
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

thanks for the link Vegas. That site has some good prices!

njc, have you heard of gDiapers? They are inserts that you flush down the toliet (green friendly). The cloth covers are really cute as well.
Hi everyone!

Tacori, those u/s photos are great! It must make it all seem so real when you can see facial features like that -- so cool
My next u/s is this Friday, which will be my 12-week mark, and I am just beyond anxious about it! I''ll attach the photo from my first u/s later today (gotta edit our names off of it) - I''m pretty biased too, but I think the little buggers are awfully cute!

Diver, love the plain gold band. I think that once we find out what we''re having, that will help influence my decision on what kind of ring(s) to get when I outgrow my e- and w-rings. If it''s two girls, I think I''d like two separate thin bands, so I can give them each one like you''re going to do. If it''s at least one boy, then I may do that Le Cercle ring instead (though now after reading that Tiffany''s thread, I''m worried that ring''ll be discontinued b/c it''s silver!).

As for showing, I wouldn''t say I look pregnant yet, but I def. look different than I did. I did have my first "hey, these jeans aren''t as comfy!!" moment the other day
I''m not ready to give up my favorite jeans yet!! Did any of you get that bella band thingie? Does it work? Is it comfortable?

njc, aren''t the emotions just the strangest thing?! I mean, I haven''t become "psycho chick" (to quote Jenny McCarthy!) -- mine have all been crying jags, not mean streaks or anything. And I usually can laugh about them after, which is good. The other day I was bawling at the Today Show, and my husband was just laughing hysterically at me, which got me laughing hysterically too

So, I know Tacori said no major food cravings -- what about the rest of you? My big one so far has been pancakes -- I think I ate them like four days last week. And last night I *really* wanted cake, so I baked a cake and we ate some at 10:30 last night (sorry, babies!). Pregnancy does have some advantages, doesn''t it?
Tacori - I can see the shock of the weight gain. Everytime I go in I''m so sure they''ll tell me ive gained this huge number, but I''ve been pretty steady so far. I think this visit may be the one though... my boobs have finally exploded plus the belly. We shall see on Tuesday. Ha! I envy the basketball bellies as well. I was telling a friend last night that my belly just moved outwards... no cute little roundness to it at all. My belly button is a giant crater you can see through all my shirts too. Annoys me. Glad you are strech mark free! I hope you stay that way.

The only reason for two registries would be that there is a Burlington in my hometown, where all my fam lives and a BRU in DHs hometown where all his family lives. We both have a handfull of people whom are comfortable on the internet, but most would want to buy from a store. I dont know what I''ll do... I still dont have a shower date, so I''m in no rush. We are going to purchase the crib and bedding ourselves, although I have a feeling one or both of our parents may offer to pay for part or all. We''ll see.

I dont know what pack n play we are going to get yet. I would like to get one that has the little bassanet/changing table thing on it though. Would be nice to have that on our main level so we wouldnt have to keep going upstairs to change diapers. I know they will only fit so long, but might be worth it while it lasts.

I have heard of the gDiapers, but havent looked at them much. Flushing so much down the toilet scares me a tad, but I remember there being a whole section on there about it. We are actually going to give cloth a try. My mother and everyone else I tell thinks I am crazy, so I dont talk about it much, makes the hormone craziness kick in!
We will need to use disposibles for daycare though, unless I can get our pediatrician (still need to find!) to write a note saying our baby has to have cloth! I''m totally asking though, whats the worse they say, no?

Vegas - Thanks for the link to Burlington and for the Tot Block. I''ll keep that in mind when it comes time to pick something! Does the bottom move up and down like the PnP?
A friend of mine registered for cloth diapers (, which I thought was pretty cool!

Here''s the photo of our babies!

Ella - Your two little beans ARE the cutest! Its so cool to see two, when all I get to see is one. Our poor DHs... mine just laughs at me as well when I start to cry. I came home the other day from work and he met me at the door with a kiss and I just started balling my eyes out... no reason at all!

I didnt have a Bella Band, I got the knock-off one from Motherhood. If I had to do it over, I would have gotten the bella since it actally has sizes and isnt just one-size fits all. I stopped wearing mine because it got too tight, but you might not have that problem if you are smaller... i am a 12/14. It was nice to have as a way to expand the life of my regular pants. The support was nice too. I also got some regular pants in a size or two larger to help get me into the maternity clothes. I figure I can wear them on my way back down again too.

Hmmm... cravings... I craved bad stuff... chips, taco salads with everything, McDonalds hamburgers, blue cheese dressing, basically anything greasy or that I normally wouldnt let myself eat!
I do enjoy a bowl of ice cream/frozen yogurt just about every night... I think of it as extra calcium!

I dont think I have been to the Wild Flowers site, but I will check it out. I would love to register for them, but not sure I am willing to take the comments from the family...
njc, I guess they dissolve in the water. They had really great reviews on the site Vegas posted. I went a little overboard last night. I have been looking for a nice baby book (since my MIL gave me DH''s and I thought it was so special) they have one I actually liked (not too cutesy) so I ordered it, as well as a pregnancy journal (even though I am half way done!) I am hoping I can remember stuff. Also they have this diaper toolbox I have been drooling over. It''s just too cool and perfect for our downstairs. I also finally found neutral booties. Since we are having a fall baby it will be kind of cold outside. They are having 15% off $100 orders so of course I had to spend $100
I figure it is my birthday next week so this is my present for me.

Weight gain is scary when I see numbers on the scale I have NEVER seen before. I know it is for good and it HAS to happen. I haven''t really craved anything (is that odd?) But I have been drinking caf. free Pepsi a lot. I hardly ever drank soda before but seriously it is like CRACK to me. Taste so good and I like how the bubbles feel in my tummy. Of course eating things that are bad for me is a little more guilt free since I am preggo. I have been in maternity pants since 8 weeks (which DH made fun of me) but I was SOOOO bloated. I guess the bella band would have helped but I just figured I might as well wear comfortable pants. Plus I work from home so it is a little different for me (I could get away with wearing PJs). If I had to work in an office I would have tried to make my clothes last too.

Walmart has a lot of baby stuff. I know nothing about their registry but just thought I would throw that out there.

ell, LOVE the u/s! Too cool. I can''t wait to see your next one!
Bella Band: didn''t work for pants are too low rise to be held up. I''d sit down in the car & my pants would slide down & I was showing more than a plumbers convention! So it was into Mat pants early. Uck.

G-diapers: The couple that started that company is actually here in Oregon! (they learned about it in Sweden i think). They are way cool & if you are thinking cloth, I think the G-dipes are an excellent alternative! Its basically just a cloth diaper cover (leakproof) & you put a g-diaper insert in it & just flush it when soiled. Pretty simple I think. I''m still considering them. I''m so cheap though, G-dipes (once you are set up with starter kit/covers) are about .30 -.35 a diaper & Huggies at Costco are .19 cents a diaper for size 4''s...even less for smaller sized diapers (get more diapers in smaller sizes--more fit in box). God...I am SO cheap, but my liberal, earth-conscious guilt gets to me quite often, so I peruse those alternatives quite often.

I looked into cloth, but decided no..and after seeing how much increase in laundry I had, it was smart for us. But, if you want to learn really cool ways to "go cloth" has a whole bulletin board community on cloth dipes. There is a whole religion/science to it & its just crazy! The covers are so cute, I guess it gets pretty addictive.

Vegas Angel: Thanks for the Burlington heads up on return policy! They did change it! Of course, remember, this was 3 years ago that i was dealing with them shopping for my son. But usually have your shower a few months prior to baby being born so that 30 days goes by fast.

BRU....I had the Evenflo Discovery High Chair for my son. It was GREAT for just hanging out in, but once his eating got messy, that thing was disgusting. You couldn''t get it clean! I returned it 6 months later with NO receipt & got my $99 back with no hassle...(they were cool with the no receipt thing because it was still being sold there at that price) But I''ve never had a return issue from BRU. (Although I always have receipts---except that one time).

BellyPopping: Well, just wait until you chickies go from 20 weeks to 24...and then from 24 to 26! OMG!! Boooo--iinnnnng! I am like Buddha! LOL. My bebe is roughly 2lbs right now & just weeks ago she was only 1lb! Oy! That''s a lot of baby growth! And in the next 14 weeks or so she''s going to put on another 5 lbs give or take.

I''m giving my notice at the gym tomorrow. I can''t teach yoga anymore--its impossible not being able to demonstrate poses on my tummy & I''m not supposed to lay on my back (but I do--just long enough to get the class in the pose). I am too tired, too round & I''ve lost my "front row divas". (The uber thin, botoxed, high fashionistas who are there to stare at themselves in the mirror more than them though...they are the diehards) I''ve also lost almost all of my male students too (I used to have half my class full of soon as I started to show, they quit coming). My class has always been packed to the gills every Sunday morning--regardless of time of year, but now its like a ghost town...that''s ok...I am not taking it personally--people are funny about their workouts -- I am sure they don''t want to see my round belly, thick arms & thighs these days. Besides I get to sleep in for the rest of the summer. Hee hee...I do not mind at all. Sunday is usually the one day I can count on DH being in town & he wants me to stay in bed now & he''ll get Jake up so I can rest. SCORE!

I''ll be back a few months after baby is born.

Yawn....I need a nap. I have a big bbq for my dad & dh here tonight...must marinate chicken.
Date: 6/17/2007 1:11:54 PM
Author: ellaila
A friend of mine registered for cloth diapers (, which I thought was pretty cool!

Here''s the photo of our babies!
Awww, I''ve never seen a u/s of twins before, soooo cool!!
Did you all see these SUPER CUTE baby rolling rings?

Wowzer, the twins are sooooo cute Ellaila!!! Congrats!!!
Skippy those are really cute (though too early for me). What a great idea! One would be perfect for Diver since she is having her last!
Date: 6/17/2007 5:39:53 PM
Author: Skippy123
Did you all see these SUPER CUTE baby rolling rings?

Wowzer, the twins are sooooo cute Ellaila!!! Congrats!!!
Skippy, those rings
OMG, I am SO IN LOVE WITH THAT!! I could do two rings with whatever stones are appropriate for each baby ... aahhhhh, that's so perfect!! It's more than I wanted to spend, but ... Wow, it's just perfect!! I even kinda like the idea of throwing in a third band of just plain gold to symbolize a wedding band ... hmmm ...

ETA: Just showed hubby, and he agrees it's perfect! We may check with our local jeweler to see if they could make something similar!!

And thanks for the u/s comments -- isn't it just so darn cute?! We lucked out in that we actually got photos that are clear and easy to figure out -- pretty impossible to miss that that's two li'l babes!
I love the rings too! I bet would make you one w/sapphires cheaper. Email them and ask. They have some inexpensive.

How cute! I worked with a guy who has twins and he belonged to a local twin club. I bet they have them in your town.
Great idea, Skippy -- I just emailed, so I look forward to seeing what they say. I wouldn''t be ordering this for a while anyway, so I''ve got some time to do some research, which is good!
Date: 6/17/2007 9:22:14 PM
Author: ellaila
Great idea, Skippy -- I just emailed, so I look forward to seeing what they say. I wouldn''t be ordering this for a while anyway, so I''ve got some time to do some research, which is good!

Yah, I am excited for you!!! Keep us posted. Do you want to find out what you will be having when you can??? My cousin has a boy and a girl twins. They were in my wedding and 2 other couples weddings because they are so dang cute! They are so close too. It is the cutest. Your twins will be sooo much fun Ellaila!

Yep, we''ll be finding out the genders as soon as we can! I think with twins, we have to b/c we need to do so much more work ahead of time, you know? So many people have offered us things, and it''ll help a lot to know whether to take the girl stuff or the boy stuff or both!

BTW, I checked out those gdiapers, and that is just so cool! I don''t think they''d be for us b/c -- even though I know they''re earth-friendly -- with twice the flushing for twins, I feel like that can''t be plumbing-friendly! I do love the idea of them though, and they''d be so convienent for travel!

Diver, just saw Jake''s room in the nurseries thread -- so cute! I''m totally trying to talk hubby into Jacob/Jake for a boy''s name -- I love it! Is your Jake a Jake or a Jacob? Right now, if we have one boy, we''ll use Gabriel Jacob, but if we have two then one will use Jacob/Jake for a first name
Ell: He''s "Just Jake". Jake Nicholas to be exact...(his due date was 12-25, so we chose Nicholas after St. Nick). I didn''t like Jacob....something about the "cob" at the end turned me off. Plus, I don''t like biblical names for some reason. No clue as to why...just reminds me of some nerdy kids I grew up with....

But my Jake just looks like a Jake...he''s actually named after Jake Ryan in 16 Candles. (the cute dark haired boy with the Porsche that Molly Ringwald is in love with?) Our last name starts with R , so its funny to me & DH. 16 Candles is one of our favorite movies. We are so weird.

I LOVE the pics of the twins! OMG, that is so cool, I''ve never seen a twin u/s before. How many weeks are you? Could you put your EDD at the end of your post so my lame brain can keep up? LOL.

Rolling Rings: Well I want the stackers, but am going to check out the rolling ring thing too. Let me know when you get the quote from

I''m thinking Jake & I need to go on a 2.5 mile walk to starbucks...I had a dream last night that my thighs & behind were completely riddled with stretchmarks down to my knees. UGH.

Anyone else having WEIRD vivid dreams?
Hi everyone! Just checking in from motherhood. Believe it or not, my little Lily is now 6 weeks old!!! Time is truly flying. She weighs over 9 lbs. and is just scrumptious! I am truly lucky to be blessed with such a good baby. She has started social smiling and cooing and I feel like I'm falling more in love with her every day! She's been sleeping 5-6 hours per night which has been great and she's an excellent daytime napper. We bathe her every night and I think that's helping her sleep better and get her into a routine. So far so good! I'm feeling great. Had my 6 week post partum exam and doctor said that I healed so well that you'd never know I'd given birth--I was happy to hear that! I've lost 20 lbs., 5 to go plus I really need to work on my belly toning. But I'm not complaining!

Irish, glad things are going well for you. We don't have many gas problems here--she's quite the tooter--but I've heard great stuff about Mylicon. Also, the bicycling of the legs is a good one. And you can even try to lay her on her stomach to burp her, my mother says it helps to break up the gas. Some of these old school things actually work!

Diver, you sound like you're doing awesome! You should stop working now--take time to relax and get everything ready for Delaney. I love the "front row divas"!!! I want to start doing yoga one of these days. It's hard enough to get to the gym so I can't really commit to any classes but eventually...

Tacori, congrats on the awesome ultrasound! I love looking at those pictures. I put mine in my baby photo album as her "first photos"! So cool. I'm glad you're doing well. And I'm so impressed that you have the will power to stay on "team green"!!! It will make it all so much more exciting for you when you give birth and may give you more pushing incentive!!!

ellaila, LOVE the twin u/s photo!!! So cool. Hope you're feeling great. I can't wait for you to find out the genders. So exciting!!! We should take bets on what we think they'll be!! Do you have any boy/girl "vibes" yet?

njc, I had the Bella Band knock off from Mimi and I LOVED it! And you're right, I definitely used it again right after having the baby for a little while. Your cravings sound yummy! Enjoy it all now, you have a good excuse!!

Regarding diapers, we are hooked on Pampers Swaddlers. She's just moving into size 1 now but she can still fit into the Newborns. I only had a few small packages of each that I received as gifts and then my DH's aunt and uncle promised us a 6 month supply of diapers so we let them know when we run out and they buy them for us--pretty nice set up! I agree with Diver, don't go overboard on stocking up yet because you don't know how big your baby will be. In the hospital, they were using size 1 Pampers on our little dumpling. She was swimming in them but they really are good. Someone gave us a whole bunch of Luvs in size 1. Haven't tried them yet, I think I'm a bit of a diaper snob!

ADVICE TO ALL MOMS TO BE: take EVERYTHING from the hospital. I don't know if we've discussed this here already but you're going to get charged for everything so make sure you take it all home with you--diapers, wipes, pads, squirt bottle, sitz bath, formula, nasal aspirator, thermometer, hats, tshirts, blankets, etc. Whatever is in that bassinet should go into your suitcase! Seriously, don't leave anything behind!!! They're just going to get rid of it all anyway and you'll be surprised how many times you'll see "hospital incidentals" on your bill. Fortunately I have great insurance so while my entire delivery/hospital stay would have been about $20,000 (I know, insane NYC hospital and doctors who clearly jacked everything up to get the insurance $$), I only have to pay about $1500 out of my own pocket. TAKE EVERYTHING!!!
Curly, "team green" I like that! It is so hard when I see the cute clothes but there is no going back now! I am so glad you are doing well and please post more photos of lovely Lily when you get a chance!

Diver, I LOVE Jake Ryan from 16 candles. I had the biggest crush on him. Too bad the actor never made it big. His character (personality) was so cute as well as physically. I have been having VERY vivid dreams. They say that is normal.
Lily sounds lovely Curly
Congrats and I am so happy you love motherhood; it sounds like a wonderful place to be.
Ha ha, another Jake Ryan fan here! He was quite the hottie

Curly, I SO love the name Lily and am envious that you get to use it (it wouldn''t work at all with my last name) -- def. one of my favorite girl names!! And I''m glad that Lily is being such a good little baby -- that''s such great news!! Can''t wait to see photos!

Oh, and I heard back from and unfortunately, they don''t use colored stones at this time, so off to our local jeweler we will go!

As for dreams, yes I''ve been having some strange ones too. I had one the other night that all our families and friends were gathered at a Papa Ginos (pizza place) to watch me get an u/s. Yes, I was getting an u/s on a table in a pizza place in front of like 100 people. Oh and the u/s technican was a veeeerrrrrrrrrrry tall version of Julie from the Love Boat. What the ... ?!
Ugh..well that walk was a mistake. I was bent over, in pain & cramping by the time we hit starbucks. TG I had DH with me, he ran home & got the car. Funny though, the ultrasound tech (very close knit community here lol) from my ob''s office was walking in same time as me..she was like "uhhh, you need to call".

My doc told me to go home, take a bath & rest. I can''t believe that a WALK that I do ALL THE TIME rendered me all crampy. My low back, my abdomen, and I felt hot, dizzy, and like I was going to puke.

So I sent DH off for a fresh strawberry milkshake as a consolation prize. (not strawberry ice cream, but vanilla with fresh strawberries...yum)

I''m so irritated...I''m ONLY 6 mos pregnant. This is too early to be in the "take it easy club". grrrrrrr.

Cramps are gone now, but when I start moving a lot, they return. Frig.

EDD 9-22-07
Date: 6/18/2007 1:48:53 PM
Author: ellaila

As for dreams, yes I''ve been having some strange ones too. I had one the other night that all our families and friends were gathered at a Papa Ginos (pizza place) to watch me get an u/s. Yes, I was getting an u/s on a table in a pizza place in front of like 100 people. Oh and the u/s technican was a veeeerrrrrrrrrrry tall version of Julie from the Love Boat. What the ... ?!


Diver, oh no that is awful. Glad hubby got you a fresh berry shake; what a sweetie.
Awww, Tacori and ella, your u/s pictures and all this baby talk is giving me major baby fever! I already had baby fever and now it''s going into over gear! ella, I have never seen an u/s of twins before...very cool! So cute!

curlygirl, that''s so great Lily is being a good baby. Whenever I read your updates, it makes me look forward to motherhood.

divergrrl, hope you feel better soon!
Curly, its so great to hear from you!!! That''s great that Lily is doing so well and is a good baby. I can''t believe how time is flying- she''s 6 weeks already?? OMG!!! Stay in touch and keep us updated!! We miss you!!!

Hope all the mommies are doing well...Diver, rest up babe..
Lots and lots of water and keep your feet up. Hopefully this was just an isolated event and you wont have to deal with it again.......Tacori, I LOVE your new avatar, so adorable!!! You must be so exicted!!!! Ellaila, your us pic is priceless! I can''t believe TWO babies!! And I bet you can''t wait to find out the sexes!!!
I am so excited for all of you!!

Stay well everyone!!
Diver! How horrible! I am glad you are feeling better at least. Sounds like you were testing yourself too far. I feel out of breathe by going up and down the stairs (in one trip like if I forgot something). I am sure my body would have reacted the same way after a 2.5 mile walk. Milkshake sounds like the PERFECT medicine
Diver, I wonder if the pain you felt was round ligament pain? Ive heard that can be horribly painful
Were these cramps anything you''ve ever experienced before with either pregnancy?

From what I''ve read, you also need to "drink more water than you think you can even possibly stand" so maybe you were slightly dehydrated doing such a long walk? I mean, we all know we need to drink a lot of water so I''m not trying to preach the obvious here, but I think we actually need even MORE water than we think we do.

Whatever the cause, I hope it goes away soon and you''re feeling cramp-free!!
I bet I am dehydrated. I have been feeling really run down doing normal things & realizing I''m not drinking any water at all. Juice yes, water no. I did down a bottle of water on my walk, but I''m sure I was already dehydrated. So I''ve been chugging it all day.

That and round ligament pain, braxton hicks, etc. But these actually hurt...I had BH last time, & round ligament pain..probably why my OB didn''t want me to come in. He told me to take a bath & take it easy. Thing is, I do that walk a few times a week so its not unusual..

The shake was divine.
yummmm.....Shake SOUNDS divine. I have yet to ask DH to get me anything I may be wanting. He has it SO easy! It sounds like you are doing much better. I think you just need to take it easy. I am sure taking care of jake is tiring enough! Plus if the weather there is anything like hot! It is amazing what how much water can make you feel better though!

So lately I have been kind of curious on the number of celebs preggo. I am sure the number is not higher but obviously I am paying more attention now. They say Nicole Richie is preggo
Drea De Matteo (Sopranos) and Christina Aguilera. Tacori is kicking up a storm right now! Oh yah! I just had DH put his hand where I have been feeling kicks and he felt one! So exciting!

EDD 10.28.07
Diver, hope you got a good night''s sleep and are feeling better today!! And yes, I drink a TON of water, and I really think it''s part of the reason why I''ve been feeling so good. I drink a glass of something in the morning (chocolate milk or OJ), then usually 4-5 16 oz. glasses of water at work (I bring in SmartWater, which I think tastes the best), and then another glass or two of something at home (water with dinner, milk with cake
). I''m peeing constantly, which is really annoying, but I''m really proud of me for getting all that water in!

Tacori, yay on baby kicks!! Was this the first time your hubby felt one from the outside? I can''t wait to feel my little ones start moving. I''ve read that it happens earlier with twins, too (makes sense), could be as early as 14 weeks -- that''s soon!!

Ummm, let''s all say a prayer that Nicole Richie is NOT pregnant!
I know Julia Roberts just had her third baby -- a boy named Henry (forget the middle name)-- but can''t think of any other pregnant celebs off the top of my head!