
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 3/20/2008 6:52:08 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett

Date: 3/19/2008 6:11:56 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Ok, I think Jas is going to have a girl and TGal a boy.....anyone else want to take a guess?
First, congratulations Jen! Twins -- how exciting!!

I''m still catching up on the last few pages but I''ll chime in Tacori. I think both Jas and TGal are having boys.
hehe I want to play too. I think Jas will have a boy and TGal will have a girl and Mrs. Salvo a boy

Congrats to all the new preggos!!!
Date: 3/20/2008 3:50:17 PM
Author: Jas12
So i am all about wives tale induction right now (gives me something to do) --I have no trouble talking DH into DTD every couple of days--has to be the most unromantic nooky imaginable--but we get a good laugh out of it--funny how the same ''stuff'' that gets you preggo is supposed to get you out of it!!

Red raspberry tea is a farce in my books--not even a damn BH contraction from that stuff

The spicy peanut sauce i made for dinner last night, although tasty, nary a contraction did it produce

Exercise has always been part of the routine so that''s not working,

and last but not least

My mom just ''treated'' me to accupuncture this aft--by treated I mean she has a strong motive behind it. The Dr, was so nice. She told me i had a great pregnancy pulse and good muscle tone and that i was probably going to have a boy based on how i was carrying. She also mentioned that I should not eat or drink anything cold for the first couple of months after birth (don''t know if i can pull that off!) I couldn''t understand her very well (she''s recently moved here from Beijing) but something about the joints being ''open'' still and if new moms are exposed to cold it sets in their joints and causes problems years down the road. She said all women in china are taken care of for at least 100 days after the birth to ensure their energy and warmth has returned. Any PS''s who follow Chinese medicine care to elaborate on that? Interesting stuff....

I was in Beijing years ago and got a book on chinese medicine but i can''t find it now....

Hehe, your mom is very anxious!!

Even before reading the whole excerpt, I was thinking, that doctor sound so Chinese! So she''s saying that you are having a boy because you are carrying very high and pointed? Good to know that your pregnancy pulse is nice and strong and that you have good muscle tone though.

Anyway, I don''t follow the Chinese medicinal care, but I am aware of some of their practices. My sister''s MIL had her eat some sort of rice wine dumpling and chicken stew for the whole month. Then there''s the hot bath that she needs to take. All these measures are supposed to return the heat that we lost during the delivery. She freaked when she came to the hospital to visit and saw my sister stepped out of the bathroom with her washed head! Supposedly, we are not to get our head wet, but to keep it wrapped up nice and warm (even in the scorching heat of summer). My mom asked me if I wanted to have some of those dumplings and chicken stew. I decided to pass as I''m not big on anything fermented (except for kimchee of course). Who knows if these measures help, but it''s been practiced for centuries. Maybe I''ll regret it later on down the road when my bones are aching because I didn''t do these things.

I was just about to ask you if the raspberry tea leaf helps

Now, is it the peanut that is supposed to do the trick or the spicy? If it is spicy, let me tell you that eating spicy food will only give your bebe the hiccups.
I haven''t given up on my spicy food.....and it doesn''t look like I''m going into labor anytime soon.
Date: 3/20/2008 3:50:17 PM
Author: Jas12
Lili--i am peeing every hour or two at night as well--i''ve perfected the ''in the dark''--aim--pee--''waddle back to bed'' routine.

MrsS--i am jealous of cm''s right now
just sounds nicer than ''closed shut'' even if it doesn''t mean anything. i hope for your sake jake decides to make an easter appearance

Tacori--have a great easter weekend trip!

Tgal--i have always worked with kids and i still worry that i won''t like being a mom--i think it''s just a normal fear. DH doesn''t get it--i think he''s already in luv and it''s almost like i refuse to get overly excited or optomistic about the whole thing until this baby actually arrives--i am still in ''adbstract concept'' zone. I think he''s also scarily naive regarding what parenting will really be like, whereas I have PS to give me a healthy dose of fear each day

So i am all about wives tale induction right now (gives me something to do) --I have no trouble talking DH into DTD every couple of days--has to be the most unromantic nooky imaginable--but we get a good laugh out of it--funny how the same ''stuff'' that gets you preggo is supposed to get you out of it!!
Red raspberry tea is a farce in my books--not even a damn BH contraction from that stuff
The spicy peanut sauce i made for dinner last night, although tasty, nary a contraction did it produce
Exercise has always been part of the routine so that''s not working,
and last but not least
My mom just ''treated'' me to accupuncture this aft--by treated I mean she has a strong motive behind it. The Dr, was so nice. She told me i had a great pregnancy pulse and good muscle tone and that i was probably going to have a boy based on how i was carrying. She also mentioned that I should not eat or drink anything cold for the first couple of months after birth (don''t know if i can pull that off!) I couldn''t understand her very well (she''s recently moved here from Beijing) but something about the joints being ''open'' still and if new moms are exposed to cold it sets in their joints and causes problems years down the road. She said all women in china are taken care of for at least 100 days after the birth to ensure their energy and warmth has returned. Any PS''s who follow Chinese medicine care to elaborate on that? Interesting stuff....
I was in Beijing years ago and got a book on chinese medicine but i can''t find it now....
One of my girlfriends is Malaysian, and she goes back to M''asia to have her babies so they can choose their citizenship later.

Anyhooo....she could only eat/drink warm foods as well & it was like, a million degrees when she had her 2nd, and she was so miserable...sneaking cold drinks whenever the older ladies weren''t around....LOL. She thought it was foolish, but she did like the "hot stone massage" part of the whole ritual. They also quarantine the mom & baby for 40 days in the house. She said other Malaysians would look at her rudely when she was out with her newborn. But she''s lived in the states for awhile now & is married to an American, so she decided she''d just do what she wanted instead of following the old medicine orders.

I think its interesting too....
Just a quick post to wish the soon-to-bes good luck in case tonight is THE night! I said the other day that I think TTot is going to be Aaron not Amelia and Jas is having Mira not Colin

Also to let you know that TRU is having a sale on Fisher Price stuff right now -- buy something (or a mix of things) for $19.99 and get a FREE toy up to $19.99 value! Whoo hoo! We bought stacking blocks and a shape sorter and got a free Laugh and Learn Puppy - yippee!
Lili and Diver--so i guess this hot/cold thing is really strongly practiced by many asian cultures. May do some reading on it--although i really doubt i''ll follow it that well.
Lili--she mentioned the no wet hair rule as well--but just told me not to shower each day and not to got outside with wet hair under any circumstance.
--the peanut sauce was for the spice, not the peanut. Spicy food is always part of my diet--i luv indian cusine and make hot curries often--so i am with you--just produces hiccups! I thought i would kick it up a notch with extra chillies last night--but i just got a runny nose!
--i''ve heard the RR leaf tea causes contractions for a lot of women--again, nothing for me. You may want to try it--it is supposed to be good for the unterus
I may try castor oil tomorrow....

My sister just got in town and we had dinner--i was happy to see her
--she doesn''t know what bebe names i have picked out (no one does) but i feel like we need back-ups so we brainstormed around the dinner table for a good hour or so and i have ideas--i feel a bit better b/c i was just afraid to see the little thing and think "oh no, that name doesn''t fit" i might make the decision at the last min and then have to cross out the names on my cookie announcements
ah well--we''ll see what happens

nite nite
I think my SILs followed the no wet hair thing since MIL believes in it. I am going to wet my hair without MIL knowing because it''s gross to not wash my hair for a month. My mom washed her hair when she had us, so she told me to just try to towel dry the hair well.

I feel big, but I am sure there''s a lot more to grow.

I think both Tgal and Jas will have girls.
i am so far behind on this thread i dont know where to start...

things to induce labor I tried the rasberry leaf tea from 37 weeks on, I had sex nearly daily (good thing too, because it was months before DH got any after!), but the thing that did it for me was the evening primrose capsules. At my 41 week appointment (NO dilation, NO effacement) my midwife suggested taking one orally every morning and inserting one every night before bed. I went to whole foods (even though I think you can get them at TJ''s) and tried it before bed...i went into labor hours later. It isnt supposed to be that drastic, as some women try it for weeks...but it worked for me.

Q- you are still so tiny. congrats on hitting the halfway mark! make sure to enjoy this last half. I so miss being preggers!

LC- i would love to see a knucklehead photoshoot. we have a bunch of their stuff from a friend that sells it, but most of it is still too big.

TGal- i cant wait for TTot to arrive! I keep checking in to see if there is any news, but then realized, we probably will only know because you have disappeared! I still sometimes wonder how much I like being a mom...but I''m so in love with the little guy that it is such a non issue!

today was ian''s 6 month birthday. he has become such grown up little guy. I made a half birthday cake (for me, he cant eat cake yet, he hasnt even moved on to green veggies!). He is in the 75th % for height and weight--19.1 pounds and 27 inches long!!

I have been taking a pic of him on this chair on each of his month bdays. and today he so looked like a little boy instead of a baby propped on a chair!

six months-tiny.jpg
for reference...this was one month!

Mrs. Flutter, what a good idea!!! He is soooo darling; love those cheeks! What a cutie pie and I am sure he''s the apple of your eye; happy 6 months and enjoy the cake!
aw msflutter, Ian is adorable!!
What a cutie Ian is, MsFlutter!!!!
Date: 3/20/2008 2:55:44 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Thanks ladies. Honestly, I don''t worry about being a bad mom...I think I''ll be OK in that department. I''m just more worried about whether I''ll LIKE it. There are just so many thing kids do/are interested in that I don''t care for. But geez, you''d think I would have thought about this before my flukey conception....
Tgal: Don''t feel bad about feeling like this - I do too! To be totally honest, I *never* wanted kids until I met my husband. I remember telling my husband when we were dating that I wasn''t going to have any and if he couldn''t live with that then he probably shouldn''t stick around, especially being that he is one of six and his mom is one of fourteen. Then, something happened and I changed my mind (gasp!). I''m not really into to kids/toddlers that much. My mom assures me that it''s normal and okay to feel like that and it all changes when you have your own. She always tells me that I don''t have to like other peoples kids - and I don''t for the most part. Yes, they are cute and sweet and oh so innocent when they''re not smearing play doh into my carpet. I know I''ll be a good mom and I have a wonderful support system in place to help me out which is totally reassuring. I have so much love for our baby already and I can''t imagine feeling any other way.

Early preggos: hang in there with the m/s! If you can keep food down for a bit combining a carb and a protein (cheese and crackers, pb&J) is a good way to keep your stomach settle for a while. My doc reccommended that to me when I was really feeling bad and it did help. Also make sure that you are getting enough fluids. Even now making sure I get enough (read: a lot) of water in a day makes me feel soooo much better. Less bloat and more energy.

Some of you are soooo close to delivering! I''m keeping my fingers crossed for all of you. Anybody taking bets on an Easter baby? Labor dust coming your way!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I''m doing okay these days - still fighting this stupid cold though. It''s been three full weeks now that I''ve been sick. I was at the OB on Monday for my reg. appt. and he checked everything out (throat, lungs, nose, ears) and didn''t see any infections and said my lungs sounded good so no meds at this point. Just the usual - lots of fluids and plenty of rest when I don''t have the energy to do anything. The doc said it''s going around and to try to stick it out a bit longer. I am feeling a bit better today but I am still pretty congested in my nose - which really makes it hard to work when you talk on the phone a lot.

The baby''s heartbeat was good and strong - he got it right away with the doppler right below my bellybutton. It was like baby was waiting there for him. I love the movement I''m feeling! It is strange sometimes but it is so reassuring to feel it and know the little one is in there doing just fine. My weight is up to 127, so I''m up about 17 pounds from pre-pregnancy. Not too shabby and no warnings from the doc or the nurse.

I had two very good friends get married on St. Patrick''s Day in Las Vegas and DH and I picked them up from the airport yesterday. I''m so happy for both of them. She wore a pale pink dress and he wore a pale pink bow tie to match for their garden ceremony. So cute - I can''t wait to see the pics.

msflutter, Ian is so adorable! I love his eyes!
MsFlutter, Ian is a darling. Love his baby blues! That's a really good idea with the monthly photo. You can see how much he's grown relative to the sign

QT, yup there sure is much more to grow. Like Jas12 said, you'll be going through some major growth spurts. I thought I was big at 22wk, boy was I wrong. The belly keeps on popping -- at 24 wk, then 28, then 32, then 34, and so on.

Diva, so sorry you are feeling under the weather. Good thing weekend is coming up. Rest up and hope you recover soon.

Jas12, the elders are not too strict about these ancient practices as much now, but they do stress that we shouldn't get our head wet at least for the first week and staying away from "cold" food. By cold, it doesn't just apply to temperature, it has some other meaning that I can't seem to explain. Chinese breaks food up into two groups, food that increases and food that lowers your inner heat. Some of the concoctions that they have the mother eat and drink are pretty nasty too

Oh yeah, then there's that one-month period where the mother and child need to be indoors and not be outside and be exposed to the element like Diver had mentioned.

Anyway, back to modern medicine.....I think I'll go and get me some raspberry leaf tea and primrose oil
Date: 3/20/2008 1:23:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Confession of the day: I was sitting at my docs yesterday and there were kids in the waiting room. I was observing different things...none of them bad. They were just active and babbling, and one older girl was playing hand games with her father. And I sat there thinking...I''m not ready. I just don''t know if I am going to like being a mom.
The good news: Yours won''t be active and babbling and playing hand games for at least two more years. You have time to get ready.

I know you''re gonna be GREAT at it. Really.
Msflutter, Ian is so adorable. I love his baby blues. That is a great idea to take the monthly photos with the sign so you can track his growth. I''m definitely going to borrow that idea.
Date: 3/21/2008 9:46:49 AM
Author: DivaDiamond007
I love the movement I''m feeling! It is strange sometimes but it is so reassuring to feel it and know the little one is in there doing just fine. My weight is up to 127, so I''m up about 17 pounds from pre-pregnancy. Not too shabby and no warnings from the doc or the nurse.

If you think the movements are fun now, wait just a few more weeks. You can literally see your belly morphed into all different shapes. It''s quite bizarre and entertaining
Ian is getting so big!! He has gorgeous blue eyes!!
Ms. Flutter, he is GORGEOUS! Such a little man!!
OOoh... TG''s not posted today. I wonder if she''s off to deliver her little Ttot!!

Talk about a great Easter present, huh?
Date: 3/21/2008 5:42:14 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
OOoh... TG''s not posted today. I wonder if she''s off to deliver her little Ttot!!

Talk about a great Easter present, huh?

I''m waiting til the end of the day to see if MrsS, Jas12, and TGal post.
Anyone of them could go or may already be in the L&D room.
MsFlutter -- Ian''s beautiful and I love the picture idea...I had my boys'' pics taken every month, but I love the sign and that you do the pics in the same spot.... I''m definitely going to "borrow" your idea!

TGal isn''t here?? hmmmmmmmm..... (crossing fingers)

Jas12 and MrsS -- if i don''t manage to say it in time, I am wishing you both easy deliveries! (TGal too if she''s reading this!)

Ella and jas -- YAY for more PS twins!! Ella -- yours are just ADORABLE! jas-- I''m so glad to have someone else to go through this with at about the same time! Are you planning on finding out the sexes if you can?

Thanks to everyone else for all of the congrats! I can''t believe how many people follow this thread :)

I bought a couple of sale baby items today -- I couldn''t resist! I justified it by telling myself I will have much more to buy for two rather than one, so it''s ok to start a bit early... 3 things were gender-neutral, but 3 were not (3 month return policy, so I hope I''ll know by then)... does anyone know if it makes it more difficult to tell the gender when it''s twins? It would make sense to me if it is like that, but also my dr. said with twins, we get more u/s''s, so that should up my chances right?

Ella-- when did you find out you were having boy/girl?

Tacori -- enjoy your trip and GL!!

well I''m still here. thinking of trying the red tea leaves tomorrow though. tonight is a full moom and my hubby said we''re in prime postition to see if it''s actually true. i''m full term, already in the early stages of labor...doesn''t get more prime than that

tgal and jas12- hope both are you doing well and sending smooth delivery prayers your way with either one or both of you are actually in labor...
Heee, Ian!! What a doll! I love seeing his progress from being a little guy to a big macho man in the past few months!

Jen, I had an amnio at I think 16 weeks, and that''s when we found out the twins were b/g. At the amnio itself, the tech saw a boy for sure and that the other was probably a girl, but we found out for sure when we got the results back the following week. And yes, I had a LOT of ultrasounds, so even if I didn''t get an amnio, I definitely would''ve known from all the u/s later on! I think I figured that I probably had about 8-10 ultrasounds through the preg: 9 weeks (when we found out), 12 weeks (nuchal test), 16 for amnio, 20, 24, 28, then I think 30, 34, 35, and 36? If not exactly that schedule, it was pretty close to it! My doctor pretty much had me get one at almost every appt, which was pretty fab (except at the end, when they were downright uncomfortably miserable ... but still cool of course). The u/s techs were like, "You again?!" those final few weeks

MrsS, what do you mean you''re already in the early stages of labor? Did I miss something?? Or just the dilating/effacement? This is so exciting waiting for all these babies!!! TGal and Jas, are you guys still incubating? You know that if you don''t check in at least once daily, you get all our hopes up ...

Here''s to the full moon working some magic tonight!!!
ella, i just meant the dilating/effacement...
Just checking in to see if anyone went into labor--guess not. (and sadly not me either)

I am feeling like major ass--which sux b/c my sister is here and i would like to do something more than sit around my living room. I woke up and felt super dizzy (not normal for me--BP is good so i don''t know what it is) i went for a quick swim this morning came home and literally sat at the couch till around 4pm. I managed to get up and went to make a loaf of bread--just kneading the dough made me feel tired--ick, I hope this is some sort of sign, or maybe just a really *off* day

DH says "jas, you''re 9 months pregnant that''s all''

Just came back from my parent''s place and stood outside to ''bask'' in the full moon for a few moments--apparently not enough gravitational pull for me right now.
So, if anyone cares, just for the record these are the ''wives tale'' induction methods i have tried over the past few days:
--spicy food
--foot massage
--RR leaf tea
--castor oil
--full moon
So, my next FAIL PROOF method.....patience!

thanks for all the comments on the little guy...he certainly is the apple of my eye. And the photo sign idea isnt mine...but I dont even remember who i stole it from now!

We went to the easter bunny at the mall today. it went well, but it was funny to see all the toddlers frightened of him. I guess that will be us next year! tried castor oil on a full moon...I''m betting you will have the baby by the end of the weekend!

no word from TGal- if we dont hear anything tomorrow, my bet is that there is a TTot!

Sk8jen- i found out Ian was a boy at the NT scan at 14 weeks, i didnt buy anything till they confirmed it at 19...but I''m sure you will find out soon enough. Either way, you have a good chance one of them will be able to wear the clothes you got! Baby clothes are so much fun to buy...i have an addiction!
Nope gals...I''ll post more later, but I had to check in to at least let you know there is no TTot....can''t have the PS ladies worried about me.
Had a long day and was helping out a friend. Will catch up and post more tomorrow. Believe me, I don''t think I''m going into labor any time soon...need at least 5 more days....
jas12- ok, you are too funny with your list of things you tried
you poor thing, i agree with your hubby you ARE 9 months preggo and feeling tired is normal. yesterday my husband had to run some errands and the girls and I went with him. I opted to stay in the car with the girls and could have easily fallen asleep at it was only 10:30am

tgal- glad you checked in..i was thinking too if we didn''t hear from you by today you were probably off to have your ttot.

well, obviously the full moon did nothing for me either. it''s ok though b/c i''ve got mani''s/pedi''s scheduled with my mom and sister this a.m. and am really looking forward too it. then we''re doing some shopping and lunch.

lili- hope your doing well too!!

hope everyone has a great sat.
Just checking in to see how TGal,Jas and Mrss are doing!! any baby news yet ?? :)

MrsF: Ian is just adorable!! love the pictures and seeing how he grew up..thats such a great idea!!

Tacori: Hope ur flite with Tessa went okay!!! please do keep us posted :)