Tacori E-ring
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Date: 3/14/2008 9:22:07 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Hey ladies, Tessa is becoming a giggling machine. I *love* it. It is getting easier to get her going (which is what I expected). I hung out with our neighbor with the 7 week old twin boys and she was not much bigger!
Date: 3/14/2008 10:10:10 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Jas, thanks for the PSA...that is very interesting. I have been TERRIBLE on the sugars. However, I drink tons of milk, and eat lots of kimchee (fermented Korean pickled spicy cabbage). I wonder if that helped. And your mom cracks me up. My mom is excited too, but she is keeping her distance because she doesn''t want to be banned from my presence even before the baby is born!
Haha... definitely don't hate me, I'd take a couple extra pounds if I could trade away my new teenage complexion!!Date: 3/14/2008 11:01:45 PM
Author: Jas12
Eph--somehow missed your earlier post--glad to hear things are going well...i won't hate you for being one of 'those' girls who looses in the first tri
you are going to be an adorable preggo! Post pics when that belly pops--in 6 wks or so you'll see a big difference i am sure!
I feel the same way about PS babies--they set the baby-cuteness bar pretty darn high
Date: 3/15/2008 1:24:26 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Hey diver, don''t feel guilty! As far as I know, it is NOT in the manual to leave that room, but I should check. What the tech said made sense, so I was honestly surprised we had not read that before.
Demelza, to each her own. I simply do not buy it. But I''ll be the first to eat humble pie when I have my own kid, don''t you worry.My friend''s kids cried for an hour the first night of CIO. Trust me, they are fine. What I am finding out with my other friend''s kid (the one who is Tessa''s age) is that there are definitely protest cries and real need cries. I see this kid about 3 times a week for several hours at a time since he was born so I''m getting to know him decently. 4 months old and I think he can already manipulate (for lack of a better word). Maybe the trick is figuring out the cries, who knows. It also seems to me that CIO at an earlier age would do less damage than at a later age when they are more cognisant of what is going on...but that is my unscientific theory which has no basis in fact.
Some people have the patience to deal with the lack of sleep with no CIO, and I totally respect that. There is a reason why books like ''The No Cry Sleep Solution'' are hot sellers...NO parent wants to hear their kid cry! From what I know though, I don''t think Pantley is any kind of specialist...her experience comes from her own kids? All of the parents in my current circle of friends (who I''ve only known about 3 years now) do not use CIO, because it isn''t an easy thing to do. All of their kids are still not sleeping through at the night, and many are a over a year old. And they are fine, happy kids too. The only issue I see is that their parents are very tired.
Now, as I said, all the kids I know (from either CIO or non CIO parents) are very happy, well adjusted kids (with the exception of one...the pregnant woman stomach puncher...and even he is well loved...just spoiled). There is one difference I do see in the kids with a consistent sleep schedule (used in the CIO methold the parents used) and those without, and that is that I have never ever seen my bff''s kids cry and be cranky from overtiredness, and I have been around them alot. They wake up at 6, nap at around 8-9, then again at 1 and are in bed by 6. She may be the luckiest person the world with sleep happy kids, who knows. The other kids are awake pretty late (9ish), tend to get very cranky and start to scream, pull at their hair, cry, etc. They''re simply exhausted.
These are just my observations and opinions. Children NEED sleep. IMHO, in the early months/years some sacrifices need to be made so children can get naps and to bed at a decent hour. I don''t just believe at 3 or 4 months suddenly it''s just time to CIO...it''s not that black and white. I believe sleep is a top priority and early signs should be monitored to try to understand what will work best for your baby so s/he can sleep. Therefore I totally agree with you...it depends on the temperment of your child, but I do believe that many babies can be sleep trained in the method that my friend used and that I''ve been studying.
ETA, I just wanted to clarify that I do not think that RESPONSIBLE CIO methods will cause the kid issues in the future. I do think that letting your kid cry all the time because you just can''t be buggered to do anything about it is probably not a good thing for the tot!
Date: 3/15/2008 1:37:16 PM
Author: Jas12
In a perfect world i would go into labor on thursday--my dad is flying home from work in another province, and my sister and her BF are driving up that night for the easter long weekend. Of course everyone is hoping for a little easter bunny--but i have this feeling it''ll be later than that.
Date: 3/15/2008 11:11:05 PM
Author: msflutter
Its shocking that some mothers rely on the theories and not their instinct...that is what leads to the unfortunate aspects of CIO in my opinion. I haven''t done extensive research as my little guy loves to sleep.
lili~glad your appt went well.
Eph~ pregnancy dreams are soooo weird! And I feel for ya in the teenage acne department. Mine went away right after I gave birth but I was the breakout queen my entire pregnancy. Doesn't make sense that you have to go backwards to puberty skin in order to have a baby does it?
All this talk about CIO and sleep training has me nervous for when my little one gets older. She's a pretty good sleeper now so I'm hoping that continues. Every kid is different so we'll see what path we take when the time comes.
Speaking of my kiddo~ here is a recent pic...her smiles are getting bigger and bigger. I LOVE it!
Date: 3/16/2008 9:19:07 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Demelza, I could say the same about the Weissbluth book...after reading it, there was no clear direction really on what to do. Think these people are making a fortune off us?
Date: 3/16/2008 10:44:08 PM
Author: ephemery1
Tacori and Burk, glad to hear others have gone through the same lovely changes in appearance.I was hoping the bumpy skin might be a 1st trimester thing only, but it seems like most people deal with it all pregnancy? Ugh. DH and I were also admiring my bloat the other night when I noticed the slightest hint of a linea negra developing... doesn''t 10 weeks seem a bit early for that?? I''m fair-skinned too! Not complaining though, just observing how crazy it is to watch your body go through these changes.