
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Funny...dh & I were downtown & I dragged him into my jewelers to look at "planting the seed" jewelry...LOL...and I found a gorgeous 1.5mm white gold, matte finish band with diamonds scattered in it for $350..they don''t have a pic on the website, but its my xmas gift..dh would have bought it for me today, but it can''t be sized because it would ruin the symmetry of the scattered stones.

But the gist is, stack that with my "mommy bands". Here are the two we picked out:

the blue sapphire one represents my son....


Here is the pink band to represent my daughter:

And they are nice & narrow & I can even stack my "pregnancy ring" that I just got the other day.

I am LOVING my 2mm wg band--never thought I''d be so tickled for something soooo understated, but I guess its that I''m going to give it to her when she gets pg...its kind of romantic. Wonder if 2mm is too thin to have her bday engraved inside after I have her & have it sized down to my normal size when my fingers go back to normal? I normally wear a 6 & I bought it in a 7 in case I get real puffy....I have a big stays on now & since its a plain band, you can''t tell when it spins.

Anyway, I am wearing my wg band with my original engagement setting. A plain "tiffany" style wg setting for a 1ct princess, that I had my jeweler set a garnet into. I just remembered I also have a citrine rhr that is oval, set in wg, with pave diamonds that might look good too...I old e-ring sits flush.

I''ll post pics of the combo later tonight. Kind of fun & DH likes it because it doesn''t compete with/replace my w-ring & he''s sentimental too..likes the give to the daughter plan & likes seeing my old e-ring setting. Win win.


Dizzy Diver (I have the dizzies today).

I love those bands! Were did you find them?
Elaila: GET THE TIFFANY RING! Soookewl!

Tacori: It''s hormones. You can do 2 things, you can say "thanks DID give us the name, what would we do without your wonderful ideas!" and make her day...or you can say "great minds think alike I guess...I got it from that beautiful actress Natalie Portman". Whatever....At least she LIKES Natalie (which I loove by the way, it was on my short list of great girl names this time) my MIL told me she hates our name & that we are doing our daughter a disservice. *thanks* All my parents hate our name. Delaney James R______ (two syllable last name). They are horrified 1) at Delaney, and 2) at James as a middle name...but she is being named after someone very special to my DH & me. Plus he''s going to be her Godfather & has always wanted kids of his own, but will never have them. (married to a gal with 2 college age sons & a hysterectomy..she''s done raising kids), so this is "Jim''s baby"...he''s so excited for his "girl". (He''s like a bro to my dh & was best man in our wedding...if I hadn''t named our son Jake, I could have used James on him...but Jake James? That''s weird. Our son is Jake Nicholas because of his 12-25 due St. Nick!)

Oh well, I''m Irish...and Catholic...Delaney is an Irish name...Jim is an Irish Catholic who give a flying fig what the parents think. The name fits/feels right. Its funny, everyone my generation LOVES it.

Love your boy name, William is so classic & strong. Tell your DH Grace is a good middle name that goes with Natalie & that since you have to endure 9 months of pg, and then labor, delivery, and the chore of nursing, the least he can do is let you pick the middle name. I also like Rose as a middle name, but its kind of an acquired taste, so don''t feel bad if you hate it. LOL.

Ok...gotta fold laundry..blech....

My jeweler here in Portland...they are small, an office to get 'buzzed' in through a locked metal door. Closed circuit cameras..kind of cool really! Great prices though & they do all work on site. They are called ABC jewelry.

I wish I could show you a pic of the diamond was so ADORABLE. Oh well, dh will get it for me for xmas--like me, you just have to wait!!! They only had it in a 7 & 1/4 in stock, but my SA said she can have it made for me in a 6.5 (my rhr left hand is a 6 when I'm "normal")

Their prices are really good. Almost Whiteflash good...but local which is nice...stone pops out of my pave? They pop it back in for free in 2 seconds flat. Need fresh rhodium? Redipped while-u-wait. So, its a little more, but no shipping charges....etc.

Dh liked their diamond bangle bracelet just like the one on Whiteflash's site, but it was 2 carats. The WF one in 1.5 carats is $1500 or so & this one is a smidge over 2 carats (I think its the same quality diamonds) for about $500 more...seems

Oh if I didn't have a $3000 hospital bill looming in September I could have bought all 3 rings & the bangle today! LOL! Good things come to those who wait right?

Oh can I throw some one syllable names out?

Rose, Brynn, Joy, Brooke, Jade, Claire, Paige.
Diver, I LOVE your bands! The girl one especially

And Tacori and Diver, I like all of your names -- so :p to parents for butting in! I'd use Grace in a heartbeat but it's my niece's middle name -- similarly, I'd use Rose, but it's my cousin's name (one of the twins!).

I went to Tiffany's tonight and tried on that ring, and it's very cool -- though it's actually just one ring, not two rolling bands, which bums me out just a little bit. I did see this other ring that I fell in love with -- it's two bands with a little diamond, and the two bands fit together like a puzzle. Just gorgeous! But it's platinum, and I just can't see getting a plat temporary band when my real w-band is white gold! Plus we're going to have so many other expenses, I just can't see spending that kind of money. But oh, did I love it!

ETA: actually the web site says it is white gold, not platinum, so I guess they lied to me at the store! But either way, it's still more $ than I'm willing to spend on a ring like this. (Lottery, let me win you already!!!)

Ella - I love Katelyn Isabelle and calling her Katie (co-worker just had a Kaitlyn/Katie). I am a Kathryn and have always been called Katie... I love it. The Tiffany puzzle ring is really cool!

Tacori - Sorry you have had to stop wearing your w-band. I keep taking my set off to make sure it isnt too tight... i dont think I have that much time left. I like Natalie Grace!
Think Diver gave you some good advice about MIL and the name. We arent sharing our name ideas or the final with any one. We gave everyone the sex, but want to keep the name a surprise! How about Ann/Anne?

Diver - I love both mommy bands, but that pink sapphire one is DROP DEAD!!!
I am totally in love!!! I dont know about the resizing, but my w-band is 2mm and it is engraved, no problem. Think that is a fab idea to engrave her name and/or DOB. I love Delaney James. Delany is so different and I love names with personal/family meaning behind them. Who cares if its a boy name... I am sure she when she is older, she will appreciate why you named her that. I am named after my grandmothers, DH is named after his uncle that died in Vietnam, like Tacori boy name, etc. My nephew is a Jake (James Keller), love that name too!

We havent discussed names since after the u/s, but the name that has been agreed upon for the moment and I think will stick is Jonathan William. I have wanted William for a boy since we found out I was pg. For me, it would be for my unlce that commited suicide in December. My due date is actually the day after his birthday, so it seems all too fitting. William was also DHs gfather. Jonathan is supposed to be for all the Johns on both sides... I thought John was too plain, so we came up with Jonathan. DH is in love with the idea of baby's adult/professional name being J. William L-----; I must admit, it is powerful sounding.

We got our A/C fixed today!!!
Just in time too... most of the week wasnt bad, but today was awful. Got out of the shower this morning and was already sweating it was so humid. We had a heat index of 110
. But, we ended up only need some freon/R-22, so pretty cheap to fix!
another silly question... is there a standard formula to figure out the ring size you'll need while pregnant? or is it a guessing game?

i love kathryn too. it's a family name - middle or first... i thought it'd be a middle name for my future daughter if we'd have one, but today i actually thought that would work really well as a first name too. katie would work nicely as a nickname too with our last name.
Jcrow - I dont think there is a formula... its just how swollen you get! Some women can wear their rings, most eventually "out grow" them. I know girls with Kathryn as their first or middle name... its actually my middle name, so I dont know that it makes much difference, since you would use Katie anyways. The only problem its ever caused (and it wasnt that big of deal) was trying to figure out what to do when I got married. My family changes middle name to maiden, DH family keeps middle name, drops maiden name all together. I just dropped my maiden name.
ha - we have the same middle name. and i dropped my maiden too.

ok, back to baby/belly talk. and back to me lurking
Jcrow: no formula....just a guess game. But if you look at my avatar, you''ll notice my w-ring is very wide (11mm at its widest tapers down to 5 or 6 mm, so its muy substantial). I was pg with my son before I reset it, and I had a narrow princess with two trillions...the band was so narrow that even though my fingers swelled a little, I could wear it.

My knuckle is much larger than the base of my finger, but given the width of my new w-ring, even that is a half size larger than my normal ring size to allow for knuckle clearance when I''m normal! It spins in the winter & fits just right in the summer (any tighter & it would bother me).

So now that I''m pg & its summer, it gets too tight as soon as I leave my a/c''d house. LOL. So that''s why I went with a 2mm band..thin enough to sit on the narrower part of my finger, & I chose a size 7...(I am normally a size 6) and there is a ton of room to grow, but it stops at my knuckle. Since its plain, you can''t tell if it spins. I would say my ring finger on my left hand has grown a half rhr''s (which are 6.5) fit just right.

I have 3 months left!

Thanks for the band compliments, I just wish I had them now! I have to wait! sob....
I too think the pink one is''s 3 times the cost of the blue one though. I wonder why? more stone weight I''m sure. But I tried them on with the diamond band as a spacer & it looked truly cool. I love the engraving on the sides of the band...Tacori, that one blue one might be fun with your e-ring too..LOL. I love your set, its so gorgeous, I love seeing your avatar.

Well, DH and I have DIY projects galore today, going to pick up Delaney''s bookcase today. I''ll have to post pics of her furniture later.

Date: 6/8/2007 12:20:53 PM
Author: ellaila
OK, so I''ve got a case of the Fridays like you wouldn''t believe, so I''ve been doing some ring ''shopping'' online, and I''ve totally found the ring I want for when I outgrow my e and w rings: the Paloma Picasso® LE CERCLE ring at Tiffany''s. I love the symbolism of the two rings for me!!

OK, now gotta convince hubby that I need a $300 replacement ring ... hmm ....

Hope you''re all doing well today!

Even thought this ring doesn''t roll Elaila, I''d still get it. Its two rings joined together, much like your twinsies! I was wondering, do you think you''ll have identical twins (how cool) since you came upon this twin pg without fertility help? (or did you & I missed it?). I think I remember reading that twins that happen on their own tend to be identical. i could be wrong though...

Many of my friends are undergoing fertility treatments and we have a few multiples. Triplets in one friend! But for all the trouble to get pregnant, its kind of nice to get more than one, because then they can have that big family & not have to endure the shots/hormones/etc anymore.

Thanks for all of the support via naming. I am sure it is just the hormones but I seem to be the only one thinking/working on names so I felt like my glory was taken away (I KNOW, SILLY! SILLY!) Maybe b/c I always loved hearing the story of how I was named and I was picturing her saying she named her (and it might be a boy so I am getting worked up over nothing). How funny I actually thought of Natalie James (but knew I would be shot down) I think there is something sexy about women with boys names. I also really like Claire and we even thought about it for a first name. Another I idea I had was to use Elizabeth has her middle name since I dropped mine (for my maiden) but then it is all 3 syllable names which seems like a mouth full! Diver do not change her name. I love it. Having a common name myself I am always drawn to the slightly unusual (but not wierd!) Some ladies on my pregnancy board are using Delaney as well. I want a similar push present (blue/pink sapphire band) and have already thought if I had a boy maybe wearing it with my wedding set until we have baby #2. I haven''t really started looking anywhere besides facets though.

NJC, you are a much stronger woman than me. I cannot keep secrets! I don''t know how curly didn''t spill the beans about having a girl early. It would have killed me. I am way to honest and direct. I love your name. My brother is a Jonathan so I think it is a great name! And of course I agree about William being strong. I would have never chosen William on my own but I like it. He will be called Will though.

Jcrow, if I have learned anything over these last 20 weeks is you cannot predict ANYTHING! The way you carry, how much weight you gain, all the beautiful side effects. It''s all a surprise. My finger size is 4.5 (was I guess) and I am more of a 4.75 now. So it hasn''t gotten too swollen. I am surprised b/c I carried a lot of water weight in the begining. I could still wear my WB but am scared of it getting stuck (it is an eband). I am hoping I finally look preggo vs. just fat. Our waitress last night asked when I was due then got a worried look on her face. Haha. It was kind of funny. I feel like when people find out how far along they always say nice things (I am sure the negative comments, are you having twins to something?!? will come later). I am a short girl so I am planning on getting pretty large. The baby has to somehow fit in my 5''1" frame!

Ell, love your temp ring and hope you decide to get it! I know they don''t roll but it is very symbollic. Are you finding out the sexes early?

Diver, please post Delaney''s furniture in the nursey thread. I think mine is getting ordered today!!!!
I am so excited! Njc, have you picked out anything yet?
Ellaila, love that puzzle ring, it''s gorgeous! Hey, have you checked out or yet? They have great prices on rolling rings and puzzles rings, with or without diamonds. I just ordered a rolling ring from them for my right hand based on a couple other PSr''s experiences with them, you can check them out in SMTR forum.
Diver (and those into naming),

I told DH I really like Natalie James and at first he was like, that''s a boy''s name! But I like girls with boys names (I knew a Brady, a few Kyles, Elliot...) And he said okay!!!
So now I have to decide if I like it better than Natalie Grace (b/c I do like that as well) I also like Natalie Reese (sp?) Not sure what way to spell it. Guess I would have to research that
Hmmm would Natalie Etta be cute? (At last was our first dance)

Other names I like Ella, Hannah, Audrey, Olivia, LOVE Charlotte but since we live in Charlotte I won''t put her though that! But DH likes Natalie the best and I SUPPOSE he should have a say
Tacori, I think Natalie Grace is a truly lovely name -- very elegant sounding!! I know someone who has two little ones, and their names and Lucy and Will, and I think they are both just the cutest names for kids. I love the idea of a man''s name (like Will) on a little boy (instead of Billy) -- I just find it so cute! My friend just had a little baby and named her Ella. She actually did something that I think is very cool. For both of their kids, they gave them the middle name of the street they were living on at the time the kids were born. I know this wouldn''t work for everyone (like if you live on Commonwealth Ave or something!), but it worked out perfectly for them -- the boy''s middle name is Wolcott, and the girl''s is Winona. How cool is that?

So my hubby and I went to Tiffany''s over the weekdnd, and he loved that Le Cercle ring too -- yay! The one other idea I liked from there is the Elsa Peretti stacking rings -- they each have one tiny stone in them, and you can get pink sapphire, blue sapphire, etc. so depending on what we''re having, I would maybe get two of those with appropriate stones instead of Le Cercle. The only thing is that they''re all so expensive for *silver* rings -- I feel like maybe we should look elsewhere and get WG instead, most likely for a similar price! But there''s just something about getting a gift from Tiffany''s, isn''t there?

Diver, re: "I was wondering, do you think you''ll have identical twins (how cool) since you came upon this twin pg without fertility help? (or did you & I missed it?). I think I remember reading that twins that happen on their own tend to be identical. i could be wrong though... " -- yep, we got pregnant naturally, no fertility help! From what I''ve read, fraternal twins usually come about because of genetics (producing more than one egg each month runs in the family, I guess) and/or being over 35 (the older you are, the more likely you are to produce more than one egg at a time, though I have no idea why) -- and I score a big fat yes on both counts, so these are most likely fraternal twins. Plus we could clearly see two sacs in the ultrasound, so they said that it''s 95% that they''re fraternal -- though there''s always a slight chance they could be identical. I think identical can happen to anyone -- it''s just a fluke thing that happens -- whereas fraternal needs to have certain factors in play.

Tacori - "(I am sure the negative comments, are you having twins to something?!? will come later)." -- hey!!
It''s funny, I actually called my dr. last week to see if it''s OK that I haven''t put on any weight yet (less than 2 lbs, as of right now), and he was like, "At this stage it''s fine. Believe me, you''ll gain plenty later on -- and it''ll seem to happen overnight!" -- ha ha! I do feel rounder, but it does worry me a little that I''m not really gaining weight. But according to a book I have, I''m more "underweight" than "normal" (though I''m totally not underweight at all!), and it says that at first it''s harder to put on weight b/c the extra cals I consume are going to correct my "weight deficiency" -- hmmmm. I suppose all I can do is trust my doctor and not get too wrapped up in what different books and Web sites say, right?

To all our new Moms -- Curly, Irish, anyone else I''m missing! -- hope you''re all doing well! Love some updates and photos when you''ve got time (is that a silly thing to say to a new mom?
Date: 6/9/2007 1:32:14 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

...Jcrow, if I have learned anything over these last 20 weeks is you cannot predict ANYTHING! The way you carry, how much weight you gain, all the beautiful side effects. It''s all a surprise. My finger size is 4.5 (was I guess) and I am more of a 4.75 now. So it hasn''t gotten too swollen. I am surprised b/c I carried a lot of water weight in the begining. I could still wear my WB but am scared of it getting stuck (it is an eband). I am hoping I finally look preggo vs. just fat. Our waitress last night asked when I was due then got a worried look on her face. Haha. It was kind of funny. I feel like when people find out how far along they always say nice things (I am sure the negative comments, are you having twins to something?!? will come later). I am a short girl so I am planning on getting pretty large. The baby has to somehow fit in my 5''1'' frame!...
ok, that''s what i thought about the ring size thing. but i just thought i''d ask.

and, you never know about the whole weight gain thing. my mom is shorter than me (i''m 5'') and she had to MAKE her own maternity clothes b/c she was so small when she was pregnant w/ me.
Date: 6/11/2007 10:01:55 AM
Author: ellaila

She actually did something that I think is very cool. For both of their kids, they gave them the middle name of the street they were living on at the time the kids were born. I know this wouldn''t work for everyone (like if you live on Commonwealth Ave or something!), but it worked out perfectly for them -- the boy''s middle name is Wolcott, and the girl''s is Winona. How cool is that?
I think giving your child a middle name with that kind of meaning is SO cute... my DH and I met and still live on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, and we''re very attached to it (he even proposed in the park there!). My current favorite boy name is Max, so I''ve played around with the idea of Max Rittenhouse B____ ... but that might be a bit much.
Not to mention we''re not actually TTC yet, much less naming any kids!!

Date: 6/11/2007 10:01:55 AM
Author: ellaila

It''s funny, I actually called my dr. last week to see if it''s OK that I haven''t put on any weight yet (less than 2 lbs, as of right now), and he was like, ''At this stage it''s fine. Believe me, you''ll gain plenty later on -- and it''ll seem to happen overnight!'' -- ha ha! I do feel rounder, but it does worry me a little that I''m not really gaining weight. But according to a book I have, I''m more ''underweight'' than ''normal'' (though I''m totally not underweight at all!), and it says that at first it''s harder to put on weight b/c the extra cals I consume are going to correct my ''weight deficiency'' -- hmmmm. I suppose all I can do is trust my doctor and not get too wrapped up in what different books and Web sites say, right?
When my friend was pregnant with twins last year, she actually LOST weight in her first trimester, due in part to her vicious m/s
. And she was also technically "underweight" to begin with, but the doctors told her the same thing they told you, that it wasn''t a problem... and she carried two healthy baby boys almost to full term!
I need to stop visiting this thread.... baby fever is KILLING ME..... especially when Curlygirl told me they had their baby while living in a 900 sf apartment. Then all the sudden the wheels started turning and next thing I know, I''d plotted out our whole apartment on a room planner program, to see where we could fit a baby! I also started babysitting for a 2 year old in the apartment building next to ours, hoping it would be a distraction from wanting my own....

.... but now all I can think about is how much fun it can be to have a baby here in the city (at least for the first couple years)! It is really my most favorite place of everywhere I''ve lived, and it doesn''t help when the park fills up with moms and strollers every afternoon and the bookstore across the street advertises story hour... sigh. Not to mention all the qualified babysitters living right here (mostly UPenn grad students), which is definitely nice to have.

BUT we''re still waiting until January to start trying... and I suppose I can handle that.
ephemery, you''re too cute!

Preggos, what other forums have you found useful? I just joined a twins forum, which will probably be of the most use to me, but just curious if you''ve found any other good ones. The recent issue of Pregancy (I think that''s what it''s called - has Nancy O''Dell on the cover) had a bunch of cool Web sites listed in it too, which is how I found the twins forum.
ephemery, I feel your pain! I just graduated from college, and we're moving to a new, cleaner, safer city (and into a 4 bedroom house) in 6 weeks. The last thing on our "before baby" list is marriage! Oh, and our honeymoon.

Even so, we're waiting until March to start trying. We need more $ in savings and FH wants us (at age 24 and 25) to start putting money into our retirement funds. He's so responsible, which is fantastic because he's keeping me grounded (when otherwise, I'd be floating away into babyland).

ETA: All of your names are fantastic! We've got one favorite boy name and three favorite girl names, so we'll see which we get to use!
Ell, there is nothing wrong with having twins but there is when someone says you look like you are having them when you aren''t! I am still far from that stage (hopefully) Your doc is right. I only gained I think 3 lbs my first trimeser and then all of the sudden around 18 weeks I piled it on! I feel huge now! My belly gets bigger weekly now. What to has a weight tracker that is pretty cool. Even though I have gained another 10 lbs over the last month I am still on track (they show you the average 25 lb gain and 35 lb gain). I am sure with you it will be different since you are having twins but it is interesting to see how you compare.

Went a little crazy in the baby section at Old Navy today. They have the cutest neutral clothes I can find and decent prices. Stuff was actually on sale and I didn''t even know still she rang me up. I got pull up pants (like diver mentioned) for $2.99 and HAD to get the matching hoodie of course! They have such cute boy and girl stuff too for Diver and njc.

Finally broke down and bought larger bras (sorry if it is TMI but this is a pregnancy thread so I consider anything fair
) since my pre-preggo ones were causing me pain! I was shocked that I went up a full cup size and number!
and I am only half way there!!!!

I think for our second son (if we have two haha!) We''ll have his middle name be Franklin since that is the street we met and both lived in college. I kind of like old man names for little boys too. I used to babysit for a Henry. I thought that was such a cute name for a 3 year old!
Tacori: DH & I met at the Crystal Ballroom. We could name our daughter Crystal. LOL. That doesn''t fit us.

I love Natalie James! Now you have me liking name is Delaney, its already embroidered on her toddler quilt. LOL.

Thanks to the prev. poster who said male names are cool on little girls... I wanted her to have something edgy & strong. And its her MIDDLE name, so its a nice complement to her feminine first name....

Diver, dare I say boys names on girls is sexy (since we do not want to think of our little girls as sexy
) But I think they are. So now I am torn. Should we go with Natalie James or Natalie Grace??? I think DH will agree on both (he actually likes the James idea). I *love* Delaney but DH is more into traditional names so I doubt I could ever convince him. I think it is a perfect name for your little girl! When do you get your bedding?

Warning....I returned a bunch of stuff from my shower at Target (so I could use it towards bigger, more useful things) Their return policy is INSANE! If you have no reciept you can only exchange $40 worth of stuff, twice a year AND you have to buy stuff in the same section (infant/toddler) as the stuff you are returning! I have never heard of anything so crazy! The stuff was obviously new, with tags, unused (some sealed in plastic). So annoying. I know I can always get diapers but still it is the principle.

Count down to Thursday has begun! I am so excited for our u/s.
How ya doin'' ladies??!

Well, I''m EXHAUSTED!! Ashlyn is almost 3 weeks old now and she STILL has days and nights confused, so I''m up all night, plus she''s constipated and gassy, so she''s up a good portion of the day too
. I''m soooo sleepy!! Poor little thing - we are breastfeeding and supplementing with a gentle formula with a teaspoon of Karo syrup in it to help her "go" better, but it doesn''t seem to be working all that great, so I have to call the pediatrician and get some other advice. Sigh. Anyway, she''s still too darn cute (when will she not be?!) and I love her to death! Dh and I spend all our "free" time just playing with her and staring at her - she makes the funniest faces, most likely because she''s so gassy!! It''s funny though - whenever she''s really fussy and I get frustrated, I just think of life before her - and how much I DON''T miss it!! Not that my life was bad before her, but somehow it just seemed like something was missing. I guess she was the missing puzzle piece in our life because we feel so complete now, if that makes any sense!

How are all the preggo''s doing? I will say this much - I DO NOT miss being pregnant!! Sure, it''s weird not feeling her roll around in my tummy anymore, but man is it nice to have my stomach back again! I painted my toenails the other day for the first time in months!! And sleeping on my stomach is like a dream come true - when I get sleep, that is!! I''ve lost 24 pounds so far - only 16 more to go, plus a TON of firming up to do! But it''s nice to feel energetic again, something I definitely did not feel the last trimester of pregnancy!

anyway, just checking in! I will have to get DH to help me post some pics of Ashlyn when he gets a chance -I''m dumb when it comes to those things, so he needs to help me!
Hope your pregnancies are going well and the little babes are thriving!
Yay, Irish -- good to hear from you!! I can''t wait to see photos of little Ashlyn Rae and her funny faces
I love hearing tales from happy new moms, it''s so reassuring!

Tacori, that''s horrible about Target''s return policy! That''s why I always make sure to give gift receipts whenever I get someone a gift -- even if it''s something they register for. That will def. make me reconsider registering at Target though, so thanks for the heads-up! I went to BRU yesterday to look for a body pillow, and oh did I get overwhelmed walking through there. Hubby and I have a LOT of research to do!

Hubby and I met at a New Year''s Eve party, so I suppose we could use the name Eve? (ha ha)

Oh, and Ann Taylor Loft now has a maternity line .. uh oh .... that could be trouble! Although so far I''ve just gotten a bunch of stuff at Old Navy (like the rest of you), b/c right now they''ve got all that great smocked-waistband stuff that will stretch a bit and can also be worn under the belly as it grows. Yay, Old Navy!!
Date: 6/13/2007 9:15:50 AM
Author: IrishEyes
- whenever she''s really fussy and I get frustrated, I just think of life before her - and how much I DON''T miss it!! Not that my life was bad before her, but somehow it just seemed like something was missing. I guess she was the missing puzzle piece in our life because we feel so complete now, if that makes any sense!
That is so beautiful Irish! I am glad you two are doing well!

Ellaila, twins!!!! Wonderful news
Seems like the mommies & MTB are dong well
Irish you sound so happy! I am glad to know that even through lack of sleep you are having fun. I miss laying on my belly...
I actually still can but my doctor told me to stop so know I am forced to one of my sides. I can''t wait to see pictures!!!

Ell, oh no! I cannot be tempted! Most of my shirts are non maternity. I LOVE the styles that are popular now since we can wear them too. A few are getting too short/tight but many still work. The dress I wore for my shower was from Macy''s (junior section!) Many of my shirts are from the limited. I feel kind of silty shopping there since I look preggo now but hey, the stuff still fits me and is cute. The stuff at regular maternity stores is sitll a little big for me and I am not as creative as Jcrow''s mom