
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Irish: Get some Mylicon (or generic Simethicone--2x''s the size bottle for half the price) and give her a dose after each feeding. (forget what dose is for her size, but it should say on the bottle). I did that for my son for quite a while, and it helps with gas.

Also, cut out foods that YOU eat that cause gas/trouble. Orange juice, chocolate, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower). If that doesn''t help, start eliminating things like coffee, spices, garlic, dairy one by one...those are real triggers. You have to eliminate things you eat one by one & be patient to find out what''s bothering her tummy.

My ped also had me mix 1 ounce of apple juice with 1 ounce of water & feed that to get Jake''s pipes moving. As long as her tummy is nice and soft, you are ok. Its when it hardens that you need to worry.

Also, lay her on her back & ''bicycle'' her legs to get her bowels moving. It''ll feel good & you can coo at her the whole time.

To get her days & nights back in order, I recommend "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer". Great, no, AWESOME LIFESAVING BOOK! That and some time will get her right....she knew nothing of night & day in the womb & it will take a few more weeks of adjusting.

Enjoy her...and we''d love some more pics!

Tacori: Oh yea, I could have told you that about Target. Figured that out when my friend registered with Club Wedd & got screwed on returns. She got 3 of the same microwave and a few other duplicates & they wouldn''t let her return, even WITH a reciept. I registered at BRU & Pottery Barn Kids with Jake (and again with Delaney) and I had no issues with either company. I had no returns at PBK...but I had a few with BRU & it was seamless, with no receipts...

I registered with Pottery Barn for my wedding too & they were amazing. I even lost the cards for a few gifts & could go on their website to see who purchased them so I could send the proper thank you note.

Excellent customer service always makes me smile.

Diver, Of course the bedding I want is through Target (though they have it at walmart too. Anyone know about their returns?) I just found the Target thing SOOOO frusterating! For our wedding most of our registry was with BB&B and they were AWESOME! I could return anything using my registry. Plus those 20% offs are great too! I wish they had a baby section.

Anything I need to know to prepare for our u/s tomorrow? Is it better to eat before?
Tacori: Exciting!! I drank a frappucino before mine..LoL...get baby all hopped up on caffeine and sugar so we can see the sex organs....

but really, you don''t need to do anything special..did they ask you to drink water beforehand? Really this far along its business as usual. Just do your normal "thang".

Its such a great u/s...its long because they have to take a bazillion pictures of the heart, brain, stomach, liver, spine, face, etc....takes between a half hour & you get to look at your baby for a nice amount of time.

Oh, I''m so happy for you, you will LOVE tomorrow! The 20 week u/s is my fave!

I''m soooo excited for you Tacori, I loved having my u/s at 20 weeks. Gosh I am sure they are sooooo much more advanced now. Hehe. I think at this point you are far enough a long so you don''t have to drink water, maybe call before you go and ask?? Have fun!!!
Tacori how exciting!!!!

Diver, how is your pool??? I love that you bought yourself a pool; you have me thinking about it. heehee
Date: 5/27/2007 2:49:28 PM
Author: divergrrl
Yay Irish!!! good for you! I am so glad you finally got to have her & cannot wait to read your birth story! She is a big baby, but that''s great, she''ll fit in her clothes better than the little ones. (Its all about fashion you know).

Prego PS-ers...maybe we can post our Due Dates at the bottom of our posts?

EDD 9-22-07
Thanks! That helps!!!!
Thanks ladies. They said with the new u/s they got I don''t have to worry about drinking lots of liquid before hand (which I am grateful for). I''ll let you all know how it goes. I kind of hope the baby''s legs are crossed so we aren''t tempted to change our minds

EDD 10.28.07 (I keep forgetting to add this)
Good luck tomorrow, Tacori!!
OK, so do any of the rest of you drive yourself crazy by reading too much? I mean, I know it's good to be informed but I'm just making myself a nervous wreck right now -- OH, and I think the pregnancy emotions finally kicked in, too, so it's just a lovely combination! I'll spare you all the details of what I'm reading about (twins-related stuff), but it's just really kicking my @$$ emotionally

I guess I just needed to vent.

Anyhow, hope you're all doing well, and Tacori, have a great appt. today! Give the baby a little wave from your fellow PS preggos

And thanks, Skippy!!

EDD (very estimated since I'll likely go early!): 1/2/08 -- twins!!!
Hey everyone! The u/s went really well. It was so cool to see our baby move. We saw it kick itself in the head, move its jaw, stretch (when she was looking at the spine so that was very cool), cross its feet and move its little arms. We did not buckle and ask about the sex but DH is CONVINCED he saw girl parts
We'll see soon enough. I have always felt it was a girl. She gave us some cool pics (I will post some after I get DH scan them). It is a relief to know it has all the right organs and limbs. You can even see the profile of its little nose! The doctor said no matter what sex it is it has great legs. They did seem really, really long. My blood test came back good as well so I am glad I won't have to have more testing and the baby appears healthy.

Seeing the baby does make everything feel much more real (for hubby more than me). He was pretty much in awe during the u/s.

I felt my first offical kicks last night. It felt like I was being pushed from the inside (very wierd feeling). I was very excited!

How is everyone else feeling?

Ell, I try not to read too much about the pregnancy unless I have a symptom. I think sometimes knowing too much can stress you out. I am more emotional lately too. It is normal don't worry. Plus you are carrying two babies which means extra hormones. Not sure if you read one of my previous posts but my aunt had twins and she was a week late! So you just never know (she is a small woman too, maybe 5'4" and naturally thin). You know what I think is strange. I still haven't had any strong food cravings. I figured by now they would hit me.

Random question, what is a good price on diapers? I figure I might as well start buying a pack here and there when I see a good sale price.

EDD 10.28.07
How exciting Tacori, so happy your us went well. And that you can feel your baby kicking now!!
Tacori, your post made me smile -- congrats on such a great appt! Funny that your hubby thought he saw "girl parts" because isn''t it the "boy parts" that show up on an u/s! ?

As for diapers, I had read that stocking up ahead of time isn''t such a great idea b/c a) you don''t know what size you''ll need and b) all diapers fit babies differently so you don''t want to get stuck with a big stockpile of diapers that don''t fit properly. One idea I read that I thought was smart was to buy yourself a gift card for someplace (BRU, Target, wherever) and between now and the time the baby is born, keep putting $20 on it whenever you can -- every week, every two weeks, once a month, whatever. A kind of cute way to save some money for baby stuff!
Thanks Lisa! My mom was shocked we could see it move and see so much detail. I am sure u/s were much different 30 years ago.

Ell, It was really amazing. It looks like a mini person! DH is just being silly. I am sure he does think he saw something. He was premed so he knows anatamy but I still I am certain he couldn''t be 100% right. I didn''t even notice when she went in between the legs so she must have been fast. She really didn''t spend much time b/c we said we didn''t want to know and there was no medical reason. Diver said to have 200 diapers before the baby comes home so I figured I would buy one newborn pack and the rest the next size.
Here is our baby. I love that you can see its little nose! She said the side of its arm.

Tacori that is so exciting! You will have so mcuh fun buying clothes and other things!!! Congrats on a wonderful appt.
Your baby is beautiful!
I love this picture! Its little feet crossed.

Date: 6/14/2007 4:49:53 PM
Author: Skippy123
Tacori that is so exciting! You will have so mcuh fun buying clothes and other things!!! Congrats on a wonderful appt.
Your baby is beautiful!

Thanks Skippy! No cute clothes until October (and trust me, it is hard to wait) but it will be here soon enough!
Tacori: Yay!! baby is sooo cute! I love how that first picture looks like he/she is saying "Baby Power!". LOL.

Ellaila had an EXCELLENT suggestion about the gift cards. You will need some newborn diapers in the beginning about 200--that will last you about 2 weeks. LOL. (they go less after that) .... Target & BRU are the best bets pricewise...BRU has a good return policy, just tape your reciept to the package.

As for when you hit sizes 1 and up: COSTCO is the only way to go...(they don''t carry newborn) .buying dipes at the grocery store will run you $75 a month. Buying in bulk at costco will run about $25 to $30...they carry Huggies brand. You get HUNDREDS of diapers for $ lasts me almost 2 months now. (and I get 200 dipes in size 4....I think in size 1-2 there are about 50 or 60 more dipes in a box for the same price..I can''t remember). Just go once a month once baby gets here and buy one box at a time. I''ve never outgrown a box before we ran out --there''s a huge weight range...

Ok...I took pics of Delaney''s furniture & Jake''s nursery...(part of dh''s father''s day scrapbook chronicalling our 8 years in the house & 4 years of remodeling..I needed shots of his room..I''ll load them on the nurseries page in a few...

Back soon!
Diver, I think (s)he''s really cute too (but I am bias!) I didn''t post the few 3D pics they took b/c I didn''t want o scare anyone. They are a little creepy since the baby is still so thin. Is huggies a good brand? Pampers are on sale right now at target but honestly the prices don''t mean a thing to me. I still have time though. I can''t wait to see pics of your kids''s rooms!
Tacori: In my experience, and others may disagree, premium diapers work the best at holding leaks/accidents. Pampers & Huggies are the best. For a lower cost option, Luvs are a good functioning low priced diaper. I didn''t use them since they don''t have all the nice elastic that huggies & pampers do & I thought that''d be more comfy for baby. I just love getting diapers cheap at Costco because you go through so many over 2 to 3 years, its like going potty on money (literally) to not get them on sale! Think of the bling or cute baby outfits you can buy with the money you save! LOL!!

Here is my 2mm wedding band dh got me 2 weeks ago..... I finally uploaded pics for you guys! My hands look so old for 36..I''m going and buying some decent hand lotion with spf right now!

Skippy...I never got the was lousy weather last week so I forgot & then my cat got sick, so I had other things come up. Plus if she has to get surgery, I may be stuck swimming at the gym instead. Ah well, such is life.

EDD 9-22-07

Sorry about your kitty. . . I hope she won''t need surgery.
When BRU has their diaper sales ($5 off any Huggies and Pampers - as many as you want), the prices are better than Costco. Plus, you can use your manufacturer''s coupons. This is when I stock up on diapers. Even if I have no receipts, I can exchange the old box for the next size up at no cost, hassle free.
Tacori – Congrats on the healthy baby!!! I know that was such a relief when I found out everything was there that should be! To funny DH thinks he saw girl parts… you can tell the difference though if you look. I’ve been checking out all the u/s people have posted for reassurance that what I got kicking in my belly is a boy! Would hate to bring my little girl home to a blue room! Thanks for sharing your u/s pics. I have one of his foot and it is my favorite! Also congrats on feeling the kicks. Isnt it fun!?

That sucks about your returns to Target. I have always heard their return policy is crappy. I was thinking of registering at BRU and Burlington. I have seen your bedding somewhere other than Target, but I cant remember where… Wal-Mart was definitely one, but I feel it was somewhere else too… do a search or worse case, just register for that at the one store. Random thought about Wal-Mart return policy… I think I have read where people will return things to Wal-Mart that Target won’t take (like they didnt have a reciept), so that makes me think their policy is good!

Ella – I like your idea of getting a gift card and putting money on it!!! That way its good for diapers or anything else you might need. I never got too freaked out over reading things, but I am a laid back kind of person. Now I''ve started reading books about birth... hopefully those wont freak me out either! I feel you on the emotions… I came home the other day, DH met me at the door and I just burst into tears like I had lost my best friend. All for no reason either! It was INSANE. I have cried more the last 6 months than I have the entire time of knowing DH… poor guy!

Diver – Love your plain band. I was at home over the weekend and my mom’s fingers are a tad larger than mine so I asked if I could barrow a ring. Long story, but everything is in the safe deposit box, but when I got back in a couple weeks, I hope to have some sort of fun bauble! She has a funky curved sapphire and diamond band I’m thinking would be fun, plus she never wears it any more. I have given up on wearing my ering and wband together, but my wband still fits okay. Cant wait to see pics of everyones room!

Oh, and if any one is tempted by the new ATL Maternity line, use the code MATERNITY to get free shipping. I would love to get some of their shirts, but can see spending the money now… I feel I am too far gone.

I have my last montly appt on Tuesday, so thats kinda exciting... the end is nearing!

EDD 10.02
njc, my doctor said that she could not tell the sex from our u/s photos (which I wanted to know before we sent them to my dad). I really don''t think DH saw anything. Like I said I didn''t even notice (though I was staring at the face). I am not even sure if she put it in our chart b/c the doctor asked if she didn''t tell us or if we didn''t want to know. Girl, boy, I just can''t wait to meet our baby! Feeling the kicks IS fun. I am looking forward to feeling them more regularly. She said the baby measured 12 oz. Is that pretty standard for 20 weeks? Just trying to gauge (though I know it is impossible) if it will take after me or its daddy.

diver, love the plain band. I am still undecided what I will do when the time comes. My e-ring still fits fine. So hopefully I can wear it at least another month. I feel like I just had a big growth period between 18-20 weeks (at least my belly). Did y''all expereince that? I gained more in those two weeks that in the first 18.

ell, how are you feeling? Are you starting to show yet?
NJC: Beware Burlington...great deals..(I got Jake''s Glenna Jean bedding for about $100 cheaper, but they will not allow any returns. In 7 days you can get a store credit, provided its unused---tags attached).

I learned that and was VERY sure before I bought anything there..I think I only got 2 things....his mattress & his bedding/accessories there. But I knew what I wanted beforehand, so it was a slam dunk.


Tacori - If the u/s tech hadnt pointed everything out to me, I would have had no clue, even by starring at it. If I remember correctly, our little kiddo was about 12oz too, which we were told is normal/average for 20 weeks. I had a big change from about 17-19 weeks... it didnt seem like a lot to me at the time, but comparing pics is was a pretty big difference... I finally started to show a bit. Ever since I have been getting bigger by the week... finally starting to round out ever so slowly.

EDD 10.02
Diver - Thanks for the heads up about Burlington. So is it store credit within 7 days of purchase? I''m okay with store credit, but that isnt a long time... guess its BRU then! Makes it simple and I am okay with that!
njc, I noticed a huge difference but I am much, much shorter than you. DH said my belly was bigger after not seeing me for 3 days. I think I was just shocked when I gained so much so fast after not gaining much. So far no stretch marks so that's good at least! I am also carrying wide
I envy the basketball bellies. Oh well! I need to take more pics. I hardly have any. I already have a little waddle.

I don't think you *need* a second registry. We just did since BRU doesn't carry our bedding. Plus of course I found some other cute stuff so I think it has around 20 items on it. Still not sold on which pack 'n play. Did you pick out yours yet?

EDD 10.28.07