
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Lots of Labor dust and good vibes for you Buttons!
Here's hoping you can avoid the induction.

AFM - pretty much the same but officialy doing well. Had a checkup and the repeated urine collection and bloodwork were MUCH better. But I have NO ENERGY and am getting tired really quickly - going to 2 stores and out to lunch yesterday was too much! So I am keeping away from work and will just go in for a last hurrah and check in probably 1 or 2 days this week. I may do some phone / telework if baby hasn't made her appearance yet. I feel like I still have a ton to get organized - I really jsut threw stuff into her dresser after my showers and need to go through it all and get the changing station all set up etc.

I scheduled my next visits today - one for next week, one for my due date and one for a week after :o CRAZY!!

I have been on an emotional rollercoaster about the new job offer. DH and I concluded today that me working full time is not and was not our plan regardless of the offer. So unless the new job will be able to accomodate part time, I'm going to pass it up. That's terribly hard, but with the extenuating circumstance of DH's schedule, I really don't think me working full time will work for us long term, with baby being so young. I'm planning to wait to hear back that HR has approved me before I ask about part time. It's just a really hard time to try to make such a big decision, with so many unknowns out there. I know though, that from the beginning, I've always said that I'd rather sacrifice than have my baby in full time care. Even though my DH would be watching her for half the day, I want to be there too, and thta's what we're going to do.

Hope everyone else is OK! Monkey and Kata I bet you're getting uncomfortable like I am by now??
Buttons--A baby on your birthday would be great! Maybe that's what the holdup is all about. I hope you're feeling well. You look GREAT!

MP and Dani--I hope you have some relief from the BH contractions.

MissRachel--CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS on your new job!!!!

BB--Oh, man, I wonder if his stubbornness is a sign of things to come! :cheeky: I hope you get a good shot when you go back.

Hi JGator, LuvThemStrawberries, Kata, and everyone else!

I had a bad moment today that I wanted to share in this thread because I have to share it and I don't think anyone else would commiserate. So, I'm standing in the division office waiting to make a quick photocopy of something and a woman I don't really know (she teaches part-time so she's not there a lot) starts asking me about the pregnancy. She seems very nice and tells me how wonderful it is to have kids. Then she says, "I bet you're carrying a boy, as round as you look." I didn't think anything of this UNTIL she went on to say that when she had her son she got big and round EVERYWHERE, and you could tell she was pregnant from every angle, but with her two daughters she only got bigger in her belly.
;( ;( ;( ;(
I just wanted to go to my office, shut the door, and cry. I already feel huge after my belly popped over a week ago, and I normally don't give a sh*t about what people say, but this was so terrible.
Of course, I couldn't go to my office, shut the door, and cry. I had to bring my big, round self into my classroom and teach for four hours.
Anyway, I know this is a stupid thing to feel bad about, but I felt horrible all day and even as I sit here now I feel all uncomfortable in my body. I've never been a tiny person, but I'm usually fit and during this pregnancy I've been feeling mushy and exhausted, so now I just feel mushiER. BLAH.

Other than that, same old same old over here. I'm still dry heaving every morning and vomiting most mornings, but that doesn't even bother me anymore, it's so routine. I'm not as nauseous after teaching lately, which is good, but that's also probably the reason I'm looking so HUGE, because now I can eat more food.

Okay, end of pity party. First world problems, I know.
Oh Haven - try HARD not to let that negativity in! Also try not to speak it to yourself - that is really important too.

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! You are growing a little human being inside yourself, and whatever is going on with the outer appearance, it's exactly what needs to happen.

On the hypnobabies joyful pregnancy affirmations track, there are several body affirmations, I'll share them, because they really do help:

I love my pregnant body, and accept it every day.
(this one is always repeated 2x)

My changing body is radiantly beautiful.

We are all so critical of our appearances most of the time, that I think we should relish this time as one where we don't need to worry about our waistlines for once!

I am not uncomfortable admitting that I have gained 50 pounds and I am perfectly comfortable with what has happened with my body. Sure, I would have preferred to have a lower number, and to have less 'junk in the trunk' but you know what, every cookie and bowl of pasta helped me get through the day with this baby and I don't regret any of it for a second. We have our whole lives to try to look a certain way, and right now it's inevitable that we will get round and put on weight! So enjoy it! Have the dessert and don't worry about it. Don't let anyone else tell you how to feel about your body (now or otherwise!)
Aw, thank you MissRachel. I like those affirmations. I know I should be telling myself those things, and I will, but honestly it's hard when I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin! I'm finding myself more sensitive to body issues now than I've ever been--shouldn't it be the opposite?! I think I'm just having a bad day. BLECH. DH is working late tonight so I decided to curl up on the sofa and watch The Family Stone. Family Christmas movies always make me feel better. And my PS friends. Thank you. ::) :))
I love christmas movies too! We just got a DVR and the first thing my DH recorded for me was Love Actually.
missrachelk|1348534059|3274019 said:
I love christmas movies too! We just got a DVR and the first thing my DH recorded for me was Love Actually.
Oooh, that's one of my favorites, too. I don't own a lot of movies, but that is one of them. The movie just ended about 40 minutes ago and I feel infinitely better, even despite the fact that I cried through several parts of it. :cheeky:
Awwww Haven you poor thing!!! Why are people so thoughtless with the things they say to pregnant women?!?

If it's any consolation, when I was about 30 weeks I spent four days away on a family trip and my mother spent the entire time telling me how "you are so wide!!!" and "you are carrying that baby all in your back!!!" and "you've been very thick, right from the beginning" etc etc. It was bad enough that one night in private DH admitted to being quite upset with her on my behalf! Anyway, just this last Sunday I was standing in front of her on a travelator type thing and she put her hands on my waist and told me "you haven't an ounce of fat on your back, from here you'd never even know you were pregnant!!!" Eh, OK Mum, change of tune much?!? :rolleyes:

I am doing a version of hypnobabies and I have a meditation that's designed for your birth partner to read to you in labour, or just to relax you generally. It has a whole visualisation where you imagine a chicken standing in a yard in the pouring rain, and then you imagine a duck sitting on a lake in a downpour. The chicken is a sorry mess, but the duck is snug as a bug in a rug! So then you imagine you are the duck, and that any negativity you encounter just pours off you like the rain pours off a duck's back.

We have all seen the photos hon. It is undeniable. You are a GORGEOUS pregnant woman. GORGEOUS. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Water off a duck's back!!!

PS - I confess, I have such a soft spot for Liam Neeson in Love Actually ;))
Thanks for all the support and labour dust ladies, keep it coming!!!

Last night DH said he'd rub some clary sage into my bump if I liked - now who says no to an offer like that? :cheeky: While he was doing it he asked me if I was feeling anything. I thought 'aw, poor hopeful hubby' and had to tell him no, just the usual random pins and needles / numb stuff that happens every once in a while, and the baby moving, and the baby headbanging off my cervix now and then. So he asked me to tell him when I felt what. Well turned out my belly was going 'numb' for about a minute every three minutes, regular as clockwork, and that when it happened he could feel it turning hard in waves from bottom to top, right under his fingertips. And at the end of each minute I was getting the 'baby is headbanging my cervix' sensation...

I think I was having regular warm up surges and I didn't even know! Woohoo! More of that please tonight, ye labour Gods! I would like a nice gentle start to labour today and then a baby on my birthday tomorrow pleeeease :bigsmile:

In other news, we got a text from some friends to say they had a baby girl this morning. This was their eighth pregnancy but only their second surviving baby. She is happy and healthy and doing really well and her big brother is delighted and we are so over the moon for them. What happy news to wake up to :bigsmile:
Grrrr Haven, that woman needs her freakin' head checked!! You are so compact and teeny and gorgeous!!!!! What a dumb cluck. I'd love to be as tiny and neat as you! Bollocks to her.
Oh, Haven, how ridic is that lady?????!!!! You are so gorgeous!! UGH, people just aggravate me so much sometimes!!

So, now I have to tell you a funny story. I had my shower a couple of weekends ago. I'm standing there, minding my own business, and my aunt (my Mom's sister) slides up behind me and we proceed to have the following conversation:

Aunt S: "You know what??"
Me: "What?"
Aunt S: "You're having a BOY!!!"
Me: "How do you know??"
Aunt S: "Because your a** looks like mine did with my 2 boys.....ROUND AND CHUNKY!!!"

I cant even say I was surprised. You have to understand, my Mom is one of 7 in a crazy Italian family where there are no limits at all ON ANYTHING that is said or done. The only thing I could mutter out was "THANKS ALOT!!" I've never been a tiny girl, so honestly, comments like that I just let roll off my back, especially when it comes to my family!!!!

See, so we all get comments like that...some people are just plain stupid. Ugh, the joys of pregnancy. :eek:
Haven, I agree with everyone else. The lady is obviously crazy; you look great pregnant, and from what I can see, it is all in your belly. Seriously, you would think anyone who has been pregnant before would understand that it is not polite to comment on a pregnant lady's body except to say that she looks great. I have to admit I've had major body issues this whole pregnancy too. It's just been hard for me to feel like I'm losing control over my appearance, especially now that the maternity clothes I bought early on and could never imagine growing into are now getting tight and I'm running out of things that can stretch enough to fit my belly. Hope you're feeling better though. Try not to let silly comments affect your mood!

Buttons, continued thoughts headed your way that things are getting moving! Oh, and I can totally relate on the mom thing. My mom continually tells me how she thinks I'm going to have a big size baby because of how large my belly is. Thanks mom, that is such a nice compliment that every pregnant woman wants to hear!

Rachel, glad to hear things seem to be going well health-wise. And that's good that you made a decision about working part-time. Everyone's situation is unique, but it sounds like you are doing what is best for you. I'd love to be able to stay home with my baby, and financially, I know we could swing it. But my husband owns his own business, so we rely on my job for benefits, and nearly all of my money goes to retirement and other savings. There's also the fact that we get FREE high-quality daycare because my SIL owns a really nice one. DH isn't overly supportive of me staying home, and I struggle with the fact that I feel like I'm choosing increased financial security over spending time with my baby, but I'm just going to see how it goes and hope for the best. If I could find a feasible part-time option, you better believe I'd be all over that.

Dani, sheesh. Nice! I cannot believe there are still people out there who really think you can tell a baby's gender by the way the mom is carrying. Everyone keeps telling me they just knew I was having a boy before I said anything because I'm carrying him straight out in front. Whatever! How are you doing lady?

Dandi, I think it's time for you to update. How are you doing?

Hi to everyone else! Hope you are hanging in there!

AFM, 37.5 weeks and still getting near-constant BH. Apparently, my uterus is irritable or something. Baby boy is squirming around quite a bit too, and now that he's so big, I can finally distinguish his little legs. So cute. But not so cute when they jab me in the ribs. Poor little guy has definitely overgrown his stomping grounds.
LOL, MP, the crazy thing is that she's probably going to be RIGHT!!!! She even went as far as buying a bunch of blue clothing for the baby- she believes its a boy THAT MUCH! You just have to laugh!!!

I'm feeling ok. Still contracting every day, its so frustrating, I feel like I cant even leave the house. I tried to go out for just a little while yesterday.... its uncomfortable even to drive, and my back hurts so bad from carrying this heavy load around. Then the contractions came and I just had to get home. UGH. How are you feeling? Are you still working??

I'm starting to get really nervous about the c/s. Gosh, how many c/'s have I have been a part of and saw that everything went perfectly, so why should I be any different, right? I just keep having this overwhelming fear that something is going to happen to me or the baby, or both. I almost wish I would go into rip-roaring labor and just spit this kid out easily so I wouldn't have to deal with this. I know the c/s is probably the way to go for me, but part of me wonders "what if I could have an easy natural delivery" and just be done with it, you know?? Its upsetting.

Buttons, how are you feeling? Hopefully they come up with a plan to get the baby out soon. You must be exhausted!!! Sending you lots and lots of labor dust!!!

Hi Rachel, Dandi, Kama, and everyone else!! :wavey:
Haven, ignore that person! You look amazing! I wish I looked half as great as you do! And, you are a trooper for dealing with the constant MS throughout the pregnancy. My only annoyance is heartburn, and that's nothing compared to what you have been through.

Dani, your aunt is too funny. On the C-section thing - I'm sure everything will turn out great. And, you really are the resident expert on birth around here - we are so lucky to have you and your experience!

MP, that is so neat that you can distinguish the baby's legs now. I can't tell much at this point. I am with you on going back to work. Financially, I don't have to, but if I do, we will be able to retire much earlier, and I don't like the idea of putting so much pressure on my DH to support the family. Also, I have a pretty good thing going work wise where I get to work from home 95% of the time. We are going to get a live out nanny who can watch the baby in our house while I'm also here working from home.

Buttons, sounds like you are getting close! I hope you get your birthday wish. Happy and healthy delivery dust to you!

MissR, I hope your new job is open to part-time. That would be ideal. Good luck.

AFM, chugging along at 34.5 weeks. My mom left yesterday. We did a bit of shopping, eating out, mani/pedis, etc. Next up is my best friend who arrives on Friday for a 3-day weekend. I'm hoping the Etsy wall decals arrive so we can work on that together this weekend. Does anyone else have foot pain in the heels? Mine are pretty red, and I have some white blistery looking bumps on the sides. They hurt when I put weight/walk on them.
MP, we are having the same pregnancy, swear! I've been having BH like crazy all day yesterday, and now. I thought they were done this morning after a really good night's sleep, but they're back with a vengeance! I'll be looking for your labor to start, because inevitably mine will a couple of days later! Haha!

Buttons, I'm sending major labor vibes to you for a birthday baby!

Haven, I had a really bad week of self esteem where a few people said, WOW YOU'RE HUGE, right around the time when I popped (30 weeks?). While it never bugged me before, it got to me then and I was really sad for literally a week. Hormones? I'm over it now, even though I still have moments of holy-crap-I'm-a-beast...the stretch marks DO NOT help any either. ;( But it's all worth it and I told DH he needs to up the compliments. It helps. Obviously, you're not huge at all!
Great news from Katamari! Alice Rosemarie was born Saturday!! :love: :appl: :love: She was 7 lbs 10 ounces and 19 inches of pure awesomeness.

I went into labor on Friday at 39 weeks even (so sorry, Buttons, it really wasn't my intention to go first but I know you will meet your baby very, very soon). The birth was easy peasy (as much as these things can be). I will write up a full birth story as soon as I get a chance.

Her dad and I are just so terribly smitten with her. And, it was so great to be team green. I am now very happy she didn't reveal herself to us at her ultrasound.

Also, to all of you thinking you'll go over your due date, a word of advice from a birth procrastinator. Pack your bag! You never know what you'll forget when you are scrambling to pack your bags during 4-minute-apart contractions.

Alice has been feeding and sleeping like a champ, but we haven't had much down time. As soon as I get a chance, I will respond to everyone and share some better pictures. We went through several batteries on our camera so far and I need to recharge. For now, here are some from the phone. As you can see, she has some sass just like her mama.

Hope all you mamas are doing well. You all look fabulous and I blows my mind that any of you run into anyone who thinks otherwise. alice.jpgalice_0.jpg
Great news from Katamari! Alice Rosemarie was born Saturday!! She was 7 lbs 10 ounces and 19 inches of pure awesomeness.

I went into labor on Friday at 39 weeks even (so sorry, Buttons, it really wasn't my intention to go first). The birth was easy peasy (as much as these things can be). I will write up a full birth story as soon as I get a chance.

Her dad and I are just so terribly smitten with her. And, it was so great to be team green. I am now very happy she didn't reveal herself to us at her ultrasound.

Also, to all of you thinking you'll go over, a word of advice from a birth procrastinator. Pack your bag! You never know what you'll forget when you are scrambling to pack your bags during 4 minute apart contractions. :rolleyes:

She has been feeding and sleeping like a champ, but there hasn't been much down time. As soon as I get a chance, I will respond to everyone and share some better pictures. We went through several batteries on our camera so far and I need to recharge. For now, here are some from the phone. She already has some sass, just like her mama. :cheeky:

Hope all you mamas are doing well. You all look fabulous and I blows my mind that any of you run into anyone who thinks otherwise. alice.jpgalice_0.jpg
Quick post from my phone

Kata, congratulations mama! Alice is gorgeous and great to hear that you labour went smoothly. Looking forward to hearing all the details and seeing more pics. Enjoy these precious first moments with your daughter!

Buttons, keep hanging in there. It would be lovely to share your bday with baby girl. I am due 3 days before my birthday and DH thinks bubs will come then, but I am hanging out for 3 days early which is my parents wedding anniversary and that would mean the world to me cos they are no longer with me. Happy birthday for tomorrow/today - not sure of your time zone.

Haven, that woman is mad, you are so petite and always look lovely in your photos. Someone who can't say something nice is just jealous!

Monkey, dani and sunny, hope yOu are l hanging in there with all the bh and that your time will come soon and these are really just making you all super ready and prepared.

Hi to everyone else.

Afm, 21w and going well. Hot my gd results today and I passed so that is a relief. Saw my obs locus and he used the Doppler for the first time. I felt so disappointed not getting to see bubs cos my OB does a scan at every appointment. Oh and I have lost 1.5 kg since becoming pregnant and I am always hungry/eating so all good news so far
Katamari, a big congratulations to you on the arrival of Alice! What a little sweetheart and such a cute name. Glad it went well and looking forward to hearing more!

MLK, yeah for passing your glucose test. And you'ver over halfway there! Wow, you still haven't gained any weight yet? Have you had a lot of morning sickness or something?

Sunnyd, ha, sorry you're also having the constant BH. It must be more common than I realized. I'm almost to the point where I don't even think about them anymore because I've just gotten so used to them. My belly is hard all the time. Hope you are hanging in there!

JGator, it must be nice to have all those visitors to help pass the time. Sorry to hear about your feet. I haven't experienced that. Are your feet swelling at all? I wonder if it is just the extra pregnancy weight and swelling that is putting more pressure on them. Wouldn't hurt to have your doctor check them out at your next appointment.

Dani, sorry to hear you're still having so many contractions. Mine are pretty constant, but they haven't been that intense, so yes, I'm still going to work everyday. My job allows me to sit on my butt in front of a computer all day though, so it's not like your job where you were probably on your feet all day. I'm actually happier and more comfortable at work these days. I start to get uncomfortable at night when I go home and try to find a comfortable position to relax in. I can understand being conflicted about a c-section. In the end, you have to do what you think is best for your body long term though.

And Buttons, happy birthday to you! I hope your silence is a good sign! Really pulling for you that you go into labor on your own in the next few days if you haven't already.

Hi to everyone else!

ETA: Here's my bump contribution. Oh my, my belly seems to have doubled in size again!

Haven- if it's any consolation, I was constantly asked, by strangers on the street, if I was having TWINS. Some people just have no clue. I'm sure you look great!

Congrats to all of the new mommies! Can't wait to see you over in the next thread. :)
Kata, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! SO exciting! Welcome to the world, Alice Rosemarie! What a beautiful name, and a beautiful baby. I'm so happy for you!
Thank you to everyone for your very kind words. I'm feeling much better now. I'm not used to people saying things about my body at all, so it's just very difficult to handle these moments.

It's Yom Kippur today, but I planned on teaching my classes and then jetting off to synagogue for the late service. However, the sanctuary was so HOT during last night's services that DH and I left a bit early because I was scared I was going to pass out. I was nauseous all last night, and then threw up much longer than usual this morning, so I called in sick. I hate canceling classes, but I'm thinking it would be worse to throw up in front of all of my students, right?
Kata, congratulations and Welcome to the World, Alice!!! She is just so beautiful!!! OMG I miss this squishy phase. You sound so in love :love: but then again, I would be too with that gorgeous face!

Haven, I'm glad you're feeling better about your appearance. It's tough to feel good about yourself when you've got a giant round belly, but believe me, it's beautiful. I remember telling my DH that I felt fat and frumpy, and he kept telling me that the big preggo belly is beautiful and that's it. And FWIW, your husband will think it's even more beautiful because that's HIS baby you're carrying. I must admit though, I missed being "Hot" or "Sexy" but took consolation that I was "beautiful." Dunno if that makes any sense.
Oh and definitely think it's better to cancel class in your situation today :)'

Monkey, look at your belly! I can't believe you're coming up to your EDD! I can't wait to meet your little boy!
Haven, glad you're feeling better (emotionally anyway - I sure do wish the sickness would let up for you!). The most upsetting thing anyone said to me my entire pregnancy was said by my husband. He meant no harm but didn't understand my emotional state and his comment was so him. We were out somewhere and hubby held the door for me. When I walked by him he said, "Oh, wow. Now you can tell you're pregnant from the back." I almost cried. I wanted to be one of those cute pregnant women with a basketball belly and that's just not how my body works. I get what I like to call *bodacious*. :lol: He's more sensitive this time around...and I'm getting bodacious again. No basketball belly here.
Big congrats to Katamari! Alice is beautiful and it sounds like you had a great birth experience.

I just realized how late in the month it is, and my benefit plan changes on 10/1 so now I'm really hoping for an early appearance! I think though that if baby isn't ready that nothing we do will make her come early (and I think PPM's recent experience would agree) so other than positive thinking I don't think I'll do much special.

I'll have to take some pics and upload some later. I think my torso is longer than some because, yes my belly is big but it's not as 'sticky-outy' as some, and even as I thought it would be if that makes sense.

Now my belly button is another story! It's sticking out but only on the top side. DH commented that he thinks maybe my surgery has made hte bottom tighter so that part isn't sticking out the same as the top. Makes sense to me. Anyone else? turkey timer gone off yet?
Katamari, Congratulations! Alice is a beautiful little girl.

MP, you look great. I think maybe it's just the extra weight on my feet overall - and possibly some swelling. They are not that swollen though. I will ask the doctor next week at my next appt though.

Puppmom, whenever I comment to my husband about my stomach getting bigger - he just says "that's good - the baby is growing". I think he's afraid to say much more than that! How far along are you now? Feeling more confident? I think we had similar journeys with a prior miscarriage.

Haven, I am glad you listened to your body and stayed home today. You need your rest. Growing a baby is serious business!

Buttons, Happy Birthday! Any news on the baby's birthday?

MLK, yay for 21 weeks! Glad you are feeling well. And, I hope your baby does appear on your parents anniversary.

Sunny, hope the BH aren't too unbearable. Hang in there, you are so close!
Flying post from me as it's late here and I'm worn out after a long day of birthday spoiling... still just my birthday, no sign of Wee Button and apparently no urgency on him/her either! :rolleyes: :cheeky:

KATAMARI!!! You stealth birther you!!! Congratulations and huge welcomes to Alice Rosemarie! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: She is adorable and I am so happy for you!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Ah Buttons, sounds like baby just wanted his or her own birthday. Hope you had a nice day anyway. Still holding out hope for you that preparations are underway to get this party started before next Monday. Hang in there mama. You are one patient person.

Rachel, be glad you don't have a "sticky-outy" belly! Mine is just getting beyond ridiculous these days :) Definitely has something to do with my short torso. There's just nowhere for baby to go but straight out. Oh, and I have a weird belly button these days too. It is still technically an innie, but it looks like it has popped out when I wear tight shirts. Do post some updated pictures!

Pupp, how are you doing these days? You must be about halfway there now, right? Hope you are doing well. Too funny about your husband's comment. I think my husband has just learned that no comment is safe and I'll take it the wrong way no matter what he says, so it's best not to say anything to me about my appearance!

Haven, ugh, you really drew the short straw on this whole morning sickness thing. So sorry to hear you are still dealing with it. Hope you feel better again soon.
Buttons, I went into labour at 3am on the morning after my birthday ;)

Congratulations Katamari!! Alice is lovely!

After spending the day saying, she'll come when she's ready, I am wondering if anything if going on -

I went to work for a bit and had a rely nice talk with my boss. Chatted with my protege some and scanned in some documents, so nothing too difficult. Drove to the Target 2 exits past mine and did some light shopping and came home. Since I got home and started making dinner I have a distinct backache! It lets up from time to time so it's not completely constant. I've also noticed several (lots?) of BH with a very hard belly.

Could this be the beginning of something??? At the very least baby might be settling down into a lower position.

MissRachelK, your new post is very exciting!!! How are you doing?