
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Bobo he is precious! Seriously cute. I am impressed he can *ever* sleep on his own. Sounds like you got lucky. Take care of yourself!
Tacori, I tell ya...for some reason I don''t fear childbirth. But BFing, THAT makes me nervous. Weird eh?

Jen, feel better...MS is a serious pain in the rear.

Bobo...squee! He''s DARLING!!!!!
tgal, the nurse at my hospital wouldn''t let me eat or drink anything once i was hooked up. ice chips was all i got. i did go through a period where i felt really nauseous so i wasn''t hungry at all. maybe it''s different if you''re not doing the epidural??

bobo- oh my goodness, your little man is just precious and tiny at 6lbs.
TGal it kind of makes sense actually! For L&D you get serious painkillers and it is over in a matter of hours/days. BFing....that journey goes on for at least 6 months. PLEASE buy some soothie gel pads. They are a lifesaver. They are better than other brands. My clog finally went away!
Sweet relief!
Date: 3/18/2008 8:42:11 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tgal, the nurse at my hospital wouldn't let me eat or drink anything once i was hooked up. ice chips was all i got. i did go through a period where i felt really nauseous so i wasn't hungry at all. maybe it's different if you're not doing the epidural??

bobo- oh my goodness, your little man is just precious and tiny at 6lbs.
MrsS, I heard that was a possibility, and since I figure they are going to hook me up and do all sorts of stuff when I get there, the gatorade and crackers are for while I am at home. I have no idea how long I will try to stay at home, but I figure since they don't want me to come in unless contractions are 5 minutes apart, I will be home for awhile...

ETA, Soothie Gel now to look those up....
TGal, not sure if you remember me saying but my L&D nurse suggested ice cream (and she is a professional so who was I to question her and carbs
) Something about the sugar...can''t remember. Maybe Dani will chime in. I had a baked potato and ben & jerry''s phish food.

MrsS, ice chips never tasted so good
Date: 3/18/2008 8:45:53 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/18/2008 8:42:11 PM

Author: mrssalvo

tgal, the nurse at my hospital wouldn''t let me eat or drink anything once i was hooked up. ice chips was all i got. i did go through a period where i felt really nauseous so i wasn''t hungry at all. maybe it''s different if you''re not doing the epidural??

bobo- oh my goodness, your little man is just precious and tiny at 6lbs.
MrsS, I heard that was a possibility, and since I figure they are going to hook me up and do all sorts of stuff when I get there, the gatorade and crackers are for while I am at home. I have no idea how long I will try to stay at home, but I figure since they don''t want me to come in unless contractions are 5 minutes apart, I will be home for awhile...

ah, well that makes sense. i stayed home with my second until my contractions were 5 min. apart for 2 hours. it is a good idea to eat a little something like yogurt or crackers before you go to the hospital if you can.

re: the breastfeeding, boy I had a hard time with my first. mostly b/c i let her latch incorrectly from the beginning and got so sore and engorged. i remember when she was about 3 weeks old i was nursing her in the night and just crying, it was so painful. But, after things healed it really was ok. i never had the clogged ducts or other things like tacori so hopefully you won''t have it so bad. my big tip, do not let that baby latch onto your nipple..seriously...they must open WIDE and if they latch incorrectly, you use your finger to seperate their gums to make them open up and then try latching again. I had no problems at all nursing my second but she was born 9 months after i weaned my first so I had a pretty good memory of what to do. it''s been 4 years so i''m hoping it''s like riding a bike and this one goes smoothly as well....
I hope you feel better!!

Baby B is sooooo cute!! I was so glad you updated us, as I was thinking about you. Take care!!!
Oh TGal I forgot to mention (does preggo brain EVER go away?!?) my teacher for our BF class made us all promise to give it 24 hours before we quit. She said most people change their minds about quiting within that time. Also I know a ton of women who had NO problems nursing. It was natural for them and their babies.

MrsS, I am sure you will remember. I agree, wide open mouths and I used to whoop her on (kind of lightly slam her into my boob. That is what they told me to do) and it helped.
TGal, congrats on the stellar review and great raise and bonus!

TGal, Jas, MrsS, you're getting soo close and I'm so excited for all of you!

jen, hope you feel better soon!

bobo, glad you checked in! I'm glad your labor and delivery went well. Congrats! Your son is so adorable! Look at his cubby cheeks! So cute! I hope you and your DH get so sleep soon.

I'm having m/s on and off too. No fun.
And the tiredness and low energy is kicking my butt! Lots of food aversions too. It's all about plain food! I've been so cranky and my DH has been really sweet and supportive. I'm very thankful for him. Tomorrow is 9 weeks and 1 more week until my 2nd prenatal appointment. I'm excited! I can't wait to hear my baby's heartbeat!
Tacori - Ice Cream?!
Say no more, I am on it! Did your L&D nurse by any chance say anything about cupcakes or pie too?

MrsS, yes, I read that about the wide mouth latching. I''ll probably be so paranoid about it, poor TTot is going to get a mouthful of my nipple, breast, and leftover fatty preggo gut for good measure. I''m going for the full body hickey.
Date: 3/18/2008 8:33:01 PM
Author: Bobo ^__*
here is a pix of baby B.

don''t know why he won''t sleep on his own today...everytime I put him down he''ll wake up and start to cry...crying again...gotta go check on him..

Hi Bobo - just popping in to say you boy is adorable and scrumptious! Congratulations on your healthy sweet baby. He is really too cute! As a future mommy I just have to say, I''m so jealous, I want one!!
snlee, hang in there...that m/s DOES go away. It totally kicked my butt too...all I wanted to do was sleep. And it is SO the best sleep ever! Dry toast was my friend (that and watermelon for some reason).

The heartbeat is awesome. That is when it became real to both TGuy and myself. I mean, the U/S is cool, but oh my god, that heartbeat coming from your belly....
So my mother had a dream last week that i''d go into labor during a snowstorm--and guess what, it''s storming out, so my darling mom has called me THREE TIMES tonight!!! My god, someone save
(no labor signs BTW--i keep reminding her i have a week till my official DD--could be a snowstorm in April silly mom!)

Bobo--I let out an audible "ohhhhh" when i saw that pic--he''s totally perfect--my DH thinks so too.

RE: breastfeeding--scares me too. I admitted this to my ''perfect'' new mom friend and she couldn''t understand why--her new guy latched seconds after birth and there was no looking back--not a single issue to speak of-i told her she''s damn lucky b/c most ppl i talk to have some trouble.
i am still worried about my skin, I''ve healed for the most part--but i feel like i am one bad latch away from a cracked nipple.

Tgal--funny, i just went out and bought some fruit popsicles for early labor (delmonte makes a pomogranate/blueberry one that is low in sugar--very tasty) and put a giant water bottle in the freezer, ready to go. I tend to get nausea when i am in pain so i doubt i''ll eat much--but most of my books do say that eating lightly in a long labor can be really important for keeping your stamina up. They don''t encourage it in a hospital b/c if they put you under in an emergency and you vomit it can be really dangerous (my prenatal instructor said it''s extreme caution b/c even for an emerg c-section you are awake--i think a general is very rare)
Jen & Snlee - Hope your m/s getting better soon.

Bobo - He is SO adorable.

I am not really nervous about childbirth or breastfeeding. I've been reading about childbirth and preparing for it. As far as breatfeeding, I just think it will work out naturally. I mean that's why we have breasts for. But then again, I haven't read much on BF-ing yet.

Our first time hearing the heartbeat was so funny. This is the conversation we had.

Dr.: Here's the heartbeat.
DH: what? it's just static.
Me(cracking up): you can't hear that.
DH: it's all static.
Dr.: it doesn't help that you are laughing. Oh now the baby moved.
(Heartbeat on doppler)
Me: did you hear it?
DH: that's the heartbeat?
Dr. & Me: yeah
DH: oh I heard that. sounds weird.
Me: hmm that's how a heartbeat sounds like. what did you expect it to sound like?
DH: I don't know.

My Dr. and I was just laughing. DH was so silly. I think he expected actual beat (not sure how to explain it).
Oh, Q....I hope it DOES come naturally for you. I really do.

TGal, she did not mention any cupcakes but Mara''s thread makes me want some ASAP! Since I am nursing I AM suppose to have 2,000 calories a day.
Someday I DO want to fit into my old jeans. I am not lucky like Ella
but I am getting closer!
jas12, your mom is too cute. she''s really excited huh? how about yourself? ready to go this full moon? i''m like tgal. kind of on the fence. on the one hand, i''m want to deliver soon. on the other hand, i am no where near baby ready in terms of getting the essentials and getting into the mindset of being a mom. plus i still enjoy having the baby moving inside my belly
i will surely miss them.

Bobo, awwweee....little Bobo is perfect in every way. sooooo cute! i love his little hat by the way.

jen and snlee, hang in guys are almost into the "honeymoon" trimester.

QT, you are half way there already right? any pictures to post?
I know it's way too early to start feeling the baby move but lately I've been feeling some odd sensations on the sides of my belly. It feels like butterfly flutters, like someone is lightly tickling me. Anyone else feel this early on? It started around 8 weeks and happens more frequently as days go by. Really weird!
Date: 3/18/2008 10:58:24 PM
Author: snlee
I know it''s way too early to start feeling the baby move but lately I''ve been feeling some odd sensations on the sides of my belly. It feels like butterfly flutters, like someone is lightly tickling me. Anyone else feel this early on? It started around 8 weeks and happens more frequently as days go by. Really weird!

As I recall, I felt one slight movement at week 12 but wasn''t too sure about it. it was like someone was flicking my stomach. Felt something at week 14 but very sporadic. I was fairly certain by week 16.5. The sensation you describe does sound very much like fetal movement. There are people who felt it pretty early on, so I wouldn''t be surprise if it is.
8 weeks seems pretty early....after all your baby is *very* small right now. Most people feel it between 16-20 weeks. I didn''t know for sure until 20.

If you are pretty thin, there is a chance you could feel the baby earlier. But probably not at 8 weeks. For me, the only movement at that stage was gas...and lots of it. I felt the baby for the first time at 16 weeks I think...and definitively by week 17.

Jas, your mom is too funny. And those popsicles sound good...I will have to check for some low sugar ones. I have trader joes popsicles in the fridge right now but those are loaded with sugar.

I''ve heard more horror stories of BFing than I have L&D. My friend said her nipple actually sort of broke off. I am not sure what she meant by that, but I don''t wanna know. Just the thought puts me in a cold sweat. But yes, I know there are people that take to it very easily. I take after my mom a lot, but since she didn''t BF us, I don''t have any insight there.

QT, that is funny. TGuy didn''t know what it was until I pointed it out to him...and then he was just in awe.

Tacori, I''ll hold off on the cupcakes until I start BFing then...I love red velvet and am going to try some of these at home if I have any energy (yeah right.)

I think I felt something at 17 weeks, but wasn''t sure if it''s gas then. It feels like bubble popping. I wasn''t sure until end of 18 weeks/beginning of 19 weeks. I am slow. hehe.

Tgal - I wonder what your friend meant by "her nipple sort of broke off". That is a horror story.

lili - yeah I am halfway. It''s passed by so fast.

Here''s my latest belly shot. At 19w6d and with 9lbs gained.


thank you all for your sweet comments, but there were days that DH and I asked each other if the hospital will take him back because we are so tired and sleep deprive.

Tacori E-ring, I only get lucky sometime. Most of the days we have to rock little B to sleep or he''ll fall asleep on DH''s stomach.

lili, the hat come with a set of clothes, very a present from a co-worker. he''s clothes is taking over our closet and all the drawers.

Bobo, congratulations! I''m glad all went well for you. Sorry you''re so tired right now, I hope you get some rest and feel better soon.

Mornin'' ladies - you were busy yesterday!!! This thread was hoppin''.

As for eating during labour, I ate in the morning at home (I can''t remember what) and drank lots of juice. At the hospital, I was only there for 3 hours before I had Miller and was in very active labour, so I was not in the mood for a burger or anything substantial!!! My doula did give me some juice.

Breastfeeding luckily came easy for me. We nursed moments after delivery, and he just went after that boob!!! We had no problems at all. I know, lucky.
Date: 3/18/2008 10:58:24 PM
Author: snlee
I know it's way too early to start feeling the baby move but lately I've been feeling some odd sensations on the sides of my belly. It feels like butterfly flutters, like someone is lightly tickling me. Anyone else feel this early on? It started around 8 weeks and happens more frequently as days go by. Really weird!
Hi Snlee, I've felt this a bit, but sadly I'm pretty sure it's just a combination of gas and newly-stretching muscles. Gas has been causing me more weird twinges/pains/flutters than I ever knew possible in these past couple months! And the muscle stretching definitely feels odd... sometimes I'll reach for something across the bed and get the strangest sensation in my tummy.

But since the baby is less than an inch long by 9 weeks, and tucked way down behind our pubic bones, unfortunately it wouldn't be affecting our bellies yet even if it WAS moving those miniscule arms and legs! By around 12 weeks, we might start feeling the uterus moving up from behind the pubic bone a bit... I'm a loser (and 11 weeks today!) and keep checking to see if I can feel mine yet!

No letting up of the m/s over here... I am starting to get a bit desperate. It gets steadily worse throughout the day and by evening, I'm ready to cry. I think poor DH has started dreading coming home from work because I'm so grumpy and discouraged by that point. I know a lot of women start getting relief by this time... where's my relief??
Sorry you're dealing with the same thing, Snlee and Sk8r!

Somebody needs to have their baby to distract me.... I think that would work. Any takers?
Hi ladies. I am finally okay to get back into some of my daily routines now since I had my D & C on Monday morning at 8 a.m. Thank you for all your wonderful advice and thoughts. I felt horrible on Monday afterwards, and Tuesday felt a bit better physically. My body feels different already because when I press down on my uterus, it''s soft now and not hard like it was before. My bbs are still sore and swollen as if I am still pregnant, but I know that will not last very long. The medication that my doctor has me on doesn''t make me feel any better, but I know I have to take them.

Snlee - I am so glad everything turned out good for you. Hopefully you won''t have to deal with that again.

I am reading about all the ladies who have m/s and I feel really bad for you. I didn''t have much of that, but since I am dealing with a loss, I would take any "bad" pregnancy symptoms even if it means it''s for the whole duration of the 9 months just to have a healthy baby.

There are so many ladies here that are getting so close to delivering, and I hope you guys all the best. I can''t wait to see your babies!
Qtiekiki--you look gorgeous--gosh you are tiny! Congrats for making it to the 1/2 way mark!

Lili--I am not as anxious as my mom, that''s for sure!--i would welcome labor now, but i am also fine with waiting. I don''t feel overly uncomfortable or anything and I know baby will come when he/she is good and ready (it would be nice if it happened when the family was here this weekend--so my dad could be part of the experience--but no control over that). What about you--is your family close by or are they all going to head your way once the baby is born?

RE: Breastfeeding--Dr. Newman is the canadian BF guru--he has started clinics for women all over the country. When I was freaking about my exzema a midwife at a baby show told me to just email him to ask about some options--i thought ''ya right'' he probably gets bombarded--but i did, and he emailed back the next morning with a reply and 3 word files attached that ended up being the unedited copies of 3 of his books (so i wouldn''t have to buy them!) I just remembered you can order BF instructional DVD''s from his site--here''s the link

Visual guide to BF
holy crap, there''s a lot of posts here! where to begin ...

ok, first off, I''ll begin with CUTE BABIES ... Oh, Bobo, little B is just too cute!! What a perfect photo of a perfect little boy! So glad you checked in to show him off
And Burk, Tayva is really so lovely -- such a pretty little girl.

And now for CUTE BELLIES! TGal, I don''t think I ever posted on yours from a few pages back, but you are delusional if you think you look anything other than fab! Sack of flour, my @$$, woman! You''ve got a gorgeous baby belly there (and not for much longer!). MrsS, you are adorable as always! And Qtiekiki, could you be cuter??! Oh and Jackie, you''re *perfect* for 13 weeks! I looked back at my photos, and my bump was exactly the same size as yours -- hee! (Though you may not want to hear that considering that I got big as a house later down the road!) You are one gorgeous mama!

re: Linea nigra, I got mine very late in the game and it''s still here 15 weeks pp (sigh). It''s crooked and ugly but it''s getting lighter thankfully. In addition to the hair loss, my skin has also decided to turn against me -- ugh! I think my body is like, "Hmm, not pregnant, not on the pill, and not BFing anymore ... what do do for fun now?! I know, I''ll shed hair and break out, yeah!!!" Grrrrr. I feel sooo pretty.

Don''t remember if I mentioned this or not already but I threw in the towel with BFing and pumping. It just wasn''t worth it for the miniscule amount I was pumping out. It was mentally very difficult to stop -- every day I''d say, "This is it!" but then I just couldn''t make myself quit because I just felt so guilty about it -- but I just couldn''t keep spending all that time every day making barley water, drinking 6 cups of tea, taking 8 pills, pumping 5-6 times., etc. It was exhausting and the ROI was just not there. Even with all that work, I was able to give each baby ONE bottle every other day at the height of my increased supply. It''s very disheartening when something that is supposed to work doesn''t. But such is life. Can''t cry over spilled (or in my case, NO) milk, right?
I would absolutely try it again though if we have another baby/babies.

Hope all you first-tri mommies are feeling better! As for movement, I was pretty thin AND had two babies in there, and I still didn''t feel real movement until about 22 weeks -- I was getting so anxious! I think I had a little butterfly feeling at about 17 weeks but then nothing until 22 if I remember correctly.

Tacori, I hear ya on the giggling -- it''s just the best! These guys are daily gigglers now, and it''s awesome. I look like a lunatic because me going "ha ha! hahahahah!" makes them laugh, so I sit on the couch fake-laughing a lot. Glad that HSHHC helped Tessa out. Did your pedi ever mention switching her to a higher-calorie formula or tell you how to make your formula/breast milk higher-calorie? G&K are on NeoSure (have been since the hospital), which is a 22-calorie formula, as compared to others which are 18 or 20 I believe. I''m curious how much my guys weigh now. I think G is probably between 13 and 14 lbs, and K is probably between 10 and 11, I''d guess.

snlee, glad everything turned out OK! What a relief!

radiantgirl, thanks for letting us know how you''re doing. I''m so happy to read that you''re starting to feel better ... I''m sure the past few days were rough, but hopefully things will start to get a little easier for you with time. And I know that we''ll hear happy news from you again when the time is right!
Just a quickie as the Swedish invasion is today and I''m cleaning and grumbling a lot.

Thanks for all the nice words about the picture. You all are really good for my ego.

Bobo -- congratulations on Baby B. So adorable!!!
Q -- 9 pounds??? That''s it???? You are gorgeous and tiny! Great belly shot!
Radiant -- glad you checked in. We''re all here for you, sweetie.
To the soon-to-be mamas...sending lots of easy labor vibes for you! I''m hoping for some Easter babies to coo over!

More later, if I don''t kill the houseguests. Or my husband.

I keeeed. I keeeed.