
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

LOL Dee-jay. I know, what is wrong with us?!? Believe me, I keep thinking every post will be my last until d-day...but nope, here i am killing time

I hate to say it, but i have this feeling it''ll be April babies for the PSers--diamonds all around

Tgal-- 90 degree marathon!?--i am sorry, you are a masochist -haha
speaking of April (fools day to be exact) keep meaning to ask, where is your conception story posted? I never did read it and i am super curious b/c you think a little april fool baby would be a fitting arrival....
I am going to search this massive thread (200 pgs now!) and see what i can find

MrsS. how ya holding up?

Other preggies--sick of us "full termies" talking labor 24/7 ??--in a few short days you''ll be rid of us for a while. Hope everyone is feeling okay
Oh my god, no babies yet?!?!?!? I was sure I would log on and see someone''s announcement!! Hang in there, ladies. I know it''s tough but it will all be over soon.

Hey, where''s mrssalvo?!?!?!?!?!

lili, you are tiny!!!! Wow, girl, you look amazing!!

Jackiejas, you''re absolutely hysterical. And people are truly rude and insensitive. Sounds like you handled it all much better than I would.

Sending tons of easy labor vibes to all of our overdue and almost due but ready to go (mrssalvo!) preggos. Come on, babies!!! Come on out. We''re all waiting!!!
Jackiejas--i must have posted at the same time as you. AHHHH, inlaws!!!! SO much worse when you are pregnant and you can''t drink to dull the pain!
You gotta just love the food related jokes--how many times have you heard "watch out she''s eating for 3" !!? Hardy har har.....gimme a break.
Last night, while at my friend''s benefit fundraiser i helped myself to a plate of fruit and ONE little brownie square. Some random (very overweight) woman said realllly loud for the whole line to hear " oh, should YOU be eating THAT?" I think she was trying to be funny?! I gave her a death smile (you know when you smile and then go expressionless as if to say "f*#k off) and she thought that was hysterical so i just picked up another treat and walked away. I thought honey, i am 4 days overdue don''t mess with me.
Maybe Ella can help with a ''heads up'' regarding other things you may hear while carrying twins. I know she got a lot of "you''re huge" comments from some idiotic co-worker. Like apparently twin mommies are supposed to hide the other fetus/placenta/amiotic fluid etc. in their ear lobes or something....
Date: 3/30/2008 7:46:33 PM
Author: Jas12
Jackiejas--i must have posted at the same time as you. AHHHH, inlaws!!!! SO much worse when you are pregnant and you can''t drink to dull the pain!
You gotta just love the food related jokes--how many times have you heard ''watch out she''s eating for 3'' !!? Hardy har har.....gimme a break.
Last night, while at my friend''s benefit fundraiser i helped myself to a plate of fruit and ONE little brownie square. Some random (very overweight) woman said realllly loud for the whole line to hear '' oh, should YOU be eating THAT?'' I think she was trying to be funny?! I gave her a death smile (you know when you smile and then go expressionless as if to say ''f*#k off) and she thought that was hysterical so i just picked up another treat and walked away. I thought honey, i am 4 days overdue don''t mess with me.
Maybe Ella can help with a ''heads up'' regarding other things you may hear while carrying twins. I know she got a lot of ''you''re huge'' comments from some idiotic co-worker. Like apparently twin mommies are supposed to hide the other fetus/placenta/amiotic fluid etc. in their ear lobes or something....
Yeah, I guess there''s something about pregnancy that makes people lose their sense of decency.

I''m thinking of making a t-shirt to wear around my in-laws. I can''t decide if it should say:

w/ an arrow pointing to my head) FREAK OF NATURE! Don''t touch!

or if it should say:

Don''t touch, freak of nature!

A subtle difference, but an important one.
Punctuation is funny.
JackieJas - You handled yourself so well. I would be more bit*hy if people said all those comments to me. hehe.

Jas12 - I guess it''s fitting to have April babies, after all it is a diamond forum. hehe. But seriously, I hope you and Tgal don''t have to wait that long.

Baby Shower Question/Dilemma - I wasn''t planning on having a baby shower, since it''s Chinese tradition to have a "Red Egg & Ginger Party" aka baby welcome shower a month after the baby is born. So I didn''t want to have two parties/showers so close together. But I went out to lunch with my friend today and she wanted to throw me a baby shower. My friend is moving to the East Coast for a fellowship in June, so she wouldn''t be able to make it to the "Red Egg & Ginger Party". So do you think it''s ok to have both? DH''s cousins are throwing their sister a surprise baby shower, and the mom-to-be will be having the "Red Egg & Ginger Party". I will be attending both, and the cousins will be the majority of the people attending both if I have both. I wouldn''t expect people to give gifts for both parties/showers, but it might seems that way to the guests. I definitely want to have the traditional party because I want people to meet the baby. Maybe I can mention to people who attend the baby shower that they don''t have to bring gifts for the traditional party. I am not sure what to do.
Oooooooh, no MrsS check-in today!! Could it be ... ??

I love that this has become the "Jas, TGal, and MrsS" Show lately -- so fun for us all to keep checking in on your status! Not that I don't like hearing everyone else's status of course, but it's just so darn exciting being on the edge of all this babyness!

Lili, I seriously can't believe you're 38 weeks preggo, woman. You are teeny teeny tiny teensy. You're going to be back to pre-preggo weight like the second you deliver that baby methinks! Very very cute

Jas, sorry you're so bummed about the flu lockdown. Hopefully you'll be able to deliver naturally and will be out of the hospital in two days anyway so your family can all meet little BabyJas ASAP!

Jackie ... ohhh, I feel your pain, honey! Get used to ridonkulous comments as you'll be hearing a lot of them. I still think one of the funniest things is when complete strangers ask you if you're nursing. I'm sorry, but did you really just ask me that?? Are my nipples now common ground for discussion with people that I've never seen before in my life? I don't think so. I really wish I had the b@lls to reply with something like, "Yes I'm nursing. By the way, what's your favorite sexual position? Oh is that none of my business?" or something else completely inappropriate to ask a stranger.

MsF, sorry about the car accident -- glad to hear you and your little man are OK though!

Gabester has officially learned how to roll over now -- yeah! He's still being whiny at night with it though, which is horribly frustrating for us. In addition, he has a lot of issues with constipation AND we just switched pharmacies for his reflux meds and I don't think the new prescription is working as well as the last one did, so he's having some belly problems, my poor little chunkamunka. Katelyn is totally spitting out her new medication as well so I think we need to go back to the old pharmacy and just get the meds there again. *sigh* Kind of a PITA, but we gotta do it. They have their four-month appt. this Thursday, and I can't wait to see what they weigh now! Tacori, what did your pedi say about starting Tessa with rice cereal? Did you start yet or are you waiting more till 6 months? What abotu you, Diver?

And a big hellooooo to all the other preggos that I didn't get to address personally!! Hope you're all doing grrrreat!

ETA: Qtiekiki, we were postng at the same time. So does guests usually bring gifts to a Red Egg & Ginger party? I think it's fine to have both -- lots of people actually have more than one shower nowadays anyway. But yes if most of the guests will be at both, I think it'd be nice to let them know not to bring a gift to the RE&G party.
STILL NO BABIES?! Come on you gals! I''m sending major labor vibes to all of you. Not all first babies are late - I was 2 weeks early and so was my sister so there is hope!

Lili - you are sooo small! You are not much bigger than me and I''m only in my 23rd week! Are you a shortie? I''m only 5'' so I figure the baby has nowhere to go but out.

My SIL is due in 10 days with her fourth child - a boy. She''s really excited but stressed at the same time. We were supposed to visit with them this weekend (they''re in Pittsburgh) but they backed out last minute.

I''m doing great. My cold is finally gone and I''m slowly starting to get energy back. For the past week I''ve really been in the mood to clean and organize my house which is great. I even got my (work) office more organized! I need to post some more belly pics since I''m really showing nicely now. Pregnancy has been a total body experience for me though. Everything is bigger - my belly (duh!), breasts, thighs, arms, back, the whole nine yards. Sadly, I have some stretch marks on the insides of my thighs and also on my hips so I''m not looking forward to bathing suit season. I am considering taking a preggo swimming class thats offered by the hospital because I do love to swim and at least everyone in the class would be preggo right along with me.

I''ll be checking in later and tomorrow for baby news!

Date: 3/30/2008 6:28:46 PM
Author: Jas12
LOL Dee-jay. I know, what is wrong with us?!? Believe me, I keep thinking every post will be my last until d-day...but nope, here i am killing time

I hate to say it, but i have this feeling it'll be April babies for the PSers--diamonds all around

Tgal-- 90 degree marathon!?--i am sorry, you are a masochist -haha
speaking of April (fools day to be exact) keep meaning to ask, where is your conception story posted? I never did read it and i am super curious b/c you think a little april fool baby would be a fitting arrival....
I am going to search this massive thread (200 pgs now!) and see what i can find

MrsS. how ya holding up?

Other preggies--sick of us 'full termies' talking labor 24/7 ??--in a few short days you'll be rid of us for a while. Hope everyone is feeling okay
Not sick of you at all!!
But I do feel bad adding to the "are you still here??" pressure so I thought I'd try the quiet-observer approach... haha.

I'm thinking I should just add 2 weeks to my due date right now to try and avoid the stress come October 8th! So as of today, I'll be officially 10.5 weeks instead of 12.5.
Plus it'll be a really pleasant surprise when we get to find out the sex 2 weeks earlier than anticipated!

Jas, so sorry about your crazy in-laws!! It did make for an entertaining story for us, though... think of it that way. I am seriously thinking about investing in a "If you touch my belly, I'll touch yours" t-shirt to wear around this summer when I'm showing... I already designed one on a design-your-own-shirt website just for my own amusement. I definitely don't have much of a filter when somebody annoys me... I admire your restraint! And love evil-Jas's responses.

Still feeling icky but I think there may be an end in sight (hopefully?). My mom came to stay with me this weekend while DH was away, and helped me organize my messy apartment... which is a HUGE relief. I've also discovered that fresh-brewed iced tea is my miracle cure for everything. Feeling queasy? Iced tea. Feeling tired? More iced tea. Feeling grumpy? Glare at husband til he runs next door for a large iced tea.

(ETA -- Staying under the recommended caffeine limit, no worries!)
ella, i'm still here too. just didn't post in this thread today. still nothing going on to give me an glimmer of hope so i'm just taking one day at at time. now everyone (my family) is worried he'll come on April fools so they are hoping he stays baking a few more days. oh and i promise to somehow get a message to you all when the time comes whether it be a quick log in before heading to the hospital or an email to Lisa once i'm there and hooked up to the drugs :-)

i'm wiped out after a day of swimming and activities with the kids and MIL but will check in on everyone first thing in the a.m.
Date: 3/30/2008 9:41:21 PM
Author: mrssalvo
ella, i''m still here too. just didn''t post in this thread today. still nothing going on to give me an glimmer of hope so i''m just taking one day at at time. now everyone (my family) is worried he''ll come on April fools so they are hoping he stays baking a few more days. oh and i promise to somehow get a message to you all when the time comes whether it be a quick log in before heading to the hospital or an email to Lisa once i''m there and hooked up to the drugs :-)

i''m wiped out after a day of swimming and activities with the kids and MIL but will check in on everyone first thing in the a.m.
I''ll be happy to be update the thread for you!!!
Forgot to add -- Qtiekki, I think if you just specify "no gifts" for either of the 2 parties, you should be fine having both. At the Red Egg and Ginger party, are gifts part of the tradition? If so, maybe make the shower more of a "pre-baby party" so as not to take away from the traditional aspect of the RE&G. I don''t really enjoy showers (the whole "being center of attention" thing always feels awkward to me) so I was thinking we would call ours a party and make it co-ed... more of a fun outdoor summer event. Not sure what we would do about the gifts aspect... I know our parents'' friends are already itching to buy baby stuff, so maybe we''ll tell people it''s optional and not make a big deal out of it either way. Bottomline, I think you can just do whatever feels comfortable to you!
Jas, it''s on page 4-5 on the TTC thread. Basically I came home from a party and told TGuy I saw discharge, thought I was ovulating for the first time in 15 years, called it "tw*t snot" and asked TGuy if he wanted to make a baby. Keep in mind we were both happily buzzing along from the party. He agreed to make a baby, but we didn''t really THINK we were making a baby. I had just come back from a business trip and his sister was here for 2 weeks before that so due to circumstances we hadn''t had sex for 3 weeks!!! Then I went on another business trip shortly thereafter (it was a busy month) and came back and took a preggo test on a whim before we went up to Carmel for a weekend getaway. When he came home, my eyes were swollen from crying and shock and I wailed, "waaaah! We''re a one snot wonder!!!"

Hence, we think because of the ridiculous way we conceived, it''s only fitting we have an April Fools baby because were both kind of fools ourselves about the whole thing. 35 years old, only 2 weeks off the pill and we were both inebriated. We should not have been able to conceive that easily...

re: 90 degree marathon. Yup..apparently the temp hit 92 or something like that. I didn''t KNOW it was that hot was one of those freaky March days...they had predicted 78 degrees for race day the night before. I thought, damn, that''s warm! What I didn''t know is that it was almost 75 degrees when the gun went off at 8:30 am and it kept rising quickly from there. I remember thinking, man...this feels REALLY warm for 78 degrees! It must be because I am running! If I had known it was over 90 degrees I would have given up. Mentally it''s too hard to knowing it''s that hot. I only survived because I really thought it was in the that weird or what. They had a lot of people go to the hospital that day for heat stroke.

Jackie, too funny. I think our preggo bellies must have strange powers that make people''s brains shut off!

Qtiekiki, have the baby''s great to get stuff BEFORE the baby arrives. I don''t think it''s out of whack to send thank you notes and say you will be having the traditional party afterwards and to PLEASE not get you a gift as their generosity for the shower gift was more than enough.

Man Ella, hang in there. Your poor babies. Gosh that must be such a heartbreaker when they are not well. I''ll send my best vibes to your darlings. And have I told you I love the word RIDONKULOUS?

Diva, glad to hear you are doing better, but bummer on the stretch marks. I have them too. Interestingly, I just kind of noticed them with an "oh." They don''t really bother me...I consider them a badge of courage. Hehehehe.

Ephemery, I LOVE iced tea, but for some reason I didn''t drink during my pregnancy because of caffeine guilt! It has less than coffee and I know coffee is fine in moderation. I had chocolate, knowing that IT has caffeine in it. But I guess because I can go through glass after glass of iced tea, I stayed away from it. I just had a decaf passion fruit one at lunch the other day and it was my first iced tea in 9 month. Oh my god, sssssssssssssssoooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooood.

Tacori, hope you''re still having fun...we miss you on this thread!
Oooh, TG, my friend ran that marathon too... in LA in 2004? She was unfortunately one of the hospitalized ones... finished the race, but a few hours later started vomiting and passed out. My friend was there visiting her and it was definitely a bit scary for all involved.
She was fine though, and has run a few more since. I can see how part of it would be such a mental thing.... my grandmother was a Navy nurse and was always really interested in the mental side of pain and pain management. Part of my whole interest in natural childbirth stems from that, I think. If fear is a large percentage of the reason we feel pain, if we go into something like that without fear, does it relieve some of the pain? Interesting topic.

And I'm with you on the caffeine-guilt!! I'd been avoiding it completely up until the last couple weeks, when I finally gave in to the call of the tea. I've kept myself to under 32oz a day, which should be just under 200mg of caffeine... which is supposedly ok. I keep promising to cut it out again, but it is just so sooooooothing on my temperamental tummy. I should really just start making my own with caffeine-free tea bags.... hmmm... that can be a project for tomorrow morning.
Date: 3/30/2008 11:03:49 PM
Author: ephemery1
Oooh, TG, my friend ran that marathon too... in LA in 2004? She was unfortunately one of the hospitalized ones... finished the race, but a few hours later started vomiting and passed out. My friend was there visiting her and it was definitely a bit scary for all involved.
She was fine though, and has run a few more since. I can see how part of it would be such a mental thing.... my grandmother was a Navy nurse and was always really interested in the mental side of pain and pain management. Part of my whole interest in natural childbirth stems from that, I think. If fear is a large percentage of the reason we feel pain, if we go into something like that without fear, does it relieve some of the pain? Interesting topic.

And I''m with you on the caffeine-guilt!! I''d been avoiding it completely up until the last couple weeks, when I finally gave in to the call of the tea. I''ve kept myself to under 32oz a day, which should be just under 200mg of caffeine... which is supposedly ok. I keep promising to cut it out again, but it is just so sooooooothing on my temperamental tummy. I should really just start making my own with caffeine-free tea bags.... hmmm... that can be a project for tomorrow morning.
Yes, LA 2004. I ran LA 2004 and 2006 (with the latter being much more pleasant!). The interesting thing is no one died in 2004, but 3 people died in 2005 I believe when the weather was very agreeable. I was honestly surprised there were no deaths in 2004 (at least none that I know of).

I am glad your friend was fine. It was a pretty sorry sight at the finish line...people looked so ill. We didn''t even need the mylar blankets they gave out. In 2006 I was definitely cold enough to need it.

I think some of it must be mental. TGuy''s father cut the top of his finger off and it didn''t hurt until he noticed it. The mind is a powerful thing...pain and fear have to register. I guess I''ll soon find out. I fear pitocin contractions a bit and don''t think I''d make it through those. But we''ll see.

re: iced this stage I''d say do anything that brings relief! All''s fair in love and Morning Sickness!!!
I think it is perfectly ok to have both.
My sister had a shower when she was 32 wk and then the red egg celebration when her son was a month old.
So her shower and red-egg was pretty spaced out.
Of course sisters and cousins showed up for both, but most of her friends insisted on coming to the first month as well.
Gifts were brought on both occasions regardless of her telling them not too.
The way I see it, the shower is more for the mom-to-be to help her out with the basic necessity with the baby items as baby are costly,
especially when they are first time parents. The red-egg is more like a birthday celebration for the little one where people come and blessed him/her with red envelopes or clothes.

If you feel strongly about your guests not bring gifts to both, TGal made an excellent suggest in letting those who attended your shower not to bring gifts for the red egg.
Personally, I don''t think you need to feel bad about inviting the same people to both, especially when you yourself are going to both for their sister.
It is like watching a soap opera on this thread.
We tuned in everyday to see if one of you ladies will post...."ooo, I''m feeling the contractions!"

I think it''s going to be April babies across the board for Jas12, TGal and MrsS.
Just 2 more days ''til April, so it''s not too long a wait.
I know MrsS is so ready to have Jake out already, but TGal and Jas12 are still pretty spry

so they can hang in there for a couple of days more.
I would love an April baby...just perfect for us diamond lovin'' PSers. Every birthday for TTot, I will be MYSELF a diamond. Haha. Not.

I was looking at my ering the other day and I SO miss it. I haven''t been able to wear it since I was about 34 weeks.

lili, you are so close too. I''d have to laugh if you beat us all to the punch. But judging from your pics, I''d say you''re 23 weeks preggo and have a looooooong way to go. Hehehehe...
Ok, you ladies are KILLING ME! I''ve been checking this thread NON-stop with anticipation, and nothin......LOL

Of course, it totally makes sense that none of you can go until it''s, ladies. It''s all about the diamonds. LOL

Best wishes to you all this week.
I have a feeling it''s going to be a busy one.
Okay, I am coming out of lurkdom on this thread! I am just over six weeks pregnant and this is such a great thread that I just wanted to say 'hi'!

Firstly, good luck to Jas12, MrsSalvo, and TGal- I'm so excited for you guys-your babies are nearly here!

Secondly, there is no way in the world I am ever posting a belly shot after lili's. Girl, you are tiny-in a good way! I have a sneaking suspicion I will look like a beached whale!

Thirdly, thanks to Lisa (Kaleigh) for starting this thread-I have been lurking for a couple of months and have read a fair bit-so am looking forward to all of your advice and wisdom for a healthy pregnancy! Tacori, Diver and Ella (amongst others) have already given so much good advice for a newbie like me!

And Ephemery, snlee, curly, jess, qtiekiki, I'm looking forward to following your journey(s) too!

If there is anyone that I am missing I am sorry-this is a fast moving thread!

(edit to correct spelling)
Date: 3/31/2008 12:40:54 AM
Author: Allison D.
Ok, you ladies are KILLING ME! I''ve been checking this thread NON-stop with anticipation, and nothin......LOL

Of course, it totally makes sense that none of you can go until it''s, ladies. It''s all about the diamonds. LOL

Best wishes to you all this week.
I have a feeling it''s going to be a busy one.
LOL, sorry Alj.
We''re just trying to give WF some will be better for them if we all have April babies. Speaking of which...I''ve been meaning to start another thread....

Oh, and there has been a birth....Giada De Laurentiis gave birth to a girl. Not quite a JLo spread, but she still looks a little too good in that pic.
TGal, come on. You are only holding that Ttot in there so you can have an April Fool''s kid.
LOL! But really, I would expect something like that from you...
You might actually consider riding around with Deejay to get things going...I''ve ridden with her and it''s sort of bumpy. Just kidding!!! I thought her comment was hilarious, though.
Lili, you look adorable!!!

Your legs are thin, and you have a lovely front facing bump!

Just wanted to tell you how cute you look!!
Date: 3/31/2008 2:25:55 AM
Author: diamondfan
Lili, you look adorable!!!

Your legs are thin, and you have a lovely front facing bump!

Just wanted to tell you how cute you look!!
I agree w/DF and all the preggos look lovely!!!! You all have the cutest baby''s too!!
Hi Gemma!

Congratulations on your pregnancy - wish you all the best over the coming months.

What''s your due date?

Gemma, welcome to the preggo thread and congrats! We were posting at the same time and I didn''t see your post....

Monnie, yeah...I would do something like that...everyone knows I love a good joke!

Jas, I hope you are sleeping better than I am. I went to bed at 1130 to no avail. My stomach feel icky so I finally have come down for a mug of warm milk at 3 am. Ugh.
It seems we will most likely have at least one Diamond Baby here!

Lili -- I think I''m the same size as you -- at 15 weeks! You look fantastic!
Ella -- Thanks for the heads up on what''s to come. I need to perfect my Dr. Phil "What is wrong with YOU?" retort. Good luck with all the pharmeceutical bruhaha.
Jess -- the swimming class sounds heavenly! I''m glad you are feeling better!
Ephemery -- I like the idea of designing my own t-shirt. How about one that says, "There''s stuff going on in my brain, too...wanna talk about that?" You are such a trooper -- I''m glad you are feeling somewhat better.
Tgal -- your marathon story reminded me of the Chicago marathon here last October -- they actually had to stop the race as it was a crazy 90 degrees with something like 95% humidity. People were just dropping from exhaustion. It was terrible. Giada was pregnant? Really? I wonder if she''ll be the type of mom who always has cookies around the house. If so, I want to be her kid.
Gemma -- Congratulations and welcome!

Have a fantastic day all, and I hope those of you who wish to go into labor do so very soon!
I''mmmmm Baaaaack!!!
I missed you girls!

First off lots of labor dust to all! I wanna see some babies! Come out and play. Head south kiddos. If all else fails guilt your OB for an induction! Haha!

Gemma, congrats and I am wishing you a smooth first trimester!

MsF, scary about the car accident!!! I am glad you are okay. WI was TOOOO cold. A reminder why I moved but it was great seeing family and friends. I hear you on ready for things to get back to normal. Traveling is stressful with a babe for sure.

Ella, yes, our pedi okayed rice c but with traveling I have only tried it once. I figured she didn''t need something else new while away from home. I really DO need to weigh her though b/c I really think she has gained weight. My dad gave me similac 22 from the birth center (10% more calories) and was feeding her non-stop. They were 2 oz premade bottles (for the newborns) so they were like shot glasses for her but fun to be able just to open the bottle and feed. It was like his personal mission to fatten her up. I am going to weigh her (not exact but still gages things) today. How is K doing?

Our trip,
Tessa was such a doll baby. Everyone fell in love with her and she was so easy going. She let everyone hold her. Gave out smiles very easily (still a little stingy with the giggles but my family heard them) and besides sleeping was an awesome little girl. We did SOOOO much shopping (their department store has a promo with goodwill that for every piece you donate you get a coupon for 20% off, purses, already on sale items, we did some damage!) and ate out and she was so chill. My parents were sad to see us go. She also did great on the plane. On the way back I got my own row which was so nice (ask for one if you are flying with a baby). She even had a giggle fest on board. But it was a smaller plane so I did have to change her on the empty seat. I don''t think anyone even noticed.
will catch up on this thread this to meet my MIL against my will. No labor for me yet today...

Again, another totally sleepless nite till around 5 am when i drifted off to a spotty sleep. I feel awful, this baby needs out!

Tacori--welcome back!!! I missed Tessa''s face (avatar) this weekend :-)
Jas, the baby will be here soon. I PROMISE! I hope your water breaks at lunch. That is a GREAT excuse! Hehe! 4 days is a long time but remember I was there for 5 so just remember to remind yourself at least this isn''t as bad as Tacori''s....

BTW, I PROMISE I will post new pics of T soon! Also DH hinted he had a very generous gift for me in the next few days....maybe he''ll let me order my push present

Oh, Lili, how can I forget. I am not sure I can be your friend anymore. You look SO great. I am jealous
MsF, scary about the car accident. I am so glad you and baby are ok!

lili, you look awesome! Tiny and so cute! I hope I look as good as you!

Gemma, congrats and welcome!

qtiekiki, I agree with lili that it''s ok to have both. And really people will give you gifts for both if they want to, even if you ask them not to.

Ahhhh...I''ve been checking this thread often waiting for you ladies to go into labor! Lots of labor dust to Jas, TGal, and MrsS! April babies are prefect though for a diamond forum!
Hang in there! It''ll be over soon!