
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

So, I was going to wait until my doctor confirmed the BFP before officially joining this thread, but she has still not called me back. Yesterday, I decided to use the 2nd HPT in my pack, and got another BFP (in 30 seconds this time!), so I think it is for real. I am excited, but also kind of freaking out. I am on day 58 of this cycle, so I am probably 6 weeks past conception.

It took my mother 3 years to conceive, in fact she had been told she probably never would, so I expected it to take at least a year for me. I was on BCP for 17 years, so I had no idea whether I was fertile or not. January was our 2nd month of NTNTC, but we weren''t BD every other day, and in fact we missed what I thought was the O window due to work travel.

Because I didn''t think I could be PG, and because I had no symptoms I recognized as such until a week ago, I did things I probably should not have done during the first 5 weeks, and now I''m very nervous. I sprained my ankle Jan. 14th, so I was taking Ibuprofen per Dr''s order (although not as many as I was told to take), I took decongestants and anti-histamines when I had a bad allergy reaction to pollen on vacation 2 weeks ago, and I was taking Ambien twice a week (I am going to miss that since I have terrible insomnia). I told my Dr. we were TTC in early January, but she said I did not have to stop taking any meds or stop drinking (as long as not in huge quantities) until I knew I was PG. I can think of 3 occasions during the first 5 weeks when I had 3-4 glasses of wine at a party. Of course, I''ve also painted my nails and dyed my hair (darker, so no ammonia). Ugh, I''m scared I''ve already screwed this kid up. I read on another thread that the mother and fetus do not share blood until week 6, so maybe I''m ok. I''m just confused and nervous.
Kay, congrats!
Do not beat yourself up about the things you did BEFORE you knew you were preggo. That is just not fair to yourself! I remember I freaked out b/c I ate a bunch of cold deli meat before I knew it was bad and the doc''s office said if something bad would have happened, it would have happened already. I suspect the same is true for you! I hope your doctor calls you soon!
Welcome to the thread.
Awee....look at that cute smile.
I don''t know how you can ever refer her as a little monster

I''ll say, she''s definitely worth every pound and every hemis from the pushing.

That sucks about the strepB.
You are right though, it is not a big deal, but it is still a PITA to deal with the IV and such during labor.
I just have my culture collected today at my 35 wk appt, so I will soon find out if I have something to
about too.
Anyway, I totally hear you on being in a constant "grazing" mode. God, I feel like a cow sometimes.
Always eating even though my stomach is sore from all the food. Of course, the baby is not helping by constantly kicking there too.
I wouldn''t care too much about the eating if I was eating healthier stuff-- like vegetables and fruits.
But no, I need my pastry and brownies and chocolates. I just hope those empty calories and fat stays with me and don''t go to the baby.
I feel like such a bad mother already feeding all these junk food to the baby.
About the weight gain, it is really odd. The gain doesn''t seem to correlate to the belly growth.
30 lbs is the lower end according to numbers that I''ve been hearing from preggos -- 40 seems to be the norm.
So you are doing great in the weight division. Like I said before, you are all belly.
Besides, 3 more weeks for you and I read that the last few weeks is when the weight gain ceases or reverses

Woohoo....just a few more weeks for you!

You cannot tease us with your 3-stone asscher and not provide a picture

Congrats! A HPT is just as good those used in the doctor's office.
Anyway, like Tacori said, don't beat yourself up about what you did.
I was eating Sushi, drinking tons of green tea, and eating my deli sandwiches for lunches when I was 5.5 wk pregnant (before I took a HPT).
I'm sure everything is fine.
Lili, thanks. She is a CUTE monster
I can''t believe how much older she ALREADY looks!

RE:IV I didn''t even notice mine during the labor (the one in recovery was the PITA!!!) During labor it was the blood pressure sleeve that really ANNOYED me. I am guessing everyone gets that (drug free mamas too).
jas12, i''m sorry about the group b strep too, but it is fairly common, 3 out of 10 women will test positive. I guess for women planning to have an epi, it isn''t as big of a deal b/c they are getting an IV any way. But i can see how disappointed you are since you are planning to go natural with no intervention. Tacori is right, we all have to let go of what we think/hope and just do what''s right in order to deliver a healthy baby. that is the most important thing.

tacori- tessa is just gettinng prettier and prettier...what a precious dollbaby.

Kay- congrats. i agree with tacori that you shouldn''t worry about things you did before you knew you were preggo. i''m sure everything is fine. I drank wine too when i was around 4 weeks preggo, so it would have been to early to even take a pregnancy test.
Thanks MrsS. She looks exactly like I did when I was a baby. Scary!

I am really glad I had really NO expectations for my L&D. I went in with one goal...having a healthy baby. I knew I wanted a hospital, doctor, and epi...the rest I could care less about. Even if I had to have a c-sec I think I would have been okay with it. I was just ready to hold my baby!!! I even took my infection with a grain of salt.
I havent looked back too far, but thought i would comment on this pages posts.

Tacori- Tessa is of course a doll...seriously, so cute!!

Kay- i did so much worse than that. i got wasted...seriously wasted on new years eve and new years day having no clue i was preggers...i also did some other things i wont mention. I seriously beat myself up about it. My Dr told me not to worry as the baby wasnt even sharing my blood yet...and everything is just fine with the little guy.

Jas- I''m so sorry to hear about the strep b. I''m not sure how the whole thing works with strep b, but I didnt want an IV either(it was the only thing that went against my birth plan). But it was the one intervention i had. they pretty much forced it because I was dehydrated and it all worked out fine. I still think that the best way to have a natural birth is to stay away from the hospital as long as possible. I went in after about 14 hours at 7-8 cm and the IV didnt really cause me to need more interventions as I was only in labor for another two hours. I''m sure you can get all the info you need and still be an informed consumer in your birth!

Mentioning natural birth, i watched the Business of Being Born tonite. I really expected it to be more home birth ''propoganda'' but it was really educational about the history of childbirth in the states and the issues of insurance not covering midwives. I think it is a great film and I think it really accurately shows when interventions ARE necessary! So if anyone is considering natural birth, check it out, I had netflixed it... it totally made me relive the crazy intense oxytocin high i had for days after the birth, and I still cant go to sleep, it was that powerful for me.
Lili - here is the link to my 3 stone Asscher.

Jas12 - I think you are absolutely right to explore the need for antibiotics, despite your strep b. I was lucky, and did not test positive, so it was not an issue. But I really did love not being attached to any iv''s, monitors, nothing!!! I have no doubt that you will make the best choice for you and your baby.

Tacori makes a good point about "expectations" in labour. A friend had done all the bradley method courses, and because of complications, had a c-section. Despite having a lovely healthy baby, she was crushed and felt like a failure. In my own experience, my goals were twofold: 1) have a healthy baby and 2) have a delivery experience where I felt in control of my body and choices. For the second half, I incorporated a doula into my plan, gave the doctors a really short birth plan which said basically don''t offer drugs (I know I can ask if I want them) and skin on skin contact immediately after birth. My personal plan was to make it to 5 cm before getting an epi and stay at home as long as possible. In my case, you know that ended in a natural child birth. But I think that I would have been happy with an epi or an iv, because I had a lot of systems in place to make my main goal (informed and controlled delivery) in place.

Miller is still sick.
. He has not vomitted since Wednesday night at 10:30 p.m., but he is definately not well yet. He was up a lot last night, but at least DH is there to help out, and a wonderful nanny to care for him during the day.
Kay, don''t worry...I did some things before I knew I was pg or before I knew it was bad for the baby at least up till 5 wks. Things like took regular multi vitamin (instead of prenatal), and using topical acne medication which is on the big no-no list. I stopped it all at 3kws and 5wks respectively (the topical med I stopped at 3wks) but boy did I stress. My doctor said to not worry at all. Plus like you said, I read that you don''t share blood supply with the fetus untll about 6wks. Alot of these measures are precautions, not absolutes :).

And as far as I know, nail polish and hair dye are perfectly fine all through pregnancy. Some ladies are extra cautious and stop 1st trimester or all together, but again, it''s not absolutes and plenty of women have healthy babies who kept these doing these things and vice versa.

I still get a little crazed about stuff..checking what''s in my moisturizer and make up. But then I realized if you look hard enough on the internet, you can find something bad about everything. So you''re just fine, don''t worry, .. but I can certainly relate.

On another topic, I never heard of "push gifts"? And I doubt my DH has. I''ll have to drop a hint or something. esp since EDD is our 1st anniversary.
Janinegirly - you don''t need DH to buy the push present. As you can see from this thread, both Tacori and I picked our own!!!
Tacori - Tessa is such a cutie!! I could just eat her up!

Kay - Like the others have said, don''t beat yourself up over things that you did before you knew you were pregnant. I spent the weekend with my pack-a-day grandparents 2 weeks before I found out and then I thought for sure that the pregnancy was doomed. During my pregnancy I''ve eaten cold deli meats way too often, use anti-acne face wash (Neutrogena) and have taken antihistamines. I need my Claritin! My doc said it was okay so I''m not going to worry about it. Think about the "bad" things our mothers did while pg and we all turned out fine!
My mom admitted that she ate baloney every single day while she was pregnant with my sister because that''s all she could keep down. She also fessed up to having wine throughout both of her pregnancies and my sister and I are completely healthy, "normal" human beings.

I''ve just started thinking about my birth plan. I know I want an epi and any other drugs to stop the pain. I''m such a baby, I know! I sort of want to labor at home for a bit, however, the hospital is at least 20 minutes away if we get all the lights and there''s not much traffic. I do NOT want to have a c-section unless absolutely necessary and if the doc promises to do a tummy tuck at the same time (sort of kidding). I also want to be able to recover in the hospital a bit before going home. That may be difficult because around here they usually kick you out the same day or the next if all is well with mother and baby.

My mom is pretty much insisting that I take a Lamaze class even though I don''t think I''ll need it since I want an epi. She said it WILL help more than I think. I don''t know....still undecided on that.
DivaDiamond - just like natural birth plans may not go according to planned, so can epi birth plans!!! In my hospital, the anastesiologist may be busy with a tonne of other moms, and you may not get an epi until very late or at all. My sister, in another province, asked for an epi as soon as she got to the hospital as she has lupus, and she was not able to get it until she was 9 cm!!! That is a lot of labouring without meds. So just know that birth is a crazy process, and be prepared for anything that comes your way. What is the harm in learning a few methods of dealing with labour pain???? Just my 2 cents.
Thanks MsF & Diva!

LC, sorry to hear Miller is STILL sick! What a bummer. Hope he feels better soon!

Janine, I am glad DH is on board with a PP! We don''t get each other super expensive gifts normally so this is out of the norm. Like LC mentioned I wanted to pick out my own. Surprises are so overrated!
Tacori--precious new Tessa pic--you are right, she is getting big and is her own little person now--so exciting when they do things like roll over for the first time, or let out the first big laugh like you got the other day--i can''t wait for that. Someone out there knows when to time these milestones so when moms are feeling overwhelmed--poof, they get a giggle, crawl or a first word

Kay--Congrats to you! And the babe will be fine!--we all did things prior to knowing we were pregnant that we worried about (i know i did!) it''s only natural to worry--unfortunately i hear it only gets worse
See response to tacori, above, as to what apparently keeps us sane

Litchick--I''ve been looking into the antibiotics--lots of different info out there, I am going to ask to be retested in 2 weeks (if still preggo--which i probably will be!) b/c I read it comes and goes in the body. If i do need it then i''ll ask to have the IV clamped in b/w doses so i am not attached to the bag the whole time. Hopefully that is an option.

RE: labor expectations--i certainly do have them and will continue to have them--i personally feel that is important to have some planned input into an event that is very personal and powerful. For me, it is not just about having a healthy baby -that is paramont of course, but the experience itself is also important. It is just so amazing! I don''t think it is unreasonable to want to have a plan--in the vast majority of cases L & D should be complication free and normal. Now of course, if something happened and I needed an emergency intervention I would not feel like a failure-- to me that would be like feeling like a failure for having a heart attack or the flu--silly, b/c it is out of your control. Where I would be angry is if I submitted myself, unquestioningly to routine procedures that are not proven to benefit mom or baby and that led to something that did not meet my expectations (and there are a number of things that fit into this category)--these are the things that I focus on being informed and concerned about.
stock up on cute cheap mat & baby clothes now, ladies -- old navy stores will be closing!!

Old Navy is one of Gap''s (NYSE: GPS) three brands and it is the one that is pulling down overall sales at the big clothing company. Old Navy has a little over one thousand outlets. Maintaining the costs of separate buying, marketing, and management costs just isn''t worth it. Soon, the Old Navy stores will just be Gaps.

T, Tessa is really just too cute! That big smile is the best!!

LitChick, hope you big man is feeling better soon!

can''t write much now, feeding gabe, but had to share the sad old navy news w/my fellow ON lovers!
Date: 3/7/2008 9:53:01 AM
Author: LitigatorChick
DivaDiamond - just like natural birth plans may not go according to planned, so can epi birth plans!!! In my hospital, the anastesiologist may be busy with a tonne of other moms, and you may not get an epi until very late or at all. My sister, in another province, asked for an epi as soon as she got to the hospital as she has lupus, and she was not able to get it until she was 9 cm!!! That is a lot of labouring without meds. So just know that birth is a crazy process, and be prepared for anything that comes your way. What is the harm in learning a few methods of dealing with labour pain???? Just my 2 cents.

litchick, that is just crazy about your sister. the hospital i will deliver in delivers 6000 babies a year and there are ample anastesiologist so any one that wants one gets it in a very timely manner. it''s funny b/c i don''t really think about my birthplan much but the one fear i do have is i''ll progress too fast for the epi and I just have no desire whatsoever to go natural or even try
. my friend dialated so quickly with her second that she was at a 5 or 6, asked for the epi, went to the bathroom, got back in bed and was a 10 with the baby on the way out, all in about 5 minutes time. She made it through fine but I just want the drugs

jas12, please do read up on group b strep and what can happen to the baby if you don''t do antibiotics. i think getting retested is a great idea but seriously, i wouldn''t want my desire for no iv to put my baby''s health in jeapordy. I know you''ll reseach the heck out of it though and do what''s right for the both of you.

janinegirly, i had never heard of push presents until this forum.
ella, that is crazy about old navy. they just opened one right before Christmas about 2 miles from my house. i just checked and so far there are only a few that are closing and that''s not one of them but wow!!
On the Strep B issue, I have not researched it, since I did not have the issue, but as Jas12 indicates, she needs to be informed. When I was in labour, the first nurse was putting serious pressure on me to lay on my back so she could monitor the baby. I was really uncomforable, but she was giving me the "don''t you want a healthy baby" line. Well, I would stand on my head in the freakin'' corner if that is what it REALLY took for my little prince to be healthy. But the reality is that often, you don''t REALLY have to do these things. It is all about the risk/reward. And although the goal is always a healthy baby, there are several ways to get there, and as Jas12 has said, she needs to have some say in how she gets to that finish line.
Date: 3/7/2008 9:53:01 AM
Author: LitigatorChick
DivaDiamond - just like natural birth plans may not go according to planned, so can epi birth plans!!! In my hospital, the anastesiologist may be busy with a tonne of other moms, and you may not get an epi until very late or at all. My sister, in another province, asked for an epi as soon as she got to the hospital as she has lupus, and she was not able to get it until she was 9 cm!!! That is a lot of labouring without meds. So just know that birth is a crazy process, and be prepared for anything that comes your way. What is the harm in learning a few methods of dealing with labour pain???? Just my 2 cents.
Hehehe - you sound just like my mom! I''m not opposed to having a natural birth but I know that I''m a baby so why not use the pain relief that''s offered, know what I mean? I applaud women who do it without drugs - it takes a lot of courage and confidence to do that in my mind - but at the same time I know it''s not for me. I say prepare for the worst but hope for the best. All I really want is a healthy baby.

One thing that I have decided on is that I want to try to breastfeed. I do think that it is better for baby although I do understand that not all women are able to breastfeed or want to. I will only be taking 8 weeks off of work so the baby will have to be weaned or take both bottle and breast by the time I go back but I really want to give it my best shot. I can always pump and freeze my milk if necessary.

Other big things we''ve decided are disposable diapers and if the baby''s a boy he''s getting cut. My mom used cloth diapers for a bit with my sister and I and she said that it was cheaper, however, she did end up switching to disposables after a while.

Breastfeeding: I am opposed to nipple nazis. Do what works for you and the baby. I breastfed, but that was my choice, and when I was done, that was it. On the weaning front, I always gave Miller a bottle every day from the day he was born. He had no problem breastfeeding, took the bottle as well, and when I weaned him, we just increased his bottles every couple days by 1 bottle - easy on me, easy on him.

Circumcision: totally personal choice. As I understand, there are no pro/con medically. We left little man, "as is".

Diapers: I am all disposable. Buy them by the case at Costco. What babies "emit" is raunchy!!!
MsS. Don''t worry--i would not put the baby in jeapordy! The risks to baby, although very rare, are scary!--i would of course put myself at risk first--it''s not so much about the IV (that''s an annoyance but whatever) as much as it is the drug--i had a serious complication with antibiotics a couple years ago (life threatening actually) so I am worried. I haven''t been prescribed any since. My Dr. knows the history so i am going to ask her about it asap--hopefully whatever they use is different and i am worrying for nothing.


So, I think Cakesters are the honorary food of preggos. i was in the grocery store yesterday and saw another pregnant woman grab them out of a bin--I couldn''t stop myself from giggling out loud as i passed by--and she caught me staring
I didn''t want her to think i was laughing at her so as I walked by i just said "try them frozen as well"
Tacori, you started this obsession didn''t you
I''ll address all the other stuff that is going on in a minute on the another post, but wanted to take a second for you Jas...

I am sorry that you tested positive for GBS. Yes, we all know that in the scheme of things it isn''t a big deal, but I totally understand your disappointment. Especially because like me, you are interested in trying to see how far you can go naturally and it seems we have done similar research and have similar desires for our birthing experience.

I came back positive about 5 years ago for HPV (which has since "cleared" from my system), so when they tested me for GBS, I kind of had the mindset for some strange reason that I''d have that too. I just made up my mind to go with it...if it was positive, great. If I had to have an IV, great. C-section great. I know we all say a healthy baby is the most important thing, but we''re pregnant for a long time, and in that time we certainly get ideas of how we want to deliver...whatever that method may be. I had to make a real mindshift to go along with whatever came my way and the GBS thing somehow did it for me.

I agree with you...having expectations and wishes are a good thing. Positive thinking works wonders. But I also want to encourage you to keep all your options open, even if it means it''s going to be more medical interventions than what you wanted. An epi birth with will mean minimal pain...awesome! A c-section will mean no tearing "down there"...groovy! And a natural birth? It will mean I got to experience something that I wanted to try...fab!

Kids are born every day healthy to all kinds of different births and for that reason, in the end I don''t care what method I give birth seems that kids come out fine in the end.
Congrats Kay!!!! Welcome to the thread!

Ephemery, re: natural birth. Hm...I don''t know if I''ll be making it through, although I''d like to. As I mentioned in my above post, I don''t actually believe that a natural birth is "better" for the baby. I dont know anyone else who had one, and their kids all turned out better than fine. So that doesn''t motivate me. I am trying to figure out what IS movitating me...and I can honestly say it''s morbid curiosity. I don''t think curiosity will sustain me, but maybe stubborness will? Hahaha...

I''ve run two marathons and understand a little about endurance and pain. Hitting walls. Wanting to give up, etc. The difference I see between training for a marathon and childbirth is that training for a marathon allows you to experience the pain for the real thing. Essentially you know WHAT TO EXPECT. I have no idea what to expect from a natural L&''s kind of like if I trained for a marathon while sitting in a chair just swinging my legs in a running motion. No pain, just motion. I''ve been going through relaxation exercises, etc....but trying those without contractions seems kind of fruitless. Easy to relax while laying in bed and just vegging! I do have the hypnobabies book that I just got 4 weeks ago, but I have been horribly slack. I have only gone through 3 CDs, don''t practice anything and am not even halfway through the book. I do feel relaxed while doing some of the techniques, but as I said, how hard it is to relax at the end of the day in bed? I have the gift of falling asleep anywhere, anytime anyway. The hypnobabies stuff is a little too anti-hospital/intervention to me, but I take what I like and will see what happens.

Oh, I am am with you on the fruit cravings. I could not get enough fruit in my first trimester, especially watermelon! Thank goodness my first tri was in summer...lots of options! I still am eating fruit all the time, but getting bored with apples, bananas and oranges. I used to love veggies but really have not been into them during my pregnancy.

Jackie, I agree with the others on the HBOTB. I have the book and saw a clip of the DVD in my childbirth class. The DVD is short and more entertaining. You can search on youtube for "happiest baby on the block." An intro clip is there you can check out.

Tacori, love the new photo of Tessa. I can imagine her laughs must just make you giddy with joy! And re: hair falling out...I''m really scared for my hair too. I have lost NOTHING during my pregnancy. I pulled my at my hair a few times yesterday after brushing and not one strand fell out that I could see. I''m in for a serious shedding.

Anyone else have numbness in their hands and pain in their knuckles? This is new as of the last couple of weeks for me. It''s not quite carpel tunnel, but is a bit of a pain. I can''t even close my hands into fists. It just seems like my hands are so pumped with water and the joints hurt.

My houseguest finally left today morning. I dropped him off yesterday at the airport, but his flight to Dallas got cancelled due to weather. So hopefully he will get out safely today and I can get that belly shot done!

I had my 37 week checkup yesterday, and it went well. Total weight gain, 33 pounds, which he was really pleased with. I said I tried to gain closer to 25 and he said hardly anyone can do that anymore. Obviously he hasn''t seen some of our skinny minnie preggo PSers! If the doc had to guess weight of the baby, he said 8 pounds or less (although I know they have been known to to be waaay off). Baby is head down. The doc said he had "no complaints" about me and that I was the perfect patient. I said, aw...I bet you say that to all the gals!
Next week he will check my cervix again.
Tacori - Tessa is gorgeous. She is getting prettier every time you post new pics.

Kay - Congrats!!! Don''t worry too much. I ate raw oysters the day before my missed period.

Tgal - Wow. Look like Ttot is almost ready to go.

I am really excited right now because we have the big u/s today. Can''t wait til 2:30pm.
Thanks Jas, TGal, and Q. She is laying on her boppy next to be just staring at her hand. Oh, now she is trying to eat her bib. Silly girl!

I think I am in shock. OLD NAVY IS CLOSING!
I LOVE them! I love their baby sad.....when???? I need details????? I am so sad! They always seem busy when I go there.

Jas, it was me that started the cakesters obsession....mmmmm.....
Jas, I was thinking about your situation some more. As you might recall I had a lot of antibiotics in the hospital. 2 different by IV, one shot, and one oral. Is it possible for them to give you which ever one you need by shot? That way the medicine is in you w/o IV. Just a thought. Also I wanted to warn you (b/c it happened to me) if you feel burning AFTER nursing that is not normal and probably a fungal infection FROM the antibiotics. I got one. It was easy to treat, special cream, but make sure you catch it early otherwise the baby can get thrush.
Old Navy is closing!? That is sucky! H & M is my fave for cheap baby stuff, but ON is a close second--that''s too bad (wonder if it applies to canadian stores as well--most likely)

Tacori--I will ask about that option. Thanks so much for that info. An antibiotic related infection is exactly what i fear--this, in a more complicated way is what happened to me years ago--i ended up in IC for several days with a type of ''clostridium difficile'' infection that no one could figure out. Luckily I was away at university when i got sick and ended up at our campus teaching hospital and got top specialists. If i was here in my home town i was told I may have lost some of my intestinal tract/colon or worse. I haven''t taken anything since, but i know there are some drugs that are okay.

Tgal--glad to have the house to yourself again? Excellent 37 week report! You are ''good to go''! Is it strange that I am jealous you get another cervical exam? I was told no more unless i go overdue ( 41-42 weeks) and they need to ''check in'' . I know closed, dialated, effaced etc. does not give an indication as to when you''ll go into labor--but hearing "you''re 2 cm dialted'' from b/w the stirrups is oddly encouraging i think.
-Yes, i know i need to take my annoyingly stubborn reluctance to keep an open mind about birthing and pack it away with my skinny clothes
. That''s what everyone is telling me and I should heed the advice. I am as strong-headed as they come in some areas. As for Strep B, I''ll do what''s best of course. Am I disappointed?--sure, who would want that worry, but it falls into my "don''t feel guilty cuz it''s out of your control" category.
--your numbness sounds like compressed nerves or something--from the baby weight. I get numbness in one spot on my belly.

So i am typing this in b/w finishing up last min things in the classroom before i close the door on work for the year. It hasn''t sunk in yet. DH sent flowers to the school today with a note attached saying "congrats on making it to the last day" ! He is not a flower-sending guy at all so i thought it was sweet and pretty random for him. My class was extra nice to me and I am excited to bring the baby in to meet them, They all predict i am having a boy. All of them!
I am worried the next 2, 3 or (eeks) 4 weeks will drrraaaggg on in anticipation--I almost wish i could work another week or two just to keep me occupied!
RE: hair loss.
So if you are still losing hair while preggo, does it mean that you won''t shred as much postpartum?
I sure hope so cuz my hair is still falling out right now, else I will definitely be a bald mommy after my baby is here.

I don''t get the swelling on the hands, but do get definite swelling on my calves and ankles.
They are so bloated and sore by the end of the day. Dr. said it''s nothing to worry about as long as they go away after a night sleep.
I guess I should be more conscientious about getting up from my seat and move around more during the day. My officemate told me that her hands were swollen to the point that she can''t make a fist during the last trimester, so I guess it is a pretty common thing at this stage of your pregnancy.

Hooray for last day of work!! So lucky you have all those time to lounge about at home
That''s an awesome push present!