
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

BTW Diver where did you decide to go on your family vacay?
Tessa, we still arent sure.....were driving to phx in oct, w/ stops in solvang & l.a. to visit friends /7 show off D. But thats not our big,...we cant decide!!!!
Just had to check in one last time on my way to bed. TG, you are going to do wonderfully... I have such a great feeling for you. You are also setting an important new PS precedent, you know... online laboring.
Can''t wait to hear updates (hopefully in the next few days!), but in the meantime... lots of calming, strengthening vibes coming to you all the way from the East Coast.

Welcome to the world, TTot... you''re a lucky kid.
hahaha...i called tacori "tessa'' typing 1hand sleepyin my arms....

Ok,..ttot....wait 3 more hours & 55 mins for diamond birthstone!!!!
Diver, you are funny. Come south!

April fool''s baby is SOOO perfect for TGal.
Well, I never kept a journal...this thread is it. I''ve started copying and pasting posts, but I am only on page 50 and now we are up over 200...

Contrax getting a bit stronger but not crazy. I''d be surprised if I was progressing, but here''s hoping. I always thought contractions would be almost like a shaking feeling? Like throbbing? Right now it''s just cramping then release. I must be doing too well because TGuy is kicking back watching basketball. Should I scream or something?

Yay for cake, eh gals? Here''s hoping labor''s a piece of it!
TGal, my contrax felt like my stomach was balling up REALLY tight (I think they were higher if I remember correctly). What are your times? Are they getting longer and closer together?

ETA: I like your idea of copying your posts though mine were often negative. Not sure Tessa would like that. This was MY therapy.
Ahhhh, best wishes TGal and TGuy!!!!!!
Yum to cake!!!
Tacori, I think you should do it because Tessa is going to want to know how your pregnancy mother like daughter you know? I asked my mom a lot of questions and she didn't remember.

Mine are just feeling like cramps. No ball feeling. Hm.

ETA, hard to keep times because there is no real beginning or end. I don't think I'm having contractions yet. I'm just leaky.
tacori....this one from last week is for tessa....apparently my GSD, sasha....thinks d is a pillow......

Well don''t wait too long. I think they have to deliever 18 hours (?) after your water breaks. I think they were just cramps at first (heard to tell if it was the cervidil (sp?) though. Mine were VERY fast, long and hard once they started.

My venting was mostly focused on my DH and that is why I wonder if it is a good idea
I still want to know what this "generous" gift is?!?
haha....lazy bones...

Diver SOOOOOOOOOO cute! OMG! Seriously adorable. I love sleeping babies.

ETA: Tessa sleeps with her mouth wide open. So funny!
i got two teefs!!!!!

When did that happen D?!? Was she in pain? How cute. Do you have to brush them now. I have no idea! Looks like her eyes are still blue.
Diver, you, Delaney and the doggie are adorable in that picture!! Beautiful baby!!
my irish daughter cut her 2 teeth on st, patty''s day!!!! she didn''t even bat an eyelash! Little tough chick! And yeah,I have to start brushing them. I just use a clean baby washcloth each night. I have, like, 5 thousand washcloths...kind of like your blanket stash. LOL..

Where are you guys again? NC? SC? I forget which one DH wanted to there a nice Hilton in town? (our points are w/ hilton...we have a bajillion points with them).

D also didn''t cry during her shots..just smiled at the nurse. Of course, my ped had given her a sucker, so she was mesmerized by all that evil sugar.
20.gif is the cake?

trying for a close up of her toofers...and its hard to tell in the pics, but her eyes are actually green, grey, and brown flecked. I love them..look just like her daddy''s!

Go TGal! You''re an inspiration-I love that you are doing something you enjoy right up until the moment when it''s time to go-and yet being smart about going to hosp! Love the avatar too btw!

Dani you are a treasure!

Diver those photos are just too, too cute. And Tacori, I said this in my other thread but OMG Tessa is a DOLL!! She is just gorgeous-congrats on her weight gain too, woohoo!
Gemma, I am so proud of her weight gain it is pathetic! Poor thing. But she will refuse to eat when she is full so that is a good thing.

D, we are in Charlotte, NC. But are 5 miles from the SC border.
Diver and Tacori, just had to pop back in to say that your little ones are gorgeous! You have beautiful babies!
Thanks Dixie!

TGal, hope you are doing well. Update us when you can. Bring the power cord!
Good luck TGal! I''ll be keeping you in my thoughts!
Just trying to clean up a bit. We are cutting the cake and will go to the hospital in a few minutes. Thanks again for all ladies...I will send a text to Mara once TTot is born so maybe she can update this thread.
CHEERS TGAL!!! This one''s in celebration of you!!!!!

sippin'' as I hit submit!!

Diver - I love the pic with Sasha using Delaney as a pillow. It''s so cute. Delaney got such pretty eyes - I can see the different colors.

Tgal - Good luck. Can''t wait for the update and Ttot''s first pic.

If Diver and Tgal do a meet up in Oct, I want to join. DD will be 2 months old then. hehe.
qtekiki: you are in LA too then? How fun! Yes!!! join us! I am for sure going to be bff (who used to live in Marina Del Rey--but is now closer to Pasadena) is due in July...we are driving to AZ to be with dh''s family during SIL''s fall break & want to stop in LA to meet my friend''s baby on the way down. I also have to go to Akbar for other bff (I have a few...LOL) ...well her IL''s own when down there I like to get some amazing indian food. Her bil was up here a few months ago (he''s the owner/chef) and OMG..did he feed us....well. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....anyhoo..if you like indian food...akbar is a must.

oh how fun...a Prego PSer GTG...anyone else want to play?

Tacori: Ooh, I think Charleston is on DH''s list of must-see''s...Tell me, what is the weather like in the fall? We were thinking Cabo or Hawaii...but....they are just so damn touristy, and we''d rather just go someplace some food, drink some wine, listen to some live music, bop about some shops, drive and scope homes/city architecture....our fave city is san I''m kind of "over" the whole tropical thing...UNLESS...I''m diving. LOL. but dh is a baby and won''t dive with me. WUSS! he''s afraid of sharks.
It''s really unfun vacationing with a non-diver. Truly....if I could change ONE thing about my dh, I''d want him to be a diver. It totally changes how you vacation. So much more fun when looking forward to dives each day. Jake is my hope....he runs headlong into the ocean everytime he sees it...damn kid gives me a heart attack...but he loves our cold water as much as I do. I can''t keep him out of it. sOOO....11 more years till I can get him certified. Boy...someone give me mom of the year. Delaney is showing promise too...she digs the water. Likes to "swim" in my huge soaking tub. LOL. talking now. I am such a lightweight. 1.5 glasses & babbling. whoooo!
Skippy! OMG! I was just thinking of you! When I was answering TAcori about travel, Albequerque is another spot I want to hit! DH too! I long to visit NM. And I was thinking " and I could meet Skippy!" of these days!

Dixie: Thank thinks the PS bar for babies is kind of high. They are too cute. I swear, I melt every time I see Ella''s precious twins, (Katelyns eyes, Gabe''s smile), Lilly''s precocious, pretty little face, Tessa''s delicate beauty, MSB''s son''s dark-n-handsome looks, Miller''s sweet Robert Redford-esque face, Ms. Flutter''s Ian''s big blues, OMG....I know i''m missing some (wine''ssss ta blame) but wow...we have some smokin'' babies on this thread. They all make me smile. Its a cute overload.

Ok...I''ve been gone all week & now I''m hogging the thread...(I was lurking via my email the thread...waiting for babes...we had a bizzzzzzzzy week here...D is getting to that age where she is very engaging...wants to play & Jake has now figured out that playing WITH mommy is more fun than playing by himself NEXT to PS or Jake & D????...I mean, I love you guys and all...but shoot...they are only little once!) so I''ll sign off for the night. I have to be at the gym by 9:15...ugh...I''m meeting another Moms Club mom there...our kids are in playgroup together, so we figure they will enjoy the kids club more if familiar faces are there.

Tacori again: Check out the link for International MOMS club. They have chapters in every city it seems. Ours is small (51 members) and so much fun. Formal holiday parties (no kids), huge holiday fundraisers (with kids) to benefit women''s shelters, age appropriate playgroups (limited to 6 kids), big monthly socials...lots of fun events every week to attend (or not---its up to you) and the cost to belong? $24 a year. No lie....coolest org. ever!! you MUST join. So fun!

EVERYONE check it out...they rock!
TAcori: How far are you from Hilton Head?
Damn--i missed all the online laboring and here i am at 4:30 am checkin in--hehe--a little late

Oh the joys of waking every 5 mins when you are almost 41 weeks least there was something exciting to do tonight!

Diver u cracked me up with the wine photo!

back to the toss and turn zone.....
Thinking about you. TGal!
