
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

AMC - So sorry to hear about your dog! :((

PPM - Oh my you are low lady!!! I never dropped with Blake, he sat high and didn't go down, even in labor!! Looks like a good sign for you, but I imagine it's very uncomfortable at the moment! Hope something happens soon!!
AMC, so sorry to hear about your dog.

PPM, good to hear from you. I actually stopped in to see if you had posted anything or not. Did you have your weekly appt this week yet? Did they tell you anything further regarding dilation or effacement? Hope you get some action soon!

AFM, woke up with some cramping, but that's about it. I've been peeing a lot more like PPM said too. I am 38w5d. Hoping baby comes soon! Weekly appt tomorrow.
PPM, you've got such a cute full-term belly! And it's all belly. Hope you are able to get some rest today.Sending labor dust your way.

Lizzy, so excited for you and can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl!

Hi Missy, how are you and Mr. Blake doing? Hope you are feeling better!

Lulu, too funny! I've heard that the early predictions (12 weeks) are only reliable if the tech is looking from exactly the right angle (side profile) and the angle of dangle is not ambiguous. Ours was very clearly a boy, and thank goodness, he still is :) I'd be much more inclined to believe your 17 week prediction, but I guess it will be a mystery for awhile longer. It's a fun mystery though!

Sunnyd, that doesn't sound good. Hope you called your doctor and are feeling better. Take care of yourself! We have a lot of people (mostly family members) asking about the name every time we see them or talk to them too. The worst is when they start spouting off names they don't like. We keep telling them that we haven't really thought about it much, which is mostly true. I mean I think about it, but for some reason, we haven't felt a lot of pressure to nail down a name just yet. I think we both know what it is going to end up being, but I don't want to feel like we are just choosing it as a fallback name. I don't think I fully understood this before I became pregnant, but it is nice to let the parents keep a few things between themselves. I know everyone is just excited and can't wait for the baby to arrive either, but I must say it is getting a little annoying to be interrogated all the time. I'll know better in the future.

Hi to everyone else! I'm attaching a pic I took last night. Can't figure out why it downloaded so blurry. Anyway, major bump growth spurt this week. Hopefully it's Bumby growing and not just his mama!

Gaaaaaah PS just froze and then refreshed the window and ate my post!!! :angryfire: :nono:

That'll teach me to forget to hit ctrl+c before I click 'preview'!


Monkey you look amazing! Definitely all Bumby gaining weight in there and not Mama 8) By the way is the Bumby nickname by any chance a Hemingway reference? I just finished reading The Paris Wife and it occurred to me...

Lizzy hope the cramping is a good sign! Good luck for your appointment tomorrow :wavey:

PPM you look fantastic!!! I have a skirt just like that but I look like a bloated hippo in mine, not all graceful and elegant like you do in yours. Maybe that will be your last bump picture? :bigsmile: I hope you managed to get some sleep...

lulu glad to hear your appointments went so well, specially about the placenta, that is great news! And I am totally with you on the maternity clothes :bigsmile:

sunnyd how are you feeling today? Did you call your doc? Thinking of you :wavey:

Prana sorry to hear about the poison ivy, that sounds miserable :(( You must have a fabulous sense of humour though, that collage cracked me up! You are a trooper! Hope you are feeling better today...


AFM I am just trucking along. DH is back tonight, yay! He was only away for two nights but I've been dealing with a lot of work drama this week and I really missed him. Had a complete meltdown yesterday and cried my eyes out for hours over nothing :rolleyes: This will be our new routine for the foreseeable so I better toughen up and get used to it! I'll be so happy to have him here again though :bigsmile:

I haven't put up a bump picture in ages so here it is, 31 weeks + 2 days. Please forgive the state of me, neither the top nor the shorts are maternity (= automatically unflattering) plus I was straight out of the shower so my hair was a mess... ah well, sure ain't pregnancy glamorous? :tongue: ;))

So I'm not sure if this is it or not ladies. I woke up with cramping this morning and then the cramps seem to get pretty steady. I still don't know though if they are cramps or contractions. I called my dr. around 11:30 and they said that since they are happening more frequently when I am standing, it could just be cramps. But he most likely thinks this could be the start of labor. I've been writing down when I get them and they are anywhere from 20-25 mins apart. The dr. told me to call again if they get to be 10 mins apart and stay hydrated.

The thing is with my last pregnancy my water broke but no contractions started. I had to have pitocin to get things started so the start of contractions was very different then just naturally happening like it is now. Is this the start?

Any mamas want to jump in and let me know their thoughts? I think something has to be happening.
Buttons: Oh no :(sad No more crying, lady! Tell your pregnancy hormones to take a hike. Then again, sometimes a good cry makes one feel better. Glad your DH will be home soon and hopefully that'll help you to feel better, despite rough times at work. You look great, mama, and I doubt you look bloated in your skirt. The glorious thing about 39 weeks is that there's NO denying my bump is all baby. There's bloat, sure (esp. arms, face, hands and feet/ankles), but the babe is finally bigger than the bloat.

MP: I'm so jealous of your basketball bump! What do you and your DH say when your family share names they don't like? That's just as bad as when they name names that they DO like, because if they happen to say your maybe-name, it's a total bummer. Pregnancy gives one a whole new perspective- I'll never harass friends/family about baby names ever, ever again.

Lizzy: Hmmm... sounds like it could very well be the start of something. I've heard of that happening, petering out, and then contractions starting again in a few days. Then again, like all things labor-related, it could mean that your birth is less than 24 hours away. My midwives always say that the key is if intensity and frequency both increase, and if the pain doesn't subside with a short walk, bath, or glass of wine. If you feel "different", though, I'd more likely to think it's the start of something!

AFM: Sleep evaded me, but I napped this AM. I've definitely had some cramps today, too, but I'm wondering if they're more related to my bathroom issues (which persist :knockout: ) than the baby. They don't feel like typical upset stomach cramps, so I'm keeping an eye on the clock just in case. I'm so ready for this to be over. Have I said that yet? Only 500 times? Ooops... sorry ::)
PPM: diarrhoea often a sign of impending labour!
Lizzy, labour for me started with a feeling of menstrual cramps.

PPM, any news?
MP - I haven't transitioned to the next thread on here yet! Haha. Thank you for asking...we are doing great! I have recovered pretty well from the c-section. I had my checkup yesterday and everything looked good. I go back to work this coming Monday ;(

Lizzy - I've heard people mistaking cramping for contractions...especially if they're timeable. You'll have to let us know if anything happens!!
Thanks for all of the concern about the dog! DH is still sad but he knows it was just her time. I do remember that it's what happened in Marley and Me, which is why I knew it wasn't good news.

I had another appointment today. My BP is still high but not higher than Monday. I've been running around 110/70 and it's now 140/90, so quite a jump. My uric acid levels came back high, so I now "get" to do a 24 hour urine collection. Oh, and I was so happy that I hadn't been having contractions off the meds...but that jinxed it and have had some today. I even had one while the OB was checking baby's hb. Having one right now actually, high. All in all my doc is somewhat concerned but not to the point of sending me to the hospital. She did say all things combined, I'm pretty close to getting to that point. I told her I'd love for this kid to stay in another two weeks and she said she'd be happy with a week...which was sort of scary.

::Geez, contractions hurt!::

So that's my news. I'm desperately trying to stay relaxed while getting things wrapped up at work and finishing baby preparations. Hope all is well with everyone!
Forgot to post my 36 week pic. Still haven't dropped!

Stomach troubles are over, no cramping, no contracting. I'm feeling great and never thought I'd be disappointed to say so! I'm on the verge of having a good cry. I had so, so convinced myself that this baby would come by her due date. Silly FTM logic!

Lizzy... your silence has me wondering :naughty: Hope those cramps were actually contractions and that they grew closer and closer together! Can't wait to hear how you're doing and what's going on. Maybe by next update you'll be holding a sweet new son or daughter!

AMC: No more preparations for you, mama! Make someone else do it all and keep your BP down as low as possible! Of course, easier said than done... but surely you do not need added stress in your life. Please take care of yourself ::) So your doc is thinking next week, more or less? So crazy! And exciting! Two weeks would be great, as you said, but I sense your LO will be a-ok if he comes in a week's time. Let us know the results of the 24/hr urine collection. Do you have a BP cuff to use at home? Are you feeling different, physically?? Like, could you tell that your BP was elevated?
amc take care of yourself for this next week or two!!

lizzyann hope everything's going well & that those were contractions you were feeling :)

buttons I literally feel like I might have a complete crying meltdown right i'm with you on that one! enjoy dh being home & spending time together!

monkeyp we were all sure from the 12 wk scan that it was a boy. at that time there seemed to be definite action happening between the legs. now several people have mentioned it might have been the cord running through the legs. my dad (ever helpful) said it was a tail. so, for now, we're just going to keep calling the baby "baby" and I'm going to down a little caffeine before the next appt.

ppm just hit target & motherhood for some starter basics: maxi dresses at target (which are really cute!), jeans, shorts, and a few tops at motherhood. once I put the jeans on I was kicking myself for not making the switch even earlier in my pregnancy. your bump is all baby--soo cute! I told hubs by the end of this pregnancy, I might just move into the bathroom! i'm already having to go so often!!

afm: I'd attach a bump pic (we finally took one this week) but don't think I can from the iPad. anyone know? back to work for me today & I was really dreading it more than usual. I survived, but now have to make it 6 more days in a row. I hate my summer work schedule. oh & dh is on my nerves tonight...poor him. rationally, I know it's hormones but I can't control how everything out of his mouth is like nails on a chalkboard for me tonight. maybe early to bed will do me some good!
Just jumping in to say that Lizzy, I hope this is it for you!!! My contrax were 20 - 25 minutes apart for about three hours while in early labor, then everything went very quickly once they picked up. I didn't have my bloody show until I got to the hospital (was 6cm) and my water never broke. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! I am so excited for you!
Lizzy and PPM, I keep checking to see if there is any news. Sending labor dust to both of you!

Lulu, unfortunately looking between the legs at 12 weeks isn't a very good indicator, because we all have a little nub there at that time. So you might have seen something even if your little one is a girl. At 12 weeks, you have to look at the baby's profile to see if their little nub is angled upward or is more angled toward the pelvis. Our little guy's nub was pointing straight up, so it was pretty clear, although I didn't let myself get too attached to the idea until we confirmed it at 21 weeks.

amc, hope you're holding up well. It sounds like you are in good hands, and you know they are going to do what is best for you and the baby. Plenty of babies are born at 37 weeks that do just fine, so just try to relax and keep yourself as stress-free as possible.

Missy, glad to hear that things are going well with you and the babe, but I'm sorry you have to go back to work soon. That went really fast! Hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible for both of you. Keep us posted.
Ohhhhh Liiiizzy??? I have a strong sense that you're holding your LO right now. I certainly hope that is the case!

AMC: How are you, mama? Having more contractions? You better be resting... or else!

Today is D-Day! Wahoo! This afternoon I have an acupuncture appointment, so maybe that will help jump-start some contractions since I haven't had so much as a Braxton-Hicks contraction (that I've noticed) over the past few days.
Hey guys, quick question for anyone who has been blessed with having to do the 24 hour pee in a bottle thing. What happens if you fill the bottle before the end of 24 hours? It's 8:38 and my bottle is almost 1/4 of the way full already. Yeah, I'm a water drinker.
AMC- Can you pick up another jug? They will need ALL of your urine to do the calculations correctly.
Yes you need to get another jug...your results will be messed up if not!
Thanks Dani and Missy! I called the lab to be sure, and yep, I'll need to pick up another jug. Apparently I pee a lot.
Oh PPM, i feel for you. I had everyone telling me L would come early, so I was convinced she'd be here before 40 weeks. She came at 41w1d. I know it's rough at the end, but hang in there and as hard as it may be cherish these last few days! Your LO will be here soon and it will be all worth it.
Hi ladies! Its a boy! Yes indeedy it was labor! Things happened really quickly but was a much easier birth than first go round. Rowan Jesse was born 7/18/12 at 8:21pm 7lbs 12 oz 20". We are all doing well!
Yay, Lizzy! That's so exciting that you finally get to hold your little miracle baby after all you went through to conceive him. I just had a feeling you were going to have another little boy. Hope you are doing well and enjoying every minute!
Yay Lizzy, congrats!!!
Congats, Lizzy!!!! What a great name!
Ah!!! LIZZY!!! Congratulations!!!

PPM, I hope acupuncture can help. Also I hear eggplant parm is supposed to help too. Maybe you can do a dinner date with your husband after your acupuncture appt.
Congrats Lizzy!!! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy these precious first days with your newest little one!
Woo Congrats Lizzy!!! I'm so glad your bundle is finally here!!!
Lizzy! Oh gosh- how wonderful! So many congrats to you on your second little son. Glad to hear you're all doing well! (And what a sweet name!) :appl: :appl:

LC: I'm actually making eggplant parm tonight :devil:

Acupuncture was really interesting. Parts of it were uncomfortable, and then, a few moments later, I'd fall asleep! The acupuncturist needled spots mostly in my hands and feet, one between my brows, and one in each ear. She used electro stimulation on a number of points. She's had a many women begin labor between 5 and 24 hours after treatment, and more within a few days. I scheduled another visit... I figure, so long as it's relaxing, it can't hurt!
Congratulations Lizzy! :appl: I remember the long road you took to get this miracle baby boy.