
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi Everyone!

I'm terribly behind (bad preggo only lurking and not replying lately!) But I've kept up with everyone's updates.

Kata - great to see you back! I am with you on the house stress, I've also only just settled down and said - enough - with getting the new house set up.

Amc and Meg - great to hear you are both in the clear with pre-e! My mother had it with both me and my brother, pretty severly, so I've always been aware of that as a possibility. I'm glad you're not having to deal with horrible symptoms or extended bedrest.

Hang in there AMC! Just like PPM adjusting to things as they are unfolding, try to remember that it's good that baby is still baking away in there, and know that he will come at the right time.

PPM my heart goes out to you. I agree with Meg that allowing yourself to feel disappointed and sad for the change of plans is definitely a good thing, then to go forward and try to make the hospital experience the best it can be for you. DOn't assume you won't be able to eat and drink for example, because the Dr you have might be more progressive than you think. Good luck regardless and your baby IS at the end of the rainbow!!

My childbirth educator told us about a doula client of hers that recently went to something like 43 weeks 2 days. I can hardly imagine that.

anyone who I've missed I also hope you're doing well!

My update is that things are good! I'm 30w2d now, and just had a checkup. Midwife thinks baby is head down, which is great. It was my first visit with one of the midwives in the practice that does a lot of deliveries, so I was really glad to have the time to meet her at this stage rather than later. I think now there's only one delivering midwife I haven't had an appointment with. I will hav eplenty of chances as 2 week appointments are the name of the game now! All at once it seems like I've been pregnant FOREVER waiting for things to progress, and that the last, say 10 weeks have absolutely FLOWN by. I'm hoping to be able to savor these last weeks of pregnancy rather than letting them slide past.

DH and I have started hypnobabies classes for childbirth and I'm really loving them. I think the approach really suits me and I'm looking forward to learning the techniques more and hopefully having a really peaceful, relaxed birth. I watched some youtube videos of hypnobirths the other night and it really is amazing. I love the mind over matter aspect, because the mind truly is in control of the body. Part of the 'training' is an affirmations CD that you listen to every day, and I LOVE it! I know it's kind of cheesy but I think I will be into affirmations for the rest of my life now. I really do feel so good when I get to work after listening to that CD. Anyone else doing hypnobabies? I didn't see many references to it on PS in general when I did a search.

My work situation is still pretty crappy. Day to day is fine but I don't have a firm plan yet after having a good meeting with my boss over a month ago. I know she's busy and we're a small company but come on. I also had a run in with our "HR" person this week about my vacation days. Boss lady was supposed to meet with me about it both yesterday and today and nothing (well last night i got a text saying sorry and that we would meet today - didn't see her at all today and not a peep) I WISH I could quit, but I really can't, and if I can stay on after leave even part time, it will be good for our family. I a somewhat heartbreaking move I got a call from a job that I applied for and didn't get last year. I'm liek - you totally should have hired me last year dammit! And they have a major even going in October and need this position to handle that, so it's not looking great that I'll be considered for after leave, unless they can't find a good permanent candidate right away. Oh well, if I did have that job it would likely mean working a lot more hours after baby comes than I want to.

We're very close to done on our nursery!! I have a tiny bit of trim to paint in the closet, need a diaper pail, shelves / artwork on the walls, and curtains and that's it! We ended up with a different crib and dresser than we'd planned on, since the one we originally chose is on serious backorder until after my due date. What we ended up with is even nicer and more classic though, so I'm really pleased. I think I'll post some 'partially done' pics on the nursery thread this weekend.

And other than that I have my main shower coming up on the 18th and can't wait. My parents are coming from Wednesday - Monday and I'm taking off work Thursday and Friday to do stuff with them. DH will be off saturday and sunday so it will be like a mini vacation.

Hopefully I'll update more regularly and maybe even post some bump pics. Mine is impressive these days!
A friend of mine who was due the day after me had her baby today. Her water broke around noon and the baby was born around 5. Happy for her but definitely a bit jealous.
Amc, you're very eager for that bean to arrive! I guess I am feeling a little less anxious for an arrival as I'm not sure I'm quite mentally ready to be a mom -- is that a weird thing to say? I feel prepped for labor and delivery, but everything that comes after...eeek!

missrachel, I am aware of hypnobabies and explored it when babe was breech, but otherwise haven't gotten into it. Glad you're enjoying it! Also great you're nearly done with the nursery. We still have a few things to go since we just moved in a couple weeks ago, but we are almost there!

Kata, thanks for the dust! Labor is indeed close. Some days I have lots of BH and feel it is closer but then I'll have calmer days when it seems further away. Right now I guess it's just one day at a time. MOving really is a pain, isn't it?? It amazes me the number of couples who move when pregnant, but I suppose that is just the natural flow of life. Plus, I like to think of it as "Extreme Nesting" lol. Glad you enjoyed Sicily, it really is so beautiful!

MP, our bean has hiccups about 3xday and has consistently since about 6 months preggo. I love feeling those tiny spasms, but DH feels bad for the baby. LOL. In real life DH has awful hiccups and gets very uncomfortable so he worries the bean will have them too, but the dr said lots of hiccups is completely normal and the result of baby practice breathing.

PPM, thinking about you and your uterus contracting and your cervix dilating! (is that weird...??)

Hello to the other preggos!

AFM, 38w2d. Dr. did change my EDD to 8/15, which makes more sense based on how baby has measured the whole time and the size of this belly. I'm kinda getting sick of everyone asking me "oh aren't you so hot??" "when are you due???" etc, etc. For the first time this week I did not gain weight btw appts and thank goodness for that b/c I was starting to feel like a heffer. Ugh. So far no stretch marks, but I'm not certain it will stay that way. Two more days of and Monday so hopefully I don't go into labor over the weekend! I haven't posted a belly pic in weeks, so here she is...a TGIF bump pic! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

megumic|1343988874|3245309 said:
Amc, you're very eager for that bean to arrive! I guess I am feeling a little less anxious for an arrival as I'm not sure I'm quite mentally ready to be a mom -- is that a weird thing to say? I feel prepped for labor and delivery, but everything that comes after...eeek!

Oh, when I think about having an actual baby here to take care of? I have the same eek reaction. But I know it's going to happen and at this point I'm pretty done being pregnant.

I had more contractions yesterday. They lasted longer than the day before. Actually, there were two spells, one around lunch time and one at night. I'm taking this as a good sign that my body is getting ready.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Major update- I had an NST this morning. I wasn't scheduled to see my doctor, but they asked if I wanted to since I had to see the NP on Tuesday. She checked me and I'm still only 1cm dilated BUT baby is at a 0/+1 station! So he's right there. She tried to strip my membranes but could only do it partially since I'm only 1cm. The best news? My induction has been scheduled for Tuesday at 5am! I'm having a lot of contractions so he might end up coming before then, but at least I have some sort of game plan. So excited! And nervous and scared....
amc, wow, that is a major development. Wishing you lots of luck this weekend that things get kick-started on their own. If not, only a few more days to go.

PPM, hope all is well with you and your babe. So, assuming she hasn 't arrived already, tomorrow's the big day right? Lots of labor dust headed your way.
Go Amc and PPM!
AMC- Go mama, go!

Thanks for the support, everyone. Megumic, I especially appreciate you sharing the tips from your doula.

I'm currently stuck in bed with Cervadil, external monitors and a hep lock (but at least I didn't have to get an IV right away)
My current nurse is so sweet and flexible and knows the birth I'm after. The OB, however, is a bit of a dick... Which surprises me b/c I've seen him before and he wasn't. For example: Midwives said I've been around 4cm and 50% effaced for a few days. The OB, however, jammed his hand up there, insisted they were wrong because HE could barely reach it, and ordered Cervadill. Then my sweet nurse came in, had me lay flat and prop up my hips, and VOILA! Cervix could be reached! Without causing me to yelp aloud!

Our doula will arrive in the AM.

Currently I'm contracting every 5 minutes but I barely feel them. Hope they grow stronger soon! :) If this Cervadill makes me contract and dilate enough we can avoid Pit tomorrow!!! I just have to talk them out of AROM, too.
Uf. PPM I checked in today to see if you'd updated. I'm sorry you're still pregnant. Hoping she comes NOW! ;)) Keep hanging in there!
Glad things are progressing PPM. I hope you are having or had a smooth delivery. Good luck!

AMC, if your baby is born on Tuesday, he will share my birthday! Good luck - only 2 days left!

Meg, you look great!
I hope things are going well for you PPM and that you're holding your sweet baby now. You've had a rough few weeks. :sick:
Just checking in to see if PPM has had her baby!

I can't believe this is my last day of being pregnant (well, I supposed tomorrow could be, if labor goes into the next day). So totally crazy to think about. You know the "if you had one day to live what would you do" thing? That's sort of where I'm at. What do I want to do today, my last day without a baby? OMG that's so weird to think about. I have to be at the hospital at 5am. No idea how I'll sleep tonight.
Good luck, amc!
AMC, go see a movie and/or out to dinner someplace nice (not baby/family friendly). That's what my best friend recommends as you won't be able to go out to the movies/nice dinner for a while!
amc, good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you and hope everything progresses smoothly and your little guy arrives quickly and safely! It must be weird knowing for sure that tomorrow is the day. Hope you and DH enjoy your last day/night alone.

PPM, hoping you are either home or close to going home with your little girl!

Hi to everyone else! Hope everyone is holding up well. I think I'm finally moving into the uncomfortably pregnant phase. My belly just feels so fully and heavy and in the way! It's all very exciting, but I'm wondering how I'm going to get through the next 9 plus weeks since he's only going to get bigger and heavier!
Congrats to PPM for FINALLLLY having that baby! I hope she's everything you dreamed and you're home resting by now!

AMC, I can't believe you're having your baby tomorrow. Enjoy your night tonight!

MP, I'm right there with you. I couldn't BE more tired today. It was blistering hot this weekend in the PNW, and I hardly got any sleep because it was so uncomfortable!

Our maternity pics were yesterday morning, and the photog already posted a teaser! I can't wait to see the rest! Is anyone else doing them?
Thanks everyone, I'll keep you all posted!

JGator|1344275511|3246885 said:
AMC, go see a movie and/or out to dinner someplace nice (not baby/family friendly). That's what my best friend recommends as you won't be able to go out to the movies/nice dinner for a while!

We did this on Saturday- Sushi and a movie. We were going to see another movie tonight but I can't sit in those seats- they cause terrible cramping/contractions which makes the movie not much fun!
Good luck with your induction Amc - hope all goes well!

How is everyone else doing? PPM, we're all waiting for an update!

AFM, today was last day of work. Feeling loads of pressure and discomfort all of a sudden today, so I think it's a good thing today was my last day. I could hardly walk to the car!
Good luck today AMC. I'll be thinking about you today and hope everything goes well!!!
Good luck AMC! Hope everything goes well!
Good luck AMC! Hope everything goes well!
Hi ladies!

PPM you were in my thoughts all weekend, I hope everything went really well. Looking forward to hearing your update when you are up to sharing with us!

AMC good luck today, am thinking of you :wavey:

sunnyd we're not doing maternity pics, although I did promise DH I'd let him take a few nice shots of me so we can show baby when s/he's older. Must sort myself out and organise that. We do have newborn photos booked though and I am very excited about those!

monkeyprincess I am right there with you! Just starting now to feel so heavy and uncomfortable! At any given moment something or other hurts. I am such a whinge these days :cheeky:

megumic you are looking fabulous!!! Hope baby held out over the weekend for you!!!

missrachel I am doing a version of hypnobirthing. I also hadn't mentioned it here as there isn't much talk of it on PS. What I did was actually a full weekend long ante-natal course and the hypnobirthing is just one aspect of it. The idea is that you use hypnobirthing for as long as you feel it is working well, and then you add in other tools to help if/as you feel you need them (e.g. the bath tub, or a birthing pool, a TENS machine, accupressure massage, gas & air (entonox), pethidine, epidural). Also one entire day was spent on teaching the birth partners what they can do on the big day - so my DH learned different accupressure points for pain relief or for reactivating a stalled labour, and he learned how to do lead me through a meditation that zones me out and calms me down. It really works and he said he feels so much better now about labour as he knows for sure there is practical useful stuff he can do to be helpful. I've been listening to my affirmations and birth rehearsal tracks since about 14 weeks and I find them great. One great tip I got from my accupunturist is to make sure you listen to the birth meditation tracks in particular in a busy setting. If you always listen to them at night before going to sleep you may find it hard to tune in to them and really zone out when you're stuck in a busy maternity unit with people talking around you and machines whizzing etc! She recommended putting it on while you do your weekly shop in the supermarket. You may have heard that advice before but thought I'd mention it. Sorry to hear about your work situation, that sucks. But yay on the nursery! Will you be putting up photos on the nursery thread? :bigsmile:

katamari you look fantastic! Where are you hiding that baby, your bump is so neat?! Glad to hear your trip went really well :bigsmile: We also went to Sicily on our honeymoon, oh it was so amazing. I loved every minute of it. When we went it was Spring though, so it was just right temperature wise. I wouldn't be able to cope with the heat in Italy in July!


AFM 34 weeks yesterday and starting to slow down big time. Not such a good thing given we just moved house and (a) all our stuff is scattered all over the new house and needs unpacking; and (b) the new house is FILTHY. It was owner occupied up until now and the owner is a young guy and I just don't think he gets it. He is very nice and extremely helpful but I am just so overwhelmed by the dirt and the mess and it seems like every room I go into has something wrong with it. Oh well. We will make the house nice eventually...

This week I am supposed to have a hospital appointment and an ultrasound to check for placenta previa. The maternity clinic had told me to ring the scan department today if I didn't hear from them last week, so I did that and they told me I am not even on the list to be booked in for a scan. They 'might' be able to fit me in next week apparently?! I rang the maternity clinic to see if they were OK with that (I thought they might be able to put some pressure on the scan department to get me seen this week) and they were all laid back and said it was fine. I was so looking forward to having a scan this week and now I have to wait another week... :(sad

On the upside we were away for the weekend with some friends and had a lovely time. Went swimming every day which really helped with my back pain. One of the days our friend brought their 20 month old daughter to the pool with us and we had so much fun splashing around :bigsmile: Also got to snuggle up with another friend's 3 month old son and got lots of real honest to goodness full on smiles out of him which was just the best thing ever :bigsmile: :love:
Well, we showed up at 5am at the hospital. Apparently there was a baby boom last night and no beds were available this morning. I'm waiting for a call from the hospital and my doctor. Talk about an anti-climatic start to the process!!
Boo amc, I'm sure that is super frustrating to get all geared up and then sent home. Do they still plan to induce you in the near future? 8/8 sounds like a good birthday. Hang in there!

Buttons, ick. Nothing worse than cleaning up a stranger's mess. That's the worst part of moving into a new place I always think. Are you at least able to pull the pregnancy card and have someone else do the cleaning? That's nice you get to see your little one again (even though you have to wait until next week), and I'll keep my fingers crossed your placenta is out of the way.

Sunnyd, no maternity pics for me either, but I hope you are happy with the way yours turned out. Dealing with the heat and pregnancy is not fun. I'm just glad it will be October before I'm full term. I feel bad for those that are full term now.
I'm waiting to hear. Hopefully things will clear up and they will start the induction tonight. As of 5am, nobody in there was more than 5cm dilated. It sounds like a bunch of beds should open around the same time. I'm at a total loss as to what to do today...I was planning on having a baby!! Oh and I agree on the 8/8 thing. 8 is my favorite number and I've sort of hoped for that date since the beginning.
Perfect date! As for what to do today...I'd probably be sitting on my ass watching trashy TV. ALL DAY. :cheeky: You may not get that chance again for several years! Good luck tonight!

I swear baby grew last night. After I got home from work, my belly was hard and heavy and it felt like I was dragging around an extra sack of potatoes. :knockout: Then I went to the bathroom for the first time in THREE DAYS and felt a little better. Doctor's appointment tomorrow, we'll see what the damage is!
Bummer, Amc, what's the latest? Your news is about as awesome as is breech. I'm scheduled for an external cephalic version for Friday, but hoping I can do everything I possibly can between now and then to get this baby to turn. I am beyond devastated at the moment and really having a hard time.
Hello! I'm posting from an iPhone and trying to nurse a hungry...BABY! Eloise Josephine entered the world at 1:48 AM on Sunday, August 5th. She weighed 7lbs14oz and measured 20.25in long. She is a totally adorable tow-head: lots of blonde hair :)

Labor was a long, interesting experience with plenty of highs and lows, but she arrived via vaginal delivery and dealt with the myriad of interventions like a pro. DH and I are working on writing out our birth story, so I will share that with some photos once complete... Hopefully in a day or so.

Life PP is well but not without serious challenges, but I would happily go two weeks and three days over for this baby time and time again... So mamas who are dealing with rough times, you're in my thoughts. Hang in there. Even when things go drastically different than planned. I'm glad I let myself feel grief and anger over Eloise's birth circumstances, but now that she is here it's easy to let go of those feelings and just feel happiness for my little girl.
Hello! I'm posting from an iPhone and trying to nurse a hungry...BABY! Eloise Josephine entered the world at 1:48 AM on Sunday, August 5th. She weighed 7lbs14oz and measured 20.25in long. She is a totally adorable tow-head: lots of blonde hair :)

Labor was a long, interesting experience with plenty of highs and lows, but she arrived via vaginal delivery and dealt with the myriad of interventions like a pro. DH and I are working on writing out our birth story, so I will share that with some photos once complete... Hopefully in a day or so.

Life PP is well but not without serious challenges, but I would happily go two weeks and three days over for this baby time and time again... So mamas who are dealing with rough times, you're in my thoughts. Hang in there. Even when things go drastically different than planned. I'm glad I let myself feel grief and anger over Eloise's birth circumstances, but now that she is here it's easy to let go of those feelings and just feel happiness for my little girl.
Congrats PPM! Can't wait to read the birth story.

AFM- I'm in the hospital. I called around 3 and they had some openings and told me to head right in. Just waiting to hear the game plan.