
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 7/5/2007 12:15:16 PM
Author: Chrono
I started with a 32C and am now at 34DD/F while nursing. These things are giant and so out of proportion with the rest of my body. I have to get huge clothes that I literally swim in just to fit these ladies into them.
None of my old clothes fits because my bust size has gone into a whole new zip code.
Chrono, I went UP to a 32C!! Ha ha ha! I actually went up pretty early on but have stagnated the past few weeks. Do they usually grow again in the third trimester?

"a whole new zip code" -- haha
Yup, there''s another growth jump in the 3rd trimester that is very obvious. After the milk comes in, they get even bigger (I know this is hard to believe), but then settle a bit after 1 week or 2.
Tacori – I have never been told what my belly measures either, only that its good. I do get annoyed when they don’t tell me the things like my weight and BP, just that “its good”. Your uterus should be above your belly button now, but I was feeling most of my movement really low until about a week or two ago. I think the little guy has been flipping head down some because I am actually getting rib kicks now which surprised me… I didn’t think things where that big yet! I’ve actually had a couple movements lately that make me think he is in there doing snow angels or jumping jacks… I’ll get a low kick followed by a high one and then one on a side. Weirdo!

Ella – Too funny! I had the Pillsbury roll cravings a couple months ago! I ended up making them and brining them in to work for everyone to share. They were SO good. As far as what I do now… pretty much everything I did before which is most of the house duties! I know I do too much sometimes, but I cant help it, I’ve always been a “just let me do it” kind of person. Tacori is right… your body is good about letting you know you’ve done too much. I’ll get crampy and/or light headed and/or out of breath. I just lay down for 15 minutes or so with a big glass of water and am usually okay. I try not to lift heavy things, but if DH isnt around and I really need it moved, I’ll still move it. I don’t keep the house as clean as I have in the past, but its far from a pig sty. I bring the groceries in from the car, but make more trips because I try not to load myself down. Yeah… nothing is different really!

Chrono – Too funny about the alien trying to claw its way out… I have the beginnings of that!

Snlee – What a fabulous maternity leave… wish I could have that!

I''m scared about when my milk comes in! I really havent grown much (small 38C to a full 40C), so I dont know what to expect, unless they start doing something soon.
Date: 7/5/2007 1:46:20 PM
Author: njc

Tacori – I have never been told what my belly measures either, only that its good. I do get annoyed when they don’t tell me the things like my weight and BP, just that “its good”. Your uterus should be above your belly button now, but I was feeling most of my movement really low until about a week or two ago. I think the little guy has been flipping head down some because I am actually getting rib kicks now which surprised me… I didn’t think things where that big yet! I’ve actually had a couple movements lately that make me think he is in there doing snow angels or jumping jacks… I’ll get a low kick followed by a high one and then one on a side. Weirdo!
That''s the foot kick, followed by an elbow jab, then a head butt and finished with an upper cut.
That sounds about right!
IThe picture I get in my head is like a cartoon with everything being super stretchy... its weird!
I am having a great time reading this thread!

I never experienced cravings when I was pregnant but cinnamon rolls are a great craving! They actually have a low-fat version which taste just as good. It''s just not eating all of them that is the problem for me!

Njc, too funny about the snow angels and jumping jacks! My son is now 12 so I can barely remember all that stuff. I''m getting really excited b/c we''re going to try after the wedding in Sept. Although I want it to happen soon, I''m nervous!

Basil, I''m 31 now and don''t know stats or anything about having a child at this age, but I think it''s very normal. I think you have to move fwd when the time is right w/you, not when the stats say it''s the best time.

Tacori, I''m impressed that you''re waiting to find out the gender. My FI wants to wait too but I don''t know if I can. I told him that I want to shop and especially w/a girl, I would want to buy girly stuff and gender neutral stuff. He thought that was poor reason not to wait but what can I say... Is anyone else waiting to find out?

Hope everyone''s having a good week!
Ellaila: Well, I''ve read you can pretty much do anything you did before you got pregnant (exercise & life-wise) with the exception of dangerous things, except in the case of complicated pregnancies (placenta previa, pre-eclampsia, etc) and multiples (twins & more). I think if you are having an uncomplicated twin pregnancy, you can just listen to your body, but you might want to clarify with your OB what she/he thinks you should be doing. Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question & you can never ask too many. I have no ideas with multiples, but with singleton pregnancies you can pretty much do whatever, but I notice my left lower back (SI Joint) goes out on me now when I do too much, and if I get dehydrated, I get bad Braxton Hicks. I have some friends (who only have 1 kid) who say "oh you need to rest all the time & not lift a finger, but they obviously have no idea what its like to be pg with a toddler & a husband who travels all week. If I don''t do everything--nobody has clean clothes, food, clean home, fed dog & cat, watered lawn & flowers, etc. Just rest when you can, because you do get more tired when pregnant....hahaha...but its NOTHING compared to actually having the kids here.

Tacori: I used to have perfectly manicured nails too....I finally gave up when Jake got here, you''ll be washing your hands 100 times a day between diaper changes & bottle washing...I switched to clear & only paint my nails for special occasions. I do get regular pedicures, so I have held on to one of my girly pleasures (that and my hair appts). But you know, toes don''t chip easy & pedi''s last me a month. Good luck on your GD test...I passed mine!

Measuring: My doc doesn''t tell either. I measured 3 weeks ahead the whole time with Jake, but I had to ask to find it was, it meant nothing..just how he was positioned--he was a teeeny baby. I glanced over as he wrote in my chart last week, & saw I was measuring 29 cm at 28 weeks. But I''m not worried...if there was a problem, he''d tell me. Our visits are so short, all he says is "you''re doing perfect, keep up the good work! Any questions?" And I have none these days.......asked ''em all last time. LOL.

Being pg sucks the 2nd time around. I am not having fun right now. My belly is TOO big. I can''t bend over anymore without struggling. I HATE being anything less than capable, strong & flexible. I''m a "can do" woman, not some whiny wimpy delicate flower. I''ve been doing my 2.5 mile walk a few times a week (pushing the jog stroller no less) and its getting harder & freakin'' harder...I''m getting MAD. I''m not handling these last few weeks very well. I''m so done. I know I sound grumpy...but in my opinion, the first time you are prego, its magical, the second time, its biological. I just want my baby...not early of course, she needs to cook a LOT longer, but I''ll be happy if the next 2.5 months just FLIES by. I jammed my schedule full of things...that should help. I''m off to go float in my "white trash" pool dh got me the other day (he took pity on me). If I''m gonna be a big fat Tony Soprano Look Alike, I might as well be a tan one--to heck with skin cancer for the next 2 months...I''m desperate.
Chrono, I can''t wait until baby''s movements become more regular. Sometimes I feel it move around a TON and sometimes nothing at all. Today was a slow day. I guess baby is tired
I have heard about the alien phase. Sounds slightly scary! I just hope they get higher soon b/c I know people want to feel the kicks and I am not sure how comfortable I am having them feel so low (besides DH and probably my mom). Maybe that is silly.

Dixie, waiting is one of the hardest things I have ever done! Seriously knowing that I COULD know and chosing not too....
but I am stubborn and this is something I really wanted to do (DH would have been fine either way) so I WILL stay strong. Plus I feel like it will make L&D a little more exciting. I think for our next one we will find out though. It is kind of sad that DH calls our baby "nameless." Haha. Oh well.

snlee, good luck! I can''t really give any advice since I wasn''t charting or anything. Since there are so many of us "first monthers" that has to be encouraging. I know my MIL was convinced I would have a difficult time since I have had a *long* history of oviaran cysts (plus I was on BC for 13 years). Just shows you it is hard to predict.

Ellaila, my GD & next doc appointment isn''t until the first week in August. I actually went to my last one early for a UTI so he said just to come back in 5 weeks. I was a 34 C before and now I am already a 36 D. I have a feeling I am not done growing! It seriously looks like I got a boob job (I guess if you ignore the big belly) I feel like they got much larger when I entered the 20 week stage (I had to break down and buy bigger ones. Before that they were larger but I could still wear my old ones) I remember Curly saying she had "****" boobs after she delivered Lily. I was putting together my "Belly Book" and found pics of me from 10 weeks....oh....I looked so skinny! Gave me hope that someday, just someday I will be back there. Good luck to your hubby''s surgery!

njc, How funny about your little boy! He is just getting comfortable! I am going to ask next time b/c I am so curious.

Diver, I guess there will be a lot of changes but it will be worth it, right?
I so wear a light pink so the chips aren''t as obvious.
Tacori: Oh changes a-plenty -- that''s for sure! Just wait until your little one looks at you and says "I luuhhh you mama"
....oh yeah, its definitely worth it. That''ll kill ya!

There''s only 1 thing I don''t like about parenthood...the horrible, vulnerable, helpless feeling you get when your worry about your child''s safety. It doesn''t come as often anymore, but I find I''m always aware that danger is real, accidents happen, and children grow up & forge out on their own & my heart clutches in utter fear. And really...there''s not a whole lot you can do about it. I''ll take sleepless nights, crying babies, diahrrea blowouts, toddler puking with stomach flu, and temper tantrums tenfold...that stuff doesn''t faze me...but God help me if anything ever happened to one of my babies. It''s the only change I could do without to be quite honest. All the other stuff...well its so heavily laced with really cute moments, that even when things get tiring/sticky/stinky/cranky if you have a good sense of humor, there''s always a good laugh at the end. At least it is that way with us.

Last night my dad came over & BBQ''d dinner & we all sat out on our deck to eat...well, before my son (he''s 2.5) ate his food, he gently patted his corn on the cob, looked at my dad & said "Thank you PeePaw". Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....we all had that collective Aw dad melted right there. It was so sweet, dh & I are STILL talking about it today. You''ll find yourself doing that too...and watching them..for hours...they are funny & better than cable.

Ok...I''m a playdate in the mornin''...
Diver, we watch out cats like they are the most amazing creatures alive so I know when we meet our baby it will be 100x more. The car seat covers are really cute. I think they are perfect for the second child when your car seat is no longer new and might need a little face lift. I am not a HUGE pink person but for some reason I love seeing little girls in pink gear (car seats, stroller...). The covers are a great idea. And those precious. Too bad I am torturing myself and have to wait until October!
As cute as it may seem now, just don't go overboard with the pink or you'll look back at your photographs and see no other colours except pink and wonder what on earth you were thinking.
Date: 7/6/2007 2:10:28 PM
Author: Chrono
As cute as it may seem now, just don''t go overboard with the pink or you''ll look back at your photographs and see no other colours except pink and wonder what on earth you were thinking.

Are you speaking from experience?
No, I don''t have any girls (2 boys) but my sister has a baby girl and requested NO pinks, but she still received pink items. Plus I lurk at other baby/pregnancy forums and that''s the response I''ve gathered.
Oh ok Chrono. All our gear/bedding is neutral (obviously) but I do think a pink, purple, or girly outfits are cute. Plus no one will say "isn''t your little BOY cute!!!" I am sure that gets old. Vote''s still out so it may be blue anyways.

What do you bring the baby home in? Did you bring a special outfit?
I actually am getting manicures w/the justification that I need to splurge on myself while I can! I think I'm using that excuse a bit too much lately though ...

Diver, that's a good reminder that I wanted to subscribe to Babytalk -- thanks! Can't turn down a free magazine subscription! I'll see if I can get copy of that twins/multiples issue,too. I like going to my dr's office too b/c they have free copies of Pregnancy & Newborn magazine -- yay! I'm hooked on these types of mags. I think I'm worse with them than I was with wedding magazines!

And adorbale story about Jake and Peepaw!! Yes, things like that make me melt already -- I can't even imagine how I'll be with our own babies! My newphew wouldn't say my name (Pam-- hard, right?) when he was little, he would call me Bean -- Auntie Bean -- and the cuteness of it just about killed me.

About cats ... our guy is totally the king of the house and gets SO much love and attention from us now that we feel so guilty (already) that he's going to be put on the back burner once the babies are born! He's so attention-loving, I don't think he's going to fare well getting less. I was saying yesterday that I think the babies' first words are going to be cat noises since he's so chatty! Instead of "baba" we'll be hearing "erroooooooooooooo!!" when they want their bottle!

Oh,and njc, how funny that you had the pillsbury craving too -- though how you managed to bring them to work is beyond me! Those are one food that I just cannot resist. If I tried to bring them to work, I think I'd eat them all in the car!

And all this "alien clawing its way out" talk is scaring me!
Date: 7/6/2007 3:15:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Oh ok Chrono. All our gear/bedding is neutral (obviously) but I do think a pink, purple, or girly outfits are cute. Plus no one will say 'isn't your little BOY cute!!!' I am sure that gets old. Vote's still out so it may be blue anyways.

What do you bring the baby home in? Did you bring a special outfit?
Of course I got the cutest things: a cute outfit complete with hat and socks. All wonderfully photographed in the hospital, in the driveway and at home for "homecoming".

And of course, he stained it badly with diaper blowouts (those yellow breastmilk poops are hard to clean but I know the trick to get the stain out now) and spit ups weeks later. But that's okay cause I have the pictures of when it was clean and soft.

The alien thing sounds scary and it DOES look scary but to the pregnant moms, it is a wonder. Only you will feel it (no man can ever imagine what it feels like - sorry guys) and when it happens, you will realize it is a miracle that the human body can grow and sustain another human being inside. Everytime baby does it, it make you stop in your tracks, in a good way.
Chrono: I second you on the alien thing. My son never really "hurt" me like some moms would talk about. Once I thought he was trying to dig his way out of my left side, but apparently, was unsuccessful. LOL. I did have a "whoa" moment in bed the other night...Delaney decided to roll over I think (I have NO idea what body part is pokin'' me....arm, foot, hand...all the same to me) and now that I''m 7 months, its a big deal...I almost FLEW up out of bed it was so weird feeling. Not bad, but definitely wild. Like my entire insides were being flipped inside out. Bizzaro.....

As for the pink theme...well...her clothes are definitely girlie...but I''ve been buying a variety colors that look good on me & her brother (you should see me in baby gap or gymboree, holding up a girls outfit to my son to see how it goes with his hair/eyes....I''m so silly....) since I suspect they''ll have similar coloring...I''m happy to report Jake looks GREAT in lavender, purple, salmon/apricots, some buttery yellows....I also look good in those (since my son is like DH)in case she gets my blue eyes instead of DH''s browns. She does have quite a bit of pink, but not overboard.

My son wore a lot of greens, aquas, blues, and whites. He just looked so dang handsome in a nice aqua blue...its his color to this day. Sets off his skin nicely, daddy''s too.

I got Delaney''s twin bed y''day (I''m not buying ahead or anything! LOL) But the lady I found on craigslist who does the re-furbed antique "shabbychic princess/french provincial" furniture found me a twin & did her "thing" to it. OMG. Gorgeous. So I found her an AMAZING dresser, bookcase, mirror, & twin bed for $400 total. Major score & this stuff is made so well & her set really goes well without being exactly "matchy matchy" that I couldn''t help but get the bed now. (bonus, if she''s sick or scared, I can sleep on it in her room while she''s a baby in her crib--plus I''m sure my son may want to lay in there & hang out with her, he''s kind of laid back like that)

I needed everything else (dresser, bookcase, etc) and seeing as PotteryBarnKids discontinues bedding each year, if you find a bedding you want for your child later as a big boy or girl, you have to buy it now or hope to God it''s on Ebay later & pay the price. (I fell in love with the Cherry Blossom & Pink Matelesse set). But we are painting her walls a pale pale green, so it won''t be like a Pepto Bismol bottle threw up in there & there is a bit of blue, and a lot of white balancing it.

I feel better today, spent the day out in the sun...have a hot date with a hot daddy tonight. we are going to dinner & then to see "Knocked Up". Apropo no?

Later alligators!
Our friends had their baby today. A little girl. What a cool birthday she will have (7/07/07) I''m next out of the preggos we know. Exciting and slightly scary at the same time!

Diver, Sounds like you got a great deal on Delaney''s furniture.
Everyone...go see Knocked Up. It''s a riot. More of a "guy humor" movie, instead of a chick flick...but your dh''s will love it and if you have a naughty sense of humor you''ll enjoy it. I laughed my booty off.

Tacori: Well, in a 103 year old house, I wanted antique furniture for it worked out well.....DH painted that room today, I had to get out of the house because the wood ceiling had to be primed with oil based primer.

ooh! My dad & Stepmom bought me the chandelier for Delaney''s room! OMIGOSH...its so gorgeous. Antique white, green, and pink...floral....metal...oooh so delicate, I love it!

Date: 7/7/2007 11:29:48 PM
Author: divergrrl
Everyone...go see Knocked Up. It''s a riot. More of a ''guy humor'' movie, instead of a chick flick...but your dh''s will love it and if you have a naughty sense of humor you''ll enjoy it. I laughed my booty off.

Tacori: Well, in a 103 year old house, I wanted antique furniture for it worked out well.....DH painted that room today, I had to get out of the house because the wood ceiling had to be primed with oil based primer.

ooh! My dad & Stepmom bought me the chandelier for Delaney''s room! OMIGOSH...its so gorgeous. Antique white, green, and pink...floral....metal...oooh so delicate, I love it!

Glad you loved the movie, I can''t wait to see it. Please take pics of the chandelier when you have time Diver. Sounds gorgeous!!
Date: 7/7/2007 11:29:48 PM
Author: divergrrl
Everyone...go see Knocked Up. It's a riot. More of a 'guy humor' movie, instead of a chick flick...but your dh's will love it and if you have a naughty sense of humor you'll enjoy it. I laughed my booty off.
I just saw Knocked Up tonight and it was hilarious! It does have a lot of guy humor but I still enjoyed it. I laughed my butt off throughout the whole movie!
I recommend you go see this movie too!
Date: 7/7/2007 9:01:24 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Our friends had their baby today. A little girl. What a cool birthday she will have (7/07/07) I''m next out of the preggos we know. Exciting and slightly scary at the same time!
What a cool birthday! Tacori, I can imagine exciting and scary at the same time! Only 3 months to go!?
Diver, I want to see that chandelier too!! Bring on the photos!

Tacori, taking this from the baby names thread -- I'm already thinking of your baby as Natalie (if it's a girl), so you can't go changing it on me now!
But if you do go with Keely, I like Keely Grace or Keely Olivia -- I think both are really pretty! I think Grace as a middle name makes any name sound pretty though, but that's my own personal bias.

We had a crazybusy weekend and have a crazybusy week coming up too -- oy. Q (hubby) had another MRI on Saturday, and all of his appts. for his back are in NH, which is a 2-2.5 hour drive away. So we did that Sat. morning, then drove back home and went to our new house to try to do a little stuff there, then went home to our condo and realized we forgot something that we needed at the house so we had to drive back there (35 minutes each way), then off to the airport to pick up Q's dad and his wife who were coming in for the weekend/few days. Then yesterday the guys (well, mostly Q's dad) demolished the kitchen and tore up carpeting, and today they are painting the ceilings and doing some other stuff, and we're meeting my Dad for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we go back up to NH for his back again, then Wed. is an OB appt. for me (just normal checkup), then back up to NH on Thursday most likely for surgery! And then we move in two weeks to our house! YIKES!!! This baby momma needs some rest

You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to July being over and hubby's back being healed and us being in our new house (which will be a complete and utter mess for the first few weeks, but whatever!)!

OK, just needed to ramble for a second there -- I feel better now
How are you all doing? Surviving the summer heat OK?

OH, and I look WICKED pregnant now. I went from nothing to WOW in just a matter of days! Hee hee!
ella, how funny that you think of her as Natalie (I think we ALL will be shocked if it is a boy). I do like Keely. Do you think it is TOO unusual though? Will people call her Kelly? Have you thought of names or are you waiting to find out the sex?

What a busy week for you! I got tired just READING your post
We are up in Ohio this week relaxing. It is SOOOOO hot here though. Really uncomfortable. DH made a comment about my butt being bigger today
I started to cry and then he felt really bad and said it was wrong of his to say that. I told him this is the body that is giving him a child so he should think *that* in itself is beautiful. Then he said I could gain 200 lbs and he wouldn''t care (not sure if that is true but sweet of him to say). I have a feeling my dad is going to have a talk with him next week when we see them. I probably shouldn''t have told my parents about our "Dr Phil" moments but I was so depressed a few weeks ago and needed to vent. Oh well he deserved anything my dad says to him.

I finally ordered my baby bedding this weekend!!!!
I am hoping to start painting in August. My book says you should allow a month or two to get the paint smell out. 2 women on my October board just had their babies
Both women''s babies are in stable condition (twins for one, little boy for another born at I think 25 weeks). They posted photos and so odd to think THAT is what my baby looks like. My brother was 3 months early and completely healthy so I do know that their chances are good but it is still SOOOO scary for me to think about. I am not ready to have this baby born yet. I started reading "Happiest Baby on the Block" and am starting to think the later the better! Haha!
Tacori, in one of my pregnancy books (one of the week-by-week ones) there are all these "Dad Tips" and I always read those out loud to hubby -- maybe you should get a copy and do that too! Things like "She may be feeling uncomfortable with her body image right now, so compliment her often" (I''m paraphrasing here) or "Her back may be hurting, so massage her at bedtime" -- nice things like that that I think guys forget to do, so a little reminding isn''t a bad idea. And when it comes from someone other than you -- "Honey, the author of this book says that you should ..." -- it''s even better
I''ll see which book it is when I get home. But it sounds like your hubby is starting to get on the right path ... though I think a helpful hint from your parents wouldn''t be a bad thing either!

That''s so scary that those people had their babies SO early! Someone I work with had her baby at 28 weeks, and he was 2 lbs. -- and is perfectly healthy and adorable! A little small for his age (over a year now), but otherwise no problems. So yes, you can have healthy babies early, but obviously it''s pretty scary to think about! I really want to fatten up my bebes and get them nice and healthy so even if I go a little early, hopefully they''ll be OK. I got my samples of Angel Milk today, so hopefully I''ll like those and will start drinking protein shakes regularly. Multiples moms also swear by Boost shakes -- have any of you tried those?

Yes, things are exhausting for us at the moment! I feel so bad that I can''t do much at the house, but ... well, the babies come first! I did clean the bathroom yesterday, and even that drained me (it was pretty hot in there too). There''s a slight chance that the shot he''s getting tomorrow (some type of novacaine directly into the nerve, basically an epidural to the sciatic nerve) may "cure" him and he may not need surgery at all, so that would be great! Neither of us has much faith in it though, since accordng to everything we read, he is the ideal candidate for this surgery -- but it''d be so fantastic if he didn''t have to deal with surgery recovery. I can''t really see how that shot could bring anything other than temporary relief, but what do I know. We just want him to feel better ASAP ... no, not "feel" better, be better!!

Jeez, I''m verbose today -- sorry!
Ellaila: Belly pics please!! I''ll play too, but I want to see your twin belly! :-) I watched a twin delivery episode on Birth Day & I always think of you when ever I run across something twin related. It was so cute to see the twins all nestled up on the u/s. awwww...

Tacori/Painting while preggo: I was in the paint store the other day buying paint for Delaneys room, and the paint can said it contained a chemical that causes birth asked the guys who work there (Miller Paint...employee owned store, so all the workers are very educated re: paint) why I couldn''t paint with that when I can paint with all other latex based paints & they said "absolutely NO painting while pregnant, it doesn''t matter if its latex, oil, or whatever". I guess its the dioxide something or another chemical that is in all paint. (can''t remember right now..sorry..prego brain)

Well, I painted a-plenty when I was pregnant with Jake (all latex based) so I went on (I pay $25 a year for the enhanced version, including the "is it safe?" section, so if anyone has questions, let me know & I''ll look it up for you) and lo and behold, it says not to paint -- even with latex. Apparently the risk of a number of birth defects, including a hole in the abdomen where the intestines protrude out can happen.

This had to have changed in the last 3 years, because I swear I checked....I''m so anal that way. At any rate, I''m so irked, because I have so much painting to do, & while dh is more than happy to do it all (told me he feels better if I''m not near anything chemical, period) I hate being sidelined, benched, red-shirted, whatever....I''m too antsy! And I like painting!! Oh well....I guess I can find other chores to do. Those weeds won''t pull themselves.

Just thought I''d share, since I consider myself very well informed and this is totally NEW to me.

Cool Website: I just won the "Sweet Pea" one (listed under designer) on ebay for $46 with shipping....wooowooo. Brand new in package, its a "flawed" one, teeensy dot where the dye isn''t perfect on one of the flowers--seller included a pic & its so small.... It would have been $68 with shipping from the main site. But I''ve had a few girlfriends use this brand of baby sling & it gets rave reviews.

Registry Update: Argh!! I went online to update my registries last night since my shower is 8-11.....and guess what? I saw 2 gifts I wanted had been purchased! Oh no! I hate knowing my gifts. So I went to BRU and finished my registry in person so I can''t see my list. LOL. I also got a neato free gift from them for doing it in came with a diaper, some wipes, coupons for stuff, a bottle, and a pacifier. Love free loot. It was exciting. Jake even got a balloon. I swear, I amuse way too easily. But no more looking until after my shower--I hate spoiled surprises!

I hope everyone is feeling good. I''m so tired, but feeling great..much better mood this week. Ah prego hormones..crazy stuff.

Ellaila: Both my MIL & aunt had the "epidural" shot series (series of 3 shots, and from what their docs told them, you HAVE TO HAVE ALL THREE) and successfully avoided back surgery & are out of pain and its been 18 months or so for both. But I remember my MIL being strongly warned not to slack off and miss her last shot or two, because apparently the relief after the 1st or 2nd is so complete, many folks skip the 3rd & the pain comes back. I hope your DH finds relief soon.

Also, bathroom cleaning tip from my MIL (she''s 73 going on 99 & can''t do much, so she''s queen of cool get a back sponge (not a loofah or poof, but a sponge) on a long stick & use that to clean around the bottom of toilet & other hard to reach places. That way you don''t have to bend down. I giggled when she told me that, but...bending over is getting more and more difficult. Oy.
I hear you on the bending Diver. My belly is getting in the way. We are going to the beach later and I noticed two things in the shower. 1. I was happy I could still shave my legs. 2. I could NOT shave my bikini line (well not SEE it anyways)
Thought that was kind of funny.

My DH does all the painting anyways. He hates the way I do it (I like to make the "w"s and he likes to go up and down). So it is just easier for him to do it himself. Hopefully the left over fumes will be ok (as long as I am not IN the room while it is being done). I can't wait for the bedding to come so I can pick out a paint color!!! It will really feel real once the nursery is together.

I registered in person at BRU and didn't get a free gift!
Did they just start doing that or something? My shower is on the 21st. I am surprised I haven't stalked my registry more. I just CAN'T help myself! hehe

Ella, so both DH and I like Emerson (call her Emmy) but my mom said it sounds like an appliance so Natalie it probably is.
Tacori: I just shave my bikini line blind. I can't see it, but I don't need to. I just get what would be exposed in my swimsuit. :-)

Gawsh.....I'm thinking of ponying up the dough for the BOB double jog stroller. Ouch. I like to walk everyday with the kids, so having a double that pushes easier than my single sounds good. When you get to two kids, you have to weigh ease of use with cost & for me a well made stroller is a better deal than fighting with a heavy/poorly made one. I use a jogger almost DAILY here. Our winters are so mild its not funny. Plus you can put an infant carseat in the BOB, so its ok for a newborn for long walks.

I have like...10 weeks left. Less if my OB has anything to do with it....(he's big on inductions, won't let you go past your dd)