
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks for all the responses on BF...I really wanted to take the book, find the author, and give her a few paper cuts.

And no, Jas12, no belly shots yet...because I have Brokeout Mountain on my face. And I tried doing the whole "cut off the head" shot, but I just look all lumpy.

Ok, I just hate having my picture taken.

I have been on a salsa and tortilla chip binge. Love love love me some chunky SPICY salsa.
OK gals...this may be of interest for the still current preggos who are interested in CORD BANKING....

I got a kit from Cord Blood Registry from my doc. The fees are as follows:

One time payment - 1875
Annual Storage - 125
One step shipping service - 150.

That''s a total of $2150 for the first year''s fees.

I called and got $650 off. Here is how -

1-888 CORD BLOOD is the number I called and pressed the option to get a kit/info. A guy came on the phone and I explained that a friend banked through them. My friend met a friend of a friendl who worked for CBR who offered the friends and family discount. Well, my friend and her friend had a falling out and when it came close to my friend''s due date, she felt stupid calling her friend to ask for the name of the woman who worked for CBR.

Because my friend DID sign up for info, a rep for CBR called her. My friend said she was trying to get a F&F discount through that original girl. The guy asked her the name of the girl, and my friend said she had no idea, but knew what city she lived in. The salesperson on the phone probably wanted the commission so he offer her the F&F discount anyway.

I explained all this to my CBR salesperson and asked if they would give me the F&F discount when in all honesty I had neither a friend nor a family member who worked there. I did give him my friend''s info so he could verify that my story was true and that she was given the steep discount. The man was very nice and did offer me the price. So instead of $2150, I would pay $1500 to get started. Much more doable.


If you are interested, you can always call and ask for the FF discount and say that you know the discount is $650 and that people have been getting the discount if they ask. It''s worth a shot. Otherwise, the rep said there are constant promotions for $200-$250 off. Also, ask for the kit from your doc...the other one I was looking at (New England Cord Banking) asks for $250 non refundable deposit to even send you the kit.

Cryo Cell is cheaper, btw...1595 is their rate for set not much more than my "discounted" rate. But it seems like a lot of people recommend CBR.

I have read terrible things about Viacord.

Hope that helps someone!!!
AHHH!! That's what's going on with my hair!! I didn't know that was a post-baby thing. At least there's a annoying, though. I did end up doing bangs and that helps.

Jas, so sorry for the stress with the visitors. I completely understand.

Okay...the whole formula vs breastmilk thing KILLS me. Tayva was breast fed the first 4 weeks. She was colicy and generally discontent a lot of times so we took her to a ped who specializes in breast fed babies. Doc said she has a food intollerance/allergy. So I did everything in my power to try and figure out what she was allergic to. I cut out dairy, then soy, then wheat, even went to the total ellimination diet where all I ate was turkey and potatoes for 4 days while we formula fed her to try and heal her tummy. Nothing. She reacted every time I re-introduced breast milk. The doc said we could just continue to have a "collicy" baby and she if she grows out of it, but there was NO way I was going ot make my baby unhappy when I knew darn well she was happy on formula. I felt HORRIBLE...even though I knew it wasn't my fault, I felt guilty. I think it's just something that comes with the new mommy territory. But, I pumped for the next week or so until I dried up and saved my pumped milk. We'll try and re-introduce that frozen breast milk in another monthy or so, as she may have already grown out of her allergy. As for right now she is such a great baby on formula and that's all that counts.

Thanks tgal for the info on cord banking. We didn't do it, but I don't think I did enough research.
I really don''t understand why people would think formula is bad? People should be ashamed of themselves if they guilt mothers. It''s not as if moms don''t have enough to worry about.

This is a story about a boy who has cerebral palsy and seems to be making some serious strides with the stem cells from his cord blood. I saw a short clip of it last night on the news and thought it was timely....
It is amazing how personal the BF v Formula debate is. I wanted to BF so bad. I've mentioned it on here before. With a past breast reduction it was nearly many milk ducts severed. I was on over 20 herbal supplements a day for 4 months and still couldnt pump more than .4 oz's in an hour. I still tried and tried (obviously while supplementing with formula) I was constantly asked why i wasnt BFing and felt like I had to explain myself to random strangers. Finally when I had to go on a steroid treatment for my back when he was 4 months i quit all together. I thought I would feel bad, but it was like this huge weight was lifted off me. Now the next issue is baby food. all these moms that judged me for giving formula arent making their own baby food...which of course is fine, but I just want to ask them why...isnt fresh organic food better for their baby! I just want them to feel half as bad as they made me feel. Its so ridiculous! I wish I would have had friends like diver and LC to make me feel better!

Cord blood- Its great you got such a deal tgal...I had really looked into it, but my midwife talked me out of it. She says the private places are opportunistic. The AAP calls private storage "unwise"; the resident ethicist at the New England Journal baldly calls private cord-blood banking one in an increasing number of "schemes to transform medical waste into profit." Their unreserved advice: Donate your cord blood to one of the public cord-blood banks being established by the National Institutes of Health. I dont know if i agree with all that, and will consider it for my second child as you really only need to do one of two...and cord blood isnt the same as stem cells, as the cord blood only benefits immune system disorders. Its a real touchy subject for some.

My exciting news. I ordered a babyhawk baby carrier last week. They custom made it reversible for me with some scrap cubs fabric on one side. It arrived today and i love it!
I think what was so awful about her (the author''s) approach was that she''s a nurse. And she kept quoting this one doctor. Sorta riding on the medical background.

Anyway, thanks for the cord blood information!

Just found out that as a "thanks" the Visiting Swedes want to cook us dinner one night. Which, again, sounds really nice, but now I have to clean out my kitchen too. And stick around to help them find things.

I sound like such a monster. I am so territorial about my kitchen. The only thing I''m more territorial about is my OFFICE/napzone/guestroom.

lets see if this pic of the carrier works...

ETA: nope. guess not.
jas, sorry about the houseguests...that's no fun at all..

I honestly have no real strong opinions on the BF/formula debate either. i'm a 70's formula fed baby, have no alergies, never broken a bone etc. and think i'm purty smart too
. I nursed my first 6 months, then started adding forumula bottles and nursed until 9 months and she just did forumula until she turned one. i only nursed my second b/c she wouldn't take a bottle, i waited too late i guess or didn't try hard enough, who knows but she wouldn't so i went a year nursing her. I will nurse this one but probably do what litchick did and supplement one formula bottle a day just for the freedom. pumping is just too time consuming for me and i really don't have the desire to do it. i agree, no woman should feel guilty about forumla feeding or nursing or the combo of both. everyone's lives are different with different needs etc. you just have to do what's right for you.

so, i am just feeling soooooooooo ready. labor cannot come quick enough. it's pretty funny though b/c i rarely call people, mostly text or email but to those whom I do call, they are all answering the phone. i haven't gotten someone's voicemail in a week b/c they all answer thinking I'm going into labor
soon i hope it's true!!
Date: 3/13/2008 5:44:30 PM
Author: jas
I think what was so awful about her (the author''s) approach was that she''s a nurse. And she kept quoting this one doctor. Sorta riding on the medical background.

Anyway, thanks for the cord blood information!

Just found out that as a ''thanks'' the Visiting Swedes want to cook us dinner one night. Which, again, sounds really nice, but now I have to clean out my kitchen too. And stick around to help them find things.

I sound like such a monster. I am so territorial about my kitchen. The only thing I''m more territorial about is my OFFICE/napzone/guestroom.

I feel for you. I find it stressful having people "in my space" for a few days, even when it is close friends or family. I find it unbelievable that SIL would think it was okay to volunteer your home as a B&B w/o asking you first. As for the kitchen, I feel the same way. I am always worried someone will scratch one of my expensive pots or pans. I don''t even let DH wash some of the items in our kitchen (which he doesn''t mind at all).
Diver--that pic is hysterical!!!! only a mom who''s had some hair loss would identify with that--i''ve never noticed any new moms will this problem but now i''ll probably see it everywhere.

MrsF--that is a good point about the profit seeking by the cord blood banks. It seems to be worse in the US but is happening here of course as well, for curiosity i calculated the full cost for my service, i paid upfront (so no yearly charges) and with tax, courier, etc. it was about 1400--quite a difference, i don''t know why the difference. I choose a service where i could move the sample to another facility-in the event that our federal health care system decides to make it a free service to canadians and i can reclaim some of the cost. Hopefully that happens!
style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 351px">Date: 3/13/2008 10:50:22 AM
Author: Jas12
Morning all--had the worst sleep last nigh, draggin my butt around this morning. I think i''ll procrastinate with PS for a while before tackling the house. Why can''t we switch the nesting instinct on and off?

Litchick--sorry to hear you are having such a rough time--when it rains it pours eh? Everything seems to pile up at stressful times. I''d make another appnt about your weight/thyroid issue, maybe see a specialist if you haven''t already. My hairdresser is experiencing something similar--always tiny but now weighs about 20 lbs less than pre-preggo and she''s only 8 months PP, they are doing tests right now, I''ll let you know if she finds out what the cause is.
Hopefully your fam can get some R& R time this weekend to get everyone feeling a bit better.

Fisher--typically a Dr. isn''t around (that''s usually what women are trying to avoid) I don''t know about the US but in canada midwives are trained exclusively in childbirth for 4 years of intense university education--way more than any Dr. or OB. They have hospital, home or birthcenter rights so the mother can choose where she wants to labor-surgeons are always on call at hospitals should something go wrong, but they have way lower rates of intervention (in some centers less than 5%!) The problem in canada is that there is a shortage-- It''s such a demanding job i guess it''s not appealing to a lot of young women as a career choice.--i couldn''t get one so I have an OB. I like him, but my 4 min appnts pale in comparison to the hour or so women i know get to spend with their midwife. Okay, i ''ll stop now--hehe. can you tell i wish i had one!
My sister in law had a midwife (the same one for all 5 of her babies) and gave birth to all 5 babies in a birthing center. I was there, too (not in the room; I was young and woozed at the time) and I remember Dr.s being "around." I don''t think any were ever in the room, but the birthing center was a wing of the hospital, so maybe they just checked in.

I was just wanted to be sure if a woman were to go the less "hospitally" route, there would still be a Dr., if one should be needed.

My sister still had appointments at the OBGYN, but met with the midwife there. Is that the way it typically works?
I have no problems with companies wanting to make a profit, as long as they do it ethically. This is America, and we''re capitalists after all. As for "medical waste", if that were true, then why would I bother even donating it? MsF,I find what your midwife said as irresponsible as what some of the things I''ve heard docs say. To every parent I''d say do the research on your own, and come to a conclusion to what you are comfortable with (For the record, I know you do this MsF, but wanted to clarify in case it sounds like I''m directing at you).

Do I think that some of the private cord banking practices are opportunistic? Yeah, probably. Cashing in on fears and what *might* be best for your baby? Possibly. But so are so are some of these books and courses that stress that medical interventions are unnatural, bad for your baby, and not the best way. And I actually buy into the whole natural thing, to a degree.

The more I read, the more I am amazed at how people present their opinions as fact, documenting and citing anything that will prove them right. It''s like the whole BF/formula thing. There''s just no end to what is the "right" thing to do these days.

Anyhoo, enough on that.

MsF, you have try again to post pics of the carrier! Let us know how your boy likes it. I got the ERGO as a gift and I am curious to see if I will babywear a lot. I have a bad back, so I''m thinking it won''t be often, but I think it''s a great idea to babywear.
omg....LOOKIT these hats!! t.d.f!
Radiant, I am so sorry for your loss! I hope you take the time you need and get preggo again quickly.

Thanks ladies for your support. I just felt like maybe I was starving my daughter! 5% is so low. I agree she doesn''t LOOK unhealthy. She''s got the double chin, the thigh rolls...I hope it is from genetics (which is more than possible) then from hunger. I felt like such a bad mom!

Diver, I don''t think I can give up the shield either. I guess I am lazy, scared and comfortable. 25% is high....I don''t know. I do love the waffle blankets but understand sticking with what you know! Hey did you guys ever decide where to vacation?

Tgal, I understand why banking is reasonable in your situation. If Tessa was biracial I probably would have done it too. I guess it is like any insurance policy. It is expensive and you hope to NEVER need it.

LC, She does get a formula bottle almost everyday from DH (he does the 2-3 am feeding
) and he says she takes 4-5 oz. When I pump (to make up for the missed feeding) it is usually that amount so I am guessing that is how much she is eating
Grab a cakester girl! Seriously, please go see a good doc!

Lili, Jas, and Jas12, I was ALWAYS the smallest girl in the class so I guess Miss Tess (I do call her Tess and Tessie sometimes) will be plagued with ALWAYS having to hem her pants. I guess she might catch up since DH is tall. I just want her to be healthy.

Burk, your little girl is NORMAL not a porker! My dad says babies are suppose to double their birth weight at 3 months....Tessa is so far from that. Haha. I cannot really help you with sleep problems since she has never been a good sleeper. Her naps can be really short too. If she is cranky I try to get her to nap but usually have to rock her to sleep or *tisk tisk* resort to the swing. Sometimes it is about my survival too.

Jas, by the way I would be happy to trade you a never used maternity suit (very cute) for a few boxes of promax bars. Haha!!!

BF v. Formula, I was BFed, DH formula fed. Honestly BFing is something I *really* wanted to do. DH also wanted it. I fully appreciate (probably better than most) that not everyone can BF. It has been the *hardest* thing I have ever done but I have never once seriously considered giving it up. I am proud that I have done it for 4 months since it has not come easy. Those feedings are very special. But I would *NEVER* make any mom feel bad for choosing differently (just like epi vs. natural or anyone parental debate). You are in charge of your body and your baby. Please don''t let anyone make you feel badly for your choices. Believe it or not my MIL thinks I am an alien and so strange because I *DO* BF so everyone is a critic!

I called OB/GYN at my current medical group for an appointment two weeks ago after I tested positive for the first time. A doctor was supposed to call me back to schedule an appointment, but I never heard from them. DH and I decided I should switch medical groups so I could deliver at the best birthing hospital in our city (for which DH happens to work, so I hope to get my epi quickly

). One of my female colleagues gave me a referral for a great OB at that hospital, so I called today to set up my first appointment. I am just past week 9, and the first appointment available is in 3 ½ weeks, which puts me near the end of week 13. We can do amnio after week 15, so if we can schedule the amnio for the week of 4/21, we should have the results before Mother''s Day. I''m afraid if I wait until my first appointment to get a referral to amnio, it will take a few weeks to get in there too. I am thinking about calling back and trying to schedule an appointment for amnio now, but am worried they will think I am nuts trying to schedule amnio before I have met with anyone.

We are waiting until after the amnio to tell our family and friends we are expecting. I so want to be able to call our mothers on Mother’s Day and tell them “guess what, you’ll be getting an extra card for Mother’s Day next year.”
Tgal- i truly agree with you that everyone should do their own research. Its such a touchy still in the medical community. So few of those that bank ever need the cord blood...but my concern is if Ian needed it and I didnt have it, the whole scam of the banks wouldnt bother me. I did talk to the pedi about it, because i was really concerned as my brother died of brain cancer when he was 7. I was told that cord blood would never be able to help those kind of cancers...therefore i wasn''t high risk. they also offer discounts for those that are high risk of needing it. As I said before, we are planning on doing it with the next baby. You usually only need to do it with one, and are waiting. Its awesome that you were able to get such a steal on your banking!

You are right, everything with parenting and birthing is so agenda driven, you never really know what is fact and what isnt...we each need to find what we most agree/identify with

here we go again trying the carrier...its reversible and I love it! I have heard such good things about the ergo, and a friend has one, I almost bought a used one off babywearer, but we will see if I use this one much!

That is a rockin'' carrier!

I don''t think there is a ton that cord blood would help now...but science makes strides every day. Who is to say what it will be able to cure in the future? Like that video I posted...that is cutting edge science in the case of that little boy.

And yes Tacori, if we were both white, I probably would not have done it. A friend of a friend''s kid has a life threatening illness (he''s Chinese). They were doing blood drives a few months ago...I actually don''t know how the little boy is doing. They were begging asians to donate. At the time I didn''t because I was pregnant and didn''t know how I could save the boy if I were found to be a match (I should have researched it more, but I will admit I erred on the side of caution, if not selfishness.
) I had given a donation/sample years ago, so I think my info would be in there somewhere. Hopefully we asians will get better and better at this kind of stuff.

Tacori, I think it''s fabulous you stuck it out as long as you have, with all the problems you encountered. I only hope I will be as diligent...but I won''t feel bad if I am not. Hee hee.
TGal, once Ttot is here you might be surprised by how much DOES bother you. I thought it would be easy to let her cry it out and couldn''t WAIT to try it once she was is heartbreaking. Seriously so hard to watch her cry, her lip quivers, her arms flare....I don''t know if I can do it. Once you "meet" your child things change. They really do. I am kind of stubborn and I think that is what has gotten me through BFing. I don''t like to give up. But obviously if the doc says we need to up the formula in take we will. The most important thing is her health and happiness.

BTW, cure for tummy time blues. (she usually rolls off her tummy if we try it....she is a smartie) I laid on my back and put her on my stomach (so we were tummy to tummy) so LOVED it! I think she likes seeing my face so up close. Then I sat her on my stomach and was making her bounce (and goofy noises) and she was laughing so much I called my SIL and put her on speaker so she could hear it. I am addicted to that kid''s giggles!!!
Thought I would post this little tip before i forget it myself .....just got an email from a friend in another city who is planning an upcoming homebirth--her midwife was over to help her prep the house and she suggested this for just after birth (or when returning home for us hospital birthers):
Post-birth swelling/trauma in the v-zone--> spritz menstral pads with water and freeze briefly in the freezer, then apply
--much nicer feeling than chunks of ice in a bag i am sure
Date: 3/13/2008 10:18:23 PM
Author: Jas12
Thought I would post this little tip before i forget it myself .....just got an email from a friend in another city who is planning an upcoming homebirth--her midwife was over to help her prep the house and she suggested this for just after birth (or when returning home for us hospital birthers):

Post-birth swelling/trauma in the v-zone--> spritz menstral pads with water and freeze briefly in the freezer, then apply

--much nicer feeling than chunks of ice in a bag i am sure

Actually I liked the bag of ice!
I had a LOT of trauma though. Perhaps more than normal
My best advice is lots of warm water (with the spritz bottle) when you go to the bathroom, stool softener, lots of TUCKS pads, and extra long pads. I had 2 medicated creams, one for my hemi, one for my stitches so it was all quite a procedure!
I''m having a scare tonight...some light bleeding. I called and spoke to an advice nurse, who said it''s normal for many women to bleed during the first 20 weeks. If I start to have cramps, bleeding gets worse, or doesn''t stop within 48 hours, I should call back and see a doctor. So basically I have to take an easy for a week and hope that the bleeding stops in a few day. I am trying not to freak out but I am terrified!
Snlee what were you doing before the bleeding started? Sometimes sex can cause it. I know it is hard not to freak out but spotting is more common then you think. Take it easy! And stay positive!!!
Date: 3/13/2008 10:44:15 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Snlee what were you doing before the bleeding started? Sometimes sex can cause it. I know it is hard not to freak out but spotting is more common then you think. Take it easy! And stay positive!!!
No sex. I was actually taking a nap right before it started. Thank you...I''m trying my best to stay positive!
Is it brown? Like it is old blood or bright red?
Date: 3/13/2008 10:54:40 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Is it brown? Like it is old blood or bright red?
At first it was bright red but now it''s a darker red. Not brownish old blood. None in my urine and hardly any on the toilet paper but when I check my CF the blood is there. I''m hoping it''s just some normal light spotting and stops soon.
Snlee: Ok, as a 2 time miscarrier (and 2time mom) here is what you do. Call your OB first thing in the morning and DEMAND a friggin'' ultrasound. Don''t ask, don''t let them bully you or make you feel alarmist for asking.

If you are miscarrying they will be able to tell. If you are just having a subchorionic hematoma (most common cause of bleeds & babies are fine) you will see the heartbeat & you will be measuring on track. That way, if you continue to spot a little over the weekend, you won''t be freaked the hell out, because you''ll know your baby is ok. There is no reason for you to A) suffer or B) wait to find out.

I''m sorry, but I always get mad when I hear stuff like the advice nurse told you. Tomorrow is Friday. Park yourself in the waiting room of your OB if you have to (if he/she has an ultrasound machine) and check things out. Also, did you call your OB''s office to talk to the on-call OB? My OB never had me talk to a nurse. When I was miscarrying my 2nd time, he called me in a hotel in another state (I was out of town) to see if I could get home sooner & to tell me what to do if my bleeding got bad.

Don''t pay attention to blood color. Both times my blood was old brown blood (mistakenly referred to as "safe" bleeding) it doesn''t mean a thing. My best friend practically hemorraged bright red blood, and her daughter is 3 now. So goes to show...only an ultrasound can tell you what is going on.


I''m here if you need to talk.
Date: 3/13/2008 10:00:31 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, once Ttot is here you might be surprised by how much DOES bother you. I thought it would be easy to let her cry it out and couldn''t WAIT to try it once she was is heartbreaking. Seriously so hard to watch her cry, her lip quivers, her arms flare....I don''t know if I can do it. Once you ''meet'' your child things change. They really do. I am kind of stubborn and I think that is what has gotten me through BFing. I don''t like to give up. But obviously if the doc says we need to up the formula in take we will. The most important thing is her health and happiness.
Oh, I am sure it will bother me. I don''t think it will be easy, but I just know me to some degree. Everyone said when I got pregnant I would be this and that. They were wrong. I have been consistently "me" the whole time. I haven''t talked nonstop about pregnancy or babies and I haven''t given much of a hoot about getting stuff ready for the baby like other women do (although I do like to research,which is consistent with my personality). People said the same thing when I got engaged, but they were mistaken then too. It kind of amuses me actually how people have told me how I am going to be....

Snlee, I agree with Diver...go get checked out. You don''t want to be stressing over the weekend...
Tgal: On CIO...well, let me preface it by saying I do and have used CIO successfully. How-evah........the itty bitty babies generally only cry when they need you, so letting them CIO can be counter-intuitive. I never let Jake cry it out until he was about 9 months old & had already been sleeping soundly since 2 months old.

That said, I also didn''t rush to them the MOMENT they made a peep. I mean, if I were going potty or making a bottle or taking care of kid #1, I let them fuss for a few seconds. Also, the second they wake up, I never went right to them. I let my kids wake up, coo, and play a little.

you will find the right balance that works with your personality and your child''s. There is no hard and fast rule. Just guidelines that can be helpful. I do let Delaney cry to sleep if its a short "I''m really tired and i''m so cranky and I need to fall asleep" cry. I can tell because that cry on her is a deep,gutteral,angry cry. Whereas her "mommie I need you" cry is higher pitched and frantic.

Date: 3/14/2008 12:56:42 AM
Author: divergrrl
Snlee: Ok, as a 2 time miscarrier (and 2time mom) here is what you do. Call your OB first thing in the morning and DEMAND a friggin'' ultrasound. Don''t ask, don''t let them bully you or make you feel alarmist for asking.

If you are miscarrying they will be able to tell. If you are just having a subchorionic hematoma (most common cause of bleeds & babies are fine) you will see the heartbeat & you will be measuring on track. That way, if you continue to spot a little over the weekend, you won''t be freaked the hell out, because you''ll know your baby is ok. There is no reason for you to A) suffer or B) wait to find out.

I''m sorry, but I always get mad when I hear stuff like the advice nurse told you. Tomorrow is Friday. Park yourself in the waiting room of your OB if you have to (if he/she has an ultrasound machine) and check things out. Also, did you call your OB''s office to talk to the on-call OB? My OB never had me talk to a nurse. When I was miscarrying my 2nd time, he called me in a hotel in another state (I was out of town) to see if I could get home sooner & to tell me what to do if my bleeding got bad.

Don''t pay attention to blood color. Both times my blood was old brown blood (mistakenly referred to as ''safe'' bleeding) it doesn''t mean a thing. My best friend practically hemorraged bright red blood, and her daughter is 3 now. So goes to show...only an ultrasound can tell you what is going on.


I''m here if you need to talk.
diver, the practice doesn''t have an u/s machine so I will call tonight or early tomorrow morning and demand an u/s. I asked to speak to a doctor or midwife and they said I could talk to an advice nurse. I was surprised at how "normal" they made it seem. You are right though, I should find out what''s going on tomorrow. I don''t want to have to worry through the weekend. Thank you for the advice!
Thinking about you Snlee. Hope you get an appointment today and that puts your mind at rest.

Thanks all for the good thoughts on my baby turning! I''ll keep swimming and keep on with visualisation - I do NOT want the baby flipping again, it wasn''t the nicest sensation!
