
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Just thought I''d share this with you - my midwife told me that intense nipple stimulation coupled with lower back massage can bring on labour. Too early for me to try, but I''d be really interested if anyone else does! Something to do with endorphins...

Well, you never know - it might work. She''s been right about everything else so far!

Just passing through to see if there are any babies wih the fullmoon.

Mrs. S I have mentioned nipple stimulation on here too not sure if anyone has tried it though. My friend tried it & said it did bring on contractions BUT she had to do it in intervals.
Hi ladies,

As you may know, I lurk on this thread usually but I have a question. Has anyone been advised to lose weight before becoming pregnant? If so, I''d love to hear your experience.
Checking in--no labor for me.
I was shopping with my sis alllll day (feel much better than yesterday) but i am tuckered out now! I have a new pelvic pressure going on--hmm sign??

I am acutally not too anxious to go into labor right now, there is currently an influenza lock-down at the hospital. Due to a big flu outbreak ONLY the laboring mom and husband are allowed into the hospital--no visitors!!
I told the fam they could just sit in the baby''s nursery at my house--which has a good view of the maternity ward windows of the hospital across the street and Charlie would just wave a pink or blue flag out of the hospital room window when the bebe is born. No one saw the humor in this....
Of course this new development is sending my mom into a dizzy. DH is thinking it may be a blessing in disguise--no mom or MIL!!
My dad, when discussing the hospital situation, asked "well why does that matter"? and my mom and I just looked at him blankly before we figured out that he thought i was having the baby at home! Since my sister and I were both born at home i guess he thought i would naturally be doing the same thing?!--yet he knew i didn''t have a midwife so i don''t know what planet he''s on....oh my dad, he''s cute and clueless.

Have a great easter sunday ! Go eat some chocolate mommies and mommies to be--we desever it
Oh--totatlly fogot why i came to post tonight in the first place--oh preggy brain

Has anyone seen the newest issue of People Mag--with J-lo''s twins???

Ella, you nurse K and G in a silk ball gown and leather pumps allll the time right? Don''t burst my bubble and tell me you wear a bathrobe or something?

I guess we can expect nothing but an ULTRA staged photos from J-lo and People magazine, but this is of epic proportions--i encourage anyone who needs a good laugh to check out these photos. THE most unabashed facade of parenthood only J-lo could pull off!
Also note how alllll the money/glamour/photo touchup/staging in the world doesn''t guarantee gorgeous babies--i think little Max and Emme have *nothing* on the PS babies!!!
(okay-- all babies are cute in their own way, but lets just say a few too many Mark Anthony genes snuck in there
Date: 3/22/2008 7:54:51 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
Hi ladies,

As you may know, I lurk on this thread usually but I have a question. Has anyone been advised to lose weight before becoming pregnant? If so, I''d love to hear your experience.

I was not advised, but I did. I figured it was good to get into good physical shape, so it would be easier to lose the weight after baby.
Jas12 and TGal, hang in there ladies!! I can guarantee you one thing - a month from now, you will not be pregnant!!!
Date: 3/22/2008 10:00:53 PM
Author: Jas12
Oh--totatlly fogot why i came to post tonight in the first place--oh preggy brain

Has anyone seen the newest issue of People Mag--with J-lo''s twins???

Ella, you nurse K and G in a silk ball gown and leather pumps allll the time right? Don''t burst my bubble and tell me you wear a bathrobe or something?

I guess we can expect nothing but an ULTRA staged photos from J-lo and People magazine, but this is of epic proportions--i encourage anyone who needs a good laugh to check out these photos. THE most unabashed facade of parenthood only J-lo could pull off!
Also note how alllll the money/glamour/photo touchup/staging in the world doesn''t guarantee gorgeous babies--i think little Max and Emme have *nothing* on the PS babies!!!
(okay-- all babies are cute in their own way, but lets just say a few too many Mark Anthony genes snuck in there
But of course, daaaahling! Full makeup, blowdried hair, and a fresh manicure every day. Such is the glamorous life of a SAHM, you know!
I didn''t see the whole article yet, but I saw a few photos on TV and I had to laugh too. Give me a break, woman! At least it makes me feel better knowing that even her $X000 clothes will be covered in poop and spitup same as my Gap clothes.

BTW, Jas I needed your baking help tonight. I made a coconut bundt cake that I think is a total disaster.
MrsS, your red velvet cupcakes may be a last-minute Easter dessert after all if I can find the time to make them tomorrow morning!

Happy Easter everyone!
Hey gals...another fly by...been busy today but hope to catch up tomorrow on some responses to this thread....

Just checking in to say hello and that there are no signs of TTot on the horizon yet. Jas, I''m having pelvic pressure too, but the bean burrito I had for dinner leads me to believe that the pressure is highly suspect (i.e. GAS.)

LC, thanks...I needed to hear that!

(off to friend''s to party....might as well whoop it up while I can. Bottled water, here I come!)
Date: 3/22/2008 11:18:35 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Hey gals...another fly by...been busy today but hope to catch up tomorrow on some responses to this thread....

Just checking in to say hello and that there are no signs of TTot on the horizon yet. Jas, I''m having pelvic pressure too, but the bean burrito I had for dinner leads me to believe that the pressure is highly suspect (i.e. GAS.)

LC, thanks...I needed to hear that!

(off to friend''s to party....might as well whoop it up while I can. Bottled water, here I come!)
Thanks for checking in, have fun at the party!!!
Here I was thinking that full moon would do the trick.
Good luck to you, JAS and MrsS!!!!!
Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Just checking in to see if the easter bunny brought us a ps baby! Hope you all are doing well

Checking in to see if there are any easter bunnies and to say Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

Will check back later tonight. In the meantime, I''m going to get some easter treats!
Hey mamas, just checking in. I wanted to see if any babies were born! I am sure you are all days away. Jas the last weeks are the worst IMHO. Very uncomfortable. I was very unhappy.

Tessa was pretty good on the flight. She cried while on the ground but feel asleep during take-off. Luckily the woman next to be liked babies. I was so worried I would end up next to a grumpy businessman. *No one* helped me through security
which really annoyed me seeing how I had the baby, diaper bag, stroller (snap ''n go) and car seat. But I did it! People from my plane were very helpful at least. We had a party to introduce her last night and she was a charming baby. She wore the adorable gap baby dress and tights. I''ll have to post a photo when I get home. Oh, WI got 14" of snow on Friday! They closed the airport so I am so glad we flew out on Thursday!!!

MrsF, Ian is ADORABLE!

Jas, TGal, & MrsS good luck if you go before I have a chance to check this thread again. I can''t wait to see your beautiful babies.
Hmmm... where''s the checking in today? Jas12, Tgal, MrsS - are you gurls in labor?

Tacori - how did the flight go this time?

MsFluter - Ian is a big boy. So cute.
I"m still here. we had a busy day and I had my entire family come over for a big Easter dinner. I baked my Red velvet cake, we hid easter eggs so my girls could go on the hunt and ate way too much of the prime rib and sides. anyway, i''m wiped out after such a long day but wanted to do a quick check in.

tgal, jas12, lili, how are you ladies doing?
Date: 3/22/2008 7:54:51 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
Hi ladies,

As you may know, I lurk on this thread usually but I have a question. Has anyone been advised to lose weight before becoming pregnant? If so, I'd love to hear your experience.
Hey Zoe,

I was advised to lose a substantial amount of weight before getting pregnant, but being that I'm not substantially overweight, I will seek a second opinion. An aunt of mine works in the NICU at her hospital and she asked around for me; she said some Dr.s are more "hard core" about it than others. Ideally, you don't want to gain much while you're pregnant if you're already overweight and you have to be VERY careful not to develope gestational diabetes. So, losing weight is a good idea prior to pregnancy.

I'm maybe 15 pounds overweight (depending on what chart/Dr./expert you talk to). One Dr. told me I needed to lose 40 pounds before getting pregnant; that would put me below underweight, so I think I'll denounce that opinion.

However, for the health of my body and the baby during pregnancy, my husband and I have started walking three miles a day and I've lost about 10 pounds just from doing that and eating the recommended 3-5 veggies a day.
Date: 3/22/2008 7:54:51 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
Hi ladies,

As you may know, I lurk on this thread usually but I have a question. Has anyone been advised to lose weight before becoming pregnant? If so, I'd love to hear your experience.
Hi Zoe,

I don't know what my sister weighs, but I am postive she would be classified as obese. Her son is 2 and a 1/2 and it took them more than a year to concieve, likely because her and her husband are both overweight. She also had gestational diabetes due to her weight and would almost surely have again if they decide to have a second child. She managed her diagnosis very well, through diet, and her son is healthy. But it was definitely challenging for her to eat such a restricted diet and test her insulin levels frequently. Her old eating habits have returned and I can see the results manifest in her and her husband in multiple ways, including the food choices they make for their darling son and their own more severe, personal medical issues that I'm not at liberty to share. For my nephew's sake it's something I wish they would have gotten control over before he was concieved.

I'm not sure if this relates to you at all, but I wanted to share the negative side of not following reasonable medical instructions given by a doctor who wants the best for a healthy mother and child.
Date: 3/22/2008 7:54:51 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
Hi ladies,

As you may know, I lurk on this thread usually but I have a question. Has anyone been advised to lose weight before becoming pregnant? If so, I''d love to hear your experience.

we''re planning to TTC this summer. DH and i have been talking about it for a bit now, and i thought i''d get my ducks in a row by chatting with my Dr. when i went in for my annual visit last winter. He recommended that i get "as healthy as possible"- meaning: LOSE WEIGHT! He says that I''ll need all the help I can get as I''ll be a "mature" mama-to-be (i''m 36

I''ve struggled with my weight all my life, yo-yo dieting and such. i''m currently at my heaviest- around 30 pounds overwieight. Dunno how much i''m going to be able to lose before we TTC (haven''t lost a pound since that visit- ouch!), but I''m certainly going to give it a shot. I''ve had a number of friends go thru pregnancy, and have noticed that those who are fit and healthy seem to have fewer complications, and "spring back" faster.

On another note...

Wishing all our soon-to-be-mommies lots of good luck. No Easter babies, huh?

MsF- Ian is such a cutie-pie. We need to get together soon- would LOVE to meet him in person and hit you up for some info on UCLA- that''s where i''ve been going for all my medical needs for years now, and will probably deliver there if I''m lucky enough to get PG.

Oh yeah, I read the J-Lo story while at the mani-pedi place yesterday and couldn''t help laughing at a pic of her rolling around on a sofa wearing 3-inch heels. WTF???
charger- Oh...i am totally excited about the idea of you TTC! what a lucky little one that will be! I think its funny that you mention being mature. I''m in a mommy group in hermosa, and out of the 15 of us, I am the youngest at 31! the average age is 35 and there are several first time mommies in their 40''s....crazy! we should definitely get together soon. are you ever in the south bay anymore? i of course can make it up to the grove any day for lunch. and i used the midwives at UCLA and they are AMAZING. the medical center is OK, but the new one should be state of the art and probably will be opening this summer (it was supposed to be last fall)

as for all the women who are asking about weight loss, here is my story. I''ve also always yoyo''d. I was my personal ''ideal'' weight at my wedding. By the time I was pregnant 4 months later...i was up 10 pounds. It doesnt sound like that much...but all my clothes were getting tight. I gained 35lbs while preggers...and was down 20 by the time I left the hospital. The rest of the weight has been really hard. by the time I threw my back out when Ian was 4 months i still had 12 pounds to go to prepregnancy weight. I havent been able to work out for 2 months and I still have 5 pounds to go till prepregnancy weight...HOWEVER it feels like 15 because I want to be back to my wedding weight. it makes it so much easier if you loose the weight before you get preggers!

Tacori- glad your flight was ok. hope you have a good trip. i cant believe the amount of snow they got back home. what a nice way to celebrate the first day of spring. its things like that that make me miss the midwest less and less. But i hope you have a fantastic trip!

thanks for all the sweet comments about my little big man! I''m totally going to post another pic of him...because well, it came out so cute (or at least i think so!).

small easter.jpg
I''m running around in a post-Swede cleaning mode and will write more later, but I did want to say:

Msflutter -- Yowza. That is one fantastic baby. So adorable. I want to just smooch those cheeks!
Tacori -- I''m so glad that Tessa did well on this flight and am so sorry no one helped you. People are such navel gazers these days!

More later. Sending all expecting mamas comfortable vibes today!
On the weight thing, I think that it is good to start from a nice healthy weight, and then you can monitor your gain during pregnancy to 25-30 pounds. This makes it easier to bounce back, I believe.
First things first, how''re the 9 mo. preggos holding up?

Jas12 -- that''s crazy about the flu lockdown at the hospital -- I''ve never heard of anything like it! Maybe it''ll be good to hold off a few more days, huh? (like you get to choose! ha) Re; JLo -- I didn''t see People, but I cracked up hearing about them on tv the other night -- apparently Marc Anthony *actually changes diapers sometimes* -- and this is supposed to be a big deal? grrrr

Msflutter -- i LOVE that Easter pic! gooodness he is a cutie

Tacori -- glad to hear your trip went well, but I am actually surprised that nobody helped you at security. I bet it was a good feeling to know you could do it on your own anyway, huh? Glad Tessa slept through the flight for you :)

Jas -- how are you feeling? I''m just curious if you are having any problems sleeping? I already sleep with a pillow between my legs to try to make the pressure more bearable..I didn''t have this problem with my singleton pgs. Also, the exhaustion is making me totally useless... did you have that problem and if so, so you still or is it better? I''m going to try to go back and look at some of your posts from before I got here, but I appreciate any help at this point -- it seems a twin pg is like a whole new thing for me! Thanks!

Chargergirl -- good luck TTC!

I hope everyone''s feeling good and had a good weekend! My boys are on spring break this week and I''ve got to find something fun to do later in the week since we''re not doing anything "big" -- anyone know if it''s safe for me to go go-carting with them or would it be better for me to just watch? It''s not warm enough here yet to swim and there''s just not a ton to do around here...

oh yeah, had my first gender dream -- sort of. I didn''t actually have proof or anything as far as i can remember, but i was telling people that baby b was a girl... with my boys i dreamed that they were boys and 2 weeks ago i dreamed i was having twins so i weirdly put some faith in my dreams, but this one wasn''t as convincing as those were. Whatever, thought i''d share...

bbl :)
Babies? ANY BABIES??!

Tacori, glad you survived your travels with Tessa again -- you''re a pro!! Hey, speaking of travels, your Mexico trip is coming up soon, isn''t it? Ohhh, I''m so envious ...

Charger, we look forward to seeing more of you on this thread in a few months!

Is anyone else getting tired of this winter?? I cannot wait for nice WARM weather already! I did take the babies out for a walk yesterday with a friend -- think they''re happy in their BOB?

(BTW, what is up with some of those creepy emoticons in the toolbar menu of emoticons?? Eeeek!
I like the below ones so much better!)

morning all

No labor for me. My Dad and sis leave this afternoon. My sister will come home again this friday (for the weekend) but i doubt I''ll see my dad again till the end of May, which is a little sad.
I had a busy weekend--soooo much eating and cooking--my family is large and italian and we all get together at a cottage we own near-by for sunday dinners but events like easter are over the top and we all leave stuffed and overweight

My cousins who live out of town and whom i haven''t seen since my wedding were at our dinner--they have been TTC for over 2 years now with no success and are really bummed about it. It made me very uncomfortable to be the centre of attention all night and eveything ''baby baby''--i told my mom before hand to keep her excitment contained a little, but she was the least of my problems--i tried changing the subject over and over but it was impossible
I know it''s unavoidable, but i don''t like making ppl feel uncomfortable.

Tgal--u didn''t check in yesterday--busy weekend, or giving birth?
Lili--i am assuming you are still around as well
MrsS. glad you got your easter egg hunt in--sounds like it was fun!

oh, Q: did anyone get leg artery pain? Last night i was just cleaning up the kitchen and I got this really sharp, really painful pressure on an artery or vein on the inside of my leg (running from my groin down to the inside of my mid thigh) it felt like it was going to burst and i buckled over for a second and made everyone overly concerned--but then, nothing--fine again. i am assuming the baby''s head was responsible --maybe compressed it and then moved?
Jen, i recommended this to Jackie already but wanted to mention it to you too - one site I find useful is The "expecting twins" forum was a great place just to learn about what to expect during the pregnancy, see what other people experienced, etc. (I''ve since moved on to the "First Year" forum.) A warning though: a lot of the people there seem pretty dumb, so I never felt any connection whatsoever with anyone there! So for me, it wasn''t so much a community like PS is, just more of an informational site.

Also, as for sleeping, one thing that helped me TREMENDOUSLY was to change the way I was using the body pillow. Instead of keeping it just between your knees, you should have it next to your bottom leg and then drape your top leg waaaaaay over it to stretch out the hip. I don''t know if that makes sense to you but hopefully it does. It won''t do a darn thing to alleviate pelvic pain but it will really help with hip pain. As for pelvic pain, I really recommend finding a good place that does prenatal massages and ask the masseuse if they know of any exercises to help with it before it gets too bad. I didn''t get a massage til too late in the game, but my guy did say there are some core exercises and yoga you can do earlier in the pregnancy that can help ...

Good luck!
Jas12 -- you''re probably right about that painbeing from the baby, but I never experienced it before with any of my 3 pgs. If it happens again, i''d call a DR. b/c they usually want to know about sharp pains... sounds like a fun Easter overall -- It''s hard to be the center of attention like that if you feel it''s making other people feel bad.. did you talk to them about it? At the same time, you cannot control the fact that people are naturally going to be happy and giidy about a ready-to-give-birth pg person!

Ella -- thanks for the info! I''ve checked out and you are right, it seems to be a good resourse, but not a "family" type environment... I will try to follow your body-pillow advice. PLUS i have a gift certificate for a massage place here that i KNOW specializes in pg massage, so i am SO there :) oldest son is named Gabe :) Great name! Your babies looked so adorable in their strollers

Happy Monday gals......

MsF, Ian is adorable. I was amazed at how much he''s changed from his one month pic...that was a cool comparison! I will have to do something like that with TTot.

Kay, I hated that hung over feeling too. When I explained what m/s felt like to a bunch of guys, I said it''s like being badly hung over ALL the time without getting the fun of partying. Oh my goodness...the looks of pity and understanding that I got...

As for Chinese medicinal care, Koreans probably have some of that stuff too. New moms are at supposed to be take care of for at least 30 days, but I just say "bah" to the whole thing. I''ll manage...

Thanks for the tips and encouragement re: motherhood ladies. I never dreamed of being a mom when I was growing up, so this entire thing is a bit freaky. I mean, stroller fixations are one thing, but what about later in life and all the things I have to be interested in? I figure I''ll take it one day a time, which is how I took this pregnancy and it seems to be working for me.

Diva, glad to hear all is going well. I never ever tire of hearing that heartbeat!

Jas, I haven''t done much in the way of wives tales to induce labor. I feel like I should be actively pursuing it, but in the end, the baby and body will do what they want to do. I have walked a lot in the last couple of weeks though...just makes me feel better and healthier.

How is that flu shutdown thing going? And it sounds like you had a great time with your fam, which is a nice way to spend your last days as a non-mom! And no, I have not had leg artery pain. The only preggo related leg pain I got was a cramp in my calf back in December and sometimes I have sciatica or something down my right butt cheek. I''m glad I haven''t, because what you described does not sound like fun!

Tacori, glad you survived the flight and that Tessa did great! You know, I haven''t found that people are more helpful just because I am pregnant. Maybe it''s because I look/seem pretty capable? Maybe that is why no one helped you look like super mom!!

Ella, LOVE the BOB pics! For some reason I thought you got the navy duallie, but you got the orange! Good taste...I have the orange single.
And I feel bad for you...we have had gorgeous weather all month (in the 70s pretty much every day).

Well, I am just sitting here waiting, waiting, waiting. And realizing that I actually have a lot of work to finish this week, so waiting is OK by me!
Ella--luv the ''action shots'' of the twins--they look so happy and cozy all geared up in their BOB. I second the vote for warmer weather! It has been sunny here for the past few days, but this morning it was -20! Where is spring?

Sk8trjen--ya, i think if it happens again i''ll call the Dr. You are right--from everything i ''ve read ''sharp'' pain is not in the category of ''good/normal pain''--a lot of my pregnancy books say the same thing.
As for the dreams--i''ve only had 2 and the baby was a girl in both, so like you i am interested to see if they are accurate at all. Someone should do a good study on mom''s intuition. I''ve read that moms who don''t have a strong preference for a gender are very often correct at predicting the gender based on a dream/feeling--but moms who wish for a girl or boy and dream about them are less often right b/c the dreams are based on desire or something. Makes sense, but not sure who/how the study was done. It''s kinda neat. I wrote the dream description down in my journal so i can look back on it. Most of my family is SO convinced i''ll have a boy--if i do have a girl, she''ll shock my mom and sister and all of DH''s family! You have a good track record with your dreams so i bet you are having a little girl! :-)

Tgal--i wouldn''t bother with the inductions methods--i am over them now since the family is leaving. Like you said, body will do what it likes, when it likes.
You getting any bodily changes at all? I am not getting any of the text book signs--but i really don''t feel like myself in the morning--dizzy and icky, but I do think it has to do with being thrown off my routine as well (not sleeping or eating at the same time as usual cuz i am off work) or maybe hormones.
--good luck with finishing work up this week. Find some time to relax!
Date: 3/24/2008 12:24:38 PM
Author: Jas12

Tgal--i wouldn''t bother with the inductions methods--i am over them now since the family is leaving. Like you said, body will do what it likes, when it likes.
You getting any bodily changes at all? I am not getting any of the text book signs--but i really don''t feel like myself in the morning--dizzy and icky, but I do think it has to do with being thrown off my routine as well (not sleeping or eating at the same time as usual cuz i am off work) or maybe hormones.
--good luck with finishing work up this week. Find some time to relax!
Jas, I am not getting any textbook signs. Minus the fact that I am feeling more and more "full" by the day, I am feeling pretty good. Tired of being preggo, but otherwise, no issues. I would think that being thrown off your routine would have something to do with it.
hello ladies!! just checking in, but so far i see you three ladies are all here and checking in :) im thinking that all three of u have to teach ur hubbies how to log on and update us when u give birth!!! i just cant wait to hear wats going on if u guys disappear all of a sudden!!

MrsF: ur boy is just too cute!!

ella: love the new pics!!! they look so happy

Tacori: sux that no one helped u thru security, but glad Tessa was cooperative on the long of a flite was it??