
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

PPM, thinking of you and sending lots of dust! Come on baby PPM! Let's go!

AFM, 37w6d. I think I'm seeing signs of pre-e (hence why I am awake and typing this at 2am...) my hands are suddenly swollen overnight and I've been having slight headaches for the past few days. I guess I will call the Dr in the AM...anyone have experience with such sudden pre-e?
PPM - Yay! But booo to the castor oil. I heard that can give you diarrhea and do nothing for dilation. Good luck, I hope it works for you!!!
PPM, sending lots of LABOR LABOR LABOR dust your way!

yuck to the castor oil, YAY to the ice cream and yuck to the vodka but hey - whatever works, right?
Yippee, PPM! TONS of labour dust for you!!!!!!!
PPM, continued dust that you keep progressing today. I'll be curious to hear more about this strange concoction you are supposed to take. Sounds unpleasant, but if it does the job....

Meg, definitely call your doctor and get checked out. Hoping everything is okay with you and the baby and you can keep baking away a little longer.
Fly-by posting as we are in the process of moving house, plus it's the busiest time of the year at work, so I have very little spare time at the moment :( but I wanted to say huge congrats to Lizzy and thank you for posting your amazing birth story, it is inspiring, and Rowan is gorgeous!!! :love: :love: :love:

Also go, PPM, go! Really hope this is it for you!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

AFM 33 weeks yesterday (how did that happen?) and generally feeling good. Bump is getting to be very impressive! Am amazed at the idea there is 7 more weeks go go, eek!!!

Will catch up with everyone else in a couple of days when life calms down a little here, hope you are all keeping well, take care ladies :wavey:
Yay PPM! Hope it all goes smoothly from here!
megumic|1343714877|3243496 said:
AFM, 37w6d. I think I'm seeing signs of pre-e (hence why I am awake and typing this at 2am...) my hands are suddenly swollen overnight and I've been having slight headaches for the past few days. I guess I will call the Dr in the AM...anyone have experience with such sudden pre-e?

Apparently I do, but I didn't know it. So I'm not much help. My doc did say if I get a headache that 2 tylenol don't make go away that I need to go in to L&D.
Go PPM go! I hope your castor oil/vodka/ice cream smoothie is the last straw!

Megumic, crossing my fingers that it's not pre-e, but at least you're baked enough if it is.
PPM, yay for progress! Can you share the recipe for your castor oil drink? I don't want to try it, I'm just really curious. Also, what's the purpose of the vodka?
PPM, thinking about you today and I hope everything is going smoothly!

Lizzy, so sorry that I'm late to this. I could not be happier for you--I can't believe how fast your pregnancy went by!! I feel like we were just in the TTC thread and I remember telling my husband how badly I wanted for you to have a successful pregnancy. And now Rowan is here! He is soooo handsome, look at that blonde hair!

Good luck to all of you ladies!! I still love looking at everybody's bump pictures. Not only do PSers have the cutest babies, but we have the cutest pregnant women, too!
Meg: :sick: Pre-E is scary business. Have you seen a doctor yet? Hope the swelling and headache resolve quickly. I've heard that seeing spots and squiggles (more than usual) is another sign. Thinkin of you!

Castor oil smoothie: 1 large scoop icecream, 1 shot vodka, 2 oz castor oil. Blend on high and chug straight from blender. Do not transfer to a glass. Do not try to drink in two gulps. Do not leave your house for the rest of the day.

The vodka helps disperse the oil, apparently. If you allow yourself to taste the mixture, it's like eating wax or Chapstick. The icecream masks the oily texture.

I've made a few trips to the restroom, but it's not awful. Nor are the GI cramps. I've had a few contractions, but they're not consistent. The midwives may ask me to do one more round after this, and that will be their final attempt at getting things moving. In the meantime I'm drinking lots of diluted Gatorade and wishing for some contractions.
PPM, have your DH rub your feet/ankle area. The pressure points are supposed to help kick start labor. I had pedi's a day before giving birth to my first son and only a couple days before this one. Good luck lady!
Just back from my doc appt. Because God loves irony, my BP was totally normal, as was my pee. Baby looked great on the monitor. I was having tons of contractions (some I could feel, some I couldn't). They were irregular but as close as a minute apart. And a couple of really good ones that were over two minutes each. My doctor was called out for a delivery which turned into an emergency c-section, so I had to see the NP. The good news is his head is ALLLL the way in right on my cervix. I'm dilated to 1, which is an improvement over the "completely closed" status I've had until now. The NP said that if I continue to have contractions like I have been it should cause me to dilate on my own fairly soon, since baby's head is now putting so much pressure on my cervix. I have to go back on Friday for another NST. I have to say I'm pretty bummed, but glad that there's at least some progress being made. Last time I was checked his head was still way up there. I know you can go weeks being a few cm dilated, but I wonder how long a cervix can handle the pressure of a fully dropped baby?
Lizzy: Thanks for the tip!

AMC: Did they tell you what station the baby was at? I've been -1 for a while... which is low, but 0 would be better :cheeky: 'They' say that 0 is when the head is fully engaged in the pelvis. If you're there it's really a positive sign... baby should stay put or move further down! :appl:

No news here. Started second round of cotton bark tincture at 2PM and took second round of castor oil cocktail nearly an hour ago. That still hasn't kicked in. I do not feel optimistic. I just have this sense that my body is not ready and isn't quite sure how to start this process. I know I need to have faith in nature, but something tells me pitocin may be in my future. And at this point, I'm fine with that.
AMC, sounds like you're getting close! Woohoo!

Awww PPM, you've just made TOO good of a home for your girl. She's too comfy! I'll still send labor vibes, and try not to be too bummed that this isn't happening the way you want...does it ever, really? Hehe.

I'm submitting my hump day bump day pic tonight or I will forget!


PilsnPinkysMom said:
AMC: Did they tell you what station the baby was at? I've been -1 for a while... which is low, but 0 would be better :cheeky: 'They' say that 0 is when the head is fully engaged in the pelvis. If you're there it's really a positive sign... baby should stay put or move further down! :appl:

Ugh I wish I would have asked. I didn't even think about it, I was just so excited to have any progress!
Sunnyd, looking good! Hope your third trimester is off to a good start.

PPM, sorry to hear that things haven't progressed. I know it's disappointing you may not get the experience you were hoping for, but in the end, long as your baby gets here safely, that's all that matters.

amc, well, that's good that everything is looking good for now, even though that may mean you have to wait a little longer, but at least you know your body is doing what it is supposed to be doing.
PPM, what's the latest???? DUSTY DUST DUST DUST COME BABY COME! (Think Austin Power's

Amc, anything new brewing?

AFM, went to doc. No pre-e, thank goodness, just some regular preggo stuff that caught me off guard. He thinks the headaches are from water retention. I'm -2 station, so baby is moving in the right direction and 60% effaced, but no dilation. Dr asked if our bags were packed...I was like :eek: "how much time do we have left!?!" I'm having lots of BH but I've got three days of work left so I've gotta make it through Monday...holding on!
Meg, glad to hear that you're not showing signs of pre-e and hoping you make it through Monday at work. When's your due date again? I thought it wasn't until later this month, so hopefully baby doesn't decide to come early.

PPM, any news? Thinking about you!

AFM, I noticed baby having hiccups for the first time last night. Is that not the weirdest sensation? I freaked out for a second thinking baby's heart was going crazy or he was having spasms because I had a really weird rhythmic pulse thing going on near my pubic bone every few seconds for like 5 minutes straight. Dr. Google led me to believe this was hiccups. Oh, and I had a really embarassing moment last night. I was at Target and decided to look for a card for DH's and my anniversary next week. Well, I started reading a few of the cards and getting all emotional and caught up in the messages and how much I love DH and started crying. So I'm trying to wipe my eyes and pull it together, but it was too late. People were walking by looking all concerned at the pregnant lady crying in the card aisle. I swear my emotions are so out of whack these days!
MP- Hiccups are really weird, aren't they? It always takes me a while to realize that's what it is. He likes to get them when I'm trying to fall asleep.

PPM- Anything???

Meg- Sounds like progress? Glad to hear everything is okay and it's not pre-e.

AFM- Ugh. I had a bad day yesterday. I went to lunch with a friend and started having some really decent contractions. Nothing regular that I could time, but much more painful than the crampy ones I always have. I had a few an hour for maybe 4 hours or so...and then they just stopped. I was frustrated and bummed, to say the least, which lead to me having a bit of a breakdown. DH asked what was wrong and I couldn't really even put it in to words. I'm annoyed that my doctor has told me for the past few weeks that the following week I'd likely be induced. I know things change (and my pre-e magically went away), but still, it's hard to go in there week after week, expecting that's the week I'll have a baby here, and then nothing. DH reminded me that I'm not even due for another 12 days and he could understand if I were a week overdue or something (!), but at this point I just need to chill. Easier said than done.
Hey ladies.

Meg and AMC- I am super glad your Pre-E symptoms are subsiding and you're not dealing with the stressor of super high blood pressure. (Though I know you're dealing with other stressors!)

MP: Preggo hormones are bananas, sometimes. That story made me giggle- thank you!

AFM: No baby ;( Hospital induction is scheduled for tomorrow at 7PM. I'm not sure why it was scheduled for so late in the day... I will certainly be given Pitocin and my Bishop's Score is not stellar, so doctor may be looking at a long, long night. I imagine this happened because #1) They had to try to fit me in [I don't have an OB but have seen one particular doc throughout my miscarriage and this pregnancy, as he works closely with the midwives, so I asked to see HIM at the hospital]; #2) They might be trying to give me as much time as is humanly possible to go into labor on my own.

All the Cotton Root tincture, castor oil, nipple stimulation, and membrane sweeping in the world is not causing my uterus to contract. What's the deal? I suppose the reality is that I'm a person who truly, truly needs Pit to get things going. Coming to grips with this is harder than I thought. I did inquire about going past 42 weeks and the midwives said that while my placenta is probably fine and I probably would go into labor a few days past then, the chance of fetal distress or placenta failure is too high to warrant the benefits of spontaneous labor.

The past two weeks have been THE most emotional weeks of my life, hands down. And all the stuff about induction is total bull- I'm convinced that it only "works" if your body is ready for labor. Sex, walking, food-tricks, herbs, castor oil (THREE times), foley bulbs, breast pump, membrane stripping, acupuncture, acupressure- There's no magic bullet for a uterus that does not want to contract.

What I'm most sad about missing out on is the laboring at home period with my DH. I totally get that labor pains may be the worst sensations I ever experience in my whole entire life, but at this point, I'd give juuust about anything for some gnarly contractions. I was looking forward to starting this birth peacefully in my own home and attempting a natural, intervention-free birth at the birth center, then returning to my own home a few hours later. Instead I have an appointment for an induction, which I know may be hellacious (or not), but it's the total opposite of what I'd hoped for (except that it will result in a baby at the end!). I'm a bit heartbroken and annoyed with my damn, all-too-calm uterus. DH is pretty bummed, too. One of the labor gifts he prepped for me was a variety of snacks and drinks that I'd probably enjoy during early labor, but he gave them to me yesterday because we know we cannot have food and beverages at the hospital. Blah.

I just keep telling myself that by Saturday I will have my beautiful baby girl. It is just about the only thing that's keeping the tears at bay today. And the small, small glimmer of hope that MAYBE I will go into labor over the next 20 hours (if I'm not laboring by 6 AM tomorrow, the birth center is a done deal). Only 10% of their moms end up with hospital births, so I really, really thought the odds were in my favor.

Gosh. Sorry for the debbie-downer novel. I hope that everyone else is doing MUCH better than I am, and I'll be sure to check in with you gals on the flip side when I am snuggling our new daughter.
PilsnPinkysMom said:
Sex, walking, food-tricks, herbs, castor oil (THREE times), foley bulbs, breast pump, membrane stripping, acupuncture, acupressure- There's no magic bullet for a uterus that does not want to contract.

I think you've hit the nail on the head with this statement. I'll further it by saying there's no way to make your cervix dilate, even if your uterus contracts all the freaking time. I'm so sorry you won't have the delivery you envisioned....but at the end of the day, you'll have a baby!

Oh, and my hospital tends to do inductions either in the evening or very early in the morning. I'm not sure what the reason is for the difference, but I'm guessing it has to do with bed and doctor availability?
amc80|1343924635|3244871 said:
PilsnPinkysMom said:
Sex, walking, food-tricks, herbs, castor oil (THREE times), foley bulbs, breast pump, membrane stripping, acupuncture, acupressure- There's no magic bullet for a uterus that does not want to contract.

I think you've hit the nail on the head with this statement. I'll further it by saying there's no way to make your cervix dilate, even if your uterus contracts all the freaking time. I'm so sorry you won't have the delivery you envisioned....but at the end of the day, you'll have a baby!

Oh, and my hospital tends to do inductions either in the evening or very early in the morning. I'm not sure what the reason is for the difference, but I'm guessing it has to do with bed and doctor availability?

:lol: :lol: AMC... you and I could be like Captain Planet... "Contractions! Dilation! When our powers combine we make... LABOR!!!"
PilsnPinkysMom|1343925479|3244880 said:
:lol: :lol: AMC... you and I could be like Captain Planet... "Contractions! Dilation! When our powers combine we make... LABOR!!!"

:appl: :appl:
amc80|1343926540|3244884 said:
PilsnPinkysMom|1343925479|3244880 said:
:lol: :lol: AMC... you and I could be like Captain Planet... "Contractions! Dilation! When our powers combine we make... LABOR!!!"

:appl: :appl:
HAHAHAHAHAAHA this is the best thing I've heard in a long time! :lol: :lol: :lol:

PPM I am sorry that things are going totally the opposite of what you wanted. Especially because you had hoped to go so natural. Don't let it get you down long term though, because as you said, the ultimate goal is getting your baby out and into your arms!
PPM, I'm sorry about the change in plans. I just wanted to pop in quick and wish you luck, and also tell you that my husband and I brought food and drink with us and I ate Luna bars, drank apple juice, etc. during my labor. The nurses knew but they pretended they didn't. You need energy! My labor lasted 25 hours and if I hadn't eaten I wouldn't have made it to the point I did without an epi. Obviously I am not a medical professional but wanted to share my thoughts with you on that.
PPM: Hang in there! You will get to meet your sweet daughter soon enough, and it won't matter one little bit how she got here once she arrives. I wish you a natural birth, but you will do great either way! :appl: :appl: :appl:

AMC: Hopefully your contractions and pre-labor symptoms go away magically, just like your pre-e. I hope you are able to chill, too (although I have no advice on how to do it).

MP: Aren't hiccups the craziest? Our bubs has only had them a couple times, but it is definitely a trip! I think it is cute that you had a breakdown in Target, and I am sure your DH does, too. I wish you a happy anniversary!

Meg: -2 and 60% effaced!! That's huge!! Lots of impending labor dust to you! I also love your names list. I like Henry and Caroline best, but Margaux (spelled differently) is a finalist on our girl list, so I really like that one, too!)

Sunnyd: Super cute bump! Do we get to know your name? Or is it a secret? Congrats on getting childcare figured out. That was a huge relief for us!

Prana: Congrats on feeling movement! It IS awesome!

Dani: Congrats on a great 20 week checkup!

Blondebunny: good luck with your move! Looking good.

Dani: How is the nursery project going? Hopefully your crib arrived and is exactly what you wanted!

Vintagelover: Glad to hear you had such a great time at your wedding wedding and on your honeymoon!!

Haven: Super cute bump! I hope your HG is letting up. I hate to hear that you are still experiencing it mid-pregnancy.

Buttons: Are you all settled in from your move? Are you enjoying your new furniture?

Welcome to all the babies who arrived while I was away and congrats to all the mamas: Lizzy, PetitePoire, Mayerling, Sugarpie, Choro, Muff, and Steph! :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: (Holy heck, I missed a so many babies be born!) I hope you are having a wonderful time bonding with your wonderful babies!!

AFM: DH and I are finally settling into our new house. We didn't realize how major the move would be. Even though our house is modest, it is still twice the square footage of our previous tiny apartment, which meant buying lots of new furniture and reorganizing nearly everything. We still have plenty to do, but I am finally to the point I can be in the house and not stress about how much needs to be done. I definitely think I am nesting. We even have a few things for our bubs now, and I am not freaking out about buying it things or preparing anymore. I even bought a couple outfits and a toy the other day. This was major for me.

DH and I went on our babymoon to Sicily. It was so incredibly beautiful, and such a wonderful time. It was sad to not be able to eat cured meats and cheeses or drink wine, since that is, like, 75% of the diet there, but I still managed to eat very well. I will say that my heart totally goes out to all of you mamas-to-be that have been dealing with the heatwave. It was 100+ everyday we were away and I could hardly handle it. I took a nap everyday on the tile of our villa because it was the only way I could get cool. My body is so happy to be back in the PacNW where it is 70 and sunny, as it should be.

Here's a belly pick from the babymoon at 30w1d. I am now 31w6d, but don't look much different. I am much more lumpy than bumpy, but I have finally had strangers acknowledge I am pregnant. Luckily, though, no one has said anything about multiples or being too big. I can't believe that I will keep my cool if that happens. Oh, and I am also contemplating driving 30 miles to go to a Dairy Queen this evening. Ah, pregnancy. . .katamari30weeks.jpg
PPM, you're in my thoughts. Lots of labour dust!
PPM, I'm still holding out on you for labor to kick into gear within the next 12 hours...

That said, I wanted to say that you've done everything you could possibly do to achieve the birth you had envisioned and I think acknowledging that is important. I also think it's okay to be disappointed and sad and upset. You've waited 10 long months for this baby and the whole time you imagined it would be a certain way and you prepared for that and now things are turning on you. Many people will say that a healthy baby is all that matters, but I completely disagree, it isn't all that matters. I think mom's experience is extremely important and can play a huge role in the recovery period and months after becoming a new mom. It's definitely okay to take some time to grieve the loss of what you'd planned and to try to accept what is happening. Also, take some time to sort through what can be done at the hospital to make it as close to the birth you would have at the birth center. It sounds like the drs and nurses at the hospital are being very understanding of your situation, so maybe try to adapt your plan to the hospital/induction process as best you can.

Here's a list of things my doula/childbirth educator gave us to do for making the most of a medical induction:

Hospital Sleepover:
- bring your own pillow and blanket
- wear your own clothes
- request to delay the IV if you can

The next morning:
- if contracting from the cervadil, ask to delay pitocin
- take a shower, eat breakfast
- think of this as early labor and use lots of distractions

Working with the monitors:
- try to move around and not stay in bed

But hopefully you are going into labor tonight and won't need any of this! We are all cheering for you! Good luck!