
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

NEL: CONGRATS!!! Katie is gorgeous! Did you still have to have a general after going through labour?

PPM: Thanks for thinking of me. I am doing well now, and bubs is happily baking away! I am sorry you have been so stressed after receiving those blood test results. I will be thinking about you tomorrow when you have your scan. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed they will find that everything is okay.

Choro: I don't remember feeling uncomfortable when I was resting at around 22 weeks, apart from being tired as I wasn't sleeping well. I do, however, remember that around 20 weeks, my feet would get extremely hot, sore and tired if I had been standing or walking around for around an hour, and I would feel exhausted and worn out. I think you might be doing too much, being on your feet for 3+ hours at a time! Try magnesium and calcium to help ease cramps (if by cramps you mean leg cramps), otherwise, if you are in pain, talk to your caregivers about it!

Katy: Sending labor dust your way! Sorry the PS is still bothering you and leaving you in so much pain. Not long to go now! I haven't had the typical nesting clean the house urge, but I think maybe it just manifests in me in this intense need to get EVERYTHING SORTED FOR THIS BABY RIGHT NOW, so planning, buying, setting up the nursery etc, or maybe this is just normal? I wish I would get a nesting urge, the house is awful right now and we have visitors coming the next two weekends in a row!

Welcome Lizzy and Kunzite! Sorry to hear you are feeling anxious Kunzite, but it sounds like you are doing everything right and hopefully those little boys will be so comfy in there they will make it well past 28 weeks!

AFM: Still baking away happily. I am really getting focussed on how long it is until bubs is due. I have worked out I have 36 more days of work, and now it just feels as though there isn't any point taking on new clients or anything at this point. However, work is REALLY quiet for me at the moment so I am still grabbing all the work I can get until late March!
NEL - CONGRATULATIONS!! Catherine Grace (such a beautiful name!!) is such a sweet beauty. I love hearing how in love a new mama is with her baby. It is SO amazing, and I must admit, still brings tears to my eyes. I have turned into such a big baby loving sap since becoming a mom. Anyway, so very happy for you!!

Re: milk coming in, it most certainly will. This link has been passed around a fair bit, but it is so so so helpful: Not sure if you've seen a lactation consultant yet, but I was instructed to hand express in the early days to really help get things started.

LC - Ethan Gim!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Such a beautiful photo of you and your gorgeous baby boy!! I'm so happy for you!!

PPM - Definitely team pink for you!! I hope your scan goes well today and provides you with needed reassurance.

PG - 38 weeks!! You make it seem so easy! :))
Whoa I am WAY behind now!!!

Choro - I went bra shopping at Kohls. I tried several brands and nothing fit well. Underwire made me feel like I was wearing a badly fitted sports bra, no support whatsoever. The band underneath where the wire would normally be would not stay in place. I don't know what to try from here! Ahhh!

My appointment was great today. Blood pressure was 130/82, which is good for me!! And the doctor didn't mention anything so I'm still good to go for now. I was given the lovely bottle of glucola for the glucose test. I scheduled my appointment for the blood draw at 4:30 pm. Is it better to be done in the morning? I didn't think to ask which was best. She said I should eat before drinking the stuff since it might not settle well in my stomach, but DO NOT eat or drink anything else after drinking it.
NEL, OMG congratulations!!! Katie is just GORGEOUS! Ethan's going to be so happy there's some PS hotties around (between Katie & Sylvie) He's very grabby, I told DH we're going ot have to watch this guy when he's 16, LOL!!!! Congrats on the BEAUTIFUL girl! OMG I *totally* know what you mean by "COME IN MILK, PLEASE!!!!"

I honestly don't know how the human species has survived for so long if the mother's milk is not ready until a few *days* after birth. I mean, seriously? How did babies live before? Ethan FINALLY latched by the time he was 40 hrs old. So hypothetically speaking, if we didn't have formula, he would've been starving until then. And then once he did get the latch down, the docs told us that 1) his billirubin count was increasing, and 2) he lost 9% of his birth weight so we needed to keep giving him formula. So again without formula not sure how he would've made it.

Dandi, I didn't realize that's why they withheld water from me during OR recovery. If someone had told me as such maybe I wouldn't have been such a brat about not getting water.

Katie, I hope you're doing OK. I know so many of you ladies are getting close, I dunno it kinda helped make me feel a little better reading everyone's experiences as I was approaching Ethan's due date. I hope you're getting along OK. Fantastic on the nesting AND that your DH helped.

Choro, I 2nd Bobbin's suggestin for Magnesium & Calcium for the leg cramps. I used to get them too and I found it helped a lot. Any extra bananas would be good too. I'll also suggest getting compression skins. I originially purchased them for marathon training, they're like leg warmers, but they're tight so they compress your calfs. It really helps make my feet "less tired" and my feet feel fully rested by the next morning, rather than still tired, if that makes any sense. It was useful for me and I'm not even on my feet all day like you are.

Lizzy, WELCOME!!!! It's absolutely WONDERFUL seeing you here!!! I'm so glad the baby's doing well. I'll try to keep following you along. How's DS adjusting to the concept of the new baby? Or does he not realize it yet?

PhG, how's the midwife? I hope you make it to the OB/VBAC appointment. I was like, you not really concerned about not meeting the OBs, and James actually really liked the OB that ended up deliverin Ethan. I hope baby flips soon. Did you try acupuncture too? I hear it's actually quite successful in getting babies to turn.

Kunzite, welcome!! Hooray I'm so glad you're reaching 1/2 way. I totally understand why you're nervous, but you're getting the best care. the 28 weeks is a good milestone and I'll be thinkng of you and your two boys. I'm glad things are looking good for them though. How exciting you might be having ID twins! Sis and I are fraternal twins.

PPM. thikning of you today for your scan!

China, yes our hospital has lact-con but honestly they've been of little help. But my MW/OB practice also has them, and the pedi practice has some so I'm not feeling like I'm left without options. We've had three really great nurses, and a two just awful ones, and the rest were very responsive and friendly but were'n't realy helpful with the whole breast feeding issue.

Bobbin, glad work's kind of quiet for you. It's good to have a little bit of calm but sometimes you just need something to keep you busy. Hopefully it'll stay even and balanced from here on out.

Missy, I would schedule the 1 hr test for first thing in the morning if you can. It's easiest because you'll get the best chance of passing if don't eat anything before hand. In my non-medical opinion, eating/drinking will introduce sugar into your system that your break down anyway, and then you're adding Glucola on top of that. But again this is just my total non-medical opinion.

As I mentioned earlier Ethan's billirubin count is higher, so the pedi is taking extra precautions since we're planning on going home today. So he's getting light therapy for as long as he can while we're here. The pedi and nurses said his levels aren't dangerous but since they went up 2 points they want to make sure it's not increasing today so they want to do the lights on him.

LC and NEL, hang in there regarding the milk coming in! It will be here soon and Katie and Ethan will be chunky monkey's before you know it! My DS also had jaundice and lost some weight in the beginning. I stuck to nursing (he was a good latcher right from the beginning) even though it was hard but the nurse kept telling me that the more he eats, pees, and poops, the jaundice will leave his body. Hang in there! I know it is stressful in the beginning but once you get the hang of nursing and the milk is there, their weights will come up in no time!
Congrats LC and NEL!!! Those are some beautiful babies and you are both gorgeous mothers!

Katy, glad to hear you finally nested. I feel like I've been nesting for the past 6 months; I have either been a total lazy butt or exactly the opposite--a frenzied must-clean-now crazy lady. Today I'm off work and have decided I MUST clean out my closet. I would rather relax and do nothing but I'm afraid if I don't do it today something will happen and I won't be able to (completely irrational). Anyway, I hope Madeline comes out to join you very soon!!!

Choro, I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable already! Are you wearing a really supportive, flat shoe? I am on my feet almost all day (I can sit and take breaks whenever I want to, but sitting for more than a few minutes gets uncomfortable) and I wear Superfeet inserts in my boots/shoes or I wear Chacos which have awesome arch support. I have had no back pain thus far and very minimal swelling in my legs. Bobbin's suggestion of compression socks/tights might help you also. When you take a break, can you elevate your feet? That should help a bit. I really hope you are able to find some remedies--you sound miserable and you still have a fair amount of time to bake that little one! Hugs, lady!

PPM, I am going to guess team blue for you but I don't know why. I think because I guess "boy" for everyone! Anyway, hope your scan goes well today, I am excited to hear all about it. I hear you on the lack of sun/color issue; I am soooo ready to get outside and soak up a little Vit. D. I have all these short sleeved and sleeveless maternity clothes but my arms are super pale and it looks awful right now when I try them on. I'm not used to looking so washed out; in years past I have visited the evil tanning salon about once a month during the winter for a minimal amount of time--just enough to get a "glow," but this year obviously I can't do that. Gah--I am way too vain.

AFM: 27-ish weeks and rolling right along. My glucose test is coming up next week, I'm trying to write up a birth plan (ONLY because my doctor asked me if I had one--I totally don't expect it to be anything more than a loose guideline), I need to sign us up for a birth class (we'll do the all-day Saturday one instead of a series), and I'm slowly getting the nursery together. No health issues at this time, still...except for a horrible bout of stopped up plumbing about 2 weeks ago. Along with an excessively slow digestive system, the baby decided to shift in such a way that she must have been squishing a nerve or part of my intestines and I was in excruciating pain every time I went to sit or lie on my side for about 72 hours. It was awful and it made me re-think my hope of having a drug free L&D. I worked throughout the issue and finally on day 3, suddenly all pain was gone like she had shifted away from whatever she was squishing in me. I hope that never happens again! Other than that I've been feeling great. Funny, though, every time I tell someone that (after they ask--I don't go around volunteering details about how awesome I feel) I am warned to *just wait* and that it's going to get *so much worse* and that soon I'll *be miserable.* Typically I hear this from men, and I want to tell them to STFU! Why do people think pregnancy has to be so awful??? Is it THAT uncommon to accept it and actually like what's happening to my body?
Lizzy- Welcome, so happy to see you over here! :wavey: The Envelope Opening is set for weekend of March 1st. :appl:

PPM- Thinking of you today. I'm guessing GIRL for you!

Kunzite- Welcome! :wavey: Hope the next 9 weeks fly by. I know twin pregnancies can be more stressful, but I know lots of mamas that had perfectly normal and uncomplicated twin pregnancies, so here's hoping you're one of them.

NEL- I do love the name Lola, but there is something so classic and magical about Catherine Grace! Your milk WILL come in, not to worry!

Lliang- You are producing colostrum, which they refer to as "liquid gold" and has enough fat and calories for your little one to survive until your milk comes in. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but try to relax- think about back in the days before hospitals and formula, little ones survived before the milk came in.

And can I just say WOW that our new mamas are still posting after delivery? I think I couldn't get my head together for at least 3 months! That bodes well for you ladies!

Choro- It's not unheard of to be uncomfortable at 23 weeks. I am much more uncomfortable at 27 weeks than I ever was in my entire last pregnancy. Hard to bend over, check. Baby kicking bladder, having to run to bathroom at all times, check. Btw, your description of you trying to get out of the house had me cracking up! And it's good practice- wait till you add a baby and baby gear. :cheeky: As for the bra thing- don't quote me on that, check into it. I'd heard that about underwire, but I wore underwire and had no problems.

Missy- GL on the glucose! You don't have to fast, but like Lliang said, I personally think it's better to do so as you aren't adding any extra sugar to process and therefore it gives you a more accurate reading. If it were me (and see below) I would fast and do it first thing.

Monarch- Your pregnancy doesn't have to be miserable!!!! I think people just say things like that in passing, like how often people talk about the weather. It's just something people say. I was entirely comfortable and zen right up to delivery with O. Had a few small issues like you mentioned- occasional constipation, some weird sciatic nerve stuff, etc., but for the most part, I wasn't uncomfortable, never had sleep issues, never got swollen, etc. So it is possible!

AFM- Glucose test today. Went smoothly- I went as soon as the lab opened, drank my drank (yum cold orange sweet stuff- NOT YUMMY), went up to my OB appt, back down for blood draw. Easy peasy. There was a preggo there doing the 3 hour and she looked miserable. I think the drinks were making her sick. So I decided to be grateful I only had to drink the one gross drink (at least this time around). OB appt was boring, which is a good thing. After next appt, I go to every 2 weeks.

That's about it for me. O is being just the cutest, most interesting little guy on the planet right now (said his not at all biased mom :cheeky: ) and I'm just eating him up. Mind you, last week was tantrumville, so it's not always like this. Watching their minds grow is fascinating and so much fun. We've found that if we ask him what he's going to teach the new baby and if he wants to be the big brother, then he seems to be on board. We'll see. ;))
Congrats to LC and Nel!!
See, that's what I was thinking but she told me to EAT before I drink the stuff, I don't have to fast, just avoid high sugar content food.
Missy0483|1329854934|3131033 said:
See, that's what I was thinking but she told me to EAT before I drink the stuff, I don't have to fast, just avoid high sugar content food.

Mine said I didn't have to fast, either. So confused! Maybe for the 1 hour they don't take your blood first to use as a baseline before you drink the stuff?
You don't HAVE to fast. At least, doctors vary in what they tell you. My doctor RECOMMENDS fasting, and I asked her why the discrepancy.

Her answer was that there tends to be lots of false positives for the 1 hour test. If you don't fast, then your body is processing whatever sugar you've had in food PLUS the glucose they give you to drink. So you can fail even if you don't have GD. It doesn't give you as accurate a reading. So if you fail, then you have to fast and you have to do the 3 hour. My dr said why not fast and give yourself the best chance of passing, and avoid the 3 hour if you can.

So that's my thinking. I don't know if different labs process this differently, though, so obviously listen to your doctor. If my test was at 3 or 4 in the afternoon and she said I didn't have to fast, I probably wouldn't have. BUT if you can, why not?

You do not have blood drawn as a baseline for the 1 hour. You go in, you drink the stuff, then an hour later they take your blood. Cannot eat or drink anything (even water) during that hour.

At least that's how they do it at my dr's lab.

So that's just how I understand it. Again, not a doctor and easily could have gotten something lost in the translation, but that's what she told me.

Missy, you take your drink with you? And then drink whenever you want? But you have to have the blood drawn after an hour, correct?
Choro, your post reminded me of this poem:

"At Twenty-Three Weeks She Can No Longer See Anything South of Her Belly," by Thom Ward from Tumblekid (The Devil's Millhopper Press).

I'm painting my wife's toes
In Revlon Super Color Forty Nine.
I've no idea what I'm doing.
She asked me to get the bottle,
then crashed on our bed,
muscle-sore, pelvis-aching.
Lifting the brush, I skim
the excess polish across the glass,
daub a smidgen on her nail,
push it out in streaks
over the perfect surface
to the cuticle's edge.
I'm painting my wife's toes.
I've no idea what I'm doing.
The smell of fresh enamel
intoxicates. Each nail I glaze
is a tulip, a lobster,
a scarlet room where women
sit and talk, their sleek,
tinctured fingers sparking the air.

So the poet's wife seemed to be feeling the same way as you at 23 weeks! ;))

Teaching can be tough. I taught high school when I was pregnant with my first, but our break was about 22 to 32 weeks so i don't really remember how I felt then. In the fall when I was 32 weeks plus, I wore Crocs to school, sat on a wheely chair with a pillow behind my back and my feet up a lot, and made the students come to me. Like you said about running, it wasn't so much about not having energy -- I was still working out and walking a lot -- it was just the extra weight on my feet and frame and having to compensate for a shifting center of gravity. Stretching a lot helps.

I've been a lot less uncomfortable this pregnancy even though I've consistently been about 15 pounds up from my weight at the same point in my last pregnancy, so it must be because now I'm not working and am not on my feet very much. I've only just now gotten extremely uncomfortable and immobile at 38 weeks.
China - Yup, they gave me my drink today and my appointment is March 21 at 4:30pm. So I do the drink from home/work, not in the office. I go in after an hour to have my blood drawn and my regular 4 week appointment was scheduled at the same time so I'll have my regular check-up too. Now I'm thinking I should reschedule just to be on the safe side.
Phoenixgirl I love that poem!

Missy- Don't stress! Could you eat a big breakfast and then not eat till after 4:30? That might be a compromise. Again, you don't HAVE to fast, and your dr said it was ok. I'm just relaying what I've heard/think. Either way, if you have it, you have it and fasting or not fasting won't make a difference. The only slight possible difference is getting a false positive on the 1 hour, and having to re-do the 3 hour. Which, while it would suck, is not the end of the world. And plenty of people don't fast- I just asked my dr why she recommended fasting when others don't. And it was easy for me to make the early morning appt so I didn't have to worry about it.

Maybe ask your dr? Don't tell him/her that some random on the internet told you to fast. :cheeky:
Pancake, LC and NEL!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: congratulations on your adorable babies!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

China -what is the consistency of the orange drink? Thicker like syrup or thinner like soda pop? I was given a bottle of it at my dr appt yesterday too and was just curious how hard it was going to be to get it down? I have my next appointment scheduled for the first thing that morning and I'm hoping that it doesn't make me feel gross for the rest of the day :roll:

Lizzy and Kunzite - welcome to the "big girls" thread! I am so excited you are both here!!

Choro - I hope you feel better soon and the cramps ease up so you can have some relief.

Monarch - Yay for a great pregnancy so far! I am glad to hear you are enjoying it. I think so many people just spout off nonsense just to have something to say.

PPM - I also vote team PINK for you! I hope you get reassuring news at your appointment.

PG- 38 weeks is awesome, I hope you can stay as comfortable as possible while you wait. I have been delving into the CD thread since DH and I are very interested in going the cloth route.

Katy - yay for the nesting to finally kick into gear! I always love the feeling of accomplishment when you can look around your house and know that things are just the way you want them. Hopefully you won't have too much longer to wait and endure all the aches and pains you are having.

Mayerling - I hope you start feeling more movement soon, it can't be too much longer before you know for sure that it is the babe and not a muscle twitch. Keep us posted!!

Missy - I'm glad your appointment went well yesterday and that your blood pressure stayed down even while at the doctor's office. I am not looking forward to that bottle of orange stuff :knockout: How is everything else going? Have you gotten your registries completed yet? I have just started and need to spend more time going through some of the threads on PS to find all the recommendations from all the BTDT moms.

I'm sorry to anyone I missed, this thread is moving so quickly!!!

AFM - not too much new going on here, spent a good part of the weekend cleaning out the future nursery and looking at paint colors. We also started looking for a new small SUV vehicle this weekend even though we are not planning on replacing my car for several months. I told DH we needed to do the test drives now because I did not want to be climbing in and out of hot cars when I am hugely pregnant. Right now we are leaning towards a Honda Pilot but there are still a few more to look into before we make a decision. Does anyone know any good/bad info about the Pilot?

Also, this morning DH stopped by a daycare next door to his office to pick up a packet of information that we are going to look through tonight. We are hoping this dc is a good one because it would be so convenient for DH to be nearby if anything should come up during the day.
HI Merry! The orange drink they gave me is like orange soda, almost exactly. Well, I assume, I don't drink orange soda. It's sweet and sugary, mine was cold. Not fizzy though. It really isn't too bad. I don't like really sweet things, but I managed to get it down no problem.

The girl doing the 3 hour was getting different colors and said the red one (fruit punch?) was worse than the orange. She had a puke bucket next to her, so I took her word for it and decided the orange wasn't too bad. ;))

I don't know anything about the Pilot but my co-worker has one and loves it. My sister just got the Suburu and loves it.
Oh, Merry, we just bought a Pilot at the end of the year. I never thought we'd own something so big (previously we were a one car family with a Prius!) but desperate times and all :wink2: We adore it. We really wanted something with a third row since we'll have to fit three car seats in the middle row. It is SO spacious on the inside but still doesn't feel huge, if that makes sense. We can easily fit both the single and double Indies in the back with room to spare. The only thing that's been hard for us is obviously the MPG, but that's a given. It's funny because I always made DH swear that if we broke down and got a second car that I would get a Mini! Boy things change so quickly :bigsmile:
China - thanks for the info about the orange stuff, I am happy to hear that it is thinner consistency. I put it in my fridge so it is nice and cold when I need to drink it in about 4 weeks :lol: Its great to hear about your co-worker liking the Pilot. I will look into the Subaru models too. Thanks!

Kunzite - So cool that you just got a Pilot. I feel the same way about getting such a big car, I really want a Prius!! DH really wants a Tahoe but I put my foot down and said that the biggest I would go for is the Pilot or Highlander or similar sized SUV with the third row. I hate filling up my gas tank and the Pilot had the best MPG right now. We "looked" into getting the Hybrid Highlander but the extra cost for the hybrid engine would take so long to recoup its just not economically feasible for us yet. DH will be happy to hear that there is still plenty of room in the Pilot. Are Indies carseats??
I really think the Pilot is the best of everything, and trust me, we tried hard to find something smaller that would work for us! All of the smaller third row SUVs were so cramped on the inside, the third rows were a joke, but everything else was SO much bigger! The Indie is a stroller:
Missy, FWIW I just got my lovely orange bottle at my appointment tonight, and my midwife said I do not have to fast ahead of time, but that she would suggest not eating anything for a few hours before I have the drink. I'm doing my test at 5 pm I think?
Yeah I know what you mean about the third row being a joke in some of them, we crawled back there to try them out and to say they were snug is an understatement! We agree that the Pilot had the best room with the best comfort. It is at the top of our list but DH still wants to look at the Durango and I want to look into the Subaru that China mentioned also.

Oh that Indie looks amazing! What colors do you have? The stroller question is up next on my to-do list.
Our single Indie is Lava and our double is Seagrass. If they would have had the aqua before they would all be aqua! Love it :love:
Oh NEL - congratulations!!! Katie is just lovely and I'm so glad you are both well. Don't stress too much about your milk coming in - it will, and oh boy will you know about it!
NEL and LC, how are Katie and Ethan?

Choro, I'm sorry to hear things are getting so uncomfortable.

Monarch, I'm glad the pregnancy is turning out to be quite easy.

PG, wow! It's getting close!

Missy, glad to hear the BP appointment turned out well.

Muff, when do we get to see pics of that nursery?

Everyone else, here's to happy babies baking away.

AFM, 20 weeks to day! Half-way through already. I feel relatively okay except that I'm running on 3 hours sleep today; I was tortured by the incessant peeing last night too, and couldn't get to sleep until 4am and then I work up at 7. :nono: I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm developing GD and that's why the peeing hasn't let up. Other than that, still no movement at 20 weeks; I'm really interested to hear whether I still have an anterior placenta. Speaking of which, our anomaly scan is on Friday! :appl: I can't wait to see the baby again; it's been a month and a half! And we get to find out if we're team pink or team blue.
Other than that, I've been spending the last couple of days doing research on cloth diapers and I think I'm finally beginning to understand how it works and am beginning to form some opinions on which brand and system to go for. Also, my cousin has told us that she can give us all her old baby items (crib, stroller, car seat, etc.) :appl: Her kids are 11 and 5 and she has no plans for more. It's really a huge savings for us.

And here's a pic from 19w5d:

Sorry to threadjack (sort of), but Kunzite and MerryMary, did either of you look at the Chevy Traverse at all? My friend just got a Pilot and loves it (also loves how roomy it is). I had sort of settled on a Chevy Traverse for our next SUV because I felt it was really spacious, but now I'm wondering if we should check out the Pilot. I really want something roomy enough for our growing family, without feeling like I'm driving a huge truck.

Kunzite, I also love the aqua Indie. We just bought our Indie a few weeks ago and my vote was for aqua, but D liked the seagrass or lava colors better. We settled on seagrass.

Still following all of you ladies! And it's great to see some new faces--Lizzy, I'm so, so excited that you're here already!! Your pregnancy is really flying by!!

LC, how is the milk production going? Mine still hasn't come in, but the girls are feeling more engorged all the time and I'm confident I'll get there if I just keep pumping. And you're so right about the formula. I really didn't want to go down that road, but I didn't even produce colostrum until YESTERDAY, which was more than 72 hours after Katie was born. Katie seems happy with her formula and I give her drops of colostrum when I can. It will all work out (for both of us), but I don't want to get all upset and frustrated about my milk. It will happen!

Still completely on cloud 9 with Katie. Every move and sound she makes fascinates me. I seriously have never been this happy. Yesterday was a great day--she cried less than 30 seconds all day. She's good at giving hunger cues and goes from sleeping to eating to just looking around and taking everything in. The only thing she doesn't like is having her diaper changed, but she calms right back down as soon as she's reswaddled. I'm so, so, so lucky to have her!

Okay, I'm going to stop blabbing on this thread, just can't help but check in with you ladies!
Hi ladies!

Missy, congrats on the raise and good luck on coming up with a name! It's a lot of pressure!

PPM, I hope everything went well with your scan yesterday, check in with us when you are able. I'm feeling team pink for you!

PG, not long now for you! Hope baby girl makes her appearance right after you are able to have your VBAC consult.

Mayerling, I have an anterior placenta too, and didn't feel a lot of early flutters, but in the last week (22w for me) baby girl has gotten so active! So never fear, I bet it's right around the corner for you. Good luck at the anatomy scan, I'm thinking team blue for you! You might want to double check on the hand-me-down carseat...I think they expire after a certain time period, at least in the US? But how awesome to be getting so much stuff from your cousin.

Kunzite, welcome! Can't wait to find out if your boys are identical. A friend of mine has ID twin boys and a third boy who is 14 months younger and her house is so much fun to be at with all of them running around, that's what I'm picturing for you! I'll be thinking sticky thoughts for your boys, especially over the next few weeks.

Welcome lizzy, so happy to see you here! How fun to have a delivery surprise for number 2!

Katy, yay for nesting! Hope baby girl makes her way out soon!

Choro, I'm so sorry you are dealing with so much discomfort already. I hope you can figure out a solution for teaching with less discomfort!

bobbin you are in the home stretch now, 36 days of work sounds so managable.

Monnie, I can't believe people just keep telling you how terrible things are going to get! That's right in line with "sleep while you can" or "enjoy doing x because you won't be able to do that anymore." Why are people so gloom and doom about pregnancy and parenthood?

MerryMary, that daycare option sounds great! Hope it works out for you guys. Smart idea to test drive cars now.

NEL and LC, you guys are amazing to be posting from the hospital with brand new LOs! Hope BF is getting going well for both of you!

AFM, cruising along at 22w5d. I feel really good now that I'm taking prilosec to deal with reflux...I think I went right from morning sickness into reflux sickness and it made me feel like I was never going to feel normal again. Baby girl has picked up her movement so much in the last week, DH has felt her moving a bunch of times now. It's both amazing and so weird to feel this creature moving around in there!

We started moving a bunch of furniture around this weekend, we are turning my office into the nursery so that furniture got moved into our guest room, which had to be rearranged to be an office/guest room moving forward. Luckily that room is huge so it still feels plenty roomy. I am dying to just have a weekend to spend at home to work on organizing the rest of the mess that was created from this, but our schedule has been crazy this month with something going on every weekend, and we are going to visit MIL this weekend so it will have to wait.

Hope all is well with anyone I missed!
Congratulations to LC and NEL!! I can't believe you both have babies now. I remember 9 months ago LC saying no way was she pregnant, unless it was immaculate conception, lol! And now you have a beautiful boy...what were his stats? And I remember the shivers too with my c-section, but it's all so worth it, right?

And NEL, we've come such a long way since venting about our commitmentphobes, haha. I am just loving your sweet posts on Katie - remember when you weren't sure you'd be a great mom to little girls? Now you are absolutely smitten and it is just so heartwarming to have a real gift for writing! It is the best thing in the world isn't it and how perfect that Katie arrived as she did, ready to enter the world at her own heck with plans!

Hang on with milk production LC and NEL meanwhile. Mine took 4 days and literally nothing came out. They really discouraged formua the 2nd time around (not so much with my 1st so I was less successful), and DD2 lost something like 12% of her birth weight before I supplemented a bit while my milk supply stabilized. It was tough! I didn't panic too much since A was such a big baby, but they do say they are able to manage those 4 days and nature accounts for it. All the sucking is for something and helps encourage the supply I have never had much milk though - I think you girls are in great shape and it'll be all about sore boobies/aggressive eaters in a few days!

Hi to everyone else....sorry for the driveby. Life is busy with 2 little ones and return to work!
Congrats to LC and NEL!!! So fun when the babies make their big arrival!

Hope everyone is feeling okay. I'm pretty much fine - starting to get the "holy crap' feeling when I walk past a mirror, but I know it comes with the territory.

My mat jeans and two dresses came in from Pea in the Pod and I'm so happy. The jeans are so much more comfortable than wearing my regular jeans with an elastic on the button! The dresses are okay - definitely look like maternity dresses but I'm sure they will work better when I'm bigger.

I'm thinking about starting pre-natal yoga. Does anyone do that?

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Muff - You are looking great! Love your outfit! I've noticed heartburn here and there depending on what I eat. Seems like it happens more often after dinner than breakfast or lunch. I know peanut butter does it to me. I need to start watching which foods/type of foods are triggering it.

Mayerling - You look great too! Nice pickup on the baby items! Sorry about the peeing issue, I don't really have many problems during the night, just up once or twice. Then again I never really peed a lot before pregnancy. I literally had to tell myself to go at times because it was late afternoon and I hadn't went since around 7am! Yay for your scan coming up!! Any instincts on girl or boy?

Steph - I talked to my SIL and she said the same thing, we both go to the same OB. She said she drank the drink at lunch and then went to her appointment and never had problems. I think I'm just going to eat a lighter lunch and then I can pig out when it's over! Haha.

Merry - Yes my registries are finished! There have been several purchases from them too, not that I've been peeking everyday or anything. Ha!

Choro - I couldn't find any bras to fit! I tried ones with no wire and they gave me no support at all. I tried adjusting the straps tighter, but then it made the back strap go all high in the back. I almost had a hissy fit in the dressing room and started begging the bras to fit correctly!!! They didn't listen.

:wavey: to everyone else! I'm terrible at keeping track of all of you! :oops:

Here's me today at 24w3d! I did a front and side view this time. See where the maternity shirt is a little longer on me and when I sit it gets wrinkles. Makes my "OCD" go a little wild haha

Congrats NEL and LC? I loved following your journeys to the end and seeing your beautiful babies!

BUGABOO owners (or anyone familiar)- I need some advice! DH and I bought the bugaboo cameleon for out little one. We loved the nacelle (not sure of the English word for it) and thought we would only use that for walks downtown, however, it looks like we will definitely need the infant carrier and adapter for it. Which infant career do you have and what do you like about it? bugaboo is not very well known here in France, so finding someone familiar with the brand and adapters has been a challenge. Any advice would be appreciated!

Big hello to all of the other fellow mommies to be! I promise to jump in the thread soon with a proper update since I am now 22 weeks!