
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MissRachel--I'm sorry to hear about your medical issues, but I'm excited to hear about your interview! DUST DUST DUST DUST DUST!!!!

I forgot to share my latest bump pic in my last post. I took this on Saturday because I was wearing this awesome new sweater I bought at Macy's. It's A Pea in the Pod brand so it was pricey even at 25% off, but it is really nice and I feel great in it. So, worth every penny! (Please ignore my nasty, wet, horse-tail long hair. I keep telling myself I'm going to get around to cutting it this weekend . . . )

MissRachel, good luck on your job interview! Sorry about the urine collection at work. I can't imagine!

Haven, you look great as always! Love the sweater. I just ordered some maternity clothes from the Gap and my order arrived with 4 non-maternity sweaters that I did not order and none of the clothes I did order. So, I am in in the process of sorting that out now!

MP, you are looking good! Only a few weeks to go! We are taking a breastfeeding class tomorrow night. We took the full day hospital class on Sunday with breathing, hospital tour, and other information. My husband took a lot of notes and asked a few questions. But, he just today he asked me what an episiotomy is - as they didn't define it, but talked about them! My husband and I were commenting afterwards on the overachiever couple who had to try out all the breathing positions and had tons of questions including could they bring their own tub to the hospital (this hospital doesn't have water births or allow the tubs). The husband video taped the wife on the hospital tour walking down the hallway also!

Buttons, glad you had a nice day out with your Mum! Sounds like she's a sweetheart. Keep us posted on your progress.

China, Ivy is beautiful! Love :love: the 3-day old smile photo! I laughed reading your story about your DH and the contractions app. My husband is a techy person too so I'm sure he'll have an app.

Katamari, love your banana baby story. You look great too! I also work from home (95% of the time), and my uniform is comfy sweat pants and t-shirts. I had to go on a work trip earlier this week and a suit was no fun. I wore my maternity pants, a regular sweater, and a suit jacket that still fit (unbuttoned of course!). I will post pictures once I order and get the wall decals up in the room. I just got the bedding in the mail today, and I'm happy with it. Right now, the room just has the furniture and isn't quite decorated.

AFM, I had a little scare over the weekend. I found some blood on my underwear on Saturday AM which must have occurred overnight on Friday night. I called the doctor who said if I wasn't in any pain to come in on Monday and get my cervix checked and call back if any more bleeding or pain occurred. So, I went in on Monday and got my cervix checked - Ouch! that hurt! Apparently, it's hard as a rock and closed. And, the bleeding is unexplained. I flew out on Monday for a 2-day work trip and just got home today. The baby is still kicking, and I've been checking with the fetal monitor so hopefully everything is okay. I go back to the doctor next Wednesday for my next checkup. The baby bedding arrived today - courtesy of Mom. She's coming for a visit next week so it will be fun to do some baby shopping when she's in town. My best friend is coming the weekend after and my in-laws are coming in for 10 days in early October so we are going to pretty much have back to back company for 3 weeks starting next week! We have a lot to get done between now and then, and we also have a breastfeeding class and Baby CPR scheduled in the next 2 weeks.
Hi ladies just a quick post to share that my 19 week scan went really well, apparently the baby is perfect. Was great to see bubs again and have that reassurance. We aren't finding out the sex but I saw something which could be either boy bits or the cord but cos I don't want to know didn't try to clarify!

Have had a crazy day at work trying to catch up on everything and can't wait to hit the pillow so sorry for not responding to everyone personally. But thanks again for the welcome and well wishes :appl:
MLK, congrats on a great ultrasound. That's funny you think you saw something resembling boy parts, but since it's so hard to tell what you're looking at most of the time unless they really focus in, I'd say you shouldn't be surprised if you still end up with a little girl. It wil be fun to find out!

JGator, ha ha ha, we didn't have anybody quite that overachieving in our class. That's cute that your DH was trying to absorb as much as he could. Sorry about your little scare, but it does sound like it was just a fluke and nothing to be too worried about. Hope you have fun with your company and that you can put them to work, so you can take it a bit easy!

Haven, you look great! I am trying to avoid buying any more maternity clothes since I'm almost done, but I do wish I had a reason to buy a few cute sweaters and fall clothes, instead of all of these short sleeve shirts and tees I have. That must be frustrating to get full so quickly, although I sometimes wish I had that problem. I've had the biggest appetite the entire pregnancy and never feel too full it seems, which is why I've gained about 35 pounds.

Rachel, wishing you lots of luck that everything is okay and you don't have pre-e. I can't believe you have to collect urine at work. That sounds miserable! Good luck with your interview. Hope it all works out for you!
Hi Preggos! Checking in today to say that the collection went fine and also that I don't wish it on anyone! I told DH tht unfortunately I imagine if it comes back clear I'll be more likely to be asked to do it again. Here's hoping not but we shall see. Honestly overnight was more annoying than at work, but I think I only went 3 times last night. I completely filled my 2 jugs! I mean to the top! :o I actually cheated a bit since the second one was filled about an hour shy of 24 but I don't honestly think it makes a ton of difference.

The lady at the lab also told me that they actually only take a small sample vial and dump out the rest! It has to be collected to get the total volume, then they do math to get totals for 24 hrs from the sample. And I had a bit of a :angryfire: moment when after waiting 20 minutes at the lab, was called back to say, honey this lab is not in network with your insurance and we KNOW that tehy won't pay. We can take your samples but you'll get a bill. So why dont you go to this other lab down the street that is on your insurance. I went to the one that will be covered but after waiting there too it ate up my entire morning!

I did have the tech at lab #2 check my BP and it was fine 126/70 so that's good. Im actually wondering if some of my floaters are from the new brand of contacts that I'm using. And speaking of which another :angryfire: moment about contacts! Both at myself for not being smart and at the dr's office. At my eye exam a few weeks ago I agreed to try a new kind of contacts, the daily ones you throw away after 1 use. Should help with my dry eye and irritation. Am told wel they're really comparable in price 90 day supply cost XYZ. Well this morning I realize the first box of 30 is nearly gone, and that's because the '90 day supply' is actually 90 lenses! Well I have 2 eyes so these things are costing double what I thought! ON my agenda is to scour the internet for a better deal, and if I can't find one slow enough, call the dang eye dr and get a new script for the old lenses (the ones you keep for 2 weeks)

But on a happier note the interview went GREAT! The round of interviews wraps up tomorrow so I will her back early in the week. I think my chances are pretty good since I was called back personally by the prospective boss. Again with my current slogan: we shall see.

I received a package from GMD today with a bunch of cloth wipes and prefolds! This is my last diaper purchase for a while till we see what works. I think I've spent around $500 at this point and I have A LOT of diapers :rolleyes:

Love the sweater Haven! I'm personally loving still being in summer clothes and I think in the south I'll be fine till after baby in what I have. Now my winter clothes fitting when I'll need them, that is an entirely different issue!
Missrachel - I know the 24 hour urine collections aren't fun! I had to do 6 during my pregnancy because my blood pressure was constantly high. I never developed pre-e thankfully. I'm glad yours came back ok, but the mixup at the lab had to be annoying!! I was using the daily contacts also because of dry eye. I hear you on the price :$$): It is definitely not the same price!! My prescription was changing a lot a few years ago. I got lasik done in 2007 and am so happy I did! I was practically blind beforehand. Have you thought about lasik at all?
Hi everyone, quick question for any already mothers who may be reading this or those of you who have already had an internal check. Are cervical checks during pregnancy/labor really as awful as everyone says? I'm supposed to have one at my appointment today to see if there has been any progress, and I'm dreading it because I keep reading about how painful they are and worse than a pap. Ugh, so not looking forward to it and I'm thinking it is entirely unnecessary because I haven't felt any contractions or excessive pressure or anything.

Also, just being completely paranoid but does anybody else's baby seem to have hiccups ALL the time? My little guy gets them at least 3-4 times a day, so of course I get on google and see that there is a study out there linking excessive hiccups to cord compression. I'm guessing everything is fine, but I'm getting so close, and the closer I get, it's getting harder not to worry about this little guy 24/7!

Sorry, I was awake too much last night and didn't have any time to do anything but worry apparently :)

Hope everyone is well!
MP, for me, the cervical checks were more annoying than a regular Pap, but it could have been because I was always still closed when my OB checked me. "Soft, but still closed" was her answer both times that she checked me, I believe at 37 and 38 weeks. It almost felt like she was shoving her arm up there, sorry to say. It could also depend on who does the checking, because when I was checked by one of the nurses at the hospital right before my induction, it didn't feel so bad, but I was 2cm at 39 weeks. Hope it's not too bad for you!

Oh, and Alex had the hiccups ALL.THE.TIME in utero! Every ultrasound towards the end, the tech would say "Oh, looks like he's got the hiccups!". At the hospital for my induction when they hooked me up to the monitor, the nurse said "Oh, he's got hiccups - hear that thumping?". Then when he was born, he had the hiccups while he was sleeping the first night. We have a video of it on DH's phone. It didn't seem to bother him, since he slept right through it. Now he seems to get frustrated at them, but I think he gets them from me, because I randomly get the hiccups too.

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing well and baking away smoothly!
MP- I foundd them really uncomfortable but not any more uncomfortable than a Pap or any of the myriad other uncomfortable side effects of being pregnant. I mean, they aren't fun, but it wasn't anything I dreaded. But yeah, it definitely felt like she was reaching way UP there. Which she probably was. :cheeky: You are so close!!!!!
Thanks for responding S&I and China. Obviously it won't be fun, but I'm just hoping it's not awful. I suppose the more I worry and tense up, the worse it will be. It's been nice being able to keep my pants on for appointments though, and I'm not looking forward to all of the invasive stuff!

S&I, glad to hear you had a big-time hiccuper too. I used to think it was so cute, and now I'm like, seriously, again kid? Ha ha, I can't wait to see him do it on the outside though.
I hated cervical checks, for real. I was always closed at my doc appointments though. If it's someone with short fingers it's horrible, it felt like her whole arm was up there. Once I was in labor and had some pain medication it wasn't bad.
MP, mine was worse than a Pap. But, not a lasting pain...just during the procedure itself which was really short - maybe 10-20 seconds. You will survive. My baby has not had any hiccups that I can tell which has me wondering why not?
MP, cervical checks are uncomfortable - a lot of pressure mainly. They are quick though. I think it varies based on your doctor's office but some don't do it until later. I had my first (aside from one I got in the ER) at 38 weeks. Would you prefer to wait? If you would, you can always ask your doc how he/she feels about that. Good luck!
Thanks ladies. It was not nearly as bad as I feared. Phew. She said his head is really low but I'm not dilated. I also had the strep b test, so that's why she checked the cervix since she was down there already. I apparently lost two pounds so she was a little concerned but I swear I can vary by that much in any given day depending on how much water I'm retaining. I'm up 30 pounds overall, so hardly wasting away! I also had a BH while I was there. Who knew?

JGator, I only had one or two hiccup incidents until recently when he started doing it all the time. Definitely nothing to worry about if you aren't feeling them. My doctor said some babies just get them more often than others.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
BH question - does everyone get them? I haven't had any - or haven't noticed any at all. My Mom assured me ot to worry that it's one less annoying and somewhat uncomfortable thing so it's good that I'm not having them but I don't know I feel sort of left out! And I'm wondering if things will take forever to get going if we haven't had any of the preparation that BH do going on. Just curious!

36w 3d
:rolleyes: when did I ge this far along!??
Rachel, I didn't think I've been having any either but my doctor said I had one when I laid back on the exam table today. I don't know that I would have noticed if she hadn't said anything. Now I'm going to be overanalyzing every movement or tightness. Anyway you might have had some and not realized it. But I don't think it is any concern or you are missing out if you don't. People can have them for months and months without making any progress.
Hi ladies..

Man how do these weeks continue going by so fast! I tell myself the 8 weeks and 6 days i have left is plenty of time but then when I think how fast the past 2 months have gone by i freak out! Thanks for the sympathy ladies... Its been stressful here... So update on the doctor situation. I called the doctor and was told "Sorry we dont take patients that far along" I tried to explain I just moved here and couldnt do anything about that but they didnt seem to care, and I asked well what am i supposed to do and she is like call this clinic.. No information on what this clinic is just said call this number. Lady gives me the wrong number, so they give me the right one.. which was still the wrong one, and i got the point after that number i was in tears and hubby had to call the last number for me. All we were told was call this number.. Umm okay... No idea who or what im calling but sure ill call it.. it was a number to make an appt.. so we did.. and of course didnt havent anything for 10 days.. so my appt is on sept 20th. but apparently its at some ob clinic or something by the hospital. Thats all we know. But its at the same place my hubby is actually doing his rotations at right now, he's just at the internal med part not the womens health part. We are thinking maybe it has the doctors who i tried calling before but didnt see patients privately because they worked at the hospital full time,we are assuming they do clinic hours over there or something but we have no idea. I just gave up any hope of having my own dr at this point. Just too stressful and with over 100 doctors who deliver at the hospital i kinda didnt think id get the actual doctor i had anyways. Im just going to go in with what kind of birth I'd like to have.. which really is nothing special... Just delayed cord clamping, Id like to avoid pitocin and stuff at all costs and i want an epidural haha So as long as they listen to me and let me make my own decision and dont push things on me.. Ill be okay.

We scheduled a 3d/4d ultrasound for tomorrow Monday at 630pm.. so I am really excited to see baby and make sure he is okay and everything is good since I havent had an appt or seen him in over 9 weeks. Hubby has been taking my blood pressure regularly and has been listening to the heartbeat with his stethoscope.

We are still working on the nursery.. Just really have some last minute things to do in there.. really just finding some stuff to put on the walls and changing a light fixture. I have been washing ALL of the cloth diapers too.. Got about 50% of them done, going to finish the rest this week and start getting my hospital bag ready and go get the carseat installed!

Question: What are you bring to the hospital for the baby?? Are you going to dress them in clothes everyday or just leave swaddled in a blanket?

China- Ivy is adorable!! Omg love her porcelain skin :-)

Katamari-You are all bump! SO cute you are almost there!! Hope your baby party goes good!

Buttons- Your'e almost there!! Hopefully not much longer for you :-)

Haven- Omg totally feel you on the eating front. Some days I can eat a normal meal and others I can only eat 2 bites before i want to vomit because Im full, but yet Im still starving. Super annoying!

missrachel- thanks for the tip! I started making hubby do my BP a few weeks ago to be safe to check for pre-e. hopefully i get the full work up on thursday at my appt! :-)

Jgator- glad you're okay! Im always so paranoid and checking to make sure there is no blood.

Hope everyone else is having a good pregnancy!
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I've been on PS, actually since just before my wedding in Jan. 2010. I introduced myself a week or two ago in a separate post on this forum, and I guess this is the next stop! I'm currently almost 19 weeks pregnant, and really missed this fantastic group of women. It's been so neat to read through the last few pages of this thread and see many of you that I communicated with so much in the wedding forums! :)) (Haven and Katamari, I remember you vividly! :wavey: )

I don't know what or how much of my backstory to put in here, so if you have questions, just let me know! It's funny, I'm having to re-train my brain to think what the various lingo and acronyms mean as I read through here. But as for me ;)) , so far I've basically had a confirmation appointment at my general doctor (gave them $ to do a urine test I could have done at home), took a while to choose a practice and hospital that I wanted to use (did some tours and consultations), chose a local practice run by midwives (with a few overseeing OBs in case needed) that delivers at a local hospital, had my first prenatal appointment at 12 weeks with the 12-week ultrasound the day after (nothing quite compares to hearing that heartbeat and seeing that baby for real existing on that screen, haha), and had a 16-week checkup. 20-week appointment and ultrasound are scheduled for next week. It still isn't sinking in completely, but it does help to hear the heartbeat at those appointments, and have someone confirm that there is actually something in there! :cheeky: And starting to show certainly helps out a bit too.

Oh, I guess I could throw in a few symptoms... I had a good bit of nausea in the first trimester - never actually got sick, but my appetite was completely all over the place and changed so dramatically from what it was before, which made eating such a chore. It's still not really the same, but things have gotten significantly better in terms of what I can stomach. Now the symptoms are more in the realm of moderate to severe sacral pain (was in my hips for about a week, but now it's all concentrated in that sacral area, and I kind of have this unknown line during the day where if I'm on my feet for too long, the pain is significantly worse. Beyond that, I just feel like I still need so much sleep, which I know is probably affected by the constant flipping between left and right sides during the night to relieve the back pain and pressure on the hips/upper legs. I have a hard time fathoming why I would have so much pain when I'm not "big" by any means, but I have to remind myself about the shift in posture and center of gravity that's already happening, and how much has changed inside even though it may not be so evident on the outside yet. Even though that should be obvious based on how much less I'm already able to eat at one time now. I'm thinking that I'm starting to notice a little feeling of movement, but I'm still not positive if it's that or stuff gurgling around in there as usual, since they feel so similar. Oh, and apparently, based on what the midwife told me at my 16-week appointment, my uterus was measuring about 4 weeks ahead (we knew my ovulation date)... hmm.

It's been neat to read through here so far and see the different points everyone is at on their journeys. I look forward to talking with all of you! :wavey:
LTS, welcome. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope your appointment and ultrasound go well this week. I really do think that ultrasound made it a lot more real for both DH and me.

Question for those of you with BH. Now that my doctor mentioned I had one during my appointment on Friday, I've been hyper aware of trying to figure out when I'm actually having one versus the baby moving. Once in awhile I can feel the baby sticking out really far on my right side. I really thought it was just him pushing off and sticking way out, but now I think they might actually have been BH all along. I do think my belly has been hardening more often than it used to over the past couple of days, so maybe I'm just starting to get them or be more aware of them. I'm just hoping that they are harmless and nothing I need to be concerned about at this point. I'm really hoping to keep this baby baking away until my due date because I'd like to have my 12 weeks of maternity leave run through the holidays and end of the year. But at least now that I'm 36 weeks, the baby should be pretty healthy even if he comes a little earlier. Anyone know what a normal frequency or when you need to be concerned about having them too frequently? Thanks.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Dani, are you still hanging in there?

Buttons, you've been a little quiet.... Any news?
Hi ladies!

Drive by posting from me just to say no news yet but as I'm only 40 weeks today that's not really surprising. I'm doing well, not too uncomfortable, just hanging out and enjoying this last little while - as my acupuncturist told me last week, I never get to be pregnant with this baby ever again :bigsmile:

Heading out the door here now to a celebratory 40 weeks dinner with DH :lickout:

Hope you are all keeping well, I will post properly tomorrow :wavey:
MP, I had BH for my entire third trimester. They were daily and I pretty consistently had several an hour. DS was only 10 days *early* but I have no idea if that had anything to do with it. My labor was really quick and I often wonder if the BH contrax prepped me. I was 5cm dilated before I even had a painful contraction! :appl:

Anywho, they were a very obvious tightening in my abdomen. It just didn't hurt. They were more distracting and annoying than anything.

I can't believe you're already 36 weeks. I'm so excited for you!
24 weeks pregnant. Just started a baby registry in earnest. Wondering what the hell I got myself into with this whole having kids thing.
Welcome LTS!

Woohoo, Buttons! Congrats on making it to 40 weeks! Enjoy your dinner!

BB, I'm glad you found someone to see you finally. That's really annoying that everyone keeps turning you away.

MP, I've been noticing my BH more frequently as well. I think the way I can tell is that when I'm having one, my uterus is rock hard and can't be pushed. As in, it doesn't move when I poke it. Puppmom, I hope that comes true (lots of BH = painless first half!)! Haha!

I'm so irritated with my work right now. I was supposed to have a meeting with our admin/"HR" person today. My company doesn't really have an HR, so she's the closest thing. She never showed up! I tried calling her and IM-ing, nothing. THANKS, LADY. I mean, I'm not a ticking time bomb yet, but I think you have to apply for STD at least a couple of weeks in advance, which is coming up! I rescheduled for tomorrow, we'll see if she accepts... :rolleyes: :nono: They also haven't even hired the person who will be my back up. They're really on top of things here.

Other than that, my feet are swollen most of the time now, my belly skin hurts from being stretched to the max, and I'm generally tired and cranky. LOL. My last shower was yesterday, so now we're ready to make our lists of stuff we still need and go shopping! The biggest thing is my pump. We haven't decided if we'll get a glider for the room yet, it's really hard justifying the price! The one we like from Target is $450. The BRU gliders are functional, but to me they look like baby furniture, and I'd like something that can go in our living room after baby grows a bit. Decisions, decisions!

Hope everyone is still doing well out there!
SunnyD, I'm with you on the glider thing! We headed out to both BRU and a local, highly-regarded independent shop to check out, well, pretty much everything yesterday, but we were trying to focus on the big ticket items of crib/dresser/glider mostly. To tell the truth, I'm having problems as well! You're so right, the first question to answer (which we have yet to do ourselves :rolleyes: ) is whether to go the "best of the inexpensive/it's only for a few years" versus "upgrade to something great/it'll likely be in your home for a long, long time". When I moved between cities and continents so frequently in my 20s I learned that furniture is only worth 10 cents on the dollar when it's time to sell to I notice I tend to not put much value on small pieces; but I also learned that other, workmanship-driven items are totally worth the premium (couture, cars, jewelry), realize that I DID pair up with a guy who has always lived in one area and hates to get rid of even old/shabby furniture and I get thrown off... I go in to baby furniture shops thinking to try and buy low, but when the cheapie one makes clicking/catching/wobbly motions and the Dutailier is a soft, silent, gliding machine, it's hard to not get caught up.

Anyhow, we were also very impressed with the upholstered gliders made by Little Castle. The independent shop had both the ready-set-go ones (that are also available at Big Box stores like Target and JCPenney, I think?), but also had additional custom-made ones that take 6-8 weeks and were a-ma-zing. Custom was only about 20% pricier. The latter *definitely* could later be incorporated into formal/adult rooms... ahh, decisions decisions! Which way are you two leaning now?
Buttons|1347900352|3269661 said:
Hi ladies!

Drive by posting from me just to say no news yet but as I'm only 40 weeks today that's not really surprising. I'm doing well, not too uncomfortable, just hanging out and enjoying this last little while - as my acupuncturist told me last week, I never get to be pregnant with this baby ever again :bigsmile:

Heading out the door here now to a celebratory 40 weeks dinner with DH :lickout:

Hope you are all keeping well, I will post properly tomorrow :wavey:

Popping in to wish you good luck, Buttons, in case I don't get a chance to check back before you have your baby! So excited for you...see you on the other side! :wavey:
Hello all :wavey:

Monnie thank you so much for the well wishes, you are a sweetie!

sunnyd thanks for the congrats, the dinner was yummy :lickout: I'm sorry to hear about your work issues, that sounds very unprofessional of your HR person to just go AWOL like that :nono: I hope you get stuff sorted out soon. Also sorry on the general discomforts! For the belly, if you take some sweet almond oil or similar and lie down and just rub it into the belly with your fingertips using upward strokes (almost like scratching but don't use your nails!), it is so soothing for that horrible tight stretched feeling. My yoga teacher gave me that tip and I was amazed how good it felt!

fleur de lis congrats on 24 weeks, woohoo!!!

monkeyprincess I've had BH since really early on. Sometimes I don't even notice them - there's been a couple of times DH has touched my belly and pointed out that it's rock hard and I hadn't noticed! Other times it feels tight when it goes all hard. I think I notice them more when I'm standing up than if I'm sitting or lying down. At a guess I'd say I've been getting one an hour for a good few months now? I'm sure everything is just fine with baby boy and he will keep on baking as long as he needs to!

luvthemstrawberries congratulations and welcome! I remember you from the BWW boards, I got married a couple of months after you. You will love the 20 week ultrasound, the baby is so big by then you can really make out all the details, but it's not too big to fit on the screen! At 19 weeks I'd say you are definitely feeling some movement, yay! And re measuring ahead, my midwives always say 3 weeks either side (so +/- 3 cm) is completely normal - so I'm sure everything is absolutely perfect in there.

blondebunny sorry to hear about your doctor woes! I hope you have some luck with the clinic you have the appointment for. Re what to bring to the hospital, I just had this conversation with an American friend of mine. Where I am you have to bring everything for the baby, as in right down to bringing your own cotton wool to wipe baby's bottom. So if I were to put my hospital list on here you'd freak out ;)) I'm sure some of the other ladies will chime in with some good advice, or you could ask on the newborn babes thread if you wanted to see what they think over there.

missrachel that urine collection debacle sounds like a right annoyance!!! Keeping everything crossed all continues to go well for you with the BP etc. Glad to hear your interview went great and hope you get good news real soon! I wear daily disposable contact lenses and when I buy a 90 day supply I'm always given enough for both eyes (i.e. 180 lenses) - that doesn't sound right that they would sell you a "90 day supply" that only covers one eye, I would complain!

mlk yippee for a good scan!!! :appl:

JGator sorry to hear about your scare but so glad it was all OK in the end. That must be stressful not knowing what was going on but thank goodness all is well. You are a better woman than me to have your in-laws in your house for 10 days - I think I would crack up! :bigsmile:

Haven you are looking smokin' woman! I love that red jumper :love: :love: :love: I have no idea what I am going to wear after the baby gets here. The weather is turning here but all my maternity clothes are Summer things, and I have no idea if my pre-preggo stuff will fit or not. I guess I'll find out soon enough!


AFM 40+1 today, no movement of any description but that's fine :bigsmile: Our celebratory dinner last night was yummy and it was so nice to mark the day :lickout: There was a really young couple sitting at the next table over from us and I think we were freaking them out with all our baby talk! Got home and DH rubbed my feet and kept asking is there anything he can do to up the 'loved up' feelings - our labour prep classes really stressed how oxytocin is the love hormone and the only way to get labour started is to have Mum feeling all 'loved up' and he obviously listened really well ;)) He is so cute :bigsmile: I had such a good night's sleep then last night so I am in fabulous form today.

Hospital appointment tomorrow and I have the option of an internal and a sweep if I want them but I think I'll probably decline unless the midwives really want to do the internal for their records. At the last appointment they said providing baby is happy and healthy it is completely up to me so we'll see.

Hope everyone else is doing well, take care ladies :wavey:
Buttons, congrats on reaching the magic 40 weeks. Glad to hear you are feeling good and enjoying your last few days of pregnancy. You are SO patient! I hope you don't have too much longer to go!

Sunnyd, hang in there! I hope you are able to touch base with your HR person today. If she blows you off again, is there a supervisor or someone else you can talk to. Very unprofessional. I'm feeling sore and cranky these days too. Actually during the day at work, I feel fine and relatively energetic, but when I get home, I start to get more emotional, exhausted and uncomfortable because I just dread the night, knowing I'll be uncomfortable and have acid reflux, etc. I know what you mean about gliders. We ended up just going with a very nursery-like glider from BRU - white frame with beige cushions. I think it was around $300, but we got 20% off, so it wasn't that much of an investment. We plan to use it for this baby and any future babies, and then we'll probably give it away or get rid of it.

FDL, congrats on 24 weeks. I remember thinking that felt like a milestone to get to 6 months. Ah, I had that thought too when we first started making baby purchases. There is an endless amount of things that babies supposedly need. It is just crazy! I'm pretty sure we could all get by with far less, but it is so hard to know when you are a first-timer and you see everyone else buying all of this stuff.

Hello everyone else!

AFM, thanks for the input on BH everyone. Now that I've identified what they are, I think I'm getting them fairly consistently, which is making me feel on edge. I think I'm getting at least a few every hour, although they are mainly pretty minor and quick. But in the evening, the tend to get more forceful and frequent. So last night, I finally forced myself to wash a few loads of baby clothes, towels and blankets, and starting putting together things for my hospital bag. I guess it is about time considering I'll technically be full-term on Friday. Hopefully, I'm just overreacting, and I still have a few weeks to go!
Fly by post since I have to go continue painting the nursery room but I wanted to chime in about PAYING FOR THE CHAIR for the nursery.
I'll come back at some point and go back though all the posts and comment to everyone I can-but in the mean time-here is my take on the nursery chair.

I don't like gliders. I used to love them as a kid-but as an adult-not so much. They are expensive (even used on kijiji or craigslist) and uncomfortable. They don't recline-and they are usually wooden with not very good padding and are very expensive for what they are.

When going though the baby thread I saw that Skippy talked about The Best Chair company-which is a USA based chair company out of Indiana. Being in Canada I wasn't sure if I could get access to these chairs-let alone affordable for what it is.

I found 2 places near me that carried them. The first was OUTRAGEOUS in price. But we went there more so to look-the smallest petite chair (rocker recliner-they also come in glider recliners) was 750.00 :shock: and it was pretty comfy but my DH couldn't fit into it. The next size up was 899.00 and it fit him and I loved it but 900.00+ for a chair is just way to much for me.

I then went to our local store (Mennonite furniture and run by a local older couple-low over head-not as close to the city-great people) and was SHOCKED at the price difference at the store. The petite chair was 349.00 at this store-the SAME freaking chair. The larger chair that I'd liked better (it fully reclines-180 degree's and the leg rest doesn't have a gap inbetween it-has arm covers-wonderful soft material-and is like laying on a cloud) was 549.00 + HST (which is 13% up here-so painful).

Anyways-I bought everything for the baby SO FAR off of kijiji so everything has been gently used. This was a big deal to us to spend this kind of money on a chair. BUT I'm going to be spending a TON of time in it. I'm going to nurse in this chair-nap in this chair-read to my child in this chair-for years to come. Then-when it doesn't need to be in that room anymore-it can be moved to the family room/livingroom and I can knit in this chair.

So I guess what I'm saying is DON'T limit yourself to a glider. We got the upper chair in the right corner in a darker green fabric. It's not the most *beautiful* chair but I tell you the back support is divine. I'm going to sleep in this chair all the time. We just put a deposit on it on Sunday-since we're not ready to have it yet (the room isn't even finished-no place to put it) and we'll pay the balance and get it on the 28th. I have been looking at this chair since July-so it wasn't an easy decision to come to for me (I knew I wanted it but the $ wasn't easy to part with).

So Mommies to be-do yourself a favor and don't waste 200+$ on a glider that you aren't happy with. Don't get the first one you see at Target or Sears (unless you know 100% that's what you want) and find some place that sells THE BEST CHAIR and then shop around until you find a good price. They are ~25% more up here due to shipping/etc so you should be able to find the same chair I got for slightly over 400.00. Same price as some high end gliders and you get a fully reclining rocking chair.

Wow-this was longer than I intended.

Keep baking those babies ladies-and Buttons I hope you go soon! I'm 37w 2d but on Friday the midwife told me I was measuring 35w (so small but that isn't a bad thing nor does it mean I'll go late...we shall see).

Off to paint...
Hi Ladies!!

How is everyone doing? Sorry its been awhile since I've checked in, things have been BUSY. I'm trying to get the nursery together, and we had my shower last week so I got a lot of things that I needed to sort through, etc. It was a very nice day that went super fast. I got a number of things off my registry, but then a TON of things that people just bought randomly. So, DH and I brought it all back to BRU this weekend and got a store credit. Hopefully we'll be able to use the credit to complete most of my registry, that would be nice.

Still having alot of BH's, but my cervix is closed, thank goodness. Its just an uncomfortable tightening for about 20-30 secs, and they seem to come in the evening after I've been on my feet all day. I am super uncomfortable though in general, and have definitely gotten to the point that its hard to move, walk, etc. I have a bad back and should have been seeing a chiropractor and/or acupuncturist during this pregnancy.... if there is a next time I will remember that! I think all the weight pulling me forward is doing a major job on my back and its been tough. Oh well, what can I do?

37 weeks on Saturday!!! Only a few more weeks to go! I've decided that I'm going to go with a scheduled c/s on 10/11 because of bladder/pelvic floor issues that I've been dealing with for the past few years. I'm nervous about having an elective major surgery, but the docs seem to feel this will be the best decision for me so that I can avoid any trauma to my pelvic floor. Its weird to have a date set though!! We are so excited to meet our baby, but it will be bittersweet. I'm sure a piece of me will miss being pregnant and miss my life the way it is right now, but a new chapter will begin and Im sure it will be even more wonderful! I just hope I make it to that day, I just want everything to go as scheduled and smoothly! No surprises- LOL!!!

Hope all the rest of you are doing well. MP, how you holding up??
Dani, that's so exciting! 10/11/12, the perfect date! We had the same issue with random shower gifts, that's great that you got store credit to fill in the holes. I'm learning that Target has a pretty crappy return policy, so it's been "fun" trying to sort through things to return and find gift receipts (if we got any!), as that's where most of the random stuff came from. Oy!

MP, turns out it was a system error and that's why HR didn't know about our meeting! Urg. I got my forms and we're good to go now. I think I get 11 weeks of STD, or up to that much after my vacation/sick time is used up. I thought it was only 4-6 weeks, so that's a bonus! With the chair, I think we might go the same route as you. The room is smallish, so we can't have a big honkin' recliner in there anyway, nice as that would be, VL! :)

Buttons, thanks for the tip! I'll have to try that!

FDL, I don't know which way we'll go! We threw this chair on our registry for fun, because it matches the colors of both nursery and our family room: BUT, it doesn't recline or have an ottoman. So many things to think about!