
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi preggies--been MIA for a while--some wacky power thing going on at work and I haven''t had computer access in a while--makes the days sooo long when I can''t blog every once in a while

Ella--i am sending specific weight-gain vibes your way (to the babes of course--iam sure you don''t want them all to yourself) they may just stay in there longer and plump up--my coworker delivered her twins at her scheduled c-section both weighing 7.5 lbs and she said when she went in for the check-up before the operation there was no sign she was about to go naturally. They must have been super cozy in there!

How''s everyone else feeling these days? Feeling Christmasy yet?
It''s getting very cold here in northern canada and since my jackets no longer fit around my ribs, I''ve thrown style out the window. My sister bought me a gorgeous white long coat--only problem: it''s currently 3 sizes too big--she bought it with the "you''ll grow into it" practicality in mind, but in the mean-time I look like a kid playing dress up with her mom''s clothing.

I have an ultra sound this friday--very excited. I''ll be just over 22 weeks and my last one was at 12 so I am pumped to see the difference. I have to stay strong on our decision to not find out the gender!
ella, prayers heading your way for baby weight gain and for them to keep baking until Dec. 13th!!!
Sending weight gain prayers to your precious babies.
And I hope your Doc will be there to deliver them!!
Ella, I am sending good weight and timing vibes your way!

MrsS & chrono, TMI ALERT....apparently I have short nipples so it is hard for her to latch. That in combo with my full boobs (full of milk) it frusterates her. The lady explained it as trying to bite into a large sandwich. Compresses it (by squeezing it/shaping it) helps. She HAS latched and nursed a handful of times w/o so I know it is possible.
Date: 11/20/2007 11:00:27 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Ella, I am sending good weight and timing vibes your way!

MrsS & chrono, TMI ALERT....apparently I have short nipples so it is hard for her to latch. That in combo with my full boobs (full of milk) it frusterates her. The lady explained it as trying to bite into a large sandwich. Compresses it (by squeezing it/shaping it) helps. She HAS latched and nursed a handful of times w/o so I know it is possible.

Tacori I know what you mean about having to shape/squeeze, as i had similar issues too. In all honestly though it gets sooooooooo much easier day by day and eventually everything just works itself out and Tessa will know how to latch on with no problem..The cutest thing is when they know its ''milk'' time and they turn their head to the side like they are trying to grab on really is heartwarming and funny coz they would do it to anyone who is carrying them at that point (or my son did at least!)..

anyhow, there are many diff positions to put the baby that willmake it easier on both her and urself, but im sure ur lactation center would have shown u all that..

BTW, has anyone read/followed Gina Ford''s "The New Little Contended Baby Book?" has a lot of contraversy around it (ur either with or against her methods really), but i have followed it and i am soooooooooooooo happy i did..i have structure and TIME in my life from the 2nd week my boy was born and he now knows when is nap time, when is food time and when is play time (he is 7 months now, but he was on track from the 2nd week)...for those who haven''t heard about her, or have not gone thru her book it mite be worth a quick read..she breaks down ur day by the hour and explains wat needs to be done and also discusses the expressing routine to help keep your milk supply going and always have enuf extra in the freezer to give to ur child thru a bottle...follownig her routine kept me sane (though it is quite hard i have to admit, and also very restrictive!!) but id do it all over again in a hearbeat coz it really benefited my son...
ella, lots of PS dust coming your way for baby weight gain and for them to be delivered by the doctor you like!
Hi! I''m still here! My MIL is in town & I''ve been entertaining her, so I can''t get on my PC & I''m exhausted by bedtime.

Tacori: hang in there...nursing is tough. I read your posts & I have to say, it makes me not miss that struggle. But you make milk (if I had, I would have stuck it out too) so I have high hopes that stuff will even out for you. Your breasts won''t be so BIG after the big sandwich issue will correct itself.

Ella: keep on cookin'' are so close....can''t wait to see your twins!

My "issue"....well I had my follow up pap today. I''ll have the results in a week. My OB said it was inflammation due to delivery..something didn''t heal right. Not cancer, since I was HPV negative, but a followup pap will confirm that. So here''s to hoping all''s well south of the border. LOL.

Later gators & much love to the preggos........
divergrrl: sending u good vibes and hoping for good news!

ella: hope all works out the way you want it too!
diver, i''m sure that hearing that from your dr. helps put your mind at ease. makes sense to me and hoping for a good report for you. how''s little miss D, doing?

tacori, diver is right that once your body figures out the supply/demand you boobs will get smaller and not stay so gigantic, if tessa has done it once, she''ll do it again, just hang in there. I know how hard it is, especially with that first one.
Thanks for the dust and well wishes, everyone -- this is the best group of people!

Diver, happy to hear the good health report! Waiting for results is hard, but if the dr. told you that you don''t really have much to worry about, then that''s obviously a good start!

All this compression talk is so foreign to me. I didn''t take any BFing classes, so hopefully the hospital lactation classes and the followup home visits will be enough to teach me all I need to know b/c reading all this scares me! I''ve got a book on BFing twins, so I''m going to start reading that today to familiarize myself with the techniques more. Tacori, keep us posted with your progress! Also, any new photos of Tessa? OH, and I love that hubby gave you flowers b/c you gave him a baby -- so sweet!!

Jas ... yeah, aren''t maternity clothes fun? NOT! Well, I used to think they were until I started needed ridiculously humongous sizes that fit me completely wrong everywhere but the belly! One thing I just got that I LOOOOVE is a pair of the fuzzy Crocs with the fleece lining. Oh ...
I know they''re ugly as sin but seriously these things rock. They''re warm and cozy, and b/c I don''t need to lift a foot to get out of the shoes or to untie anything, they save me a LOT of pelvic pain that I normally get when de-shoeing. They are a life saver!!

Happy First Thanksgiving to all our new little bebes here!!
Me again

I just came back from the police station where I got my car seats checked out, and the officer was telling me about a few things that aren''t recommended, so I figured I''d pass them on his advice!

1. Those mirrors that go on the back seat headrest so you can see your babies'' faces. We registered for these and got them at our shower, but he said that they are just plastic and that they crack with the slightest bend, so if you get into an accident, they will most likely break and hit a baby in a rear-facing seat. In a police safety class, they were told to tell people to NOT use them. He said that when he does inspections, he won''t let people leave with those mirrors attached -- he makes them take them off! So we may be returning those.

2. BundleMes. This was his own personal thing, but he said that they can get in the way of all the safety belts and can make it cumbersome to get everything attached correctly. He recommends the Eddie Bauer ones that have just the little window where the baby''s face goes. I personally have never heard anything bad about BundleMes and think they look awesome and comfy -- I wish I could wear one!

3. The shades that go on your back windows. We actually bought the film that you stick to your window, and he said that''s the best bet. If you get the shades, get the ones that suction on the tops and bottoms -- not the ones that have the metal rod that you pull down to unroll the shade.

He''s a police officer AND a father of two little ones, so I figure he''s a pretty good person to take safety advice from!
hi! Could I ask a question of the current preggos and mamas?
It is re: how did you know you were ready. Before you decided to start trying, did you feel like you were ready for the WHOLE thing - baby, toddler, maybe more babies, household full of kids, school days, teenagers, etc? or did you just feel like you were ready to be pregnant and take care of a baby and the rest would come?
Date: 11/21/2007 12:44:30 PM
Author: TanDogMom
hi! Could I ask a question of the current preggos and mamas?

It is re: how did you know you were ready. Before you decided to start trying, did you feel like you were ready for the WHOLE thing - baby, toddler, maybe more babies, household full of kids, school days, teenagers, etc? or did you just feel like you were ready to be pregnant and take care of a baby and the rest would come?

for me, it was just that I knew i was ready to be preggo and care for a baby. even when i first found out i was preggo with my first, i was scared and sure glad I had 9 months to get ready for the baby part. you just grow into the other stuff as the baby grows and learn much along the way. i''ve learned to just take it one day at a time and not get overwhelmed with the future. we still plan and save etc. but i don''t worry about teenager stuff yet....
Thanks, MrsSalvo. Recently, I am finally feeling ready (and excited!) to be pg and have a baby. When I think of toddlers and multiple kids and teenagers though I freak out. It is a huge lifestyle change to go from carefree couple to family w/ kids. Lately I have seen some of my friends be pg and have a baby and maintain their own identity and still have fun. That encourages me that I could do it too.
Ella, my DH just took down my window shades. He said they were too dangerous (vision impaired) and he refused to let me use them. We do have the mirror and my SIL bought me a bundleme. THOUGH I am only planning on using the bundleme for walks and when we run errands. I probably will only use a blanket while in the car. They say they have passed safty inspections

I would talk FULL advantage of the lactation help while at the hospital. They came everyday to see me (one good thing about staying 2 extra days!) I went for one office visit and probably will go to another for help getting her off the shield. BFing IS hard. If there weren''t so many benefits I probably would have given up. Our teacher told us the first 3 weeks are the toughest and I am *almost* there.

Tandog, I just felt ready. Not sure that is really an answer but I had baby fever. DH and I have been together for 6.5 years. We had our "alone" time. DH also mentioned wanting a baby before he hit 30 (he is 29). It just seemed like the next logical step.
Tacori, yep, I think the BundleMes are fine -- I think it was just his personal experience that they were a little hard to work with all the straps of the carseats and stuff. I''m still keeping ours!

TanDog ... hmmm. I''ve never been a "baby fever" type of person, so for me, I think it was really that I just knew that I DID want kids at some point in my life and that I wasn''t getting any younger (got married last year at 35)! I didn''t have any big epiphany of "Now is the time!" -- though I definitely was starting to get little pangs when I''d see pregnant women. Hubby and I were on the same page with the "Well, let''s stop BC and see what happens!" mindset, and we got pregnant quickly and easily ... and now we''re three weeks away from being parents!

But yes, I was just saying yesterday how I''m more worried about what life will be like 12-15 years from now than I am about life with two little babies! But I guess like MrsS says, just gotta take it one day at a time ...
I really did love my bundleme and managed just fine with the straps. thanks for the other tips though ella. i never used a mirror with my other 2 but was thinking about it this time around, so good to know.
Woohoo, I''m half way through. Seems just like yesterday when we saw the BFP on the HPT =)

Ella, get those protein in and hope your babies (especially your little girl) pack on some holiday weight :)

Jas12, have fun at the u/s.
Be strong and don''t give in.

Tacori, you are doing great with BFing Tessa. Keep it up.

Anyway, just want to wish a happy Thanksgiving to all the mommies and new babies and mommies-to-be.
I''ll be heading off to Vegas for a few days on Black Friday.
See you guys when I get back.
lili, congrats on getting to the half way mark! Very exciting!!!!

MrsS, I have a mirrior. I really can''t imagine shards hitting the baby (if broken) but I guess he would know better than me. I like being able to see her though.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Date: 11/22/2007 9:06:57 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
lili, congrats on getting to the half way mark! Very exciting!!!!

MrsS, I have a mirrior. I really can''t imagine shards hitting the baby (if broken) but I guess he would know better than me. I like being able to see her though.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

lili, congrats girl..i''m right there with ya...

tacori, I would have loved the mirror and still may do it. of course, i''ve got 2 helpers that i''m sure would alert me to just about anything and everything the baby will do..

i hope everyone had a very happy thanksgiving. we sure did!!!
Hi Preggies--was wondering why this thread was so quiet--then I realized it was the US Thanksgiving (Canadian TG is in October so until i see a turkey on the google website or something I forget)

I guess everyone will be out shopping today???

I have my ultrasound this aft (i''ll post an update later)

Feeling super tired and grumpier than usual the last few days. Last night I got home from the gym at 6:30, made dinner, some cookies for a student''s b-day party and then by 8:30 felt like I was hit by a truck. SOOOO exhausted. Last week I was engergized....I keep reading that I should have lots of energy in 5-6th month--apparently not the case for me.

Just started to notice the baby''s movements are a bit higher now and I am getting the ''alien effect'' where I am now feeling the shifts in position--kinda like a large snake slithering beneath my navel (isn''t that a pleasant descripton? ha!) DH was amazed last night when he felt this for the first time. Baby was playing hide and seek with him all week so he finally got in on the action .
TGal--i know you have an active little bean too--are you feeling this weirdness?

Hope everyone had a great T.G. and had lots of yummy turkey and pie!!!
Good luck at the u/s today, Jas! As for that energy ... well, I never felt super energetic in the second trimester, but I think that compared to the first and third trimesters, I actually was! I just didn''t realize it until the real fatigue hit again in the third trimester. But yeah, when people talk about this "burst of energy" they got in the second trimester ... I never got that! I bet it depends on so many factors though too. I mean, when it gets dark out at 4 pm and it''s freezing out, it''s kind of hard to be energetic and want to do things, whereas I''m sure it''s a lot easier in the spring or fall when the weather is nicer and the days are longer.

Lili, congrats on the halfway mark! Big milestone
It goes so fast from here ...

Hope you all had good Thanksgivings!
Ella--yep, i am sure i''ll be looking back in a few months and thinking "i thought I was tired then" Oh boy--i am kinda scared of the third trimester

So I just got in from my ultrasound--didn''t realize it would take an hour! Those 25 shots were hard to get. The poor technichian was trying to get an open-hand shot but the baby was doing a little acrobatics and was bent fully foward, grabbing its toes and somersaulting--hehe. very cute but frustrating for her.
Everything looks just as it should. My dates are right on target and the baby is just slightly over 1 lbs. Crazy how fast these little things grow!

I got to bring my DH, mom and MIL in for the last 15 min and the technician was super nice--giving them lots of info and good pictures. They only had ultra-sound still shots taken for their pregnancies (which were basically a blur of grey/black) so they were very excited.

We stood strong and didn''t find out the sex--it''s weird though b/c all the technicians/dr. etc use the generic ''he'' when talking about the baby--it puts the idea into your head and I have to keep reminding myself the baby is not necessarily a ''he''

have a good weekend all--I am off to Toronto to do some nursery shopping--whooopeee
Rear facing car seats with no mirror are super-scary to me. Surely there are mirrors with plastic coating or something? I''d be more afraid of the baby choking or stopping breathing or something when I couldn''t see him. I''d take the chance on an approved mirror.
Happy Thanksgiving from Diver & Delaney!!!!

Awwww, Diver, you and Delaney are sooooooo CUTE!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!
Diver, cute picture! Tessa had a first thanksgiving outfit. I promise I will upload them when I get a chance. My entire family is in love. Even my sister who is NOT a baby person. She is still waking up a lot during the night but she seems to be getting better about putting herself asleep after feedings. I am still SOOO tired. I am looking forward to the 3 month mark. My dad said that''s when it all gets easier.
diver, great that the little baby gap outfit you''d been wanting? love all the leopard things.....

tacori-love the new avatar. those first few weeks are the hardest and each week it does get easier. as hard as it is now, soon you''ll be looking back going, boy how time fly''s. they really do grow so fast.

did some christmas shopping today and I started looking at some boy things. it''s so strange b/c for 5 years it''s been all things girlie. it will be fun starting the boy collection now though.
Diver, you and Dalaney look so beautiful! She takes after her momma

Tacori, Tessa is adorable! I love love your new avatar!!!!! What a doll!

Ellaila, the twins will be here before you know it; how exciting! I bet you can''t wait
Beautiful girlies, Tacori and Diver!! T, it's so weird to think that that little girl is the same one that was your u/s avatar for so many months, isn't it?!

MrsS, there is some adorable boy stuff out there! We got a ton of really nice hand-me-downs for both boys and girls, but I know I'm going to go a little crazy too buying stuff -- it's all just so cute and hard to resist!

Skippy, I know!! We're down to less than three weeks now -- crazy! It's in my head 24/7 that I am SO pregnant and that we're going to have two little babies in the house SO soon. I was telling hubby yesterday how he's lucky that he can actually think about other things because I am just literally unable to think about much else (kind of hard to not focus on how ridiculously pregnant I am when it takes me three minutes to get off the couch, ya know?)