
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations PPM! So glad the craziness is over for you and you are enjoying your little one!

Good luck AMC!
Congratulations, PPM!

Good luck, AMC!
Yay, PPM! Enjoy your baby girl.

AMC, good luck to you!
Congratulations PPM and welcome Eloise!
Congrats PPM! I can't wait to see pictures of Eloise and hear your birth story. You must have gone through a lot emotionally the last few weeks (I was going crazy in the final weeks of pregnancy and C was born 2 days before her due date) but holding your beautiful girl is such a reward for that craziness isn't it? I hope you continue to feel okay about the dramatic change to the type of birth you wanted.
Congrats PPM and Mr PPM!!! And welcome baby Eloise :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

AMC hope things are going really well for you right now, am thinking of you :wavey:


sunnyd I have had that experience too - very unpleasant! Hope you are feeling, eh, a bit lighter now :cheeky:

monkey yes that's exactly a big part of it, the cleaning up after someone else :knockout: Also it seems like the house is full of 'touches' he thought would make it 'better' but that are actually extremely irritating (like the silly shower head that the water pressure is insufficient for, or the pitched pine floor in just the (upstairs!) master bedroom that is so badly laid you can put your hand in between some of the planks). DH is being an angel and is taking on the brunt of the work but I need to sort through my things and appoint homes for them. I feel like such a waste of space as I just have no energy for it! How are you doing? You are not too far behind me, right? :bigsmile:


AFM had a bad night last night, had a complete and utter irrational preggo meltdown about the state of the house and a load of other 'pregnancy/career/moving across the country in November' stuff. Had a seriously hysterical episode in the wee hours of the morning and just bawled and bawled... I guess I am still processing through all of the major life changes that are barreling down the tracks at me and it feels like I'm losing control of everything in my life, hence all the drama. I can hold it together during the day but at night when I'm tired and can't get comfortable and can't sleep, well all the walls just come down. I feel so sorry for poor DH having to put up with me :(sad

On a much happier note the hospital rang this morning and they got a cancellation in the ultrasound department at their sister hospital this Friday so now I do get a scan this week after all! Yay!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Fantastic PPM! Welcome to the world Eloise! Your were getting really comfy in there! Enjoy your precious baby PPM!

AMC, sending you quick and easy labor vibes!

Yay, PPM! Glad to hear Eloise is finally here and that everything went well! Can't wait to see and hear more.

AMC, best wishes for you today! Can't wait to hear your news!

Buttons, totally understandable that you would be stressed out and emotional right now with everything you have going on. Take it easy on yourself.

Meg, so sorry to hear your little one is breach. I would be upset too. Crossing my fingers he/she ends up in the right orientation, but if not, as long as the baby gets here safely, that is all that will matter in the end.

Speaking of, at what point do doctors start trying to determine the baby's position and at what point does the baby's position start to matter? Last time she said he was most likely head down because she didn't feel any hard bulges at the top of my belly, but she didn't do much investigating. I keep trying to figure out what position he is in, but maybe I'm just not far enough along yet because I really can't tell. Plus, his movements are pretty sporadic and all over the place. He definitely seems to prefer hanging out on the right side though!
Congrats PPM! Can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics of Baby Eloise!

AMC, hope baby boy makes his grande entrance today without giving you any problems! Smooth and quick labor dust to you!
megumic|1344372576|3247522 said:
Bummer, Amc, what's the latest? Your news is about as awesome as is breech. I'm scheduled for an external cephalic version for Friday, but hoping I can do everything I possibly can between now and then to get this baby to turn. I am beyond devastated at the moment and really having a hard time.

Megumic I'm sorry I missed this earlier! My birthing class has a private FB group and there has been a lot of talk on there recently about breech babies. The recommendations coming through from the midwives on there are:

* Acupuncture and moxa (apparently some therapists will even show your DH how to do the moxa at home)
* Acupressure
* Reflexology
* The inversion manoeuvre - from the Spinning Babies website - - but you have to do it while baby is awake!

They also regularly post this video of ECV to dispel any fears people may have of the procedure -

Other things I've heard of people trying are guided 'baby turn' meditations (I would imagine even the ordinary birth affirmation meditations would be good for this - I downloaded some free ones on iTunes); and putting something cold or shining a bright light at the top of your bump, to encourage baby to move away from the stimulus (again, do while baby is awake).

Oh and one friend of mine was told to record herself telling the baby how much she loved it and to turn its head and 'go South' and then she was supposed to invert herself using an ironing board and pillows (how would that even work?!?) and then play the recording to her crotch... maybe if you get desperate? ;))

Hope that baby gets moving real soon :wavey:

monkeyprincess|1344429787|3247864 said:
Speaking of, at what point do doctors start trying to determine the baby's position and at what point does the baby's position start to matter? Last time she said he was most likely head down because she didn't feel any hard bulges at the top of my belly, but she didn't do much investigating. I keep trying to figure out what position he is in, but maybe I'm just not far enough along yet because I really can't tell. Plus, his movements are pretty sporadic and all over the place. He definitely seems to prefer hanging out on the right side though!

Monkey my midwives and my GP have noted baby's position since about 16 ish weeks. Baby was breech at that point and was head down at my 20 week scan. Now presumably baby has flipped a couple of times in between but at appointments s/he has always been head down. At my 30 week appointment the midwives said s/he was unlikely to move again as the head was so low, but apparently some babies do leave it to the last minute to turn, sometimes they even leave it until mid way though labour! Something like 95% of babies will settle in the right position eventually apparently, although midwives/doctors start to pay attention to it around 36 ish weeks I think.
PPM FINALLY!!!! So happy for you and your new family. Glad she's finally here!
Congrats PPM!!! I adore her name. So precious! I'm looking forward to reading your birth story!

AMC- Can't wait for your update!
Congrats PPM and welcome Eloise! Can't wait to hear your birth story...and of course see the pictures!

Good luck today AMC! Hoping everything goes smoothly for you!

Buttons, it's like the floodgates have opened. TMI? Hahaha. Sorry about your breakdown, seems totally appropriate though, given everything you're dealing with!

Monkey, I asked about that in my appointment today! OB said they don't really worry about it until 36 weeks, at which point if she hasn't turned they can do it manually (ouch!!) or I can stand on my head or try one of the techniques Buttons mentioned!
MP, have you looked at the spinning babies website? It might help you figure out the baby's position. It says you can use it in the last month or two.

AMC, any updates?

AFM, I had a bit of a freak-out at the spa yesterday. I guess a 90-minute facial (flat on the back) is not a good idea for a 27-week pregnant lady. I was fine until about 30 mins in when the lady put some fabric over my eyes, nose, and mouth. I had to have those removed immediately as I began to feel claustrophobic. And, then I started moving positions to get comfortable. Head and foot of table were elevated. Next, a bathroom break and a drink of water. Then, later the table was put back flat when I tried my go to side sleeping position! I had to skip the heated hand and foot warmers because I was already too hot - normally I would be all over that. Anyway, I think maybe a prenatal massage with a person who has been pregnant before or worked with pregnant people previously will be a better choice next time.
Congrats PPM! :appl: A big welcome to Miss Eloise! What a beautiful name. I can't wait to hear more and see pictures!
After being induced at 5pm yesterday, baby Barrett was born tonight at 6:37pm after 3.5 freaking hours of hard core pushing. 8lbs 11.5oz, 22 inches long. Definitely a big boy. Blond hair like his daddy. I'll update more when I'm not so exhausted.
Welcome to the world, Baby Eloise and Baby Barrett!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

PPM: I am very glad to hear that you are able to feel good about your birth experience now and to allowed all your feelings ahead of time to allow yourself to then just enjoy the time with little Eloise!! :appl:

AMC: How crazy that you had to be delayed due to a mini baby boom. And pushing for 3.5 hours?! You rocked it, lady!! And to then get out a good sized little man on top of that. WELL DONE!! :appl:


Meg: Thank you so much for sharing that information from your doula! I took a birthing class, but our instructor basically just treated medical induction as something to avoid, so we didn't get any helpful information about dealing with it (despite it being so common among FTMs). I really appreciate this information. I also love your beautiful round belly! And am crazy jealous that you don't have stretch marks. I am due 6 weeks after you and have 4 icky stretch marks.

RachelK; I definitely need to say "ENOUGH!" too. I am going to let you be my inspiration for that. I also feel like the final weeks are blowing past. Our LOs are going to be here before we know it! One of our really good friends (well, a couple) did hynobabies and rave about it. DH and I have trouble not making joke sout of everything and we giggled like 10-year-olds the first time we listened to the CDs. But, we are definitely going to incorporate some of the strategies, even if the particular mantras might not work for us, and have been doing daily breathing. Sorry to hear that your boss isn't helping you better figure out your leave. Do you have the option to go part-time after you return? Or is that something you have to talk to your boss about? I assume that being frustrated with your job doesn't make working easy right now. Hopefully it gets better!

Can you go swimming? I have been going and it feels so nice to not have to carry the extra weight (and to get some movement). That and yoga are getting me through since I have hit the uncomfortable wall. My doc checked for positioning externally by applying pressure to my belly for the first time at my 32 week appointment. Apparently I will have a "quickie" in-office U/S at my 34 week appointment to check for sure, but she was debating between this and waiting until the 36 week appt.

Sunnyd: I hope that your maternity pics went well and that you have all your proofs now!! We are not doing them, but I wish we were. Aren't you so glad the temp is back to normal again in the PNW? I thought I was going to die this last weekend. Again, I don't know how the mamas in the heatwave are doing it.

Buttons: Thanks for the bump compliment!! I certainly feel round, but I haven't gained much weight this pregnancy, Apparently the LO is measuring right on track, so I am happy to not be gaining. And, I am the kind of gal who would gain just by looking at a pie, so it is very weird to me that the one time I expected to blow up I didn't. I CANNOT BELIEVE that your owner did not clean your new house before you moved it. I am also sure he didn't mean to be malicious, but you do not need that extra stress right now. I hope he is helping with the cleaning (or at least that you didn't have to pay a cleaning deposit/fee). I also hope your U/S goes well! And, no worries about the breakdown. There is a reason why "they" advise only one major life change per year. More than that is too much stress and sometimes it takes some hysterical tears to deal with it.

JGator: How terrible that you couldn't enjoy your facial. I have not yet had a full body prenatal massage, but I would imagine it would be heavenly. It does seem weird to me, though, to have to have a massage on my side, so maybe not? I have been having foot/leg and scalp massages pretty regularly and they are wonderful!
Congratulations, amc! Did you get your 8/8 date of birth?
mayerling said:
Congratulations, amc! Did you get your 8/8 date of birth?


I forgot to include a pic in my last post-

What a lovely looking baby, AMC!! Congrats on him and his 08.08 birthday!! :love: :appl: :appl:
Congrats PPM and AMC!!!!!! Wonderful news ladies!!!!!!
amc80|1344489009|3248360 said:
mayerling said:
Congratulations, amc! Did you get your 8/8 date of birth?


I forgot to include a pic in my last post-

Cool! My baby is a 7/7.Barrett is so cute! Looking forward to seeing you on the newborn thread.
Congrats PPM and AMC!

PPM, me loves the name Eloise! Beautiful! Glad she made it here safely and you are both doing well!

AMC, yay for the 8/8 date! What a chunker and he is adorable! Glad all went well after the change in induction dates - can't wait to hear more!

Buttons, thanks so much for all of the tips! I am well acquainted with spinning babies and have been inverting myself, using music and icepacks religiously for the past few days. I went to acupuncture yesterday and may go back for moxa...

AFM, have been very upset and crying lots about breech baby. Went back to Dr last night to discuss the version. I just needed to have an in-person conversation about all of this. Versions carry few risks - 1% chance things can go awry leading to emergency c-section. 60-80% chance of successfully turning the baby. If baby turns, 5% of babies will turn back breech. If baby did turn and then went breech again, he would attempt another version and if that worked, induce on the spot. If baby never turns, he will let me go into labor when baby is ready and then attempt a version either during labor or perhaps baby will get directions by then. He won't plan a breech birth (not because he doesn't have the skill, but because his malpractice insurance won't let him -- sickening that malpractice insurance dictates medical care but I digress...), but if I showed up at 9cm with feet coming out he'd let me push.

So, I'm not completely out of hope, but feeling very frustrated and upset. It is completely irrational to be angry at my baby, but it is how I feel most of the time right now. I know a c-section is not the end of the world, but I have very large concerns about my mental well-being post-csection if this does go in that direction. Too often mom's birth experience is forgotten and dismissed and becomes secondary to a healthy baby -- as if the mom (more than anyone) doesn't want a healthy baby. Indeed the health of mom and baby are important and part of that is the birth journey mom experiences.

Trying to stay positive over here. I will say that I am very thankful for my progressive obgyn who is willing to hear my concerns and care for me and baby accordingly. I don't know what I would do without him.
Congrats, amc! I knew Barret would be the name. Love it. He was a big boy but not nearly as big as they made it seem he would be. Hope all is well.

Meg, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Hi everyone else!
Congrats AMC! He is adorable. I was 8lbs 11 oz when I was born - on 8/7! Pretty cool!

Meg, good luck spinning your baby around. It sounds like the odds are in your favor that your baby will turn by the due date.
mayerling|1344490894|3248367 said:
amc80|1344489009|3248360 said:
mayerling said:
Congratulations, amc! Did you get your 8/8 date of birth?

I forgot to include a pic in my last post-
Cool! My baby is a 7/7.Barrett is so cute! Looking forward to seeing you on the newborn thread.
And my baby is 6/6!!! (And I kinda like that it's 6 + 6 = 12!) I started a trend! :tongue:
Congrats AMC!!! He is a cute little guy!! I'm anxious to hear about your induction...I'm always curious to hear how it went for others since I was induced also.
Congrats on Baby Barrett's arrival - and what a big boy! Way to go mama, for enduring such a long 3.5 hours of pushing! Can't wait to hear your birth story and see more pics when you're ready!
Congrats AMC & Mr. AMC!!! Welcome to the world Baby Barrett!!!
AMC Congratulation! He's beautiful!
Woohoo AMC!! Barrett is beautiful, such a sweet lil face!