
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Holy moly this thread moves fast!!!

Buttons, I think I do remember you! Congrats on the 40-week mark! It sounds like you have a great husband there to take care of you! And thanks for the peace of mind on the measuring ahead. :)) I was a big baby (9lb 6oz) and my brother was too (9lb 8 oz), so I'm slightly wary of when the midwife starts talking "large uterus", etc. haha!

Sunnyd I think I remember your name too!

* * * * *

Question to continue on with the BH topic... how early did you guys have them? I'm only 19 weeks and have noticed 2-3 this week - I didn't think that's what it was until I looked it up, but it's the basic tightening/hardening of the belly, and it just goes away after a few minutes on its own. I think I read that it can happen this early, but just curious if anyone else experienced it.

I've been trying to take weekly pictures, which fall on Tuesdays, so I try get that done before I leave for work. I was processing some of them tonight and realized how much things have changed, so just thought I'd share. I wore a black shirt today which didn't show up well, so I'm using my 18 week photo from last week - shows the difference 7 weeks makes. :)) It's amazing to me to see the change - I was definitely not at my ideal fitness level when I got pregnant, but I feel so much more fit in that top picture, haha - even my posture has changed in the bottom one. Let's see if I attach it right...

Strawberries: Great to see you here! :wavey: :wavey: Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are at such an exciting time, and I hope you get great news at the "big" scan coming up. You have such a cute little bump. I was also not where I hoped I would be pre-pregnancy, but boy do I appreciate that pre-pregnancy body now.

Sunnyd: Glad to hear that things got sorted out at work--and it is especially great that you get nearly twice as much leave as you thought you would get. I'm surprised that Target has a poor return policy given how much effort they put into running registries. Good luck getting it all sorted out.

Dani: Glad to hear that your shower went well. How crazy that people went to the store that you registered at but didn't get you what you registered for--that seems pretty silly. Also, I bet it does feel pretty strange to have a scheduled C. You actually know the birthdate of your LO! I am confident that your doctors wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't truly the best option for you, and I wish you luck. Less than a month to go!!

Vintage: I hope the painting went well and if finished. Glad to hear you love your nursery furniture and have gotten it all at a steal!

MP: In our baby class, they told us the only contractions you have to worry about are the ones you can't talk through or the ones that are consistently patterned. As much as it sucks to have intense BH all the time, hopefully that is all they are until your little boy is done baking.

Buttons: HOLY MOLY! CONGRATS ON 40 WEEKS!! :appl: :appl: :appl: You have a great attitude for being over. Did you have to get the sweep? My doc will automatically do one at your first 40+ appointment, so I am jealous you get to make the decision. Your DH sounds so awesome! I hope you are feeling fully 'loved up' and am glad to hear you enjoyed your 40-week dinner (an idea I am totally stealing, btw).

Fleur-de-lis: I think it is totally normal to have the "what the hell did we get ourselves into" feelings. Heck, that might even be my normative state these days. I dealt with it by not buying anything. I am pretty sure that we didn't start seriously preparing for this baby until 36-37 weeks and I needed it to be that way for my sanity.

Blondebunny: I am so happy to hear that you found a care provider, even though it is less than your ideal situation. Hopefully you can at least meet the team of doctors who might deliver you. You should have plenty appointments left to get in with a good number of them. It isn't the same as having one dedicated doctor, but you can at least feel like you trust them. And, I am sure that DH will be a great medical advocate for you both during the delivery. How did your 3D/4D go? Feel free to come back and post pics :-) We just got LO's hospital clothes ready. We are taking one newborn outfit and one 0-3 mo. outfit. Our hospital provides onesies, swaddling sacks, mittens, and hats so we are just going to have it wear that until it is time to go home.

RachelK: Glad to hear that your lab went well. It does sounds like the 24-hour collection was a pain, especially having to deal with it at work and overnight. As if getting up every 1-2 hours to pee wasn't annoying enough--needing the wherewithal to collect urine is just too much to ask. Also, I don't wear contacts, but I order my glasses from and find their glasses selection and prices to both be incredible (and there is always a ton of coupons available to make it even more affordable). I highly recommend checking them out (or perhaps not, since DH still thinks I am ridiculous because I bought 8 pair of glasses through there last year alone). I hope that you hear great news from your interview soon! I hope that you find something more promising (and hear the news quickly)! And, I think the fact that you were runner up last year is great news! Unis also seem to have good policies in place for dealing with leaves.

MLK: Glad to hear that the scan went great! Also good job resisting the money shot.

I am glad to hear you have the option of an online class. That should work fine and hopefully you will have time to prepare it before you have to go on leave. I have spent most of the summer preparing the courses I have to teach when I return. I also have an odd schedule to avoid a salary cut, since our leave is technically for a number of courses/contact hours and not counted in weeks or months. I can't believe you are doing an overload now. Hopefully you are getting that 2nd tri energy boost. You look great, too! What an awesome bump!

JGator: I am very sorry to hear that you had a bleeding scare and I certainly hope everything is okay. I would say that if you didn't have more bleeding after your cervical check, it probably was just a glitch and will be fine. Have a fantastic visit with your Mom and your BF. Keeping yourself busy will be stressful, but it will also make time fly.

As for BH: I am not sure when I started having them. It was definitely 2nd tri though. I have been having a heck of a lot of them lately. It makes it all just a little too real for me.

As for furniture: We got a Dutailier glider off of CL and then had it reupholstered to match the colors we wanted in the baby's room. It does recline, has an ottoman, and is, in my opinion, fantastic. Our baby room just isn't big enough for a recliner and the super cushion-y chairs aren't are design style either so we went with a glider knowing it would be temporary. That is one of the main reasons we looked to CL to get it. I think we paid $150.

Let's see, what else is going on. . .I have had high BP at my last three appointments. They tested my urine and gave me a NST on Friday. No protein, fetal heart rate was normal (though it started high). I couldn't get my BP down, though. Based on my BP on Thursday, my doctor said we may have to have a talk about induction, but hopefully that won't be the case. I am still, for some reason, convinced that I will go over 41 weeks so it is insane for me to think that LO may actually be here near my due date.

We also had our baby party/shower on Saturday. It was fantastic! Since DH and I are both from different states, far away from where we are now our hosts had a Google Hangout with each of our families and some of our friends across the states (who more popped in). We had 6 different states present at our shower, via and Hangout, and about 20 people in the "real" location. It was a trip. And, we got so much stuff for the LO. Seriously, our whole registry was purchased except for two big things and our bottles. And, we only have to exchange one thing which was easy and is already taken care of (Hooray Amazon!). Of course, now our spare room looks like a BRU threw up in it. It still seems weird to me to unpack it, just in case something goes awry. I hope one of these days the reality of this baby sets in for me, but I don't anticipate it pre-delivery (which, at 38w5d could be any moment now. . .)

Hang in there, baking mamas! Hope everyone is having a great week.

Oh, last thing. It made me so happy to hear that everyone else has completely given up with clothes and whatnot when not in public. I suppose it is a slippery slope into mom jeans, but I will proudly wear my shorts and ratty tees until D-Day. :tongue:
katamari I didn't bother with the sweep (I'll put my reasons below) - if you don't want one at your 40 week appointment you don't have to have one you know! The doctor can't strap you down and do it without your consent ;)) My DH is pretty awesome all right, well I think so anyway :bigsmile: Definitely do the due date dinner if you are feeling good on the day, it was such a nice way to mark the date, we really enjoyed it! Your shower sounds like it was fantastic! I am right there with you on the 'it not feeling real' thing... I figure it's going to get very real in the next week or so eh? :cheeky: Hope your BP stabilises for you in the next few weeks, that sounds like no fun at all. Take care!

luvthemstrawberries weight estimates are notoriously inaccurate, don't let those kinds of comments mess with your head! I was almost 8lbs (my mother is 5'1") and DH was 10lbs (his mother is about 5'4") - our baby has been measuring bang on average all along but I am fully expecting it to be on the bigger side! :cheeky: I think I felt my first BH around 16 weeks? I remember getting an email from Babycenter that said 'you may start to feel BH this week' and sure enough, I did! You look great in your bump pic, love the top you are wearing, you look very glam!

sunnyd yay for getting the maternity leave situation cleared up with HR! Sounds like it's all working out :appl:

Dani very exciting that you know your baby's birthday already, woohoo! :appl: I can understand being nervous about the surgery but it really does sound like it's the best option - you don't want to inflict any unnecessary trauma on your pelvic floor if there is any question mark there at all! Now you've just got to keep baking for another little while... will keep everything crossed for you that all goes well for these last few weeks :bigsmile:

Vintagelover thanks for the shout-out, I hope so too!

monkeyprincess ha ha, yep I'm a pretty patient person in general, you'd have to light a bomb under me to get me up and moving sometimes ;)) I wouldn't worry too much about the BH, so long as they are not causing any cervical changes I think of them as just a really good sign that your body is practising what it needs to do and not anything to be worried about... and like you say, you are almost full term so it's not the end of the world if stuff kicks off sooner rather than later... hang in there!


AFM had my midwives' appointment this morning and came under rather a lot of pressure to have an internal and a sweep. The clinical nurse manager midwife was there and she has a bit of a patronising manner that irritates me so it was a bit of a stressful appointment. Wasn't made any easier by the fact that there was a lady labouring across the hall and she was whimpering and our midwife kept commenting on how 'distressed' this other patient was. She didn't sound distressed to me, in pain for sure, but it sounded like she was coping really well! The midwife was annoying me how she was going on and on about this other lady being 'so distressed' :rolleyes:

Anyway midwife described a sweep as being 'some agitation of the cervix' and how it 'gets labour going' and 'only takes 20 seconds'. I told her I had heard that it's really only effective if you are ready to go by yourself within the next 48 hours or so, that it only speeds things up by maybe 24 hours, and seeing as how I am only 40+2 I didn't think there was any rush (specially as I have another appointment at 40+11, and they don't induce until 40+14), and I asked what she thought. To that she said it was my decision, 'but it only takes 20 seconds'. Yeah, um, not really answering my question there lady! :wink2: And also she actually never explained that a sweep involves using a finger to separate the membranes from the cervix... I have a bit of a radar for consent issues around medical treatment (work-related reasons) so that rubbed me up the wrong way but I kept my mouth shut on that one :cheeky:

In good news though baby is apparently in the ideal position and they were saying I was so good and I must have done loads of exercises to get him/her into position and I was like 'huh?' I'll take the praise anyway :cheeky: Baby's heartbeat was super strong and they said s/he is very happy and healthy in there. All my checks and tests were also clear so I am in good knick too which is great ::)

I was a bit agitated and stressed in the car on the way home so DH said we'd stop and go for a nice coffee and have a good chat and calm down a bit. He also found that midwife a bit overbearing, so it wasn't just me thank God! We had a good old chat over the cuppa and then I booked a reflexology appointment for tomorrow (midwife recommended it) and the reflexologist was lovely on the phone and said she'll do some induction points for me and sure even if it doesn't do anything it'll be lovely and relaxing 8) DH also said I should book myself in for all sorts of indulgences like getting my hair done, or a pedicure - working on the logic that the more things I have planned the more likely it is I'll go into labour and not be able to go to the appointments!!

Anyway to be fair we still said that if we got that midwife looking after us in labour she has such a Mammy way about her she'd probably be lovely and really sweet... she wasn't evil or anything, and she was just going over the hospital policies which after all is her job, plus she was probably being extra careful to explain everything in baby language as she had a student midwife with her and she was probably trying to demonstrate a 'model' appointment.

So anyway... went for a little walk this afternoon and going to start going up and down the stairs sideways for the foreseeable (another thing the midwife recommended, it opens up the pelvis apparently!) and will be bouncing on my yoga ball as much as possible :bigsmile:

Take care ladies, keep baking! :wavey:
Dani it must feel weird to know your LO's birthday but 10/11/12 is a nice number. I'm a sucker for dates like that. I wanted to get married on 9/10/11 but got married on the hottest day of July last year instead. Wish I could have stuck with 9/10/11. Please post pic of the nursery when you're done.

Welcome Strawberries :wavey:

Buttons You are so patient but I hope you'll get to meet your baby soon.

Hope everyone is doing well!

AFM -- 24 wks 4 days

Went for an US on Monday for growth scan and to check the baby's thyroid. Everything looks good and baby is healthy. Baby boy covers his face with his hands most of the time but we saw him sucking his thumb. It was so adorable. Blood test came back and my thyroid level is stable. At least the med is working.

We also got a glider and ottoman over the weekend for a steal. I got it off craigslist for $45 for both the glider and ottoman. The brand is Shermag. I went in BRU and saw an exact same one for $200. The only different is the one I got has a light wood color and the one in BRU has a darker wood tone. I need something small as we're still trying to buy a house right now. I'm thinking of reupholster the cushions myself.

I put in an offer on a short sale 2 weeks ago. The seller accepted our offer but we're waiting on the bank's approval. However the seller has 3 mortgages and I don't know how harder that makes. We're lucky if we get the house before the baby is here.
Bibi, congrats on a good ultrasound! Our glider is Shermag as well (but with a white frame). It's not the fanciest or most expensive one out there, but I think it is very comfortable and has a smooth glide and will serve our purposes just fine. The only thing I'd change is that the ottoman is a little low compared to the chair. DH is going to make some sort of a platform for it if it becomes a problem. Good luck with the house!

Buttons, good for you for standing your ground. And that's great that your baby is doing so well and in the perfect position! Just curious (if you know) are there any risks associated with sweeping the membranes? Or is it just your personal preference not to have it done? In case I get to that point, I want to make sure I have the correct information and don't want unnecessary risks, etc. Although if I get to 40 weeks, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to be as patient as you! I hope your walking and bouncing gets things moving! (I'm doing the opposite and have officially stopped walking on the treadmill as of this week because I don't want to give my body any ideas!)

Katamari, sounds like you are all set after your shower. That's great! Sorry to hear about your BP issues. Hopefully you can try to take it a bit easy and avoid an induction, but if not, it's not the end of the world. I'm super jealous you get to work in casual clothes. I feel like I'm wearing the same things over and over again at work, and they certainly don't look as cute as they did a month or two ago. I must look uncomfortably big because I'm getting a lot of "when are you due?" questions this week.

Strawberries, I was completely oblivious to BH contractions until this past week (36 weeks). Now that I know what they are, I think I've been getting them for the past couple of months though sporadically. I agree with the others that from what I read, it is normal to get occasional BH at your stage. Looking good. You still look great, but I can see a difference between the pics. Just wait because it really starts to get crazy from here on out!

Sunnyd, that's great you get 11 weeks! I feel sorry for the mamas who only get 6 or 8 weeks. I don't even feel like my 12 weeks will be enough! Our nursery is not all that big either, so a big plush recliner was out of the question. The chair you posted is cute, although I do think a reclining function and ottoman would be nice.

Dani, good to see you post! Glad to hear you are hanging in there still. Sorry to hear you have to go the c-section route, but it sounds like it is going to be better for you. DH and I have said all along that a 10.11.12 birthday would be cool. Ugh, I'm dealing with the crazy BH contractions too. Not fun, and they just make me super edgy!

Vintage, glad you found a glider you like. Update us on how you're doing when you get a chance! I wouldn't worry about the baby measuring a little small because you're still within the normal range.

AFM, nothing too exciting. The BHs continue, but I have an appointment on Friday, so hopefully she can assure me that all is well and that what I'm experiencing is normal. I just feel like my belly is rock hard a lot of the time now. Or maybe I'm just a weirdo and somehow causing them to happen because I didn't even know I was having any until Friday, and now I get them all the time. :?
Hi all! :wavey:

MP, isn't it ironic that now you realize you've been having BH's for awhile now? When I first started noticing them around 32 weeks, I let my doc know, and he had me go into the hospital since it was late evening and he wanted to check me out. I was having about 10 an hour, which I thought was a lot, but my cervix stayed closed and they were very mild BH's. I pretty much have them every evening..which is annoying, but the key is that they are not painful, so I figure as long as they stay the same pain-level wise, they aren't going to do anything. So, that's what you should try to keep in mind too. BH's are normal, especially in the third trimester, they are not true labor contractions at all. My doc said that most women have them and most don't even notice them (like you!), but because of my bladder/pelvic muscle issues, he thinks Im just more sensitive than the "average" woman, lol. I think that's true, because the only real uncomfortable-ness that I feel when I get one is a very strong urge to urinate and pain in my bladder area. It kind of sucks, but we only have a few more weeks, so hang in there!!! :))
Dani, good to know. I called my doctor's office because I was getting a bit concerned and just wanted to make sure I shouldn't be monitored. They are having me time them, and I'm supposed to call if they are 5 minutes apart and painful. Well, I'm pretty sure they are coming in intervals of about 5 minutes, but they aren't painful. Just icky and uncomfortable feeling. I'll probably not stay at work as late as I usually do and go home and rest and keep timing. I just wish my uterus would calm the heck down!
MP, I totally understand what you mean about them feeling icky. Go home early, lie down on your left side, and drink a few glasses of water. Hopefully they will calm down. Keep us posted!
MP, sorry to hear about the BH. I don't think I have any or haven't noticed them yet. Hope you are feeling better.

Dani, congrats on having a date - 10/11/12 is cool! My mom had bladder surgery a few years ago and her doctor told her his daughters would have planned c-sections as he knows too much about the effects/stress of L&D on bladders. I haven't forgotten that, and it's been over 10 years.

Bibi, glad your thyroid is under control. I have a mild case of hypo and at my last appt I got the all clear to wait until 10 weeks after the baby is born for my next endo visit. Good luck to you! Congrats on the glider steal. And, good luck on the short sale also!

Buttons, glad to hear your baby is in a good position for delivery. Hopefully, you won't get that midwife or she will turn out fine when you are in labour.

Katamari, great news on your shower. The Google hang out sounds like a great idea. Sorry to hear about your high BP.

Strawberries, welcome! You look great!

SunnyD, congrats on 11 weeks of STD. I think I only get 6 paid for a regular delivery and 8 for a c-section, but I am planning to take the full 12 weeks of FMLA - 1/2 will not be paid though.

Vintage, sounds like you found a really nice chair. We also bought an upholstered recliner/glider (Best Chair) that we can use later in a different room in the house and I do plan on sleeping in it - probably pretty soon.

AFM, I had another 2-week appt today. The doctor told me due to the fact that I am not a spring chicken, I should throw out any birth plan (we didn't have one anyway), and that if I don't go into labor ahead of time, I will definitely be induced on or before my due date. So, the good news is that I know I won't go past November 2nd. I was a little worried about that. I go back again in 2 weeks for an ultrasound and then go on a weekly ultrasound schedule from that point on. I actually didn't gain any weight for the first time this visit, but the doctor didn't seem concerned. Also, my mom arrived today. I ordered the vinyl decals for the nursery yesterday from Etsy - monkeys, a tree, and a giraffe. I'm hoping it arrives in time for my best friend's visit next week so we can put it up together. Oh, and heartburn and acid reflux are killing me. I can't take it...DH is getting tired of me complaining about it because he thinks I want him to fix it, and he doesn't understand I just want sympathy!

Hi, to anyone I missed! :wavey:
Hi All - Lots of updates! It's good to see after some quieter periods.

Everyone seems to be doing pretty well, so that's great. MP try not to worry BH are supposed to be nothing at all to worry about. I'm still not certain I'm having them but the midwife I saw today said my belly looked like a BH when I assumed it was the baby all balled up / her back. Who knows? At any rate if they aren't terribly uncomfortable and getting longer, stronger and closer together they're non progressing and therefore not labor.

Not sure but I think I didn't update after my Monday visit. There my BP was pretty good but still a tad higher than my usual. My labs came back all marginal (protein high but not officially pre-e, and my liver function was low as well as low platelets), and I waited FOREVER for the midwives to consult about my case and decide what to do with me. Decision was to have me monitor BP twice a day and call in if I see anything high for me (140 / 70-80 since I'm usually in the 110-115 / 60 or so range) yesterday checked once, was fine, and this morning checked and was a bit over 140/80 both times I checked. So they had me come in and again, waited forever! I hate afternoon appointments at this practice, anything besides first thing in the morning has always been a super long wait. At least I've never felt rushed so I understand why they get behind schedule.\

SOOO initially my BP was something like 125/60 but the high reading this morning was of concern. So they had me lie on my left side for 15 mins then checked it again while I was lying down and it went way down to like 105/something. So my prescription is continued monitoring, repeated bloodwork and 24 hr urine (OH JOY!) PLUS modified bedrest. I didn't get a ton of info on modified bedrest but basically I'm to lay as low as possible but I asked if I can get my nails done / mentioned a shower I have on Saturday and she said those were no problem, just to lay on the left side as much as possible otherwise.

So no more work at least till Monday but it's kind of a drag to not be able to get busy fixing up the house and cleaning etc. I definitely feel nesting and want to get things tidy and organized. I still don't have everything the way I want from moving into the house in April. I really don't have much energy at all so its probably the best thing for me. I do have some work stuff to do and I'm sure I will hear from work repeatedly tomorrow and Friday.

I went and got my own BP cuff at the drugstore on my way home from my appt and the readings I've had are very widely varying depending on my position etc. I'm trying to read it while lying down like the nurse did but it's kind of hard to manage! I'm also not sure how accurate it is compared to the nurse checking me. Depending on what I see I may go in tomorrow and have the nurse check me, just so we know what's going on.

Whew enough about me! I'm sure I'll be fine, and I'm actually hoping baby girl comes sooner than later. DH and I are planning to go out for his birthday on Tuesday (early since his b-day is 5 days before my due date), so maybe after that??

I find it really interesting how different everyone's providers are with handing their care. I haven't had an US since like 22 weeks when I had my extra heart check and I won't have any more unless something comes up (I assume maybe if I'm over by more than a week but I'm not certain even then). I don't think my practice even talks about induction until 42 weeks. Just interesting.

Jgator jsut curious what the logic is of wanting to deliver your baby early due to your age? If the pregnancy is normal I don't understand what difference your age would make. FWIW I know my personal feelings / preparation are pretty far 'left wing' compared to some so I don't in any way mean to come off judgemental - I'm just curious. I do think anyone looking at induction should learn about the Bishop's score and find out where you are on it when the care provider is talking induction. That score is supposed to be very indicative of how successful the induction will be.

That's me signing off for now.
BLURGH! I just typed out a response to everyone and lost it. I wish I had enough energy for a redo, but I just can't muster it. GRRRRR.

Still chugging along here at 27 wks 1 day. I'm feeling very large all of a sudden, and I'm pretty sure my belly got huge over the last week. I'll take a picture the next time I manage to both brush my hair *and* put on some makeup. It may take a while, but it will happen. :cheeky:

I love hearing everyone's updates. Love seeing all the adorable bumps!

I'm going to go curl up in bed now! :wavey:
MissRachel, my doctor basically said there is a higher risk for still borns, and other complications with older moms. And, that a 20 year old uterus is in better shape to go past a due date than mine is. I don't think she will suggest induction prior to the due date unless one of my weekly ultrasounds shows something though (the weekly ultrasounds are also due to my age). My sister has had 5 kids later in life as well, and she has always been induced early for various reasons except for her first one and that was 2 weeks late - she was in her early 30s with her first and had 5 kids over 8 years.

Haven, Hi! :wavey:
Katamari - haha, I think that's a great way to put it - it definitely makes you appreciate the pre-pregnancy body! That's awesome that your registry was taken care of for your shower/party too! You guys sound like you do things in such a cool way - I remember your wedding celebration and how fun that looked, and it sounds so neat to be able to do an online meetup with friends/family for your shower that can't be there in person. And to even be able to have an online registry on Amazon, that people actually use, haha!

Buttons - thanks for the info on your early BH. And you are very sweet - haha, I am the very opposite of glam! :bigsmile: I have a job where I can wear jeans unless I have an important meeting, so my go-to outfits are jeans and cotton tops in various (mostly solid) colors, like the top pic, or an occasional cotton dress with leggings, like in my bottom pic. I sometimes feel a little bummy if anything, but I'm at least comfortable and put together. I've never been a fan of heels anyway, but I banned them from my life a few years ago, so that is another non-glam element, haha! But I do appreciate the compliment - one bonus of my weekly growth coming on Tuesdays is that I at least have to be up and dressed for work anyway, which at least makes me have on better clothes than the tanks and sweats I'd have on in all my pictures if I'd stuck with my original plan of weekend mornings, hehe. As for your sweep, good for you on not giving in and dealing with their pushing! Glad to hear that everything is checking out well for your health and the baby's health/position! Haha, and you are so right about Murphy's law and booking all those indulgence appointments.

bibiloves - We are house searching as well. It's always interesting to hear when others go for a short sale, as I've looked at a few myself but am also aware of the many hoops to jump through and unknown timing. So keep us updated - I'll be interested to hear how it goes for you!

monkeyprincess - I just read on one of my apps exactly what you said - about how the growth happens even more from here on out, so I'm preparing myself haha!

No update here, just was reading through and wanted to say hi to all! :wavey:
Very interesting jgator! Sounds like you're getting very good care, which is the important thing.

Day 1 of bedrest is going fine, only just starting to get bored and think about doing some work. DH had a meeting and had to go to work 2 hours early so it's a long evening for baby girl and I. We're going to head out to the lab and to get some stuff for dinner in a little while.

I just got an email from the new job asking if we can talk later so fingers crossed everyone!!
JGator- That's interesting what your Mom's doc said.. I have been struggling with Interstitial Cystitis for years, and have been through a lot with it. I've been on every medication under the sun for it, seen several specialists, had surgical procedures over the years, symptoms seem to wax and wane. There was a point a few years ago where I thought I would have to quit my job and go on disability, it was so bad. So, the one thing we want to avoid is any trauma to my bladder or pelvic floor with this delivery. It freaks me out to have a major surgery when in reality I could have a simple natural delivery, but if I could do anything to save myself from future pain, etc., I am willing to do it and I trust my docs.

Hi to everyone else! :wavey:
Rachel, crossing my fingers regarding your potential job. Sorry to hear about your latest BP troubles. Not too much longer to go though and hopefully the bedrest will help. What you are describing sounds like what I was having earlier and didn't realize was BH. I thought it was just the baby curling up in a tight ball and sticking his butt way out :) Yesterday, they got much more intense than that, so now I have no doubt they were BH.

Dani, it does sounds like a c-section is your best option at this point. The wife of my husband's good friend suffered major pelvic floor/bladder issues during her last delivery, and she has had to have surgeries and it sounds pretty miserable. As long as both you and the baby make it through safely, that is all that matters.

Strawberries, yep, the growth does seem to happen quickly. And just when you think you can't get any bigger, you do. Hope you're doing well.

Haven, I remember a growth spurt around that point. Once the baby starts getting taller and spreading out more, it is inevitable. I have no doubt you look wonderful. Definitely post a pic.

JGator, it's good to know your doctor is monitoring your progress carefully. Hopefully the baby will come on her own before you need to be induced! Maybe a Halloween baby :) Have fun with your mom and have fun decorating your nursery! Acid reflux is the worst! You have my sympathies. I hope that everyone is right that it disappears overnight after the baby is born.

AFM, I had BH every 4-5 minutes until about 10 last night, and then they finally subsided when I went to bed. They got pretty intense for awhile where my breathing almost felt restricted, so I was definitely on edge and wondering what would happen. I'm still getting them today, but they are not nearly as intense or regular. The baby was moving like crazy earlier today. I felt sorry for the little guy yesterday because it couldn't have been fun to be squeezed every 5 minutes! I have an appointment tomorrow, so they told me just to take it easy today and stay hydrated. She also mentioned that I could take benadryl if they started to pick up again because that apparently helps? Just hoping yesterday was a fluke because I do not want to be on edge like that for the next 3 weeks wondering if labor is starting.

Take care everyone!
Hi MP!
Ugh, I'm sorry about the BH's. They really suck. I totally understand how you feel. I do think that when they come, try to get off your feet and hydrate yourself. I also agree that something like Benadryl or Unisom helps at night (I usually take Unisom most nights for insomnia) and it does seem to calm the BH's down. I had a drs appt today and my cervix is still closed, thick, and high. I'm convinced that even if I tried to labor naturally I would still end up with a cs! I can't believe all these contractions and my doc said the baby hasn't even dropped! I feel like I'm getting so big all of a sudden, doc says I'm measuring a little larger too! I go for a growth ultrasound on Wednesday, so we'll get an estimated weight on the baby then.

JGator, I forgot to tell you, for the heartburn, take Pepcid AC before breakfast and before dinner. It really helps me with my heartburn/reflux. I also take peppermint Tums in between which helps, but I think the Pepcid really is what's working.
Just a quick post...

So we had our 3d/4d ultrasound on Monday.. My stubborn little boy decided even after I drank OJ and walked around that it was sleepy time and wouldn't move so we could see him.. hA! Go figure the one time we decide to actually pay for an ultrasound he isn't cooperating. So they are letting us come back for a second time for free on the 29. We made it for earlier in the day this next time s hopefully he behaves so we can get some cute pics of him!

Well I finally had a dr appt today... Didn't really have any expectations going in.. But they seemed to keep having a hard time realizing that this wasn't my first visit and I was 31w5d haha.. When she asked my missed period and I told her she was like your 31 weeks im like yes.. Lol she was like oh.. Umm can you not tell by my huge belly! Needless to say I had to keep reminding them I had all of my records and stuff.. Anyways.. I got my lab slip to do my GD test and the 3rd trimester bloodwork. The dr did a physical.. That was fun sitting there naked lol and did an internal... Ouch! He said my cervix was closed and maybe long? And he could feel babies head, so Yay for head down! I was so worried the baby was transverse! He also said baby was in a good position! He said I have good bone structure for birth and didnt see it being a problem but did mention something about my previous back surgery and how he thinks I should be fine with trying labor.. But he would put it in my chart.. Made me kind of nervous.... But I don't think this dr actually delivers babies.. I didn't get much time with him since by the time we actually got to see the doctor it was after lunch time so I'm sure he was ready for lunch. Im going to ask at my next appt which is in 2 weeks who delivers the babies lol.

I am going to call the hospital tomorrow to set up a tour and figure out which classes I can take and try to get some stuff scheduled.

I'll drop by tomorrow when I'm not half asleep and post my bump pic and finishing replying to everyone :-)
Hi ladies :wavey:

bondebunny glad you finally got sorted out with a doctor! Sorry to hear baby boy wasn't cooperating for the scan, hopefully next time he'll feel more like putting on a show for Mum and Dad!

monkeyprincess those BH sound like no fun at all :nono: I hope things calm down a bit for you, it sounds like they are stressing you out. One thing is I wouldn't worry about baby... my doctor describes contractions as hugs for the baby so maybe think of them like that if it helps at all? My yoga teacher also used to tell us that every Kegel we did was a hug for our baby to try and encourage us to be better about doing them!

Re the sweep, the only risks I've heard of are the possibility of introducing infection (which is a risk with all internal exams) and the possibility that the bag of waters might get broken accidentally. Both risks are remote I would imagine and I wasn't worried about either. I just didn't want to provoke 48 hours of an irritable uterus only for it to result in nothing in the end! And seeing as I'm now 48 hours out from that appointment and nothing has happened yet, looks like I probably did spare myself an uncomfortable but unproductive couple of days.

Dani I'm sorry to hear about the interstitial cystitis, one of my Aunties was diagnosed with that recently after suffering for years not knowing what was wrong, it is a horrible horrible thing! The growth ultrasound will be lovely, another chance to see baby :bigsmile:

missrachel yay for the email from the new job!!! :appl: Hope Day 2 of bedrest is going OK!

luvthemstrawberries I have lived in PJs and t-shirts for the last two months, other than when I had to leave the house (and on one occasion, even then :cheeky: ) and I have loved it! Up until then I had to wear a full suit every day - no trousers, pantyhose compulsory, jacket had to be buttoned. Yeah, finding pantyhose to fit when you're seven months pregnant is a blast... :rolleyes:

Haven glad to hear all is going well! I think it was around 27 weeks I started to feel rather large too. Hang in there!

bibiloves I'm so glad to hear you got good news at your last appointment - you deserved that after the time you've had! Also that is so exciting about the house, keep us posted! :bigsmile:


AFM, 40+4 today and still here. Having lots of period type pain when I go from sitting to standing or when I walk around. Newest thing too is that when my bladder gets really full, like during the night, it is SO PAINFUL when I try to move to go to the bathroom! I think as I move around I shove baby up against my bladder and oh wow, OUCH!

I went for reflexology yesterday, the midwives recommended it, and it was lovely. She did all the induction points first and warned me that when she did the pituitary gland points it would hurt - it did! It felt like she was pinching the edges of my big toe as hard as she could, three times in a row. But she told me afterwards she was amazed I didn't even flinch and I must be a tough cookie... ha ha... after she did those points she did a general pregnancy reflexology session and I almost fell asleep it was so nice. I'm so glad I did it, it was a little bit of heaven :bigsmile:

Have my weekly acupuncture appointment today and she will also do the induction points. There is this one point on your hand between your thumb and forefinger that she did for the first time last week and it was so painful I have been thinking about it all week and hoping I go into labour so I don't have to go back and let her inflict that on me again... I am dreading just those two needles! I know it's just for a few seconds though and that they settle down then and it's not sore any more, and that I get great relief from the treatment, so I need to suck it up and get on with it :cheeky:

I had a bit of a bad evening yesterday, I kept thinking about the girl I saw checking in to the hospital in labour when I was there for my appointment, and I was thinking how by now she's definitely holding her beautiful baby and she got to stay in our lovely midwives' clinic and I'm still here and still waiting and I'm on a deadline to go into labour before I get transferred out into the main hospital where it won't be as nice and I don't like the care model so much... I was feeling very jealous and very sorry for myself!

So, everyone send me spontaneous labour vibes please ladies, our deadline is next Sunday, the 30th!!! Objectively I know there's loads of time yet, but I am starting to feel it looming...
Checking in from bedrest day 2! :wavey:
I feel kind of funny calling it bedrest because I didn't even take a nap yesterday, just hung out on the couch all day and had one small outing to deliver my samples to the lab and run to the grocery store.

Great to hear from BlondeBunny - good appointment if a bit tough on communication (I'm sure they sometimes do see women who haven't had prenatal care and so were somewhat confused by your situation) With the frequency of visits here at the end I'm sure you'll get to know the staff in no time.

And Buttons! Hang in there and keep your thoughts positive. Remember to try to be as 'loved up' as possible and RELAX! That is the biggest thing we focus on in hypnobabies - your baby knows how and when to be born, so just be patient. Also there was something about re-framing the what-ifs (like the what if I go over the deadline and have to transfer out of the preferred unit to the regular hospital) re-frame it into what if the baby comes at the perfect time and the birth goes exactly as you want and what if it is the most incredibly empowering experience! I know that can get kind of cheesy but it's about keeping your mind positive and not allowing negative thoughts to take hold. Are there any non-strenuous projects you can work on (like a craft project or something for the house) as a distraction? I'm thinking of lining a few of those up so I'll have something to focus on besides re-folding my diapers and baby clothes for the 100th time. Being off work I'm thinking I should go to accupuncture too - I haven't been since early 2nd tri, but the one I was going to is fairly far away and I'm not super enthused to drive for so long right now. We'll see how next week looks I guess. Who knows, wee buttons (LOVE that nickname BTW) may be gearing up for her big entrance and will be here before you know it.

My pregnancy tidbit of the day yesterday was: The thing about the 24 hour urine collection is it sure makes it seem SO NICE to just pee in the toilet like normal! It's the small things, right? I also discovered that my bladder can hold more than a red solo cup! :rolleyes:

I have to do some work paperwork I brought home today and am planning to go get my nails done, and maybe to breakfast or lunch with DH before he heads to work. He has to work late tonight so it will be a long evening for me :(( Then he'll sleep late tomorrow and head to work but I have my last shower - a book shower at my friend's house so that will be lots of fun. I think we may need to get a bookshelf afterwards as we haven't found one we liked yet.


I GOT THE JOB !!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Since it's with a university and is involved in purchasing etc. I have to go through HR"s background check etc before it's official but I am really excited! It's actually very surreal since I really had no expectations and I wasn't planning to be going back to work full time. Honestly my family will be much better off, despite some reservations on my part about not seeing my DH very much with our schedules. If the new boss gets HR to agree to our offer it will be a full 50% raise from where I am now (and the posted rate is only a little bit below that amount), so I think that will help cheer me when I'm with the baby alone in the evenings and heading off to work while the two of them stay home for the mornings. :D

Now it's go time to research child care. There is a great center on campus but they may have a super long wait, and may not be really what I want as far as cloth diapering and possible part time care. We'll jsut have to see.

I'll keep you all posted about how the process with HR goes and what happens with my current job. Fairly sticky situation, but I guess I'll jsut go on cobra for the insurance and deal with the disappointment. I do really like my boss lady now but there isn't really any way for her to match the offer or the potential that this new job brings to my life, and I think she will see that as well.
Rachel that's fantastic news about the job, yippee!!! Well done you!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I got a phone call yesterday with extra work stuff too, bit sucky but I can't complain as I'm grateful to have work at all as I'm self-employed...

I am doing all the positive visualisation stuff you recommend but will redouble my efforts :bigsmile: I'm also doing lots of positive thinking around the possibility of induction - stuff like 'if I need to be transferred to another unit to have my baby, I will stay calm, confident and in control' and 'my baby knows its birthday' :bigsmile: I am also listening to my labour induction track from my hypnobirthing course twice a day! The course I did has a private FB page and there have been a load of positive induction experiences on there recently so I know it will be fine whichever way it goes, I'd just rather go myself if I could as that way I get to stay in my lovely relaxed midwives' clinic with a private room and en suite bathroom and all the bells and whistles. If I get transferred it's a 6-bed ward with communal showers! :wink2: Obviously I want what's best for baby in the end, so I won't sweat those things if that's what needs to happen, but for now I am allowing myself to be selfish about wanting my creature comforts, up until I am 40+13 anyway... :cheeky:

As I missed Wednesday, I decided to take a bump picture today. Here is 40+4 in all its glory!

OK I am off to acupuncture. Take care ladies! :wavey:

Buttons, you look awesome for being 40 plus weeks! Seriously. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you that things start happening sometime in the next few days. I don't blame you one bit for feeling a bit down after seeing other mothers in labor and wanting to deliver at the birthing center. You've got a good attitude though, so it sounds like you will be able to deal well with whatever happens.

Rachel, congrats on the new job! Did they discuss when they would want you to start after the baby is born?

Blonde, glad you found a doctor/practice and that you are getting caught up on all your testing, etc. You'll have to post pics of your ultrasound after you go back. I wish we had been able to get one more peek at our little guy. Haven't seen him since Week 21.

Dani, that's nice that you get another ultrasound. So far, I have been measuring right on target at each appointment, according to my doctor. But seriously, how much do those measurements actually tell them? I'm just hoping I don't have a gigantaur hiding out in there. Wish I could have another ultrasound just to be sure!

AFM, nothing new really. I'm 37 weeks today and officially full-term. So crazy. I have another appointment today, but I'm not sure whether I'll have another internal check or what. I'm already starting to get impatient, so if this little guy decides to go past his due date, I'm probably going to drive myself crazy! I think those crazy BH I was having on Wednesday fooled me into thinking there was less time to go then there really is. I definitely need to think of a few projects to keep me busy and keep my mind off of it over the next few weeks.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Buttons, you look AWESOME!!!! Not too much longer for you, lady!!! :appl: :appl:

Rachel, Congrats on your job!!! That's wonderful!! Hope you're feeling well- rest up!!!

MP, I know every practice handles things differently, but why don't you ask your doc if you can go for a last ultrasound, if anything, just to see the baby one more time before he is born? Either your own doc could do it, or you can go to MFM (that's where I'm going), as their machines are awesome and we'd love to get a few more 3-D images of the babe before s/he comes out!!! It wouldnt hurt just to ask, the worst he or she could say is no!

AFM, Yesterday was really bad with the BH's. I was having them ALL day. I feel like there are still so many things I would love to do, but every time I'm up and about I start contracting. Its so annoying and uncomfortable. I wish I could just ignore it, but it kind of makes me nervous, even though I know they're not doing anything!!! I would even love to drive down to the beach, which is not far, and take a good book with me and put my feet in the sand and relax, but I know that Im just so uncomfortable now even just to walk around that that's not really possible. SIGH.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!! :appl: :appl:
Dani, it sounds like we are experiencing the same thing. I swear every time I change positions or exert myself in any way (like bending over), I start getting BH. It's so annoying and it does stress me out a bit, but obviously they are not doing anything dilation-wise. I just got back from my appointment, and I'm only a tiny bit dilated, so she still thinks it's likely I'll go fullterm. I think they would probably give me an ultrasound if I really wanted one, but she said that everything is going so well that there is no need. The ones they do this late in the pregnancy are not usually very good pictures anyway, so I'll probably just wait until he makes his debut.
Just delurking to offer some BH solidarity! I had frequent BH from very early on - around 15 weeks or so. By the third tri I was probably having 20-30 BHs a day (some days more, some a little less) and uterus was very "irritable", it was really annoying! My obstetrician told me it was no indicator of the potential for earlier labour, though, and in my case he was right - baby stayed very high, cervix stayed long and closed, and at 39+4 I was told I was probably headed for induction. As it was, I went into spontaneous labour at 40 weeks on the dot, but by that stage I had been very much hoping for a few weeks that the irritable uterus would lead me into labour a little earlier, haha!
Another one here who had BH starting in the early second trimester. They were painless until the third trimester when they started to get uncomfortable and progressed gradually to very uncomfortable and then slightly painful. For the last two weeks I was having 2 hours of BH about 5 mins apart every night and they were painful. On several nights I was starting to wonder if they were early labour contractions. But on any particular night they didn't get closer in frequency nor more intense, and they always went away overnight.

I went into spontaneous labour at 39+3 and she was born at 39+5 (yeah...) so for me BH did not mean early labour nor did it mean a quick labour!

I knew it was labour when it started as they were more intense to begin with, became more intense over time, and did not go away when I went to sleep.
Thanks Bobbin and Pancake for your input on the BH. I'm starting to get used to the fact that I'm just going to have them constantly for the next few weeks. I'm hoping to go fullterm, but I could really do without the near-constant tightening and hard belly feeling. Thankfully, they haven't been as intense or rhythmic as they were that one day last week.

Buttons, any news? Thinking of you!

How about you Katamari?

Hope everyone is hanging in there!
Hi ladies!

Dani and monkeyprincess hope you got some relief over the weekend from those BHs!

No news here... have had a few sensations today that were a bit different to usual but I don't feel like they are anything meaningful. I figure if it were the real deal I'd know :cheeky:

It's my birthday on Wednesday, maybe baby is holding out to give me the best birthday present ever? :bigsmile:
Darnit Buttons, I was really hoping you'd have different news. Although I do like your thought that baby is holding out until your birthday. What are you now? 40+ 7 days? Since I'm not quite ready to deliver, I'm sending you all of my labor dust!
Monkey, yep, I'm 40+7 / 41 weeks on the dot today!

Have an appointment on Friday, they will start to talk induction then. Hospital policy would have me checking in for the gel on Sunday night, ARM and drip then some time on Monday. I don't want any of that if it can be avoided at all so thinking positive I will go spontaneously at some stage this week!!! :)