
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

PP, thanks for sharing your daughter's birth story. I'm glad to hear that recovery is not as bad as you expected. A few people have been sharing horror stories on the post-partum thread, so I think I'm starting to psych myself out a bit too.

PPM, I'm sure it's frustrating, but it can't be that much longer for you, and really does sounds like things are starting to progress. Hoping the next time you update, you have even more progress to report.

amc, how was your shower? Or did your the predictions come true and you are already holding your son? ;)

Dani, I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. That's great you passed your glucose test. Which brand of glider did you choose? We looked at a few, and I really wasn't loving any of them. Would love to hear which ones others have chosen. When I hear how long it may take for it to arrive, I realize I better get on that ASAP though. I finally picked out a crib and dresser, but I still need to get them ordered. I keep thinking I have all this time, but I'm guessing the next three months are going to go fast.
Hi Ladies!!

We ended up choosing the Little Castle Monaco:
I got this exact color combo (the pebble grey with white piping), but picked out the glider/recliner model. It's so comfy and looks great! We ended up purchasing it through BBB, since I got the best price there. Still can't believe how much $$ it was though- I ended up paying $920 for it, and that was with using the 20% off coupon!!!!! I guess the recliner option PLUS the cost of the custom fabrics put it over the top. We better get ALOT of use out of this chair!!!

PPM!!! Sounds like its getting close for you!!! So exciting!!!

MP- Glad to hear you're doing well!!! I would say, my only big complaint now is my back and alot of pressure in my pelvic area, which sucks, since I have a weak bladder to start with. Its like I always have the pressure of the baby pressing on it, so not joke, Im in the bathroom every half hour!!! I can't even believe we still have 3 months of growing to do!! BTW, what furniture did you end up choosing?
Dani, very cute glider. You really can't find anything comfortable and cute without the ridiculous pricetag I've discovered, but yikes! We're hoping to find something that can be transitioned to another room at some point because I can't justify the expense otherwise, but it is really hard to find one that fits the bill and would work with our other furniture. We picked out a basic, sturdy white nursery set at Babies R Us. My only criteria was that it be safe/sturdy, white, and not have a lot of exposed screws in the front. I'm happy with the set we found. Now we just need a changing table, and the rest we can add as we go.

Oh, and I hear you on the back pain. I think it must be because of the extra weight of my bbs and belly. I'm also experiencing pain in my pelvic area, which is making me walk a little funny. I'm switching to a thicker pillow to put between my knees to see if that helps. All worth it in the end, but it is going to be a long three months if this continues!
Dani: I love your glider! It's a great neutral color and can be used for multiple babes, or else can be used in another room when you're done using it in the nursery. Nice choice. Bummer about the price, but hopefully it'll get TONS of use.

MP: I know Pottery Barn Kids can be pricey, but they have an upholstered, small-ish rocker that I fell in love with. The best part? The rocking legs come off and you can put on regular peg legs so that it transitions from rocking chair to regular chair. They have a few styles, but the one I'm thinking of is their smallest rocker/glider... it's pretty firm and was a great fit for my 5'4 frame. I think the chair was under $800. Now, if you tack on an ottoman...

We ended up with a cheap rocker from Ikea, but even that cost over $200 in the end. The ottoman would have cost an addition $150 with the matching cover. Even the "cheap" options aren't cheap! I also don't think the Ikea would work for all body frames and heights, but I can fall asleep in it pretty easily... not that I've been napping in it, or anything :cheeky:

I've read so many conflicting opinions about whether the pricey chairs are worth it. Some say they paid for a $99 glider from Target and spend so.much.time in the chair that they wish they'd purchased a higher quality model with extra cushioning. Then there are those who buy top of the line nursery chairs and find that their babies are NOT into being rocked. UGH! These fickle little infants! Nothing is simple or straightforward with them! ;))
Congratulations, PP!!! Look forward to seeing you in the other thread soon :)

I really wanted an awesome (read: awesomely expensive) rocker/glider before S arrived but couldn't justify the cost so we bought the Ikea Poang. REALLY comfy chair, great for breastfeeding, but I think I used it for about 4 weeks before getting too lazy and just feeding S sitting up in bed. During the day I just fed on the couch, an armchair, wherever - and we still do that now, so PPM, don't worry!
Ooh ladies, I've been agonising over gliders too! I found one for $300 at a local baby store, ottoman included, with a steel frame. There's one online for $189, free postage, in Melbourne etc, but the frame is wooden. Does anyone feel it's worth paying extra for steel?

Oh and while I'm here and I missed Hump Day Bump Day last week, here's my 19 week bump pic! :bigsmile:

MP, we looked at both the Best Chairs and the Little Castles over the weekend at Buy Buy Baby. We want to get a recliner/glider combo so we don't have to get the ottoman, and we also want to move it to another part of the house later. Both of the chairs were comfortable that we tried and don't look too babyish - you can customize the fabric you want. We may end up getting one off of Craigslist - they are going for $200-$250 around here. Or, I think they were around $600 base (without the pricier fabrics which can add up to an additional 20%) and plan to use a 20% off coupon if we go new with BBB.

Petite, thanks for your update on your birth story. Congratulations! You are a trooper for delivering such a large baby. I was 8lbs 11 oz when I was born, but my DH was only in the 6lb range so I am hoping for a happy medium with our baby.

PPM, sounds like you are getting close. Good luck and best wishes for a happy, healthy delivery.

AFM, I had my GD test on Friday. No results yet. My doctor said I can up my Zantac to 150MG - 2X a day. And, that is a definite improvement for the acid reflux. Feeling movements pretty regularly, but she stops whenever my DH tries to feel something. He says she likes him better and won't kick him.
Petite, thanks for sharing! Sounds like everyone else is doing well.

I had my baby shower on Saturday. Despite the predictions, baby is still in me :) Got lots of nice things at the shower. Barely any clothes and only two duplicate items. Now we need to go through our registry and figure out what things we really need. DH made the comment last night that he's really excited for baby to get here. I am still somewhere between really excited and "OMG we are having a baby. Soon."

I have my 36 week (35w6d) appointment today, along with a growth scan. I'm guessing I'll hear whether or not they will schedule and induction based on the u/s results. At this point he's likely measuring right around 40 weeks. Everyone at my shower was commenting on how I look like I'm already 40 weeks and ready to give birth...well, size wise at least, he still is pretty high.
Hi ladies!

First and foremost, huge congrats to Mayerling and PetitePoire :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Prana, welcome to the thread!!! :wavey:

JGator fantastic that you can feel movements! Hopefully your DH will be able to feel them soon :love: Sorry to hear about the heartburn, that sounds miserable. I hope you get some relief or at the very least, that it doesn't get any worse.

Haven I've never heard of the TDap vaccine before but I'm sure your doctor wouldn't have given you anything dangerous. Hope you got some reassuring answers! I saw your bump pic on the other thread, you are looking gorgeous lady :bigsmile:

missrachel I am still sleeping on my back about 50% of the time and I have never been cautioned not to. I find sleeping on my back I end up with a lot less pain in my back during the night than when I lie on my side. My understanding is that the risk is that the weight of the baby may compress some of the blood vessels returning blood to the heart, but if that happens you will feel dizzy and sick and you will wake up and move. It actually happened to my cousin and she asked her midwives and they told her it's fine. I would check it out with your doc/midwife if you are worried and obviously go by their advice! Hope you are getting some good rest!

Lizzy I am late to the party but FWIW I also think the nurse was just saying 'him' in a very generic sense. I keep referring to my baby as 'he' even though I have no idea what the gender is! It sounds like your practice have been very good about checking up on your file and I would absolutely be reassured. You are so close now, very exciting!!!

monkeyprincess I LOL'd at the pregnancy waddle thing! Absolutely, bring it on!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: You look fantastic in your bump pic, I bet any waddling going on is very glamorous waddling ;))

amc gosh you are really being put through the wringer aren't you? I hope you get some good answers at your appointment this week and get to feel like you have a good game plan in place. Sorry to hear about the stretch marks showing up right at the end, boo hiss to the nasty last minute stretch marks!!! FWIW I can't see them in your bump shot, and I think you look fabulous! :bigsmile: Glad to hear your shower went well, that must have been so much fun :))

sunnyd love your bump pic, you are looking great! Too funny about your DH getting kicked in the face :bigsmile:

vintagelover glad to hear your honeymoon was great! I am so sorry to hear about your friend's baby, that is just heartbreaking. I will keep her in my prayers.

dani congrats on passing your glucose test! That glider you picked out is beautiful :love:

PPM how are you doing? Hoping that mucous plug is a good (if yucky) sign of things gearing up very soon!! :appl:

Dandi you look great! Nearly halfway there, woohoo!!! I have to admit though, I was somewhat distracted by the background in your photo... is that your bathroom?!? I confess, I swooned...


AFM 31 weeks today, how did that happen?!?

Had my 30 week appointment on Saturday with the hospital and everything is looking great. I was measuring half a week behind, so probably due a growth spurt in the coming days. They took bloods and they will write out to me if I need to take an iron supplement. I already take Spatone every second day so am hopeful I won't need to go on anything stronger. They also put me on a list with the radiography department for a 34 week ultrasound to check the position of the placenta. I had an anomaly scan done privately at 20 weeks which showed the placenta is well up out of the way of my cervix and the midwives are happy with that, but they just need to do their own in-house scan for hospital policy's sake. Fine by mine, I will get to see baby again :bigsmile:

We have had a crazy couple of weeks, lots of travelling and upheaval going on. We took a little trip across the country and got to spend lots of time with some friends of ours who have babies and toddlers, it was so much fun. Then we drove to visit DH's family for a few days and I spent a lot of time going round nursery shops with MIL and she took me for afternoon tea. MIL and I have a bit of a hot-and-cold kind of relationship but we had a lovely time together so that was good. We also spent a fair bit of time going between our home and where my parents live, as we are organising to rent a house near my parents for the next few months.

All in all we put over 900 miles on the car in just over a week, which did a right number on my back! There will be no more long trips for the foreseeable! I got great relief from the back pain at my acupuncture session on Thursday, it was amazing. Trying to spend lots of time now on my yoga ball rather than slouching into the couch/chairs. I think though at this stage no matter what I do some back pain is to be expected.

DH started his new job this week so I am home alone for most of the week, which is hard, but it will be worth it in the long run. I am also having a bit of a stressful time at work myself but at least the end is in sight - two more weeks and I am into my quiet time of the year and I can coast a bit thank goodness. I will badly need it at that stage!

Bump is growing well and getting to be very impressive :bigsmile: Random strangers have started asking me when am I due. A lady in a furniture shop yesterday stopped dead in her tracks when I told her September and said she was expecting me to say December... I could have hugged her :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Also a work colleague told me I am the neatest pregnant lady she's ever seen, that I am just all bump... she also almost got bear hugged :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

The only other news here is that one of my bridesmaids told me on Friday she is 11 weeks pregnant, baby is due in February. I am ridiculously excited and just over the moon for her and her DH. This girl has always dreamed of having children and I am just so happy for her. Plus when we move for DH's job at the end of the year she will only be an hour's drive away, and with us both being on maternity leave I am hoping I will be able to go and see her regularly. Our babies will only be 5 months apart!

I think that's about all my news. Apologies for the novel but I had so much catching up to do, I've been very bad!

Take care ladies :wavey:
Well, just had my appt. Baby is in the 98th percentile, measuring 7lb12oz. The doc's first comment to me was "well, we knew he was big, but didn't know he was this big." Good news is baby looks great. Bad news is my BP is high. And that's with being on procardia (for contractions, but it's a bp drug). So I have to go off of it as of now and see what my bp is doing at a recheck on Wednesday. If it stays high I will either end up in the hospital or on total bed rest. I asked about continuing to work from home and she said I'm pretty close to not being allowed to
Work at all. Very scary to think that if my BP doesn't go down I could be induced in a matter of days!
Sorry to hear that AMC! But that baby is very well cooked by now so he will be fine, and you'll be jsut fine too - we have great medical care, all of us. My mother had pre-e with both my brother and I and tells me that her BP was so high she coldn't see straight, and was on bedrest for an extended time both times. So the fact that they are much more aggresive with prevention and treatment now is really a good thing. At least you made it to your shower!
Just a fly-by (my apologies I really don't have the energy to read up and do a big reply) to say that I'm dismayed by my belly size and I know it's only getting bigger and faster from here on out (28 weeks tomorrow!) My tanks that I use for sleeping and lounging that I bought large early in pregnancy and I thought were so, so long - they're almost too short now! I will need some legit maternity tanks and ASAP! Oh well I guess I can always have my belly out at home if I want to : )
amc80|1342480012|3235037 said:
Well, just had my appt. Baby is in the 98th percentile, measuring 7lb12oz. The doc's first comment to me was "well, we knew he was big, but didn't know he was this big." Good news is baby looks great. Bad news is my BP is high. And that's with being on procardia (for contractions, but it's a bp drug). So I have to go off of it as of now and see what my bp is doing at a recheck on Wednesday. If it stays high I will either end up in the hospital or on total bed rest. I asked about continuing to work from home and she said I'm pretty close to not being allowed to
Work at all. Very scary to think that if my BP doesn't go down I could be induced in a matter of days!

Aww hang in there AMC! I'm sure you're feeling super stressed about all of this, but just remember you're well past the golden 27 week mark and baby is doing okay. Weight estimates can be off by about a pound, so I would not worry about size at this stage. As for BP and possibly pre-e and possible bed rest -- you've made it this far -- if the dr says bed rest, you've only got a few weeks to go! I know it's difficult to not worry, but trust your body. Sometimes it does funny things (like spike blood pressure) to alert to an issue to get baby out to prevent a different, maybe worse, issue from arising if baby did stay in.

One thing I learned in birth class that may be helpful in talking to your Dr about all of this is BRAIN - Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Instinct, Nothing -- all things to ask when a care provider is talking about wanting to take steps in one direction or another.

I hope you find some peace in knowing that baby is healthy and that you're far enough along that baby should be okay post-delivery!!!
Hehe Buttons, you are hilarious!! That's DH's and my ensuite, the guest bathroom is the same colour scheme etc. We had the ensuite made bigger to accommodate the spa, because apparently DH can't live without one :rolleyes: Excuse the clothes in the background, you think I could tidy up a bit before taking photos. How exciting that you and your friend will be having babies so close together! One of my best friends is 9 weeks ahead of me, it's so good to have someone to share the experience with! :appl:

Aww amc, sorry your BP is high. It sounds like baby is doing fabulous though, you've done a great job baking that bubba! Good luck hon!!

Aww rachel, I bet you look beautiful. I feel that way and I'm not yet 20 weeks! :eek:

We had our anomaly scan today, and Baby B looks great. Everything measured right on track to within a day or two, so that's a huge relief. We didn't plan on finding out the sex, buuuut we are pretty sure we both spotted boy bits!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It wasn't definitive of course, but the kid is a serious exhibitionist! I've had very strong feelings the whole pregnancy that it's a boy, so we shall see! We're very much keeping that to ourselves though, we like to keep the mystery ;))

Name-wise we have decided on Oscar Matthew for a boy (Matthew is DH's name), and Leni Charlotte for a girl. We aren't sharing names with anybody IRL because I tire very easily of unsolicited advice and opinions re. our choices of names, grrrr it gets my goat.
Happy baking, ladies!! :wavey:

19 weeks 6 days
AMC - That's so crazy how docs are so different. My BP was high for more than a month even on bedrest and they still didn't induce til I hit 39 weeks! Anyway...I hope your BP levels out, it's a scary thing since it can quickly turn to pre-e. I'm surprised they didn't have you do a 24 hour urine collection to check for protein.
AMC that is so stressful, hang in there Momma! I would second everything Mayerling said about scans being off on weight, and about the great job you've done so far baking this baby and to trust your body. Take care of yourself!

Dandi I am still swooning over that bathroom, clothes or no :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Those are lovely names you've picked out for baby! I also am not sharing our name choices with people IRL. Even just at the weekend I got a completely unsolicited lecture on how people who use names in our native language are just setting the children up for trouble as they are apparently "unpronounceable with all the extra letters"?!? I don't think that's a reason to avoid a name - my own name (which is in English) seriously couldn't be spelled any more simply and yet 50% of people I meet still consistently pronounce it wrong. I just tell them the right way to say it or I let it slide. This person of course has no idea DH and I have chosen native language names for our baby. She may be rather embarrassed once we announce the name after babba is here ;))

missrachel maternity tank tops are the best. thing. ever! I highly recommend them! I have a really long torso so I will get lots of use out of these even after the birth. I can't believe I went around for so many years constantly tugging at my tops to keep my midriff covered when I could have just bought a load of H&M maternity vests...
amc, hang in there and do whatever you can to take it easy and keep your stress levels down. With all of the troubles you've had, it's great that you've managed to make it this far. I hope the little guy is able to stay put awhile longer, but if not, he is so close to term and a nice and big, so I'm sure all will be fine.

PPM, thanks for the glinder info. Rally hoping you have an update soon! This sumser has just been brutal, and I keep thinking how thankful I am that I'm not further along than 27.5 weeks right now because there is no end in sight. You must be so ready to meet your little girl!

Dandi, I too am envious of that huge bathroom. The bathrooms in our house are teeny tiny! And that's funny that you think you saw boy parts. I must say that I definitely saw something on our ultrasound before the tech even zoomed in and pointed it out, because our little guy made no attempt to keep his legs together! I think you have experience with ultrasounds too, right? (At least I think you mentioned that....) So you probably would be even better at knowing what you're seeing. But it's also fun that it is still going to be a surprise because you don't know for sure!

JGator, glad you got more help for your reflux. Mine is pretty sporadic, so I'm able to get by with occasional tums for now. Hope you hear good news on your glucose test. Mine is next week, and I'm paranoid I'm going to fail!

Buttons, good to see an update from you! 31 weeks already? You're in the homestretch. I am getting mixed reviews on the size of my bump. I've had people that seem surprised I'm not due until October, and I've had others who've told me I'm tiny. Although the people in the latter category are crazy because I look like I've got a watermelon strapped to my stomach!

Rachel, if it makes you feel any better, either Bumby or I had a big growth spurt this week because my bump is noticeably bigger too, and it is starting to peek out under all of my non-maternity tops. And I even have short torso! I'm much more comfortable in the longer maternity tanks and tees, and I think they are just more flattering in general.

Megumic, how are things going? How far along are you these days?

AFM, my MIL found out we were planning to order our furniture from Babies R Us, so she gave us an over the top generous amount of giftcards there last night. I never know how to react when she does these things because in my family, my parents only help out in small ways and I have always expected to take care of myself. It also makes me feel guilty for getting annoyed at my MIL so easily. Anyway, I guess that will be our go-to store for all things baby. Fornately, they seem to have all of the major brands of things we have been looking at. Hope everyone is doing well!
MP, I got my GD test results back and I am normal - a 99 - the range is 65 to 139 at my doctor's office. I told my mom and she asked me to see if I can get it down to 65! Can you believe her? I was quite proud of being in the middle of the range. That's great that you received gift cards to BRU. Have fun shopping!

Dandi, congrats on the anatomy scan. I love both of your name choices too. I just told my DH over the weekend that I'm not planning to share our name once we have one. My SIL already sent us her list of names weeks ago - she had a boy and didn't use the girl names, and asked that we run anything by her first. Our issue is going to be that my DH is Indian and my family is American. And, there is a good chance that both sides will complain that they can't pronounce the name if we go one way or another. I am leaning towards an American first name and Indian middle name. But, we'll see what we end up with. My DH doesn't feel any rush to pick a name. I have a list all set for a discussion at any time though!

missrachelk, I am starting to stress about belly size too. I am wondering how much larger i will grow with 3.5 months to go.

AMC, wishing you the best. I'm sure things will turn out fine. Let's just hope he doesn't stay in there beyond 40 weeks! Also, you will likely have to get used to the high percentiles for the long haul with such a tall husband - I'm sure your son will always be on the top of the charts - at least for height growing up.

Buttons, congrats on making it to 31 weeks! You are a trooper for managing a 900 mile road trip. I can't imagine that.

AFM, I found out today that I passed the GD test. Happy about that. My next appt is in a month for another ultrasound. I found out on a local message board that one of the 2 OBs in my practice is having twins in November! My due date is Nov 2nd - I am hoping I beat her but the odds are pretty slim with her having twins! They are adding a 3rd doctor now who I will meet next month. Also, work is getting stressful. I got a huge project assignment (3-year deal) which is causing some stress and long hours - timing is not that great...uggh. It's a great career opportunity/challenge, but I was hoping to at least keep things as is for the next 3 months!
Hi ladies! Thank you for the welcomes!

I'm sorry, I've been absent for several days, so I don't know what all the new news is. I'm going to have to play catch up. I hope everyone is doing well, AMC hope you're hanging in there, sounds like you've got a nice healthy baby baking away in there.

AFM, I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow and I have the worst case of poison ivy of my life! It's all over my eyes. My right eye is completely swollen shut, I have an infected patch on my right arm, and then a bunch of little sattelite rashes. I've done some pretty stupid stuff in my life, and been pretty sick and pretty miserable, but this is by far the worse thing I've ever done to myself and I don't think I've ever felt this miserable. All because of a rampage weeding session that ended with me realizing that I wasn't wearing gloves, and the vine that I had in both hands was not a friendly vine. Despite all my efforts of washing up immediately afterward, I still ended up pretty bad.

I went to the Dr. yesterday and she put me on zpack and told me I could take zyrtec and benadryl. I had to call out today, and I talked to my boss today and she let me take the rest of my work week off too. I'm very lucky to have the job I have, regardless of how bad it gets there.

If these four were to get together and make a baby, that baby would look like me.

Thank you for all the concern! I think my doctor's main concern is that since I've been on a BP med for contractions, my BP should be really low. The fact that it's high while still on it (and 4x the dose normally given to people taking it for BP) is what's concerning. The good news is my urine looked good. The only other symptom I have are my feet have been pretty swollen...cankles galore. But it's also 90 degrees outside and I'm 36 weeks (today!) I don't know how much is normal. My doc was going to have me do a 24 hour collection but decided against it since my sample was clear. She did order some blood work, including uric acid, and I'm guessing that sort of tells the same thing? Not sure. It is a big stress relief knowing this kid would be a good size if he came now (with the margin of error, he'd be somewhere between 6lbs12oz and 8lbs12oz, roughly). I'd really like him to stay in another 2 weeks, but obviously everyone's health is the main concern. I suppose I should probably finish packing my hospital bag and have it in the car when I go to my appointment tomorrow in case I get sent to L&D. So very crazy to think about.

Okay, so last night I'm supposed to relax and chill. Well, we had some friends over for dinner. Just when we are getting ready to eat, I noticed one of the dogs (we have two English Bulldogs) was outside throwing up. Drinking tons of water and just barfing it right back up. DH looks at her and noticed she was bloated. Luckily he has our vet's cell, so calls him, and the vet says we need to go immediately to the emergency vet. We take her in and she had a flipped stomach, which is apparently more common in barrel-chested dogs (bulldogs, boxers, etc.). We were given the option of surgery (to the tune of $3k and a not-great survivability) or putting her down. DH and I talked and I made him made the decision, since the dogs were his long before I came into the picture. The dog is almost 9 and the breed's lifespan is about 5-7, so she's pretty old already. He decided to have her put down. I'm mainly sad for him because he was very upset. But I'm really thankful that this happened now and not when we were home with a newborn. Not sure what it did for my blood pressure but I can't be good. Ugh, sorry to share a depressing story!
amc, so very sorry to hear your sad news. Losing a pet is just so hard, especially when it happens suddenly and unexpectedly. Have you read or seen the movie Marley and Me? I think that is what happened to Marley as well. So sad. Hugs to you and your DH. I hope that everything calms down with your blood pressure and that the rest of your tests come back okay.

JGator, yay for passing! And I agree that your mom's comment is just plain silly. They give you an acceptable range for a reason!

Prana, oh no! That's too bad. Hoping you feel better soon!
AMC, so sorry to hear about your doggie! While putting down a dog is never ideal, I'm glad you were able to catch it and make a decision quickly because I've heard dogs can suffer pretty badly with bloat. I'm constantly hollering at DH for running around with Hollis after he's eaten because I'm so paranoid of it.
PRANA! I lurk on this thread expecting to see some cute little baby bumps and that's what you post! Seriously! Not helping with my morning sickness! But for reals, sorry about the poison ivy!! Hope the meds work and you are feeling better! Hugs.

AMC- Aw I know how hard it is to make that decision to put a dog down. Hugs! I hope your blood pressure is able to settle down now. Take care mama, you don't have much longer to go.
AMCSorry about your dog. :blackeye:
AMC I'm so sorry to hear about your doggy :((
Bahahaha Prana!! That picture is hilarious! You poor thing, though! I hope your swollen eye goes down quickly.

AMC, sorry to hear about your dog. DH lost his family dog the same way, and it's always hard to make that choice. As for bebe, sounds like he'd be ready to come if he had to. He is grounded after all this trouble! :wink2:

Buttons, I can't believe you're at 31 weeks already! Jeez, time is flying! We're still deciding if we want to share our name or not. We keep telling people that we won't share until we have a middle name picked out (which is proving to be quite difficult!) but maybe we'll just keep it secret until she's born! Maybe we won't decide on a middle name until she's born anyway and we won't have to deal with the advice we've already been given!

BTW, we've had several people tell us they're glad we're waiting until she's born to name her. Then we can pick a name that fits her. Um, that's not what I said! We already have a name, we're just not telling you what it is!! You just can't win!!

JGator, congrats on passing your test! Mine is next week, YAY. MP, we're always on the same schedule! Ha! I need to start chugging at 2:45, so I guess I need to avoid sugar at lunch?

Dandi, congrats on the boy! Well, maybe. Haha! I had boy feelings too, until the night before the scan I dreamed it was girl. And lo and behold! Hope yours continue to stay strong!

PPM, woohoo, loss of mucous plug! <-- That's a weird thing to say to someone. I will hope for you that something comes of it. Literally! :lol:

Alright, AFM, I'm dizzy today. For about 5 hours. I ate, I drank, still dizzy. I'm thinking a call to the doc is in order, what do you think? It's not terrible, but definitely more light headed than I should feel. Third tri starts this week, um, holy crap. We have so much to do still!!!
hi, all! I've been sporadically reading & keeping up but have had minimal time for the internets these days (super busy time at work means no slacking off while there & then I'm ready for a nap as soon as I get home). I want to participate more regularly & actually converse w/ you lovely ladies. hopefully soon :)

last I left off though, was at my 12 wk visit where we found out I had placenta previa & the little bean was a boy. my, my how things change in five weeks! went in last week (17.4), my placenta has moved--yay!--no longer on pelvic rest. the hubs is VERY happy. lol.
Doc also thinks the baby's a girl! the baby was being very shy...legs crossed in front...but after some jiggling the wand on my stomach the dr. thought he got a pretty clear look and just kept saying, "well, see? there's nothing there." from the beginning I felt like it was a girl (really wishfully thinking) and was kind of shocked to learn it was a boy but in 5 wks had gotten used to the idea of being a mother to a baby boy. so, now I'm thrown for a little loop. we just keep saying we're not counting any chickens ; we'll find out *for sure* at the next appt. :D

oh & I ventured into the wonderful world of maternity clothes and i'm not sure what took me so long! I think I could wear maternity bottoms forever!! my BFF is 23 wks & still making due w/regular clothes. I'm trying to convince her that she doesn't know what she's missing!
LuLu- Maternity clothes are the best! What all did you get? Any good finds?

AMC: :(( I'm so sorry for all the stress you've been facing and especially for the loss of your pup. I hope that you and your DH are doing okay, and that your BP lowers a bit. Seems like this has been a rough 3rd tri for you.

Sunny: Get your BP checked! Did you call the doctor or on call nurse? Dizziness is not good...please keep us updated and take care of yourself!!!

Prana: :eek: Oh no!!! No more de-weeding! You poor thing! I hope you're feeling a bit better.

J: Three cheers for passing the gD test- that is awesome news and probably a relief. Tell your mom that your numbers are fantastic and don't need to be lower :rodent:

MP: Your MIL sounds like a very generous woman. That's a very sweet gift... And at the same time I fully understand how uncomfortable it can be to accept such a gift. Seems like you did the right thing, though- accept graciously and enjoy it! She is obviously excited to pamper her grand baby! You'll have to share your nursery photos once everything has arrived and is arranged.

AFM: No more mucus plug or bloody show, nor any contractions. Midwife didn't do an internal on Monday, so I don't know if I've made progress. TMI: I had pretty serious diarrhea tonight (but no abdominal cramps?) so I'm hoping it's a sign my body is prepping. 24 hours and 30 minutes til D-Day begins (and I'm thinking she's going to be late to her own party)
PPM, yay for diarrhea! :lol: I had diarrhea about two weeks before he came, back when I was hoping he'd come in June, and I was really hoping that meant he was on his way. Though having it right before D-Day might be a better indication than it was for me. Anyway, I hope she comes soon as I know how frustrating the wait can be.
Two weeks later :o :o Don't say those things to a desperate preggo, Mayerling! :lol: (I am kidding, of course). The reality is that she COULD arrive in 2 weeks. I imagine that if she doesn't make an entrance on her own, the midwives will send me to the hospital for an induction exactly two weeks from today.

Ladies, I cannot SLEEP at ALL. I was exhausted this evening and now I feel like I downed a few shots of espresso. Surely sitting in front of a bright computer screen is not helping the situation, but I don't know what else to do. Maybe I'll pick up a crochet hook.

Since it's Wednesday (3 am :rolleyes: ) where I am, I'll add my hump-day, bump-day photo. This was taken at 39 weeks 4 days. I'm now 39 and 6.

Time to pee for the 5 millionth time since 11 PM and lay back down. Hopefully sleep will come soon.
