
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

ella, glad the recipe was a hit. girl, you must like super sweet frosting if you don''t think that frosting is sweet enough. It''s *almost* too sweet for me, but i''m not a huge frosting/icing fan. i never even liked it as a kid.

so, where is everyone today? all''s quiet on the western front eh? well, i''m still here. i have an appt. in the morning and am planning on begging my dr. to induce. i''m only 38 weeks so i don''t really think he will but my MIL is here and said she stay a few extra days (she goes home sat. ) if i do go into labor or they agree to inducing. anyway, nothing else really to report. i did go and get my hair cut today since i figured it would be the last chance i get for a while. hope all the rest of you are doing well.
Real quick...just came back from the doc''s...

This baby went from "will be 8 pounds or under" to "approaching 9 lbs". WTF!!! You mean all those sweet breads I''m eating is affecting this kid? Bah!

So I have to go in for an ultrasound on April Fool''s Day (lovely) and they are going to check the weight. If it''s looking big, he doesn''t want to prolong the pregnancy. Oh, and I''m not dilated either. Not one millimeter.

Guess it''s no carbs for me for the next week. A cranky, sealed up preggo who can''t eat cake. This is going to be a looooooooooong week.
t-gal, don''t get too discouraged. i wasn''t dilated or effaced at all with my first and my water broke. so seriously, it could still happen for you any time. I hope for your sake it''s happens naturually b/c i know you don''t want to be hooked up/medicated unless necessary. hang in there gal!!!
Just checkin in.

Mrs.S--you are begging your OB to induce, and i am begging mine not too
(not just yet anyway--esp with the flu lockdown thing still in place at my hospital!)
I had my 40+ week check-up and all is looking fine, but i am still not showing any immediate signs of labor over here either.
I am scheduled for a non-stress test on April 2nd. My OB mentioned inducing possibly a few days after that with just a membrane sweep (if i wanted to)--but i''ll cross that bridge when i come to it. A week is still a loooong time to go into labor--right?!
I hope for your sake, your Dr. does what you want him too--i know what it feels like to want to have family around!

Tgal--don''t worry about that weight estimate too much--even ultrasounds are WAY off--a friend of mine had her baby predicted at around 10 lbs and he was born at just over 7. That''s a big difference!! And i hear that from a lot of other women as well.
My sister and i were just a tad under 10 lbs each and she was still able to deliver with not a single issue, so don''t worry.
I think my bebe is getting bigger too--i haven''t been exercising as much, but iam still eating like a horse--i gained a little this check-up--maybe i should slow down too!! Oh but carbs are soooo delish right now!
MrsS - I forgot, but were you induced for your daughter? How did your appt go?

Tgal - So would your dr induce you if Ttot gets bigger? I hope you go into labor this weekend, so you don''t have to be induced since you want to be as natural as possible.

Jas12 - Hope things happen naturally for you.
Jas, I know...don''t carbs sounds great! They''re all I want these days. I don''t know what happened to me because before I got pregnant, I loved meat (any kind) and veggies!

Qtiekiki, yes, they''d probably schedule an induction.

MrsS, no worries...I have my ideas of how I''d like things to go, but as I''ve always said, the body wants to do what it wants to do, and if I get induced and have an epidural, that''s fine too. I''m less crazy about a c-section due to the harder recovery, but there are benefits to that as well (like not having a 9 lb baby come through the canal!) I just trust that what is to be, will be.

Thanks for the encouragement ladies! Nothing like going from "you''re the perfect preggo" to "whoa whoa! slow down there porky!" to deflate the morale.

msb700, I think I told you before your son is a prince! I hear kids love crocs too...they must be really comfy for them. TTot will probably get a pair.

Kay, I told my boss when I was about 7 weeks pregnant. I felt I didn''t have a choice because I only see him a few times a year (I work from a home office) and wanted to tell him face to face. He was really excited for me and his warm reaction will always endear him to me.

snlee, whoo hoo for that heartbeat! Glad you are feeling better and have that WONDERFUL hunger back (I was so happy when that happened to me!)

MrsM, I love the good news. I''m big on good news right now! Here''s hoping it stays that way...yay!

Ella, Poor Gabe. You gotta do what works for you and Gabe ya know? If I remember correctly, HSHHC says babies don''t tolerate more than 2 hours of wakefulness well. So after the 1st hour, soothing begins and they can be put down by hour 2. It says to really watch your babies for signs though.

Ack, Velvet cupcakes sound soooooooooooooo gooooooood...........
Date: 3/27/2008 8:24:15 PM
Author: qtiekiki
MrsS - I forgot, but were you induced for your daughter? How did your appt go?

my water broke with my first but i wasn''t dilating so i had to have pitocen with her. contractions with my second, dilated to a 4 and they broke my water at the hospital, no induction meds necessary with her. my appt. is tomorrow morning so we''ll see. i''d be surprised if my dr. will do anything but tell me to wait one more week. if i''ve progressed further that would give him even more reason to want me to just wait it out. but i''m still going to ask
Date: 3/27/2008 10:14:30 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 3/27/2008 8:24:15 PM
Author: qtiekiki
MrsS - I forgot, but were you induced for your daughter? How did your appt go?

my water broke with my first but i wasn''t dilating so i had to have pitocen with her. contractions with my second, dilated to a 4 and they broke my water at the hospital, no induction meds necessary with her. my appt. is tomorrow morning so we''ll see. i''d be surprised if my dr. will do anything but tell me to wait one more week. if i''ve progressed further that would give him even more reason to want me to just wait it out. but i''m still going to ask
LOL MrsS...go for it. You don''t get if you don''t ask!

I was thinking, I had just eaten my lunch RIGHT before I went in and a full bottle of water. Could it be that the doc was feeling my Pork Katsu Curry instead of my porky baby?

And when I told the nurse that my due date was tomorrow, she said "you are not having this baby tomorrow." The reason? I move too well. She said when women and babies are ready, they struggle to move. But I never struggled to move my entire pregnancy while others I know struggled the second trimester. I like being a spry preggo!
TGal, every time I see you post on this thread, I have to check if you are in labour. Hang in there!!!

I had no indication at all that I was going to go into labour. I worked the day before I had Miller (in fact, I did a fire drill). I didn''t notice a mucous plug, nothin''. My first sign was when my water broke.
No babies?? I thought for sure when I made it back there would be an adorable new PS baby for me to gawk at.....Hang in there ladies!!

As for cute babies, WOW Ella, curly, msb700, mrsf and diver you all have some beautifull babies! Thanks for sharing pics. I could look at baby pictures all day long.

Mrs Mitchell~glad everything is going well.

Ella~I think you have to do what you have to do...I''ve had Tayva in bed with us the past couple nights because the poor girl had her shots and was running a fever and some times when I tried to put her in her crib she would just cry. I figured as long as we were getting sleep I am not concerned with how. And, you have K to think about. I would do the same thing..

Eph~sorry about the pain. I had sciatica pain but I was probably 25 weeks or so when I started getting it.

mrss~hope your doc will help you out and induce. The hospital I went to has a policy that they only do elective inductions at 39 weeks or further so I had to wait until then.

tgal~ My doc thought Tayva was 9 lbs plus so I begged to be induced because I didn''t want to push out a 10 lb kid. First thing he said when she came out is that he never claimed his guess was 100 percent accurate....she was only 7 lb 11 oz!

jas~A week is a long time. You''ll go on your own when your baby is good and ready.
I''ve been checking this thread obsessively but still no babies! Labor dust coming your way ladies!

I''m still doing well over here in snowy Ohio. I took a fall on Wednesday but managed to land on all fours and miss the belly completely so all is well. Baby is moving around a bunch and other than my bruised knees I feel fine.

On Tuesday the baby was really active in there - moving about and flipping around. I felt the little one all day it seems like. It was wonderful - especially considering that he/she seems to be much more active in the evening (after dinner).

I''ll be watching this thread carefully..............

Hi Ladies

Well, I really thought i was in labor last night! But this morning--back to normal.
So all you moms--were these signs?
At around 10pm i got up suddenly from the couch and felt tons of pressure in my pelvis and a felt a tiny gush of fluid like i have leaked a bit of urine (I don''t think it was) so i assumed it was AF (amn. fluid--not aunt flow-lol!) and i started to get what felt like a period cramps. The cramps would intensify in certain positions and then subside and although i didn''t feel a clenching like most ppl describe contractions--i was sure they were early contractions. I went to bed about an hour later and woke up a few times with the same feeling--but by about 3am, all was normal again. False labor i guess? I am feeling pretty good this morning.

Tgal--> Happy EDD!! maybe you''ll be part of the 5% who go into labor on this day?!
Re: being spry: I am pathetic at night--i hobble like a 90 yr old women by about 9:00pm each evening due to pelvic pressure, and i can barely roll over in bed. I am certainly not spry in the evenings--but during the day I feel like you and my OBs nurse said the same thing--she mentioned that i am one of the only 40 weekers she doesn''t need to help sit up after lying on the table--where is she when i need her to help me get out of bed at 3am! Maybe you''ll be like LC and just go into labor. That would be nice, cuz i hate feeling like an evening ivalid right now!

MrsS. give us an update about your check-up--you always have something exciting to report so i am living vicariously thru you! Remember to ask and you *may* recieve.... ;-)

Diva--glad you didn''t hurt yourself in the fall. I''ve been extra careful about that lately (so much ice on the ground here) that would be the last thing we need to deal with while preggo!

Burk--not looking forward to bringing baby in for shots. I hear it''s just as hard on the mom
. Poor little Tayva.
--My OB won''t elective induce before 40 weeks--the NST comes first, then possibly a membrane sweep at 10 days over. As I was falling asleep last night I was thinking about how much revolves around that 24 hr period known as the EDD. Even though everyone knows it''s just an educated guess everyone goes nutty for it. My facebook page was just filled with ''where''s baby'' msgs 2 days ago...unfortunately babies don''t have calendars or watches and we try to get the poor things to conform to a 9-5 before they are even born! I have to remind myself of that when i get impatient!
LC and Burke, thanks for the encouragement!

Jas, I am with you actually. Daytime, I feel great, but at night I am feeling kind of ick. The only time I am short of breath is when I get into bed and try and get comfy.

What a psychout on your false labor! I would have been so excited, and then bummed to not feel anything in the morn. But I think that false labor might help you get to real labor, yes?

I am feeling yucky today morning too actually. I think it may be my stomach, but I don''t know where it is in the scheme of things. Everything just feels so tight...
Date: 3/28/2008 11:04:51 AM
Author: Jas12
Hi Ladies

Well, I really thought i was in labor last night! But this morning--back to normal.
So all you moms--were these signs?
At around 10pm i got up suddenly from the couch and felt tons of pressure in my pelvis and a felt a tiny gush of fluid like i have leaked a bit of urine (I don''t think it was) so i assumed it was AF (amn. fluid--not aunt flow-lol!) and i started to get what felt like a period cramps. The cramps would intensify in certain positions and then subside and although i didn''t feel a clenching like most ppl describe contractions--i was sure they were early contractions. I went to bed about an hour later and woke up a few times with the same feeling--but by about 3am, all was normal again. False labor i guess? I am feeling pretty good this morning.

Tgal--> Happy EDD!! maybe you''ll be part of the 5% who go into labor on this day?!
Re: being spry: I am pathetic at night--i hobble like a 90 yr old women by about 9:00pm each evening due to pelvic pressure, and i can barely roll over in bed. I am certainly not spry in the evenings--but during the day I feel like you and my OBs nurse said the same thing--she mentioned that i am one of the only 40 weekers she doesn''t need to help sit up after lying on the table--where is she when i need her to help me get out of bed at 3am! Maybe you''ll be like LC and just go into labor. That would be nice, cuz i hate feeling like an evening ivalid right now!

MrsS. give us an update about your check-up--you always have something exciting to report so i am living vicariously thru you! Remember to ask and you *may* recieve.... ;-)

Diva--glad you didn''t hurt yourself in the fall. I''ve been extra careful about that lately (so much ice on the ground here) that would be the last thing we need to deal with while preggo!

Burk--not looking forward to bringing baby in for shots. I hear it''s just as hard on the mom
. Poor little Tayva.
--My OB won''t elective induce before 40 weeks--the NST comes first, then possibly a membrane sweep at 10 days over. As I was falling asleep last night I was thinking about how much revolves around that 24 hr period known as the EDD. Even though everyone knows it''s just an educated guess everyone goes nutty for it. My facebook page was just filled with ''where''s baby'' msgs 2 days ago...unfortunately babies don''t have calendars or watches and we try to get the poor things to conform to a 9-5 before they are even born! I have to remind myself of that when i get impatient!
You could be leaking a little bit of AF. You should probably call your Doc to find out. There is a simple PH test they can do to be sure. My AF leaked slowly with my 2nd. I had contractions and symptoms exactly like yours. Maybe this is it?????

Good luck to all of you mommies about to deliver! You are in for one of the best and most remarkable moments of your life! I''ll keep all of the preggos here in my thoughts!
TGal and Jas, I didn''t have any signs of labor til my water broke (I was sleeping and then just got up to pee and BAM!) so I can''t describe any personal symptoms for you .... but they say that feeling "off" is a big sign that you''re about to go into labor!! So I definitely think that your bodies are telling you some exciting news!
Jas12- i''d call your dr and let them know. you may have lost your plug or leaking AF and with the positive group b it could cause some problems for you. not to be an alarmist but just want you check.

i''m off to the dr. now and will update when i get back.
Jas, I LOL at your comment about not needing help getting off the table. I needed help from like 28 weeks on -- ha ha!

TGal, yep, u/s weights can be waaay off so don''t concern yourself too much with that (easier said than done, I know).

Jess, glad you''re OK after your fall! That must''ve been scary. How far along are you again?

MrsS, good luck at your appt!! Let us know what the doc says ...

LitChick, I forgot to mention that I met another Miller mommy the other day and thought of you.

Wow, I am the Queen of One-Line Responses this morning ...

Anyway, gotta go. Girly Girl is "Billy Crystal-ing" ...
Jas- Definitely call your doc and let them know what happenned- You want to make sure you arent ruptured, you know? Especially if you are GBS positive, but regardless, its better to be safe than sorry. Its just a simple test they have to do to make sure....

Best of luck to all the mommies to be!!! I am so excited for those of you that are almost there! Jas, Mrssalvo, TGal (did I miss anyone)? Keep us posted!
Where are all the babies?!?! I finally got to log on and was hoping to hear some good news (not as much as TGal, Jas, and MrsS I know). We all know Tessa was stubborn and didn''t want to come out either! So I can relate! Good luck ladies. I am sure you are hours or days away. If you need to be induced no worries. I hope to get induced with my next one. She wasn''t going anywhere with a little intervention

Msb, I am still in WI (til Sunday) so that is why I haven''t been on much. We are busy shopping, introducing Tessa to family and friends and just hanging out. It is cold here!!! Burrr! Your little one is *adorable*!

Lili and MsF, cute babies! I love them! MsF, I think we escaped Janesville this visit

Ella, she is a bad napper. After 2 hours if she is cranky (and not hungry) I put her down. That almost NEVER works so I have been know to take a walk or a drive to get her to sleep (bad I know). Her sleeping hasn''t been great since we are traveling but before we left she would ususally give me one 5-6 hour stretch. dad brought home high calorie formula (ready made 2 oz bottles) from the hospital and I would be surprise if she hasn''t porked up a little. She FEELS heavier. Mexico is in a few weeks!!!!

Diver, I bring baby T in bed with me too sometimes. When I am desperate for more sleep.

Ahhh....she is crying. Better go! Sorry for the drive by. I hope to be back on soon. Good luck mommies!!!
Where are the babies?? I''m getting impatient here, LOL. I can only imagine how YOU ALL are feeling. So I feel for you.

Jas12 sounds like you may be leaking some AF and you definitely should call your DR. As someone said they have a simple test, takes no time at all. When my water broke with Ashley it soaked my dress and we were at a nice restaurant, having a last meal, hehe. I had to back out slowly so no one would notice. At the end moving around was hard. People would look at me and say you poor thing. And she came 2 weeks early. With my son I wasn''t so uncomfortable, and gained the same amount with him, about 30 pounds if I recall.

Good luck at your appointment MrsS.
hello ladies!!

Jas12: i agree with the to check-in with ur doctor..this mite be D day for u after all!!

Tgal/MrsS: how''s it going on ur end?? any baby signs??

Tgal: I didnt have ANY symptoms of going into labour...i was at work till 6 pm, went out with friends around 9 pm, in bed by midnite, woke up at 1 coz my water broke WHILE i was asleep!!! (i was 3 weeks earlier than my due date!!) it can happen sometimes just like that with no warnings...

Tacori: Oh okay, thought it was just a weekend trip! hope ur having fun and Tessa is enjoying her ''new'' surroundings...

Ella: I bring little K to bed with me at times too (sometimes he just REFUSES to go to sleep in his crib...he has a soon as i pick him up he sleeps...i put him back in his bed and he starts having a screaming fit...pick him, falls asleep to save both him and i the headache i plop him in bed with me :) (i actually enjoy it coz he loves to snuggle against me and have ''contact'')...

Vaccines: the MRR vaccine is coming up and i have been hearing (and also there was a show on Oprah about this), that some ppl are linking this vaccine to autism and how many mothers are now opting AGAINST that vaccine in fear that there mite be a link...doctors are saying that they cannot officially say there is a link, but at the same time cannot say that there isn''t...any of u have heard about this before?? ALSO the word is that those have an allergy against eggs (my son) should not take this vaccine as it will have a negative rather than a positive effect on so confused
hi all i''m back. there is no change, nothing going on. the big drama for the day was my blood pressure was high. after i saw my dr. they made me rest on my side for what seemed like forever..(maybe 15 minutes) the whole time i''m thinking, maybe if my BP is high they will go ahead and induce
well, when they did the retake it came down to a 112/66 so there went my hopes for a weekend induction
. anyway, he wants to wait it out another week and see what happens. so, i made my 39 week appt. today in great hopes that Jake will follow the girls lead and i will not make it to that appt. the good news is, i think my MIL is going to stay another week to just be here in case

i really hope Jas or tgal go into labor to i can live vicariously...

kaleigh- your water broke at a restaurant?? you poor thing...that''s just like something that would happen in the movies
Jas, hopefully you''ve been to the doc''s to get checked up?

MrsS, gotta love these end-term scares. Glad you and baby are OK, and another week won''t be so bad. I''ll probably be here right with ya.

Ella, "billy crystaling"...I love it....

Tacori, stay warm in MI. My home office is in Madison, so I go there from time to time. It''s so wrong to be nearly April and that cold, eh?

msb700, re: MMR. I read somewhere that you can request to do each of those separately instead of all at once? That may be something to look into...

I am still feeling bad. No signs like water, plug, etc. However, every 15 minutes or so I am having some cramping that doesn''t last very long, nor is it too painful. I am thinking I am psyching myself out. I was on an empty stomach this morning, so I figured that was it. Now I ate, and still the same weird icky feeling. I''ll watch a bit closer as I go into this afternoon....
keep us posted tgal. isn't it funny how much we actually WANT to feel cramping?? I'd love a few contractions, even 15 minutes apart right now
Date: 3/28/2008 4:25:31 PM
Author: mrssalvo
keep us posted tgal. isn''t it funny how much we actually WANT to feel cramping?? I''d love a few contractions, even 15 minutes apart right now
41.gif''s sick and wrong.

I''m think I''m back to "normal". I am just so darn uncomfortable today. Must totally be mental.
Date: 3/28/2008 4:30:47 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/28/2008 4:25:31 PM

Author: mrssalvo

keep us posted tgal. isn't it funny how much we actually WANT to feel cramping?? I'd love a few contractions, even 15 minutes apart right now
41.gif's sick and wrong.

I'm think I'm back to 'normal'. I am just so darn uncomfortable today. Must totally be mental.

well, i'll send labor dust your way that it is something more and they start back up again, getting closer and stronger
i'm uncomfortable too, but that's been the story of the last few weeks for me. officially up 39 lbs today, 1 lb gain since last week, so lots of pain on the hips and back add to that the sudden start of swelling ankles (dr. thinks it's salt related water retention) i'm just looking and feeling lovely
it's also sad that i'm actually looking forward to putting my girls to be and having a night of quiet resting and watching tv (and probably surfing PS) while laying in my bed. hubby and MIL are heading to my step-sons battle of the bands and i just don't have it in me to sit though the 3 hours of HS angst.
Date: 3/28/2008 4:37:20 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 3/28/2008 4:30:47 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/28/2008 4:25:31 PM

Author: mrssalvo

keep us posted tgal. isn''t it funny how much we actually WANT to feel cramping?? I''d love a few contractions, even 15 minutes apart right now
41.gif''s sick and wrong.

I''m think I''m back to ''normal''. I am just so darn uncomfortable today. Must totally be mental.

well, i''ll send labor dust your way that it is something more and they start back up again, getting closer and stronger
i''m uncomfortable too, but that''s been the story of the last few weeks for me. officially up 39 lbs today, 1 lb gain since last week, so lots of pain on the hips and back add to that the sudden start of swelling ankles (dr. thinks it''s salt related water retention) i''m just looking and feeling lovely
it''s also sad that i''m actually looking forward to putting my girls to be and having a night of quiet resting and watching tv (and probably surfing PS) while laying in my bed. hubby and MIL are heading to my step-sons battle of the bands and i just don''t have it in me to sit though the 3 hours of HS angst.
How funny...I know exactly how you feel. I got an email from a friend today, and it was sent to a big group of us. The subject heading was that our baby is due and that we should all go out to dinner tonight to party and "encourage" the baby out. I sent an email to TGuy and asked if he would be bummed if I just weren''t up for it. Thankfully he said he is happy to do whatever I want to do...which at this point is absolutely NOTHING.
Tgal, you are going to have so many nights at home, you need to go out. Please go out. Think of me - at home.
Date: 3/28/2008 5:29:24 PM
Author: LitigatorChick
Tgal, you are going to have so many nights at home, you need to go out. Please go out. Think of me - at home.
And the other side of the coin is ... TGal, soon enough you will only be able to dream of nights when you've got NOTHING to do, so I say take advantage of the time while you've got it and reeeelaaxxx!!

I think the order is going to be TGal, Jas, MrsS, then Lili. Which is the order of EDDs, right? So Aaron
, Mira
, Jake, then Jadelyn. Does Rebot still come 'round here?? I don't recall seeing her lately ... ? (Then again I am suuuuuper duper tired these days so I don't remember a lot of things that happen.) COME OUT, BABIES, COME OUT!!!

msb, from what I understand, there is no real proof that MMR is linked to autism other than the fact that they usually occur around the same time so parents are making this connection based on that alone. But that doesn't really prove that the autism occurs *because* of the MMR shot, you know? Sort of reminds me of the thing about how the rooster crows when the sun rises but that doesn't mean that the rooster crowing is what causes the sun to rise! I'm sure you can find information supporting either side of the argument (of the vac, not of the rooster), but I personally don't think there's enough evidence to show that there's any link. But I will definitely do more research on it as the time comes for my babies to get the vaccine. As TGal says, you can ask to get the shots done separately or just to have them done on a delayed schedule but I'm not really sure what the point of those is -- but again I haven't done any research on this, this is just based on what I've read in forums that other Moms have done.
Ha LC...I was thinking the same thing that Ella did...that I won''t have many more days to rest! But still, I gotta eat and I just took an hour nap and feel MUCH better. No cramping either, go figure.

Ella, I think Jas will go first, or MrsS. Jas'' due date was 2 days before mine....mine is today so I think I have a little ways to go. TGuy swears that we are going to have an April Fool''s baby.

Wonder if Jas is OK and was able to visit the doc?