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- Jan 23, 2008
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Amc80: Here’s hoping your baby comes soon! I know that you’ve been measuring ahead for quite some time and I hope everything progresses smoothly for you.
Buttons: I think your close (if not at) the 33 week mark! You’re getting close too!! There are going to be a lot of babies born in the next little bit-so exciting! I’m sorry to hear that your DH is away-esp. with all the packing and moving you’ll be doing soon. I had never heard of a TENS machine-I’ll have to ask my midwife about one.
PPM: I hope that baby comes soon-I am wondering how acupuncture has gone? I have a fear of needles and I’m wanting to try it (not to induce labor-I’m not quite 30wks yet) but the whole having needles stuck all over my body isn’t appealing. I’ve considered acupressure but I’m not sure it’s covered by our insurance-where I do know the acupressure is.
I’m sure the baby is fine and you have nothing to worry about. My midwife told me that babies are usually most active in the 20 weeks since they have more room to move around but after that they get bigger and it’s a bit more difficult for them to move around since they take up all the space. I understand about wanting the baby to come though-I’ve just gotten to the phase where it’s quite uncomfortable and I know it only gets bigger and more uncomfortable and I’m not looking forward to these next couple of months :/ My mom also told me that all 4 of her kids came after their due date-oh joy!
I also asked my midwife about the 42weeks aging out of the birth center (in my case-a home birth) and she said that they never say you can’t-but just go over the risks and then I make the decision from there. She said the greatest risk is pooh in the sack and they can test it right away by seeing if the fluid is clear after the water breaks and if it is then you’re good at home if it isn’t-ya got to go to the hospital bc of risk of infection with the baby. I hope you don’t get to that point though! HUGS!
monkeyprincess: I’m SO jealous that you have most of the baby items bought. I’ve found the crib set that I’d like to have made (since it’s based in the US and I don’t want to have it shipped up here and then pay duties/etc on top of that-I’ve found someone who’s willing to make it but something about special drill bits and those cost 600-800.00 so they are seeing if they can borrow some from a friend-here’s hoping!) I’m sorry to hear about the acid reflux-I have it too and have had it for months and I avoid eating late at night if I can help it-but it’s not nearly as bad as yours is! When I read that you had to go to the bathroom it made me feel like a suck since mine is bad-but not like that. I hope it clears up for you. Like you I just had my last monthly appt-now onto every 2 weeks. That makes it so much more real that the baby will be here soon.
Haven: I was sick until well into my late 2nd tri-in fact there are still mornings when I am not feeling very well-esp after I take my prenatal in the morning. I’m still taking my anti-nausea medication (you can take one in the morning/night but I’ve only ever taken it at night) and plan on continuing it until the pills are gone. That should be fairly close to delivery but I hope you get some relief-esp since I know classes are starting up again right around the corner for you. You are also looking AMAZING.
SunnyD: I hope your test and shot went well
Jgator: Glad to hear that you’re still doing well-the time flies after 25 weeks and I hit 30 on Sunday and I know that at 37 the baby can come anytime. I’m like 7 weeks!? WHAT!??!?! How did THAT happen!?
megumic: I like the baby names you’ve chosen-at least you have a good list. I had about 3 boys names and about 8 girls names until the top 25 list came out. It took all but one of my boys names (which won’t get used if it’s a boy since my DH wants a Jr since he’s named after his dad) and all but ONE girls name. How is it that 7/8 were on the top 25?
Missy: Your son is SOOOOO CUTE! And look at all that hair! I wasn’t nearly that full headed when I came out-I’m praying I don’t have a bald baby that looks like a bird like I did when I came out :/ How is motherhood? Are you recovering nicely?
Prana: 16 weeks! Not to much longer and you’ll be in your second tri-if you think you’ve popped now just wait. I thought I had popped until one day my DH looked at me and said WOW you look pregnant. I was like no-ya think lol.
Okay-here is my update on Winry. She is stable and off life support and no longer has assistance breathing. She is all closed up and is still waiting for a heart transplant but is going strong and her parents and sister are doing well. Thank you all for the prayers and support.
As far as I go-the honeymoon was AMAZING. I mean-AMAZING. Hiking wasn’t to hard on me but the baby seems to favor my right side and likes to be fairly low and it kills at times. There were many days in a row where I’d take a few steps and do the captain morgan pose and wedge my hand inbetween my belly and leg and try and relief some of the pressure/pain. I swear I’m the only lady who can go on a hiking trip and come home 15 days later gaining 5lbs. I ate a TON of chocolate (OMG the best chocolate in the world) and so much ice cream since it was all local ingredients and I was on my honeymoon. We spent over 100.00 on chocolates and another 100.00 on ice cream-I’m sure of it lol.
The weather was cooler (14 C or 40-50F) which was nice since I realize if we’d been at home we’d have been in the heat wave (which I still got some of before/after) and I would have died since we don’t have AC. However I had only brought 2 pairs of pants and everything else was shorts/t-shirts/etc so I really wore pretty much the same things over and over again. It warmed up when we got into the mountains towards the end of our trip. I had an excuse to buy the most amazing sweater though and I’m so glad I did since when we went up into the mountains it was quite chilly and I needed it.
4 days before we left I saw my midwife (I had missed the one prior to that due to a birth) and it’d been 8 wks since I’d seen her. She requested an US for placenta placement since I want a home birth-so I went in the day before our trip and got to see the baby. It was amazing-I’m attaching a photo-if I attached it before I apologize-pregnancy brain at it’s finest! The baby is 100% healthy and on track though-so that is great to know. I also did my glucose test and that came out fine as well-whew!
When we returned I had a week to get the house in order for family/guests to arrive for our summer BBQ wedding reception. I cleaned like a crazy person and prepped a TON of food. Thankfully my mom arrived and instead of it being stressful it was a wonderful visit with them and I got to see my baby sister (who’s 15-not a baby any longer!) and it was a blast. I woke up Sunday and stood up and about fell over. Turns out (saw the midwife on Tues) that I have varicose veins in my right leg due to all the walking/etc that I’ve been doing; so she’s prescribed me compression stockings (thigh highs) at the tune of 170.00 per pair-thankfully covered by insurance! I’ll get those on Monday.
So far to date I’ve gained 24lbs and I hope I don’t gain any more. I know that it isn’t bad and I’m not really *that* worried about it but I’d prefer it to just be baby weight and not have a ton to lose in the next year-that and I don’t want to look at my SIL wedding photos (in a couple of weeks) and think I look like a pink lace blob.
Sorry this is SO long-but I also just found out that the company my DH works for (that’s been expanding) is moving locations and the grand opening is mid-Oct AND he has to travel to Calgary for a week at the end of Oct/Nov for important training. Wonderful. He is taking 3-4 weeks off all together and then another 3-4 weeks of going in only a couple of days but that means right after the baby is born there will be 2 major things going on. I think my mom will come up and help for a few days while he’s on his trip but I’m still pretty bummed that I’ll be a new mom and recovering and my DH will be across the country.
Oh! I also finished my sleeper sack and am currently working on the matching hat. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out since it's only my 2nd knitting project

Buttons: I think your close (if not at) the 33 week mark! You’re getting close too!! There are going to be a lot of babies born in the next little bit-so exciting! I’m sorry to hear that your DH is away-esp. with all the packing and moving you’ll be doing soon. I had never heard of a TENS machine-I’ll have to ask my midwife about one.
PPM: I hope that baby comes soon-I am wondering how acupuncture has gone? I have a fear of needles and I’m wanting to try it (not to induce labor-I’m not quite 30wks yet) but the whole having needles stuck all over my body isn’t appealing. I’ve considered acupressure but I’m not sure it’s covered by our insurance-where I do know the acupressure is.
I’m sure the baby is fine and you have nothing to worry about. My midwife told me that babies are usually most active in the 20 weeks since they have more room to move around but after that they get bigger and it’s a bit more difficult for them to move around since they take up all the space. I understand about wanting the baby to come though-I’ve just gotten to the phase where it’s quite uncomfortable and I know it only gets bigger and more uncomfortable and I’m not looking forward to these next couple of months :/ My mom also told me that all 4 of her kids came after their due date-oh joy!
I also asked my midwife about the 42weeks aging out of the birth center (in my case-a home birth) and she said that they never say you can’t-but just go over the risks and then I make the decision from there. She said the greatest risk is pooh in the sack and they can test it right away by seeing if the fluid is clear after the water breaks and if it is then you’re good at home if it isn’t-ya got to go to the hospital bc of risk of infection with the baby. I hope you don’t get to that point though! HUGS!
monkeyprincess: I’m SO jealous that you have most of the baby items bought. I’ve found the crib set that I’d like to have made (since it’s based in the US and I don’t want to have it shipped up here and then pay duties/etc on top of that-I’ve found someone who’s willing to make it but something about special drill bits and those cost 600-800.00 so they are seeing if they can borrow some from a friend-here’s hoping!) I’m sorry to hear about the acid reflux-I have it too and have had it for months and I avoid eating late at night if I can help it-but it’s not nearly as bad as yours is! When I read that you had to go to the bathroom it made me feel like a suck since mine is bad-but not like that. I hope it clears up for you. Like you I just had my last monthly appt-now onto every 2 weeks. That makes it so much more real that the baby will be here soon.
Haven: I was sick until well into my late 2nd tri-in fact there are still mornings when I am not feeling very well-esp after I take my prenatal in the morning. I’m still taking my anti-nausea medication (you can take one in the morning/night but I’ve only ever taken it at night) and plan on continuing it until the pills are gone. That should be fairly close to delivery but I hope you get some relief-esp since I know classes are starting up again right around the corner for you. You are also looking AMAZING.
SunnyD: I hope your test and shot went well
Jgator: Glad to hear that you’re still doing well-the time flies after 25 weeks and I hit 30 on Sunday and I know that at 37 the baby can come anytime. I’m like 7 weeks!? WHAT!??!?! How did THAT happen!?
megumic: I like the baby names you’ve chosen-at least you have a good list. I had about 3 boys names and about 8 girls names until the top 25 list came out. It took all but one of my boys names (which won’t get used if it’s a boy since my DH wants a Jr since he’s named after his dad) and all but ONE girls name. How is it that 7/8 were on the top 25?
Missy: Your son is SOOOOO CUTE! And look at all that hair! I wasn’t nearly that full headed when I came out-I’m praying I don’t have a bald baby that looks like a bird like I did when I came out :/ How is motherhood? Are you recovering nicely?
Prana: 16 weeks! Not to much longer and you’ll be in your second tri-if you think you’ve popped now just wait. I thought I had popped until one day my DH looked at me and said WOW you look pregnant. I was like no-ya think lol.
Okay-here is my update on Winry. She is stable and off life support and no longer has assistance breathing. She is all closed up and is still waiting for a heart transplant but is going strong and her parents and sister are doing well. Thank you all for the prayers and support.
As far as I go-the honeymoon was AMAZING. I mean-AMAZING. Hiking wasn’t to hard on me but the baby seems to favor my right side and likes to be fairly low and it kills at times. There were many days in a row where I’d take a few steps and do the captain morgan pose and wedge my hand inbetween my belly and leg and try and relief some of the pressure/pain. I swear I’m the only lady who can go on a hiking trip and come home 15 days later gaining 5lbs. I ate a TON of chocolate (OMG the best chocolate in the world) and so much ice cream since it was all local ingredients and I was on my honeymoon. We spent over 100.00 on chocolates and another 100.00 on ice cream-I’m sure of it lol.
The weather was cooler (14 C or 40-50F) which was nice since I realize if we’d been at home we’d have been in the heat wave (which I still got some of before/after) and I would have died since we don’t have AC. However I had only brought 2 pairs of pants and everything else was shorts/t-shirts/etc so I really wore pretty much the same things over and over again. It warmed up when we got into the mountains towards the end of our trip. I had an excuse to buy the most amazing sweater though and I’m so glad I did since when we went up into the mountains it was quite chilly and I needed it.
4 days before we left I saw my midwife (I had missed the one prior to that due to a birth) and it’d been 8 wks since I’d seen her. She requested an US for placenta placement since I want a home birth-so I went in the day before our trip and got to see the baby. It was amazing-I’m attaching a photo-if I attached it before I apologize-pregnancy brain at it’s finest! The baby is 100% healthy and on track though-so that is great to know. I also did my glucose test and that came out fine as well-whew!
When we returned I had a week to get the house in order for family/guests to arrive for our summer BBQ wedding reception. I cleaned like a crazy person and prepped a TON of food. Thankfully my mom arrived and instead of it being stressful it was a wonderful visit with them and I got to see my baby sister (who’s 15-not a baby any longer!) and it was a blast. I woke up Sunday and stood up and about fell over. Turns out (saw the midwife on Tues) that I have varicose veins in my right leg due to all the walking/etc that I’ve been doing; so she’s prescribed me compression stockings (thigh highs) at the tune of 170.00 per pair-thankfully covered by insurance! I’ll get those on Monday.
So far to date I’ve gained 24lbs and I hope I don’t gain any more. I know that it isn’t bad and I’m not really *that* worried about it but I’d prefer it to just be baby weight and not have a ton to lose in the next year-that and I don’t want to look at my SIL wedding photos (in a couple of weeks) and think I look like a pink lace blob.
Sorry this is SO long-but I also just found out that the company my DH works for (that’s been expanding) is moving locations and the grand opening is mid-Oct AND he has to travel to Calgary for a week at the end of Oct/Nov for important training. Wonderful. He is taking 3-4 weeks off all together and then another 3-4 weeks of going in only a couple of days but that means right after the baby is born there will be 2 major things going on. I think my mom will come up and help for a few days while he’s on his trip but I’m still pretty bummed that I’ll be a new mom and recovering and my DH will be across the country.
Oh! I also finished my sleeper sack and am currently working on the matching hat. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out since it's only my 2nd knitting project