
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hey ladies, Tessa is becoming a giggling machine. I *love* it. It is getting easier to get her going (which is what I expected). I hung out with our neighbor with the 7 week old twin boys and she was not much bigger!

That's wonderful news Snlee
So happy for you and DH. Now you can enjoy your weekend

Welcome home Curly and congrats on your great NT results! Sounds like lilCurly is growing right on target.

Thanks for the carseat info TGal. DH and myself have never installed a carseat ourselves, so having a pro check our work is essential.
You can never be too careful. In fact, I remember one time when my SIL came to pick us up from the airport with her infant. I looked in the back
seat of the car and didn't see the baby and thought that she was left at home with the nanny or something. Turned out that the carseat has flopped over

Aren't those fetal movements the best QT? It just gets better. You've got a good little girl then for letting you sleep during the night. Mine is a party animal, day and night. I'm such a heavy sleeper though, those movements didn't even wake me up, but I remember when Jas12 told us she'd be negotiating with her lil'one about keeping it down at night

Jas12 thanks for the probiotic info, but alas that's too late for me too. The dr just told me I'm one of the 3 out of 10 women that have it.
Oh well, IV for me then.
Hehe, that's so funny with your mom. Is this her first grandchild? It's probably been a long time since she's been around newborn.

Update for myself:
I just woke up from a nice much needed long nap
. Been getting up at night on the hour, so wasn't really getting enough rest.
Anyway, had my 36 wk appt today. Found out I'll need the IV because my GBS culture came back positive.
Pee, BP, and weight are all good.
Baby is head down and dr said that it's burrowed pretty far down there, so she's not going anywhere
Gained 1 lb again, but it's all good.
I actually thought that I've gained more since the little one is getting so much bigger.

Anyhoo, hope everyone is doing well and have a nice weekend!
Tacori, the giggles are the best, aren''t they? My friend has a son about the same age as Tessa, and I just LOVE it when he giggles. And he''s not even my own flesh and blood, so I can only imagine how over the moon I''ll be with my own giggler.

Diver, my friend did CIO with her 3 month and 4 month children. They are the happiest kids I know, so it''s hard for me to believe that CIO scars kids or anything. Your gorgeous boy was a good boy too! Imagine sleeping through the night at 2!

Curly and Janinegirly, so glad the scans went well!

Janinegirly, thanks for the nice words. You guys are good for the ego. All I hear in real life is "you''re big!" Maybe because they see the real me instead of the most flattering pic I could take. Hehehe.

Qtiekiki, the baby moving is the best...although I admit I''m at the stage where I can of miss being a single resident body. I think I''ll feel bizarrely empty after TTot is born.

Jas, thanks for the PSA...that is very interesting. I have been TERRIBLE on the sugars. However, I drink tons of milk, and eat lots of kimchee (fermented Korean pickled spicy cabbage). I wonder if that helped. And your mom cracks me up. My mom is excited too, but she is keeping her distance because she doesn''t want to be banned from my presence even before the baby is born!

lili, that is freaky...yes, please get your carseat checked out! Like I said, TGuy installed perfectly, but if he didn''t tell me to leave distance between the front seat and the carseat, we would have negated some of the carseat''s safety without even knowing it! Sorry to hear about the GBS, but as was said before, I don''t think it''s too much to be worried about...
Date: 3/14/2008 9:22:07 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Hey ladies, Tessa is becoming a giggling machine. I *love* it. It is getting easier to get her going (which is what I expected). I hung out with our neighbor with the 7 week old twin boys and she was not much bigger!


Hehe, good thing about a girl is you can afford to be tiny :)
Awee....that is so cute-- those giggles must be a delight.
Too bad you can''t post a video clip of her giggling away as you entertain her.
We''d definitely love to see 8-)
Date: 3/14/2008 10:10:10 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Jas, thanks for the PSA...that is very interesting. I have been TERRIBLE on the sugars. However, I drink tons of milk, and eat lots of kimchee (fermented Korean pickled spicy cabbage). I wonder if that helped. And your mom cracks me up. My mom is excited too, but she is keeping her distance because she doesn''t want to be banned from my presence even before the baby is born!

TGal, I''ll definitely miss having to house the baby once she''s delivered. It''s a nice feeling to have someone with you 24/7.

Hehe, I was TERRIBLE with my sugar too. I think I ate enough dairy (one milk, soymilk, yogurt and fortified juice) everyday. Maybe it''s one too many sweets from TJ.
Yeah, I know, it''s not a big thing. Just not a good feeling knowing that you carry some bacteria.
Lili--too bad about the GBS. My OB still does not know what to do with me (due to my intolerance of antibiotics) he''s looking into something other than penicilin. we are going to play it by ear, possibly re-test next week--but for most women it is no biggie.
I''ve been a sugar addict all pregnancy--much worse than pre-pregnancy b/c i am usually a health nut--i feel guilty about that sometimes b/c i always read statements like ''women take the best care of themselves during pregnancy'' and i think-weeelll, not so much on my end.
That''s great that the babe''s head is nuzzled in there, and everything is on target!
I hear you on hourly wake-ups--get those naps in. that will be our life for the next few months (min!)

Baby giggles are the best!

Baby belly movements in the last tri are pretty amazing as well--i just can''t believe i get to see him/her in just days. Pretty insane.

Speaking of movements--baby hiccups at 38+ weeks is crazy! They were so powerful last night i woke up from a deep sleep! Poor thing had them for a good 15 min.

time to hit the hay...
Eph--somehow missed your earlier post--glad to hear things are going well...i won''t hate you for being one of ''those'' girls who looses in the first tri

you are going to be an adorable preggo! Post pics when that belly pops--in 6 wks or so you''ll see a big difference i am sure!
I feel the same way about PS babies--they set the baby-cuteness bar pretty darn high
Re: CIO -- I''m reluctant to say something here because I know the CIO issue can sometimes be a contentious one. As I''ve mentioned before, my 16 month old daughter still wakes up a ton and I''m sure many parents would have Ferberized her by now. We haven''t done so because we do believe that letting her cry unattended does have the potential to be harmful. We are basing this in part on our particular daughter and her particular temperament. That said, I do think there are thoughtful, responsible, sensitive parents who use this method with great success. I know there are babies out there who are really developmentally and temperamentally ready to sleep through the night at an early age, but there are many who require some kind of attention during the night well into the second year or beyond. Before choosing a sleep training method (if you chose one at all), I really think it''s important to first meet your child and see what his/her temperament is like. For the baby who cries for 10 minutes for a couple of nights, CIO might be the appropriate choice. However, there are many, many babies who will cry for hours on end many nights in a row -- I simply can''t fathom how this isn''t damaging on some level. Like Diver, I too would be VERY careful about using CIO on any 3 or 4 month old baby. I really do believe that babies this young actually NEED nourishment during the night (unless they''re sleeping through the night on their own, of course). If nothing else, they certainly need and deserve comfort and reassurance. Even Ferber recommends waiting until 6 months. I hope I haven''t offended anyone here -- it''s not my intention. I just think there is so much emphasis in our culture on independence and autonomy at a ridiculously early age and, in my opinion, this is not always in the best interest of our babies.

Tacori -- I totally hear you on worrying about your daughter''s size. I do too! My daughter used to be in the 10th percentile and is now not really even on the charts. The ped thinks this is just her natural growth pattern given that I too am petite and my husband, while tall, is quite thin. He wants to watch her over the next few months, but isn''t worried. I have to remind myself that being in the 10th percentile is NO LESS HEALTHY than being in the 95th. They''re both normal growth patterns. Period. Just out of curiosity, why would you have to switch to formula? It''s VERY uncommon for a woman to not have enough breastmilk. I''m sure you do and I''m sure Tessa is eating exactly what she needs -- that''s the beauty of breastfeeding: it''s very hard to overfeed or underfeed since it''s in their control how much they eat.
Snlee: oh WOW! YAY! WHOOOOHOOOOO! I am so happy for you. Now rest easy this weekend & enjoy yourself. Oh, I''m so happy you went in. Sorry, I can get a bit pushy at times, but I''m a woman of action....of the "need to know the 411" variety. That''s a great heartbeat. {{{hugs}}}

Tgal: Oh good...glad I''m not scarring poor D. She has to cry a lot more than her bro did, because logistically, its not possible for me to be in 2 places at once. Sometimes her brother needs me too ya know. And my daughter slept 8 hours at 7 weeks! (she''s competitive---couldn''t let jake beat her). I breed sleepers. Its my superpower. We all have one. What''s yours?

and OMG Tgal...I am so taking my car to the tech tomorrow! Right now Delaney is behind the driver''s side...which is fine when my short a$$ is driving. But when my very tall DH is driving, he has his seat wedged up to her carseat. OMG, I feel so guilty. I''m going to remedy that tomorrow! Jake can sit behind DH since he is facing forward. Wow..scary stuff. I did not know that. And with 2 kids you can''t have a center install anyway. Geez....the tech never mentioned that to me! But it makes total sense. Well, I''m not driving one mile with DH pushed up against her seat. Fixing. First thing tomorrow.

TAcori: you are so lucky. While Delaney is easy with the smiles, she''s stingy with the giggles. She will giggle, but really only for her brother. Apparently Jake is funny and I''m not. Oh and the dog is funny too. And I''m not. Neither is DH. But we are smileworthy. LOL. And her laugh? Remember that movie "Revenge of the Nerds?" She sounds like one of the nerds!!!! Its....disturbing!

Oh, I was going to say to you, if Tessa was starving, she''d be crying for food. I bet she''s just got tiny DNA. Takes after momma. Feed her some cakesters.

Ephemery: your baby is going to be a gorgeous one. Look at your avatar! You & your DH are so lovely.

well i have more....but piglet is hon-gry...
Hey diver, don't feel guilty! As far as I know, it is NOT in the manual to leave that room, but I should check. What the tech said made sense, so I was honestly surprised we had not read that before.

Demelza, to each her own. I simply do not buy it. But I'll be the first to eat humble pie when I have my own kid, don't you worry.
My friend's kids cried for an hour the first night of CIO. Trust me, they are fine. What I am finding out with my other friend's kid (the one who is Tessa's age) is that there are definitely protest cries and real need cries. I see this kid about 3 times a week for several hours at a time since he was born so I'm getting to know him decently. 4 months old and I think he can already manipulate (for lack of a better word). Maybe the trick is figuring out the cries, who knows. It also seems to me that CIO at an earlier age would do less damage than at a later age when they are more cognisant of what is going on...but that is my unscientific theory which has no basis in fact.

Some people have the patience to deal with the lack of sleep with no CIO, and I totally respect that. There is a reason why books like "The No Cry Sleep Solution" are hot sellers...NO parent wants to hear their kid cry! From what I know though, I don't think Pantley is any kind of specialist...her experience comes from her own kids? All of the parents in my current circle of friends (who I've only known about 3 years now) do not use CIO, because it isn't an easy thing to do. All of their kids are still not sleeping through at the night, and many are a over a year old. And they are fine, happy kids too. The only issue I see is that their parents are very tired.

Now, as I said, all the kids I know (from either CIO or non CIO parents) are very happy, well adjusted kids (with the exception of one...the pregnant woman stomach puncher...and even he is well loved...just spoiled). There is one difference I do see in the kids with a consistent sleep schedule (used in the CIO methold the parents used) and those without, and that is that I have never ever seen my bff's kids cry and be cranky from overtiredness, and I have been around them alot. They wake up at 6, nap at around 8-9, then again at 1 and are in bed by 6. She may be the luckiest person the world with sleep happy kids, who knows. The other kids are awake pretty late (9ish), tend to get very cranky and start to scream, pull at their hair, cry, etc. They're simply exhausted.

These are just my observations and opinions. Children NEED sleep. IMHO, in the early months/years some sacrifices need to be made so children can get naps and to bed at a decent hour. I don't just believe at 3 or 4 months suddenly it's just time to's not that black and white. I believe sleep is a top priority and early signs should be monitored to try to understand what will work best for your baby so s/he can sleep. Therefore I totally agree with depends on the temperment of your child, but I do believe that many babies can be sleep trained in the method that my friend used and that I've been studying.

ETA, I just wanted to clarify that I do not think that RESPONSIBLE CIO methods will cause the kid issues in the future. I do think that letting your kid cry all the time because you just can't be buggered to do anything about it is probably not a good thing for the tot!
I let my kids CIO similar to the way Diver did it with her kids. I didn''t start until they were 6 months though and I knew they weren''t waking up hungry or wet etc. That''s also the age I moved them to their crib. I gradually increased the cry time and I would go in, pat them on the back but did not pick them up etc. my oldest would wake up around 4:00am for a bottle and then back to sleep. My youngest was one of the blessed sleepers and has pretty much always done a great job. each kid is different, but you do have to be careful to not let them learn how to manipulate you. they learn this very early on IMO and once they are past the newborn/infant needs stage the parents IMO have to determine who''s boss or else you will have a problem sleeper well into toddler even school age, which isn''t any fun for anyone. kids really do need their sleep.

so, i *thought* i started having contractions last night...but then nothing. soon though, it will be soon for a few of us

tgal, thanks for the carseat info, it''s a great reminder even for those of us who have done it before
I wish I could get video of Tessa laughing but she will barely smile when we turn the camera on. She turns shy.

So I tried rice cereal (spooning) and she wasn''t very interested. Maybe she isn''t ready yet. Friday was my night off and DH fed her 3 bottles during the night for a total of 14 oz. Now I am worried she is starving and I am not making enough milk
I only pumped 9.5 oz during this time (though I only pumped twice).

I just feel so much better after getting a good nights sleep!

TGal, you will be hearing Ttot''s giggles before you know it!

Lili, you are right. Girls can be cute when petite. Hopefully if and when I have a boy he''ll be tall like his daddy.

Diver, Jake IS funnier than you
I bet that just melts your heart seeing your babies laugh together.

Jas, T got hiccups ALL the time. She still does.
Date: 3/14/2008 11:01:45 PM
Author: Jas12
Eph--somehow missed your earlier post--glad to hear things are going well...i won't hate you for being one of 'those' girls who looses in the first tri

you are going to be an adorable preggo! Post pics when that belly pops--in 6 wks or so you'll see a big difference i am sure!
I feel the same way about PS babies--they set the baby-cuteness bar pretty darn high
Haha... definitely don't hate me, I'd take a couple extra pounds if I could trade away my new teenage complexion!!
I don't usually wear make-up or get too worked up about my appearance, but all these red bumps are becoming a bit much... even my BFF agreed it might be worth investing in some cover-up.
I am excited for a "real" baby belly but I'm guessing it might take a while for me... I'm only 5'5 but have a loooong torso. But I'm looking forward to putting together a maternity wardrobe of lots of comfy cotton skirts and dresses for summer, my favorite things to wear!

Snlee, so glad to hear everything looked great on the u/s!!

Diver, you are too sweet... I showed DH that most recent pic of Delaney and he said he'd like one of those
... high compliment from the guy who is not-so-secretly hoping for a son!

So, this may have been covered on here before, but I've heard that vivid, and shall we say "romantic", dreams can be a common pregnancy experience. Well this is probably TMI, but for some reason I feel the need to confess that I will probably never see Simon Cowell in the same way again. My American Idol viewing has been forever altered. I would say "use your imagination", but I'd actually prefer you didn't.
snlee, so pleased to hear your good news. Very relieved for you!

RE: cry it out....i am finding it strange that i have not looked into any of these parenting strategies--i am such a compulsive researcher i am not sure why i haven''t read 50 books on it yet ! My analness is selective i guess. Maybe those years working at the daycare have calmed my nerves. I used the CIO with the babies there--i simply couldn''t attend to 10 infants on totally different schedules. Nap time was set for them and it was hard (and probably not good) that i had to get everyone sleeping around that time. It amazed me how adaptable the babies were --new ones would come in and scream bloody murder when i put them down, but within a day (or three) they were sleeping soundly with everyone else--some parents couldn''t believe it, the behaviour was so different at home. I have no idea what i''ll do with my own. I am hoping something just feels natural.

MrsS. possibly some false labor going on over there?! I am excited for you!!! I''ve had no signs :-( In a perfect world i would go into labor on thursday--my dad is flying home from work in another province, and my sister and her BF are driving up that night for the easter long weekend. Of course everyone is hoping for a little easter bunny--but i have this feeling it''ll be later than that.

Eph--i am sorry your sexy dream subject had to be Simon C !--you need to start watching something else to get a better ''subject''

And yep, vivid dreams are common during pregnancy--i''ve had a couple of strange baby ones and a couple of the x-rated variety that you are describling. I think the sexual stuff is due mostly to the fact that intimacy changes a lot in pregnancy for most women--maybe TMI for you, but for me the frequency has stayed fairly consistent, but the quality has taken a major nose-dive--and it''ll only get worse over the next few months so dreams are good i guess

I honestly did not get a single breakout during pregnancy--but my nose got wider (weird eh) and my nose is my most hated feature so i would gladly trade that in for the zits. I did notice j-lo got a wider nose while pregnant and that made me feel better (apparently common in latino/black women---neither of which am I, so i am confused)
Jas, my nose got wider too! I hated it. I think b/c my whole face got fatter!

Eph, your baby will be beautiful! I felt SO ugly preggo! Zits, greasy hair, fat, pale, blahhhhh.....I am just starting to feel like me again (except the hair loss and some lingering acne
Date: 3/15/2008 1:24:26 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Hey diver, don''t feel guilty! As far as I know, it is NOT in the manual to leave that room, but I should check. What the tech said made sense, so I was honestly surprised we had not read that before.

Demelza, to each her own. I simply do not buy it. But I''ll be the first to eat humble pie when I have my own kid, don''t you worry.
My friend''s kids cried for an hour the first night of CIO. Trust me, they are fine. What I am finding out with my other friend''s kid (the one who is Tessa''s age) is that there are definitely protest cries and real need cries. I see this kid about 3 times a week for several hours at a time since he was born so I''m getting to know him decently. 4 months old and I think he can already manipulate (for lack of a better word). Maybe the trick is figuring out the cries, who knows. It also seems to me that CIO at an earlier age would do less damage than at a later age when they are more cognisant of what is going on...but that is my unscientific theory which has no basis in fact.

Some people have the patience to deal with the lack of sleep with no CIO, and I totally respect that. There is a reason why books like ''The No Cry Sleep Solution'' are hot sellers...NO parent wants to hear their kid cry! From what I know though, I don''t think Pantley is any kind of specialist...her experience comes from her own kids? All of the parents in my current circle of friends (who I''ve only known about 3 years now) do not use CIO, because it isn''t an easy thing to do. All of their kids are still not sleeping through at the night, and many are a over a year old. And they are fine, happy kids too. The only issue I see is that their parents are very tired.

Now, as I said, all the kids I know (from either CIO or non CIO parents) are very happy, well adjusted kids (with the exception of one...the pregnant woman stomach puncher...and even he is well loved...just spoiled). There is one difference I do see in the kids with a consistent sleep schedule (used in the CIO methold the parents used) and those without, and that is that I have never ever seen my bff''s kids cry and be cranky from overtiredness, and I have been around them alot. They wake up at 6, nap at around 8-9, then again at 1 and are in bed by 6. She may be the luckiest person the world with sleep happy kids, who knows. The other kids are awake pretty late (9ish), tend to get very cranky and start to scream, pull at their hair, cry, etc. They''re simply exhausted.

These are just my observations and opinions. Children NEED sleep. IMHO, in the early months/years some sacrifices need to be made so children can get naps and to bed at a decent hour. I don''t just believe at 3 or 4 months suddenly it''s just time to''s not that black and white. I believe sleep is a top priority and early signs should be monitored to try to understand what will work best for your baby so s/he can sleep. Therefore I totally agree with depends on the temperment of your child, but I do believe that many babies can be sleep trained in the method that my friend used and that I''ve been studying.

ETA, I just wanted to clarify that I do not think that RESPONSIBLE CIO methods will cause the kid issues in the future. I do think that letting your kid cry all the time because you just can''t be buggered to do anything about it is probably not a good thing for the tot!

I absolutely agree with you that babies need sleep and that a good sleep routine is critically important to their emotional and physical welfare. Advocating for a consistent sleep routine, however, is hardly unique to CIO theorists and one doesn''t need to use CIO in order to get their kids on a consistent schedule. If some of your friends are letting their kids get overtired, that''s not a good thing at all. I would absolutely agree that 9 pm is way too late for a young child to go to sleep, especially if they''re showing obvious signs of fatigue (i.e. screaming, pulling hair, etc.). It took me a while to figure out the best routine for my daughter, but we''ve got it down now and it works great. She goes to sleep no problem -- it''s staying asleep once she''s down that isn''t working so well. The fact that she wakes during the night, however, isn''t a problem for her -- she wakes up happy and well-rested -- it''s a problem for us and one we''ve chosen to live with until she is developmentally ready to sleep through the night on her own. I''m not saying this is the right choice for every parent and every child, but I do think it''s right for us.

I agree with you that the Pantley book, while appealing in many ways, isn''t strong on science. She isn''t an MD, but, then again, there are many MDs whose advice I would readily discard in favor of an experienced mother any day. I am not big fan of the Pantley book, though, because I didn''t find her techniques especially useful for us. After I finished her book, I really had no clue exactly what I was supposed to do.

None of us really know the long term impact of any of this. Most of the research I''ve read does suggest that prolonged, unattended to crying is harmful to the brain development of young babies, but perhaps I''m unconsciously seeking out only research that confirms my particular viewpoint. I''m sure we can all find research that says exactly what we want it to. In the end, you have to feel comfortable with your choices because I''m sure our children pick up on our ambivalence. Perhaps someone who really believed in it could sleep train my daughter in a two nights. Who knows?!? I just hope you have a naturally brilliant sleeper like Diver''s kids. If I ever do this again, I think I''m owed one of those, thank you very much!!
Radiantgirl, I know I''m behind but wanted to express my sympathy to you. I am so sorry for what has happened and I hope that you''re doing ok. Please take care of yourself.
Date: 3/15/2008 1:37:16 PM
Author: Jas12
In a perfect world i would go into labor on thursday--my dad is flying home from work in another province, and my sister and her BF are driving up that night for the easter long weekend. Of course everyone is hoping for a little easter bunny--but i have this feeling it''ll be later than that.

Perhaps you should visualize yourself holding your little easter bunny

Hey, if that visualization works for having the baby going into position, I''m thinking it should work for getting the baby out

Wow, less than 2 weeks for you according to the EDD. So exciting!!
Snlee- i''m so glad you got in for an ultrasound, better to know than to be freaked out all weekend!

TGal- Glad you got your carseat done. George and I learned so much from the lady that did ours...It makes you wonder how wrong the average carseat is put in!

CIO- I was totally against CIO when Ian was younger. I remember being at the bfing support group and a woman was trying the babywise method on her 2 week old. the nurse basically told her that could lead to failure to thrive. I couldnt agree more. I was pretty lucky with Ian he loves to sleep, I did skim through the babywhsperer book when he was around 3 months, and use some of the techniques to get him to sleep and do let him CIO some. I think it can be a good tool if used wisely and reasonably. Its shocking that some mothers rely on the theories and not their instinct...that is what leads to the unfortunate aspects of CIO in my opinion. I haven''t done extensive research as my little guy loves to sleep.
MsF you are so lucky he is a good sleeper. I do agree about following your instincts. With Tessa I can tell when she is tired (rubbing eyes, yawning, fussy) and if she has eaten, dry diaper, I will put her down. She usually ALWAYS cries. I give it maybe 10 mins (it is all I can stand) before I try rocking her to sleep. Before her doc''s appointment we would sometimes just put her paci back in her mouth and she would fall back asleep but now that her weight is an issue you were are feeding her every time she wakes up. We also are supplementing more with formula which is hard for me but obviously I want her to thrive. She still seems to young to try any aggressive CIO.
Date: 3/15/2008 11:11:05 PM
Author: msflutter
Its shocking that some mothers rely on the theories and not their instinct...that is what leads to the unfortunate aspects of CIO in my opinion. I haven''t done extensive research as my little guy loves to sleep.

I totally agree with this. That should always be the bottom line. There was a time a few months ago when I was so desperate to get my daughter to sleep better that I started reading everything I could get my hands on and even consulted a sleep "expert". Rather than being helpful, it resulted in me being almost paralyzed because I was afraid of doing something "wrong". Following any one approach to the letter is probably not a very good idea. It''s been really freeing for me to realize that she will sleep through the night when she''s ready no matter what I do, so I might as well do what feels right. You''re very lucky to have a naturally good sleeper. I''m jealous.
Demelza: My dh is a terrible sleeper. If he wakes up -- that''s it. Worries can keep him up all night. Should I try CIO? LOL...j/k all joking aside, he''s 42 years old and still has trouble sleeping. I think some folks, whether infants or adults, are not as good sleepers as other people.

Ephemery: I can make you feel better. I had nasty, and I mean NASTY dreams about Kid Rock.
Yes. Kid. Rock. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I mean, what the HECK? Couldn''t be more opposite my type. LOL. So, in your dream, did Simon critique you afterward? har dee har har.

I am exhausted. Went to kickboxing & came home & cleaned my basement/guestroom. It had 6months worth of cat hair down there. (we call the lower level "the cat''s apartment") and my SIL is coming on Monday, so I scoured, swept, mopped, vacuumed..vacuumed more,washed ALL the bedding, steam cleaned area rugs. My parents were here from 10am until 8:45pm taking care of my babies so I could get my cleaning on. Ouch. I hurt. but gotta love my daddy. He made me lunch & got some yummy takeout for me for dinner.

Ok all...

Gnight & have a great sunday!
Snlee~so glad everything turned out to be okay! I went through that scare myself.

Curly~glad everything looked good on your scan.

Tgal~thanks for the carseat info. We only had our base in our one car checked...I'm going to set up an appt to get the other checked. Better safe than sorry.

Tacori~So exciting about your little giggle machine!! I can't wait for giggles!

lili~glad your appt went well.

Eph~ pregnancy dreams are soooo weird! And I feel for ya in the teenage acne department. Mine went away right after I gave birth but I was the breakout queen my entire pregnancy. Doesn't make sense that you have to go backwards to puberty skin in order to have a baby does it?

All this talk about CIO and sleep training has me nervous for when my little one gets older. She's a pretty good sleeper now so I'm hoping that continues. Every kid is different so we'll see what path we take when the time comes.

Speaking of my kiddo~ here is a recent pic...her smiles are getting bigger and bigger. I LOVE it!

Diver, have fun with your SIL! I went on a cleaning spree yesterday. So unlike me.

Burk, she is beautiful! Love the gummy smiles more than anything (well except the giggles) She''ll get there soon.
Burk, what a doll!

Demelza, I could say the same about the Weissbluth book...after reading it, there was no clear direction really on what to do. Think these people are making a fortune off us?

Ephemery, too funny about Simon C. Actually, kinda scary too. I had some pretty good dreams in my first trimester. Now all the dreams are of how I am going to be one f''d up mom.

MsF, I really couldn''t believe the stats that 90% of carseats were put in wrong until it was our turn to do it. The safeseat is easy to install, but there were still things that could have gone wrong. I''ve heard the snugride is way tougher to install, so I am glad we didn''t get that one! My friend wanted to me to check her safeseat, and right away I could see it was was fishtailing from right to left without much effort. Ours barely budges. Then my other friend was amazed we used the LATCH system because it seemed too complicated. I told them it was easier to get the correct install with the LATCH system. They still are using seatbelts to install when I am pretty sure their Toyota Siena van has latch. I just gave both my friends the name of the technician. I hate to sound "naggy" but I got rearended twice while pregnant, so suffice it to say, I''m paranoid.

Diver, Kid Rock???!??
Have fun with your SIL!
Evening all--hope everyone had a good weekend.

Burk--Adorable pic!

Tgal--i am going to tackle the car seat tomorrow--tackled making easter eggs today, priorites ya know?! (i am going to make sure that thing is in there good!) I got the new peg prego SIP car seat--it''s heavy, maybe should have lifted the damn thing before buying it! I am going to be buff after luggin this baby and all its gear around. I keep thinking about how much effort it''s going to be to run a simple errand!

So i am increasingly having OMG moments and I am totally absent minded right now--just baby on the brain 24/7. Now i totally understand how new moms get that glazed look on their face when they try to have a conversation about anything that isn''t baby related--it''s just not possible.

My belly has dropped enough for it to be noticable by my mom and DH--but i am still pretty darn high! I think mom and sister will have a stroke soon if i don;t go into labor in the next week or so--my sis (a shopaholic, fashionista urbanite) has actually held off shopping for baby stuff b/c of the unknown sex--well, she called tonight saying she buckled and had to get a few outfits to bring to me b/c, quote " you know the inlaws are going to get tacky stuff, and the baby''s first pics can''t have that" --she''s right about the tacky-factor, but come on
Tacori and Burk, glad to hear others have gone through the same lovely changes in appearance.
I was hoping the bumpy skin might be a 1st trimester thing only, but it seems like most people deal with it all pregnancy? Ugh. DH and I were also admiring my bloat the other night when I noticed the slightest hint of a linea negra developing... doesn't 10 weeks seem a bit early for that?? I'm fair-skinned too! Not complaining though, just observing how crazy it is to watch your body go through these changes.
Oh and Burk, your litle girl is just so sweet!! Can't wait to take pix like that someday.

Jas12, Diver, and TG, I feel much better having shared my Simon Cowell experience, thank you for your support.
Especially hearing about Diver and Kid Rock... haha. And no, sadly I did not get any critique afterwards... although that made me literally LOL at my computer. Maybe next time. Incidentally, there was just a commercial talking about Simon C. being on Oprah tomorrow, and DH promptly set the DVR for me.
Date: 3/16/2008 9:19:07 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Demelza, I could say the same about the Weissbluth book...after reading it, there was no clear direction really on what to do. Think these people are making a fortune off us?

Indeed!!! If I told you how much we spent on our "sleep expert" consultation, you''d slap me upside the head. Sleep deprivation plus desperation equals big bucks for all these so-called "experts". Just out of curiosity, isn''t Weissbluth''s plan simply to let baby cry it out until it''s asleep? How young does he say it''s okay to use the extinction (couldn''t he have come up with a gentler sounding name??) method? Does he modify his plan based on the age of the baby?
Date: 3/16/2008 10:44:08 PM
Author: ephemery1
Tacori and Burk, glad to hear others have gone through the same lovely changes in appearance.
I was hoping the bumpy skin might be a 1st trimester thing only, but it seems like most people deal with it all pregnancy? Ugh. DH and I were also admiring my bloat the other night when I noticed the slightest hint of a linea negra developing... doesn''t 10 weeks seem a bit early for that?? I''m fair-skinned too! Not complaining though, just observing how crazy it is to watch your body go through these changes.

FWIW, I had acne for the first few months and then it did go away. I can''t remember exactly when, but it was really bad in the beginning and I got it in places I never did before. Once it went away, though, my skin never looked better. Hopefully that will be the case for you.