
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Not very exciting after all.....

Backaches eased up and the night was pretty much normal. Up at 5:45 :snore: I think baby must be dropping though, with the pressure changes in my pelvis. My poor DH is sick too - bad congestion / headcold. Hopefully he will recover before baby decides to come!!

I don't think I've mentioned it yet but my right knee is really bothering me. My chiro said its where all the ligaments from the upper leg come together at the bottom of the knee, and it's probably jsut inflamed due to weight gain etc. It really hurts to put weight on it bent (like when I climb into bed or try to do my pelvic rocks etc) or if anything hits it / presses against it. I'm thinking about calling to see if I can get in with an ortho or someone to see about a cortisone shot or something to get me some relief. I'd hate for something like that to be bothering me while I'm trying to focus during my birthing.

Anyone know if you can get a cortisone shot while preggo? or if that might help this kind of irritation? All the chiro did was adjust it a little and use the activator on it, and recommended ice and staying off it.
Hey girls, I'm so sorry I haven't updated for ages!! Work has kept me frantically busy as usual, but otherwise all is well! Still having the odd BH but they don't bother me at all. I can not believe I'm in the third trimester!! I passed my GTT, phew! I was a bit concerned as my mum is a diabetic on insulin, but thankfully all is good. Counting down the weeks now, I can't believe I only have 5 weeks left at work, eek! Oh and the nursery is finished, I'll take pics of that when I have a chance. Love yas all! :wavey:

30 weeks 1 day
Hi ladies!

Dandi great news about the GD test! Can't wait to see your nursery pics!

Rachel I have had severe backache along with some BH most nights since about 34 weeks. I have become best friends with my cherry stone heat pack, my midwives recommended it and it really helps. Also since I hit full term I've broken out the TENS machine a few times (again, with my midwives' all-clear) and I've found that good (not sure if you can get your hands on one where you are though). If you have lots of cramping though that's a great sign, it means your body is gearing up nice and slowly and getting all the ground work done little by little so you have less to do on the big day itself! I don't know anything about cortisone shots but that sounds miserable with your knee, I hope you get some relief really soon. Hang in there Momma!

pancake I had loads of cramping around that time last night but alas, nothing more after :rolleyes: :cheeky:

monkey that is such a nice way of looking at it, that baby just wants his/her own birthday :bigsmile: I don't know how patient I am, I had a total meltdown yesterday morning when I realised I was going to have to spend my birthday still preggo! But honestly it's not too hard to be patient as I am not in appalling discomfort so I am lucky. Love your bump picture, you look fabulous! :bigsmile:

puppmom your story made me laugh! My DH would be liable to say something similar!

Haven you were right to cancel your classes, I hope you are feeling better today honey :wavey:

mlk congrats on being over the half way point! Great news on your GD test :appl: My parents' wedding anniversary is on Sunday, maybe Wee Button is holding out until then? :shock:


AFM 40+10 today!

I had a serious meltdown yesterday morning, the day before had been kind of rough with some personal stuff going on, and I was just so upset to wake up still pregnant and with no sign of any progress, but I went back to bed and slept it off and it turned out a fabulous birthday in the end. Went for acupuncture yesterday afternoon and my acupuncturist went hell for leather, I am covered in bruises now today! She is keeping tomorrow afternoon clear for me but she told me she really hopes she doesn't see me :cheeky: On the way home from acupuncture we called in to a local hotel for dinner and DH had arranged for my parents to join us and they brought me a HUGE bunch of flowers and a gift voucher for an online shop that sells beautiful nursing clothes. We were all in great form and had such a lovely night! Then when we went home DH and I watched a rom com on DVD (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) and DH rubbed some clary sage into my bump and I had loads of BHs. Gonna do the same tonight, keep the oxytocin levels up! ;))

I had period type cramps all night and some cervix stinging type stuff, hopefully this is all a good sign. I've had that type of thing going on now for a couple of weeks and it hasn't led anywhere yet but it has to one of this nights, right? :bigsmile: Today whenever I stand up my cervix feels like its ripping, so I've been going for little 10 minute walks around the block hoping to keep the progress going! I have a midwives' appointment tomorrow and will get them to check me and tell me my Bishop's Score. Hopefully I get some good news!

Oh and yesterday DH gave me a 'Happy Birthday Mummy' card from Wee Button and on the inside it said 'I'll come out soon, I promise' :love: :love: :love:
Oh, Buttons, I hope Wee Button make an appearance very soon! I love the card from your DH, how sweet.
Labor dust coming your way, lady!!!!

I'm home again today because now I have what I call the sick hangover--I'm so dehydrated from being so sick yesterday that I had a massive headache all night and still now, and my limbs are weak and shaky. Soooo . . . canceled classes again. I hate doing it, but I couldn't avoid it. The only bad thing was that yesterday a good family friend told me she thinks it's all in my head, that I'm making myself sick. :nono: Seriously, not the kind of support I need right now. (She's one of those "I loved being pregnant so I can't believe you don't love it, too" people. I love her, but she doesn't get it.)
Katamari, congrats, Alice is beautiful!!!!
Haven, hang in there. Argh, you just can't escape the rude comments this week, can you? I would be impressed if anyone had such a strong mind that they could literally make themselves sick for 6-7 months straight. Feel better!

Buttons, I'm really pulling for you that you find out you've made progress at your appointment tomorrow. Are there any natural induction methods they could try? I would be going crazy if I were you, so I really do have to hand it to you for how you are handling all of this. Dandi, so glad you passed the glucose test! Hard to believe you are already 30 weeks along!

Rachel, I didn't want to burst your bubble last night, but I too have been dealing with BH with backaches for almost 2 weeks now. But maybe in your case, it really is leading up to something. You just never know. Which is the whole frustrating part about this process. Hope you find some relief for your knee.

Nothing new with me. Tomorrow, I'm 38 weeks and have another doctor appointment to see if any progress has been made. Doubt it though because I haven't really had any new symptoms or signs. My doctor will be out of town from October 2-6, so I'm already planning October 7th as the day I'm going to start walking and getting on the exercise ball and hope things start progressing after that.
Kata, congrats!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Alice is beautiful! And woohoo on the easy birth!

Buttons that sounds like good progress, keep it up, Wee Button! So glad you had a great birthday. My MIL's birthday was Tuesday and my SIL's was Wednesday, maybe you'll be in the same situation with your bubs? :naughty:

MissR, same for you, sounds like something is happening! Let the baby boom commence!

MP, looking good!

Ack, work is so crazy right now! Hi to everyone else!!
Hi ladies!

Flying post ahead of the weekend...

Today's appointment in the midwives' clinic went really well. The midwife I met was *amazing* and went through everything with me and was so supportive and understanding, I really felt listened to and respected. She did an internal and said I am 1cm, 30% effaced, cervix is anterior. She was able to do a sweep - she said she would have liked to have been able to be a little more vigorous but she was happy enough with what she was able to do. Then because I had expressed a desire to hold off on induction if we can (providing me and baby continue to be well) she had to get one of the OB registrars up from the main hospital to talk to me about their induction policy. The OB was also lovely. Normally the hospital would have me coming in on Sunday night (which is 40+13) for the prostaglandin gel but I asked could I hold off until I am fully 42 weeks. She went through their reasons for wanting to bring me in at 40+13 but then said she would be fine with leaving me with a return appointment for the midwives' clinic at 40+14 / 42 weeks (which is Monday), and that if I want to I can refuse an induction even that night provided I have a CTG and am reviewed by a consultant OB. I'm very happy with that plan of action!

I went for an acupuncture session this afternoon (fell asleep during it) and have reflexology tomorrow. I also spoke to a homeopath the midwife recommended and was advised to guzzle water with rescue remedy tonight so am doing that. I actually am very sceptical about homeopathy (no offense intended to anyone who is a fan) but I figure I may as well try everything! Have a lovely relaxing romantic evening planned, with a funny movie and an Indian dinner :bigsmile:

Have had lots of period type cramping since the sweep so I am hoping that keeps coming. Both the midwife and the OB today were very optimistic I may not need the Monday appointment at all as they think I could well go myself tomorrow night. They were joking they will have the kettle on for me in the midwives' clinic tomorrow evening ;)) It's a full moon this weekend too so who knows, that may help things along!

Ladies, keep everything crossed for me, send me loads of labour dust - let's get this show on the road!!! :)
Buttons: Sending you baby dust!

I just wanted to say THANK you for doing what you are doing with the midwives and going as far as your going. It's really encouraging because when I tell people my plan of action (which is the same as the one you currently have done/doing) most of them look at me like I'm nuts not considering induction until it's a must because of greater risk for me or the baby. Some babies just want to bake longer :)
I hope you have the baby tomorrow!
Go Buttons Go! Here's hoping the sweep will get you kick started

AFM the phone calls have begun (uggh!) My Mom checking in is one thing, they're moving on Monday and I know are very stressed, and checking in with me is helping keep her chilled out as much as possible. But I also heard from one sister in law and one mother in law today, and the other MIL yesterday (DH's parents are both remarried so double trouble)

I'm now kicking myself for revealing my due date, I initially intended not to reveal the date, jsut the month / general time, but it came out a while ago and I didn't think much of it. I am anticipating needing to figure out a polite way to say leave me alone otherwise I think I might bite someone's head off!!

One of my MIL's (the stepmother, not my husband's actual mother) who called tonight and she again asked me how much weight I've gained!! I replied plenty (twice) and said that I wasn't interested in discussing the details of my weight gain. She insists that she gained only like 16 pounds with one of her pregnancies and is tiny, and has pushed me for this information during the pregnancy before.

People are also obsessing about the estimated size of the baby - anyone else? And they do not comprehend that we don't know, haven't had any ultrasounds recently, and even if so that ultrasounds can be off over a pound in either direction!

I guess people just want information, but there's really none to be had. I'd love to know what's going on too!
MissRachel--BLURGH to your MIL and her questions about your weight gain! I can't believe she didn't get the hint. This seems to be a trend--I've noticed older women like to brag about how little weight they gained in pregnancy, it reminds me of old war stories or something. Same goes for women who did it naturally, they all seem to want to tell me how painful and long their labors were, and I'm all, "Please, save it for after my baby is born!"

Here's hoping you get some peace before the baby comes!
Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! Buttons!
Come on Wee Button, your mama is ready to meet you!
Lots of labour dust for you!!!!
:wavey: :wavey: hi everyone! i'm back. well, i've actually been back for a week and a half but haven't been on the internets for extended periods of time.

big congrats to katamari & alice! what a sweetie pie!! so glad everything went smoothly :)

buttons just keep baking're right LO knows when it's time to join the world. you are lucky that you're still relatively comfortable at this stage & you just have a great attitude about the whole thing. what an example!

mp, sunny, dandiandi, and all the other ladies experiencing regular BH, question: how do you know? now that you all are talking about them, i think i have been experiencing something similar for a while. i'll feel my stomach & it's rock hard (not sure how long it will last though & doesn't seem to be recurring); there's no pain, except for a slight uncomfortable feeling like i'm REALLY full.

haven sorry for all the crappy comments you've had to endure & that you are still experiencing naseau. i "popped" while i was gone. also at 27 wks. i left on a tuesday & by thursday turned to my mom and said, "wow, don't i seem a lot bigger than when i got here?" funny thing is, i thought i already "popped" at 23 wks. guess it's a long road in front of me. also having a lot of comments about carrying the baby everywhere (which i feel like i am: stomach, butt, thighs, love handles, you name it.) but the funny thing is everyone interrupts it to mean something different. i've had people swear it's a girl, swear it's a boy. my dh's aunt at the shower was like, "are you *sure* it's a girl because you are carrying so low & everywhere?" my response: "i hope to hell so, considering i just received an entire baby wardrobe that is PINK. if not, this is going to be the girliest boy in history."

big "hello" to everyone else that i didn't respond to individually!!

AFM, 29.2 today (i think) and just chugging right along. i've gained a bit more weight than i hoped to at this point (24 lbs already) but i'm trying not to dwell on it too much. back pain has been ramping up a bit. and i keep encouraging dh to give back & foot massages, so he does. those are nice :) starting to freak about getting everything "ready" & actually taking care of this tiny little human once she gets here. i go back and forth on the freaking about the actual delievery too!! some days i'm really calm about it; other days...not so much.

i totally commiserate with the clothing thing. i can wear clothes in public, usually maternity jeans/tops or a maxidress, but as soon as i get home pants are off immediately. mostly i wander around my house in panties & tanktops. my husbands like, "could you put on some pants?" i say, "no. this is way more comfortable."

had a dr visit after returning from the shower, all seems well. BP is a little high but it has been at every appt. my doc just joined a group/practice, so it was a little aggravating having to go through all the questions again & meet w/the financial people. luckily no benefits changes; we were pleased about that after hearing from another couple that the practice nickel & dimes you. unfortunately since this practice has their own u/s tech, we no longer have scans at every visit. just did the heartbeat monitor & pelvic exam but everything seems on track. next time we will have what is likely to be our final u/s.

the shower was so lovely. the flights were as good as could be expected. on the way out, i was dropped at terminal in LAX at 11:00 & was sitting at my gate at 11:15. no lie. i was amazed. the flight wasn't full, so only 2 to my 3 row seat. on the way home the flight was full but i lucked into the front aisle seat closest to the front RR. it was just great getting to see my parents, sisters, and friends. both of my sisters got to feel the baby kick, so that was awesome (neither have kiddos of their own). it was a double shower as my best friend is pregnant 5 weeks ahead of me & we have all the same friends. i was overwhelmed with the amount of gifts. as i mentioned before, so many pink clothes.

dh & i also decided on when i would leave work & i notified my boss. i only work part time, so it's not a biggie. but i'll be leaving dec 1st barring any unforseen circumstances (this is also around the time my mom plans to fly in; im due dec 15th.). and go back end of march/beginning of april. dh kind of thinks it might not make sense for me to go back. but my boss informed me that she will do whatever it takes to keep me (that might mean bringing the babe to work with me), so we're just playing that by ear for now.

so glad to be back with all you ladies & catching up again. can't wait for the "baby boom" to begin, so many of you are getting so close!
Come on Baby Buttons, we cannot wait to meet you!!! Dust dust dust!!
DandiAndi|1349092986|3277279 said:
Come on Baby Buttons, we cannot wait to meet you!!! Dust dust dust!!

Ditto! Thinking of you Buttons! Hope progress is underway!

Lulu, glad you had such a nice shower. I seriously cannot believe people actually tell you that you are carrying everywhere! What is wrong with people?! You're getting close to 30 weeks. That's exciting!

Rachel, I know exactly what you mean. It is definitely not just the expectant parents that get anxious and impatient as the due date nears. Because my SIL had both her babies early, she thought for sure I'd have had the baby by now. So, they cannot believe I'm still pregnant. Shouldn't be all that surprising that I'm still pregnant at 38.5 weeks with my first baby! I'm also getting a lot of questions about the size of the baby too! Ughh, only a few more weeks to go!

Vintage, hope you are doing well too? Any news?

Sunnyd, thinking of you as well! So many of us are getting really close!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, I had an appointment on Friday, and the doctor was out for a delivery. It was a bummer because she is also going to be gone this week. The nurse who checked us in felt a need to tell us that the lady who had the baby had a really hard and long delivery and a 4th degree tear! Why would you say that to someone who is 38 weeks pregnant??? I've been terrified ever since! Anyway, an NP checked me, and baby is still super low, but I'm only a fingertip dilated and my cervix is still pretty far back behind the baby's head. Whatever that all means!

My DH really wanted us to squeeze an appointment in to see the doctor today, so we set one up, but I just cancelled it due to a work conflict and because they told us it would be a really long wait, and there just doesn't seem to be any point since I just got checked Friday. DH and I got into a bit of an argument about this because he really wanted me to be seen by the doctor again. I've tried to explain that the internal checks really don't tell them all that much at this point, and that it gets kind of stressful and just makes me more anxious to have to get weighed and examined all the time. I don't think he quite understands how stressful and uncertain this time is leading up for the mom-to-be. I'm going to make sure baby keeps moving and watch for any sudden weight gain or swelling, but other than that, there's really no reason I need to be seen until next Monday, right?
Monkey, yes, I think as long as you keep feeling the baby moving, and you're not experiencing anything like persistent headaches, blurry vision or swelling you should be OK. Has your DH gone with you to all the appts? Wow, can't believe you're @ 38 wks. Just so you know my water broke @ 39 wks, so keep us posted.

Buttons, Sending you quick and easy labor dust! Can't wait to meet the little Baby Button :)
Alright guys I suppose it's time for a post :cheeky:

I'm super tired ALL of the time-and am terrible since I read the updates from everyone and my brain just doesn't want to go though and post individually. Please don't take it personally-I really do care and love reading each and everyone's updates (and baby pictures and stories) but I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

I'm currently chugging along at 39 weeks. I can't believe it. I really could go at any time but I'm hoping to at least make it to my due date since we have so much to do.

The nursery is painted (minus the stencil) and the birthing pool/supplies are here. This weekend my husband bashed out the old ceramic wood stove (previous owners destroyed it) and it was 900lbs of rubble that he had to take out. He also bashed out the brick that was in the basement behind our gas fire place (currently our only source of heat-no furnace this year) and he's working on getting an antique wood stove refurbished so we can install it hopefully before the baby comes (but not likely lol).

We got the crib/dresser/shelf set up and the nursery chair delivered. We're *almost* done in there but not quite. I cleaned the stroller and got it ready and we bought a car seat. Man those things are expensive. We got it on sale (it's 100.00 more here in Canada than the US) and we got the Diono Radian RXT in grey for 320.00 but it's a 3 in one-so hopefully we'll never have to buy another one.

My husband is still working super long hours-but the good news is the week that he has the grand opening (they moved locations to a bigger one) for work and his big presentation for the department he's in charge of with media and the big wigs from Germany are going to be here the week of Oct 15th-my best friend who's a doula and going to school to be a midwife will be here. She arrives the 10th and doesn't have a return ticket-so hopefully I'll have the baby before/during the time she is here. After that my husband can take some time to work from home but leaves for a few days in Nov. for another thing he has to do for work but my mom will arrive to help out around during that time.

All in all I'm doing well. Exhausted ALL of the time with zero energy but I still plug away and get things done-which is even more draining. I've been feeling what I *think* are minor contractions for the last few days late in the evening for on and off for a few seconds every few minutes but they quickly go away.

I went from going to the bathroom (for the past 2-3 months since i drink about 128oz of water a day) every 2-4 hrs to every 1hr 15 minutes the last few nights. Boy does that get old fast.

My house is in complete disarray but there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully he gets the basement insulated and vapor barrier up before the birth.

Wed. we have another midwife apt-Saturday we celebrate thanksgiving (canada has theirs much earlier than the US) and my SIL will take some maternity photos of us during the day. I also am doing my belly casting on Wed. so hopefully I don't go before either of those 2 things lol.

I'm almost done with my baby blanket I'm knitting but of course-I messed up the last row so my gf has to take it out for me (if I tried to fix it any more I'd mess it up worse) and so it will be done no later than this weekend. I'll finish it on Wed. and send it to be blocked on thursday and hopefully get it back on Friday so I can show our family.

I'll post nursery pictures/maternity pictures and belly casting pictures as soon as I have them.

I hope all of you ladies are feeling as best as can be (Haven-I wanted to let you know that my sickness finally let up super close to my 3rd tri-but not before then. I also noticed my morning prenatal made me sick when I took it as directed on an empty stomach even now-so I eat with it. Figure it's better to eat with it than to take it and throw it up).

I hope buttons has some news for us soon as well as a few other ladies who I know are due very shortly!

DUST to all you ladies and I'm so sorry for not writing everyone individually. You're all in my thoughts and prayers though.
lliang_chi|1349100554|3277347 said:
Monkey, yes, I think as long as you keep feeling the baby moving, and you're not experiencing anything like persistent headaches, blurry vision or swelling you should be OK. Has your DH gone with you to all the appts? Wow, can't believe you're @ 38 wks. Just so you know my water broke @ 39 wks, so keep us posted.

Hi LC, I can't believe I'm 38 weeks either. Yes, my DH has made it to every appointment. He has really wanted to be there to be a second set of ears and to reassure me when I'm worried about things. As nervous as I am about giving birth and bringing the baby home, I'm so ready to be done being pregnant. I'm especially uncomfortable today! My doctor gets back from her conference on Saturday, so I'm hoping I'll go into labor shortly after that!

Vintage, hang in there. Hoping you get all of your projects finished, and if not, well, they'll just have to wait. Take it easy!
No Wee Button yet?! Come out, come out, wherever you are, Wee Button! All of your PS aunties can't wait to meet you!!!!
Haven|1349115572|3277496 said:
No Wee Button yet?! Come out, come out, wherever you are, Wee Button! All of your PS aunties can't wait to meet you!!!!

maybe wee button is on the way right now!

vintagelover hang in there! sounds like you are doing great finishing everything up & dealing w/your husband's long hours. can't wait to see your maternity/nursery photos :)

mp how awesome that your husband has made it to every appointment. i'm about to start my 2 week appts & i think i will go to those alone for the most part...going to the appts w/me requires DH to take at least 1/2 day of sick leave. i'd rather we save that up for when the baby is actually here (and i think he would too). i agree w/you that spouses don't realize the ranges of emotional and physical changes we are going through on a day-by-day basis. sounds like your dh just wants to ensure the health of you & baby but i think you're right, no reason to squeeze in an extra appt that will cause you stress.

:wavey: :wavey: hope everyone's having a great monday!

AFM, off to do my 3rd trimester blood work & ua plus my one hour glucola test in the morning. :/ but then i have the rest of the day off work. i want to finish the baby mobile i've been crafting (well, started then put down when it got harder than i imagined it would be to finish).
I bet Buttons is in labor! That's my guess, hoping the sweep worked for you, miss!

Vintage, sounds like you have a lot going on! I feel the same way about responding to everyone. I read, then immediately forget everything so all my posts are totally me-me-me or I leave half the people out!! Haha! So don't feel bad, we all have some preggo brain going on in here!

My doc last week asked if we wanted to do another ultrasound this week since we hadn't had one since our 20 week scan. So we are, yay! They'll check the growth and size and all that. Hard to believe there will only be 2 weeks left by then (Thursday). I'm just ready to be done at this point. My feet don't UNswell anymore, and my hands are pretty bad too. My BP was higher than normal at my last appointment. I'm hoping to work until I go into labor (though I don't really WANT to!) but in my head it's not looking good. : ( I had perma-cramp in my left leg from 7-11 am! Ouchie!

In happier news, we got 3 big bags of clothes this weekend from my SIL who has a 6 month old girl. Safe to say, we're good on clothes now! The homestretch now is hanging stuff in the nursery, making it look purdy, and hopefully getting some freezer meals made next weekend!

Hope everyone else is having a better Monday! Ha!
:wavey: Hello all of your gorgeous Preggo's If I had the time, I would spend all of it on your lovely bellies and photos of new babies :wavey:

I just need to get Haven to jump on over to the GTG thread, so I came in here. Haven, you beautiful pregnant Goddess, can you please go click on GTG? Muah...Thank you!! :tongue:

Okay, end of interruption. Man, I want to write a huge post on how dang cute all of your photos are!! Good Luck Everyone!! :appl:
Hi all! Just checking in... boy does this thread fly! So forgive me for not keeping up like I should. I'm having to open up a separate window to go back through the past few pages and read while I reply...

Buttons - I hope you are doing well - thinking of you!

Haven - that crazy lady does NOT know what she's talking about - you look absolutely fantastic!! I have to give you credit too if you didn't mouth off at her - I'm not the type to do that, but I don't think I'm going to be very tolerable at all of people's comments. I wish I had better quick-witted responses though. Glad you took a few days off to rest as well - good for you. I'm so sorry for all this sickness you're having to deal with.

MP - You look great - I love the photo! I can't believe that nurse would share that info with you - I'm still in awe at some of the things I'm learning people just blurt out at pregnant women, regardless of what stage they're at in their pregnancy.

Katamari - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Alice is beautiful, and I LOVE her sass! Thanks for the advice from a fellow procrastinator. :cheeky:

mlk - Yay for passing the GD test, and glad everything is going well!

DandiAndi - Yay for passing the GTT! Definitely post some nursery pics!

sunnyd - Exciting that you get to see the baby again in the ultrasound! My office said they don't do another past the 20 week unless there's a reason - I think it would be so fun to see it again that close to the end!

missrachelk - Sorry you're having to deal with people so much - I can imagine myself needing to figure out a way to do the same thing you're having to do and politely tell people to back off. :cheeky:

lulu - You made me laugh about the clothes and walking around the house. Whatever is comfortable!! Glad you had a wonderful shower. Sounds like you have the best possible work situation as well!

vintage - Hope you are doing well! The nursery and all the baby gear sounds wonderful - so exciting!

I love all the talk on here of the positive affirmations and visualizations - it is definitely something I want to make sure I apply for myself. Water off the duck's back - I love it!

* * * * *

We had our 20 week ultrasound and appointment last week. The ultrasound was so surreal. I had to ask the tech a few times what she was looking at or how we were viewing it, like when she was taking a cross section instead of looking from the outside. But for the most part, she was very explanatory about what she was doing and what we were looking at. I had also started feeling more movement by then, so it was so interesting to feel the movement and see it on the screen. Everything checked out great, and we have a very active little baby in there. ::) It's funny because in the first 12-week ultrasound, the baby mooned us - we joked about how it was tired of being pressed on and had had enough. And in this one it was so active the entire time that the tech was struggling sometimes to get the measurements, but then when she was trying to get a good 3d face shot for us towards the end, the baby just wouldn't turn over enough and unbury its head no matter what we did. So we have some nice profile shots, but nothing straight on. So the husband and I laugh about how this baby already has some spunk and stubbornness from the both of us. :bigsmile: I had called ahead and asked, and they also provided us with a disc of some pictures this time, in addition to the printout, which was nice. My sweet husband also sat there the whole time holding our little video camera so I could have video of everything - we're not finding out the gender, so the tech had us turn away just in case while she took the leg measurements, and she told us how she could "see it all" haha - but he kept the camera going, so it's funny that we have this video that would tell us the gender if we really wanted to know. We want to keep it a surprise, but my dad has already begged for us to let him watch the video and promised he wouldn't tell - not happening! :cheeky:

We're also in the depths of home searching. It's so exciting to finally get in a house, which we've been preparing for and looking forward to for so long. But we're really struggling with the best area to choose - I work in the heart of downtown in one of our big cities, but the husband works in the exact opposite direction, away from the city and traffic. So we at least know the "side" of the city we need to stay on, but I just really wish my job was not located where it is. The area we live in now is not an area we wish to stay in, but the drive into work for me is the best/easiest one of all the choices. The other areas we could go to are better and we get more for our money, but the drives for me will just be a nightmare thanks to the routes I'd have to take into downtown. So I'm struggling with the choice of getting less house and paying for "location", since my personality is much more towards "get more for your money". :knockout:

A positive note to end on is that I've been feeling lots of movement lately. It's amazing how much it's increased in just a week or two. I just laid there in bed last night paying attention to it, and even putting my hand on my belly and marveling at how I can already feel those kicks and flips on my hand - it's so surreal to feel it inside at the same time.

We are starting to look into classes - anybody have any good ones they can recommend? I'm at the beginning of my research, so any and all advice is helpful! :))
Buttons, hope you are holding your precious baby now and got the birth experience you wanted
H iladies!

I am stuck posting off my phone and my network seems to be a bit dodgy in hospital so apologies for the silence on the radio!

Wee Button is finally here, safe and sound after going to the full 14 days late!

In the end I went into early labour over the weekend, but because I wasn't in active labour by my appointment on Monday morning (I was 2cm and 60% effaced - so close!) I had to transfer out to the main hospital. I had a CTG done that afternoon and baby was happy and contractions were regular so they decided to see would I go spontaneously that night rather than inducing immediately. Sure enough when I got home, which was at about 7pm, the contractions started coming hard and fast. They were every three minutes for a minute each one for the next twelve hours. We got to the hospital admissions unit at about midnight where to my horror the midwife said I was still only 3-4cm, but I was 100% effaced. I felt better when I overheard her telling DH she was amazed how well I was coping and then I heard her tell a student midwife that she thought I would do very well and that she'd recommend observing my labour. I laboured in the bath tub in admissions for another two hours and then went to a delivery room. The delivery room had gas and air so I tried that out. By 4am I was 10cm and she wanted me to start pushing. I did spontaneous pushing for about two hours I think, in every position we could think of under the sun, and there was just no progress. The midwife thought there might be a little lip of cervix left but we got that sorted and still no joy. Then she thought maybe my bladder was full and that was preventing progress so she emptied it using a catheter, but still no success. Eventually she had to call in the registrar and the decision was made to try an instrumental delivery in theatre. I was gowned up and wheeled down and got the spinal block at around half seven. Vacuum extraction wasn't working so they went straight to a section then after that. All went well with the surgery and Daddy got to do skin to skin in theatre.

It wasn't the birth I had hoped for but I am so proud of how well I coped with a fairly intense labour and how calm I stayed even when things started to get complicated :)

So without further ado, introducing Wee Button! Baby boy Tadhg Alan arrived safe and sound and healthy and happy at 7:50am yesterday morning, weighing 8lbs 6.5 ozs. He was born on the feast day of the guardian angels and is named after his Daddy's late grandfather and his Mammy's late Uncle, who were both looking out for him I'm sure. His Mammy and Daddy are absolutely besotted :) (Tadhg is pronounced like the first half of Tiger, and is Timothy in English)

I will try again later to get in through ForumRunner and put up a picture, as I can't seem to get it to work on my phone. He has a full head of black hair and looks just like his Daddy and his Granddad. He is officially the cutest baby there ever was and I'm not in the least bit biased ; )

Congratulations, and welcome little Tadgh! (love the name, btw)
Congratulations, Buttons! :appl:
YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Congratulations Buttons!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Yay Buttons! So excited for you and your beautiful boy!! :appl: :appl: