
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Yay Buttons! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Your attitude is great, I want to soak in all of that go with the flow for my own experience should things not go 'according to plan'

can't wait to see a picture of the wee one! You have got to get him some shirts / onesies with buttons on the front, as an inside joke for your PS buddies!!

I can echo everyone else that I love coming and checking in, and do 'check in' on everyone, but it's nearly impossible to address everyone in a big reply post. Let's all not feel we have to say sorry for not doing that, and jsut feel extra attentive when we do - OK?

So without further ado, on to me : )
39 weeks and 1 day and starting to think that things might just be getting going?? So hard to know if any 'signs' will lead to the real thing in a few hours, or if they'll continue over a few weeks! One thing is sure, I'll have an October baby, and have one within a couple weeks at most.

At my visit on Monday the midwife said she thinks this is the absolute hardest part of pregnancy. She confirmed that baby has dropped by my measurements, and her head is right down there which is good. She also said not to start timing anything until I 'can't not time them' I think that's great advice and will keep me from over analyzing the initial twinges I'm feeling.

Since Monday off and on I've had slight crampy-ness - always very very low down where her head is and feeling very menstrual-cramp like. It's veeeeery intermittent and not uncomfortable so I'm thinking just a warm-up. It's tough not to get excited feeling something though! Yesterday also (tmi alert) I started getting a TON of creamy, wet CM / discharge. Nothing but creamy and clear so I don't think it's the mucous plug, but again more warm-up. Pretty annoying as it has the ability to creep to the edge of any liner I use and get my undies soaked! I think I used like 5 pairs yesterday and through the night! I hate that wet feeling.

So I'm just waiting for things to ramp up and not get too excited thinking that it will be soon. Since 'average' first pregnancies are 40+5 that puts me at next Sunday the 14th, still a long way off.

Mom and Dad are here (well in the metro area, their new house is about an hour away from mine) and unfortunately has the move from hell! Basically anything that could go wrong, did. They started the move Monday morning and didn't get unloaded at the new house until last night after 5pm. Too bad they aren't closer but that's the way things go sometimes. I think we're all hoping after the first year here they will find something more in the middle of my Dad's work and my house so we can split the difference with driving. I want to see them but I'm not keen on being in the car for a 2 hour round trip right now! I think they will come to me either today or tomorrow once they get settled in. And Dad doesn't start work until the 15th, so I really hope baby will come before that and let him be around for those first few days.

I am MAKING DH take some pictures of me today, and will post some progressions.
- possible dumb question - the people that make 'collage' type photo spreads and insert words (weeks etc) into their photos, do you have photoshop? I don't so I'm wondering how I can do that kind of thing. I do have a mac but I don't think iphoto can do collage spreads.

Congratulations Buttons!!!! :appl: :appl:

Pavelover, hello!
Congrats Button!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures! You had such a long wait! Who knew your delivery would take a while also ;)

Missrachel - I use Picmonkey. You can upload pictures and make collages that way. I hope this stuff going on means labor is coming your way soon!!
Yay, congratulations Buttons! What a relief that he is finally here. Good for you for staying strong and calm despite things not going according to plan. Can't wait to "meet" the little guy!
Woohooooo! Welcome, Wee Button Tadgh Alan!

SO thrilled for you, Buttons!
Congratulations to Buttons! Love the name too!
Congratulations Buttons! I'm so happy to hear you are well and took everything in stride even though your birth didn't go according to your birth plan. I hope I'm that courageous when the time comes if it doesn't go the way I had hoped. Here is praying for a fast and easy recovery and I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful new baby!! YAY mamma! :appl: :love:
QUESTION: When should I expect to start swelling up? :eek:

I was reading the eternity band ring thread in RT about a woman whose fingers swelled up so much in pregnancy she can no longer wear her rings. The responses make it seem like this is something that happens to everyone--when did it happen to you?

I'm just wondering how many more weeks I should have to wear my rings! 29 wks 1 day right now.
Haven|1349282617|3278705 said:
QUESTION: When should I expect to start swelling up? :eek:

I was reading the eternity band ring thread in RT about a woman whose fingers swelled up so much in pregnancy she can no longer wear her rings. The responses make it seem like this is something that happens to everyone--when did it happen to you?

I'm just wondering how many more weeks I should have to wear my rings! 29 wks 1 day right now.

Haven, I'm not sure if this is the norm, but I'm still wearing my wedding set at nearly 39 weeks. Occasionally, when I feel my rings during the day, they feel a little tighter than usual. But I'm always able to take them off at night and put them on again in the morning easily. I've told myself that if they ever feel too tight to take off, I'll stop wearing them, but that hasn't happened yet.

My ankles do have a bit of swelling these days, and that probably started about 4-5 weeks ago. Usually, they look fine in the morning, but I can tell they are fuller at night. Actually my whol leg feels fuller at night. Sometimes more sometimes less, depending on what shoes I'm wearing and what I've eaten. It really does vary from person to person how much swelling you have.
Buttons! Congrats, I'm always amazed at how common it is for a woman to go into spontaneous labor at the very last minute! So glad that you are doing well!

Haven, some women never swell. I honestly think that having a winter baby helps (when you're at your biggest in colder months). I was able to wear my rings my entire pregnancy and they were even loose.
NewEnglandLady|1349283156|3278708 said:
Buttons! Congrats, I'm always amazed at how common it is for a woman to go into spontaneous labor at the very last minute! So glad that you are doing well!

Haven, some women never swell. I honestly think that having a winter baby helps (when you're at your biggest in colder months). I was able to wear my rings my entire pregnancy and they were even loose.

NEL, looks like we posted at about the same time. Just wanted to say I just took a peek at your pictures on the other thread, and oh my goodness, Katie is so beautiful! I love her blue eyes!
buttons, so happy wee button tadgh alan is here safe & sound!! even through an unexpected labor situation, you kept your cool & did a great job! amazing (and as i said earlier: what an example--thank you!)!!

:appl: :appl: :appl:
haven re: swelling. i'm barely ahead of you at 30wks. i've stopped wearing my ering & wedding band with any regularity within the past 2 weeks. i can still get them on & off (if i chose 1, i can't stack them) but have found that i'm getting a slight irritation or rash. i'm assuming it's because they are tighter than usually & moisture is getting trapped behind them because i'm hotter than usual too! they are also sized slightly small anyways. my feet are swelling some. however, when i was in KY 3 weeks ago, my feel were swelling terribly & so were my fingers. getting back in the dry CA air has helped, i think.

missrachelk i can't imagine the waiting at the end. i'm afraid i'll either overreact to every little thing or not even realize things are progressing! sounds like you've got a great handle on it :) re: photos. i'm not sure.

AFM, i had a terrible breakdown last night. i've been feeling really whiny, tired & drained this week already. then yesterday, my car windows decided to just go down on their own. first the passengers, then later in the day the drivers. after doing some internet research, it seems like it's going to be $400 to repair each window. i got so down about it. dh was on the phone & i just went upstairs laid in bed, turned on the tv to try to distract myself but started uncontrollably sobbing. i just couldn't stop. i hate unintended bills, especially as it seems like money is just flowing out of our hands preparing for the baby. dh must have heard me, got off the phone, listened to me, told me not to worry, fixed me dinner & put on a funny movie. thank god, i might have cried all night if not. i think right now i just feel so out of control: my body, my life, my house, my sleep none of it is completely up to me or for me anymore & the uncertainty is starting to take it's toll. does that make sense? it makes me seem selfish & ungrateful, which i'm not (intentionally, anyways) but that is honestly how i'm feeling these days. (i'm trying to just own my thoughts & feelings & not feel pressured or guilted into "feeling" a certain way.) bottom line: this growing a human business is tough. k, i'm done with the pity party for now...
BIG HUGS to you, Lulu! I know how you feel, and I think it's totally normal to feel that way right now.
Here's hoping the mood lifts for you soon. I've definitely been there myself during this pregnancy.

Thank you to everyone for your input about swelling. I actually *just* noticed my hands swelling a bit today, shortly after I posted my question. Maybe I jinxed myself? Nothing so bad that my rings won't fit, though. At least not yet!
Buttons, congrats!!! Welcome Tadgh! Can't wait to see a picture of him!

I can't remember when I took my rings off, but it was probably a month ago, so 32 weeks? They were still fitting, just snug. I didn't want to risk them getting stuck so I switched for a plain silver ring. My hands are getting swollen on the regular now, so I'm glad I made the switch! My feet are worse, I've started wearing knee high socks to keep the swelling down, but then I get calf muffin top. Hahahaha, it's SUPER attractive!

Hugs, Lulu! I felt the same way on Monday. Everything was just stressful and overwhelming and I broke down. Something I'm excited for (other than the baby, of course!)? Having my body back!! By that I mostly mean the ability to use my abs again. Getting up is hard, bending over, sitting up, laying down without flopping... :cheeky:
Hi Ladies!

I think swelling is very individual. I haven't worn my rings since July, but they were already somewhat tight before I was pregnant. Until recently I could wear a RHR on my ring finger, but even that is too tight now. When I over-exert myself I can usually tell that my hands are a lot more swollen than usual. I see some swelling in my feet (always the right is worse than the left) but not bad at all.

SOOO - Something is definitely happening! Over the course of the day today my crampiness has become a fair bit more intense and more wave-like. DH went to work as usual and it's not enough for me to call him to come home, but I wish he was here! I don't think we will make it to next week at all, and we'll just see if things pick up quickly or slowly. Sometimes the crampiness (I'm reluctant to say contraction or the hypnobabies term pressure wave just yet) seems constant, and other times I can tell when it starts and stops. I was too curious not to so I timed some and they were only about 30 seconds and 8 minutes apart or so. The intensity seems the same since this afternoon, so just waiting for 'longer, stronger, closer together' before I say, yes this is it.

I went ahead and baked cookies for the nurses and made a little cake for DH's birthday, which is tomorrow. I want to have the baby but I do want her to have her own birthday seperate from DH's. We shall see!

I think I'll start listening to some hypnobabies soon, hopefully that will help me relax and maybe even sleep some.
monkeyprincess|1349283774|3278712 said:
NewEnglandLady|1349283156|3278708 said:
Buttons! Congrats, I'm always amazed at how common it is for a woman to go into spontaneous labor at the very last minute! So glad that you are doing well!

Haven, some women never swell. I honestly think that having a winter baby helps (when you're at your biggest in colder months). I was able to wear my rings my entire pregnancy and they were even loose.

NEL, looks like we posted at about the same time. Just wanted to say I just took a peek at your pictures on the other thread, and oh my goodness, Katie is so beautiful! I love her blue eyes!

Awww, thank you, MP! I'm so, so, SO excited for you! I can't believe you're full term now and will see your baby soon!! In some ways it feels like such a long journey since the beginning of our TTC days and in some ways it's gone by in a flash.

MissRachel, it sounds like you may very well be celebrating two birthdays today! Thinking of you!
Rachel, any news or progress? I'll be thinking of you. And it will be great whether baby has her own birthday or shares it with her daddy.

Anyone else having any signs of progress? None for me. Still just getting the pretty consistent Braxton Hicks. I knew the anticipation would be crazy toward the end, but my goodness, it is all-consuming. I'm really trying to mentally prepare myself for another couple of weeks, since I'll only be 39 weeks tomorrow, but it is so hard!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

NEL, I agree. Can't wait to finally join you (at least for a few months) over in the baby thread!
MP, yay for 39 weeks. Hope the final days are smooth for you. Do you have a name picked out?

MissR, good luck! Sounds like your baby is ready to come out!

Lulu, you are spot on...growing a human is tough!

Haven, my rings still fit at 35.5 weeks. I did have one incident in August at a manicure place where I couldn't get my rings off - but that was likely due to the heat. They do feel a little tight sometimes, but I haven't had a hard time getting them off.

AFM, I had my first of the weekly ultrasound appointments today. I brought my MIL and DH. The in-laws are in town from Europe for 10 days. Baby is heads up - fully breeched. They said it is likely that I will have to have a c-section, but there is a chance she could move between now and the due date. Just over 4 weeks to go. The baby is measuring about 6 lbs right now, and she seems quite content to hide her face from us during the ultrasounds so no good profile shots again for the 2nd ultrasound in a row. The ultrasound images were better early on! The technician said her arm was covering her face, and she must like to put it in her mouth!
JGator, I didn't realize your baby hasn't turned head down yet. Fingers crossed that she turns! Have you tried any of the spinning babies techniques or hypnobabies to make her turn or are you just going to see what happens? I recently read a blog by someone who swears listening to a hypnobabies track helped turn her baby, but who knows?

For those of you getting close to the end, do your baby's movements seem more subdued this days? I'm still feeling pretty regular movement, but it just hasn't had the same intensity the past couple of days. I'm going to have a cold drink and lie down when I get home and do a formal kick count just to make myself feel better, but I'm pretty sure all is well and he just doesn't have room for the strong kicks and jabs anymore. The anxiety never goes away!
haven, sunny, and jgator thank for the sympathy! it's good to know that we all have "those" days. much better day yesterday. when he got home from work dh said, "i'm so glad you're in a good mood today!" i bet hormonal, whiny, crying me is hard to deal with! LOL

missrachelk so funny that you are making cookies & cake--i was just reading about how the nesting urge ramps up when women begin labor and that it's common that women bake, clean, or organize! i think you are getting very close, m'dear :)

AFM, can i just say that wearing a bra is like torture now! i've even switched to the molded cups instead of underwire & still can't stand to have them on. tmi? :P
MonkeyPrincess--I hope these last couple weeks go by quickly for you! With 11 weeks left for me I feel like everything is going soooo fast and I need it to slow down! But I'm sure I'll be so very ready to have the baby when I'm at the very end. Here's to a quick and easy last couple weeks for you!

MissRachel--Any progress? I hope so!

Lulu--I'm glad you're feeling better now! My boobs haven't grown or gotten overly sensitive yet, but I can only imagine how bad it will be to wear a bra once they do.

JGator--How nice to have your family with you for the US! Weekly ultrasounds, that means you're getting closer!!!!

Sunny--You are getting so close! Blech to all the swelling. I like the idea of swapping out for a plain band once it starts, I think I'll do that, too.

Hi, NEL! I lurk in the baby threads, too, and you do have one beautiful little girl!

How's everyone else doing? Well, I hope!

AFM, same old stuff going on over here. I'm much better this week as far as the sickness goes, just my usual morning routine every day. I'm feeling a bit sleepier after teaching every day, but I'm guessing this is normal.

I worked out my partial leave details for the Spring semester this week, so that's one big weight off my shoulders. With the big overload I'm teaching this semester (and applying to the Spring semester) I'm going to be "working" at just under 60% next term, even though I'm only going to teach one online class and continue my committee service. Not too bad! I'm excited that I won't burn through all my sick pay, so that's a big relief.

I feel like this baby isn't very active. I feel the baby switching positions, but not kicking very much or anything. Baby does get the hiccups a lot, though, poor thing.

29 w 2 d
I thought skunk spray smelled bad the last time our pup was skunked, but ooooooh boy I had no idea! Poor Bailee just got skunked right in the mouth, and the smell is a whole new world of nasty with my superpower pregnancy sense of smell. BLECH!
Oh Haven, yuck, poor Bailee, nd poor you, isn't that just what you need with your heightened senses at the moment?!?! Sheesh! Man, I can't believe you've only got 11 weeks to go! Exciting!!!!!!!!! :appl:

lulu, oh my gosh, I have hated underwire bras since I was 18 weeks, and now it is such a relief to get home from work and strip 'em off!!! I'm with you!!!

mp, my OB told me that would likely happen, the little guys just seriously run out of room! He told me the movements would be less 'pronounced' like kicks and jabs, and more soft wavey motions, because all the kicking and punching spance is gone. SO close for you now hon, yippee!!! Are you all ready to go???

JGator, baby still has a while to turn yet, hopefully she'll do a big flip soon and stay there! So cute that she sticks her arm in her mouth, hehe!

rachel, any progress?!

Big hello to sunny, strawberries, vintage, mlk and Katamari, hope you're all feeling awesome!!

Sorry if I missed anyone!!

DH and I have out antenatal class on Sunday, we elected for the crash course squeezed into one day. DH is looking strangely forward to it! I think he is totally unnerved about the whole birth thing, so I think he's looking for a bit of education and reassurance. It's at the hospital I work at with midwives I'm good mates with, so it should be a hoot! As of today I have 4 weeks of work left, I can barely believe that fact alone. And re. swelling, I can squeeze my wedding set on in the morning but by midday I can't stand it and have to take all my rings off, so I guess I'm pretty puffed! I wear my eternity RHR on my left ring finger and that's about all I can stand right now.

Oh and as I missed hump day bump day as usual, here is my 31 weeks bump! Much love to you all, ladies!!!

31 weeks 1 day.

Dandi, you look fantastic! Good luck with your class this weekend. To answer your question, I think I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be. I didn't think I was until recently, but what everybody says is true. You just get to a point where you are so uncomfortable and tired of being pregnant, that you just know that baby has to come.

Haven, thanks. I really hope I don't have "weeks" left though. Time went pretty quickly for me too until recently. Trust me, you'll feel much more ready to have the baby when you get to 39 weeks! Sorry to hear about the skunk. We had a cat that got sprayed by a skunk when I was growing up and I can still remember the smell when I think about it. That darn cat smelled like skunk for months afterward every time he got a little bit wet. So gross.

Lulu, I think I had to give up underwires at about that point too! They just didn't fit me anymore because my BBs just grew in every direction and the wires were not going to work. I can also relate to the emotional breakdowns. I have only gotten more emotional as time wears on. Thank goodness we've got such great husbands to lean on!

Rachel, I'm hoping your silence means there is good news! Sending good thoughts your way!

Sunnyd, hope you are hanging in there. Have you had your ultrasound yet? I had a bad night on Monday too. Must have been something in the air. The rest of the week has been much better, but I'm definitely due for an emotional breakdown soon. I seem to have them at least a couple times a week ;)

AFM, 39 weeks today! I wake up each morning hoping I'm going to feel different and that something will be getting underway, but no such luck. My next appointment is on Monday, and I really hope I've made at least a little progress since then! Oh, the little man moved quite a bit last night, so I'm sure he is hanging in there just fine. I just wish he was in more of a hurry to meet me and his daddy!
monkeyprincess|1349442804|3279852 said:
Sunnyd, hope you are hanging in there. Have you had your ultrasound yet? I had a bad night on Monday too. Must have been something in the air. The rest of the week has been much better, but I'm definitely due for an emotional breakdown soon. I seem to have them at least a couple times a week ;)
LOL! A couple of times a week, you poor thing! Since Monday, I think I've calmed down. We finally got the nursery completed, the nonstop trips to Target, BRU, Lowe's and Home Depot have stopped, I think now we're ready. Whew! My stress level has dropped considerably, and the last thing we have to do is pack the bag!

We had our ultrasound yesterday, and they estimated her to be 8lbs3oz. Holy crap! :o I know it's just an estimate, but I was not expecting a number that big. Ha! I guess we'll see how right they are soon enough. I'm already 3cm dilated, so maybe I won't even make it to 40? 38w1d today, and I think I might be losing my plug. Maybe? Could still be residual blood from the cervix check yesterday mixed with regular CF. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high yet! :cheeky:

Dandi, looking good lady!

Haven, I can't imagine what preggo skunk smells like. Bleh!

JGator, weekly ultrasounds?! Jealous! The pic we got yesterday was awful since there's no room left in there. You can see her ribs, but that's about it! That's great that your family can join you for them!

Lulu, glad you're feeling better!

Rachel, hope you're okay out there!

Hi everyone else, happy Friday!

Sunny, you're 3cm?!? How much effaced? I was 2.5cm and 80%effaced at 38w, and C was born 3 days later :) hope its soon for you, after you get to relax a bit of course!

I am 17w today, so i am just going to move over here :) hi everyone, though It seems that most of you will be leaving shortly.
Sunny, you look BEAUTIFUL. Enjoy these last few days/weeks.

Sunny, looking great! I'll have to get another picture up one of these days, although it's getting a little more depressing to see myself keep growing. I know dilation supposedly doesn' t tell you all that much about when labor will start, but I'm jealous you were already a 3 at 38 weeks. When I had my appointment 10 days ago at 38 weeks, I was only a fingertip dilated. I go in again tomorrow, so we'll see if there's been any progress. I just don't feel like there has though. Glad to hear you all feeling all set now. I feel pretty much as ready as I can be, and I try not to think to much about it or I start to panic that I'm not!

AFM, 39w2d and feeling pretty down today. I keep reading about how most first time moms go over 40 weeks, and the idea of going another week, let alone possibly two or more weeks, is just too much to imagine right now. I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now because my back and hips have been really sore, and my acid reflux has been worse than usual. And I just hate the not knowing what to expect and when to expect it. I'll get through it.

Hope everyone is holding up better than I am today! Thinking of you all, especially those of you approaching your due date.

Dani, are you still on track for a c-section this week?

Hope we hear some news from Buttons and Rachel soon!
Monkey, with DD I was not dilated AT ALL 3 days before she was born. Oh, and labor was only 9 hours from my first "is that a contraction" to her birth. With DS, I was 2-3cm dilated over 2 weeks before he was born!

I feel like 39 weeks is that turning point for most moms. At 37 weeks, you start telling yourself baby could come any day. After 2 weeks of that with no action, it gets old even though you aren't due for another week. With DD, I cried DAILY for a week before she was born. I think I'm going to struggle if I make it to my due date this time since DS was born at 38w4d.

I'm so excited for your little one to arrive. It feels like yesterday that you found out you were pregnant! me anyway. :naughty: