
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

25 weeks worth of baby...starting to really feel like a pregnant woman. Although many nice people have told me I only look pregnant in my belly; that my arms, face, legs, all look good! And I have to admit, when standing head on in the mirror....I still feel quite good about how im looking ;) im beginning to embrace my pregnant body, and feel a whole new self confidence since I don't have to worry about love handles, muffin tops, any other belly issues. Yay me!

It is official.

My rings don't fit!!! ;(

Luckily my original wedding band, half eternity, is sized a little bigger and I can wear that. But I am very sad to retire my solitaire.

Beloved diamond, enjoy your rest :blackeye:
Happy June, everyone!

Charbie, you look so cute!! I can't wait until I have a noticeable bump! :)

Dreamer, I am dreading the day my rings don't fit! I'm so attached to them! Good thing you have some back up jewelry!

AFM, 14w2d today. Morning sickness is completely gone, and has now been replaced by epic heartburn. Oh, the joys! DH and I have our anatomy scan scheduled for July 5. Apparently I'm not patient enough to wait until then, so we're getting an elective u/s on June 14 to find out the sex. Can't wait!!
Charbie Looking good! You are carrying like I did with Hunter. And I am not debating between Willow and Victoria 8) We are settled on Willow. But that is funny!

Elle HB... Tums help a lot, and eating regularly and drinking lots of water. I have a lot of HB in my first pregnancy but not much to speak of with this one. Funny.


I could not bear not to wear my solitaire, so I have ditched the wedding band and I squeezed my solitaire on by itself 8) Ahhh... I feel much better. And my diamond looks bigger :rodent:
Thanks, Elle! My doc told me to go ahead and take Zantac for the heartburn. I was getting HB from water. Rediculous. And painful, especially at like, 2am. Its helped a ton to take Zantac every evening.

DD: had you been considering Veronica or am I making that up? Either way, love Willow. My rings are also getting tight thanks to our hot hot summer. I'm wearing my solitaire with a different band bc my band is an insert ring, so quite thick. Glad you found a solution, too!
Charbie I was not considering Veronica seriously, though I do like the name. Don't like the nickname "ronnie". But someone else on here WAS thinking of it for sure! Can't recall who!

So my ring got stuck last night and I had to soap 'er up to get it off. So the solitaire is back in the box :blackeye: I have finally hit that point in pregnancy where water retention is an issue. Feet swollen, hands swollen, gained 5lbs in like a week or so :rodent: It's official, I'm almost at the end!
Happy Friday, Ladies!

Dreamer, bummer about the water retention and your rings not fitting :(( Mine are getting rather tight too.

janine, how was your 20 week u/s??

charbie, you look great, hun! Aubrey is a lovely name - that's exciting that you've decided on it and can refer to her by name now.

elle, I'm so glad your morning sickness is gone! Bummer about the heart burn though! I had it bad yesterday too. No fun. Yay for having a u/s scheduled though! Do you have any premonitions regarding the baby being a boy or girl??

Kay, how are you feeling?? Are your work projects coming along well?

Modern, we haven't heard from you in a while. Everything okay?

dcg, how did the move go??? Has your stuff arrived yet? I hope you're settling in okay.

blen, you haven't posted in a while either - you doing okay? Hope you're well!

hi to anyone I missed!

AFM, all's well here. I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow and I'm still feeling relatively well. Heartburn and hemroids (sorry if TMI!) make me somewhat uncomfortable at times but it's not terrible or constant. The nursery is coming along and I'm starting to feel somewhat ready for this baby. Having my daughter's sleep under control makes everything easier. She moved into a toddler bed this weekend which went really smoothly. I had planned to keep her in a crib for as long as possible since she wasn't crawling out but DH suggested we set up the bed in her room just for her to get used to it and she wanted to sleep in it immediately!

The weather has been great here and we've been loving spending time at the private lake near us. It's a lake that only residents of our town have access to though we can always bring guests. There are two sandy beaches and it's been fun to watch my daughter play there.

we have a u/s scheduled for later today and I'm really excited. I hope we get to see him in 4D! I have a picture of my daughter from about 32 weeks in utero and she looks exactly like she did when she was born - you can even see the slight birthmark she has on her eye lid in it.

Anyway, I hope you're all well
Charbs, I get the late night HB too! What gives?? Can't I suffer during the day so I can at least fall asleep at night? Jeez, kid! :cheeky:

DD - Boo to the ring getting stuck, but big fat YAY to being near the end!! :appl:

Mrs - Glad to hear you're feeling well (besides a few irritating exceptions!) So exciting for the 3d/4d u/s! DH is scared of them, but I think they're so cool!

AFM - This kid hates sugar. I ate half of an over-sized sugar cookie ( it was from a Cookies by Design cookie bouquet) and have been gagging for like an hour. :rolleyes: This kid wont let me indulge one bit!! Gah! I got my first round of maternity clothes from Motherhood. OMG the jeans are AWESOME! My butt looks so good!! I wonder if I can get away with wearing these forever?? For 40 bucks - they're perfect!!
no 4d picture from the u/s today and even the regular pictures weren't great since he was asleep on his belly the whole time. But he's measuring great and all looked good. I had a few pockets of fluid but nothing worrisome that would indicate that I have polyhydramnios again like last time.

Elle, sorry you're getting no relief from the heartburn. I seriously popped tums non-stop last time - this time's been better but it's still it's no fun. Hope you find some relief soon!
Hi ladies! I'm still alive and doing well. :)) We went on our baby moon last week and it was wonderful. Saw lots of great sites, did some shopping (and finally bought something for the baby!) and ate a ton of yummy food. We've spent this week trying to get George back into his normal schedule. We're also starting to potty-train him, as he keeps insisting that he needs to go potty and does NOT want to wear a diaper, so it's been hectic to say the least. But, I am doing okay!

DD - So sorry about the rings!

Mrs - glad to hear that the baby's measuring great and the fluid doesn't seem to be an issue.

Elle - I had sugar aversions on and off early on in each pregnancy, and they really did get better later on. Hopefully the same thing happens for you.

Charbie - Looking good, mama! Congrats on choosing a name. Aubrey is so sweet. :))

DD/Janine - Pretty much all of the play groups around here meet in the mornings during the week, and just don't work for working moms. I recently joined one for running moms that meets at all different times (including weekends) and has occasional an occasional mom's night out, and I'm hoping it clicks. I know exactly what you mean about just having being a mom in common with the other women, and nothing that can make a relationship. But I need more IRL friends who live in the area, and I usually like other runners. And there are a couple ladies in it who are more pregnant than me, and a couple with newborns who are too young to run with, and so each of their runs includes a walking group, which will be great when I'm no longer able to keep up with jogging.
First off, I apologize for not posting in a while. My life has been pretty hectic lately. We lost my brother in law suddenly 3 weeks ago today. He leaves my older sister who is 33 and his two children, a 6 and almost 3 year old. My family has just been devastated. This is the 2nd loss I've had to endure in my family in the past 2 months. I'm trying to keep it together as much as possible as I know the stress is not good for baby Liam and because, well, I have to be there for my sister. It breaks my heart to see her go through this... but time heals all wounds and I believe she will be just fine. If you all could just please keep her and her children in your prayers, I'd truly appreciate it.

I am 27w1d and looking more pregnant than ever. I just had a dr's appointment this past Thursday and all is right on track. I'm up 22 pounds at this point. I'm hoping not to gain more than 35lbs (dr's said 25-30 is ideal) but 35 is what I've realistically set for myself. We'll see. And I have now started biweekly appointments. OMG. It's not so far away now... I'm both excited and terrified. Excited to meet my son and terrified on how the heck I'm going to get him here into the world! haha.

DH has been trying to get Liam's room finished and with all that's been going on, we haven't made much progress. But we'll get there eventually. I'm hoping to be able to paint it by next weekend... but he still has to finish up the drywall/spackling and put the new closet in, so we will see how it goes.

I apologize as I haven't gotten to read through everyone's posts but hopefully I have some time tonight or tomorrow to catch up on everyone. I hope you're all doing well.

Oh and a huge congrats to ElleDizzy!! So excited for you girl... I remember following you when you were a "lady in waiting" (as was I) and could not be more excited for you. (*My sn back then was Bubbly1126) Can't wait to find out what you're having!! Good luck with everything!

Here are some covered and uncovered 27w1d pics...

ETA**The red mark in the uncovered belly pic is a mosquito bite... the darn thing had just bitten me!


elle, I had horrible HB until about 14 weeks and then again in the last 8 weeks. I went through an Industrial size Tums bottle (something like 300 pills?) in the whole preg... lol! And I couldn't drink water til almost 17 weeks..and I love water. I had lemonade quite often.
Janine, I tried to coax A with a big girl bed, but she was not going for it. We decided it is not worth the extra emotional trauma to give her bed to her new sister, especially since she is not happy about the new baby anyway. We found a white crib on sale at BRU for $150, and we are looking to pick up a dresser off Craigslist or something and paint it white and maybe some fun colors, and get some wall decor and just do a cheap, colorful nursery this time. We still need to get bedding for the new crib, but figure she will be sleeping in the PNP for a little while, plus A has extra sheets. A has refused to ride in a stroller for several months, so we are not getting a double. Of course, once she sees little sis in “her” stroller, she might want back in it. :rolleyes: I’m not sure learning from me is the best idea – I am a disorganized mess right now. I know you are not the oldest mom here, because I think based on a prior post of yours that I have 1 year on you. No grays – I have been getting pure white, almost colorless hairs. At the moment, I don’t care enough about how my hair looks to color it, but I can see doing something after the baby comes and I recover a little. I like the idea of a lavender or light blue nursery. I did aqua and pale yellow with dark cherry furniture last time, so I am thinking either pink and green or pink and lavender this time to go with the white furniture.

Modern, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed your trip, other than the airline seats. I have 2 weeks to go, and I still don’t have my bag packed. I am a procrastinator. I packed way too much stuff last time, so I need to find my old list and pare it down.

DCgator, I’m glad to hear your shingles are getting better. I hope your move went well - it sounded like you are well organized.

Dreamer, congrats on your paper being accepted for publication! :appl: The prospective changes of adding a second child just when you have a good routine with the first are scary. I tried a couple of random baby & mom activities last time, but just didn’t click with the other moms I was meeting (it doesn’t help that I am an introvert and not great at chatting with strangers when I don’t know anyone at an event). I had better luck with a group that is for attorneys who are moms. My engagement and wedding rings are also taking a break now that warm weather is here. I have a trinity ring (my first push present) that I usually wear on my right hand (which is half a size larger) that I have switched to my left hand.

Elle, congratulations! I am estimating you are at about 15 weeks now. I went through a lot of fruit flavored Tums with my first.

Mrs, congrats on 31 weeks! That is awesome that your DD took to the toddler bed immediately. :appl: The lake sounds lovely and peaceful.

Charbie, cute picture! Enjoy the baby kicks. I really like the name Aubrey.

Blen, glad to hear you had a great babymoon.

Inhisarms, I am so sorry to hear about your family’s loss. I remember being terrified of the whole L&D process the 1st time too, but it just worked out. Cute belly pics!

AFM, life has been crazy busy. I am at 37 weeks and 4 days. The induction is scheduled for 2 weeks from tomorrow. I have 9 work days left, unless LO arrives early. I am scrambling to finish projects at work and at home, but figured I had better finally check in here or people would wonder. I am experiencing a lot of leg pain, from swelling in the calves, ankles and feet, and from the ligaments in my upper thighs. When I sit for a while, I have trouble walking (waddling) when I get up. I really wish I could just start leave now, but don’t feel that I can. I’m going nuts because 2 of my projects are delayed while I wait for other people to get back to me with reports – even though I keep telling them it is urgent. Okay, enough of the pity party. I did score a couple great deals on appliances last week. One of the local stores of a big, high-end appliance chain closed, so they were selling off the floor models at substantial discounts. I snagged a Thermador fridge at 50% off, a Wolf range at 30% off, and a Viking steam/convection combination wall oven at 70% off. Now I just need to find deals on a dishwasher and microwave. Of course, these appliances will be sitting in my garage for the next 6 months while we wait for the remodel to be done, but I couldn’t pass up the deals.

I need to get my hospital bag packed ASAP. It’s funny, but I realized last night that I have given very little thought to L&D this time. I was so scared last time, but now that it is no longer a complete mystery, it is low on my list of concerns. I am much more concerned about trying to get my life organized, how A will react to the new baby, how we will ever sleep again, etc. I think the baby’s name will probably be Lauren. DH admitted he is not crazy about Veronica (my top pick), and I am not sure about Vanessa either (his pick). We both like Lauren, although it feels a little funny to settle on a “compromise” pick. We both like Noelle (just not as a first name for a summer baby), so her name will likely be Lauren Noelle, unless something new hits us in the next 2 weeks.

I hope you are all doing well -- sorry if I missed anyone.
Kay Oh I hear you on the leg issues! I did not have much water retention or swelling until this last 2 weeks, when the weather around here finally got warmer. Suddenly when I sit for any length of time, my feet and legs get so swollen it is gross. And uncomfortable. No pain like I had last time, but definite issues in the crotch when I try to move my legs in certain ways. And I waddle now too. Thanksfully I am not working from my office much so I can sit on my couch with the laptop and work, with my feet up! Helps tonnes. I wish you could take leave sooner!

I am 34.5 weeks now!
Hi everyone!

21 weeks here - had the 20wk u/s last week. Everything is good except baby is breech -hoping she moves! She wasn't in the best position but we managed to get what we needed. I feel like I"m so much bigger this time around and of course time is flying since I'm not really paying attention to this pg unless need be! DD1 is doing well and played with our friend's 10 month old girl very nicely over the weekend (and was fascinated watching her eat/get her diaper changed), so that was sweet to see. Still no progress on the nursery or names for me though,eek. Been feeling pretty good except for a case of H last week (not heartburn) which was NOT cool, but guess can't have everything easy!

Mrs: glad the u/s went well, our LO wasn't cooperating either. Great that you moved your DD into the big girl bed - how old is she again? We need to tackle that this summer. Plus potty training...

Charbie: you look great! Are you settled on Aubrey? Lovely name.

Elle: glad you are rocking the pregnancy jeans! I don't love any maternity clothes but admit the elastic waist sure is easy, lol. Luckly my this LO likes sugar so been giving her lots.

Blenheim: what a great trip! Sounds like you're dong great!

DD: You're so close -I won't have a FB PS preggo friend for much longer! I think your rings fit pretty long, mine didn't fit around 6 mo's last time- we'll see how it goes this time around. Sorry about the leg and swelling issues - hopefully you don't have to move around too much. Let me tell you I'm dreading my commute and Penn Station in August!

Kay: Hi! Good move on the new white crib. If things backfire for us maybe we'd do that too - I like the idea of a white dresser. We have natural crib furniture but can move that and then switch DD's to white furniture - her room is mostly pink and pink (with some green). I'm leaning more and more towards pale blue with pink accents for the new baby. Lauren is nice name and it's all about compromise! We're having a tough time too, there's one name we both like but don't love so we'll see. Hope things ease up a bit as you prepare for your LO's arrival (so soon!)...and you got some deals on appliances (30% off a Wolf - where'd you find that? hehe).
Well I am very disappointed.

Had my midwife appointment today and everything looks great -- good blood pressure, no protein or anything in my urine, healthy HB for baby and movements.

By I am measuring close to 3cm bigger than my weeks :blackeye: I have been consistently 1cm ahead, but there was a jump this week. So I need an u/s to see if I have polyhydramnios again. I really hope that I don't, as it would add a level of complication to the birth I would rather avoid (been there done that, thanks). And it would likely take home birth out of the equation, which would be disappointing. Sigggghhhhh.

Not sure when I will get the u/s, might be a couple weeks, but fingers crossed in the meantime would be great!
Aww Dreamer, I'm sorry. I hope all turns out to be fine! I'll have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

I will join you in the not happy boat... I failed my 1 hr Glucose Tolerance Test. Nurse said only "slightly" but still, now I have to do the lovely 3 hr. I feel like a failure. :blackeye:

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well!
inhisarms17|1307487142|2940212 said:
Aww Dreamer, I'm sorry. I hope all turns out to be fine! I'll have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

I will join you in the not happy boat... I failed my 1 hr Glucose Tolerance Test. Nurse said only "slightly" but still, now I have to do the lovely 3 hr. I feel like a failure. :blackeye:

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well!

IHA if it helps, about 25% of women fail but only 3-4% have GD, so most likely you are fine!
Sorry Inhisarms - like Dreamer says it is so common to fail - you can take it again first thing in the morning (avoiding certian foods) and see if you get a different result.

Aww Dreamer, sorry to hear that, although I'm not that familiar with the condition. Can you do an ultrasound earlier? Af ew weeks away you'll be ready to give birth! It'd be nice to have some peace of mind since things might be just fine!
I should have said what poly is -- it is when you have too much amniotic fluid. Mrs. had it too, with her daughter, and I had it with Hunter. It is sometimes associated with congentital defects, but since I had a very thorough u/s at 20 weeks and also had poly in my last pregnancy, most likely I am just one of those 60% of cases where they do not know the cause... if I have it, won't know until the u/s.

It is annoying because it just makes birth a little higher risk -- risk of cord prolapse if waters break and baby is not engaged (biggest risk), more likely that baby is not properly positioned for birth because the extra fluid makes babies float up, more likely that your waters break before labour starts (25% of the time!). With Hunter, the poly was why my waters broke and I ended up being induced, and he was in a bad position. The end result was a normal v. delivery, but I really really wanted a home birth or at least a natural labour this time without any need of augmentation. So I am just disappointed that it is possible that if I have poly that won't happen.
Hey Ladies,

Sorry for being delinquent the past two weeks, but obviously there has been a lot going on. The good news is though that the move went fine and I am now all set up in sunny Florida. More on that later, but let me catch up with you all first.

Fiery - I wish I was back in SoFL so we could hang out, but I am on the West Coast. But, if you are every up this way (I think you go up to Otown sometimes), I am not to far away, so let me know =)

Elle - So, you are about in the second trimester now, congrats! Hopefully you are feeling better and don't have the wicked morning sickness. I totally hear you on the heartburn though. I didn't get it till a bit later, but mine is bad like Charbie's, where even water makes it worse. I try to make it through most days with just Tums, but when it's really bad, I use Zantac as well. Good luck with that! Oh, and less than one week till your U/S, how exciting :bigsmile:

Dreamer - Yep, we are not too far apart at all. That's great news about your publications, congrats! :bigsmile: I am sorry for the anxiety about the long maternity leave. I can't say that I understand, since I am only planning for about 2.5 months or so, but I can understand the feeling somewhat alone thing. But, it is good that DH is at home, so maybe you guys can "do lunch" once or twice a week, and get out of the house. I am sorry about your rings not fitting, but hopefully you can find some sort of solution. As for the possible fluid condition, I really hope that you don't have it so that you can have the homebirth you would like. Let us know how it goes...

Mrs - Thanks for the all the moving well wishes. I have to say it went really pretty smoothly, so that was a releif. As for Sophia, she is indeed doing just fine and growing bigger by the day. Great job on starting to pull the nursery together. I am looking forward to Sophia's furniture getting delivered later this week, so that I can finally start to organzie :naughty: I hope that the pain continues to be manageable and that you don't get the fluid condition this time either. I forgot that we has such close due dates. I am 31w, 5 days today. Question about that though, when you had your U/S, did they say how big they think you LO was? The doc is saying she is already close to 4 pounds (as of last Thursday), so now I am getting nervious that she is going to be like a 9-10 pounder, ugh. If she ends up being that big, I might opt for a C/S because I don't feel like pushing a 10 lb'er out my chacha :shock: As for your DD, that's great that she loves her big girl bed already. I heard that can be sometimes traumatic, so yeah for one less hassle.

Janine - Thanks for checking in. Both Sophia and I are doing well and getting used to life in Florida. We both miss daddy though and can't wait till he gets down here. Glad to hear that the ultrasound went well, but sorry that she wasn't cooperating too well with her position. But, she has plenty of time to get herself all lined up. How did telling your boss about the pregnancy go? I am impressed you got this far without having to say anything. Oh, and I like the lavender color idea. I think that would be very pretty.

Charbie - Thanks, the move went well indeed. I'm sorry you are still struggling, but it really will get better with time. As for the DH away thing, we did four months apart when he was deployed back in '09, so this isn't too bad, especially since we can talk all the time, versus twice a week. But, being pregnant, I miss that he is not here with me. Oh well, we are hoping that he will be here in the coming weeks...So you should be about 26 weeks by now, right? If so, congrats on making it to the third trimester. It's all downhill from here now, lol. I feel like this pregnancy has just flown by, so hopefully you will be able to enjoy these last couple months. Nice job on the weight gain. I have definitely gained more weight, but I am just pleasantly ignoring it at the moment, hehe. As for the name, I love Aubrey. We have a family friend who's granddaughter is named that and I think's its such a cute name. Too funny about DH using his powers of persuassion. Cute belly pic too!

Blen - Its good to see you again. I am jealous about the babymoon. Remind me where you guys ended up going? That's great that George wants to try to get potty trained now. I'm sure its a bit of a hassle, but at least you won't have two in diapers, right?

IHA - Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry to hear about your BIL's passing. That is just awful for your family, and your sister in particular. My prayers are most definitely with all of you through this extremely difficult time. I understand how hard it is to try to keep it together, but do try to take care of you too. And watch out for getting too run down. The shingles love to strike at times like this when your immune system is low and stress levels high. Super big hug honey. As for getting Mr. Laim's room together, that is great. And your preggo belly is too cute and round. Regarding the glucose test, boo on having to take the 3-hr test, but hopefully all will be well with that one.

Kay - Thanks for thinking of me. The move went really well, and I am all set up in Florida. I am sorry to hear that you are soo crazy with work and that you colleagues are not stepping up to help you along. What a PITA. As for the baby's impending arrival, wow, you really are so close now. Good luck with getting it all done before the LO's arrival. As for the name, I think Lauren Noelle is pretty and if you both agree on it, than all the better. I'm sorry to hear about the leg pain, but hopefull you can find something that makes it a bit better.

AFM - Checking in at 31w5d and things are going pretty well. The moving process went really well and was pretty seamless. I survived a few days with no furniture and an air mattress and the furry sons made the plane trip down here almost without incident (the little one started to freak out with about 20 minutes left in flight, but he was ok). The furniture was delivered on Saturday as promised, and we had my mom, bro, sis and a family friend here that weekend to help us unpack. We actually got most of it done by Sunday, so that was great! Otherwise, I have my office set up at home and that seems to be working just fine. As for Ms Sophia, we met our new doc last Thursday and at least that one was very nice. She did a very thorough work-up and I got to see Sophia on the big screen again. She continues to grow a LOT and was almost 4 pounds at 31 weeks, eek! As for my DH, there has been a break in the job freeze, and the new positions are said to start in 2 or 3 weeks, so we are really hoping he gets in on those waves so please send your dust that he can move down with us soon! Otherwise, I am amazed at just how fast this whole pregnancy is flying by and am starting to get a bit nervous about the whole delivery/bringing home a baby thing. I am hoping that out baby/birthing class at the end of the month will make me feel better, but in the meantime, I totally need to read up :loopy: .Well, I need to get back to work here, but I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to being around more, now that I am all set up.
Thanks everyone for the support re: heartburn! It really is miserable, but on some level I love it because it reminds me that I'm pregnant! Its tough being 15 weeks, since you dont particularly look pregnant yet, and you don't feel sick all the time either.

Mrs - Sorry you didnt get any great shots, but as long as everything looks good - yay!

Blen - Glad you had a fantastic babymoon! We are just in the early planning stages of ours. Good luck with the potty training! How exciting!

IHA - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. :( How tragic! My thoughts are with you and your family. So heartbreaking :( You really do look great - I love your bump! Jealous! Can't believe we were LIWs, and now almost mommies. Where does the time go? Sorry about your glucose test - hope it turns out OK!

Kay - How exciting that you're so close! Sorry you're having some pain. :( I just have to tell you that I am a Lauren, and I love my name. Great choice!

Janine - Also loving the elastic waist. Hubby is jealous when we go out to a big dinner! Glad you're feeling good for the most part. Tell that baby to turn around!

Dreamer - I hope everything goes OK at your u/s. Definitely keeping my fingers crossed!

dcgator - Good to hear your move went well! I have Tums right next to my pillow. Hehe. Haven't had to try anything stronger yet. Hopefully it stays that way. Sending dust for your hubby!

AFM - Just trucking along. 15w2d. Our sex u/s got moved from the 14th to the 18th because they lost a u/s tech. Boo! But they are giving us a free dvd for the inconvenience, which is kind of cool. I just want to know whether I'm team blue or pink already! Need to start shopping! Aside from HB, feeling good and just excited in general. Waiting on that bump to arrive...c'mon kiddo!
Elle- is is tough being in the first half of the second tri. Its awkward...but before you know baby will be kicking, and your belly will arrive :) my heartburn got worse at around 20 weeks, but hang in there and be proactive :) and sooooo excited to find out if you're pink or blue...lucky you and your early u/s!
Dc- im so happy your move went well and baby Sophia is looking good in there! I wouldn't worry too much about size yet...way too many people have had babies fall a lb or 2 below estimated weight. Your positive attitude helps so much...thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. And I've shown my belly pics...ahem.
Dreamer- sorry to hear about the poly. I know a home birth was part of your plan, and hope everything ends up ok. You seem still pretty calm about it, which is great since it can only help matters.
IHA- looking good, lady! Im sure you'll pass the 3 hr with flying colors. Sorry you've got the stress of it to deal with, how soon until the 3 hr?
Kay- ok, im soooo jealous on your appliance deal! Awesome score! We had to buy a number of appliances for our new house and got decent deals, but not nearly as great as yours! Oh your kitchen is going to be so fun. Almost there for the arrival of the baby, yay!
Janine- yes, Aubrey is the name. We quite like it :) glad time seems to be flying by....and im 5 weeks ahead of you and have absolutely nothing for our nursery. :o sorry about the H....hope you got some relief!
Blen- glad you had a nice baby moon! I wish we could go away somewhere...but its just not in the cards now. Best of luck with potty training for G!

AFM: DH had back surgery today! He injured his back even more the other day just putting on socks. Has been unable to move. Its been awful, and the doc got him in early. Aaaand....we move to the new house next week....yay! So much going on, but so happy that DH will no longer be in pain. Then he can pamper me for the rest of my pregnancy bc I have been such a great nurse and caregiver for him.
on the pregnancy end....just trucking along. DH loves to feel her kick, she's a strong little sucker! At least im confident she's not breach....I get so many kicks at the very top of my belly.
hope everyone is well!
charbie|1307624989|2941557 said:
Elle- is is tough being in the first half of the second tri. Its awkward...but before you know baby will be kicking, and your belly will arrive :) my heartburn got worse at around 20 weeks, but hang in there and be proactive :) and sooooo excited to find out if you're pink or blue...lucky you and your early u/s!
Dc- im so happy your move went well and baby Sophia is looking good in there! I wouldn't worry too much about size yet...way too many people have had babies fall a lb or 2 below estimated weight. Your positive attitude helps so much...thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. And I've shown my belly pics...ahem.
Dreamer- sorry to hear about the poly. I know a home birth was part of your plan, and hope everything ends up ok. You seem still pretty calm about it, which is great since it can only help matters.
IHA- looking good, lady! Im sure you'll pass the 3 hr with flying colors. Sorry you've got the stress of it to deal with, how soon until the 3 hr?
Kay- ok, im soooo jealous on your appliance deal! Awesome score! We had to buy a number of appliances for our new house and got decent deals, but not nearly as great as yours! Oh your kitchen is going to be so fun. Almost there for the arrival of the baby, yay!
Janine- yes, Aubrey is the name. We quite like it :) glad time seems to be flying by....and im 5 weeks ahead of you and have absolutely nothing for our nursery. :o sorry about the H....hope you got some relief!
Blen- glad you had a nice baby moon! I wish we could go away somewhere...but its just not in the cards now. Best of luck with potty training for G!

AFM: DH had back surgery today! He injured his back even more the other day just putting on socks. Has been unable to move. Its been awful, and the doc got him in early. Aaaand....we move to the new house next week....yay! So much going on, but so happy that DH will no longer be in pain. Then he can pamper me for the rest of my pregnancy bc I have been such a great nurse and caregiver for him.
on the pregnancy end....just trucking along. DH loves to feel her kick, she's a strong little sucker! At least im confident she's not breach....I get so many kicks at the very top of my belly.
hope everyone is well!
Fingers crossed your hubbys back surgery helps him and he doesnt re-herniate his disc again like me 4 months later from laying in bed/on couch! Hope you have some movers too! I thought i remember u saying he was having a discectomy/laminectomy right? How long is his recovery?? Mine was like 4 weeks till I was allowed in a car. Just curious what kind of restrictions your doctor has put on your hubby. First week was definately the roughest!! Hoping good thoughts for him!! :-)
Well the scan today was fun. They did a little 3d stuff and our baby is really cute 8) Looks a lot like Hunter, who is an was a little gerber baby. We debated a little whether this baby looked more like a girl or a boy, but reached no concensus.

Estimated fetal weight was 6lb 14oz. at 35 weeks, which is about the 70th-80th percentile for weight :cheeky: . Although this might freak out another mother, I was like "No worries at all!" I felt this way because A) At the same scan with my son, Hunter was estimated to be 97th percentile and was actually born at the 70th for weight; and B) I figure if I can have a relatively straightforward vaginal delivery of a 8lb 7oz baby, then I can manage a bigger one too ;)) So I was like "Bring it on!" LOL! But interesting to know this baby is estimated to be so much smaller than HUnter was estimated to be. Will be neat to see what the reality is.

My fluid levels were at the higher end of normal. Basically, a score of 25 or higher on one index and/ or a score of 8 or higher on another means you have polyhydramnios. My levels were about 24.5 on the first index and 6.5 on the second. With Hunter, it was higher, 27.5 and 10. I have not talked to the midwife yet or gotten formal results, I just know the numbers from peeking at the results ;)) But my guess is we will just wait and see, measure my fundus at the next appointment and maybe repeat the scan if it looks like I am still growing faster than dates predict.

No signs of abnormality in the baby, which is expected since abnormalities would have been evident at the 20 weeks scan and also would have cause more severe poly earlier on.

But all told, though I would have preferred to have moderate/normal levels of fluid :rolleyes: I am ok with these results. Hoping that the levels go down a little to avoid potential complications in labour, though.
blondebunny|1307670520|2942159 said:
charbie|1307624989|2941557 said:
Elle- is is tough being in the first half of the second tri. Its awkward...but before you know baby will be kicking, and your belly will arrive :) my heartburn got worse at around 20 weeks, but hang in there and be proactive :) and sooooo excited to find out if you're pink or blue...lucky you and your early u/s!
Dc- im so happy your move went well and baby Sophia is looking good in there! I wouldn't worry too much about size yet...way too many people have had babies fall a lb or 2 below estimated weight. Your positive attitude helps so much...thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. And I've shown my belly pics...ahem.
Dreamer- sorry to hear about the poly. I know a home birth was part of your plan, and hope everything ends up ok. You seem still pretty calm about it, which is great since it can only help matters.
IHA- looking good, lady! Im sure you'll pass the 3 hr with flying colors. Sorry you've got the stress of it to deal with, how soon until the 3 hr?
Kay- ok, im soooo jealous on your appliance deal! Awesome score! We had to buy a number of appliances for our new house and got decent deals, but not nearly as great as yours! Oh your kitchen is going to be so fun. Almost there for the arrival of the baby, yay!
Janine- yes, Aubrey is the name. We quite like it :) glad time seems to be flying by....and im 5 weeks ahead of you and have absolutely nothing for our nursery. :o sorry about the H....hope you got some relief!
Blen- glad you had a nice baby moon! I wish we could go away somewhere...but its just not in the cards now. Best of luck with potty training for G!

AFM: DH had back surgery today! He injured his back even more the other day just putting on socks. Has been unable to move. Its been awful, and the doc got him in early. Aaaand....we move to the new house next week....yay! So much going on, but so happy that DH will no longer be in pain. Then he can pamper me for the rest of my pregnancy bc I have been such a great nurse and caregiver for him.
on the pregnancy end....just trucking along. DH loves to feel her kick, she's a strong little sucker! At least im confident she's not breach....I get so many kicks at the very top of my belly.
hope everyone is well!
Fingers crossed your hubbys back surgery helps him and he doesnt re-herniate his disc again like me 4 months later from laying in bed/on couch! Hope you have some movers too! I thought i remember u saying he was having a discectomy/laminectomy right? How long is his recovery?? Mine was like 4 weeks till I was allowed in a car. Just curious what kind of restrictions your doctor has put on your hubby. First week was definately the roughest!! Hoping good thoughts for him!! :-)
Hi BB! He better not reherniate his disc in the near future! Haha! The doctor did say that bc they had to remove a lot more disc than initially thought (due to his new injury....they had not don't a new MRI). It was one of the worst herniations the doctor had ever seen, and complicated since his old hernation was calcified....big old mess. He actually is instructed to walk 4x's a day, for 10 mins each time. No driving for 2 weeks, but I can take him places if we get out of the car every hour. No bending/twisting/lifting for 6 weeks.
He is a new man already! The instant relief he had was amazing. And we don't have movers...just lots of great friends and family and a UHaul :) plus plenty of beer, subs, and pizza for the help!
Oh dear, I have no idea how long it's been since I've posted here...I have been lurking and following along every few days. I'm so glad that everyone seems to be doing so well!

Just a quick update - I'm 33 weeks now and kind of just cruising along for the moment. No big problems, just minor discomforts like severe constant heartburn and swollen fingers and toes. My rings don't fit anymore so DH calls me his "pregnant girlfriend" and neither do most of my shoes so I've been trying to get by in Crocs as much as possible. Very attractive.

We moved to our new place about a week ago and it's been stressful. We were homeless for about a week between the closing on our condo and the start of the lease on the new place. Then the postal service then lost our rent check and we were almost blocked from moving in.

We tossed a bunch of furniture (cheap broken Ikea stuff) and are waiting for new stuff to arrive. But in the meantime, it's hard to unpack cause we don't have anyplace to put anything! So just in the last few days, we started sleeping in our own bed instead of the futon mattress on the floor. Everything continues to be a mess, but at least now I have internet!

In the meantime, stuff has been crazy at work as I'm sort of transitioning between my two positions and there are tons of decisions to be made and demands made of me that were previously taken care of by my director who left a few weeks back.

Anyway, we have a nanny-hunter person coming in about 20 minutes and I have to clear someplace for her to sit. DH's friend used and liked her so I'm hopeful she can find someone good for us!
Dreamer, that’s great you can work from your couch. Some of my work can be done from home, but I am having crazy issues pop up right now that require me to be in the office so that I have access to the boxes and boxes of documents for my active cases. I am glad your fluid levels are in the normal range at least, even if not as low as you had hoped. Hopefully they will drop by your next appointment.

Janine, how sweet that your DD1 had fun playing with a 10-month-old baby. I hope that is a good sign for you. There is a lot of time for DD2 to change position. I was rather pleased with more score on the Wolf display unit, since Wolfs never go on sale.

Inhisarms, failing the one-hour glucose test but not having GD is very common, but I understand that it is frustrating for you.

DCgator, glad to hear that your move went well and you are nicely set up in your new place. Here’s hoping that your DH will be with you very soon. Sophia is getting big! I think the classes will reassure you. My problem at work is not my colleagues – several have very nicely offered to help either now or when I am gone. My problem is that I was hoping to finish some things myself (more efficient since I know all the details) and people outside my office, like appraisers, title officers, clients’ business partners, IRS, etc., are not getting back to me promptly with promised information, documents, agreements, etc. I have things that could have been done weeks ago if I did not have to wait for people to get back to me.

Elle, 15 weeks can be tough as you are in that limbo zone where you don’t quite look PG yet. Just a few more days and you will know pink or blue! I am sure the delay is annoying, but it is nice you will have the free DVD. It is good to hear that you have loved being a Lauren. Lauren has a very elegant simplicity to it, and it makes me think of classic American beauty because of some of the people associated with it – Lauren Bacall, Lauren Hutton, Ralph Lauren (who makes such elegant women’s wear). As far as I know, there are no annoying nicknames for Lauren – please correct me if I am wrong. Part of me is still drawn to the drama and glamour of Veronica (just think Veronica Lake and her fabulous hair). But I do not like the nickname Ronnie, and Veronica might be a name that gets her teased because it is not at all popular now. My parents gave me an uncommon name, not a horrible name but not one that is really pretty rolling of the tongue either, and I have never cared for it (and got teased as a kid).

Charbie, I hope your DH is recovering well. It is so exciting that you can move into your new house! That went together very quickly! I did score a few good deals on appliances, but am afraid I won’t be using them until November or December. I have to light a fire under our architect so we can move forward. Yay for baby kicks!

Basil, good to “see” you. Congrats on 33 weeks! I can’t believe how quickly it is going. Sounds like you are under a lot of pressure with the home move and the change of positions – I hope that will let up for you soon. Moving is so stressful in general, and I can’t imagine doing it while PG. I hope you find a great nanny.

AFM, I am still trucking along at 38 weeks and 4 days. On Friday, I had my first internal exam, and the doctor said I am not dilated at all, although the cervix is thinning and about 50% effaced. He said it did not look like we will be having a baby this week, and I will likely make it to my 6/21 induction date. I see him again this Friday. I am trying to make as much progress as I can this final week of work, but I am very tired and it is taking me longer to do things than it would normally. I really wish I could have finished work projects earlier so I could have this final week at home to get my house and personal life in order. Oh well. The baby has a healthy heartbeat and appears to be strong – at least based on how hard she kicks, lol. She is definitely head down and has dropped a bit. I’ll check in when I can.
Things are so quiet here - I guess pregnancy just becomes a part of life after awhile! Wanted to check in though since I think Kay's induction date is tomorrow? How are you??

DD: How are things - are there plans to measure for fluid again?

Charbie: Hope your DH is on the mend.

Elledizzy: congrats on the boy! Did you have a feeling?

Basil: "pregnant girlfriend", LOL. My rings also are getting tight and stopped fitting last time around early. I was afraid they'd never go back, but they did....eventually. How's the new place?

AFM: Approaching 24 wks and putting on tons of weight. albeit steadily ,ugh. I gained alot last time around too - I don't know what the deal is since I'm not a big person to start and only have one baby! Maybe it's all the cookies, but still! Have my GD test scheduled in a few weeks and it used to be the 1hr test (which if you failed meant retaking the 2hr) but now everyone takes the 2hr! What a pain! I think I've decided on a whilte and lavendar color scheme for the nursery - touches of green. Nothing actually purchased of course - trying to tackle the "must have/to buy" list next. One thing I am getting nervous about is the logistics of 2 and working full time. DD can go to preschool but that actually makes the logistics tougher (whoever watches her has to do a lot of driving during the day). So lots of practicalities to consider!
It IS quiet here!

Janine, I hear you on the weight gain - I'm up 29 lbs with another 5 weeks to go... I'm hoping to keep the gain to only 1/2 a lbd per week now but given how I'm eating, that seems unlikely. oh well. My DD's room is white and lavender with green =) We didn't pick the lavender wall color since they were that color when we moved in but I really like it. I'm sorry you're getting nervous about logistics - it will all work out once DD2 is here but I can appreciate your concerns. Good luck with your GD test in a few weeks - that stinks that you have to take a 2 hour now!

kay, yay for induction day tomorrow! I hope you're feeling well and that you got all your work done! We'll be sending you good vibrations in the hopes that L&D go smoothly.

basil, glad you checked in! How did you like the nanny-hunter? I hope you're feeling more settled now. Sorry you've been stressed with the move and work changes. I hope you're loving your new place and that the new job gets more comfortable soon.

charbie, I'm so glad your DH was feeling better so soon after the surgery - I hope he's continuing to feel better and that recovery is going great!

DD, I'm glad your fluid levels, when last checked, weren't too high and I hope they go down for you! How are you feeling?

elle, yay for boys! how's your heartburn these days? better, I hope!

dcg, how's FL so far? Any news on when your DH will be able to join you there? re: u/s estimations of fetal weight, I really don't think they are that accurate. At my last u/s they told me he was already about 4 lbs as well but my DD was quite small when she was born and I'm expecting this one to be small too. Try not to worry about how big Sophia may get - you'll both be just fine no matter her size! Hope you're well!

iha, I'm sorry you didn't pass the 1 hour GD test. How did the 3 hour one go? Have you been able to paint Liam's room yet? How's it coming along?

Blen, how are you??

hi to everyone else.

AFM: I'm feeling very large at nearly 34 weeks. I'm up 29 lbs. Still feeling relatively well though my engagement ring no longer fits comfortably and I'm starting to have neuropathy (numbness and tingling) in my hands in the early morning when waking up. I think it's the water retention pushing on nerves in my wrists. Fortunately it goes away during the day. I also have some very impressive stretch marks on my belly which I didn't get so much last time. It sucks but I know they will fade and I care less about that stuff now anyway.

My DH is traveling right now - he went to meet our new (and 1st) niece this weekend who was born 2 weeks ago and will be away for work until Thursday, It's a little hard being here without him since I really look forward to the end of the day when he gets home and I get some adult interaction sans DD but I'm also kind of glad he's away since I know solitude and alone time will disappear once DS gets here. I'm trying to enjoy every moment with DD too since she will no longer be my one and only child soon...

We have another u/s scheduled for 36 weeks and I'm hoping we'll get to see him in 4D. I'm getting excited about having him here already. I know the time will fly between now and then. I hope I feel prepared by then.

Hope everyone is well!