
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Awww, Pancake, congrats! Sylvie is gorgeous!
pancake, she is gorgeous; congrats momma! :love: :love:
Pancake, she is total perfection :love: :love: Enjoy every moment with her (as if I needed to instruct you :cheeky: )
Missy, AMC and everyone else looking for bras. I bought a bunch of these to wear at about 20 wks. They're FANTASTICALLY comfortable and have good support and still look good under t-shirts and blouses. I even wore them under dresses etc. YOu can find them everywhere but I bought mine from a Jockey outlet store. I know Target carries them too. THey're not too expensive either. I hear that the best estimate for post-baby breast feeding bras are at or after 36 wks.

AMC I'm a generous D cup pre-preg so I hear ya. THe next size up I imagine will be E. I'm not looking forward to that....

S&I, I think she did the NST because Ethan wasn't moving much that day, but it's not unusual to get it done when you're at the weekly appt point. And I would imagine that your OB would want to do at least one before your due date. Your baby moon sounds great! I hope you enjoy Galveston. I'm glad your work is calming down a bit. We did the Baby Care class too. It was really useful for DH. He has ZERO experience with babies so he liked having some tell him how to do things. THe butt/leg thing could be sciatica? I had that (not preggo related), but I hear it's not uncommon to get it late in pregnancy. I used acupuncture to help clear mine, but heard ppl having good results with PT and/or chiropractors.

Missy great about your hubs feeling the baby. Hope the weekend goes OK at your folks'.

China, I think I might follow your advice to S&I and get a massage myself :) Do you think the special breast feeding store helped get you measured properly? I'm wondering if I should do the same.

PhG, wow, your sub sounds like he was a real piece of work. I agree, though, that everything will be fine and the world will go on turning. Besides, I wouldn't mind my boss feeling just a little bit of pain while I'm out so he values me a little more when I get back ;) I'm glad you got a chance to meet a midwife. It's good to hear you're getting a good feeling with this practice. Hopefully you'll be able to consult with an OB for the VBAC. I'm hoping you get your way.

Pancake, How can you not fall in love with that little precious you have! :love: I"m so glad you had a positive labor experience. It sounded like you were well taken care of and everyone had yours and Sylvie's health first and foremost, which is what everyone wants. Glad she's doing so well. Hooray!!!

Ah, belly pic didn't post! I'll just post it tomorrow when I take this week's as well.

Pancake, she's just gorgeous!! Congratulations!

Re: bras, I bought a mine at Ross :p Wireless bras won't leave marks and are super comfy. I've always had wires, so I'm going back as soon as he comes out.
Pancake - Sylvie is stunning! Congratulations. It really is amazing how quickly newborns change. They're gorgeous when they're born, but I love watching the cheeks fill out and the skin become all glowy and pink.
Pancake, I'm a little misty-eyed myself. She's beautiful--I can't believe that just 9 months ago you found out that the reason you didn't have you period right after coming off of BC is because you were pregnant and now you have this beautiful little baby. It's amazing to see her after following this journey with you. I think it makes the rest of us who are in the final stretch excited to meet our little ones!

Way too swamped with work to catch up with everyone, but hope you're all doing well! In exactly 1 week I'll (hopefully) be out of recovery and have Katie in my arms.
Awwww, Pancake, she is just beautiful!! Such a happy and content little baby girl. That last photo just warms my heart. :love: :love: :love:
Yay Pancake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: I'm so happy things went and are going so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's a beautiful little peanut!!!!!!!!!! I love me a baby with hair.

And I really hope no one thinks I'm critical of interventions at all. I certainly went that route guilt-free the first time around. But since I wasn't happy with every part of my experience, I want to troubleshoot this one. If my baby had popped out last time and not had a hard time regaining her birthweight despite crazed efforts to nurse and pump around the clock, I'm sure I'd be signed up for my induction + epi right now. ;) And lots of women do have that kind of positive and "easy" experience, so you just have to decide what makes sense for you.
Pancake! What a beauty!! Sounds like you were in good hands at the hospital. Glad to see that Sylvie is here safe and sound (and gorgeous!).

AFM - I actually spent the day at the hospital yesterday (everything is fine now). Tuesday I felt really uncomfortable all day - hard time sitting straight up and by the time I walked home from work, I was having issues walking. At home, I was in severe, but constant pain. I assumed it was gas (fun). I tried a bath. I tried stretching. I tried drinking. Nothing worked. I was literally in agony.

I read up on round ligament pain and while it could account for some of the pain, I didn't get the sense that it would cover all of my extreme pain. I was literally wincing and trying to control my breathing.

I decided that if I was still in pain in the morning, I'd go to my doctor to get checked out. He could say "it's gas, suck it up momma" and I'd feel at least less stressed. Unfortunately, he wasn't in the office so they sent me to the hospital. After a 2.5 hour wait, an OB checked me out and was concerned about the all over abdominal tenderness and sent me for an ultrasound.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see the technician for another 3 hours and I couldn't eat!! Um..I'm sorry. Telling a preggo who has been waiting since 9 a.m. that she can't eat until 3 is CRUEL.

Anyways - long story short - they didn't find anything of major concern and I went home at 5. A whole day at the hospital for what I thought was a 'quick check up' and I hobbled home at 5. Ugh.

I'm guessing it was round ligament pain maybe combined with gas? My husband tried to touch my stomach once and I almost hit him, it hurt so much. Ugh.

Anyhoo - scary and frustrating day but at least I know the baby is okay and my appendix isn't about to burst :-)
Pancake- Seriously swooning over here. She's gorgeous. And I say that knowing not all newborns are so pretty. ;)) O was a creepy looking new thing!! So happy to hear your positive birth experience.

Lliang- Sciatic nerve, that's it!!! And thank you, that bra is exactly what I'm looking for!!!! As for the measuring- yep, they measured accurately. I think I went in around 36-38 weeks? Can't remember. I got fuller with milk but not necessarily bigger, if that makes sense? A good place that knows what it's doing should absolutely be able to measure you. And yes, back pain is a sign of impending labor!!!!

And ditto Phoenixgirl. I lived in nursing tanks. Could not stand to have my PP belly hanging out there. They are so easy and go under everything.

Choro- I am not sure about this, so research, but I feel like I was told not to wear underwire while BF as it can interfere with milk production? Seems silly to me, but I definitely remember hearing that last time. And I'm not sure I've even seen a nursing bra with wire now that I think about it? Not sure, but something to check into.

MuffDog- Yikes. So sorry for that ordeal. I will say that I had that a few times last pregnancy and it hurt so badly that I remember thinking if this is what labor is like, I'm not going to make it. I was concerned it was appendix, but mine was on wrong side. I think the baby was just pinching a nerve or something. For me, it only lasted about 20 minutes, otherwise I probably would have called dr as well. But yeah, it's really painful. Hope it doesn't happen again. Are you feeling better today?
Pancake, wow! Sylvie is one gorgeous gal! :love:
Pancake, Sylvie is sooooooooooo cute! :appl:
Morning ladies!!!!

PhG, definitely don't think you're a miltant anti-intervention camp. It makes complete sense that you're trying to figure out where your comfort level is for this go round.

China, yes! I'm glad you chimed in with the measuring etc. There's some mama places here in Chicago I'll go there to get measured.

Muff, oof! sorry to hear about your ordeal yesterday. THe main thing is everything's OK. But yikes! Sounded like a rough day. Are you better today?

Posting my last belly pic collage because....

3AM my water bag started leaking. I woke up and my underwear was wet. Went to the bathroom, peed, and when I got up I leaked some more. Caught some on some toilet paper and it had no color, no smell, didn't smell like urine. So I got cleaned up and put on a sanitary napkin, woke up J and we decided I'll call the midwife on call. Laid down until she called back. Gave her the skinny: 3AM started, no color, no smell, not urine, about a teaspoon or so coming out at a time. She said it was most likely my water bag leaking. She told me to get some more sleep and rest up. If I start feeling intense contractions go to the hospital, but if I don't, come in at 230-3pm at the latest, so they can start the pictocin drip to induce. They don't want me to go more than 12 hrs of just stalled/early labor.

Got up at 6AM went to work to grab my laptop (the consultant cover started yesterday and I didn't train him much at all, so needed to do some work in the AM), got some sleep, maybe 2 hrs. Worked from 9-12N. Now eating lunch, will drop the dog off at SIs's and then w=ill hea to the hospital.

It feels weird like I keep wetting my pants whenever I leak some more. But no intense contractions. Some cramping but 100% manageable and talk-able through. Just got some back pain now again kinda like, "ugh, that's uncomfortable." But that's about it. Ethan's kicking a bit too.

See you ladies on the flip side :)

~LC (39 wks today)

And I thought this guy would be late....

Yay LC! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Can't wait to "meet" baby Ethan!
Good luck LC! Sending vibes for an easy labor for you!

pancake, Sylvie is gorgeous!
pancake, congrats again! Baby Sylvie is one gorgeous baby!

LC, you sound so calm for someone who's water broke almost 12 hours ago! Fingers crossed for a nice and smooth delivery. Can't wait to hear all about it, and see pictures of Baby Ethan!
LC, So excited for you!! I love how laid-back you are about the whole thing!! Easy easy labor dust to you!!!
Haven't left for the hospital yet so I figure I'll post while DH is in the shower. He's shocked how much this is a non-event. He grabbed his laptop (at about 4AM) from work, he works 25 miles away, so the 4am no traffic thing was worth it. WHile I was sleeping from 6AM-8:45 he was doing some work, sending emails etc. Then he snoozed for like 2 hrs while I was working. He was saying, this is really funny, like we're working from home and I'm just like "No change, still leaking, no pain." We have 4 laptops set up on our dining table, 2 work ones, 2 personal ones. He was like, "We're such nerds, working from home the morning we're in labor." He told his folks he it's almost like goign to the hospital is like an errand we have to run. Drop the dog off, pick up dry cleaning, pick up baby at the hospital....

He said he was also picturing a frantic running around thing with running back and forth and frantic phone calls etc. TOtally not that way. In fact it's kind of like my labor dream that I was like, "Oh look, there's the mucous plug. So that's what it looks like" (This was in the dream, not IRL today.)

So still hanging out. DH did a load of laundry and now we're getting ready to head out.

We're bringing my lapper to the hospital so hopefully I'll be able to post more.

LC, I'm giddy with excitement for you!!!!! Ethan is being all Mission Impossible (ya know, cause Tom Cruise's character is named Ethan) and making his entrance all stealth-like and early!

Thinking about you and sending good labor juju!!!!
Wow what an exciting day!

Pancake!!! Your little Sylvie is so cute! Congratulations mama!!!

LC - Yay on your progress. I wish you the best in your upcoming labor and delivery. We are so excited to meet Ethan!!
LC- Your post cracked me up. So relaxed! Good luck, can't wait to read the updates!
LC - Ahhhh so exciting!!! You are so calm, I can't believe it! Please keep us updated if you can!!!
LC, this is so exciting! Good luck and keep us posted :appl:
LC, so excited for you!!!! Please update as soon as you're able!!!

********************Freke's Public Service Announcement********************​

Please do all of yourselves a favor and start "tummy time" in the first few days the baby is out! And make sure to do it every day too. We did not know to start it so early and now we're having to take A to physical therapy and potentially have to get a custom helmet ($$$$$) made because she has plagiocephaly (flattened head) and acquired mild torticollis (stiff neck muscle).
LC, I'm so excited for you! I can't believe how calm and collected you are (were)! I'm definitely thinking about you tonight and can't wait to hear about Ethan's arrival.
LC!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Best wishes for an easy labor!! Can't believe how much you did today, I am not sure I could have stayed so calm! Can't wait to "meet" Ethan!! :bigsmile:
Hey ladies, thanks for the happy labor vibes. Still not a whole lot of progress but I am having contractions. They feel like when you have to pee really really bad. But I'm getting some breaks in between. So far just discomfort that makes me squirm, but nothing that takes my breath away or hard to talk. Dh is filling out the questionnaire for core blood donation (public donation). Fyi: it's a long questionnaire!

I'm attaching my "dinner of champions". Clear broths, tea, jello and juice. Seriously? this is all you're feeding me and you expect me to push a baby out?

pancake - Congrats!!! S is adorable :love:

lc - Good luck!!! :appl:
Go LC!!! Sorry about the dinner...I hope you get something more fulfilling (and filling!) as soon as your L&D is over!