
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 7/10/2007 12:49:49 AM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori/Painting while preggo: I was in the paint store the other day buying paint for Delaneys room, and the paint can said it contained a chemical that causes birth asked the guys who work there (Miller Paint...employee owned store, so all the workers are very educated re: paint) why I couldn''t paint with that when I can paint with all other latex based paints & they said ''absolutely NO painting while pregnant, it doesn''t matter if its latex, oil, or whatever''. I guess its the dioxide something or another chemical that is in all paint. (can''t remember right now..sorry..prego brain)

Well, I painted a-plenty when I was pregnant with Jake (all latex based) so I went on (I pay $25 a year for the enhanced version, including the ''is it safe?'' section, so if anyone has questions, let me know & I''ll look it up for you) and lo and behold, it says not to paint -- even with latex. Apparently the risk of a number of birth defects, including a hole in the abdomen where the intestines protrude out can happen.
Here''s a question... I''ve always wondered about the chemicals in nail salons being safe for pregnant women... especially when I went to get mani/pedis with my pregnant friend a few months ago! Those fumes can be STRONG, especially if it''s a small place.... I can''t imagine it is all that healthy. Anybody know?
Ephermery: I went onto my "Is it safe" section on Babycenter for you under is it safe to get acrylic nails. Apparently the acrylic nail fumes are not a problem..different chemicals than paint probably. I copied the doctors response & will paste it here for you. I get a monthly pedicure & one of the salons I go to does not do artificial nails at all..(too chichi for falsies I
) and the other one (cheaper) is well ventilated & I never smell anything.

I also clarified that the fumes/toxins from paint are no longer an issue once the paint is dry. There may be a residual odor, but once the paint has dried, there is nothing floating in the air to cause problems, so don''t be worried that you are harming your baby because you can "smell" the paint smell once its dry. A few hours and you are good.''s the thing on nail fumes...

Is it safe to have acrylic nails put on during pregnancy?

First answer | Second answer

Expert: Will Forest, toxicologist, Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service in the California Department of Health Services, Oakland, CA

If you''re just having acrylic nails put on, you''re probably not exposed to enough of any hazardous materials to create any significant hazard to your pregnancy. Some of the chemicals involved can be absorbed through the skin, but you''re not likely to be exposed to great enough amounts to pose a danger other than a possible allergic reaction and skin rash. Nor would the fumes be a problem if you were just visiting the shop as a customer. If you''re applying nails all day as your job, your exposure is much greater, but even then the most likely problem is allergic reactions, which do force many cosmetologists to leave the industry. The few studies that have looked at pregnancy among cosmetologists have shown mixed results: One study suggested an increased risk for miscarriage among cosmetologists, but several other studies found no additional risk. It''s not clear how to reconcile the differing results. The studies didn''t differentiate between women who work with hair care products and those working with nail products, so even if there is a hazard for workers, it''s not clear whether it''s from hair care or from artificial nails work.


Expert: Lewis Holmes, professor of pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; chief of Genetics & Teratology Unit, MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Boston

The exposure to any potentially harmful materials would be so small that it doesn''t make sense it would pose any danger. The only potential danger in acrylic nails would be the exposure to solvents, which people are worried about during pregnancy. But the key issue is dose. And common sense says you wouldn''t be exposed to enough solvents from getting acrylic nails for there to be a problem. The people we worry about are the ones who are exposed to solvents all day long and are nauseated or sick from them.

Here''s''s response to painting.... Let me know if anyone wants anything else looked up...I''m more than happy to...

Question: Is it safe to paint during pregnancy?

Answer: This is a tough call because we don''t know exactly how the chemicals and solvents used in paint affect a fetus. The simplest and safest answer is to let someone else do the painting or save this project until after the baby''s born.

Painting exposes you to oils, resins, solvents, driers, extenders, vinyl, latex, and acrylic. The pigments in paint can include metals such as lead, zinc, and aluminum. Because painting involves so many chemicals, and because it''s so difficult to measure how much of the various substances the body actually absorbs, it is difficult to know the exact risks to pregnant women. (If you''ve already been exposed to these chemicals, but haven''t felt ill, don''t worry. The chances your baby will be affected are small.)

Of particular concern is lead-based paint, commonly used before the 1970s. If you scrape lead paint you could inhale lead dust, which could be harmful to both you and the baby. Scraping or sanding any kind of paint is definitely not recommended since it could contain lead. Leave removal of lead-based paint to professionals, and have them do it while you are out of the house.

Some evidence suggests that exposure to chemical solvents during pregnancy may increase your risk of having a baby with birth defects. One study, by the California Birth Defects Monitoring Program, found that women who regularly engaged in hobbies that used solvents — such as repairing cars, painting, and furniture stripping — had a two to four times higher risk of having a baby with gastroschisis (an opening in the abdomen through which the intestines protrude). In other words, these women had a one in 1,250 to one in 2,500 chance of delivering a baby with gastroschisis, compared to one in 5,000 for women not exposed to solvents.

Of course, the degree of chemical exposure is much higher for someone inhaling solvents on a regular basis. Researchers don''t know what the effects are on a pregnant woman who just wants to paint the nursery. Although it''s best to avoid these types of exposures, don''t worry if you were exposed to painting chemicals before knowing you were pregnant. The possibility that you''ve caused any harm to your baby is quite small.

If you must be exposed to these chemicals because of your occupation, then take the following precautions:
• Limit the amount of time you spend on the project, if possible. (Because it''s hard to say exactly how much exposure is safe, you''ll have to use your best judgment.)

• Keep the windows open to avoid inhaling paint fumes, and make sure to wear a mask or ventilator to screen out harmful particles.

• Wear gloves, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt to protect your skin.

• Do not eat or drink where you work so you won''t accidentally ingest any chemicals
Tacori: I''m sending my DH to your house to reprogram your DH. LOL. I mean C''MON NOW! Does he think that telling you anything at all other than you are beautiful is going to go over well right now? You might want to let him know NOW that your butt, thighs, upper arms, ankles, and face will all get pregnant along with you because your body wants to store enough fat in case it needs it to feed your baby & keep it alive. And yes, you may have a few extra chins for awhile, but it will all go away & he needs to realize that while it can be weird to watch your wife expand, very few women look like maternity models and the ones that do are either harboring an eating disorder or won the genetic lottery.

But the REST of us....(like 98% of us) just get big all over. I feel like a hippo everyday. Or a cow. Mooo. I don''t need my dh''s judgement to make it worse. Fortunately he knows better & chooses to tell me that I''m glowing, I look beautiful, I''m having a "good hair day" or that I wear pregnancy well. I''m sure some of it is a crock & is more out of survival for him than anything else...but hey, it beats hearing that my butt is getting big. I''d bust out in tears if he said that to me & then I''d smack him with the first object within my arms reach. (preggie hormones make me wacky)

Do you have the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy? If you don''t, get it ASAP! There are top ten lists for DH''s and very comical things in there on exercise, weight, and pg body image. You can read him the Top 10 lists in 2 seconds flat so he knows he''s not alone in having a wife that is changing before his very eyes. Plus its lighthearted, so its not such a "downer" or boring read.

I''m sure your DH is a great guy, but he really needs some serious attitude adjusting in this area. I mean, even his friends have told him to lay off, so its time for him to relax and enjoy the process....all 35lbs or so of it....

Sorry if I am being rude, but geeesh...sometimes men make me mad. They have the "fun" part & we get all the work...At least we should be respected & revered for our ability to create/sustain life within our own bodies.
Ella – Bringing the rolls to work was to keep me from eating them all! I baked them in a throw-away foil pan, so if I ate one or three before I got there, it would have been obvious! I hope the shot works for your DH. My FIL and brother have both had really bad back problems (both were on bed rest)… my brother was actually ready to do the surgery when I think the shots finally helped him. I cant remember, but he is 100% now 6 months later.

Tacori – It is scary to read about moms having their babies already. We have had 12 babies born so far on my birth board, but four are doing well. It is strange to see the pictures and know that’s what the bean looks like in your belly. Sorry about DH... I hope your dad talking to him helps!

Diver – How awesome that you have all of Delaneys furniture. I have yet to buy a crib and your little girl is set for the next 15 years! Interesting about the painting… not sure what we will do now since we still have to paint! DH is not a good one to do the edging and what not. Here’s something for you to look up if you get bored… I was with my brother and SIL a month or so ago and they needed gas. His foot is broken, so I offered to pump the gas and they both were like NO, you’ll make the baby have holes in his heart! Ugh? I hadn’t heard that one before, but I’ve been the only one putting gas in my car too… cant imagine having to haul DH out with me every time I needed gas… I have to go out of my way as it is. I’ve heard good things about Hot Slings too. Let me know what you think of it!

Ephemery – Its probably best to avoid, but in small doses I cant imagine it being THAT bad. I just went and got my first mani/pedi last weekend since being preggo. We had the first appts, so there was no smell, which was nice.

So my brother’s wedding was this past weekend and everything went great! I am exhausted from helping my mom with the rehearsal dinner and breakfast Sunday morning, but had a blast. Got to see lots of family that is spread all over the place. Funny thing, 3 of SILs BMs were preggo plus another 3 or so guests, which was kinda funny… seemed like every where you turned, there was a baby belly!

Okay, and my first major complaint of this pregnancy… last night my ankles decided to disappear. Yup, I got nothing… just legs and feet! My cute slides I like to wear to work, my feet are so wide now, they hang over the sides. Its so sad!
Thanks for the support ladies. I KNOW he loves me and is still attracted to me but sometimes enough is enough! Don''t worry about being rude, HE is the rude one! I should just try throwing things at him and "blaming" the hormones. *evil grin* My hormones have actually been very stable (he doesn''t know how lucky he is!)

Diver, I did it blindly too. I just couldn''t believe it since I know I shaved before my doctor''s appointment last week and could see it. Can my belly grow that fast!?! I wonder when I will need help painting my toenails. Probably soon, huh?
hiya ladies

I had asked my dr's office a bunch of superficial questions, and here's what they said. I know that everyone has their own opinion on these things, so this is just my dr's two cents!

* mani/pedis = safe. You're usually there for a relatively short amount of time, and it's not like you're sitting over the bottle of polish remover and inhaling it.

* bikini wax = safe (yes, I really asked)

* dying your hair = not sure. Highlights are the better way to go since they don't touch your scalp directly, as opposed to all-over hair color. I've not colored mine since March, and believe me, I look a fright -- so much gray!!
-- but I suppose it's worth it, eh? I'm on my way to being a silver fox!! Hee hee. I've actually had grays since I was a teen (my Nana went snow white in her 20s!), so I'm barely even fazed by all my grays.

As for paint, I didn't even ask as I just assumed I'd be staying away from it regardless of how "safe" it is. As much as I want to help paint our house, the idea of it just doesn't sit well with me.

Thanks for all the well wishes and info on hubby's back! You guys rock, each and every one of you
He did try cortisone shots previously, and the first two did absolutely positively nada, so the drs didn't think it was worth it to even try the third one. Today's shot was a "nerve root blocker" which consisted of a short-term anasthetic to give him some immediate relief and then a dose of some steriod (can't remember what) directly into the affected nerve. So far, unfortunately, that hasn't done squat, but they said it could take a few days for the steroid to really kick in. So as of right now, he's still scheduled for surgery at 7:30 am on Thursday, and unless he feels a remarkable improvement between now and then (literally. the dr. was like "Until we make the incision, you can change your mind!" -- he's very antisurgery, this surgeon! Funny, huh?), surgery it will be.

Diver, will def. post some belly shots! I saw both parents in the past few days, and both were like, "You grew since I last saw you!" which was just like two days prior!! It's funny but I'm getting to the holding-and-rubbing-my-tummy-in-public stage -- hahah!

I'm going to have to check out that BOB stroller. Can it hold two carseats or just one newborn and one toddler?

njc, six preggos at one wedding?! WOW, that's crazy!! Glad you had fun though -- but yes, it's exhausing being out and about like that, isn't it?

Tacori, so hubby didn't go for Keely? And parents are so judgmental about names -- don't let that influence your decision! I told my Mom we were thinking of Katelyn/Kaitlyn/Caitlyn Isabelle for a girl, and I got an "Oh ... I like Isabelle for a first name." Me: "But we don't want to use it for a first name, it's too popular right now [I know two people with daughters named Isabelle/Isabella]. I like it for a middle name. I like Katie for a first name." Mom: "Oh. I like Isabelle for a first name." and on and on it went. Just remember your parents will love their grandchild regardless of whether its name is Emerson or Apple
so go with what you guys want!
Ella, thanks! I think DH WILL go with Keely (or Keeley not sure how I would spell it) if I want. I like that it means beautiful. My brother said it sounds like a stripper's name
We both still like Emerson (Emmy). I know that is kind of off the wall and usually a boys name. I think Grace goes well with both as a middle name. I love Caitlyn (I like Cate with a "C"). Parents are so funny. When I mentioned Emerson to his MIL she said, "Emerson, oh Emily! I like Emily." just keep trying to think what would my daughter (if I have one) want as her name. Chances are she'll hate anything I pick right? (I know I used to hate my name).

ETA: Diver I am waiting for your hubby! Maybe he has business in Charlotte and can train my DH!
Aaauugggh! I need help

I''m so confused! My period is a couple of days late and have had horrible nausea
for the last 4 days so I took an ept certainty digital test mid morning and it read "pregnant". I took another ept certainty digital test and it read "not pregnant"!

I called EPT and they said that the first one clearly detected HCG and I should consider my self pregnant. I asked why the 2nd test was negative and she said that I must have had diluted urine (?) without enough hcg. I took a First Response tonight and it was negative as well. I plan on calling my ob tomorrow to get a blood test done.

Has anyone else had a positive AND a negative test result?

Ella - I think Katie is a great first name... but I am biased!
Hope the shot works for DH.

Tacori - I say throw away!

So glad we arent sharing names with any one, not that we have an official one to share though! We figure we shared the sex with everyone, his name is everyones surprise!

I''ve never been pregnant but since we''re trying soon, I''ve been doing a lot of research. Apparently, false positives are pretty rare and it''s much more common to get a false negative. A blood test will definitely clear any questions up, though!
Thanks Ebree! I just don''t know what to think right now and DH isn''t even speaking to me
UGH! I just lost my post...

Did you read the result within the time limit, usually 10 minutes? That is really important.

Digital tests arent as sensitive as regular tests, so it takes more hCG to make them read pg. I agree about the negatives possibly coming from taking them later in the day when you had diluted/not as much hCG in your urine. First morning urine will have the highest concentration as well as urine you have held for any long amount of time (like 4 hours or more). I''d take another test in the morning if you have one and call the doc.

Ebree is right... false positives are very rare.
Date: 7/10/2007 11:42:22 PM
Author: february2003bride
Thanks Ebree! I just don''t know what to think right now and DH isn''t even speaking to me
Get a blood test. Usually if you get a positive result with your first mornings urine, you should assume that you are indeed pregnant. But get the blood test, the results are usually given the same day. HTH.
Thanks NJC! Nope, read it at the 3 minute mark totally expecting to see "not pregnant" and that the nausea was from a lingering tummy bug. But it read "pregnant"...

I''m researching false positives right now and I''m starting to get a little freaked out. I had cervical dysplasia, went through the TCA treatments and just got my first post treatment pap test result back today- negative!
But I''m reading that certain uterine and cervical cancers can cause a false positive as well
So of course I''m freaking out!
Thanks Kaleigh! I'm calling first thing tomorrow.
Hopefully its not a type of cancer and just an after effect from the treatments. Let us know what happens with the doctor!
Feb2003bride: Stop reading stuff that is making you nutty! Toomuch info! You''ll be ok... here''s a great website on HPT''s..

It shows all you need to know about false positives, and why you never ever read a test after the 10 minutes.

now breathe.....

Ellaila: my OB said hair dyeing is ok. Not enough to absorb in the skin to cause a problem. He said if I drank a few bottles of it, then we''d have a problem. I have my hair dyed every 3 months & did through both pregnancies. Jake looks fine to me.

I also read that I had to stop using any skin products that contain salicylic acid in a pregnancy magazine...well....I spoke to my OB &again, he said the amount that goes on my face & is absorbed (its in my wash, toner & night treatment) is so negligible that I should not worry about it. Just don''t drink it.
So I''m back to using it.

I''m tired ladies...g''night!
Date: 7/10/2007 11:58:11 PM
Author: february2003bride
Thanks NJC! Nope, read it at the 3 minute mark totally expecting to see ''not pregnant'' and that the nausea was from a lingering tummy bug. But it read ''pregnant''...

I''m researching false positives right now and I''m starting to get a little freaked out. I had cervical dysplasia, went through the TCA treatments and just got my first post treatment pap test result back today- negative!
But I''m reading that certain uterine and cervical cancers can cause a false positive as well
So of course I''m freaking out!

Feb03Bride... if the test read positive first thing in the morning, then you can consider it positive. When we were trying for son #1, I had a test not indicate pregnancy after three minutes. So, I tossed it. Well, about 10 minutes later when I went back into the bathroom to take a shower, I just happened to glance into the trash can and there was that test... with a line on it. My son is now almost 7-years-old.

Have your doc do a blood test...
Things Joolskie Did While Pregnant...

- Had her hair highlighted.
- Painted with latex paint (windows open, gloves on).
- Waxed.
- Used all of her acne products.
- Had manis/pedis

The amount of fumes and/or chemcials and/or medication that actually gets into your system is so low that the chances of it actually making through your system and to the baby is REALLY low. I also opted to take my allergy medications during my pregnancies because the risk of the baby getting a little Claritin was less worrisome than the risk of me suffering an asthma attack and losing the oxygen supply for both of us!

And Tacori... DH and I totally considered the name Keely. I love that name. And DH knew a Keely growing up. Alas, we ended up with two boys.

Feb, I got many negatives BEFORE my positive but once I got my FAINT positive they all were. I would take another test, make sure you don''t drink OR pee for three hours (so you don''t dilute your urine). False positives are very rare (like the others said). Know for the blood test you will not find out the results for three days (or at least mine) since they compare your HCG hormone over a 48 hour period. Why isn''t your DH speaking to you?

njc, it is annoying hearing comments (when I feel like they aren''t valid) The only VALID ones I want to hear is if there is a joke or a way to tease based on the name ALONE not based one a neighbor''s cousin''s girlfriend
I have never thrown anything at him before. I cannot even imagine his reaction.

Jools, I am glad you like Keely. Sometimes I REALLY like it sometimes I think maybe a more traditional name like Natalie would be better. It would be funny if after all this stress the baby turns out to be a boy!
Feb2003Bride, good luck with the test! I hope the results come back whichever way is best for you and hubby. Finding out you''re pregnant (if you are) is a life-changing event, so it''s OK to have mixed feelings about it!

re: "safe" things, I just came back from a dr. appt and a mag there had a few things listed. It said, yes, mani/pedis are safe BUT foot massages are not -- apparently there are pressure points that can lead to contractions! (I had actually previously heard that foot massages can lead to spontaneous miscarraiges b/c of these pressure points but wasn''t sure if that was actually true or not -- though it did come from a massage therapist. She did say though that it would take a LOT of pressure for a LOT of time for this to happen.) And coloring your hair is not good in the first trimester, but once the baby''s (babies''
) organs are formed, you should be OK.

My appt. this morning was just a routine checkup, and all looked good. Dr. heard two heartbeats right away, so the little ones were feeling cooperative -- that''s my babies!
After reading Maisie''s thread on Fragile X, I asked the dr. if I can get tested for that, so I''m getting that and a test for toxoplosmosis b/c I''m all paranoid about that since my cat rules the house. I don''t touch the litter, but still he sleeps in the bed with us, jumps on the counters, etc.

I''m 15 weeks along today and have put on only about 8 lbs, but dr. says it''s not a concern, since my belly is right where it should be -- about a month bigger than where I should be with one baby!

Have a good day, everyone -- ugh, the muggies have hit here in MA, blech!
ella, I am glad your appointment went well. Don''t worry about your weight. I was only up to 5 lbs at 16 weeks (though I only have one baby). Once I started gaining (I think around 18) it came fast and I felt silly to have ever worried. I meant to say something about not getting foot massages before but forgot (stupid preggo brain!)

Fragile X is very rare so I wouldn''t lose any sleep over that. Are you doing the AFP (think that is what it is called) on your next visit? It is the screening they do for downs and to see if you are high risk.

When are you having your next u/s? Hopefully you will find out their sexes soon. Any feelings about what they are?
i went to school with a girl named keelie. just another spelling variation

:: back to lurking ::
Date: 7/11/2007 10:48:53 AM
Author: jcrow
i went to school with a girl named keelie. just another spelling variation

:: back to lurking ::

Did kids tease her based on her name? Or call her wierd variations?
I remembered that you had gained just a few lbs, Tacori, by the end of your first trimester so that makes me feel better too -- it''s just so hard to know what''s "right" since my twins book says I should''ve gained over 20 lbs by now!! (Then again, that book is pretty extreme!) My dr.''s office is strange though b/c they weigh you in your normal clothes not a johnny, so I feel like it''s not very accurate. They subtract 1 lb. for clothes no matter what you''re wearing, but obviously if you''re wearing jeans, that will weigh more than a light little sundress. So I''m going by my own scale at home, and that says 8 lbs.

My next appt. is next Friday -- and that''s for the amnio. We may be able to tell the babies'' genders during that u/s but if not, then it''ll be another 10-14 days of waiting till we get the results back! I''m really hoping for one boy and one girl, so I think I''ve convinced myself that that''s what they are. It''ll be nice to know what color paint to pick out

I''m not sure I like Keelie spelled that way -- it reminds me of the word "goalie"! Just my two cents ... Now I''m trying to think of kids whose names we made fun of when we were little, but really I can''t think of any! I definitely have my personal associations with names and wouldn''t use certain ones for those reasons, but I can''t really think of any names that are just automatic make-fun-of-names (like Aeneus, in the baby names thread!).

EDD: 1/2/08 (twins!
Date: 7/11/2007 7:50:59 AM
Author: Joolskie

Date: 7/10/2007 11:58:11 PM
Author: february2003bride
Thanks NJC! Nope, read it at the 3 minute mark totally expecting to see ''not pregnant'' and that the nausea was from a lingering tummy bug. But it read ''pregnant''...

I''m researching false positives right now and I''m starting to get a little freaked out. I had cervical dysplasia, went through the TCA treatments and just got my first post treatment pap test result back today- negative!
But I''m reading that certain uterine and cervical cancers can cause a false positive as well
So of course I''m freaking out!

Feb03Bride... if the test read positive first thing in the morning, then you can consider it positive. When we were trying for son #1, I had a test not indicate pregnancy after three minutes. So, I tossed it. Well, about 10 minutes later when I went back into the bathroom to take a shower, I just happened to glance into the trash can and there was that test... with a line on it. My son is now almost 7-years-old.

Have your doc do a blood test...
Jools- Thanks! I had my blooddrawn today and should find out tomorrow (according to the nurse). The EPT Certainty test said "pregnant" at the 3 minute mark. I talked to the ob''s nurse and she said to consider myself pregnant until the hCG test comes back with a definite.
Date: 7/11/2007 10:23:57 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Feb, I got many negatives BEFORE my positive but once I got my FAINT positive they all were. I would take another test, make sure you don''t drink OR pee for three hours (so you don''t dilute your urine). False positives are very rare (like the others said). Know for the blood test you will not find out the results for three days (or at least mine) since they compare your HCG hormone over a 48 hour period. Why isn''t your DH speaking to you?

njc, it is annoying hearing comments (when I feel like they aren''t valid) The only VALID ones I want to hear is if there is a joke or a way to tease based on the name ALONE not based one a neighbor''s cousin''s girlfriend
I have never thrown anything at him before. I cannot even imagine his reaction.

Jools, I am glad you like Keely. Sometimes I REALLY like it sometimes I think maybe a more traditional name like Natalie would be better. It would be funny if after all this stress the baby turns out to be a boy!
Thanks Tacori! Both the EPT rep I spoke too (yes, I did call when I got the "not pregnant" results on the digital after first getting a "pregnant" digital reading, lol) and my ob''s nurse said that my urine was probably too diluted and since it''s so early that even 1 extra bottle of water makes a difference! Who knew? I did get my blood drawn this morning and was told I would find out by tomorrow.
Date: 7/11/2007 10:23:57 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Feb, I got many negatives BEFORE my positive but once I got my FAINT positive they all were. I would take another test, make sure you don''t drink OR pee for three hours (so you don''t dilute your urine). False positives are very rare (like the others said). Know for the blood test you will not find out the results for three days (or at least mine) since they compare your HCG hormone over a 48 hour period. Why isn''t your DH speaking to you?

njc, it is annoying hearing comments (when I feel like they aren''t valid) The only VALID ones I want to hear is if there is a joke or a way to tease based on the name ALONE not based one a neighbor''s cousin''s girlfriend
I have never thrown anything at him before. I cannot even imagine his reaction.

Jools, I am glad you like Keely. Sometimes I REALLY like it sometimes I think maybe a more traditional name like Natalie would be better. It would be funny if after all this stress the baby turns out to be a boy!
Because this wasn''t planned (it will be our 4th if I am pregnant, but we can certainly handle another one. We have a large home and a minivan and I already stay at home) and we have moved totally out of the baby gear into toddler-preschooler stuff with our other kids. He doesn''t want to start over again... He''s being an insensitive jerk right now
Feb, your DH DID have something to do with it if you ARE preggo! Maybe he is just in shock! I know better than anyone how insensitive men can be. My DH is the king of the stupid comments. Oh well. He means well.

Ella, my doc weighs me in my normal clothes too. I haven''t weighed myself in a week b/c I get too depressed. I like the spelling Keely or Keeley (with a Y) It doesn''t rhyme with goalie. Maybe we say it differently. Are boy/girl twins more rare?

My bedding was shipped! Yeah! I can''t wait to see it IRL!!!!