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PilsnPinkysMom said:AMC: No more preparations for you, mama! Make someone else do it all and keep your BP down as low as possible! Of course, easier said than done... but surely you do not need added stress in your life. Please take care of yourselfSo your doc is thinking next week, more or less? So crazy! And exciting! Two weeks would be great, as you said, but I sense your LO will be a-ok if he comes in a week's time. Let us know the results of the 24/hr urine collection. Do you have a BP cuff to use at home? Are you feeling different, physically?? Like, could you tell that your BP was elevated?
megumic said:amc, how ya holding up? So sorry to hear about your pup. Are you still working? I went to the Dr on Tues and he was like "wait, what do you mean you're working til you deliver??" So, he suggested I shut it down at 38 weeks and it seems this shouldn't be a problem, except that I think I will shut it down closer to 39 weeks. LOL.
Missy0483|1342805279|3237286 said:AMC - I have to agree. The 24 hour urine collection is so annoying!!! I did 6 of them. 5 of them were from about 34 weeks til the end. I never want to see another orange jug again!!! Will you get your results today??
monkeyprincess said:amc, keep us posted on what you find out. What is the purpose of the urine test? Preeclampsia? I'm also planning to work until the day I go into labor. I'm sure it's miserable working when you're near or full term, but I would hate to lose precious days with my baby at home.
Ha, thought somegumic said:Lol omg Amc you're right. I am 36w2d, not 35!!!! Wishful thinking maybe....
Totally made me laugh out loud. I've got the opposite problem- this kid moves ALL the time. I think he's running out of room to be straight up and down, because about every 10-15 minutes he moves from one side to the other. Super comfy for me.lliang_chi said:Monkey I didn't have anterior placenta, just the laziest baby ever.
amc80|1342814853|3237388 said:Missy0483|1342805279|3237286 said:Okay, embarrassing question time- is anyone else having major gas issues? My problem is when I sit up straight or stand everything is as soon as I tilt at all to the side, well, there's a release. It's sort of ridiculous. And that's my TMI story for the day.
Oy! A dramatic uterus, indeed!amc80|1343058556|3238553 said:Well, things appear to have just stopped. I'm sort of shocked because the contractions were pretty intense and regular. Such a dramatic uterus I have. I was going to try to get in to my OB earlier than my 2:45 appointment, but that seems sort of pointless now. I'm really curious to see of those contractions dilated me at all.
vintagelover I was very nauseated from weeks 7 through 13, but no vomiting. I couldn't see straight half the time I was so dizzy and sick. I also had a horrible headache for eight weeks straight, turning into a migraine every third day or so. In week 14, I vomited for the first time, and continued to vomit every other day or so until about half way through week 16. I am still finding my gag reflex is crazy strong and that it gets set off very easily.
I don't mean to scare you, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone! And, that there is light at the end of the tunnel - this week I feel much better! I am still way more tired than I ever normally am, and I have more severe motion sickness than usual, but the 24/7 nausea is gone and I can brush my teeth in safety again! Hang in there, it will get better.
PS - some stuff that worked for me: ginger tea or even better, ginger biscuits; still water with lemon juice added; glucose barley sweets and wine gums (I know, so bad); Jacob's cream crackers (dry, or with Philadelphia); salt and vinegar crisps; toast with butter; and Weetabix. Maybe something in there will help you too!
Haven|1343073289|3238689 said:Thank you, Buttons! I'm finding myself getting a bit desperate lately, I'm just crying a lot between my bouts of being sick, and I'm starting to feel very alone. So your post is really very reassuring, thank you! I feel like I've just hit a breaking point where I'm not handling it all as well mentally as I was before, if that makes sense. I cried for so long this morning and I really couldn't tell you why. I'm just frustrated and sick of being sick, I guess. I don't know, I've never felt like this before. I think my post here was looking for exactly what you shared--a sense that I'm not alone, and it will be okay. Thank you so much.
I'm struggling with friends and family who think I'm just being weak or whiny, too. A friend told me that I must just be overly sensitive, which of course made me cry! Ironic, I know.