
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations LC!!! He's absolutely adorable! I hope he warms up to your girls soon.
LC!!! I can't believe you are awake enough to have posted your whole birth story already and share more than one pic! Ethan is just the most gorgeous thing, and you look amazing and thrilled and mama-glowy in that first pic with him!! :love: :love: :love:

So glad you all are happy and healthy, and I wish you the best and speediest recovery possible!! Congrats to the whole family!! :appl:
Congrats LC!!! He is precious!!! :love: :love: :appl: :appl:
Quick me-centric post:

Well, the butterflies I felt last Monday must not have been baby-related and more like wishful thinking as I have not felt anything since. At 19w5d I'm inclined to believe that the anterior placenta will probably mean it'll take longer than usual for me to feel something. :(
The good news is that our anomaly scan is on Friday! I can't wait! We haven't seen the baby in a month and a half and without feeling him/her I'm constantly worried something may be wrong. And we finally get to find out the gender! :appl:
Anyway, I promise I'll catch up with everyone soon. :wavey:
Congrats LC, Ethan is SO beautiful! I always feel so bad denying post c-section mums water to drink in recovery, but it really does make them feel pukey! Ice chips just don't cut it! :knockout: At any rate, you look amazing!!!! Congrats, gorgeous mumma!
LC - What a handsome little fella! Congratulations, and Happy Birthday to Ethan!
LC, Ethan is adorable!! I'm so sorry you were stuck with a c-section, but I'm finding the c-section pain to be much better than contractions!

Sooooo...Katie is here! She's actually been here since 6:49am yesterday morning (2/19), but I was too exhausted yesterday to post.

Obviously Katie had her own ageda for her arrival which did not include sticking to my plan. Long story short, I started having contractions around 11pm Sat night, but they were 20 - 30 minutes apart and I was sleeping in between, so I wasn't too worried. Then around 1am, they became more frequent and stronger. At that point I was concerned, so I had D go to the "when to call" section of the book I got from my OB's office. The book stated that you shouldn't call unless you have contractions 5 minutes apart for an hour. By 2 or 2:30am, I was still having them regularly, so I called. The OB on call last night told me to take a nice warm bath and relax, then to try her back in an hour. As soon as I got in the tub, it seemed that my contractions got closer together. So I called back around 3:30am and she told me to come in.

By the time I got to the hospital (around 4am), the contractions were only a few minutes apart. I got settled into a room and they checked to see how dilated I was: 5 cm. By the time I'd met with the anesthesiologist and my lab results were back (6am), I was around 8cm dilated!

Can you believe that? I hadn't planned on going through labor at all, and I made it to 8cm having NO CLUE what to do!

Anyway, she came into this world at 7lbs., 5 oz., 20" long and I am so in love with her that I can't even articulate it. So far, the pain is perfectly bearable and I'm just so happy that she's healthy!


NEL! You too?! Congratulations! So glad she arrived safely and you are doing well. What a precious little baby! So much hair!
Congratulations NEL! So glad you are recovering well, Katie is gorgeous and you look great!
LC - Congratulations!!! What a beautiful little boy!

NEL - WAIT what???? I saw your post as I was posting mine. Holy crap! Congrats to you! And she came earlier than you had planned! Oh my gosh, Katie is beautiful!!!

Mayerling - That still could have been flutters! I had flutters and then not much for like a week or more before the kicks started. They say it can be really spaced out right now because there's still a lot of room for the baby to move around in there. Once they're bigger, the can't "hide" as well and we'll feel even the slightest movements. That's why they say at some point (forget which week?) you can start kick counts, because they're moving so much in there!

AFM, still chugging along. I have my 4 week check-up tomorrow morning. My blood pressure is usually better at my morning appointments. I'm thinking because work hasn't been able to get to me yet that day! haha. Oh and I decided not to stay at my parents this weekend. Which turned out to be a good thing, because stuff went down Sunday morning. Glad I made that decision. Anyway, everyone is safe at the moment (we weren't sure if it was going to turn out that way at first!) and my brother is back home with my parents. I feel like I'm speaking about a child with the way he acts sometimes, but he's actually 38 :roll: Not sure if I had updated you all, but he was staying in a hotel room for about 5 days. My mom has off work today which is good because she'll be there to make sure he's ok.
NEL!!! Congratulations! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Just goes to show you can never make plans when it comes to babies. So was it a c-section in the end?

Missy, I suppose it is possible they were flutters. I guess I just have to wait and see. For the moment I'm just focusing on the scan and praying that everything is okay.
Yay, NEL! What a surprise! Congratulations and welcome to the world, Katie! :appl:

Full term today! Weston is showing no signs of making an exit at this time. I am okay with that - even though pain in my hips is KILLING my sleep, he needs to stay put while I get over a nasty cold from last week. Doc appt on Wednesday morning, and one last ultrasound scheduled for Thursday evening. Hopefully, we'll have an idea of progress toward labor and delivery by then. I have all week off school for midwinter break to relax and finish nesting around here. Today I am going to run some errands and include a pedi for myself. Hope everyone is doing well. =)
NEL: Sneaky mama!! You're a stealth birther! You are just glowing and Katie is so gorgeous! What a pretty baby! So many, many congrats to you and your husband :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
CONGRATS NEL! She is beautiful! Glad all went well and surprise for you -- she had her own plans! Enjoy these first few days with your LO.
LC & NEL - Congratulations mamas! Your babies are both just gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing both of you in the newborn thread. :)

LC - Pancake gave wonderful words of wisdom with regards to breastfeeding. I had a premature NICU baby with an emergent c-section delivery. For the first 4-5 days, I was lucky if I could manually express a few drops of colostrum/breast milk into a bullet. I couldn't get enough into the breast pump collection container to even pour out. Ava went through exactly what Pancake feeds, then IV nutrition, then nasogastric feeds. It wasn't until a few days before her release, when I requested we try bottle/breastfeeding, that she began to take my expressed breast milk orally. She would choke on the bottle, and get so tired on the breast, she would fall asleep after just a couple of minutes. She is exclusively breastfeeding without issue now (with the occasional bottle if DH is watching her and allowing me to have some "me" time).
Lliang- CONGRATS and welcome to the world ETHAN GIM! :appl: :wavey: He is gorgeous and that picture of the two of you makes me all weepy. And what a view! Glad that all went well- the shivers sound miserable, but all is good now. Does your hospital have a lactation consultant? Ours did and was an immense help in getting baby to latch and showing me all the little tricks. It takes baby awhile to figure it out.

NEL- You super secret squirrel momma! CONGRATS and welcome to the world KATIE! :appl: :wavey: What's her full name? She's beautiful.

Mayerling- I have/had anterior placentas with both and you should be getting close to feeling those kicks! I think with O I started feeling them around 22-23 weeks? Hang in there. I promise you will feel them all.the.time during your third trimester. Good luck on the u/s, try not to stress and enjoy getting to check out every part of your little one.

PPM- Oh honey. Chances are everything is FINE. I know it's silly to tell you not to worry. Sounds like you've got a plan- I will ditto what others have said about the amnio. Rates of m/c are much lower than they used to be and definitely depend on your doctor. I would check your doctor's rates- I looked into it and mine was less than 1% chance or something. I know so many women that had amnios and none of them had m/c. Also you have to consider that some of the m/c rates are due to babies having abnormalities that end up not being viable and chances are the m/c would happen anyways- there is no way of knowing in those instances if the amnio caused the m/c. NOT trying to talk you into it, you have to weigh all the options and risks. I chose not to do one with O, but did do CVS with this pregnancy. Also anecdotal, but I know a lot of women here and IRL that had higher numbers and everything was fine in the end. Wishing you peace and a quick resolve to the unknown here. When are you set to do the big u/s?

Phoenixgirl- 38 WEEKS? When did that happen? When is your appt with the new OB?
Hi, my name is PPM and I am a public school teacher who has today off and does not want to clean her house :wavey: Does anyone else have today off?

Scan update: It's tomorrow. :o 9:30 AM MST. I did not expect they would fit us in so quickly, but I am relieved this will soon be a thing of the past. The last time we saw Doxy was at ~9 weeks. I can't wait to see how much has changed! And, of course, we will be finding out if we're team blue or team pink. Any guesses? (My non-scientific instinct says girl) I know I am a worry wart, but if you have healthy-baby-dust to spare, please send some my way. Your reassuring words have been a major help to me over the past few days- thank you ::)

How is everyone else faring on this Monday afternoon? It's nice and sunny here in CO, but a bit chilly outside. I can't wait for warmer weather. I long to lounge in the sun... my skin is damn near translucent! Even 15 minutes with SPF 30 slathered on will make me look more human and less Casper.

Hope our new mamas and their LOs are doing well and getting lots of lovely time together!

Okay- time for me to be productive. Maybe.
Congrats LC and NEL!!! :appl: :appl: Wow, it's a baby boom! E and K are both so cute, and you ladies look awesome too!

PPM - yippy, I'm off today too! Too bad daycare is closed, hehe! Good luck at your anatomy scan tomorrow, I'm sure everything will be perfect. I think team pink for you too.

Can I join you ladies? I'm 19 weeks today. Now that I'm getting a little further along the anxiety is getting pretty intense. My uterus is about to the same size it was when my water broke with O so I've gotten pretty freaked out. I just keep thinking what if it broke because it ran out of room or I was doing too much, etc,etc. Since my PPROM was unexplained and not accompanied by preterm labor there aren't any precautions I can take this time around, just sit and wait. :(sad I try to always take it easy and not do too much. Mentally I have a goal to get to 28 weeks and everything after that will be the cherry on top. The next 9 weeks are going to be rough. I have my full anatomy scan on Friday so I'm really looking forward to that!! At our scan last week the tech couldn't tell if I had one or two placentas so we'll have to watch the boys closely to make sure they're growing at the same rate. The good news is that if there was TTT or any other unequal growth problems we would likely see them by now, but the boys were exactly the same size last week! The peri also thinks my chances of ID twins are higher than the published 25% at this stage (likely di/di) because I don't have any twins in my family and frat are usually inherited while ID are spontaneous. We're pretty excited about that :cheeky:
Hi pregnant lady friends! :wavey: I am officially joining this thread and look forward to sharing our journey's together here. I am 17w3d today! As many of you know, we had a very long bumpy road TTC and I feel so blessed that we are at this point and baby and mommy are healthy. I have my anatomy scan next week, so we would be able to find out the sex of the baby, but I think we want to be surprised for baby #2. I just hope that we don't give into temptation at the u/s!

PPM, I am sorry you are going thru this stressful time. I am glad that they can get you into an ultrasound right away though. I have heard from MANY women that went though a similar situation and all ended up being fine. When I was pregnant with my DS, he had an elevated NT scan that put us into a higher risk category but after the level 2 ultrasound and echo, everything was found to be fine. And he is a healthy little boy today! It was a stressful time, but as each u/s, bloodwork came back looking good, my worries went away.

Kunzite, welcome! And congratulations on the boys! I know it is a stressful period for you, but it sounds like those little guys are measuring just fine and all looks healthy. Are you feeling them already?

China, how are you and when are you opening that envelope?

NEL, congratulations! She is just beautiful! So happy for you!

LC, you guys are too cute! So funny about your DH"s head matching Ethan's! Congratulations!

Mayerling, they probably were flutters you are feeling! Once they get stronger, you'll know for sure! I wouldn't worry. I am new to this anterior placenta thing too as my first pregnancy was posterior. But I think I may feel something, not sure yet.

Missy, good luck tomorrow at your appt! Sorry all of this stuff with your brother is so stressful and hard on yourself and your family. Take care of yourself as that is all you have control over you know?

If I missed anyone I am sorry, first time jumping in here!
NEL, oh my goodness, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! What a grand entrance she made. ;))

PPM, I will be thinking about you tomorrow and am sending all my dust for a reassuring scan.

LA, congratulations!!!!!!!

Kunzite, a hearty welcome and congratulations. I know these next few weeks will be stressful but my hope is that they will fly by and you'll be at your goal before you know it.

China, 38 weeks, I know! I feel like all the other ladies due around now are dropping like flies. I hope this doesn't mean I'll be the one to go late. ;))

My appointment with the OB for the VBAC consult is a week from today. Hope I make it! I'm meeting another one of the midwives on Wednesday. I think I just get whichever OB is on call so I'm not too concerned about meeting one beforehand unless there's a medical reason why I shouldn't attempt VBAC.

I think the baby is still sunny-side up. I definitely remember feeling a butt with Claire, and all I feel are kicks up near the top and hiccups down near the bottom. I've been letting the belly hang low to try to get her to flip but I know during labor she'll do all sorts of spins if I'm able to keep mobile.
NEL!!!!! :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: Katie is gorgeous!!! Congrats mama!!! Glad everything went so quickly and smoothly for you!! Can you and LC send that "baby get out" dust MY way?! I'm dying to meet this little girl!!

Kunzite, welcome!! Hang in there, and I hope the twins are identical too!! How adorable would that be?! Well, they're going to be as adorable as O either way, but I can hope along with you for identical twins :bigsmile:

lizzy!!! Welcome, darling! I'm not sure if I ever did congratulate you, what an awful fellow preggo I've been! I am so unbelievably thrilled for you, and have been following your journey. Almost halfway there already?!

PG, I hope you make it to your consult, too! I keep hoping personally that I *don't* make it to my next doctor's appointment, so I'll send all the "stay in" vibes your way if you want to help with the "get the heck out" vibes my way! I know Madeline is head down, I think still with her spine to my right side, so she could turn either way I guess, except I get the feeling she likes the "right" way because sometimes it feels like she is SO FAR OUT IN FRONT, I am positive she's practicing getting into position to shoot right out ;))


I FINALLY NESTED!!! :appl: I was worried there for a minute that it wouldn't ever happen, and to tell you the truth I'm not sure if it was hormones or just determination, but I said to DH "This house is gross. We need to clean it!" and we DID! Everything got picked up, swept, vacuumed, dusted and steam-mopped yesterday. I did dump some random stuff in the guest room, but my mother has promised that she doesn't mind (it's where she'll be sleeping when she comes out!) and if I don't have time to get that room together before she arrives, she'll help me. :)) It's so much less stressful to look around and see a clean house!

I am so unbelievably uncomfortable, and not in the ways I expected to be! Since I've actually technically lost weight this pregnancy, I'm not this huge house-like version of me waddling around like I expected, but the PSD has me limping and wincing every time I have to get up and move around (which is a lot during a workday for me!) and it's starting to wear on me. I wish like crazy I got more than 12 weeks of leave so that I could be home resting and organizing instead of limping around the office. Between that and the contractions and the occasional back pain I just want to throw myself on the ground and weep sometimes!

The only thing I can do is remind myself that there is no way I will be pregnant for more than 3 more weeks because my doctor says she wouldn't want a woman with GD to carry to 42. I of course am hoping that it's much sooner than that. (Tonight? Tomorrow? Wednesday? I'd love to not make it to my appointment Thursday!) I keep having occasionally painful contractions and thinking "ok, now ANOTHER ONE! This could be it!" but they're always just a one-off.

If I forgot anyone who posted in the midst of the baby birthing frenzy, I'm so sorry! I'll catch up with you soon :))
Congratulations to all the moms to be! I just lurk but I feel like I know you all because I read everyone's posts.

LC -- Ethan is adorable! Congratulations!

NEL -- I'm so so so happy for you! Congratulations to you and D! Katie is beautiful.
Wow! Congrats to all the new mamas! :appl:
NEL & LC- your babes are gorgeous. :love:
This thread is hoppin'!!

PPM- Good luck at tomorrow's scan. Please keep us updated.

21 weeks...chugging along....
Delurking to say congrats Lisa and NEL!!!
yay, congrats NEL; she is sooo beautiful!!!! :love: :love: :appl:
Congratulations NEL! Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but did you end up delivering vaginally? Wow! Welcome, beautiful Katie! Isn't this like 3 ps babies in a week? How exciting!
Have to rush because C&N are both kicking off, but CONGRATULATIONS LC and NEL! Your babies are gorgeous!! :appl:
Missy, yay for your baby showers and raise! I hope that's the end of drama for you. Isn't it cool when your DH can feel it? Does he talk to your baby a lot? So where did you end up getting your bras?

S&I, SEEING the kicks from the outside? Yikes! But good thing I already call this little guy "chestburster" :bigsmile: Has your baby flipped yet? I think you still have plenty of time before he does...

Pheonix, glad you're happy with your midwife :) Sending flipping dust!

MuffDog, how are you feeling? Your pain sounds extreme :( My ligament pains don't make me double up!

China, thanks for the info! And shucks, I didn't know that I have to wear wireless bras all the way while nursing. Gah. Also, I'm tempted to open the envelope for you :p

Steph, you're so smart to have all of your clothes already. I'm scrambling to find affordable stuff when there is no sale. Did you get anything new today? I'm going shopping tomorrow! I hope Sears will have something nice...Cute belly! You don't look like you need your preggo clothes at all!

PPM, yikes what stress! I'm hoping for really good results for you. Odds are in your favor. Will be checking for your update tomorrow! Maybe being productive will keep your anxiety in check? :P

Mayerling, woo, have a great anatomy scan! I understand your anxiety completely, but I'm sure everything is okay! Are they going to tell you immediately? My silly Kaiser technician wasn't allowed to tell anything to me while she was scanning, and I had to wait for my MW appointment to get details.

Lizzy!!!! You're here already!! *hugs* I'm so happy for you :D

Mannequin, Congratus on full term!

Katy, labor dust!! I can't imagine how uncomfortable you are...And hooray for nesting! I need to get cracking too...

AFM, Will be 23 weeks on Wednesday! Is it normal to be uncomfortable already? I can't bend down, I need to be sandwiched between two pillows to sleep, I wake up with painful thighs, I can't stand up quickly, and I can't make "quick" movements. The worst is getting ready to leave the house. Put makeup, change clothes, pack my computer, pack my handbag, make sure I have my jacket, go back upstairs for my hat, have to pee again, put my shoes on, load the crap in my car, and go back for something I had forgotten. I used to be so active, but now I cramp every time I get ready.
I also need to figure out how to teach while sitting down, but I can't access my laptop that way. With my adrenaline rush I end up standing most of the time. At the end of the 3 hours I'm doubled up with my cramps. I'm confused because pregnancy websites warn about standing for more than 5 hours without moving. I'm only doing 3 hours, and I'm constantly pacing back and forth. At least I'm only doing it twice a week. The days in between help a LOT.
Is this normal? I'm only 22 weeks and I don't think I should be having such a hard time. It's not "emergency room" bad, so I can suck it up, but I was wondering if I'm just a weakling. The weird thing is I feel great when I jog, but simple daily chores and standing+teaching is just painful. I'm dreading the third trimester. Thanks to anyone who read my woes.
Thanks, all. I can't believe Katie wasn't scheduled to be here until Thursday--now that she's here, I can't get enough of her! I still can't believe I went into labor. That reminds me, Mayerling--I still ended up having the c-section. While I was in the OR getting prepped for surgery, the anesthesiologist said that w=I could try a natural birth if I wanted since I'd made it to 8cm with no meds and was "laboring beautifully". Plus at that point I was getting very strong urges to push (as in, I couldn't help it), so I have a feeling I'd made it to 10. I was in so much pain at that point that I was borderline delusional, but decided to stick with my original c-sction birth plan.

Oh, and China, her full name is Catherine Grace. We had started to reconsider Lola in the past few days, but once we saw her we both decided Katie was more fitting than Lola.

I still plan to lurk on this thread--it's always tough graduating to a new thread. It's like changing schools!

Milk still hasn't come in. I just got done pumping. Pleeeeeease come in soon, milk!
Just dropping in to say welcome to Kunzite and lizzyann! :wavey: I was wondering when you ladies would make the move. Yay for more JBP ladies moving to the big girl thread!