. But I blamed the anterior placenta, but maybe it is fluid related too?? Here is hoping my friend, I really want a natural labour and I know if I have poly again it is just that much less likely, ya know?
NEL: thank you my friend! I felt a little guilty lurking on TTC, but I had been lurking for awhile before getting pg, but then didn't want to jinx myself by chiming in. I have no doubt you will be here verrrrry soon.

DC: how are you doing?

DD: I hear you on not feeling prepared - since I'm more relaxed this time around I'm sure I'll be cramming those last few weeks! Having a long maternity leave is a good problem to have - we have 3 - 4 mo's and I'll be going back in the dead of winter again, ugh! Just make sure you have lots of visitors and build in days where someone can watch the kids all day so you can have some alone time. Have you decided on names yet?

Mrs: I agree with DD that that'll be a tough trip - forget the 32 weeks, travelling alone with a toddler is tough! I did it (NY- CA) when DD was 21 months and it was rough! With DH it was much better. It sounds like you are doing well so far otherwise, how are you preparing your toddler for the new arrival? I'm trying to work on it since DD is going through a possessive phase, eek.

Hi to everyone else - hope to see more updates soon!!

AFM, things are moving along and very uneventful. I have my 20 wk ultrasound at the 20 wk point next week (how predictable). I have still avoided telling work and 2 people approached me this week so I must have popped or ate too much food over the weekend. So I'm telling my boss today and nervous for some reason! I'm also trying to come up with names but it's tough the 2nd time around. Same with nursery colors - don't want to do pink again but still want to make sure #2 feels as special. I like the look of a light soft blue with pink accents or of course we could go with lavendar. We have alot of green and yellow in the house so avoiding that.
Oh and anyone else here have grays or am I the oldest mommy here? I went to a hippie all natural place deep in the East Village for coloring a few months back (no chemicals used) but it's expensive so not sure what to do for those in between months!
janine We have settled on names: Willow or Ryder. We were going with River for a boy, but it never settled in our minds, so Ryder it is. If we have two boys it will be a little cutesy, but oh well. DH loves them both, and it was hard to come up with a boy name masculine enough to match HUnter! I know I should not complain about 9 months of leave. I am very lucky, my work also tops up my salary to 95% for 8 of those months. Otherwise we could not afford such a long leave since government maternity benefits are only about 40% of my net salary :knockout: Anyways, I am going to make an effort to find other people to spend time with. I am not wild about random "baby + me" groups because often I feel I have nothing in common with the other moms besides, well, being a mom, and that is not enough for me to enjoy the interaction! I want to meet other professional women to spend time with. I will work on it. As for greys, I have a few ;)) But so far I get away with plucking them and don't need to color my hair too much -- I do highlights but on the underneath layers so I don't need to color as often. It is so $$$!
Dreamer_D|1306341157|2929948 said:
janine We have settled on names: Willow or Ryder. We were going with River for a boy, but it never settled in our minds, so Ryder it is. If we have two boys it will be a little cutesy, but oh well. DH loves them both, and it was hard to come up with a boy name masculine enough to match HUnter! I know I should not complain about 9 months of leave. I am very lucky, my work also tops up my salary to 95% for 8 of those months. Otherwise we could not afford such a long leave since government maternity benefits are only about 40% of my net salary :knockout: Anyways, I am going to make an effort to find other people to spend time with. I am not wild about random "baby + me" groups because often I feel I have nothing in common with the other moms besides, well, being a mom, and that is not enough for me to enjoy the interaction! I want to meet other professional women to spend time with. I will work on it. As for greys, I have a few ;)) But so far I get away with plucking them and don't need to color my hair too much -- I do highlights but on the underneath layers so I don't need to color as often. It is so $$$!

Love the names! I think the names Ryder and Hunter sound great - not too cutesy at all or if it is, it's in a good way! We are having a tough time with names - all the names I have loved forever are now super popular! I tend to like traditional/romantic sounding names (for girls). I hear you on trying to find other professional moms and ones you have things in common with. I don't belong to too many playgroups (no time!) but ones I do are with other working moms. However all the moms on my street are SAHM and literally barely leave their house so am not too friendly with them. I actually found some good hair color products at WFoods - I had thought they only had henna but they have more!
Hi everybody! I first want to thank you all for the condolences re: my grandma. I appreciate it greatly.

MS: I can't wait to see nursery pictures! I just bought a few things online from motherhood, I hate spending much on mat clothes!

Dreamer: funny story- each week I get the baby center email, and only on that day I click on the message board just to see if anything catches my eye. One thread was about baby names, and a girl posted she was thinking either Willow or Veronica for her daughter...I was very curious if she may be you! Love your name choices, they are great.

Mrs: how exciting you've set a csection date! Wow! How far along will you be at that point? Are you going early at all? And im so glad you like your OB so much. Mine is helpful, sometimes he is more personable than others, but I think that's to be expected when you start to get to the mundane appointments with nothing that exciting going on.I guess id rather have mundane than things going wrong tho!

Blen: hey lady! I was hoping you may pop in re: back surgery! Yes, I feel like he has made the responsible decision to have the surgery when he is. Even tho we have a pretty jam packed summer, I think this will actually help bc we wont feel the pressure to do everything, we can take it more one day at a time, depending how he feels. And I am so happy he will be able to hold the baby/pick her up/play with her and be pain free! I can't wait to have my happy husband back!

Dc: I hope the move goes well! Thank you for the support. I have my pity party days, but for the most part im just excited and looking forward to all the new things we get to enjoy. I hope DH gets to join you DH and I lived in different cities for a while last year when I got a job in our new city before he sucked, but made our time together much more enjoyable. Best to you!

Janine: yay for #2! I love all these BTDT mommys here to help talk me away from my craziness and assuring me everything will be ok. Yay for the 20 week u/s! I personally love lavendar, or even something neutral like a slate gray wall with pretty accents. How was the convo with the boss? I hated telling one of mine, but she's been really into it and asks me after every appt. "Did you get pictures?!" (Shes 37/no kids.)

Kay: I can't believe you are in the homestretch! How exciting! Wishing you lots and lots of luck to finish your work before the LO arrives...and a reminder that the world wont end if they don't (rapture didn't happen, right?!) Its the worst feeling like you've let someone down tho if it doesn't work out the way you want. I get that for sure! I have a few coworkers who have told me they are dreading me being gone...makes me feel good, but stressed for the mess ill inevitably come back to.

Elle: you know im excited for you :tongue: can't wait to follow along on your pregnancy!

Ugggh, im sure to have missed some people- hope everyone is doing well!

AFM: 24.5 weeks and feeling larger all the time. Some days I feel cute, other days I feel like a freaking blob. I had an appt today, im now+ 6 lbs overall. My doc joked that he thinks I might surprise him and hit double digit weight gain by the end of the pregnancy. Im guessing +17lbs at delivery...we shall see. Im loving all the belly kicks...she gets quite active before I go to bed and when I first wake up. I love that others can feel the kicks, too, makes it fun to share the experience with others. Oh and im pretty sure we have decided on the name Aubrey. Another girl I know had yet another Lily....and while I absolutely love the name, id rather go with something a bit more unique. We aren't confirming her name until she's born, but we are starting to refer to her by name to make sure we love it. Plus DH has realized I turn to mush and can pretty much do whatever he needs me to do when he says, "Aubrey asked if we could blah blah blah..."