
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I wonder if Jas is giving birth RIGHT NOW!!! She hasn''t posted since this morning.

Forgive the lurker...which would be me.
Date: 3/28/2008 8:49:59 PM
Author: luckystar112
I wonder if Jas is giving birth RIGHT NOW!!! She hasn''t posted since this morning.


lucky, i was wondering the same thing. maybe she did go to the doc and they went ahead and admitted her.

my guess on the order..jas, tgal, me than Lili...
Date: 3/28/2008 8:49:59 PM
Author: luckystar112
I wonder if Jas is giving birth RIGHT NOW!!! She hasn''t posted since this morning.

Forgive the lurker...which would be me.
I was wondering the same thing luckystar112. I''m lurking right there along with ya ... impatiently waiting to see the soon-to-be born beautiful PS babes (and dying to know the genders of Ttot and Jas''s baby).
Date: 3/28/2008 4:25:31 PM
Author: mrssalvo
keep us posted tgal. isn''t it funny how much we actually WANT to feel cramping?? I''d love a few contractions, even 15 minutes apart right now

MrsS, you are really so ready for Jake to come out huh?

That''s great that your MIL is extending her stay.
Lots of labor and contraction vibes out to TN!!
Happy EDD!! the cramping is a false alarm?
Anyway, don''t stress too much about the size of Ttot.
It''s not like you gained that much in a week right?
Date: 3/28/2008 9:23:07 PM
Author: lili
Date: 3/28/2008 4:25:31 PM

Author: mrssalvo

keep us posted tgal. isn't it funny how much we actually WANT to feel cramping?? I'd love a few contractions, even 15 minutes apart right now

MrsS, you are really so ready for Jake to come out huh?

That's great that your MIL is extending her stay.

Lots of labor and contraction vibes out to TN!!

thanks lili
it is nice having my MIL if only for the fact that if i would go into labor in the night, we could just head to the hospital w/out having to wait for someone to get to my house to watch my girls. Plus, she used to be a teacher and is just wonderful with my girls. she does so much with them, plays, reads, games etc. she's not just a sit in front of the t.v all day grandma which is great. it really is a blessing that's she's here. I just hope i can reward her by getting Jake to come so she can meet him without having to schedule another trip

how are you feeling by the way?
Date: 3/28/2008 8:54:44 PM
Author: mrssalvo
lucky, i was wondering the same thing. maybe she did go to the doc and they went ahead and admitted her.

very likely that she may be.
Either she''s in L&D right now or she''s busy with her sister who I think is in town?
Sorry to disappoint
I am still around!!!

I called my Dr. and he was not in--i talked to my OB''s nurse and based on my description and the fact that i haven''t had any other fluid leakage (i checked compulsively from last night, each time i went to the washroom, and all day today) she said it sounds like b/c i got up quickly and the baby''s head is very low it was probably urine (lovely) and is common this late in the game. Iam to go get checked if i notice anything else. What do you guys think? She''s a little flighty (quite young) but it''s true, i''ve haven''t noticed anything else. I would think if my water had broken some of it would be leaking today??

Tgal--what you described today is exactly what i felt last night--cramps that intensified a little every 10-15 min...then just went away. Now i just feel icky too. I am also tense which doesn''t help, b/c thinking you are going to go into labor and then nothing happening is hard on the nerves. So glad it''s the weekend and DH is around to keep me occupied. We just went out to dinner with family and actually managed to talk about something other than impending labor!

Called my hospital today and the flu lockdown is still on! Absolutely no visitors and just the hubby allowed onto the mat ward with the mom! My family and inlaws are going a little crazy with this prospect and it''s adding to my stress. I don''t even know if i should bother getting my sister to drive 4 hours when i go into labor, seeing as she won''t be allowed in the room--and if for some reason i needed a c-section, i could be in there for 4 days!
I know it''s for everyone''s protection, but it;s just not ideal. I am glad the house has been cleaned from top to bottom every day this week b/c i think we''ll be getting a lot of visitors here instead of at the hospital--ick. I''ll need to hire a nurse to enforce visiting hours or something...

okay enough about me!

MrsS.--yay for MIL staying an extra few days--darn about the extra week of waiting. Hopefully Jake makes his appearence sooner rather than later.

Lili--any cramps, twinges, niggles to report ?
That seems to be the theme for the day
Date: 3/28/2008 9:42:39 PM
Author: mrssalvo
thanks lili
it is nice having my MIL if only for the fact that if i would go into labor in the night, we could just head to the hospital w/out having to wait for someone to get to my house to watch my girls. Plus, she used to be a teacher and is just wonderful with my girls. she does so much with them, plays, reads, games etc. she''s not just a sit in front of the t.v all day grandma which is great. it really is a blessing that''s she''s here. I just hope i can reward her by getting Jake to come so she can meet him without having to schedule another trip

how are you feeling by the way?

That would be a great reward indeed.
So you weren''t able to convince the Dr to induce you huh?
Bummer, but maybe Jake will decide to make his entrance on his own in the next couple of days.

I''m doing great here.
Just had my 38 wk appt today-- the usual mundane routine (urine, BP, and heartbeat).
Everything looks good and still gaining my usual 1 lb a week :P
Dr didn''t check the cervix, but will do next hopefully I will hear some good news then.
Baby''s head is nice and low in my pelvic though
so I''ve been feeling alot more movement down there.
Hehe, it tickles sometimes.
Aweee Jas12, thought you were busy pushing your little one out

Anyway, that''s too bad about the lockdown. The bright point is that you know the hospital is taking the extra precaution to protect you and the baby.
Was it you who told us that your friend (who''s a midwife or doula) was going to be coaching you during your labor?
Will the lockdown mean that she won''t be able to go in with you?
I hope the lockdown is lifted by the time you do delivery.

As for myself. No cramps or twinges yet. Just alot of balling up of the uterus and some tickling sensation down there when the baby turns her head -- which is pretty interesting.
Date: 3/28/2008 7:56:53 PM
Author: ellaila
I think the order is going to be TGal, Jas, MrsS, then Lili. Which is the order of EDDs, right? So Aaron
, Mira
, Jake, then Jadelyn. Does Rebot still come ''round here?? I don''t recall seeing her lately ... ? (Then again I am suuuuuper duper tired these days so I don''t remember a lot of things that happen.) COME OUT, BABIES, COME OUT!!!

Hehe, I still think that MrsS will have her Jake first.
Then TGal with her Amelia and Jas12 with her Colin -- both may go within hours of each other.
Then me.

Haven''t seen Rebot in a while. Wonder if she''s back in the states or decided to have the baby in China.
Hope she checks in though.

So did you find a solution to BigG''s rolling over fit?
hey there preggers...i keep checking in to see if any of your babies popped. they didnt. i remember for the days before and after Ian''s due date keeping my phone ringer off. I was so sick of people calling and asking if i was in labor yet...NO! I''m not, and if I was i wouldnt want to be talking to you! ARRRGGHHH!

My little guy arrived 6 days late, and at the appointment that day i hadnt dropped wasnt dilated nothing, i even went to prenatal yoga at 4pm and then went home and had sex. and within 24 hours from that I had the baby (i credit the evening primrose tablets...) but that was tough waiting.

TGal- i had to get monitoring twice a week for the last few weeks and they told me Ian would be nearly 9lbs....he was 7lbs 6oz. but you never know!

Jas- I was really hoping you would be in labor by now. somehow i have the order you, Tgal and MrsS

tacori- hope you are enjoying mom is actually here from janesville this week and its been great, but i''m kinda ready for her to go home.

my drama of the week is that I got into a car accident. It was last saturday (busy beach traffic on PCH)...and it was totally my fault. Ian and I are find, but it is so stressful (second accident this year!) and scary. I''ve been without a car because I dont have rental coverage and my DH hasnt decided if he is ready for me to drive Ian around yet. And to be honest, i''m not sure either.

msb- your little man is a doll! how cute! as for shots, there is no answer, you can get MMR separate, it costs a little more but may be a consideration.

My pedi wont give more than two shots at once unless you really want it. so we go in every month for shots. we also didnt get the Hep B...i figure since its a STD we can probably wait till he is at least 2. There is so much info about vaccines, that you just need to either trust your pedi or do a TON of research...i did a little of both!

i''m exhausted, spent the day with my mom and MIL at the long beach aquarium. off to bed. will check tomorrow for some babies!
Babies, babies...where are those babies!!! I kept asking my mom and bro and SIL via email this same question when we were anticipating H3''s birth!!

I am wholeheartedly wishing all the expecting mothers the best as far as the birthing process and beyond. Believe it or not I am pretty attached to this thread and keep up with it weekly...I wish I could shower you all with golden tickets redeemable for Monnie''s babysitting purposes.

Much love to all of you who are expecting. I hope everything goes as planned or as well as can be expected, and I look forward to "meeting" all of the latest PSr''s. Take care of yourselves!
Just checking in, how is everyone feeling today???
Aw Jas...I checked in first thing this morning to see how my preggo twin was doing. I figured if you went in 2 days after your EDD, then I'd stand a good chance too!

I know it's stressful to wait, but I've decided it's just not happening this weekend and I am going to enjoy it. I actually feel physically better with this mindset. Sunday night I am going to corner TGuy for some nookie, and then I am going to find out what this primrose oil business is all about. TGuy's also agreed to give me a strong lower back massage and maybe combined with nipple stimulation (my job, not his, lol), it will work. I haven't done any of this "get your labor going business" so I am all for trying it, just for fun. But I know that with all my other friends, nothing worked until their body was ready. In fact, none of their bodies did get ready before induction...the last 3 births in our group have been c-sections. So I am mentally preparing for that, but it's hard because major surgery unnerves me more than pushing a watermelon through a peanut butter jar opening.

Don't stress about the flu could be lifted while you are in there. And actually, I would imagine that it might be the best thing for'll be able to get some much needed rest and waiting a few days to see the baby won't kill anyone. I've already been told that I will be visited by most of my friends, but believe you me, if I am tired, I am telling TGuy NO VISITORS.

lili, it is possible that the baby gained a bit of weight last week. It was a huge carb week for me. I wanted white rice every day (sometimes the Korean in me comes out). To be on the safe side, I am having a low carb week and haven't had much but salads, meat, chicken and veggies since Thursday. Interestingly, I feel a lot better too!

It sounds like your doc appointment went great! Wow, 38 weeks for close. Tell your baby to keep behavin, eh?

MsF, OMG, I am so glad you are Ian are OK. PCH is a b*tch and I avoid it whenever possible. I got into two accidents in 6 months while pregnant and was rearended both times. I am still antsy in the car and am always looking in my rearview mirror. There should be compensation for that kind of mental stress! Don't hurry back to driving until you are live in a nice area and can take Ian for walks to the shops, etc if you want to get out.

Monnie, you're such a sweetie. Maybe you will be contributing with your own stories to this thread in the not so distant future.

ETA, wanted to add that I did in fact end up going out last night. Low key night and we were back by 1030, so it was perfect!!!
Tgal--just logged on to check on you as well (and MrsS!) still nothing here.....i am going to try and enjoy the weekend as well.
I feel like everything you post my response to is "me too!" cuz i could not get enough of the carbs either. I don''t normally buy bread, i make it sometimes as a treat, but it''s not a staple in my house, however the past week or so i can''t get enough of anything ''bready''--reminds me of the first tri when only white things appealed to me! I know this baby is getting bigger cuz my tummy is itchy--''final stretch'' in more ways than one i guess!

If you are going to try some of the induction stuff--be forewarned of the powers of castol oil--in fact just lock yourself in a bathroom for a good 6 hours--not pretty. I am happy i took it b/c i am usually blocked up, but it might be something you want to skip since i know you haven''t had problems in this dept.

A big percentage of my friends have been artificially induced as well--but that doesn''t mean it wouldn''t happen on its own of course--no one is preggo forever, with or without drugs--we are just an impatient society. Myself included. Doesn''t it seem like time just freezes after the EDD comes and goes? I know anything 2 wks early and 2 wks late is considered normal--but my goodness, when the DD comes EVERYONE is at the edge of their seat.
The suspense is killin me, and i am sure that''s not helping to bring on labor--i should be relaxing!

I am off to a fundraiser this evening--don''t know if anyone remembers my post about my aerobics instructor who is due early June with the baby that has its liver (or kidney?--i always forget) growing outside his/her body?! She is doing well but has to move to Toronto for 3-6 months while the baby is in the hospital. Her hubby, who i used to ski race with, recently had a routine knee scope and ended up with a bone infection and was hospitalized for 2 weeks and is unable to work now! When it rains it pours...they have a 2 yr old and will both be off work for many months so the community is holding a silent auction fundraiser to help them out with expenses etc.. I am excited to see her, they are such great ppl.

Have a good saturday everyone
Jas, I personally think the carb craving makes sense. When I trained for my marathons, I carb loaded the last week before the marathon. Loved carbs. Well, if what we are about to go through isn''t a marathon, I don''t know what is!

Have a great time tonight...they seem like people who deserve all the happiness they can get!
hi gals, i''m still around too. my hubby had to work today and was hoping i''d go into labor so he could get out of it
nothing going on though so hi-ho-hi-hi it''s off to work he go(es). anyway, I did stay home last night and it was so nice to have a quiet house after my girls were asleep and to just put my feet up and watch t.v. hubby and the MIL got home around 9:30 and we chatted for a while and then i went to sleep around 10:30. taking it easy for the next couple days and like t-gal and Jas, trying to just enjoy the days as they are.

hope everyone has a great sat...
Tacori--thought of you tonight--i just got in from the fundraiser/party (late night for me--home by 9:00
) A bunch of strangers asked me when i was due--Luved the look on their faces when i said oh, 3 days ago). Two ppl literally jumped back when i told them this--like i was a walking baby-bomb subject to detination on their new shoes at any moment!
I also think i''ve had about 50 women in the past week tell me how many days over they were with their first. The average seems to be about a week according to my oh-so scientific poll. It''s supposed to make me feel better right?!

MrsS. --continue to take it easy. Glad you had a relaxing evening last night--my hubby has been hoping the same thing re: work all this past week. I may fake some labor on monday if the real thing hasn''t happened, just to keep him around.
I really have a new respect for preggo mommies--time to yourself to just watch T.V and have some quiet is so rare, but so needed when you are 9 months pregnant! Enjoy your sunday.

Tgal--never thought of the carb-load theory--hmmm, in that case, pass the baguette! Actually, i''ve been thinking about your marathon running. I think it''ll really help with birthing. Very few ppl can complete a marathon (male or female) and its certainly not "good", natural pain, so although birth may be more intense/longer/painful i think you can probably draw from that prior experience when the goin gets tough. When i used to long-distance run (not marathons mind you!) i would hit a wall, puke and keep on truckin-lol. I fully expect puking and much much more from labor--oh boy, this is going to be interesting!

Lili--the baby tickles your pelvis? Really, a tickle!? hehe. I am thinking i am a major wimp b/c i am not feeling any tickles in that area! More like searing pain!
Maybe you''ll be one of those women who experience the birth ''orgasm''! Ever read about it? fascinating stuff--however not as common in western cultures. Anyhoo, i thought that was a cute description--you are doing awesome and just a little longer to go! three ladies are still here

Shooting some contractions dust over your way!

The expressions on their faces must be priceless when you told them that you were due a few days ago

They probably think you are having a contraction if you pause in your walk a bit :)
Yup, that''s what I heard too about the first pregnancy. I think most first timers on PS went over too (Tacori, Bobo, MsF).
But then again, there are those lucky ones who went early like MrsS and Lisa :P
Anyway, I think it''s great that you guys are doing this fundraiser for instructor. I hope the turnout was good.
Hehe, birth "orgasm"? Nope, haven''t heard of it. Interesting. Right now, I''m just hoping that I don''t become a b*tch screaming at the nurse and anesthesia tech for more epi
Anyway, give me another week and ask me again. I guarantee my description will be different.

Yeah, I''m having some carb and sweet cravings too. I''m trying to be good and curb my intake a bit. I read in my pregnancy journal that if I overdo with the eating, my baby will only get fat. She''s already filled out every nook''n''cranky in my belly, so there is no more room left.
Forgot to say that''s awesome that you and Jas12 are still so spry in your 40th week. I bet you both will bounce back to your pre-preggo bodies in no-time.

That''s great you had a nice quiet evening to yourself.
Wow, it just occurred to me that you ladies go to sleep fairly early.
The earliest I''ve ever retire to bed is midnight, but then again...I don''t wake up until 11 am though
Thank goodness you and Ian are ok.
I agree, traffic on the PCH is really bad, especially on the weekend and when the weather is nice too.
Like TGal, I avoid it when I can. Only go there when hubby is driving.
Ok, finally muster some courage to take this pix.
Here's me at 38wk3d.
My belly has gotten a lot bigger from the 32wk pictures, and I thought I was big then.
Even my cheeks ballooned some too

Eeek, why is it so large?

Date: 3/29/2008 9:51:40 PM
Author: lili
Ok, finally muster some courage to take this pix.
Here''s me at 38wk3d.
My belly has gotten a lot bigger from the 32wk pictures, and I thought I was big then.
Even my cheeks ballooned some too

Eeek, why is it so large?
I have to say, you look great!!! You are all belly. Your legs look fantastic. You are such a cute preggo gal.
Best wishes to you in the days ahead!!!

Nighty night to Jas12, MrsS, and Tgal. Wishing you all the best, can''t wait to meet your babies.
You ladies are so brave with these preggo pics. I refused to allow any pictures to be taken of me while I was pregnant - I just hated looking the way that I did. I wish I had felt great about it, like you ladies do!!!
hello ladies!! and how is everyone doing today ?

Tgal/Jas12/MrsS: just sending baby delivery dust ur way :)

Thanks everyone for the MMR input...I''ll have to do some research about it and see what i feel most comfortable with...initially the MMR shot was schedueled to be given at 12 months, but they have now pushed it back to 15 months so i have a bit more time to think/research about it...

lili: u look amazing for 38 weeks!! u gotta be kidding me with that tiny tummy!! :)
lili, your preggo pictures just BAFFLE me (in a good way). I will fully say that all the preggos here look great, but you are SOOOO small! How could that possibly be 38 weeks? I am hoping to look that good POST preggo!

I felt that really low tickly sensation for the first time the other day. I actually yelped (I rarely yelp anymore since I am so used to movement). It totally threw me off guard!

MrsS, lol on thinking about labor so hubby gets a break. TGuy had to work today and I was totally hoping I''d go to get him a break from work!

Jas, marathon experience MAY help, but there is one big difference between marathon and L&D (OK several big differences, but one I can think of for this analogy). With marathons, you TRAIN to go the distance and get to experience the pain along the way. You train week after week, month after month and after a while you figure out how best to handle the pain. With L&D you can practice breathing all you want, but without the pain of labor you really don''t know what you are in for until you are in the thick of things. Total fear of the unknown. By the time you run a real marathon, if you''ve trained correctly, you should pretty well know what you are in for.

Also re: people telling you how late they are. My mom called and left me a message that she talked to some of her friends and their daughters were 10 days and 6 days late respectively. I love how she is trying to make me feel better and not stressed. I was thinking, yeah mom, don''t worry...I know most people are late already.

Here''s to another new day tomorrow and the hope for a new PS baby...
Morning all

Didn''t sleep a wink last nigh-- the sun was rising as i *started* to feel a bit weary--weird, i was just not tired, and this was after a day filled with an hour long walk, grocery shopping, making cookies and then a brief night out. That would normally tucker me out completely--but nope--stared at the ceiling and mulled over a few random things. Thought it was that energy surge everyone talks about pre-labor but with bad timing--but nope, no contractions today!

Lili--yep, you are a mini-preggo, and i am envious of your legs. Don''t be shy with the pics cuz you are just soooo cute. You might grow more in the next 2 weeks, but you still won''t even look like you are in the mid week 30''s!!

Tgal--so much for my positive pep talk--fine, be all overly realistic missy

You are right, you can''t practice for this sort of thing, but i do think it can come in handy to have tested your body and conqured something that is a pretty major feat--even if the feat is totally different. It''s like going into the unknow thinking "i can do this b/c I remember the time i did xyz and i didn''t think i could" vs " holy s*it i can''t do this". All i am saying is that none of us can really prepare, but we can draw strength from things we''ve accomplished in the past. Here''s hoping anyway....

Litchick-you posted a "moments after delivery'' pic and you looked pretty darn good--something tells me a tall, thin woman like yourself looked better than you think. And for the record--PSers have seen more preggo pics of me than my friends and family--i avoid capturing my chubby face on film!
Date: 3/30/2008 12:56:00 PM
Author: Jas12
Morning all

Didn't sleep a wink last nigh-- the sun was rising as i *started* to feel a bit weary--weird, i was just not tired, and this was after a day filled with an hour long walk, grocery shopping, making cookies and then a brief night out. That would normally tucker me out completely--but nope--stared at the ceiling and mulled over a few random things. Thought it was that energy surge everyone talks about pre-labor but with bad timing--but nope, no contractions today!

Lili--yep, you are a mini-preggo, and i am envious of your legs. Don't be shy with the pics cuz you are just soooo cute. You might grow more in the next 2 weeks, but you still won't even look like you are in the mid week 30's!!

Tgal--so much for my positive pep talk--fine, be all overly realistic missy

You are right, you can't practice for this sort of thing, but i do think it can come in handy to have tested your body and conqured something that is a pretty major feat--even if the feat is totally different. It's like going into the unknow thinking 'i can do this b/c I remember the time i did xyz and i didn't think i could' vs ' holy s*it i can't do this'. All i am saying is that none of us can really prepare, but we can draw strength from things we've accomplished in the past. Here's hoping anyway....

Litchick-you posted a 'moments after delivery' pic and you looked pretty darn good--something tells me a tall, thin woman like yourself looked better than you think. And for the record--PSers have seen more preggo pics of me than my friends and family--i avoid capturing my chubby face on film!
LOL Jas, I totally did appreciate the pep talk, and do think I will be able to draw from that experience, so I thank you. I just can't help but think that L&D will be much tougher than a marathon...and my first marathon I ran in 90 degree heat!!!

And re: that pre labor surge of energy. We really are preggo twins. I had that last night and it was after a full day of lunch with a friend, helping her with her business packaging her product (which took several hours) and then dinner out with TGuy. Went to bed at 11ish but sat there in bed with the lights on, wide awake staring at the wall until about 3 am (TGuy was downstairs watching TV and ended up crashing on the couch). I was just really wired and excited about it all. Just really really eager and thrilled to be on the edge of experiencing labor (however it happens) and meeting TTot. And uh...I have no contractions today either.

However, something must be in the air. When I did finally go to sleep I had two awful dreams. One was that my boss was calling me to tell me that I was going to be laid off from my job when I came back from maternity leave in August. The second was that TGuy and I got into a massive fight and we were going to split up. Geez...think I might be stressed about impending motherhood? Hehehehe....

Sending contraction vibes your way...
Geez Louis ladies *what* are you waiting for??? I don''t get much time on PS lately but I was just SURE when I checked in today that at least ONE of you would have produced some offspring by now!

OK gals, I''m pulling the car out front, so pile in and we''re all going for a ride on a very bumpy road!!
Date: 3/30/2008 4:40:40 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Geez Louis ladies *what* are you waiting for??? I don''t get much time on PS lately but I was just SURE when I checked in today that at least ONE of you would have produced some offspring by now!

OK gals, I''m pulling the car out front, so pile in and we''re all going for a ride on a very bumpy road!!
I gotta agree with my Chicago pal here -- I was at an in-law family function all weekend, hoping and praying to come back to see labor announcements!

Speaking of family functions, I believe I may now be able to give Mrssalvo a run for her money in terms of inappropriate comments received while pregnant -- The In-Law Edition.

The first LOUD words out of my MIL''s mouth at the first dinner of 85 people was, "Oh my God, you''re so busty!" Evil Jas thought, "Thanks for pointing that out because I''m sure everyone in the room who hadn''t already noticed now will. Would you like to touch them." Real Life Jas said, "Uh, hahaha, ok."

Random in-law #1 said, "We''re all so happy for you, but all of the women in the room are so glad they are not pregnant with twins." Evil Jas thought, "Are you an idiot?" Real life Jas said, "Well, I''m glad I''m pregnant with twins!"

Random in-law #2 said, "Hi, we''ve never met. Congratulations!" and then proceeded to rub my belly. You don''t want to know what Evil Jas thought, but it did have something to do with that particular inlaw losing a hand. Real life Jas excused herself when she saw the food being served.

Random in-law #3 said, "You don''t look so bad...if you were seven months pregnant. Heeheehee." Evil Jas thought, "Shut up." Real life Jas said, "Yeah, well, it''s twins. Plus, I was so tiny before I got pregnant that I''m sure I''m showing more than normal." (Real life Jas is sometimes bit**y.)

After the family event on Saturday, there was a buffet party for about 150 people. Everyone lined up, no problem, until In-law #4 screamed, "Let the pregnant lady through, or she''ll knock you all over for the last piece of chicken." Real life Jas just smiled and said, "Oh, stop now." Evil Jas thought, "I will just knock you over for being a jerk."

Oh, and Crazy Aunt-in-Law with the Shoe fetish yelled at me again for my foot attire.

Honestly now, it''s really rather funny and I swear I''m going to turn this into some sort of Hallmark movie of the week, cuz y''all should have heard the comments bandied about that had nothing to do with me! They put the fun in dysfunctional -- now with 87% less fun! Darling DH must be some sort of genetic mutation, although he failed to see why any of the above were embarrassing or inappropriate. He always kinda smiles and says, "Yeah, my family says a lot of inappropriate stuff."

At least most of it was not mean-spirited, just really thoughtless.

That being said, I''m really hoping the babies take after my side of the family.

Enough sharing for now; I''ll get back on schedule in commenting to people individually tomorrow. I''ve got to unpack now.

It''s amazing how much I missed checking in!