
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks for the 411 on the new and improved stroller, diver -- I''ll be sure to check it out!

And thanks too Tacori for that mattress info -- I hadn''t heard that before, but then again I haven''t really looked too much into baby stuff yet. But def. good to know -- we''ll be buying a new mattress for sure!

We were up in NH for a wedding this weekend and for the first time, I felt sort of like a freak show b/c I''m having twins! I mean, the attn was nice and everything, but I really feel like people just look at me as a house-for-babies right now and not a person anymore!
Very strange.

Tacori, that sunroom sounds awesome!

Good luck, Mommabear!
mrssalvo, how exciting!!!

Ell, just enjoy this time. I am sure you get strong reactions b/c twins are not as common but most people will be positive and happy for you. Did you find a dress to wear?
I gotta confess my lurking presence in this thread too. I''m so so far from being ready - I''m not married, and fiance and I live in different cities. Our plan is to wait until I finish residency and have a "real job" before trying, which will be another 3-4 years. Fertility issues are sort of weighing on my mind, though, since we''ll be 31 and 32 before we even get started. Does anyone have a statistic on how many women with no past gyne problems (regular and easy periods) have trouble conceiving?

But I just wanted to pop in and say congratulations to everyone - Tacori, NJC, Ellalia, Diver and anyone else I''m missing!
Thanks Basil. Honestly 31 is NOT old to have a first child. Once you are past 35 they do require special testing (amnio) but I think that is the only real difference. Many of us (I know njc and me) conceived the first month we tried. I think waiting until you are done with residency is a smart thing. I know how time consuming and difficult it is and can''t imagine having an infant at the same time. Diver mentioned that BC pill helps "perserve" your eggs. That is something to look into if you are worried and not currently on it.
Hi Everyone!

Love the baby pics! OMG...they are sooooooooooo cute! that I''ve read that, I can''t sleep...LOL. I guess Delaney gets a new mattress. I''m sure its fine, but of course, I''ll worry. Oh lordy.

Basil: I was 33 when I got pregnant with Jake, and 36 when I got pregnant this time. Both times I got pregnant my first month trying. (In fact, I got pregnant my first try two other times -- but miscarried those at 9 & 6 weeks respectively) AND I had fibroids. General rule of thumb is...healthy couples over 30: takes about 1 year to get preggie on average. If you time your "trying" just right (i.e. around ovulation) you still only have a 25% chance of getting pregnant. Using ovulation predictor kits take the guesswork out, as does learning to read your fertility signs (temperature, cervical mucous, etc) & THE book on that is Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Also, (and don''t let this freak you out too much) when you are over 30, 1 in 5 confirmed pregnancies (late period, positive pregnancy &/or blood test) end in miscarriage before 13 weeks. I''ve had a few, one before each pregnancy, so it doesn''t mean you are infertile or cause problems...just your body''s way of doing "quality control". We chickies in our 30''s are still pretty dang fertile and enjoy having healthy worries girlfriend, you will most likely do just fine. And you don''t "have" to have an amnio. My genetic counselor (I had an amnio this time) told me that even at my age (37 at delivery) that my child has a 97% chance of being born free of birth defect. Damn good odds. You can opt for zero testing or all the testing you want. Its your decision. Its a big game of "unknowns" and the only way you are going to know if you get pregnant easily is to try. But don''t let yourself get discouraged if it doesn''t happen right away, because that is VERY normal & does not neccessarily indicate a problem. whatever you do..have fun!

Ok laptop battery dying!!

gotta go for now!
Date: 7/1/2007 10:42:13 PM
Author: basil
I gotta confess my lurking presence in this thread too. I''m so so far from being ready - I''m not married, and fiance and I live in different cities. Our plan is to wait until I finish residency and have a ''real job'' before trying, which will be another 3-4 years. Fertility issues are sort of weighing on my mind, though, since we''ll be 31 and 32 before we even get started. Does anyone have a statistic on how many women with no past gyne problems (regular and easy periods) have trouble conceiving?

But I just wanted to pop in and say congratulations to everyone - Tacori, NJC, Ellalia, Diver and anyone else I''m missing!
i was 30 when i got married and i got pregnant right away---honeymoon i''m now 31 (almost
32)and i don''t plan on having another any time soon. i think i''ll start trying when i''m about 34. my 3 friends all got pregnant right away and they are 31-33 age. am i concerned--yes, but today there are so many great treatments if there are difficulties getting pregnant that i worry less about the next time. plus being 31-32 is still young to be having children. i know at least 4 women who didn''t have their first until they were 38 years old. talk to your gyno about how you feel and see what he/she says you should do to ensure you stay healthy and regular.
Hi Basil

I don''t have any official stats, butI was 35 and had been on the pill for 10 years and off for only about four months when I got pregnant -- without any real planning whatsoever (not figuring ovulation cycles, etc.). I''m not sure if this is true or not, but I think that family history has a lot to do with it -- my mom had four healthy pregnancies, my cousin had four healthy pregnanices (including twins at 44), and my grandmother had four healthy pregnancies (with two of those being in her mid-40s). So I just always assumed -- maybe naively! -- that I wouldn''t really have any issues with getting pregnant, and I didn''t. I don''t think that''s a rule of thumb of course, as everyone is different, but if you haven''t had any past problems and your family history is pretty good, I wouldn''t worry about it too much.

And I don''t think that amnios are *required* after 35 -- I think it''s always up to you as the patient whether or not you want one. I think they''re more strongly recommended, but my doctor left the choice up to me.

By the way, don''t you guys love it when your husband says something baby-related that just totally throws you off guard? A few weeks ago,I said something about how my jeans were getting a little snug, and hubby says, "Maybe you should get one of those [bella] bands that I read about in your pregnancy magazine?" -- hahah! It was so cute that he was reading my preggo magazine -- and remembering things! And then the other day I mentioned to him about getting a new mattress for our borrowed crib, and he was like, "Oh yeah, I already knew that" -- yay, hubby!!
Hi basil! Just had to chime in and agree with what diver and ellaila already told you. I was 35 when I got pregnant, after being on the pill for 15 years. I had no issues whatsoever and got pregnant on our second month of really trying (my timing was off in the first month!). You are NOT required to have an amnio at 35 and as has already been stated, you can opt out of any and all testing--it's your choice. I'm 36 now and gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl in May. I did choose to have all the tests but that's just me, I NEED to know things! And let me state for the record, I'm not done having kids yet! I'd like to have one more within the next 2 years and I'll be damned if someoned tells me I'm too old to do it!!! So at 31 or 32, fertility problems should not be on your mind. Don't let a number cloud your judgement or take away your desire for children. When you're ready to do it, go for it!

mrssalvo, I'm excited to hear that you haven't ruled out having a third child!! I hope nature takes its course and it all works out for you!!
Oh, and I forgot to wish you good luck too, MrsS! Maybe you can add a boy to your mix of girlies

Tacori, yes, I wound up sticking with the first dress I bought -- one from babystyle. Here''s a goofy photo of me in it -- the sun was in my eyes, so please ignore my dorky expression. I was trying to show off my belly
Oh, and can I just say how much I love having boobs now?! I fill out a dress!!
OK, it''s a small dress, but still that''s a big deal for me!

Ellaila, you are adorable!!! Best wishes Mrs. Salvo
Hi guys, I''m a lurker but I just got the go-ahead from FI to start trying in 16 months (literally a year after the wedding). I have a question about maternity leave: how long do you take it, and when you go back to work (if you ARE going back), who do you plan on leaving your child with? With my job it''s not an issue to get maternity leave, but I just want to know how long.
Oh my, how did I ever miss this thread????
tacori, I noticed your avatar in another thread and was like "is that what I think it is?"

I admit that I've just recently become more curious about this topic. I think I may be in the v. v. early stages of having baby fever! It's about time, as I'll be 36 next month. DH and I have started to talk about kids and we plan to start trying next year.

Until then, I'll live vicariously through you mommies. I hope to pop in more often and read about your adventures. (and ask a ton of questions!)
ellailia: you look great in that dress!

Babies have been a big topic of conversation with us recently. Both my husband and I are 29 and we''ve been out of school, working for about two years. We are days away
from our 1 year anniversary and are about to close on our first apartment (albeit a smallish two bedroom). In some ways, I feel completely ready for parenthood and then, in other ways, I feel fairly terrified or not just ready to make the "sacrifice" of our lovely, laidback, fairly low-stress lives. The real kicker for me is that i recently accepted a position at a new law firm and I''ll be starting in August. It''s a dream job and I feel like I don''t exactly want to waltz in for a couple of months and then immediately announce that i''m knocked up. I know that you can''t put these sorts of things on hold indefinitely, but...

so i''m thinking maybe we''ll start trying in about a year from now. it''s just having the patience to wait that long...

for now, i''ll soak up all this collective maternal knowledge. you guys are great~!
You look so cute in that dress!!!!
Aww, thanks you guys! (blush) It''s a really cute dress, and I think I''ll get a lot of use out of it actually b/c it''s not super maternity-looking. It comes in a cute bright summery pink too in case any of you are in the market

Lulu, Charger, and Tacori, I feel such a bond with you guys b/c we all went through wedding planning at the same time -- I can''t believe we''re all nearing our one-year anniversaries already (did some of you already have yours?)!! Wow, time really does fly!

Lulu, I''m pretty sure that I am not completely ready for parenthood -- at all! I knew I wanted kids someday and somehow "someday" became now! I hear you on the new job thing, but whenever you guys decide to start trying, I wish you luck! For me at least, now that I''m pregnant, my job is so back-burner -- I''m so mentally checked out of it already! But then again, my job isn''t as cool as yours!

Amber, as for mat. leave ... for me, I get six weeks at 60% of my pay, eight weeks if it''s a c-section. I *think* that means six weeks after giving birth -- but if, say, I go on bedrest at like 7 months, I think it starts then and continues until six weeks post-birth
I need to check with HR again. It''s basically just short-term disability, not a true maternity leave. My husband gets only ONE WEEK paid
And this is a good company that he works for too! That just kills me. I don''t know what I''m going to do about going back to work and/or putting the kids in daycare. It''s just SO expensive to put two infants into daycare at once that it doesn''t seem worth it financially for us to do it. We''re still trying to get all that sorted out -- yikes. Right now though, with my husband''s potential back surgery and us trying to fix up a house (which ain''t happenin at the moment) and sell our condo, we''re just taking a "one day at a time" approach to things or else we''ll surely lose all remaining sanity!
Ell: thanks!!! Best wishes for your husband, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now!!! Good luck with everything, and you are so freakin'' cute in that picture it''s not even funny.
You look great in that dress. Gosh, I''d never guess that you are pregnant, much less having twins! Still so svelt and slim...I''m so jealous.
Diver – Thanks for the link to the crib. I think we may go look at stuff Wednesday while we have the day off!

Tacori – Interesting about the mattresses. I was just looking at Craig’s List for cribs and kept what you posted in the back on my mind. Still cheaper than everything new!

Basil – Thank you! I agree with the others, I think you will be fine! My SIL just found out she is preggo with #3 at 35.

MrsS – How exciting about maybe going for #3!!! I am the baby of 3 and love it!

Ella – You look gorgeous... I don’t see a belly at all! I would never guess that dress as being maternity. Check with HR about the leave thing if you have to go on bed rest. I’m almost positive, if I go on bed rest, that’s it, I don’t get anything extra later without using my vacation or whatever. I could be wrong… I hope I am… that sounds so heartless to not let you have any time afterwards!!! At least your DH gets some sort of leave… DH and I both work for the same company (a HUGE govt contractor) and he could take leave (unpaid), but it cuts my time shorter, as in we have 12 weeks to use between us. So he is using his vacation to take time off when the baby comes. Not a big deal except we cant take a real vacation now before the baby comes. That sucks and isnt fair.

Amber – I get 60% of my salary or $750 a week (whichever is less) for 6 weeks after a vaginal birth and for 8 weeks after a C-section. Through FMLA, I can take another 6 or 4 weeks (for a total of 12), unpaid without loosing my position. I plan on getting about 15 weeks out of my maternity leave though. Since I will be out until the end of the year, I am using all my vacation first, then doing my short term disability, then my unpaid leave. When I go back, we will be using a daycare, which is yet to be determined due to waiting lists. Not my ideal, but its what is going to work for us until I can get a freelance gig going.

LuLu – I dont think there is evera perfect time for a baby, but I think you have a good plan to wait a year if you can. One thing to think about is to qualify for FMLA you need to have been employed for at least a year I believe.

EDD: 10.02
Ell, you look so damn skinny in that dress!!! I am so jealous. People probably didn''t even know you were pregnant! I hear you on the boobs front. Mine are out of control. They are so big! I guess that is one of the perks. Natural boob job! I was so excited b/c I went to the dentist today and she didn''t notice I was preggo (seriously how could she NOT?!?!?) I am huge (seriously). She mentioned X-rays so then I asked if they were safe for the baby. Too funny she didn''t realize it. I also went to the doctor today. I gained 7 lbs in the last 3 weeks. So NOT normal! He said I should gain 3-4 lbs a month so I basically doubled that. Whoops! He actually seemed cool about it and thought my weight would level off and said I was still on track for the 35 lb goal (he *hates* to see women go over it
) Like we have total control. Anyways, at least there is still hope. Honestly if I do gain more than the 35 lbs (like 5-10 lbs) I will be fine with it. I just hope I don''t reach the 50+ mark.
Our one year is 8/12 so it is coming up! I have no idea if we are actually doing anything. I wouldn''t mind going away (somewhere close, maybe Savannah) for the weekend but we do need so much for the house. Time does fly by! Any plans for yours?

Amber, I am self-employed so I don''t know how that all works. I am sure others can fill you in though.

Charger, I just couldn''t resist changing my AV. I love that image!
Going for the u/s was one of the best days of my life. It was truly amazing! Planning on TTC is *almost* as exciting as seeing that positive test! I just remember loving that we had a date to start (we can''t be too flexible with our insurance). I tried very hard not to join this thread too early. I guess a fear of m/c is always present at first. I didn''t want to jinx it until we heard the heart beat.

Lulu, when you and your DH are ready THAT is the right time to have a baby. Don''t stress about age being a factor. Congrats on your dream job! How exciting for you!
njc: interesting about the 1 year minimum employment to qualify for leave benefits. i'm going to have to look into what my new employer offers seperate and apart from the FMLA...
Thanks njc, chrono, amber, and tacori! I feel like I look like a big dork in that photo, so y'all are making me feel good! I did get a lot of "Two babies?! Where?!" comments, so yes, I don't think a lot of people knew I was pregnant based on sight alone. I DO have a belly though -- I do, I do!! I think if you know how I look normally (thin, no boobs), you'd see a big difference! I was telling hubby he should've knocked me up before the wedding so I could've filled out my dress better

Yes, the amount of maternity leave we get in this country is an insult! In parts of Europe, I think paternity leave is 3 months -- paid!

By the way, do any of you drink protein shakes? I'm curious about Angel Milk in particular b/c it's specifically for pregnant/nursing women, so it's got the right nutrients for us as compared to just a generic protein shake ( I'm so carb-crazy right now that I really don't think I'm getting enough protein into my diet. Bagels, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes - yes! Protein, not so much.

Today has been an especially piggy day for me -- yikes, those babies are hungry little buggers!!!
Ellaila: You look like a non-pregnant version of me after a burrito. Where are you hiding those babies? What are you still 8 weeks preggers? C''mon now! LOL! Seriously, you look very pretty.

Tacori: wanna see huge? I BLEW UP THIS MONTH! I only gained 3lbs....for a total of 20lbs at 28 weeks....but my arms! my face! What on earth? LOL.

Mrs S: Ohhh lucky #3! Good luck to you & best wishes for your future!

Moms over 30 on this thread: Wow, there are a lot of us...I love it!

MIL left today. OY.....I am SO TIRED. She''s helpless...sweet, but helpless. I want to lay down & die, I''ve been waiting on her hand and foot for over a week now & I couldn''t get her on the plane fast enough. LOL. I feel bad for saying that because I do love her & she''s so good to Jake & I (my DH..not so much..she lives to pick on him...not very nicely either---he''s a wreck) Plus, we have to give up our room (our master is on the main & she can''t/won''t do stairs--and she needs a bathroom close by--so its our master suite when she''s here) so DH & I had to cram into a little full sized bed in the guest room...but.....I''m huge now so I made him sleep on the couch all week!
Plus she won''t turn on her hearing aids, so you have to scream at her & its really tiring. All she wants to talk about are things she hates, her health problems, her bowel movements, and why immigrants are a problem.
I just smile & nod, but I almost choked on my tongue when she told me that all these "illegals" should do what she did (she''s imported from husband''s father was an American soldier stationed in London, met her--marrried her, brought her here) which is "Learn to speak English & become a citizen". ROTFLMAO! I was like...uh.....mum.....don''t they speak English in England? But I left it alone...

Oh..and she offered to come out and help with the baby. Um....noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....I mean, really. She can''t even get up off my couch, let alone get herself a glass of water....I broke my back cooking for/waiting on/entertaining her this week...she thinks I''m going to give up MY room when I have a baby? How the heck am I supposed to recouperate? I hope I was convincing when I said "Oh, I will call you if I need you".

Oy. Vey. But she had a great visit & we all did have a good time in spite of the logistical/hearing aid stuff.....and I''m done for about 2 years!
I told DH we''ll go there next time & get a hotel room. Thank you very much. I''m so evil.

*whew* thanks for letting me vent....

Ok...nap time.
your post was too funny. I hope she does not come to visit for awhile. hehehe. I could just imagine you in the guest room again while she helps out!

The english thing was funny too.
So do they tell you what you measure (belly)? My doctor said I was measuring correctly but now I am curious. Maybe on my next appointment I will ask the nurse to look in my chart for me (I have only been measured a few times). At least he told me the heart rate (147) I hate when they don''t b/c I feel so annoying asking. I have my GD test at my text appointment
Hope it goes well! At least the overlap the test with a doctor''s appointment so that we take up some of the time. How soon do you get the results? Also I feel like I still feel movement rather low (inch or two under my belly button, sometimes even lower) when does my uterus/baby move up? I know MIL really wants to feel a kick (though they still are really light) they should get stronger soon right? (I am 23.5 weeks)

EDD 10.28
Tacori, sorry I can''t answer any of your questions -- hopefully the more experienced preggos can help! I do know that on the twins forum, people often freak out b/c they can measure as much as 10 weeks bigger than "normal"! So feel good that the dr. said you''re measuring just right

I have a question for you guys too -- how much do you do, and how much do you take it easy? With my husband being more-or-less laid up right now (back surgery is now scheduled for next Thursday, hallelujah!), I''m taking on most things -- shopping, cooking, cleaning -- and it''s really draining me. But someone has to do it, right? I feel fine, but I get worried that I''m doing too much and can somehow hurt the babies by overexerting myself ... thoughts? Diver, I know you said you were doing a lot of stuff when your MIL was here, and you''re a lot more pregnant than I am, so that makes me feel better!

Happy 4th everyone!!
Ell, I feel like I have been so lazy and unmotivated since preggo. My friend was over and actually commented on my nails (which were usually always perfect and freshly painted) She said she had never seen them chipped before
in the 4 years she has known me. It is true. I just have no energy sometimes for things that aren''t necessary. It doesn''t help that I can''t seem to fall asleep before 4 am all this week. I had no energy the first trimester. Then it was restored, now it is starting to disappear again!

I wouldn''t worry about hurting your babies by taking on more tasks. I think like Diver experienced earlier your body is pretty good about letting you know when you are pushing yourself too far. I hope your hubby''s back surgery goes well. Better now than later. We know someone whos DH had hip surgery right after her c-section. That was very hard for her.
mrssalvo, how exciting about trying for baby #3! Good luck to you!

basil, Fertility issues has crossed my mind too, even though I'm fairly young. Not being able to conceive is one of my biggest fears. I found this: Trying to Conceive: How Long Does it Take?. I'm not sure how accurate it is. I'm surprised to see how many conceived the first month trying, which is great news! I hope I am that lucky when we start TTC, which might be soon. We're thinking about the end of this year.

ella, you look so cute in that dress! LOL about the boobs. I can't wait for that part!

Amber, my company allows women to take off up to 22 weeks (24 if cesarean), 4 weeks of which is before you give birth. Some of that time is paid 100%, some partially paid, and some unpaid.

lulu, congrats on your 1 year anniversary and getting your dream job! I totally hear you about parenthood. Most of the time I feel like I'm ready but then other times I freak out because it's such a HUGE responsibility! I guess you are never fully ready! Waiting a year sounds like a good plan since you have a new job. At my company you have to have a year of service to qualify for some maturity benefits (extra time off). Good luck! It's been hard for my husband and I to wait because we've been having major baby fever!

To everyone whose 1 year anniversary is coming up: Our 1 year anniversary is next month. I can't believe it. Time sure does fly by!
Date: 7/3/2007 11:46:18 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
So do they tell you what you measure (belly)? My doctor said I was measuring correctly but now I am curious. Maybe on my next appointment I will ask the nurse to look in my chart for me (I have only been measured a few times). At least he told me the heart rate (147) I hate when they don''t b/c I feel so annoying asking. I have my GD test at my text appointment
Hope it goes well! At least the overlap the test with a doctor''s appointment so that we take up some of the time. How soon do you get the results? Also I feel like I still feel movement rather low (inch or two under my belly button, sometimes even lower) when does my uterus/baby move up? I know MIL really wants to feel a kick (though they still are really light) they should get stronger soon right? (I am 23.5 weeks)

EDD 10.28
You''ll get the GD results at your next appointment if all goes well. If you didn''t pass, they''ll call you back ASAP for a second 3 hour GD test where they''ll draw your blood every hour. At around 20-ish weeks, the baby flutters will be low and more internal. Believe me, by the time you are around 30-ish weeks, you''ll be eating your own words. You''ll see your belly rolling and waving like there is an alien inside tying to claw its way out!
I had a craving yesterday -- and it was SUCH a good one: Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. You know, the refrigerated ones with the tub of icing ...
I could not stop thinking about them! Made them at like 8:00 last night and had 3 -- one for me and one for each baby. At least that''s my justification!

I hope I start to get some healthy cravings instead of cinnamon rolls and McDonalds hamburgers!

Tacori, yes, we''re thrilled that hubby was able to get surgery scheduled so quickly -- we just saw the doctor on Tuesday, and he''s able to operate next week. It''s a herniated disc, but it''s his leg that bothers him not his back (disc is hitting the sciatic nerve), and the dr. says the leg relief will be immediate, so we are SO looking forward to this surgery! When is your next appt/GD test?

snlee, I hope the boobs stick around for a while after I have the babies
Someone was telling me yesterday about someone she knew who was a 32a before she got pregnant and then went to a 40a when pregnant. 40a?! Who knew such a thing existed? I guess she just got wider all around but not fuller breasts! Funny how the body changes!
I started with a 32C and am now at 34DD/F while nursing. These things are giant and so out of proportion with the rest of my body. I have to get huge clothes that I literally swim in just to fit these ladies into them.
None of my old clothes fits because my bust size has gone into a whole new zip code.