
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

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Congratulations PPM and amc80! I can't wait to see more pictures of Baby Eloise and Baby Barrett :)

I hope that everyone else is doing well. I gained 6lbs between the last 2 midwife visits (2 weeks!) bc of a cookie recipe that Autumn November posted on another site...and they went down WAY to quickly. I'm now on a walking/no cookie diet lol.

Still have family visiting and a ton of other stuff going on (we thought we'd just paint the nursery but it turned into a huge mess-the first paint wasn't done properly and came off the walls with the trim and then needed to be removed and mud and sanded and so I thought the nursery would be done this week and it's a war zone lol). BUT we got a steal of a deal on a crib/mattress/dresser and I got a bumbleride Indie stroller (if you haven't heard of it CHECK IT OUT THE BUMBLERIDE INDIE STROLLER) on kijiji for 325.00 that wasn't used very much (she needed a double) and so I only have a few more "big" items to get to be all ready for the baby.

HUGS to all you ladies and I'll catch up more later. Have a great week!

ETA: I had to take off my rings last night. I usually wear a gold band on my middle finger RH and planned on wearing it as my WB when I had to take off my wedding set but it's still to big. My e-ring and WB were tight but not to tight...but I was struggling to get the gold band off and didn't want any issues with my e-ring in a couple of weeks. I think I'll still try to wear it out when we go but we'll have to see if I can get it back on. Weight started at 108 at 6 weeks and now am 140 at 31w 4days.
Vintage, too funny about the cookies. It's hard to say no to temptation when you're feeling big and uncomfortable! Your weight gain doesn't sound that excessive to me though, especially since you started off so tiny. I'm not that far off from you, although it seems to be tapering off a bit (for now at least). Our babies are gaining a lot of weight now too, so I'm going to choose to blame my future weight gain on the baby :)
Yikes! I just realized I'm at the TOP of the preggos and waiting list!
Congrats PPM on Eloise and AMC on Barrett! Love both those names! AMC Barrett is so cute :-)

So we got all moved in here.. Ended up needing to buy furniture and shelving since we don't really have closet space or cabinets space haha.. We have a lot of work to do in the nursery though! We've had people staying with us since we moved in so we haven't been able to do anything in the room yet so it's just a giant disaster... Starting to get really stressed about what we need to do for baby.. We have bought pretty much everything we need for the baby but other than that we haven't done a darn thing haha we need to find a new dr up here ASAP... We probably need to tour th hospital even though hubby will be working there before I even give birth there I'd still like to see it.. We haven't taken any classes yet ...when do you take classes anyways? Is there a certain week you should start taking them? I don't even know where to start at this point.. Buying stuff is easy haha any advice and where to go from here or what to do? Hubby is off till September 4th then he starts rotations but we have no idea what he is getting first.. Could get surgery which would last until I'm like 41 weeks which would mean we don't have much time to get stuff done so what's the most important that we should try to get done before September 4th?

Hubby is installing mountain lion on our computers so I can post a pic but I will when he is done and finish responding to everyone else :-)
Congrats PPM and AMC!
So happy for you both, beautiful names you chose. :appl: :wavey: Hope to see you on the newborn-12 mo thread!
Meg - I sometimes lurk and rarely post but your breech baby story is so similar to my experience a few months ago, that I just had to jump in.

It might seem completely irrational to be angry at your baby - but it must be normal because I felt the same way. I felt that my baby had betrayed our bond. I felt that I had failed him by "growing him wrong."

We tried a version to turn him. Yes it hurt, but the pain was tolerable and only for a minute or so. I just gritted my teeth and told myself that it was less painful than a c-section (in hindsight, not true - they give you the good drugs post op). In my experience, the version was very quick - it is soon apparent if the baby will turn or not. My doctor tried to turn my baby one way and then the other but there was no budging him. We later learned during delivery that the cord was looped around my son's neck and arm, keeping him from being able to turn head down.

While delivering via c-section was harder on me physically and mentally, it was truly the best option for my son. And six months later, the only scar I bare is the one on my stomach. It took me a few months to process what I went through, but I would go through it 100 times more if it would bring my son into my life. As a first-time mom, crying my way into the OR, it was beyond anything in my life to be able know I would eventually feel this way.

I hope this is in someway helpful to you. I'll go back to lurking now but will be around if you have any questions. Hugs.
megumic|1344504082|3248387 said:
He won't plan a breech birth (not because he doesn't have the skill, but because his malpractice insurance won't let him -- sickening that malpractice insurance dictates medical care but I digress...), but if I showed up at 9cm with feet coming out he'd let me push.
There is a reason for this you know. It's just like other insurances. My husband was denied life insurance a year ago because he has a heart condition. It is a significant statistical risk that the insurance COULD end up paying out big bucks if my husband died before he paid enough into the system, and they couldn't take that risk on!

So the malpractice insurance is saying the same thing. There is a significant risk that something could go very wrong if he planned a breech birth, and that risk is so significant that they won't allow him to go through with that procedure. I imagine that if something went very wrong during a birth, it would cost the malpractice insurance company many millions of dollars. And the doctor doesn't want to take that risk because his premiums would likely go sky-high and he may even lose his practice because he couldn't afford the insurance. Would I want to take the risk when you know that risk management has done enough calculations to determine that it's NOT a safe procedure to do and would likely cost the company a ton of money because it would probably go wrong? No. I'd listen to the people who have done the calculations and know the risk of it going badly.

Sure, it sucks when things don't go exactly the way you want, but I don't think that healthy baby and healthy mom is really that terrible of an ending.

But I'm one of those people who didn't and still doesn't understand the supposed magical moment of intervention-free birth. I didn't care about the badge of honor of *I didn't have to have medical intervention or painkillers* in my birth. I just wanted her to be healthy and relatively unscathed, and I wanted to be healthy and relatively unscathed. At a certain point, I just wanted her out, I didn't care how it happened. I got what I wanted.

To borrow a phrase from Kenny, people vary.
Meg - Hypnobabies also has at least one tract for turning a baby too - I think you can download from their site or contact a local hypnobabies instructor to get the track. Worth a try, right?

Not sure if anyone has mentioned chiropractic either - there is a manouver that is supposed to turn babies - and even if you've never been adjusted before if you started going now that could definitely help loosen the pelvis and possibly help baby to turn as well.

I totally understand your disappointment but do try to be upset then move onward to the next steps positively.
Meg - also wanted to pipe in with possibly contacting local midwives in your area. many of them are more experienced with breeches and less bound by malpractice policies. Totally depends on the state, I know that in my state (GA) technically a homebirth can be illegal, but a poster here a few years ago - Blenheim - had a breech homebirth somewhere in the Pacific NW. Just a thought.
Redlineblueline, thanks so much for sharing your story. It is nice to know my feelings are not completely irrational and I know that regardless of how baby arrives, my feelings will change at that time. But like you said, it is SO difficult to feel that right now. It is nice to know I am not alone and that it is okay to feel this way. I really appreciate you chiming in and I will let you know how it goes.

Freke, I appreciate and respect your post, but I mostly disagree based on the information I have researched and from what my doctor has shared with me. i will leave it at that. But we can agree that kenny is right, people vary.

Missrachel, thanks for your ideas and support. I did see a Chiro yesterday who is skilled in the Webster method. He said it usually takes him a few adjustments, so depending on how today goes I may or may not go back to him. As for midwives, in NJ midwives are legally not allowed to attend breech home births. If I wanted to home birth a breech baby, it would be unassisted or with an underground midwife. Risks I am not willing to take, but absolutely a good thought as indeed they do have more breech skills than many obs.

Heading out in this rain storm for the version. Wish me luck! Flip baby flip!
Meg, good luck today! I really do hope you are able to get the kind of birth experience you are hoping for, and I respect your opinion and understand where you are coming from, and I don't think you are crazy for feeling that way. But I do think Redline and Freke bring up good points. If the baby does not want to turn, there may be a medical reason why the baby is positioned that way. Personally, I would much prefer to deliver the baby via c-section where the risks are more identifiable and quantifiable, rather than risk a breech delivery where the risks are less known and run into an emergency situation. That said, it sounded like your doctor gave you decent odds about the success of this procedure today, and I'll keep my fingers crossed it works! If it makes you feel any better about your doctor's practice, I talked to my doctor about this at an earlier appointment, and she basically said that she does not even attempt to turn the baby unless it is a 2nd or 3rd baby, so at least your doctor is willing to do that.

Blondebunny, at my clinic they advise that you complete the classes a month before your due date. We elected to take an all day course on a Saturday and then a separate breastfeeding course, rather than doing the classes that meet once a week for 6 weeks, so we will be doing our class in early September about a month before our due date. I'm 31 weeks along, and in the past couple of weeks, we have just started preparing the nursery. We are just making sure we have the crib, dresser, and other furniture ready to go. I will probably work on the finishing touches before and after he is born. He will most likely be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for the first month or so anyway. I'm not going to stress about it too much.

Happy Friday everyone else! Hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait to hear more from amc and PPM once they are settled in and have time to come back and visit.

AFM, I had another appointment today (they are starting to get a little annoying), and everything is looking good and measuring on track, which is always a relief to hear. Nine weeks to go. Sounds too far away and too soon at the same time!
Megumic really hope the ECV goes well today! FWIW I am very much of the same philosophy as you and I have admired so many of your posts over the past months. In the event things do not pan out as planned you are perfectly allowed to mourn the straightforward birth you had hoped for, and that in no way means you don't appreciate the importance of making sure Mum and baby are safe and well. To be honest I find it hard to understand the attitude that seems so commonplace, that somehow it is wrong to have any mixed feelings when a birth becomes more complicated than expected... that's all I'll say on that... I have faith that baby will turn, you still have loads of time! Keep us posted, thinking of you.

AFM had my 34 week scan today to check for placenta previa, baby's position, and baby's size. It was the same midwife who did my 12 week scan so it was the same 100 mile an hour experience! Anyway she was very happy with everything - placenta is on the back wall and high up, baby is head down, and estimated weight is 5lbs 1oz. She gave us some photos but both the machine and the printer were so woeful they are virtually impossible to work out. I'm going to bring them over to my parents later anyway to have a good giggle while they squint over them ; )

It's very warm here today by our standards, mid-20s Celsius, and I am NOT enjoying the heat! The weather is supposed to return to usual programming (i.e. raining) on Sunday. I'm probably the only person in the country looking forward to that! ; )
WOW!! So much going on here!!! CONGRATS to PPM and AMC!!!! Hope all is well, and can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Meg, good luck today. I'm sorry for everything you're going through. I know it's hard, but please just try to stay focused on having a healthy baby and healthy mommy- and try not to worry and be anxious about things that are out of your hands. I know, its so much easier said than done, but I hope that you can try. I'm not sure the version is going to work, I have only seen a handful of them be successful over my many years of working in labor & delivery. You said you're in NJ- I also work in NJ (northern), so I'm very familiar with the OB practices in that area, and I can tell you...I do not know of one OB who would feel really comfortable delivering a full term breech baby, especially in a Mommy having her first baby...Even the older, more old school docs who have done a ton of breech deliveries over the years are done with it...I've seen patients show up fully dilated with a breech, and we still rush them to the OR for a c/s. So, its just not seen as safe practice anymore. That being said, I wish you the best..keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

AFM, nothing really new to report. I have HORRIBLE heartburn everyday, my hands are killing me from the carpal tunnel, and my back is shot. Still, I feel pretty lucky because I know it could be worse. I think I've been having some Braxton Hicks over the past couple of days....they tend to come at night after I've been on my feet all day at work and when I havent been drinking enough water. My stomach just gets really rock hard for a few secs and then relaxes. It so weird being the patient now, lol!!!
I've been trying to get alot done, my shower invites went out (it will be beginning of September), and I registered...What a hot mess that was!!! I really had no idea what I was doing- my friend (an experienced mommy) was supposed to come with me, but she canceled last minute because her son was sick. I knew I had to get it done because my invitations were going out and people were going to start checking my registry, so I went by myself:( I really had no clue..was just scanning things aimlessly!!! I figure I have time to modify it over the next few wks though!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!! Have a great weekend!!! TGIF!!!! :appl:
Meg, thinking of you now that you are next up. How did the version go? Any success? I'll keep thinking positive thoughts for you that your little one turns.

Dani, we didn't do any registering because we are only having a small, informal shower, but I agree, it is overwhelming trying to decide what to get. My biggest thing is that I absolutely hate clutter, so I'm really trying to stick to things that I know we will for sure need. However, I'm sure once the little guy gets here, I will be like every other parent I know and buy every baby product/toy out there, turning my whole house into a play room! Sorry to hear about the heartburn and carpal tunnel. I still don't think I've had any Braxton Hicks or contractions of any kind. Would I know if I did?

Buttons, it's been a horrible summer around here heat-wise. We also had 1.5 months straight of no rain? We finally had some let up this weekend, and I was relieved to be able to go outside without feeling miserable after a couple minutes. Just crazy and not a good summer to be pregnant. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Hi to everyone else! Kind of quiet around here, but I hope everyone is doing well. AFM, nothing too new or exciting. I'm finally feeling a lot of baby movements, which I love. Although, some of them are getting to be downright uncomfortable feeling. I guess the little guy is just frustrated with his shrinking environment. I don't think either of us is happy we still have two months to go!
MP - As for Braxton Hicks...they don't hurt at all but your whole stomach gets really tight and hard for a short time and you can feel it loosen up once it goes away. For a while I was thinking it was the baby's head sticking out, but then once my doc said he was head down, I knew that wasn't what I was feeling since the pressure was up closer to my belly button. I didn't get them until closer to the end, like after 32 weeks or so but some people don't get them at all.
monkeyprincess|1344612080|3249133 said:
Sounds too far away and too soon at the same time!
I feel the same way! 9.5 weeks, 9.5 weeks...

For our registry, we pretty much just scanned things that looked useful...which ended up being most everything in the baby section. LOL. Almost everyone coming to my showers is a mom already, so they'll get me the important stuff. I hope! Or we'll exchange/return as we go. My poor SIL got ONLY clothes at one of her showers, I hope the same thing doesn't happen at mine! Especially since I'm getting all of the clothes that my niece has grown out of! Outfits are cute and all, but we need stuff, too!

Big week this week, labor and birth class starts tomorrow, then Wednesday we're ordering our furniture from BRU! I'm starting to stress that we don't really have anything besides a carseat, stroller and some clothes. See above for 9.5 weeks being so close, yet so far away! :errrr: My showers are in 4 and 5 weeks, so it's not really a lot of time to prepare after. Gah!! Breathe....woosaaaah!
Wooo it's quiet around here!

Megumic I'm thinking of you hon and really hoping you and babba are well :wavey:

Dani very exciting about the registry and the shower! :appl: Sorry to hear about all the nasty symptoms - pregnancy really does a number on the body doesn't it?

monkeyprincess I've been sitting in the evenings with every window open and a fan pointed straight at me - and normally I am the kind of person to have a cardigan on while everyone else is sweltering and I'll be whinging about the cold! We've been getting thunder and lightning at night and in the evenings which is very unusual. The weather is just very dead and heavy. Hopefully it will break soon. I'm sure it is much hotter where you are (it's only about 70F here today but that is HOT to me!), I hope you catch a break soon! And yay for lots of movement :bigsmile: I have been getting Braxton Hicks since about 26 weeks I think. I notice I get them more if I'm tired or dehydrated, and particularly if I've been sitting for a while and I stand up quickly. To me they feel something similar to the sensation if you pull up your pelvic floor and suck your tummy in at the same time - not painful but not exactly comfortable either. The other thing they remind me of is the sensation on your belly if you DTD (sorry if that's TMI but thought I'd say it in case it's helpful!).

sunnyd exciting week ahead for you! Be sure and tell us what nursery furniture you chose - those of us not doing a nursery need to live vicariously through you! :naughty: Hope your first set of classes go really well, that will make everything very real very fast!!! ;))


AFM 35+1 today, where is the time going?

Had a hospital appointment yesterday and they found leucocytes in my urine sample and a very small amount of protein. They sent the sample off to the lab and I'll get a phone call tomorrow if they want to start me on antibiotics. I have no symptoms whatsoever so they said it's not certain they'll bother to start me on them. They said the protein is just because of the elevated leucocytes and not a sign of pre-eclampsia/diabetes etc. and not to worry about it. Blood pressure was normal. Bump is measuring right on track and baby's heartbeat was nice and strong. She said the head is starting to engage and the baby is currently in the most ideal position for birth :bigsmile:

I went to an osteopath yesterday as well as my pelvic pain and back pain has been getting steadily worse and it was at the point where I was limping around in the evenings dragging one dead leg behind me as it was too painful to try and lift my right leg even a millimetre off the floor. I actually couldn't move that leg independently at all, I was having to hoist it around with my hands if I wanted to shift positions or stand up or anything, so needless to say I was getting very miserable! One of my midwives recommended this osteopath so I said I'd give it a go. It seems to have actually helped a bit, last night was the best night's sleep I've had in weeks and the pain is really greatly reduced today so fingers crossed now it won't come back!

We had our hospital ante-natal classes on Saturday too, we did them all in one day so it was six hours. Not sure how much I learned really but DH was happy as he said it was a great refresher for him. Plus of course it was great to learn what the policies in our particular hospital unit are and so on. Funny thing but the Mom in the couple sitting next to us turned out to be from the same part of the country as DH - a tiny place with about 200 people, a good seven hours' drive away from where we are living now. It's a small world! DH was also amazed at how many Moms were there without the Dads... we have a significant ethnic minority here and culturally the Dads wouldn't be at babies' births so these girls had brought their Moms or sisters along (for anyone in the UK think the wedding programme on Ch4). Somehow the penny hadn't dropped with DH until I pointed it out!

How is everyone else doing? Hope you are all keeping well :wavey:
Hi everyone!

In way of introduction to those whose time did not overlap with mine on the Barely PG board, I'm f-d-l, longtime PS'er, currently in my 19th week, and very happy to be here. We're just beginning to look at the big products we'll need for the baby in the next year (and boy, is it ever overwhelming to try and figure it all out with a still hypothetical infant), I'm trying to figure out how I want the nursery to look style-wise, and forcing myself to not think too hard about all of the serious things I need to know about but am still woefully in the dark about as a FTM to prevent mental overload (mechanics of successful breastfeeding in a variety of situations and healthy sleep habits, anyone?) But this is familiar territory here on this board, yes?

Also, a big congratulations to AMC and PPM on your new little bundles of joy!
Welcome FDL! I think it was right at about 20 weeks when I started to panic and realize how little I actually know about taking care of a brand new infant full-time. I've been doing some reading, etc., but I still feel woefully unprepared. At the same time, I'm so ready for this little guy to get here, and I know my DH and I will learn as we go. I also find it helpful to follow the newborn thread to see what kinds of issues the new moms are dealing with. I think it is a good idea to take it in baby steps and prepare yourself for the things you can - like setting up the nursery and buying/registering for baby products you will need.

Buttons, sorry to hear about your urine test results, but it sounds like it is probably not a serious issue. And I'm glad you are finding relief for your leg. That sounds awful. Thanks for the info on BH. I must not be getting any of them yet, which is fine by me! What a relief to know your little one is getting in the perfect position. I'm still so puzzled by my little guy. I'm pretty sure he is head down because I think I can feel his bottom and legs in my right side and ribs and a big bulge down above my pubic bone, but he keeps doing something really weird down at my left hip (especially when I'm lying on my side). It feels like he is almost tickling my hip! But I have no idea if it is his hand or what.

Sunnyd, I hear you. I feel like there is a lot hanging over my head, and I just want it all to be taken care of right now! Just take it in small steps and do what you know you will need to do, and then after the showers, you will still hopefully have enough time to figure out what else you absolutely need to have before the baby arrives. The way I see it, my DH and family can pick up any things we forget once the baby is here, and there is always Amazon and overnight shipping. What did people do before that? Ordering furniture is a big step, and I'm sure you'll feel better getting that out of the way. I know I did. Hope your classes go well.
Hi! I finally have a few minutes to share the birth story with all of you. It's amazing how much time a little itty bitty baby can consume. Sorry if the story is a bit hard to read, I'm tired and my brain is mush...please ignore any spelling and grammatical errors!

I arrived at the hospital at 5am for my induction on 8/7. We were told the beds were all full and to wait for a call. By 3pm, no phone call, so I called in. They told me to be there at 4. Around 5:00pm I was given cervidil (sp?), the pill that goes right on the cervix to soften it. Apparently they like to do that before using pitocin since the pitocin is more effective with a favorable cervix. I was checked around 8:30 and while my cervix had softened, it hadn't dilated at all (still at 1cm since the previous week).

At 9 I was given some sort of balloon to dilate the cervix. I think it's the same one PPM had. I was told it would fall out when I reached 4cm. Less than 30 minutes later, I started having horrible contractions, most of which were in my back. I wish back labor on nobody. I had gone in with the hopes of not having any meds before the epi, but by 11pm I was in so much pain. I got some wonderful meds that helped a lot. I was told I couldn't have anything else for two hours, and the medicine wore off after one hour. At some point (3am or so) I finally got another dose. Let me tell you, that night was rough. Contractions were 1-2 minutes apart. I was so tired that I was falling asleep between them.

I was checked around 5am. There was concern since the balloon hadn't come out. Well, turns out I was 6-7cm dilated and had a bulging bag. They broke my water and I had my epi around 7am, followed by the pitocin. The epi was amazing. It took forever to get to 10cm, I think it was 3pm or so before I was there. But, eventually I was ready to start pushing. This is about the time my epi ran out. The doctor said it would be fine since it would last a good two hours more, so I wasn't concerned.

Oh, the pushing. You know, it seems like all of the talk and preparation for labor is regarding the contractions, with little mention of the pushing. Pushing is HARD. I couldn't feel much but was apparently pushing well. At some point the baby started showing signs of distress. He had a few pretty big heart rate drops. The doctor discovered that his head was turned in some funky position (thus the back labor). She was able to turn him, but he turned right back. They decided to give me another 30 minutes or so to see what I could do, otherwise they would do a c-section. And by that point, a c-section was fine by me. I was so exhausted and the epi was fading quickly. But I kept at it and was able to continue the progress.

Barrett was born at 6:37pm on 8/8, after almost 24 hours of labor and 3.5 hours of pushing (the last 1.5 of which were done without my epi working). Both my OB and the nurse were pretty amazed I was able to get him out, considering his size and his weird position. He didn't really come out "top of head" first, it was more "back side of head" first. When he came out, the first thing my OB said was "oh, he's not as big as we thought" and she guessed he was under 8lbs, as did the PICU nurse. They were shocked when he weighed in at 8'11.5oz. But that's what happens when you have a 22" baby! Poor little guy has a pretty big hematoma on the back side of his head (the side that came out first). Imagine a typical newborn cone head, but the cone isn't straight in back. Poor little guy. Luckily, it's just cosmetic and will heel with time. I ended up with an episiotomy, just a small one. Considering the baby's head position, I'm pretty lucky that's all I needed. Want to know what else you get from pushing for 3.5 hours? A giant hemorrhoid. All I can say about that is yikes.

So, that's the story. I stayed two nights in the hospital. I know a lot of people who leave after one night, but I had no problem staying two. It was nice to have the nurses there for reference. Overall I'm feeling pretty good. My "area" gets sore if I walk too much. Things are definitely swollen down there, but are getting better each day. I did have an issue with my bladder right after delivery. Basically, I couldn't feel it at all. The morning after he was born I got out of bed and was walking to the toilet, only to realize I had been peeing since standing up. Absolutely no sensation of having to pee, and no ability to stop it once it starts. It's starting to get better but I still have to remind myself to use the toilet ever few hours. My doctor isn't worried though and thinks it will resolve on its own.

I hope everyone is doing well. It feels so weird to not be pregnant. It's crazy to think this long baby was inside of wonder I was so uncomfortable!
3.5 hours of pushing! You're a trooper, Amc. I look forward to catching up on the newborn thread.
Congratulations PPM and amc!!! You're such clever mammas!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
amc thanks for posting your birth story! You were so strong and did so well with that marathon of pushing! So inspiring!!!

dandi good to see you - how are you doing? :wavey:

fleur-de-lis congratulations and welcome! :wavey: :appl: :appl: I have no advice beyond monkeyprincess' wise words - but then I am the woman with no nursery and pretty much nothing bought for baby due in a month :cheeky:

monkey my money is on that you are definitely feeling little handies! I have the exact same tickling sensation at my left hip - the midwives told me it's baby feeling its face and sucking its thumb :love:


AFM I just rang the hospital about my lab results and they said while the official report hasn't come back up that it's been entered on the computer system and there is no infection. Yay!!! So happy about that :bigsmile:

In other news my belly button has officially disappeared. Poor belly button - wonder will it ever look the same again? :cheeky:
Wow amc, you're a trooper! Tough to have a large baby along with the difficult position of his head, but you made it! I hope you feel better and better each day. Keep us posted. It's quiet without you around here, but I'm so glad you finally have your baby in your arms!

Buttons, great news about your test!

Hi Dandi, how far along are you now? Hope you are hanging in there!
All you Mommies and Daddies that have a Bumbo Seat. There has been a voluntary Safety Recall. Please stop using the Bumbo and visit their website to order a FREE Repair Kit which will include a restraint belt and new warning stickers. Once the Repair Kit has been properly installed, you'll be able to continue use of the chair!

Canadian Mommies and Daddies go here:

American Mommies and Daddies go here:

AMC what a crazy birth! I guess it's par for the course, given the crazy last weeks of pregnancy you had though! So happy for you!

Buttons, what a relief that your test results were good. One month left, woohoo!

MP, LBA (life before Amazon) must have been sad and hard. :cheeky: First class was good, all the mamas are due within 2 weeks of each other, so it'll be worthwhile, I think!

Not looking forward to the 90 degree days we have in store this week...thankfully a friend gave us their portable AC so we can sleep! Ninja baby continues to bounce around in there. I almost peed myself the other night when she gave a swift kick to the ol' bladder. Oy!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
AMC, I was always touched by how you'd stop by the Barely PG PSers thread-- kind of like a Big Sister!-- and loved reading your birth story. So informative, and a great first-person account.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery (Goodness, three and a half hours of pushing?!?!? You are one tough lady, AMC...) and hope you're well enough to keep popping in on this thread from time to time!
It's a boy! Callan James arrived Monday evening at 7:25pm. He was 8lbs 12oz 20 inches long. The Friday version failed, but we went for a second attempt with a spinal block on Monday. Mid-turn, his heart rate dropped to the 40s and didn't come back up so he arrived via a traumatic emergency csection. We knew it was a possible outcome of the version but it was a difficult experience and we are still processing everything. We are so grateful that both of us are doing well and baby is just fine afte all. We are in love with our little ,an! Will share more when I have a few seconds.
Oh Meg, first of all, a big congratulations to you on the arrival of Callan! I'm so relieved to hear he is here safely and you are both doing well. Second, I'm really sorry that you had a traumatic experience, rather than the natural birth you envisioned. That must have been so scary. I hope you are able to put the experience behind you soon and just enjoy your little guy. Please update us when you are feeling up to it.
Meg, wow, so sorry that the birth didn't go as expected. Glad to hear you are all doing well though.