
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tgal & Jas12 - Did you have the eviction talk yet? hehe. Jas12, you look great.

ella - the twins look adorable.

This maybe TMI, but I am hoping you ladies have some suggestions. I've been really constipated since yesterday. It got really bad at work today, and I was cramping really bad. I think it's a combination of sitting all day and being constipated. I got up and walked around a few times at work, but it didn't really help. It feels better after I lied down. I am going to get some prune juices later. But what else can I do?
Tgal- you totally made me LOL with your self commentary..i feel the same way and yet have some *progress* still...nothing....

jas12- you look great woman, you''re 2 weeks ahead of me and i swear i''m bigger and i so here ya on the black. I actually broke down and bought a few more shirts at old navy a couple of days ago. i didn''t want to spend any more $ this late in the game but am so sick of my preggo clothes and all the black i wanted something more springy with our spring like weather

lili- hope your doing well too...

it''s totally a toss up which of us could go first at this point....

good luck to any of you if tonights the night..
Qtiekiki--prunes (not the juice, but actual prunes) worked well for me and i have pitiful digestion. I have about 6 or so a day--just make sure to have them with a big glass of water and maybe first thing in the morning a little while before breakfast so they get at chance to break down and work thru your system before adding in a bunch of other things that will slow down your digestion. I feel for you, not a nice feeling so keep trying things till you find something that works.

off to bed...
Jas, you look fab, as always. I never wear tight preggo clothes. All my stuff is baby doll stuff and drapey. Of course, in the 3rd tri, "drapey" looks worse than fitted, but it''s a security blanket. Sheesh, I''d walk out with a blanket wrapped around me to hide this belly if I could..hehehe...

lili, I don''t think this will be the last time TTot pays no attention to what I say.

MrsS, I hear ya on getting sick of the maternity clothes you have. 2 weeks ago I nearly caved too, because the thought of wearing this crap that I''ve been wearing for even one more day was making me ill. I never bought much so I have to do laundry all the time (so fun when you are in an apartment). But the pragmatic side of me couldn''t buy something knowing it would only be good for 2 more weeks. Now I wish I had!

Qtiekiki, water water and more water. Seriously, choke it down every day if you have to. I have 3-4 glasses at every meal and have never had problems with constipation. In fact, I''m better than when I was pre-preggo. And I read somewhere that preggos don''t drink that much water because they are afraid they have to pee more, but in fact the water makes the urine less caustic so that urge is less. I''ve found this to be true...minus the first trimester, I haven''t had to go pee that much more than friends are amazed that I don''t have to go more for considering how much water I drink.
Qtekiki: You can take fiber-con or Metamucil to move things along. And eat a few dried prunes every day...

TGal: hahaa, plug watch eh? I keep watching anxiously for your absence...LOL.

Mrs S: so...we are just ticking with you too? I''m really excited to see your Jake.

Jas: Could you be cuter? That''s an adorable 40 week belly. Mine was GInormous.

Well Miss Thang slept in her crib for nap today, but woke up after 2 hours because she was hungry. :-P She''s ALWAYS hungry. Little piggy ate a whole jar of pears and a whole serving of rice cereal. she''s such foodie. its adorable how happy solids make her.

That shot''s for you Ellaiila!

Later Alligators!!

p.s. to Tgal: I decided to upgrade my phone (got a sweet deal cuz my contract was up) and I got a Treo 700p smartphone.
Palm OS for my diet software, camera, mp3 player, and PHONE! All in one! If I want to add a data plan I can surf PS remotely! NONONO! lol...yes yes yes.....but thanks so much for your sweet offer....

Mornin ladies

Qtiekiki--yes, TONS for water...however, if you are like me you''ll have no trouble getting at least 8 cups a day. While preggo i have been thirsty 24/7
one more thing--if you have any food sensitivities you may notice a big difference b/w the effect fruit fiber and grain fiber has on you. I don''t tolerate brans and wheat based fiber very well ( i have a slight gluten intolerance) but lots of fruit and water works. Dairy can be huge problem if you have even a slight lactose intolerance. So test a few things out. Can you tell I have a history of bad digestion?!

Diver--lucky you to have a sleeper and a foodie--two things i hear ppl struggle with! can your kids train mine?!
There is something about Delaney that just makes me giggle each time i see her! cute, cute, cute!

Off to do one more responsible thing before i become a mom--managed to get a really low rate line of credit to finish paying off a super high rate CC that i have been chipping away at--i am cutting up the card today and getting this paid asap. I am not good with money
but i am determined to start paying attention to this stuff more now that i have someone other than myself to worry about.
LOL Diver...that pic of Delaney had me in big grins first thing this morning...what a way to start the day!!!

Ooh, and awesome about the phone upgrade. Doncha love new gadgets! I could sit there and play with phone ring tones for an hour...until I realize I''m a geek!

Happy due date day Jas!!!! It''s here, it''s finally here...and now we''re all about the tick tock! I am like you...I have not been able to get enough water during my pregnancy. I am ALWAYS thirsty, and water tastes SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.

Good job on the CC determination. Being debt free (consumer debt anyway) is one of the best things you''ll ever do...not to mention the best feeling! I became debt free at 24 and my life has been pretty well STRESS-free because of it. These babies are going to be little money grubbers so it''s great to save! TTot already has $5,000 I''ve socked away for his/her college (or trade school) fund, so if s/he doesn''t go, TGuy and I will be taking one hell of a vacation in 18 years!!!
Ah Jas12,
you look awesome as always! I agreed with you about the black, but you know what?
That is one strikingly beautiful silhouette if you ask me

Your belly is too cute and you are all baby!!
Hang in there for a couple of days until your sister comes.
on your CC.

Wow TGal,
You are really prepared -- baby''s college tuition already?
I still haven''t put together my carseat and baby''s sleeping area yet.
I best get those done this weekend.

Love that tongue sticking out of D. Too cute and funny.
She''s got the rosiest cheeks, and those eyes are huge!

Like Jas12 and TGal suggested....a few prunes and lots and lots of water.
I also find that if I eat more veggies, that helps too. Somehow salad doesn''t work, but cooked vegetable dish does the job for me.
Ya know...I just had a thought...

PS is like fantasy land. Just like you don''t see as many gorgeous, ideal cut stones in real life vs the photos here, I certainly don''t see as many beautiful preggos or babies in real life! IRL, preggo people make me go --->
: I never want to do that!

lili, get crackin'' on that carseat!!!! What one do you have?
So all 4 of you are here, still, huh? sheesh! ;)

Jas12-- you look gorgeous! Happy due date -- go have a baby, already!

TGal -- tough I am not, but work is work... not really like I''m out there doing double axels anymore, mainly just chasing students and yelling at them :) Still doing a little choreography, but I imagine i will be sidelined soon! Hang in, you''ll be more than ready (even if you''re "not") when TTot gets here

Diver -- gotta admit, that''s one gorgeous little girl!! have fun when she''s 16

OK, well, one of these days i might actually get to go to the doctor for a regular checkup, but for now it seems to always be about soemthing stressful. This morning about 1 AM I started spotting red blood and it got heavier the next time I went, and then comtinued through the next 3 trips to the br, so i call the dr. this morning to ask for advice and of course they brought me in. Well, my boys are on spring break, so i had to take them with and we had over an hour wait for a work-in. I was surprised at how good they actually were, but still --- stressful.. DH met me there as soon as we''d gotten into the exam room. My cervix was nice and closed tight, and dr. only saw old blood at that point (whew!)... he took me in for an u/s (the tech was out and he only could do the basics -- no zooming, measuring, picture-taking, etc).... but we definitely had no problem seeing 2 babies and both heartbeats. (whew again). I swear this pregnancy is aging me though! I went through nothing when I was pg with the boys! Anyway, it was happy to see my babies in there, and they were definitely bigger and in bigger sacs than last week...

hope everyone else is having a good day!

Jas12, you look great! You are ALL belly!!!! I hear ya on the black tops--I wore only bright colors at the end of my last pregnancy so I could look like a big tomato or watermelon or any other big, bright, round fruit or veggie! You will bounce back in no time. I can't believe it's your due date. Time to send a final eviction notice!

qtiekiki, I agree with the others on the prunes and tons of water. It should help you out. Fruits too!

Diver, Miss D is just adorable!! What a cutie pie.

lili, you better get that car seat ready, girl!!!

TGal, I'm laughing at your mucous plug comment!!!! Everyone told me I would definitely know what it was when I saw it but I never did! And then I was told it could regenerate so I stopped looking for it. I don't think I ever lost it the way you would expect to. Good job on TTot's college fund. We opened a 529 for Lily after she was born and you reminded me that I should put a little more in there today. Gosh, it's hard to be a grown up, ain't it?! And I agree with you on the gorgeous PS babies and mamas that match the gorgeous baubles that we don't see in "real life". It's very interesting...

So here's my little devil contemplating her next move in her pajamas. Notice the chubby arms and hands! I have some nude butt photos but not sure if I should post them here. Is that considered kiddie ****?!
She has a ton of junk in the trunk--total bubble booty! She is just a big mush ball and I absolutely adore every pound of her!!! She seriously gives me a run for my money these days but she's fun!

Hello all, just popping in to say hello... the suspense is thick over here on this thread!

Diver, love the Delaney pic... she's adorable AND photogenic... what a combo! When I was little, my mom used to carry a portable food grinder with her everywhere we went, and give me a taste of everything... I was a foodie baby too! And still.
But with all that variety (and probably a little luck), my brothers and I were never picky eaters at all. DH is still amazed at how we all fight over the turkey giblets at Thanksgiving and go crazy for "weird" veggies like beets.

Sk8r, sorry about your scare this morning!! But glad to hear all is well... and sweet of your boys to be so well-behaved. I had some scary "spotting" episodes and it really does ruin your day... I've become a neurotic toilet-paper checker since then.

TG, I think you mentioned some sort of butt pain in one of your previous posts... what the heck IS that?? For the last 3 days I've been hobbling around like a little old lady due to this shooting pain in my left butt cheek. I thought maybe I'd slept on it wrong, but it feels more intense than than just a regular muscle pain, and it varies in intensity throughout the day. Every so often when I make a quick motion, I almost feel like my leg is going to give out. I read about a type of referred back pain called "posterior pelvic pain" and figure it could be that? Apparently sciatica is really rare so I doubt it's that. All I know is if it gets much worse, I'm going to be taking a bus the 6 blocks to work each day!

Jas12, you look perfect!! I'll be thrilled if I look like that 6 months from now. I have to admit to being a bit anxious for a bump of my own... I've been collecting cute maternity clothes every time I'm out bargain-shopping with my mom or friends, and have a nice little wardrobe built up. (Michael Stars maternity tees for $2 and Ann Taylor maternity capris for $8!) I think I'm just ready to be wearing fun summer clothes in general. I'm over winter... bring on the sun!

Last update: I am officially 12 weeks today, and our NT scan is on Friday! It is voluntary since I am 28 y.o., and I'm a bit nervous about setting myself up for 6 months of anxiety if the test shows anything not quite right. But DH wants to do it just so we'll be prepared if anything IS wrong, and I have to admit I'm anxious for another close-up glimpse of the little pumpkin. I'm also getting desperate to find out the sex... we have our next ob/gyn appt next week, so we'll probably set the date for the "big" ultrasound at that appt. Can't wait!

ETA -- Curly, Lily is so gorgeous!! Love the expression on her face... she is definitely contemplating something very important........
Oh my goodness, these baby's are killing me w/their cuteness!!! Love Delaney, Lily, Ian and Ellaila's twins!!! What darling beautiful babies here on PS

Sending good delivery vibes to the mommy's
Methinks PS babies are the cutest babies ever. Love seeing miss D, and Lily is sooooo precious. Wonder what she was contemplating.

TGal, Jas, Lilli, and MrsS, how are you guys doing?? Sending best wishes to all of you for a smooth delivery. I think MrsS will go first.
Diver-- little D is just the prettiest thing ever...and Curly, Lily is right there were her, too cute.

jen- so sorry for the scare, but so glad everything is okay with the babies and how fun that you got to sneak a peak at them again..

Lisa- i soooooo hope you are right i would LOVE to be first but still nothing going on
Jen, hang in there and we will cross our fingers for regular, routine check ups only!

Curlygirl...that is a cute, deep thinker photo! Hehehe...I tell ya, kids give our cameras a run for their money.

I don''t know anything about how funds work (I just have it set aside on my own checking right now, but I want to open something for TTot once I have a soc sec number and such). TGuy works for a credit union so I figure we will have some help there.

Ephemery, I just always called it sciatica, but I don''t know if it really was. It started in my right lower back and shot through my butt cheek, but not my leg. It was pretty bad from time to time and if it happened during one of my walks, I often hobbled home. Hopefully yours will go away, because it ain''t fun!
I'm the queen of procrastination TGal.
I will get on it this weekend! Ugh, I really don't know which carseat it is.
I think it's the GRACO snug something.
It's a hand-me down (along with some other items) from my sister who had her kid a year ago

I'll have to get the big kid carseat and stroller later though, but I have a year for that.

Jen, so sorry for the scare this am, but glad to hear that your bebes are comfy and snug in there.

Awee...Curly, Lily is such a cutie. Love her contemplative look
Very mischievous looking too ;)
Hehe, I would definitely love to see those dimple cheeks

you are almost out of the first trimester

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about the NT scan.
If the results come back indicative of something wrong,
the doctor will order the cvs or amnio diagnostic tests to make sure.
Enjoy your u/s scan because at 12-13 weeks, the baby is a mini person already.

I think MrsS will be the first to delivery too since she's already showing signs of labor -- dilated and effaced.
All of us first timers here are closed shut tight as a clam.
Date: 3/26/2008 8:01:44 PM
Author: lili
I''m the queen of procrastination TGal.
I will get on it this weekend! Ugh, I really don''t know which carseat it is.
I think it''s the GRACO snug something.
It''s a hand-me down (along with some other items) from my sister who had her kid a year ago

I''ll have to get the big kid carseat and stroller later though, but I have a year for that.

Jen, so sorry for the scare this am, but glad to hear that your bebes are comfy and snug in there.

Awee...Curly, Lily is such a cutie. Love her contemplative look
Very mischievous looking too ;)
Hehe, I would definitely love to see those dimple cheeks

you are almost out of the first trimester

Anyway, I wouldn''t worry about the NT scan.
If the results come back indicative of something wrong,
the doctor will order the cvs or amnio diagnostic tests to make sure.
Enjoy your u/s scan because at 12-13 weeks, the baby is a mini person already.

I think MrsS will be the first to delivery too since she''s already showing signs of labor -- dilated and effaced.
All of us first timers here are closed shut tight as a clam.
Lili, I never dilated, or effaced.
Clam I am. But praying that doesn''t happen to any of you guys!!!
Curly--she may give u a run for your money--but my is she darling. LUV her pjs--i have a thing for dots (got married in a wedding dress covered in them for goodness sakes!) I need those PJs for myself!

Tgal--consumer debt free since 24 and college tuition put aside-- That''s awesome! Money is such a huge stressor, so like u say, if you have that under control you''ll live a much happier life i think. I am not there yet, but trying!

Jen--poor you, that''s stressful, glad everything is okay.

Eph--hopefully the PITA goes away!
You should be feeling better (MS wise) in the next week or two--if not already. yes, there are a few ppl who are sick the whole way thru, but it''s rare! Let us know when you find out the sex--do you have a feeling either way--or a preference? I know the PC answer to that second question is "just a healthy baby" but i think lots of us do/did have a preference.
I am feeling some intense pressure in the pelvis lately. I am hoping my OB tells me i am ''engaged'' tomorrow or something (funny how in 9 short months that word has taken on a whole new meaning in my world!). I have no other signs to go on. Feel really good today and got lots done around the house and around town. Just gotta wait, wait, wait......
Well Jas, we are all still pretty young. Most debts can be paid in a few years with some diligent effort. I know you will get there!

Pelvic pressure eh? That sounds like a good sign. I don''t feel anything. The baby never dropped (although I thought it did). They say you''d feel like you have a bowling ball between your legs but mine is still so high up! So much for "lightening."

Lili, you probably have the Graco Snugride. Be sure to get it checked out and OK''d, as I hear the snugride is a bit harder to install.

Kaleigh, were you still on time and did you deliver vaginally or via c-section?

Diver, Miss Thang is way too cute in her “hottie” bib.

Jas12, congrats on reaching your due date. I hope I look that good at 40 weeks.

Curly, Lily is beautiful. She does look like she is plotting her next move.

Ephemery, sorry to hear about the butt pain. I have had this odd pain in my left hip for 2 days now.

I’m at the end of week 11. I still don’t have much interest in eating, but at least the nausea is not as bad as it was. I have suffered from insomnia for years, and I really miss my Ambien! I keep looking at mat clothes online, and I have seen a few cute things on sale, but it is probably too early to buy now because I don’t know what size I will be in a few months.

How early did the rest of you tell your boss and co-workers about your pregnancy? I wanted to wait until we got the amnio results back, but that will be another 6-8 weeks, and I am sure I will be showing before then. My best friend (who also works for my firm) thinks I should tell the head of the firm and my dept. head soon, so they won’t wonder why my hours are down a little (due to MS, exhaustion, and Dr. appts).
Hi ladies! I had my 2nd prenatal appointment today. I am really happy with the practice I'm going to. So far I've either met, seen, or talked to on the phone with all 3 docs and 3 midwives (1 is leaving though). The most exciting part was hearing my baby's heartbeat.
The MW gave me quite a scare when she couldn't get a clear heartbeat. All we heard for minutes was the blood flow. She did warn me that it could take awhile to find the heartbeat. She said she could hear a faint heartbeat in the background and stepped out to get someone else to try. I was so relieved when the doctor came in and found a heartbeat in a few seconds! We didn't get to hear the heartbeat for long and I wish we did get to but I was just so relieved!

Like Kay, I am wondering when everyone told their co-workers and boss. I have been trying to wait until after my first tri but it's so hard! I want to tell everyone NOW! There are a lot of pregnant women in my department (there seems to be over 10 all the time). I know they will be supportive and happy for me. A lot of people have already been asking me when it's my turn to have a baby! I feel like I'm getting bigger. I used to have a pretty flat stomach and now it sticks out. I get nervous people might notice. Of course they won't ask me though cause I could just eating too much lately. That's another thing, I'm snacking all the time! I've gotten my hunger back. And all of these doctor appointments might have my boss wondering. I don't want him to think I'm a slacker.

I feel a little more comfortable telling now since I've seen the baby and heartbeat twice on the u/s and I heard the heartbeat today. I am going to hang out with some of my friends/co-workers soon so I plan to tell them then (around 11 weeks) and then tell my boss and co-workers the following week. I still have to tell a lot of relatives too.

jas12, you look great!

Curly, Diver, Ella, love your pictures! So cute!

Ephemery, sorry to hear about the butt pain. It might be sciatica. I've had that a few years ago. So bad I couldn't walk! I was on crutches and vicodin for a while because I was in so much pain. I hope your pain gets better soon. No one should have to experience that pain. It sucks!!!

Jen, how scary! I'm glad your babies are okay.

Lots of labor vibes to jas12, TGal, and MrsS! I am so excited for you ladies!
Date: 3/26/2008 9:02:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Well Jas, we are all still pretty young. Most debts can be paid in a few years with some diligent effort. I know you will get there!

Pelvic pressure eh? That sounds like a good sign. I don't feel anything. The baby never dropped (although I thought it did). They say you'd feel like you have a bowling ball between your legs but mine is still so high up! So much for 'lightening.'

Lili, you probably have the Graco Snugride. Be sure to get it checked out and OK'd, as I hear the snugride is a bit harder to install.

Kaleigh, were you still on time and did you deliver vaginally or via c-section?
I was 2 weeks early with Ash, my water broke, had pitocin etc.. 48 hours later a C section. Rob came 3 weeks early, pitocin, and another c section. He was a whopping 7 lbs. So am very thankful that C sections allowed me to deliver healthy babies. I wish my son was a vbac, but it just isn't the way my body works, and that's ok.
Thank you ladies for all your advice. I've been drinking a lot of water, so I'll try the prunes. Although I am not a big fan of dried fruits. Are fresh prunes available yet?

Kay & Snlee - I waited til I was 14 wks before I told my boss & co-worker. I just want to make sure things are good before telling. So I kept waiting for the next prenatal visits and seeing/hearing the hb a few times before I was ready to tell.

Jas12, Tgal & MrsS - Good luck. Hope the little ones are here soon.
hello ladies!!! how''ve u all been...ive been a bit MIA, but definately lurking around...(this new job is killing me!! no time for PS at all..he he he)

MrsS, TGal, Jas: How u ladies doing?? any news yet???!!! ooh im so excited!!!! can''t wait to see ur little ones soon!!

curly: that little thinker picture is just so cute!!! shes so adorable (and i agree with Jas, love those PJs!!)

diver: love little D!!!! her pics always put a big smile on my face!!

Jas12: ur all belly and nothing else!!! ur actually quite amazing for 40 weeks!!!

sk8rjen: sorry about the scare, but glad to hear that everything is okay!! did the doc give u any reason for the bleeding??

Kay: i told my boss after i finished my 1st trimester..

Tacori: where u girl??? not used to u being quiet on this thread :)
and here are two pics of little K...the first one he is all excited coz we were heading out and he was trying to walk to the door (note he still doesnt walk, but he just doesnt realize that!!)

i love his crocs!!!

and this is when I caught him in the act as he was heading towards all the remotes on the tv stand ;)

Just checking to see if there are any new babies yet!

Jen, sorry to hear you had such a horrible scare. I''m glad that all is well and that you got to see your twins again! Fingers crossed for no more stress for you.

I just had my check up visit from the midwife and all is well for me. Baby still nicely head down, growing well, heartbeat strong. My blood pressure has actually dropped (since I gave up my nightmare job I''m guessing!) and everything is fine.

Hope all the other moms to be are doing well too and that there are some babies born very soon!

Hiya ladies! Everyone still hangin' around? FWIW, I was only 1 cm dilated the day that I went into labor (had an appt. on Tuesday morning, water broke like 15 hours later), so really I don't think it means much of anything if you're not showing signs yet! TGal, I don't think I ever lost my mucus plug - if I did, I wasn't aware of it. I know, aren't some of the preg-related things so gross-sounding? Mucus plug.
Bloody show.
Bleeecchhh. Anyway, sending some baby-havin' dust out to Canada, Tennessee (MrsS, that's where you are, right?), and SoCal!

Jas, you are *adorable* - love that belly! In a few weeks you'll be able to look back and appreciate just how darn cute of a preggo you really are! And def. work on paying off that debt. With hubby's help, I am now officially debt-free, and it's a wonderful feeling. No more monthly dread of seeing those bills. And as TGal says, babies are little money-suckers so even if you can't save anything right away (save?! What's that??), it's still obviously a step in the right direction to have that money every month not being just paying off interest on a credit card but going toward a better cause! (Does that sentence make any sense? I'm very tired.)

Congrats to everyone on good u/s and heartbeats! Isn't it the best??
Feel free to post some u/s photos here -- we love to see the little beans in the bellies (I personally am partial to twinny u/s so I'd love to see yours, Jen!)! I think I told coworkers at about 14 weeks. I don't think I was fooling anyone at that point (hi, big twin belly on a normally skinny chica!) but I really wanted to get past the first trimester and fear of vanishing twin syndrome before I told anyone. I told family and friends - and YOU!
- really early, at like 5 weeks for family and 7 weeks for friends.

Diver, thanks for the new Dee-waney photo. Seriously, that girl is one photogenic little babe! Ridiculously cute. And thanks for the reassurances on being a good mama. I went to my twins moms group last night, and I feel better about my parenting skills. Sometimes I forget that with two, you just have to do things a little differently to accomodate everyone and make things easier!

Speaking of the babes ... I need some advice, mommies! Gabe is DETERMINED to roll over every time he is lying down - naps, changing table, bedtime. The problem is that he gets hung up on that bottom arm and gets himself all worked up. For the past week or so, he's been going to bed fine at night but then waking up at 1 am all in a tizzy and it's near impossible to get him to calm down! So we've been bringing him into our bed when he does this and he's been sleeping with us. I do NOT like this solution but I don't want him in the room crying and waking up K, you know? (The nights that we've tried to let him work this out for himself, K has woken up within about 20 minutes. Last night we brought him into the room earlier on, and she slept an additional 2 hours.) Help!!! He doesn't seem to actually want to sleep on his belly - he just wants to roll over for kicks - so I'm not going to put him to sleep on his belly (too paranoid to do that anyway). Anyone else been through this? Anything I can do? Neither is napping in their crib right now - the only place they'll nap is in the swings. Not the worst thing in the world (hey, sleep is sleep!), but not ideal.

msb, your little K is handsome as always!

Curly, heeee, Lily! Too freakin' cute. How are you feeling?

Tacori, how's Ms. Tessa? And where's that photo? What exactly did you change after reading HSHHC? I think I need to try to get through that book again b/c I hear that it really works. I don't think my guys sleep enough during the day. Do you put T down for a nap after being awake for only 1 hour? 2 hours?

Ephemery, ouch about the pain! I think sciatica is actually very common with pregnancies though, but maybe later in the pregnancy then where you are now (when the baby weighs more and the uterus puts pressure on the sciatic nerve)? Whatever it is, I hope it goes away soon!

ETA: MrsS, forgot to mention that your red velvet cake recipe was a big hit! I made cupcakes for Easter, and my friend was just telling me that she was guarding the leftover cupcakes to make sure that no one else ate them but her - ha ha! She and my hubby *loved* the frosting, as they both like a lighter, less sweet frosting. I on the other hand like a sweeeeeet sugary frosting so although I liked this one, I think I may try a cream cheese frosting next time for myself. Though I gotta admit that making a cooked frosting was pretty cool as I'd never done that before. But YIKES does that recipe make a TON of frosting!! I guess you need a lot more when you make a layer cake, but I could've quartered it and still had enough for the cupcakes! But the recipe is definitely a keeper -- thanks