
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MrsS--you are so cute--if you are up 38 lbs i don''t know where you are putting on the weight--your face/legs/arms look non-preggo. I agree that being tall is a real advantage to the pregnant body. I am average height, but with a short torso--i believe thats why the tops of my thighs got so thick--my body confused them for part of my belly

Litchick--LOL--sorry, i forced you to be creepy-hehe
Jas~You look great! Cute belly and I love how your dog is such a camera hog!

Curly~what''s your appt on the 24th? Maybe it''s your regular ob/gyn..I had that one on 3/11. I managed to keep squeezing it up so it''s not really every 4wks like it should be, but the earlier the better!

I have a question (for you and any ladies in our advanced maternal age group
)--I got my NT and bloodwork results back last night, and they were great. 1/5000 for Downs and 1/10000 for Trisomy 18. So a big relief! However, I know its just a screening and trying to figure out whether I should do an amnio next. I do have a 2nd tri bloodwork appt at about 16wks which is for a sequential screening. They say the results from that will mean overall screening accuracy would be 92%. My question is, is this the AFP you guys mentioned? Because I know you said it was not very reliable and better to just do the amnio. Another reason for the amnio is 100% knowledge, and I''m also a worry wart and think of all the silly things I did before I knew better (took a regular vitamin, used acne medication until 3wks pg, drank crystal light, etc etc).
But my reasons for NOT doing an amnio are that the chance of m/c is higher than my odds. So I''m in limbo a bit, leaning a bit to amnio (at least today), but I have 3wks to mull it over. Just wanted to see what some of you ladies thought, or how you came to your conclusions. I know it''s a personal decision, but it helps to hear everyone''s experience.

I think I''ll start telling family now though! So that''s fun. I''ll hold off on friends and work until 16wks.
Tacori, LOVE zipper sleepers! They are the best--makes life so much easier than all those crazy snaps.

mrssalvo, you are adorable!!! You''re definitely not huge but your sister is really tiny!! It must be the height difference!

janine, my appt. on the 24th is my 2nd prenatal. I had the first one on 2/27 and the NT on 3/14 so this will be my regular 4 week appointment. Congratulations on the great test results!!! I haven''t heard back yet but my doctor is pretty much a "no news is good news" type of person. Since I''m seeing her next Monday anyway, I figure I''ll find out everything then. I saw the measurement and it was .97 so I know that''s good but I guess I''m just assuming my bloodwork will be skewed because of my age. You know I''m doing the amnio at the first possible chance but that''s just me! If I were you, I would do what I did the first time--do everything that is offered to you first before deciding about the invasive stuff. Since you have some ambivalence about the amnio, just get the 2nd trimester blood test and then see how you feel once you get those results. You don''t need to make this decision now. I don''t know if you''ll get the AFP or some other test I have heard of called the quad screen. My doctor didn''t push me to do anything but suggested we just take it one step at a time and decide along the way how much testing I really wanted. I knew that I wanted the amnio from day one but she didn''t want me to feel like I HAD to do it because of my age. So don''t stress out over this, just go with your gut. And for what it''s worth, the acne medicine, crystal light and vitamins probably had NO effect on your baby. I did much worse stuff--TRUST ME!!! But ultimately, you need to do what you feel most comfortable with. It''s such a personal thing and there really is no right or wrong answer. Follow your instincts and see how you feel about all the test results.

It''s funny about telling people this time around. Since I was with most of my work colleagues in Vegas last week, I told all of them there but I still haven''t even told my best friend or really any of our friends or extended family. Only our parents and my sister know!! I''m not dying to shout it from the rooftops this time around but I guess I''ll wait another week or so before spreading the word.
Janinegirly - I was 30 when I had Miller, so not an issue. They just looked at him in the ultrasound, did some calculation things, and said all was good. That was it. I am usually a crazy worrier, but I figured we were fine.

Linea Nigra - didn''t get it: is that unusual????

Jenny M book was awesome. Hubby got it for me in early preggo stages, when I felt fat and gross. It made me laugh so much!!! I think she had every pregnancy related symptom in the world!!! Poor woman!!!

Miller is really into kissing now!!! He used to only do it when his baby "girlfriend" left, but last night, he kissed the baby in his book and then turned his head back to me for a kiss. So cute!! I can''t get enough slobbery baby kisses!!!
MrsS what a great pic!! I think you look terrific!!!
Date: 3/18/2008 10:03:58 AM
Author: Jas12
MrsS--you are so cute--if you are up 38 lbs i don''t know where you are putting on the weight--your face/legs/arms look non-preggo.
Ditto! Exactly what I thought! You look great MrsS!

Jackie, you look great too! Tiny. I agree with qtiekiki, we are more conscious of our growing belly than others.
Jas, that is just a weird weird comment to get. Why does it amaze me that the world is full of freaks? I would think I'd know better by now.

Curly, yeah...I am fine with it baking it there a bit longer. I need more time to finish work. I'm thinking now it's a boy. Tomorrow I'll probably go back to girl. But honestly, I'm clueless.
Do you have a king size bed Curly? Because lemme tell you, in our queen size, there is no room for anyone but my preggo body and TGuy (and my body pillow). And feels tight for the two of us. Hopefully your cutie pie will get over this phase quickly!

MrsS, you look great! I like that top a lot too! But I agree that height helps. Like Jas, I have a short torso. My friend with a long torso (I posted her 9 month preggo pic awhile back) didn't even look 6 months pregnant in the end IMHO. But I'm fine looking fully pregnant instead of people wondering if I'm chubby...there's no question that my belly is baby!!!

Tacori, that is great that the book is helping Tessa. I'm curious as to what parts helped? Anything you are doing differently after reading the book that noticeably helped her? It would help me to keep a mental note on good tips from the book.

LC, the creepy post is helpful...I thought about trying in the shower, where it seems less creepy. Or is that more creepy? OK, enough of my creepy post...

And Miller's kisses...too cute. I am going to have to wait awhile to get those from TTot. Wah.

Janine, I agree with Curly. Just take what is offered and wait and see how you feel. For me, I wanted the amnio. I don't know why, but I just did. I didn't worry about a miscarriage, and I can't explain why. I had odds that were 1:10000 for all abnormalities they tested for (I think that was the number anyway, but it definitely was those odds for downs). When I scheduled my amnio at the specialist, they asked me, "you've seen your results from the screenings, right?" as if I were kind of nuts for wanting the amnio with those odds. But you know what? It's my mind and I needed to put it at ease. Even though I was off the pill, we weren't trying to conceive. TTot was a "one snot wonder" (the TMI story is posted somewhere on PS) and I did all kinds of things during my first weeks of pregnancy, which included drinking spirits. I also wasn't planning to conceive so I never took prenatals until after I found out I was pregnant. I just needed to KNOW TTot was OK for those things that the amnio would test for. I do not regret doing it one bit. Once I got the diagnostic results, my mind just went "ahhhh" and I was able to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy worrying about all the other things!

Nothing new here for me contrax, no nada. Just tick tock, tick tock. That and the fact that TTot is pretty active for such a cramped baby. I feel his/her little hands or something knocking on the side of body as if s/he were asking, "hello?!? I'm still in here. Lemme out!"
Curly & MSB, I told my MIL not to bother buying sleepers w/o zippers b/c I won''t use them. Too difficult when I am tired and baby is swirmy. She she is a wiggle worm (remember the stuck leg WITH a sleep sack on)

LC, oh baby kisses! When does that happen?

TGal, let me think....putting her down as soon as she starts rubbing her eyes and yawning. Seemed obvious.....but yeah.....I guess I am an idiot! Haha! Last night I put her to bed at 8:30 (which is late for her. Lately she goes down 7:30-8:00) and she didn''t wake up to nurse until 2 am. That is good for her! (Bad for me I got a nasty clog
). If she doesn''t have her second nap I try for an earlier bedtime which he suggests and is also helpful. She would has a meltdown if she gets over tired and honestly (maybe b/c the first few months she would sleep whenever, wherever) I didn''t even realize that that was possible. Also I do notice now that she gets cranky after she has been up for a few hours. He also says it is ok to nurse or rock her to sleep so I do. I think that''s it. Also I took the advice from the wise mommies here. Turn off the light and just use her night light and lamp. Keep it calm. Read, change diaper, turn lamp off, nurse, bed...If she falls asleep fast I don''t turn on the white noise. If she is cranky I do. She seems *much* happier.

RE:linea nigra....yuck. Mine crooked!!!! My doc said it could take 6 months to fade. My friend''s took 9 months. I still have it after almost 5. I think it is so gross!
Date: 3/18/2008 2:36:00 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Curly & MSB, I told my MIL not to bother buying sleepers w/o zippers b/c I won''t use them. Too difficult when I am tired and baby is swirmy. She she is a wiggle worm (remember the stuck leg WITH a sleep sack on)

LC, oh baby kisses! When does that happen?

TGal, let me think....putting her down as soon as she starts rubbing her eyes and yawning. Seemed obvious.....but yeah.....I guess I am an idiot! Haha! Last night I put her to bed at 8:30 (which is late for her. Lately she goes down 7:30-8:00) and she didn''t wake up to nurse until 2 am. That is good for her! (Bad for me I got a nasty clog
). If she doesn''t have her second nap I try for an earlier bedtime which he suggests and is also helpful. She would has a meltdown if she gets over tired and honestly (maybe b/c the first few months she would sleep whenever, wherever) I didn''t even realize that that was possible. Also I do notice now that she gets cranky after she has been up for a few hours. He also says it is ok to nurse or rock her to sleep so I do. I think that''s it. Also I took the advice from the wise mommies here. Turn off the light and just use her night light and lamp. Keep it calm. Read, change diaper, turn lamp off, nurse, bed...If she falls asleep fast I don''t turn on the white noise. If she is cranky I do. She seems *much* happier.

RE:linea nigra....yuck. Mine crooked!!!! My doc said it could take 6 months to fade. My friend''s took 9 months. I still have it after almost 5. I think it is so gross!
Thanks for the post Tacori...that is helpful. I don''t think you''re an idiot for not noticing the "obvious." A lot of my friends don''t, and I think I''l probably be the same because I''ll be sleep deprived myself.
TGal, that is true. I am still sleep deprived! Oh, I also agree with him that 4 months is a good time to sleep train. That is when these changes took place. Before then they are too little IMHO. Half the time when I put her down to bed she doesn''t even cry. It is wonderful. Oh, if she does I give her a paci and that calms her. What is really strange is she wakes up crying in the middle of night (hunger I think even though he says it is the brain not the tummy but I am not sure if I agree) but when she wakes up for the day (around 9 am, thankfully not his suggested 7) she is happy. I hear her cooing and laughing in the monitor. Today I walked into her staring at her paintings (which warmed my heart).

What I do which is totally against his rules is let her nap wherever. Right now she is sleeping in her car seat. Sometimes the swing. Rarely her crib. I am desperate and any sleep is better then no sleep (I think).
My friend (who has the son who is the same age as Tessa) came by yesterday to drop me off some lunch (she is so sweet). She asked me, "Was it you who said that sleeping in a carseat is not *quality* sleep?"

I told her no, I did not tell her that, but the book I''m reading does say that. I said I wouldn''t give her advice about sleep training or anything else because I am not a mom. And even if I WERE a mom, it''s just generally annoying to give unsolicited advice. She said someone told her that carseat sleep isn''t quality sleep and then someone else said it is totally good sleep for the baby. I told her the bottom line is: is it working for her? Does her son seem well rested? I really do think a lot of these books and products capitalize on new mom paranoia. We want the best for our kids. Well, I think they will all turn out fine. Apparently I was spoiled when I was a baby...would not sleep unless I was on my dad''s stomach, which drove my parents bonkers. I don''t think they were too strict on the sleep training at all. Well, let me tell you, as an adult, I am the best sleeper around. TGuy says it''s scary how well I''s a total gift. On planes, trains, automobiles, wherever...I can conk out. Maybe it was BECAUSE my parents probably didn''t put me in a "proper" place to take naps? Who knows....
Yeah, I know Dr W says it is "bad" sleep but if that is the ONLY way I can get her to''s all about survival (BOTH of ours
). She woke up calm, ate, and now is happily watching cartoons. She likes to "talk" to them. I figure at least it is visual stimulation. I''ll limit TV once it b/c a problem.

By the way I have a BETTER version of nursing on all 4s (though this clog is a stubborn one!). Put baby on the sofa and lean over. Much easier than the bed and I feel slightly less silly.
Gosh Tacori, you poor thing. You''ve really been to hell and back with your BFing, and you''re such a trooper. You''ll be my inspiration when I want to give up, because I know it won''t be easy...

Nice thing about books is that we can take what we think is helpful and disregard the rest. Dr W. doesn''t sit in our living rooms watching, thank god!

Got great news boss did my review and it was stellar! I got my max on my bonus (totally helpful since I won''t get paid on maternity leave for the last 6 weeks) AND waaay more than I expected for a raise! I guess working hard does pay off. Yay! More diapers I can now buy!!!!

wow...I need to catch up on this thread since I''ve been away for so long.

Thanks Ladies for all the prayer and thoughts. The labor and delivery actually went better than I thought. Induction start at 1 am and pretty much no progress until 6 pm that afternoon. The nurse did mention c-section if I continue with no progress...but I went from 3 cm to 9 before my nurse get off her shift. I start pushing at around 7 pm and the little guy got here at 7:15 pm. Which was really surprising given that I didn''t really exercise thru out the pregnancy.

First month was so hard, harder than I expected with pretty much no sleep. which really drive me and DH insane. and it really freak us out when we don''t know why he is crying...we''re constantly thinking is something wrong with him?

Little B will start getting his vaccine next week, and I was wondering how you ladies feel about this? I did some research on the internet...let''s just say the more I read the more I oppose of getting little B vaccinate.

you know, i''d like to know what the *experts* suggest for those of us with other kids who have to leave to pick them up from school. having a set nap schedule in a set place just isn''t pratical in my life at this point. sure, i could have done it when I had 1 baby and was home. but there is no way i can plan on being home from 1-4 so Jake can nap in his crib. he''s going to have to come along and sleep where he can. the funny thing is, my second was on less of a schedule, she napped in the car, wherever and she''s my better sleeper and always has been. i just think some of it has to do with each kid and their own temperment and some just have to learn to go with the flow of life.
Hi bobo, so nice to see you and hear your update! i''m glad your labor and delivery went well. as for the vaccinations, I did them all. Kids have to have them to go to public school here so you really don''t have much of a choice unless you opt out for religious reasons or something.
Bobo, so glad you checked in!
Glad to hear that labor and delivery went so smoothly for you.
I''m awed by the fact that you only need to push for 15 minutes.
Man, that''s faster than some preggo with their second child!

Anyway, post a pix of little B when you get the chance.
Rest up and take care!
Bobo! Good to hear from you! Details please. How big was little B? The first few months are rough but I promise it DOES get easier. For me it was around 5 weeks when she started social smiling. Made everything else disappear. Now that she laughs...forget it. Makes me even forget about my clog! About vacs, I think the illnesses they prevent is worth more than the *possible* link to autism. No one really knows for sure but they do know that vacs work. is something you need to feel comfortable with. Talk to your doc.

TGal, I don''t know if I am really an inspiration or just stupid! Haha! I agree Dr W would not be happy with everything I do! congrats on your bonus!!!! That is awesome news!
Geez, there''s a flurry of responses busy.

MrsS, you look radiant and gorgeous as usual. I love your glow. And no, you are not huge. Your sister is just teeny tiny. I agree that it does help with the extra height advantage
She''s like a good 5" taller over you? I can''t believe that you are up 38 lbs. If you are, you really carried it well!

Curly, are the movements the same in utero and outside? Hehe, DH is not going to be happy about it cuz he''s afraid that we are going to have a handful when the baby is out because she''s moving like crazy in my belly right now. So sorry to hear that Lily is not sleeping through the night. Is she waking up because of nightmares? Hope it passes soon before your belly get bigger.

Wow Jas12. You are superwoman! I can''t believe that you still have the stamina and energy to go to the gym at 39 wks! Are you planning on working out till you deliver?

TGal, boo for the no contrax today, but yay for the bonus. Any extra money is always good.

Tacori, you are another superwoman for being such a trooper with BFing. I''ll definitely look to you for inspiration when my time comes

mrssalvo, I heard about that. it''s required by law in somestate

lili, I was surprised too given what everyone told me thatI will have a difficult labor because I didn''t exercise.

Tacori E-ring, little B was 6 lb.5 oz. 19 inches. He actually laugh out loud serveral days after we got home from the hospital, but he was sleeping in my arm so I don''t think that was a real laugh...he smile a lot in his sleep.

I''m having trouble uploading his pix, he''s crying now...gotta go...I''ll try again later...
Bobo, he was just a little thing!
Date: 3/18/2008 4:23:36 PM
Author: mrssalvo
you know, i''d like to know what the *experts* suggest for those of us with other kids who have to leave to pick them up from school. having a set nap schedule in a set place just isn''t pratical in my life at this point. sure, i could have done it when I had 1 baby and was home. but there is no way i can plan on being home from 1-4 so Jake can nap in his crib. he''s going to have to come along and sleep where he can. the funny thing is, my second was on less of a schedule, she napped in the car, wherever and she''s my better sleeper and always has been. i just think some of it has to do with each kid and their own temperment and some just have to learn to go with the flow of life.

Also, won''t having a set schedule and location breed a finicky baby? I mean, if the baby is so accustomed to sleeping at a certain time and in a certain place, he/she may not be able to sleep when you are somewhere else like when you are traveling.
hello! just popping in to wish Jas, TGal and MrsS a smooth delivery. Can''t wait to "meet" your babies!
Date: 3/18/2008 4:23:36 PM
Author: mrssalvo
you know, i''d like to know what the *experts* suggest for those of us with other kids who have to leave to pick them up from school. having a set nap schedule in a set place just isn''t pratical in my life at this point. sure, i could have done it when I had 1 baby and was home. but there is no way i can plan on being home from 1-4 so Jake can nap in his crib. he''s going to have to come along and sleep where he can. the funny thing is, my second was on less of a schedule, she napped in the car, wherever and she''s my better sleeper and always has been. i just think some of it has to do with each kid and their own temperment and some just have to learn to go with the flow of life.
I wonder the same thing MrsS...and wonder how on earth I could do it with two kids (much less three).

Bobo, congrats girl! And I would MrsS said, you don''t have much choice if you want to put them in school. The only thing I am leaning on researching/asking is doing the MMR vaccinations separately. The rest I am not worried about.
Bobo--So good to hear from you--I was *just* thinking about you today! Has it been a month already--my goodness where does time go! Glad to hear you had a good L&D! Post pics and details!

Tgal--congrats on the stellar review/bonus, that is helpful!

Tacori--another clogged duct--urrgh, you are going to be the boobie/BF expert on here--there''s nothing you haven''t experienced in that dept.
I agree--if you or Tessa need the sleep--take what you can get--in any form.

Lili--i am no superwoman, just stubborn woman--i refuse to believe iam lugging around 30+ excess lbs, a sore pelvis etc. etc. I think the only reason i am still working out is b/c i feel like if i give up now then what was the point in all the other months of working out (of course, it is/was still good, but your body begins to loose physiological benefits of working out in a few short weeks) I am not doing much--just 30 min or so of elliptical or swimming/light weights--believe me, not anything superwoman like

Tgal, MrsS, Lili--there is a FULL MOON coming up this Friday!
ya just never know !!
I posted my last post way after I wrote it...and then all these new responses!

Tacori, you''re not stupid...and if you are, you''re not to me. I am inspired.

Bobo, he was a lil thing!

lili, according to the book, the set schedule and set places should actually help because they''re supposed to take to training/regimen pretty well. I''m going to see about that first hand when TTot goes to Australia for Christmas...a 15 hour plane ride and that much of a time difference should really give me a run for my money. I''m already afraid.

Ooh, full moon Jas...I think we''re ready! (OK, I''m not, but oh well). I just bought some unsalted crackers and gatorade to dilute with water, just in case I need something.
TGal, I think you made me blush! You are sweet. I was really afraid I would be hungry during labor b/c frankly I was starving my entire pregnancy but I didn''t even *think* about food. Guess I was busy

Hope the full moon works for you ladies! I can''t wait to see all the babies (and find out what TGal and Jas are having! Any last min guesses ladies???)
When I feel better I''ll post more often, but I wanted to stop in and say "good luck" to those of you ready to pop!! It''ll be the most amazing thing you''ve ever done, no matter how you do it, and I hope it goes smoothly for you three!

My m/s is just really harsh right now, so to everyone else, i''m keeping up and thinking of you all, but just kinda hate typing right now! i kinda hate the phone right now too...i guess it''s the total lack of energy. i *do* have my u/s on thursday to see if this is one or two babies, so i''ll try to update then...

maybe we''ll have a new PSbaby born by then? good luck, y''all!
Feel better Jen!!!
here is a pix of baby B.
don''t know why he won''t sleep on his own today...everytime I put him down he''ll wake up and start to cry...crying again...gotta go check on him..
