
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Wow TWINS! Congrats Jen! I am beginning to think that "PS" stands for Pair of Sweeties around here. Or maybe Pregnant with Siblings? Precious Siblings? Hehehe...
Thanks ladies! I know jas is having twins but who''s the 3rd set?? Are they already here? DH wasn''t shocked b/c he knew I suspected, but i think he might still be a little numb from the realization that 2 babies are coming at once! He and I both agree girl-boy twins would be perfect (b/c then he''d have one of each biologically) but I''d be good with girl-girl twins too since I have 3 boys already -- and the idea of TWO girls terrifies him!

jen who is floating on cloud nine
Jen, Ella had her twins back in can see the adorable pic of them in her current avatar.
OK, that was just pregnancy brain on my part -- I was admiring her avatar and nursery pics yesterday. I''m having a lot of "duh" moments like that :) I like "pairs of sweeties" btw :)

p.s. *this* should make skating fun...i have a feeling i''ll be off-ice sooner than i was with the boys!
Jen, congrats!
I'm sure Jackie(jas) is going to be excited to have someone to go through this with her. What great news!!

Hospital bag: I think most of the necessities have been covered. You really don't need much. My hospital supplied blankets, diapers (Pampers), wipes, long sleeve tshirts, digital thermometer, nasal aspirator, comb and formula for the baby. Plus I got a nifty Enfamil diaper bag full of goodies. The only thing we brought for the baby was an easy to get on outfit--you'll probably freak out about that wobbly neck so get stuff with lots of snaps that doesn't have to go over the head! Socks and hat are also important plus of course, the car seat!

For me, I brought a nightgown that I changed into on day 2 (black, shapeless gown), socks, slippers, flip flops for the nasty shower, velour sweatpants and a tshirt for going home, make up, hair accessories, camera, chargers for camera and phone, snacks like granola bars, nuts, trail mix, pretzels (which DH basically ate all of!) and that's pretty much it! DH put his clothes in the bag as well and we were off. I can't believe I'm saying this but the hospital mega maxi pads were awesome! Yes, they are like mattresses but you'll be glad about that. And the mesh panties they supplied were amazing. I took them all home with me!!! And make sure you take the squirt bottle, Tucks and Dermaplast if they give all of that to you. Very helpful stuff for the sensitive and irritated crotch!!

One thing that I'm not sure anyone has mentioned: the baby book I have is kind of like a binder so you can remove and add pages. I brought the page for footprints with me and as soon as she was born, I gave it to the nurse and she put her footprints right on the page! That was a nice touch!!! So you might want to bring your baby book with you for that purpose, plus you might be bold enough to start writing in it. I was too hyped up to do anything, including sleep! I'll try to think of other stuff but I think everyone has covered it pretty well so far.
Make sure you have at home list....(I think I posted this before but since so many of you are SO close I tell you what *I* think is really important to have to take care of yourself)

- Extra long super pads (you will probably wear these for awhile and then liners after that) wear old underwear.
- Tucks pads (my hospital sent me home with some put I used them for weeks after the birth. Lots of trauma with almost 3 hours of pushing
) Also helps keep the medicated cream in place if you have stitches.
- Colace (or something similar) I was SOOOO scared about the first BM and mine took a week. I was surprised it felt "normal." No pain at all but I think a lot of it had to do with using a stool softener.
- Advil (if you are out of pain meds or rather take something not as strong like me)

For Nursing Moms
- Nursing tanks. Target did change their style so I don''t know how they compare but I *love* mine. Otherwise you might not wear a shirt for awhile. Your guest might get uncomfortable

- Lansinol. Very important. Use it before you shower to protect yourself.
- Soothie gel pads.....they are lovely and feel SO good. Also you can reuse them for a few weeks. Put them in the fridge if you are REALLY sore.
- nursing pads. takes awhile for your milk to adjust. I still leak. I like the washable ones. The others I found itchy.

Anyone else have anything to add? I am sure I am missing something.
Wow, congrats Jen!! I read your post in the other thread where you said you thought it was *maybe* twins, so I''ve been waiting to hear the news ... yahooooo!!
Congrats Jen on the, so cool.

Hospital bag: here''s my list:

1) shampoo/conditioner/lotion/make-up/razor(i was so excited b/c i could see my toes again) (yes, i actually took showers and put on make-up every day
i also brought my own pj''s with my second and changed. they were button up so i could easily nurse and i just felt better. also took my ugg slippers.

2) a few outfits for the baby. we have a photo studio that takes great birth pics but i can never decide ahead of time what I want the baby to wear so i bring a couple of things. extra blanket for the ride home.

my hospital provides the pads and diapers (pampers and pampers wipes) so i didn''t bring any along. i actually took home all the one''s they left in the little baby drawer

3) I do agree on the snack suggestion. My hospital food was ok and hubby brought me in a few meals, like the burger I was craving but having some good snacks and drinks is a great idea.

4) i brought a bunch of the In Touch, US weekly, people mag''s for reading and actually read them. the baby will sleep a ton and when i wasn''t sleeping or bored watching TV and had no company i liked catching up on the celeb gossip.

5) clothes to wear home and like the others have said, no need for the pre-preggo one''s just yet.

6) ditto curlygirl : "And make sure you take the squirt bottle, Tucks and Dermaplast if they give all of that to you."

7) camera/video recorder/laptop (if you have wi-fi) and scrapbook page for the footprints.
Chrono, yup, there is another little bun in my oven!! It was a very unexpected (aka unplanned!) surprise and I'm still slightly reeling from it but I guess everything happens for a reason, right?! Hope Little Chrono is doing well. We need some updated photos!!!

Tacori, I know the ditzy feeling, trust me!!!!! But I have a double excuse now! I'm still feeling kinda crappy, same as with Lily. And still really just digging fruit and citrus. I don't have any kind of vibe yet but I keep comparing everything to the first time and trying to convince myself that it's one or the other. But I honestly have no clue!! Can't wait to find out.

TGal, your mention of jelly bellies now has me on a mission to get some!! My preggo mind is so sucked into the power of persuasion when it comes to food. I don't crave anything on my own, especially since I'm still feeling yucky, but as soon as someone mentions a food, I want it!

msb, I kept Lily in the hospital tshirt, diaper and swaddle that they dressed her in while we were there and then I changed her myself before we went home. Did they change your little guy's outfits each day? Too cute!!

diver, we're all on high alert for the first announcement!!

mrssalvo, I'm thinking it could be you going first based on your past history! But what do I know?!

lili, it's pretty crazy to think that I'm going through all of this again already but I am certainly anxious about feeling those first movements!! It is so exciting and makes it all real. I think it also helps the guys realize that there really is someone in there, although they don't really get it until they can physically see and hold the baby!
Ok, I think Jas is going to have a girl and TGal a boy.....anyone else want to take a guess?
Date: 3/19/2008 6:11:56 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Ok, I think Jas is going to have a girl and TGal a boy.....anyone else want to take a guess?

gosh, I don''t know. I''ll guess Jas with the girl and I think tgal my be having a girl too.
Takin'' a Swede break (do NOT get me started on this man''s approach to pregnancy and labor and how he shared it with me after knowing me for all of seven minutes...although he did bring chocolate, so that mitigated my upset somewhat.)


Darn tootin''!

And for everyone else -- I lurve me these hospital to-bring lists. THANK YOU ALL!

I''m guessing girl for TGal and boy for Jas. Based on absolutely nothing.

Later...I need to go hit the heavy bag.
Gosh, I haven't been in here in forever! Congratulations to all the new soon-to-be moms of singles AND twins!

TGal is SO having a boy, and I'll say girl for Jas.
Wow!!!! I can''t believe all the twins!!! Congrats, Sk8terjen!!!
tgal- how''d it go at the dr? did they just check you in???
Oh my, I just can''t keep up!!

Thanks to everyone who complimented my little one!

What cute pregnant women there are on PS!!! Wow, Tgal, MrsS, Qtiekiki and Jackie Jas you all look fabulous!!

My linea nigra is still around and I HATE it!! It''s crooked and my belly button is discolored too. I can''t wait for it to go away!

Ella~ Sorry BFing didn''t pick up like you wanted it to. I know how hard it is to call it quits, but it''s not worth it. Personally, I felt liberated not breast feeding after the initial guilt/sadness.

sk8rjen~congrats on twins!! How exciting!

Curly~sorry about the morning sickness. Every pregnancy is different so many you won''t have it as long this time... I feel for you because I had it through 15 weeks too. Yuck!!

Here''s to hoping we have some Easter babies this weekend!!

Oh, and re: packing for the hospital...I guess I may be in the minority, but I didn''t bleed all that badly and I wore my own pj pants and nursing tanks after delivery. I did, however, use the pads the hospital provided to make sure there weren''t any "accidents."
So I guess what I've been feeling is gas. I've been farting and burping more but I didn't think I was THAT gassy. All of the sensations you feel early in pregnancy are so odd. Our bodies are doing a lot of work making a baby so it's not surprising there are weird feelings around the tummy. It's really amazing what our bodies can do!

ephemery, hang in there! I'm sure you'll start feeling better soon since you're 11 weeks. Hopefully you only have a week or two left of feeling crappy! Almost into the 2nd trimester! Yay!

Thanks for all the packing tips! Very useful! I'll have to come back to this section when it's time to pack.

I think girl for Jas and boy for TGal.
hey tacori, I just noticed you have 9000+ and some change on your posts!!! OMG!! you are so close to 10k!!! and I''ve been a member since 2002 and you have "only" been on here since 2005....hmmm, I must be lazy, I only have 1600 posts. LOL....
Wow you are close indeed to 10K Tacori...a milestone!

I'm guessing boy for me and a girl for Jas too. But somewhere, deep in me just hopes for a girl. And then thinks a boy would be oh so cool for us too. My mom thinks it's a boy for sure, and she normally has good premonition.

No exciting news at the doc's today. Still sealled tight like tupperware. Thank goodness I know that it really doesn't mean anything, or I'd start getting anxious! Jas, I actually think it's a good thing that you are not getting these examinations, because the no news is still kind of a bummer.

I feel like the karate kid with Pat Morita as my coach. My doc is Korean and while he speaks English perfectly, he does have an accent. So he examines me today and says "Not yet." I felt like he was saying to me "Not yet are not ready."


ETA, curlygirl, by the time I have this baby, I'm only going to have the cruddy jelly belly flavors yet. Like buttered popcorn. Ick!!!
Date: 3/20/2008 1:35:27 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Wow you are close indeed to 10K Tacori...a milestone!

I'm guessing boy for me and a girl for Jas too. But somewhere, deep in me just hopes for a girl. And then thinks a boy would be oh so cool for us too. My mom thinks it's a boy for sure, and she normally has good premonition.

No exciting news at the doc's today. Still sealled tight like tupperware. Thank goodness I know that it really doesn't mean anything, or I'd start getting anxious! Jas, I actually think it's a good thing that you are not getting these examinations, because the no news is still kind of a bummer.

I feel like the karate kid with Pat Morita as my coach. My doc is Korean and while he speaks English perfectly, he does have an accent. So he examines me today and says 'Not yet.' I felt like he was saying to me 'Not yet are not ready.'


ETA, curlygirl, by the time I have this baby, I'm only going to have the cruddy jelly belly flavors yet. Like buttered popcorn. Ick!!!

LOL, TG, you are SOOOOO hysterical!!! Hey, if Mr. Miyagi says you are not ready yet, then your not ready yet...Good things come to those who wait! LOL!
Just got in from seeing my OB--nothing to report. He just keeps telling me the same thing each week "have sex 3 x a day!" and thinks he''s hysterical when he passes on that bit of advice. He has an intern now--oh so young and eager to impress--so that''s just fuel for his fire.
My weight just keeps hovering around the same point--give or take a lb--so i guess my total gain for the pregnancy will be about 32ish lbs--i am happy with that and i think i may have escaped without stretch marks so no complaints here. (well, can i have one little complaint maybe--ick, thigh cellulite.)

Tgal--luv the karate kid image--i deal with the OB accent as well--can''t come up with any movie character comparisons however!
You mentioned ttot was still really active---i am surprised by that as well. Last night was unreal--it was a WWF throwdown--elbows, fists and head-butts were flying. Of course when DH went to get the video camera, he/she decided to settle in for the night.

Sk8trjen--Wanted to say a DOUBLE congrats on the twins! I can''t believe you guessed it--amazing that you can tell what''s going on in your body like that. To think some ppl go 9 months and don''t even know they are preggo (that seems totally unbelievable to me at this point) and you had a twin feeling from the get-go! so cool. I hope you have a great pregnancy.

Ella--don''t feel bad about the BF- your babes still got tons of good stuff from you! You put in a huge effort--more than what most ppl are willing to try, iam sure.
Date: 3/20/2008 11:55:32 AM
Author: Jas12
Just got in from seeing my OB--nothing to report. He just keeps telling me the same thing each week ''have sex 3 x a day!'' and thinks he''s hysterical when he passes on that bit of advice. He has an intern now--oh so young and eager to impress--so that''s just fuel for his fire.
My weight just keeps hovering around the same point--give or take a lb--so i guess my total gain for the pregnancy will be about 32ish lbs--i am happy with that and i think i may have escaped without stretch marks so no complaints here. (well, can i have one little complaint maybe--ick, thigh cellulite.)

Tgal--luv the karate kid image--i deal with the OB accent as well--can''t come up with any movie character comparisons however!
You mentioned ttot was still really active---i am surprised by that as well. Last night was unreal--it was a WWF throwdown--elbows, fists and head-butts were flying. Of course when DH went to get the video camera, he/she decided to settle in for the night.
Ha...I told TGuy last night that nipple stimulation and sex are known to possibly help bring on labor. He said, "Good luck with that, you let me know how it goes." I said, c''mon...even our friends managed to have sex when they went over 41 weeks. He told me to come back to him at 41 weeks.

Jas, scary friend had NO stretch marks throughout her pregnancy...UNTIL she went over due. They appeared like crazy at 41 weeks. So...listen to your doc and have sex 3x a day...don''t go over due!

My weight is hovering too. I think I''m at 33-34 pounds. Trying to hold steady there.

Dani, I hope good things will come to all of us who are waiting!!
TGal, you are cracking me up!

qtiekiki, you look terrific! Wow, only 9 pounds gained! You are so cute!

radiantgirl, thanks for checking in. I know this week must have been difficult. I hope each day gets better. We''re here for you! *hugs*
Jen, CONGRATS on the twins. I can''t believe it! Any gender will be wonderful although I can''t imagine having 5 boys (if the twins turn out as boys too).

Who''s next in line for deliveries? I know TGal is a week away or so thereabouts. What about Jas and MrsS?

Burk, I''m 1 year past delivery and my linea line has only recently faded. My belly button is also no longer cute. It was awful after the first but then tightened after a few months. It looks like it might not "recover" this time around.
Date: 3/20/2008 12:18:44 PM
Author: Chrono

Who''s next in line for deliveries? I know TGal is a week away or so thereabouts. What about Jas and MrsS?
Jas is actually less than a week away (she''s next wed). I''m next Friday. I actually had to give them the first day of my last missed period (which was a guess) to get the due date. If I used my conception date, which we know for sure, my due date is the same exact day as Jas.
hey i just got back from my ob too. i''m almost 2cm dilated and 50% effaced, of course we all know this really means nothing but i''m still hopeful jake decides to go on ahead and make his appearance this month, today or tomorrow would be nice..hehe. my weight didn''t change either putting me right at 38 lbs.
Date: 3/19/2008 5:13:31 PM
Author: curlygirl

msb, I kept Lily in the hospital tshirt, diaper and swaddle that they dressed her in while we were there and then I changed her myself before we went home. Did they change your little guy''s outfits each day? Too cute!!

Yup!! they changed his outfit twice a day :) once in the am and one in the evening..over here, delivery is quite a big deal coz MOST visits (family & friends) happen at the hospital rather than at home (ppl prefer to come in the hospital coz they know that u have the help of the nurse/docs to take care of the baby and dont want to impose on ur first day at home) usually its a full fledged kinda thing!! we have finger food, tea, favors, u name it all in the hospital!! i think i have a picture somewhere of my hospital room..i''ll try to dig it up and post...

sk8rjen: OOOOOH!!! twins!! how exciting!! congratulations...yay!! another set of PS twins coming!!

Tgal/Jas: tick tock tick tock!!! not much time left to go!!! wohoooooooooo!!!! im so excited for u ladies!!

Tgal: ur just cracking me up with ur posts!!!! glad to see ur sense of humor hasnt changed with the pregnancy!

Mrss: OH just read ur post write before posting!!! sending delivery vibes ur way!!! hopefully things go smoothly and painlessly!!!!
Date: 3/20/2008 1:35:27 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Jas, I actually think it''s a good thing that you are not getting these examinations, because the no news is still kind of a bummer.

That''s what I was thinking too. I don''t think we will get exciting news like MrsS there.
Date: 3/20/2008 12:51:52 PM
Author: mrssalvo
hey i just got back from my ob too. i''m almost 2cm dilated and 50% effaced, of course we all know this really means nothing but i''m still hopeful jake decides to go on ahead and make his appearance this month, today or tomorrow would be nice..hehe. my weight didn''t change either putting me right at 38 lbs.
Woo hoo! As a third time mommy, your body seems to know what to do! Hopefully soon eh?

My body is so clueless. Hello body...this baby ain''t comin'' out with last night''s dinner ya know...dilate, dammit.