
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks, you guys!!

Yeah, Tacori, I can't really imagine having twins either, to be honest!! But I suppose I'm going to have to start imagning it pretty quickly! I can't believe there are two little babies in my tummy -- the ultrasound was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. Two very distinct little babies, two strong little heartbeats (thank God!), and one of the babies was moving around a lot! Just unbelievable!

It's funny but for some reason, people seem to swear a lot when they find out that we are having twins. So far, we've gotten a "holy crap!" a "holy shi!t!" a "HOLY @(#$*!" and a "Shut the f*** up!" from friends -- ha ha! All said with love, of course
From family, it's mostly just been hysterical laughter mixed with tears -- which was our reaction too!

We're definitely going to need a BJs or Costco membership now for all those diapers! Yikes.
Goodness, Ellaila! Congratulations on the twins. You are going to be super busy but I'm sure your family will glady help out when needed. Trying to recall my pregnancy books but I think a lot of twin pregnancies end up delivering around 34 weekish or so. Many doctors try to hold on until 36 weeks if they can.
ell, there lots of twin friendly stuff out there (strollers, pack 'n plays...) Don't know if you have signed up and but the message boards really helped during my first trimester when I was full of questions. There is a whole section on multiples (I think). Silly question but do they know if they are identical based on the u/s, like if the egg split?

ETA: Here is the link
Thanks for the link, Tacori -- will definitely check it out! Off to Borders tonight to buy a twins book, too, since I think my regular week-by-week guide may be a bit off the mark for me now. So weird ...

I asked if they''re identical or fraternal, and the dr said that there were two separate placentas, which typically means fraternal, but there''s no guarantee because I guess identical twins can separate into two sacs early on, which would look the same as fraternal twins in an u/s (?). I think that''s what she said. We''re hoping for one boy and one girl (of course!), but obviously we''ll be happy with two of either, so long as everyone is healthy!

Sorry to hog the board today, I just need to talk to people about this! I''m at work right now, and people here don''t even know yet that I''m pregnant, so I''m just jumping out of my skin here!
Oh YAY ellaila!! That''s sooooo exciting!!
Twins run in our family. Any twins in your family??

Your dad sounds soooo excited, what a cute story!!!
Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my "how soon to go off BC" question! And Diver, that seems totally logical about BC "preserving" eggs... even though it had never occurred to me before. I told DH and he said "oh great, so there are just a bunch of old eggs hanging out up there?" Hehe... I had to explain some things for him.

And Ella, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You must be completely in shock... but how fun!! Actually when you said you were about to turn 36 in an earlier post, I thought to myself "I wonder if she''ll have twins".... I only learned about the age/multiples correlation after I babysat for two separate families who decided to have just one more child... and since both moms were over 35 when they tried for that last one, they both ended up with two instead!!
Oh wow, twins! Congrats ellaila!! That is so exciting (and scary)! Do twins run in your family?

Tacori, what a funny conversation. It's great that your dad is so involved and excited about his grandchild!
Thanks for all the well wishes! My first cousin did have twins, but she had them at 44, so I always chalked it up to her age more than being a family thing, but maybe I was wrong! Apparently my grandmother had had quite a few pregnancies that didn''t make it, so we assume that maybe one or more of those could''ve been twins, too? Who knows!

I''ve been looking at belly shots online of twin pregnancies, and YIKES, I''m going to get huge!!! I''ve always been thin, and I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that I''m supposed to put on 35-45 lbs. Tacori, I''ve been thinking about you lately actually because I know you gained only a few lbs and felt "huge" and I''m just starting to feel that way myself. I''ve only put on like 2-3 lbs, but I feel like I have a belly -- it''s freaking me out!

OK, enough about me for today. Other pregnant ladies, talk, talk!

~ I have two babies in my belly ~
Date: 5/31/2007 4:54:28 PM
Author: ellaila
Thanks for all the well wishes! My first cousin did have twins, but she had them at 44, so I always chalked it up to her age more than being a family thing, but maybe I was wrong! Apparently my grandmother had had quite a few pregnancies that didn''t make it, so we assume that maybe one or more of those could''ve been twins, too? Who knows!

I''ve been looking at belly shots online of twin pregnancies, and YIKES, I''m going to get huge!!! I''ve always been thin, and I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that I''m supposed to put on 35-45 lbs. Tacori, I''ve been thinking about you lately actually because I know you gained only a few lbs and felt ''huge'' and I''m just starting to feel that way myself. I''ve only put on like 2-3 lbs, but I feel like I have a belly -- it''s freaking me out!

OK, enough about me for today. Other pregnant ladies, talk, talk!

~ I have two babies in my belly ~
Oh talk away, that''s why this thread is here. My first cousin is a twin and she had twins.
Date: 5/31/2007 4:59:54 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Oh talk away, that''s why this thread is here. My first cousin is a twin and she had twins.
Thanks, Kaleigh
I just feel like I''m being an attention hog!

But to go back to me for a second
, my first cousin who had twins, well those twins were from a second marriage, and her first husband remarried and also had twins! So I used to always joke with my cousin (child of the first marriage) that no woman in her right mind would marry him with twins on both sides of the family.

Guess the joke is on me now, eh?
ellaila, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are doubly blessed! Wow, how very exciting to have twins. From what I've heard/read, most twins do come early but you never know. You could go to full term, I think it just depends on how you and they are progressing. I hope everything goes well, I'm anxious to follow your story!!!

ephemery, just wanted to touch on some of your concerns. I went off the pil after being on it for 15 years in February, started ttc in July (wasn't really sure about my timing) and got pregnant in August. My doctor said you don't have to wait at all after coming off the pill but I was just trying to figure out my cycles and get regulated before we took the plunge. Clearly, it didn't affect my fertility, even at 35! Also, about the living situation, DH and I are living in a 910 square foot 1 bedroom apartment in NYC and we just had a baby and it's working out fine! She sleeps in our room for now anyway, which gives us peace of mind and when the time comes that she needs to move into her own space in a few months, we'll probably put up a wall in our dining area and give her a little bedroom of her own. It can be done--don't let these minor details stop you!! Motherhood is a wonderful thing!!!

Tacori, it's very funny the way parents react to their children's pregnancies. My mother was a typical mother but my dad was pretty much in denial throughout the entire pregnancy! Now that Lily is here, they are both over the moon and simply walking on air. They call every day and say, "how's MY baby?"! They just love her and it's really the cutest thing to see how they act with her. Your parents will be beside themselves once your little one arrives!
ella - Congrats!
I''m a twin. It''s not always easy, but I love my sister to death. Here''s to a healthy pregnancy and childbirth!
OHMY! Congratulations on not one, but TWO healthy little heart beats in there!!!
What fun. I can only imagine the shock and joy! I kept telling DH I have twins in my family and he would go ghostly white.

You are going to have so much fun!!! Are you going to find out the sexes? Is that even a word!? HA!
Just wanted to congratulate you, el! I''m sure your and DH''s minds are a bit topsy-turvy at the moment, but what fun and excitement!
So I think the initial shock wore off a bit last night, and then MAJOR FREAKOUT mode set in! Is this really happening to us?!

We''re at the stage where we need to decide whether to do that CVS and/or an amnio, and of course the risks are higher for twins (esp. for amnio b/c from what I read, they have to do one for each sac), so now I''m completely confused as to what to do. Do the risks outweigh the benefits of knowing?! Do the benefits of knowing outweigh the risks?!

I''m waiting to hear from my dr, so we can discuss options, but I seriously think I''m more nervous about the next 30ish weeks than I am about the actual having two babies part! All those concerns I had about one baby are now doubled and then some because the risks are often higher with twins, so I''m worried more and it''s for two babies. I''m a bit of a worrier by nature, and my hubby keeps telling me not to be, but I just don''t think guys will ever understand that though, yes of course they worry about the babies, too, they have no concept of what it''s like to feel 100% responsible for something(s!) growing inside your body!! (In general, I''m much more of a freaker-outter than he is -- I love that he''s mr. calm, cool, and collected. It keeps me grounded!)

Anyhow, I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening
Ella - Sorry you are freaking out over the tests... I am not much help here. I am 27, so not really a high risk and no family history, so we decided not to do any testing as far as the nuchal, CVS and amnio. I knew when they did my 20 weeks scan that if there was something abnormal, it should show up there. I didnt want to have false positives and worry.

I got a blood test confirmation at my GYN and she said something that I took to heart whenever it came to testing... what would I do with the results? Down''s, Trisomy, whatever, I would not terminate the pregnancy, so the only thing knowing would do is prepare me. Thats a good thing, but we also had a clear 20 week scan, so everything *should* be okay too.

I know you are a higher risk because of age, so its different for you. Talk to the doctor and your DH. I would lean towards just the amnio since it is has few (if any) false positives and is an answer type test vs. a ratio/percentage. If anything comes back low, they will make you do the amnio anyways.
Ell, I am fairly short (5''1") and was a size 4 when I got preggo. I really think most of the early stuff was bloating. I have offically popped. My mom and sister arrived last night and they were excited to see my belly. My mom saw me a month ago and said I am now MUCH bigger. DH claims the three days I was gone it got bigger so who knows. Now that I am *almost* 1/2 way there people say I look great/small. I think it is just such a shock in the begining. I am probably up to 6-7 lbs though I am away from home so I haven''t weighed myself. I am pretty much all baby and boobs so far so don''t freak out. You will gain more since you are having twins but I am sure you will be adorable. My aunt had twins and was a week late so I guess you just never can tell with due dates.

I thought you would all enjoy that conversation. If you knew my dad you would even find it more funny!

We went and looked at cribs again and I am happy to report the no drop side will be no problem. I didn''t even have to go on my tippy toes. I really like that set so I think we are good to go in that regards. My shower is tomorrow so I am excited about that. Getting baby gifts is very fun.

EDD 10.28.07
Tacori, have a great shower!! How fun!! Can''t wait to hear about all the stuff you got -- and to maybe see some photos of that belly!

Thanks for the info, njc. I did talk to my dr. today, and he asked that very question: what would you do if one of the babies had Downs? And I said, I wouldn''t do anything - I''d keep the pregnancy. So he said, "OK, then there''s no need for the first screening" (the nuchal? My hospital just calls it "First Look program"). He is anti-CVS because the risks are higher and it''s not as conclusive as amnio. I asked him, what would he tell his wife or daughter regarding an amnio if she were 35, preganant for the first time with twins, and he said he''d tell her to get an amnio. So that''s what I''m doing! I''m scared of course because, yes, they have to do it twice, one for each baby, but he said that even though the risk is greater with twins, the risk itself of anything happening is still very small. A

nd we''ve decided that with two, we are definitely going to find out the genders -- it''ll just make life a lot easier to know ahead of time, so we don''t need to come up with two girl names and two boy names just in case! We''re coming up with a few girl ones we like, but ugh, boy names are hard!

Have a great weekend, everyone -- and again, Tacori, enjoy that shower! So exciting
Have a wonderful time at you shower, how fun!!!

I''m glad you''re getting the amnio. I had one, no problem. I know with two, it''s daunting. But I''m sure all will go just fine.
Elaila: I had an amnio & its really not as "scary" as they make it sound. now mine got a little funky because the doc kind of screwed up, but that almost never happens. My bebe is just fine in my belly & she''s healthy as a horse.

I was told the risk of m/c is 1 in 300, but they are really starting to find out its more like 1 in 1600. It doesn''t hurt, the needle part (unless you are me-LOL) takes less than 60 seconds.

I would have one if you ''need'' to know because either A) you won''t continue the pregnancy if you get a bad/fatal pre-natal diagnosis, or B) you will keep the pregnancy regardless of diagnosis but need the extra months to plan how you are going to care for special needs children.

If neither of those scenarios applies to you, then don''t do it if you don''t want to. Do the Integrated Screen (NT ultrasound & quadscreen blood test done in conjunction -- non-invasive..) it is NOT diagnostic like amnio, but it can give you your "probability" for risk.

I didn''t know what I''d do if we had a bad diagnosis, but you need to do what is right for you & your family. My DH was dead set on needing to know as well, and I''m glad I talked to him because he''s half this equation too. But we knew we at least needed advance warning in case we decided to go ahead...

HTH & feel free to ask me anything, I''m not afraid to be open & honest about it, even though its a little controversial.

The good news? Even at my age (37 at delivery) 97% of babies are born free of birth defect.




How very exciting- TWINS!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! I know you had asked about how far along most twin pregnancies go- usually they deliver earlier than a singleton pregnancy for sure...I would say around 34-36 weeks (about 4-6 wks before your official due date) . But, that's not to say I havent seen PLENTY of women with twin gestations carry to full term, 38-39 wks.

Don't worry about the amnio- all the patients say its really a breeze- so quick and pretty painless...and, the complication rate is not high.

Congratulations again to you and your DH!!!
Oh my goodness, congrats Ella

My opinion is if the babies look fine via ultrasound, you wouldnt terminate the pregnancy if there was a birth defect, & it wont upset you during pregnancy wondering is there, will there be something wrong with my babies then I would skip the amnio. I would be scared to have one being pregnant with twins. A good thing with getting an amnio though is that if you were to find out in advance one of your babies will have special needs you can prepare for that by finding physicians who are experienced in taking care of patients with whatever your child had which I think is important.
Tacori enjoy your babyshower they are fun.

My crib has a drop rail & I never use it-go figure
How was your baby shower?? I bet you got lots of great stuff!!!
Hey everyone! We just got back. good to be home. The shower was really fun. I got mostly sleepers, newborn clothes and blankets. MIL found DH''s baby book and he was such a big baby! His foot print was HUGE and would never fit into some of the clothes I got. I might try to return some of it and get bigger sizes. I got my Boppy (and cover which I am really excited about), my baby bath, diaper bag, swing, and baby seat. Most exciting is I got my stroller/car seat!
So all in all I got some really great stuff. My SIL and friend worked so hard on the decorations. The cake was so good and so cute. Everyone decorated oneies with fabric markers. They were really cute.

How is everyone feeling?
Have any photos to share, Tacori? Baby showers are so cute
Elaila: I forgot to say in my earlier post--CONGRATS on the twins! How word for you: Costco....(cheap diapers lol) You''ll be fine...hey, I gained 34lbs with my single child pregnancy...the weight gain is weird, but necessary & gets easier to stomach (no pun intended) as you progress. Its true, once that belly pops you feel "preggo" and its a good thing. LOVE my pregnant belly.

Tacori: Score on the shower!!! You got great stuff! I''m excited for mine... :-) Its not till August! How did you rate getting one so early? I''m due 9-22 & its not until 8-11. I have thrown 4 babyshowers for friends & I do them 2 months before DD usually. Post about your decorations, cute things your sis did, because if I''m lucky, I''ll have 3 more showers to throw for my 3 best friends (fingers crossed) and I am cataloging cute ideas for them.

Well, I had my 24week appt on friday...all''s well...I''ve only gained 15lbs so far! Yay! My next appt is my LAST monthly appt & then I go to every 2 weeks. My next appt also has my glucose fun.

My advice for 1st time moms getting the glucose test? do it first thing in the morning & fast before hand. My doctor REQUIRES this & some don''t...they say as long as you haven''t eaten within 2 hours its OK. Well, I am on a December 2004 group (we''ve all been together for years now) and all the moms who didn''t fast had to do the 3 hour test because they flunked the 1 hour. Well now we are all having our second babies (19 of us) and again, those of us who fasted, did early A.M. glucose tests passed them & those who fasted for a few hours failed. So no matter what your doc says, just schedule the damn test early in the morning and don''t eat before hand. You do not want to do the 3 hour...the 1 hour is bad enough. (upset tummy)

Thanks, Diver! And yes, believe me, we''re getting a Costco membership ASAP once we move into our new house!!
BTW, this may be a stupid question, but why do you get a glucose test? To make sure you don''t have gestational diabetes?